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Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 12:06 AM
Brotherhood of steel rules. The institute drools.
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 12:08 AM
Thats not good
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 12:09 AM
we need a preston bot
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 12:09 AM
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 12:09 AM
Another settlement needs your help! Let me mark it on your map.
Just repeating
Every hour
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 12:10 AM
The only reason that you like the institute is that you get to play plantation owner.
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 12:11 AM
Sounds like someone doesnt want to #MakeTheCommonwealthGreatAgain
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 12:13 AM
build a wall and make the ghouls pay for it
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 01:10 AM
@Taylor Swift this is fun
Deleted User 22-Mar-16 01:20 AM
trash AIDS game
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 01:34 AM
looks like another settlements gotten aids from chalie sheen and needs your help
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 01:35 AM
Im stroking out
Full set of X01 MKIII armor
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 01:35 AM
i should pick this back up now eh?
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 01:35 AM
Do you like having fun
If yes, yes
If no, Fuck off
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 01:38 AM
so the season pass is $50, but the 4 dlcs are $10 each?
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 01:38 AM
IT was originally cheaper
But they are doing more than 4 DLC
BustrKc 22-Mar-16 01:40 AM
hmm, i might pick an choose with the dlcs
this one seems p chill
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 02:35 AM
There's a clavo ass helmet
It's like a skull
It's spook af
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 02:36 AM
this is fun.
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 02:36 AM
Also there's a new weapon
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 02:36 AM
a telsa gun
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 02:36 AM
It's an assualtron head
You literally fire and assaultrons disembodied head
Metal af
I got stuck because I need more mats so I gave up for the night
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 02:38 AM
I still want this
Yeah you need to find roving patrols
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 02:56 AM
Ozmiander 22-Mar-16 07:18 AM
Beth ruined Fallout.
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 03:12 PM
Main Unsorted ID Dump, Sorted Categories, Console Commands/ Tips/ Info,(#= amount, DON' T include' s), Links Army Helmet, 00023432, My Witcher 3 Command Sheets( 2 Pages), https:// docs. google. com/ spreadsheets/ d/ 1wf79CzwVdgZ3qJJg-4lDmCKz0KSBVGe_s-qHqC6PTxE/ edit? usp= sharing Dirty Army H...
--- Other resources: * [Guide: How to Change Settlement Object and Population...
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 03:34 PM
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 06:31 PM
Hell yeah
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 06:51 PM
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 06:59 PM
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 07:12 PM
It begins
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 07:39 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-16 08:00 PM
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 08:16 PM
Space Ghost 22-Mar-16 09:47 PM
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 12:54 AM
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 02:00 AM
On second thought fuck these dumb scientists.
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 03:09 AM
@Taylor Swift http://imgur.com/a/ar4lT
Taylor Swift 23-Mar-16 03:44 PM
Rejd 23-Mar-16 03:45 PM
lol cheat engine.
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 03:47 PM
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 04:03 PM
Deleted User 23-Mar-16 04:07 PM
New Vegas, but FUCK BENNY
Taylor Swift 23-Mar-16 05:00 PM
Space Ghost 23-Mar-16 10:42 PM
four seasons
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:48 AM
build your own vault
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 03:58 AM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 06:19 AM
After you finish the quest you can find some blueprints in the Mechanist's base, one for wall-mounted spotlights and one for an eyebot station. Hook the station into your settlement's powergrid and you can program an Eyebot to head out and find specific loot, you can choose from a specific kind of junk item, specific consumables, specific ammo, etc.
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 06:38 AM
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:15 AM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:52 AM
Those are obviously two Z's
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:52 AM
a bit off on the angle there but yeah! Z's, most definitely
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:54 AM
Nick is looking a little enclavey
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:55 AM
its an eagle with an ancient good luck charm symbol
Literally Nothing Wrong
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:55 AM
It's a baller looking eagle
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:55 AM
imperial eagles ftw
prussian flag is probably the best one imo
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:56 AM
It really is
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:56 AM
do the walls even do anything
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:56 AM
These do
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:56 AM
can you build em wherever
just make some massive wall of autism
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 07:57 AM
In settlement zones yes
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 07:57 AM
just cover the map in bullshit walls and make every pathway between towns 100% safe forever
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 10:16 AM
Rejd 24-Mar-16 12:32 PM
Where'd you find that photo of my living room
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 12:36 PM
@Rejd that's your bed right?
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 12:40 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 12:41 PM
Don't you tread on me!
Rejd 24-Mar-16 01:00 PM
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:02 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:02 PM
our goon reich will last a thousand years
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:03 PM
Heil Taylor
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:05 PM
Am I the Hermann Goring in this bit?
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:05 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:05 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:05 PM
Devin would be Rommel
Rej would be Mengele
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:06 PM
Who is Heinrich Himmler?
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:06 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:06 PM
That works
all to well
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:06 PM
Ashy is Goebbels
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:21 PM
who am I? do i even want to know?
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:31 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:31 PM
Anne Frank
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:32 PM
that's cynthia, shes got the secret base and everything
plus shes already dutch
and female
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:32 PM
Jack is uh
Kaiser Wilhelm
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
von hindeburg
Hazlen 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
eva von braun
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
im the useless OG guy who isnt terribly useful but everyone knows about and keeps around for some reason
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
Cap would be Hindenburg
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
Oh I just looked Goebbels up
Thats totally me (edited)
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
Since Im Hitler
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
cap was useful
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:33 PM
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:34 PM
cap would be bismarck
"when im gone it'll all colapse in 20 years" -bismarck, 1900 or so (edited)
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:34 PM
Wouldn't Jack be Eva Braun?
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:34 PM
im not a girlfriend 😦
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 01:34 PM
Maybe Jack is Rommel
And Deinv is Eva
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 01:35 PM
rommel requires some kind of tactical skill
who built the autobahn
ashy™ 24-Mar-16 01:35 PM
Civil engineering from Spergdew skills...
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 01:35 PM
~Let's Make The Commonwealth Great Again~
~An Actual sniper rifle that is worth a damn + actually looks in good with power armor
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 02:08 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 02:24 PM
Tay & Hancock
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 02:37 PM
Phase 2 of Red Island begins
Deleted User 24-Mar-16 03:45 PM
lol @ swastika forearms
why arent they proper armbands dude
wa s alot lost in the preceeding 250+ years
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 04:40 PM
@Taylor Swift fuck water purifiers forever
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 04:52 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Mar-16 04:54 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 05:53 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 06:01 PM
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 10:07 PM
@Taylor Swift
@Taylor Swift
@Ass-Haggis @Taylor Swift
Space Ghost 24-Mar-16 10:29 PM
Just about perfect
Just going to need a few robots
Space Ghost 25-Mar-16 03:58 PM
Make minutemen radio worth it
This small mod changes the horrible vanilla Minuteman Radio songs with some good german marches. Featured marches: - Alte Kameraden Marsch - Badenweiler Marsch - Dessauer Marsch - Gneral York Marsch - Hohenfriedberger Marsch - Königgrätzer Marsch - Marsch Friedrich des Großen - Preußenmarsch - Regimentsgruß Marsch - O Deutschland hoch in Ehren - Preußischer Präsentiermarsch
Hazlen 25-Mar-16 04:00 PM
rejd can hook you up with a big list of wehrmacht music
Space Ghost 25-Mar-16 06:34 PM
Found this in the middle of nowhere
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 10:47 AM
Brotherhood of Steel Nazi Overhaul
All right everyone the big Update after just 24 hours has arrived! I tried to include everything you guys wanted so here's a list everything included and whats new: -Mixed Swastika, Iron Cross, and SS logo depending on ranking and how it looks -Updated flag to have Swastika and White circle -Power Armor -Combat Armor -Engineer Scribe(Regular and Officer) -Field Scribe(Regular, Grey, Caded, Kells) -Jumpsuits(Orange, Green drab, Black) -Maxon Outfit and Cape -Lab Coat -Squire(Kid) -Prydwen renamed Hindenburg and has Swastika
SexBot 26-Mar-16 10:47 AM
I guess I was not lucky. Thank you for telling me that the bird is the word. (edited)
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 10:47 AM
@Rejd @Taylor Swift
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 01:29 PM
SexBot 26-Mar-16 01:30 PM
Will you say something, I wonder... (edited)
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 01:30 PM
Rejd 26-Mar-16 01:32 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
@Taylor Swift
SexBot 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
Where were you when John F Kennedy was shot? (edited)
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
SexBot 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
Hello, how are you? (edited)
Space Ghost 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
SexBot 26-Mar-16 07:26 PM
Ich bin krank. (edited)
Rejd 26-Mar-16 09:46 PM
Space Ghost 01-Apr-16 09:31 PM
Taylor Swift 01-Apr-16 09:32 PM
Cool pic except for the Prydwyn still floating
Ozmiander 01-Apr-16 09:35 PM
look at gmach playing rust in other games
Yeah, bomb that nazi balloon
Space Ghost 01-Apr-16 09:48 PM
~what if I'm the nazi?~
Rejd 02-Apr-16 02:08 AM
Is there a mod that increases settlement raid rate?
Or fuck it, one that just lets me call in raiders on my settlement
Space Ghost 02-Apr-16 04:01 AM
yes there is
both I think
Space Ghost 06-Apr-16 05:50 AM
Vault 98 is now standalone!, no more moving Murkwater construction site via BAT commands! What is Vault 98? Vault 98 is a Vault settlement mod I have been working on for quite some time now, and was previously released as a settlement replacer, but now it is a completely standalone, functioning settlement. Much like Vault 81, Vault 98 consists of 2 areas, the entrance, and the main Vault. The entrance has a standalone workbench that works like Homeplate, which is just used for decorating your entrance area, it is not a settlement and does not have Dwellers or Vendors. The Atrium cell is the settlement part of the Vault and has working settlers, vendors, and supply lines (although it can be annoying when Provisioners bring in their brahmins, this cannot be helped as it is part of the game). Vault 98 is located at Fairline Hill Estates, in the middle of all the houses Features: * A new standalone Vault * A usable Vault gear door * Unique Vault 98 textures * A craftable Vault generator that provides 200 power, and a smaller version that provides 100 power * A craftable water source that can be placed anywhere and provides 20 water * A Vault 98 Jumpsuit (50 placed in a locker in the Entrance) * Reworked Vault 111 elevator (it now works as a normal door, skipping the slow animation) * Still has the original Vault 81 nav-mesh, so settlers will walk around
Taylor Swift 07-Apr-16 11:48 AM
For when you need your character to look like a trashy Tinder transexual
Space Ghost 09-Apr-16 10:53 PM
@Taylor Swift .50 cal machine gun hype
Taylor Swift 11-Apr-16 01:25 PM
@Space Ghost 11 hours HYPE
Space Ghost 11-Apr-16 01:26 PM
Hell yeah
The GECK is apparently is closed beta now
Taylor Swift 11-Apr-16 01:26 PM
No shit?
Space Ghost 11-Apr-16 01:49 PM
Yeah supposedly
Space Ghost 11-Apr-16 02:02 PM
441 points and 118 comments so far on reddit
@Ass-Haggis Hyped for wasteland workshop?
҉҉ 11-Apr-16 02:06 PM
User Ass-Haggis is offline. PM sent.
Taylor Swift 11-Apr-16 11:12 PM
Taylor Swift 11-Apr-16 11:35 PM
FYI, the Homemaker mod isnt playing nice with the new DLC
Prob have to wait for an update
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 01:28 AM
Figured that
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 01:30 AM
Yeah, and we certainly dont want to disable the mod since
You know
It deletes everything lmbo
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 01:35 AM
I'll probably just use a settlement that I have nothing in.
I also just woke up
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 01:43 AM
Ok Prude
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 01:44 AM
You fucking take that back.
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 10:37 AM
Didnt take long
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 11:55 AM
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 11:56 AM
oh nice
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 05:30 PM
@Taylor Swift I now have every faction at peace. Well besides the institute. I blew them the fuck up. 💥 😈 💥
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 06:01 PM
Cool except you're playing the game wrong and doomed the Commonwealth
Ozmiander 12-Apr-16 06:27 PM
it's boston
not worth saving
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 06:28 PM
Fucked up but true
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 06:32 PM
I did nothing wrong. People who live on the east coast are scum anyway.
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 07:04 PM
I think I figured out the uh
Power armor resetting issue
And why youre having it and Im not
I THINK its an issue with a mod I have that lets you add Legendary mods
Because some of my other pieces that I had put legendary mods on reverted to their base form as well
Taylor Swift 12-Apr-16 07:13 PM
Seems to only affect armor?
Space Ghost 12-Apr-16 07:40 PM
Taylor Swift 13-Apr-16 12:32 AM
@Space Ghost lmbo look what one of the esps is called
҉҉ 13-Apr-16 12:32 AM
User G-mach is offline. PM sent.
Taylor Swift 13-Apr-16 12:32 AM
Space Ghost 13-Apr-16 05:26 AM
Hell yeah
Space Ghost 13-Apr-16 11:19 AM
Removing godrays makes the game so smooth
Space Ghost 14-Apr-16 07:47 AM
@Taylor Swift I hope for Far Harbor the boat captain that takes you to Far Harbor is Captain Ironsides. http://www.justpushstart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Fallout-4-Broadsider-18.jpg
҉҉ 14-Apr-16 07:47 AM
User Taylor Swift is offline. PM sent.
҉҉ 14-Apr-16 04:28 PM
User Taylor Swift is offline. PM sent.
Taylor Swift 14-Apr-16 04:29 PM
Im not offline fuck you
Space Ghost 14-Apr-16 04:29 PM
fucking trump bot
Taylor Swift 14-Apr-16 07:48 PM
The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community.
Space Ghost 14-Apr-16 07:51 PM
That video is great
Would you like to ride my rocket 69?
Taylor Swift 14-Apr-16 07:55 PM
As titled says, check your inboxes. Just got mine, all aboard!
Hopefully it will only be in beta for a week or two
Taylor Swift 14-Apr-16 07:57 PM
me atm
That was supposed to be animated but whatever
Space Ghost 14-Apr-16 11:41 PM
http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11213/? @taylor I'm using this and it's pretty great. I now have my own robot army and I just point them in a direction and they fuck shit up
@Taylor Swift
Bonus Features: You can select options to give your robots built +5 Defense, as well as options to have Multiple Robot Followers
Taylor Swift 14-Apr-16 11:46 PM
Only mod you need
Space Ghost 14-Apr-16 11:48 PM
I'm holding off on that for a week.
Looks so awesome
Rejd 15-Apr-16 05:37 AM
hth the BOS one is better
Space Ghost 15-Apr-16 11:02 AM
Eyebots with robobrain treads are the best.
Hazlen 15-Apr-16 11:06 AM
is this game + dlc $70 good? Or should I wait for a sale
Space Ghost 15-Apr-16 02:03 PM
Its real good.
Taylor Swift 15-Apr-16 02:03 PM
At this point
Id wait for a GOTY edition
The base game will prob be 25% off in the Summer Sale though
What settlement is that with the big building, G
Hazlen 15-Apr-16 02:16 PM
mh yeah ill get it on sale then.
Space Ghost 15-Apr-16 02:18 PM
I think it's 29.99 on sale on amazon prime
for the base game
it was a deal of the day yesterday
its not $39
its now 39$
It's at the sunshine CO-OP
@Taylor Swift
It's satisfying leading my army of death bots around the wasteland
Even more on survival (non beta)
I loved it when my bots just stood on the end of the pier and just firing on everything that moved on libiratera
I think I'm going to build a melee bot that'll just run at everything
Hazlen 15-Apr-16 02:25 PM
no shit is that yes man?
Taylor Swift 15-Apr-16 02:31 PM
Yeah theres a mod for that
Theres some crazy mods out considering the GECK isnt even out yeht
Space Ghost 15-Apr-16 11:30 PM
Four bottles of Nuka Cola Quantum. You asked and we are here to give it to you. While we're working on another national campaign, this is what we have available
Nuclear Winter Preston Garvey on Feb 12, 2016 This drink really makes me want to help other settlements. It brings that Nuclear Winter I have always desired, but most importantly, I feel like this went through the nice purifier in the Capital Wasteland. Always enjoy this drink, but you can't forget, the minutemen are here to help. Another settlement needs your help. There's been a group of raiders who have been stirring up trouble near one of the villages. Go check it out and see what you can do about it.
$ 26.99 USD was$ 13,333.33 usd
Space Ghost 16-Apr-16 07:06 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-16 01:08 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 17-Apr-16 05:20 PM
Goon made
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-16 10:01 PM
y tho
Space Ghost 18-Apr-16 10:48 AM
Space Ghost 19-Apr-16 03:04 PM
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel was about finding Slipknot music.
It's always funny when people jerk off about interplay that they forget about that game
Ozmiander 19-Apr-16 03:12 PM
bos doesn't exist
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 01:43 PM
Some mods are starting to come out
From the GECK Beta guys
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:13 PM
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:14 PM
@Taylor Swift That new mod looks awesome
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 02:15 PM
Yeah they are putting out stuff real fast
I think a month ro two from now there will already be some really good mods out
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:15 PM
Oh for sure
FO4 already has 9.6k files on nexus
pre geck
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 02:16 PM
People have gotten really good with the FNVEditor over the years
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:16 PM
I imagine it isn't going to take long for some really crazy shit to come out
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 02:16 PM
Remember PreCK Skyrim
They already had some housing mods out
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:31 PM
@Taylor Swift
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 02:52 PM
@Taylor Swift Entrance to that new mod/quest that you linked. Looks bad ass
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 03:04 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 03:10 PM
It was short but pretty fun. It's only part of 1 of 2 dungeons
It has a really awesome gun for loot as well
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 03:21 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 03:24 PM
Awesome band name
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 03:29 PM
My army of zeon robots ere barely making a dent.
There is a pretty cool way to defeat it through.
10/10 was fun.
It had no bugs are ran at a smooth 60 fps. Even through the dungeons weren't that big they looked really nice and felt like they exist in the fallout universe
I really want my own tower like Ticonderoga where I can chill out on the top off and laugh at all the scum below.
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 03:37 PM
That would be pcool
I want a giant skyscraper right in the middle of Spectacle Island
Which a working Vertibird on top
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 03:37 PM
yes please
and have the pop out turrents on its walls
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 03:38 PM
Theres no way someone doesnt make that
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 03:38 PM
with various floors that my robots can chill out on
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:02 PM
So if Im reading this post right
Looks like GECK and Survival are going to drop at the same time
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:03 PM
No Blacks No Jews
No Irish
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:03 PM
~br no irish
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:03 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:04 PM
I'm going to create a HELP WANTED No Irish Need Apply sign for one of my settlements and post it on reddit on a throwaway account and watch the shitstorm
~br help wanted no irish need apply
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:08 PM
well thats not good lmbo
CTD whenever I launch the game
It plays like the first few bars of the theme
And crashes, weird
Ah, thats why
Now its crashing on save load
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:12 PM
Did you download the new beta update?
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:12 PM
No im not in the beta
There was a small 6.5mb patch though
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:12 PM
That's weird.
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:13 PM
I didnt change any major mods
Just update Homemaker
Old save load
From like 30min in
Yeah it was Homemaker
New update fucked something up
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:15 PM
I was just playing and I have 47 plugins and I haven't had any issues
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:17 PM
God I hate mods like that
Yeah, theres that one last bit at the end wher eyou h ave to click that you read something or it will crash
God fuck off
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:19 PM
that's annoying
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:20 PM
Nope still crashing
Whatever, Ill rollback
Space Ghost 20-Apr-16 04:22 PM
I have homemaker - expanded settlements 1.33 and it isn't causing any issues for me
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-16 04:23 PM
Its 1.34 that was crashing for me
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 02:12 PM
Looks more GECK stuff
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 02:13 PM
These interior projects are always good
DCInteriors was vgood
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 02:13 PM
and there are a ton of buildings that can be opened up
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 02:14 PM
Yeah all those skyscrapers
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 02:14 PM
Plus those building around diamond city that are kind of big
I've played around with it for a bit and the current buildings are really nice
Same guy that did DCInteriors and NV I think
Play that new quest yet?
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 02:22 PM
No, not yet
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 02:25 PM
Do the one up north first.
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 05:34 PM
Did the relay one
First thing the gun spawned was an Alpha Deathclaw lmbo
Im so op though that I two shot them
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 05:37 PM
Yeah it's a fun gun
join us in voicechat
nothing to horrible is happening
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 08:01 PM
I need a mod that makes 3rd person camera not suck
So I can take better waifu pics
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 08:11 PM
So for kicks I decided to follow own of my convoy bots around the map. Hilarity insued.
one of my convoy bots
Robobrain with a galting laser and a hammer saw. It came upon a deathclaw and owned it. Then just drove down a stream, encountered some rust devils attacking a minuteman outpost and helped with it. In the middle of the attack A BOS vertibird comes by to help and drops some guys in power armor who proceed to help out the minutemen. After that the BOS unit follows my convoy bot to the Dish Array that's full of super mutants. The Robobrain and BOS both charge in and take out the super mutants and some minutemen came running up to help as well.
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-16 08:18 PM
Zany shit
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 08:20 PM
I didn't even attack anything. I was just laughing so hard.
~Making the Commonwealth Great Again~
I'm getting to the point in this playthrough that when raiders attack a settlement they have atleast two guys in raider power armor
Space Ghost 21-Apr-16 11:25 PM
Build your own Vault Version 1.4 - Added more clutter and lights to the entrance. - Removed the vault number from the vault elevator. - Removed the vault number from the gear room. - Added alternative set of small rooms with lavatory texture set. - Added more stacking snap nodes to large room segments. - Separated floors and ceilings. - The vault workshop now shares resources with the outside workshop. - The Vault workshop will now automatically connect to the supply line. - All segments and the entrance are now navmeshed. - Settlers can now be assigned to the vault elevator to move them into the vault. (edited)
Space Ghost 22-Apr-16 12:51 AM
Hazlen 22-Apr-16 06:54 PM
In the German school of swordsmanship, Mordhau, alternatively Mordstreich or Mordschlag (Ger., lit., "murder-stroke" or "murder-strike" or "murder-blow"), is the technique of holding the sword inverted, with both hands gripping the blade, and hitting the opponent with the pommel or crossguard. This technique allows the swordsman to essentially use the sword as a mace or hammer. The Mordhau is mainly used in armoured combat, although it can be used to surprise an opponent in close quarters. This technique ha...
Prude 23-Apr-16 02:43 AM
dark souls 4 lookin interesting
i see they took the dodgerolls out of the equation
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 11:34 AM
got a "murder stroke" for ya
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 01:02 PM
With this new anti-tank gun I think there really needs to be a prone mod
So I can camp a hill and rain hell on raiders and enemies of the Institute
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 02:12 PM
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 02:19 PM
Mod Idea: Turn Gwinnett Brewery into a settlement and the settlers fix it up and start making beer
And you make money
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 03:32 PM
"With this new anti-tank gun I think there really needs to be a prone mod So I can camp a hill and rain hell on raiders and enemies of the Institute"
I want my own brewery as well.
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 06:25 PM
New Mod Idea: Add a new faction or subfaction or maybe even just a quest to The Minutemen
To take back historically important landmarks
And restore them
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 07:13 PM
where is my joinable atom cats faction
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 07:42 PM
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 08:05 PM
Not an idea
make the Jamaica Plain settlement actually cover the whole city
Isstead of 3 shit ass buildings
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 08:19 PM
I thought it got slightly bigger with one of the recent updates
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 08:21 PM
Its still small af
Someone already did
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 08:53 PM
oh sweet jesus
even a little water too
What will be taylor swift's treasures of jamaican plain?
Personal Craftable Vertibirds
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 08:55 PM
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 08:56 PM
There are now Personal Craftable Air Support Vertibirds. Find and build via special in workshop just like the personal vertibird. these air support vertibirds will fly up and protect your settlements!
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-16 08:57 PM
Can you fly them?
Space Ghost 23-Apr-16 08:57 PM
I'm not sure it acts like a robot
I know through console commands you can drive around liberty prime
use it's lasers and nukes
Taylor Swift 24-Apr-16 12:26 PM
About to start a new playthrough
Get the other faciton achievements
Space Ghost 24-Apr-16 12:27 PM
Hell yeah
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 01:51 AM
Fires the Liberty Prime laser
HELL yeah
Now I can RP that the Institute took the technology from the rabble rousing BoS
And repurposed it to bring peace to The Commonwealth
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 12:28 PM
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 12:29 PM
Someone legit spent time on that
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 12:29 PM
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 12:31 PM
The discussion on that is cancere
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 02:18 PM
damnit I was just going to post that
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 02:23 PM
So its all in open beta now?
Guess that means more good mods
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 02:24 PM
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 02:24 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 02:26 PM
See the twin miniguns in that video?
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 02:27 PM
I got the name TaylorSwift on Bethesda.net
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 02:27 PM
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 03:23 PM
How the shit
Are mods going to work on consoles
Thats what Im not getting
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 03:40 PM
Looks like they will work. via their website/starting screen
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 03:43 PM
I meant like
How is a console going to run it
Ozmiander 26-Apr-16 03:43 PM
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 03:44 PM
lol consoles
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 03:50 PM
The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community.
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 26-Apr-16 06:44 PM
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-16 09:30 PM
Let the stream of :wtc: mods begin
VeggieSmuggler 01-May-16 10:58 PM
enjoy your new bethesda launcher, nerds
Space Ghost 02-May-16 06:12 PM
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 03-May-16 01:22 PM
Mod of the Year
Taylor Swift 04-May-16 11:42 AM
Space Ghost 04-May-16 01:38 PM
Level action rifle
Taylor Swift 04-May-16 01:38 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 04-May-16 11:55 PM
Taylor Swift 04-May-16 11:56 PM
New update fucked everything up for me
I guess when I re-enabled all the plugins I reenabled a bad one
Cant figure out what it is though
Taylor Swift 05-May-16 12:56 AM
@Space Ghost It was DEF_HUD
Space Ghost 05-May-16 01:05 AM
Taylor Swift 05-May-16 05:27 PM
Ozmiander 05-May-16 05:49 PM
where are the tits
Space Ghost 07-May-16 11:51 PM
Someone leaked Far Harbor gameplay on youtube
Space Ghost 08-May-16 01:49 AM
Apparently there are giant hermit crabs
Prude 08-May-16 03:30 AM
yeah basically just ripping off dark souls 3 at this point
Space Ghost 08-May-16 11:40 AM
Sorry giant hermit crabs are a lot cooler.
Taylor Swift 08-May-16 11:42 AM
Also lmbo that hermit crab is using a bus as a shell
Nice touch
Space Ghost 08-May-16 11:42 AM
Yeah it's pretty funny
I want to tame it and walk around the island with my new hermit crab buddy
and ride its back
Taylor Swift 08-May-16 01:12 PM
Hats on robots never gets old
Taylor Swift 08-May-16 01:32 PM
Im gonna need a mod that gives me an army of Liberty Primes
And everytime Spectacle Island comes under attack, 20 march out of the sea
Ozmiander 08-May-16 01:33 PM
fuck that
station a prime at EVERY settlement
Taylor Swift 08-May-16 01:34 PM
Gonna also need a reskin mod that gives all new Liberty Primes an Institute paint job
And renames them Father Prime
Ozmiander 08-May-16 01:34 PM
you fucking commie
Taylor Swift 08-May-16 07:56 PM
this one is very interesting
Space Ghost 09-May-16 10:17 AM
Hazlen 09-May-16 10:18 AM
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 10:41 AM
First the institute now the rad rabbit? You monster...
Space Ghost 09-May-16 10:42 AM
More like a Raddit
Thre are also Rad Chickens.
Deleted User 09-May-16 04:55 PM
lol @ guy with his arm clippin through the backpack
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 06:52 PM
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 07:03 PM
A lot of good/exciting housing mods starting to come out
The only ones I really forsee being huge are ones that incorporate settlements into them
Since thats the way the game is going
You know Underground Hideout in F03 had that kind of
You could pay for upgrades around it
Space Ghost 09-May-16 07:09 PM
Oh that looks awesome
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 07:12 PM
Space Ghost 09-May-16 07:22 PM
I use Worsin's Immersive Power Armor garage (edited)
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 07:23 PM
Oh thats much cooler
Never see this
Taylor Swift 09-May-16 07:39 PM
You know what would be a great mod
One that just adds a big empty world space
Thats all a settlement
Space Ghost 10-May-16 12:09 AM
Space Ghost 10-May-16 12:16 AM
Massive Mod sneakpeak
Rise of the Great Khanate is a fallout 4 mod that will introduce a new worldspace as well as factions and features that more closely resemble the atmosphere of Fallout New Vegas.
Taylor Swift 10-May-16 12:25 AM
Glad people are coming out of the gate with big ideas
This could be the Falskaar of F4
Space Ghost 10-May-16 02:47 PM
Taylor Swift 10-May-16 05:45 PM
That Bunker mod is ok but
It just doesnt feel right. I guess having settlement homes ruined me
Taylor Swift 10-May-16 06:52 PM
Far Harbor next Tuesday confirmed
Space Ghost 10-May-16 09:52 PM
hell yeah
Space Ghost 11-May-16 12:14 AM
Space Ghost 11-May-16 10:26 AM
@Taylor Swift my Diamond City penthouse that I threw together in like 20 minutes.
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:10 PM
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:12 PM
I saw that yesterday.
The Army Depot quest is fun is a little easy but has nice loot at the end of it.
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:13 PM
You forget we are both like 70+ with power armor and one hit kill guns
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:13 PM
I'm a walking murder man.
It would definitely be something I would beeline to if I did a new character.
Hazlen 11-May-16 05:13 PM
gdi this game needs to go on sale
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:14 PM
Prob 25% off in the Summer Sale
I doubt all the DLC will be out yet
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:14 PM
You are going to want the season pass.
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:15 PM
por que
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:15 PM
I'm downloading the fisherman's gambit I'll do it tonight.
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:16 PM
Now you can roleplay using white trash power armor
Goes great with the trailer mod
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:16 PM
My juggalo dreams have come true
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:17 PM
Put a trailer on your settlement, recruit Cait, leave here there, mod in the baby. Boom West Virginia Simulator 2k16
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:17 PM
Beantown interiors just did a update. Go redownload it.
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:18 PM
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:18 PM
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:18 PM
@Hori found your mod
Ozmiander 11-May-16 05:36 PM
there's no tits in any of those gmach
how do you even play beth games
Space Ghost 11-May-16 05:44 PM
Taylor Swift 11-May-16 05:45 PM
Holy shit yes
Mod Of The Year
Cant wait to see how badly this fucks up my settlement
Ozmiander 11-May-16 06:05 PM
least offensive fo "red rocket" mod ever
Space Ghost 11-May-16 07:18 PM
Ozmiander 11-May-16 07:51 PM
it doesn't really fit the forever50s theme
but cool on it's own i guess
Taylor Swift 12-May-16 02:21 PM
Space Ghost 12-May-16 02:39 PM
Taylor Swift 12-May-16 09:56 PM
Inside my new settler housing
Space Ghost 12-May-16 10:09 PM
Taylor Swift 12-May-16 10:15 PM
Space Ghost 12-May-16 10:21 PM
Taylor Swift 12-May-16 11:45 PM
Deleted User 12-May-16 11:49 PM
sexy armor
Space Ghost 12-May-16 11:54 PM
Deleted User 12-May-16 11:59 PM
tfw there will never be a proper sequel to fallout 2 (edited)
NV doesnt count
Taylor Swift 13-May-16 12:00 AM
NV is vgood
Deleted User 13-May-16 12:00 AM
played it
was more into the new Reno aesthetic than vegas
Space Ghost 13-May-16 12:01 AM
Deleted User 13-May-16 12:02 AM
Taylor Swift 13-May-16 09:01 PM
Space Ghost 13-May-16 09:17 PM
Space Ghost 14-May-16 12:57 AM
Space Ghost 14-May-16 01:16 AM
Taylor Swift 14-May-16 01:29 AM
Deleted User 14-May-16 09:03 PM
enclave ftw
Bible Ian Black 14-May-16 09:31 PM
I'm actually replaying New Vegas because it's just impossible to start FO4 over and rebuild all your towns
it's a pain in the ass
Taylor Swift 14-May-16 09:31 PM
If by impossibel you mean fun as hell
Bible Ian Black 14-May-16 09:32 PM
Maybe a poor choice of words, but I just get get to that point and think 'well shit I don't have supplies! oh well guess i'll do this later'
and then everyone's like 'wah we need food'
Taylor Swift 14-May-16 09:34 PM
Thats why I didnt expand all my towns until after I finished the main uest
Then I just started consoling shit in
Taylor Island wont built itself
Bible Ian Black 14-May-16 09:36 PM
i'm the kind of dumbass who wants a New Vegas-type game in the FO4 engine
at least some of the companions in 4 are actually characters though
Taylor Swift 14-May-16 10:02 PM
Deleted User 14-May-16 11:40 PM
tfw there will NEVER be a proper gritty fucked up FO2 sequel
and NV doesnt count
turbo plasma rifles and power armor should be rare af not something you can stock a warehouse with
even my most OP FO2 guy would have at most 3-4 sets of armor and that was post endgame
Space Ghost 15-May-16 11:09 AM
You should go onto http://www.nma-fallout.com/ if you want do be retarded.
No Mutants Allowed is a gaming site dedicated to post nuclear role playing series - Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout Tactics. Largest news database on the Internet. Your Fallout Bible.
Ozmiander 15-May-16 04:09 PM
NMA is like the last holdout for real fallout fans
Taylor Swift 15-May-16 05:25 PM
"Real" fallout fans need to fuck off to wasteland and stay thete
Space Ghost 16-May-16 08:19 AM
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:16 AM
we dont talk about that one
it never happened
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 10:46 AM
Remember when Bethesda made the fallout series exciting and fresh and cucks cried because MUH POINT N CLICK
Space Ghost 16-May-16 10:46 AM
~slipknot plays in background~
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:10 AM
Fallout would have bombed if they had made 3 a point and click
So thank God for Bethesda
Also, If I'm not able to play far harbor tonight I'm going to be p livid
Space Ghost 16-May-16 11:27 AM
I can tell you my playthrough for you.
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:34 AM
not "real" fans as in the only good fans
but the fans of the good games
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:41 AM
The "Good" games are 3, NV, and 4
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:42 AM
no, they're 1,2, and NV
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:43 AM
No its 4, NV, and 3
In that order
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:45 AM
y'all are lucky i've got just enough jesus to forgive your sins
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:46 AM
1 and 2 were ok
But they were just a product of technical limitations
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:46 AM
they're just completely different style games
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:46 AM
3 recreated the series in a better fashion
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:46 AM
i just wanted fucking van buren
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:47 AM
Too bad, you got 3
Which was the superior product
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:47 AM
i just can't stand bethtech
it's a bad engine
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:48 AM
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:48 AM
Yeah that looks like digital aids lmbo
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:49 AM
it was started in like 1999-2000
different era lol
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:49 AM
That was like the same time Beth was working on Bethesda
Meanwhile, Interplay is still in the Isometric Era
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:50 AM
they started on fo3 in 04 iirc
vb was canned in 03
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:50 AM
You just said it was 99
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:51 AM
vb was 99-03ish
fo3 was 04-08 iirc
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:53 AM
I know and we were talking about VB
And thats what they put out
Meanwhile, Beth was pumping out Morrowind
Superior Game
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:53 AM
how do we know, vb never came out
it could have been trash or goty
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:54 AM
It was going to be trash
Iso games are trahs
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:54 AM
iso is better than fp for turn based combat (edited)
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:55 AM
turned based is also bad
Thats why Fallout 3 and past are so good
Because they got rid of 1 and 2 mistakes
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:56 AM
your bit-fu is weak
my greybeard-tang style is superior
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:56 AM
Truth sucks
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:56 AM
i don't hate you for your delusions
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:57 AM
I mean feel free to keep those rose colored glasses. Meanwhile me and my delusions will be playing The Best Fallout Ever Made aka Fallout 4
Ozmiander 16-May-16 11:58 AM
you mean the game you have to mod so much it's barely recognisable as the same game to be playable?
enjoy not being able to kill children, pleb
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 11:58 AM
>Implying I didnt put 200 hours into F4 pre-mods
Also does 1 and 2 even have any good waifus
And cant they beat this prime waifu
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 12:02 PM
Does it have a Irish waifu that you help get off drugs
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 12:03 PM
Stop linking selfies tia
Paladin Danse Lightyear
Ozmiander 16-May-16 12:04 PM
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 12:04 PM
Fallout 4 > anything
Ozmiander 16-May-16 12:04 PM
come on
danse is a bitch
we all know that
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 12:04 PM
Not when hes LARPing Toy Story
Ozmiander 16-May-16 12:06 PM
if he was a real man he'd pretend to be horrigan
aka a super supermutant in enclave power armor
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 12:56 PM
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 01:06 PM
Same guy who did Depot Omega
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 05:50 PM
I installed the nano-suit mod
Then got a stand-alone maxsons coat
Space Ghost 16-May-16 05:52 PM
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 05:52 PM
Yeah gotta get my crew ready for tonight
Space Ghost 16-May-16 05:53 PM
Isn't far harbor coming out on the 19th?
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 05:53 PM
I thought it was tonight?
Oh shit it is the 19th
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 05:55 PM
ugh i was so excited to have Far Harbor before I had to start work
my ~emotions~
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 05:56 PM
Space Ghost 16-May-16 09:41 PM
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:10 PM
~b fallout2 tandi
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:10 PM
no bingbot thats fallout ONE tandi
~b fallout 2 tandi president ncr old as fucking shit
God Emperor Trump BOT 16-May-16 10:10 PM
💢 Die Sequenz enthält keine Elemente.
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:10 PM
~i fallout2 tandi talking head
God Emperor Trump BOT 16-May-16 10:10 PM
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:10 PM
the fuck
i mena sgt dornan is the #1 greatest character in ever
but i wanted tandi gdi
Hazlen 16-May-16 10:11 PM
~b fallout 2 tandi
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:11 PM
Hazlen 16-May-16 10:11 PM
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:12 PM
thx bruh
Hazlen 16-May-16 10:12 PM
did you ever try fallout online
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:14 PM
yeah lol it was a clusterfuck
fun but holy shit fuck russians
also lol @ sgt dornan
i an not a sir! i work for a living you morrrroooonnnn
also the best gun in all of vidya, ever has got to be the .223 pistol from fo1-2
"that gun" in fo NV i guess :/
20-30 damage, cheap ammo, ignores all armor (edited)
its viable all the way throug hthe final level
even against horrigan its decent but you'll need backup obv and probably wanna eat al lthe jet and psycho you have left
Space Ghost 16-May-16 10:31 PM
@Taylor Swift Pete Hines posted: "It's amazing to see that players have already perfected the science of running settlements--honing the right balance of food, beds, water, etc. So what if we were to throw a few new variables into the mix, with solutions that weren't as simple as planting more food or sourcing more water? Restlessness, depression, mental disorders...a whole roller coaster of emotions. Will you be able to solve them? And will you become a tycoon in the process? Stay tuned, Vault Dwellers."
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 10:31 PM
Space Ghost 16-May-16 10:31 PM
Taylor Swift 16-May-16 10:31 PM
Rimworld: Fallout Eiditon
Space Ghost 16-May-16 10:32 PM
You don't want to send marcy and preston onto a deathrollercoaster?
Deleted User 16-May-16 10:54 PM
@here i got a whole list of GREAT candidates for the deathcoaster
ashy™ 17-May-16 04:56 AM
God Emperor Trump BOT 17-May-16 04:56 AM
New quote added.
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 01:24 PM
Dont even have it installed and I can already feel my framerate dropping
Space Ghost 17-May-16 01:31 PM
yeah you gotta have a pretty expensive rig to run that.
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 01:32 PM
The grass mod looks good
I think Ill install that when I get home
Space Ghost 17-May-16 01:38 PM
It does
Peaches 17-May-16 02:29 PM
maybe I should download some mods and play some fallout 4 again
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:45 PM
Uh yeah
Its #1 game
Especially since the GECK is out
Peaches 17-May-16 02:45 PM
I haven't played in a while
so yeah
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:45 PM
Let me see if I can somehow
Create a list of all the mods I have
So you know where to start
Peaches 17-May-16 02:46 PM
that would be helpful man
I was going to watch some youtubes of some mods out as well
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:48 PM
Probably dont need a lot of the body/clothing mods if you arent a supersperg about your radiation waifu
Peaches 17-May-16 02:52 PM
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:53 PM
Look how cool she is though
Peaches 17-May-16 02:53 PM
that's pretty sweet
i got a new video card since last time I played too so I can maybe handle some graphics overhaul stuff
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:54 PM
Yeah youll also def want all the Spetacle Island mods
Because thats where base building gets real fun
Peaches 17-May-16 02:54 PM
I haven't been able to afford the expansions yet either
so I won't be able to use any of those mods that build on or use that stuff
Hazlen 17-May-16 02:55 PM
this needs to go on sale damnit
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:55 PM
Oh yeah thats a good point
Hazlen 17-May-16 02:55 PM
i'm too cheap to pay full price for video games
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:55 PM
Ive gotten my monies worth
So far
Peaches 17-May-16 02:55 PM
I made an expection with fallout 4 and I didn't regret that a bit
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:55 PM
TES or Fallout is always a preorder for me
I have yet to be let down
Peaches 17-May-16 02:56 PM
I could buy the automatron and wasteland workshop stuff but not the far harbor
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 02:56 PM
tbh Far Harbor is the better one
Peaches 17-May-16 02:56 PM
but I am trying to make sure I have enough money for Overwatch come thursday
damn I just seen a skyrim ENB that looks amazing
tetrachromatic enb
check that out Tay
do you just use the nexus mod manager to keep them organize?
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:02 PM
Peaches 17-May-16 03:02 PM
okay that's good
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:10 PM
I'm running like 94 plugins atm and I get 60 fps
goes to 40-50 in downtown boston with all the skyscrapers
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:10 PM
I get about the same
Spectacle Island shits the bed through
But thats because you know
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:10 PM
I removed godrays which helped as well
Peaches 17-May-16 03:20 PM
damn man that's a lot of mods
I just want some to add some new stuff and maybe a few comestic things
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:20 PM
We try pretty much every moderatly popular mod that comes out
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:20 PM
yeah pretty much
Pretty much anything that is top endored in each category is good shit.
Peaches 17-May-16 03:21 PM
I will look through some stuff though, right now I am doing some harddrive cleaning
or rather I am sorting some things out I have been meaning to sort out, and while that is moving about I can look for some new stuff to download
okay well I have a starting point at least
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:24 PM
Ok the CK has gone into open beta so we have been busy updating all the Rebuilds to fix known issues and fully fix some issues that were incomplete. Navmesh was the biggest culprit in the series by far, but it was NOT all that we addressed. With that in mind, for this release (and most likely from now on if it's useful) I will provide a Change Log on each mods page. Check it and if you know of an issue we missed send me a PM or post it in the comments and it will get included in the next release. Please take note that the "Real" glass in the windows got pushed to the next release since I am the slowest person on the planet with NifScope and did not want to have you guys wait another month for CK fixes since some of them were so pressing.
@Taylor Swift They are updating all the rebuilt stuff
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:25 PM
Thank God
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:25 PM
All the updates are out
updated now the eyebots can have hats
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:26 PM
Will this make all the settleers and everyone not go to the middle of the map?
Peaches 17-May-16 03:36 PM
I like atom bomb baby
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:36 PM
The new version of SI Rebuilt
Peaches 17-May-16 03:36 PM
that replaces the atom bombs with sean
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:36 PM
Adds unremovable beds
Thumbs Down
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:37 PM
atom bomb baby is pretty funny
Peaches 17-May-16 03:39 PM
any big retextures or something like that?
that are a must
nice I might get the New Dialog mod
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:41 PM
look up fallout 4 seasons
Look at the categories section for specific stuff
Peaches 17-May-16 03:42 PM
that's pretty nice, which season are you using though
I feel like fall maby
are you guy's using the small loan of a million dollars mod?
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:44 PM
Whats that do
Peaches 17-May-16 03:44 PM
you know what you get XP you get that cash register sound
instead you get Donald J Trump saying "a million dollars"
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:45 PM
... trumpkek
God Emperor Trump BOT 17-May-16 03:45 PM
Space Ghost 17-May-16 03:45 PM
I'm using summer and occasionally winter since I'm a white walker IRL
Peaches 17-May-16 03:47 PM
what's good for expanded settlements?
I see a settlement supplies expanded which looks cool
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 03:47 PM
Homemaker, OCDecorator
Settlement Keywords Independent
Peaches 17-May-16 03:48 PM
do any of these have to use a script extender like skyrim?
I figured I would ask before I started going mad
okay I found that it does
so I found it
Peaches 17-May-16 04:40 PM
those are pretty cool
alright I downloaded most of mods from your list that I liked
like I said are you using any enbs or anything?
also there were I few I couldn't find anymore
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 04:40 PM
Like what
Peaches 17-May-16 04:40 PM
um the roads one
I saw it in a video earlier as well
I like the way the darker roads look for sure
Peaches 17-May-16 04:58 PM
these own
Peaches 17-May-16 05:11 PM
@Taylor Swift how do I change the mod manger to launch with the SE
I can't remember
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 05:13 PM
I dont remember either
Peaches 17-May-16 05:14 PM
nvm I got it
Space Ghost 17-May-16 06:24 PM
What's the plugin that you have for your inventory taylor?
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 06:25 PM
Better Item Sorting, DEF_UI
Seems like theres one more
Peaches 17-May-16 10:22 PM
the best mod
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 10:30 PM
HELL yeah
Space Ghost 17-May-16 10:38 PM
Peaches 17-May-16 11:06 PM
ghost in the shell armor?
that has been hugely perverted I might add
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 11:07 PM
yeah wtf lmbo
Peaches 17-May-16 11:07 PM
didn't even see that picture
there is more normal looking I seen it before
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 11:07 PM
Theres a non-pervy version
Let me rephrase
There is a LESS pervy version
Space Ghost 17-May-16 11:19 PM
They are some really pointy nipples
Peaches 17-May-16 11:19 PM
yea it's pretty dumb
Kizurue 17-May-16 11:25 PM
I just re-downloaded F4 last night. Now I need to come through Nexus for mods.
Taylor Swift 17-May-16 11:25 PM
I should put together a BMW Suggested Mod List
Kizurue 17-May-16 11:26 PM
You should. They haven't kept the F4 mod thread's OP updated so that means relying on Nexus for their "top" shit
Peaches 17-May-16 11:39 PM
I found a few more that I liked so far, I will have to give them a proper go tomorrow when I get off work
Kizurue 17-May-16 11:41 PM
Make sure to list them so I can give them a go too
Ozmiander 18-May-16 09:10 AM
Bible Ian Black 18-May-16 11:08 AM
https://youtu.be/OYWi6-BcGCQ?t=402 just this timestamp goddamn
Space Ghost 18-May-16 11:59 AM
The Enclave armor has been updated to have marine components. It's really baller. (edited)
With Patch 0.2, the newly-formed ROAD TO LIBERTY team will be greatly expanding the Enclave X-02. Tomorrow, you can upgrade your frontline armor to one of the most powerful Power Armors in the Commonwealth. The Tesla X-02 isn't only resistant to most energy attacks, but is able to emit an electrical field that is more deadly with every upgrade you make to your armor. DogtoothCG can be thanked from recreating the infamous Tesla Power Armor from Fallout 3 into the Tesla X-02 for Fallout 4. Copper wires wrap themselves around the familiar Power Armor chassis, leading to a huge power-pack, that with new Tesla pauldrons, makes the Tesla X-02, an imposing, dominating sight.
MARINE FOILS With Marine Foils, you can turn one of the Commonwealth's biggest obstacles into your highway. This modification increases your speed significantly underwater - so instead of moving at a sea snail's pace, you can use the waterways to move between settlements, or potential targets quickly. TACTICAL BUOYS Now taking just that little bit more looting shouldn't worry you. With Tactical Buoys, your carryweight increases as soon as you go underwater - so if you are overencumbered on land and only a couple of metres from the nearest body of water, you won't be struggling to lug that weight that much longer - making you able to drag some vital supplies to a settlement, or bring some extra weapons for a surprise attack. MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC DRIVE With speed on your side beneath the waves, so will stealth. With an electronic drive system, every moment you are underwater, you are undetectable to to the grand majority of enemies, ensuring a surprise, and likely, deadly attack. Also, using water as an replacement coolant, you suspend using fusion batteries to cool your reactor - allowing you to stay underwater to plan your attack - without worrying about power.
Bible Ian Black 18-May-16 02:07 PM
Peaches 18-May-16 07:15 PM
@Taylor Swift was there a mod that lets you change colors of most armors? I got one for combat armor but I though I saw a different mod
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 07:18 PM
Theres one that gives a crazy range for POwer armor
Peaches 18-May-16 07:21 PM
I don't use power armor unless I go into the rad area
But that would be useful as well
Space Ghost 18-May-16 08:17 PM
Peaches 18-May-16 08:28 PM
Man these pip ui mods make it so much better
Like I realize what they had before was for reasons
Peaches 18-May-16 09:00 PM
How does the spring cleaning mod work? I forgot
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 09:21 PM
What do you mean
Bible Ian Black 18-May-16 10:02 PM
wooops i guess i just killed caeser and his inner circle
in my defense, they were mean to me first
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:08 PM
Killer Caeser is never not a pro strat
NCR 4 lyfe
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:56 PM
VeggieSmuggler 18-May-16 10:56 PM
Deleted User 18-May-16 10:57 PM
your mom on my dick is happening
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:57 PM
Deleted User 18-May-16 10:57 PM
fucking bullshit
what a gay waste of an @everyone 😉
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:57 PM
Fuck you faggot, enjoy having your not waifu noir detective robot
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:57 PM
~b Nick valentine waifu
Deleted User 18-May-16 10:57 PM
im gonna die alone ive accepted this
Deleted User 18-May-16 10:58 PM
uh thats clarly a husbando
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 10:58 PM
Space Ghost 18-May-16 11:00 PM
@Taylor Swift 's life right now. http://i.imgur.com/AAwD8C8.jpg
VeggieSmuggler 18-May-16 11:01 PM
I motion to :gas: this channel. does the majority agree with me
Deleted User 18-May-16 11:03 PM
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 11:03 PM
Deleted User 18-May-16 11:04 PM
Taylor Swift 18-May-16 11:04 PM
ashy™ 19-May-16 04:56 AM
Fallout channel > Cal's gay station channel
Space Ghost 19-May-16 11:26 AM
Space Ghost 19-May-16 11:34 AM
Space Ghost 19-May-16 01:26 PM
Space Ghost 19-May-16 02:22 PM
There is a pretty great murder mystery
Space Ghost 19-May-16 03:29 PM
Space Ghost 19-May-16 06:56 PM
Taylor Swift 19-May-16 07:12 PM
Did you have to update any mods
Or did it just work
Space Ghost 19-May-16 07:13 PM
It's working fine. It seemed like the unoffical fallout4 patch wasn't working so I disabled that.
I'm getting consistent 60fps
Kizurue 19-May-16 07:14 PM
Couple goons were crying that Full Dialog Interface was causing issues
Haven't tried it since release. Bout to boot it up to see if mine works.
Space Ghost 19-May-16 07:14 PM
oh yeah that too. I disabled it before I launched far harbor
it was just a guess
Kizurue 19-May-16 07:21 PM
Apparently they already have a mod (strings) that makes the FDI work with Far Harbor
Space Ghost 19-May-16 07:24 PM
The marine armor is pretty baller
Taylor Swift 19-May-16 07:57 PM
Link @Kizurue ?
nvm Im gay and dumb
found it
Kizurue 19-May-16 08:25 PM
Sorry was on my phone so didn't get the notification when you sent that
Taylor Swift 19-May-16 08:36 PM
IT wasnt hard
Literally the most popular new mod
Kizurue 19-May-16 09:23 PM
Having issues with my new game. Can't see my Pipboy or exit my power armor.
Taylor Swift 19-May-16 09:48 PM
Kizurue 19-May-16 10:33 PM
Yeah it was my mod to speed up the animations for getting in and out of the armor
Taylor Swift 19-May-16 10:36 PM
Really? Ive got that and I havent gotten an error
Space Ghost 22-May-16 02:00 PM
I like that I have the option to kill every single faction in far harbor
which I did.
Peaches 22-May-16 03:30 PM
so I am not sure if its a mod or what, but while I was building a new settlement earlier my screen would occasionaly go black and come back on?
checked gpu temps, and it's not doing out of game just in game so I dunno
going to look up a fix because it;s really distracting
Space Ghost 22-May-16 03:44 PM
My contruction tab isn't working for my settlements on one safe so I can't build houses and shit. however I can put shit down like decorations and shit.
On one of my saves atleast
I haven't figured out what is causing it yet.
Peaches 22-May-16 03:53 PM
Taylor Swift 22-May-16 10:18 PM
Space Ghost 22-May-16 10:31 PM
There is also a no smoking filter as well
Peaches 22-May-16 10:57 PM
Fuck that damn hell gay shit
That's a really strange mod. I don't even remember many swear words in the game other than damn or hell
Taylor Swift 22-May-16 10:59 PM
I mean
Neat but
You can literally blow people to pieces in the game so
Kizurue 23-May-16 07:54 AM
I still think my favorite part of this game is when you find the different groups of raiders going on about the guy running around making motorcycle noises.
Taylor Swift 23-May-16 07:37 PM
Peaches 23-May-16 07:39 PM
I just want one that makes the dog not whine
I already got the one that takes away negative affinity though which is amazing
also using the fallout wasteland preset for enb which looks great
Bible Ian Black 23-May-16 08:34 PM
seriously that's why i never bring dogmeat with me
he always gets hurt and he always struggles to get up like he's drying and my can't take that
Deleted User 23-May-16 08:38 PM
i watched 2 dogs die today, tagged and bagged
my heart is cold
Hazlen 23-May-16 08:39 PM
i lust for nuclear war
Deleted User 23-May-16 08:41 PM
when i went to the titan missile museum in tuscon they take you down into an old cold war silo
"so what happens after the missiles fly"
"you wait for further orders"
"...how long does that take?"
"...how much air is even down here?"
"oh about 2 weeks worth"
"what if the outside is irradiated, unbreathable, or you're buried?"
"hope someone shows up within 14 days. theres an armory if you need a way out"
Kizurue 23-May-16 10:03 PM
There used to be a mod that made your companions (looking at you dogmeat) not set off traps or be detected so if you were a sneaky bastard it didn't matter. Sadly hasn't been updated for any DLC or 1.5
Taylor Swift 26-May-16 06:21 PM
Taylor Swift 27-May-16 04:16 PM
fallout4 の情報やMODレビュー
too long not a gook: Dudes working on his own NukaWorld mod
Taylor Swift 27-May-16 08:12 PM
Deleted User 27-May-16 11:21 PM
So, many of you probably remember the clusterfuck that was Fallout 4. Apparently there's also going to be mods for the consoles for Fallout 4. Except that the geck, which allows you to make mods, will only work on the PC at the moment, though I believe theres a closed beta Xbox Creation kit or something? This has lead to a shitstorm on Bethesda.net and a lot of anger between PC/Console players as console players swarm every pc mod page asking for it to be made to Xbox1/PS4 and oftentimes getting angry and i...
Space Ghost 27-May-16 11:38 PM
lol console players
Deleted User 27-May-16 11:38 PM
theyre super pissy
Bible Ian Black 28-May-16 08:11 AM
anyone who chooses to buy a Bethesda RPG on console when they have a PC is asking to be owned
Taylor Swift 28-May-16 10:10 AM
Peaches 28-May-16 10:32 AM
Man if they made that to be able to transfer your camera to a down angle view and use that to scout that would be amazing
Taylor Swift 28-May-16 11:33 AM
Well Far Harbor is back to how it should be
The Nucleus is a smoldering hole in the ground, the stolen property at Acadia has been returned, and Far Harbor is safe again
Space Ghost 28-May-16 02:26 PM
You fucked up. You need to kill everyone in far harbor as well.
Bible Ian Black 28-May-16 03:53 PM
does FO4 actually have killable npcs where it can account for their absence like NV
or is everyone immortal
i never played long enough to tell
Taylor Swift 28-May-16 04:04 PM
There comes a point where you can kill most important NPCs
Taylor Swift 28-May-16 10:15 PM
Taylor Swift 29-May-16 04:06 PM
Space Ghost 29-May-16 04:18 PM
Truely a groundbreaking mod
Taylor Swift 29-May-16 05:22 PM
Did you have any thoughts on...THE MURDER
Space Ghost 30-May-16 12:59 AM
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Space Ghost 30-May-16 11:05 AM
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 30-May-16 11:06 AM
Space Ghost 30-May-16 11:01 PM
I saw that earlier today
shipwreck isle is really well done. even if it's small
Space Ghost 31-May-16 01:06 AM
Taylor Swift 31-May-16 08:09 PM
por que
What the shit
How have I never seen this?
Space Ghost 31-May-16 08:11 PM
A new quest
Taylor Swift 31-May-16 08:20 PM
The mod yall all need
You are Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, and hero to the people. You are just chilling in your one hundred million dollar compound with one of your nine wives when the Americans dropped a...
as-salamu alaykum
There's a mod that turns the moon into someones face
I should make a mod that turns the moon into taylors face
Space Ghost 31-May-16 08:31 PM
Taylor Swift 31-May-16 09:17 PM
Mod of the Year
Deleted User 31-May-16 09:18 PM
Taylor Swift 31-May-16 09:18 PM
I made that!
Babbys first mod
Space Ghost 31-May-16 09:18 PM
Oh sweet jesus
Taylor Swift 31-May-16 09:33 PM
Space Ghost 01-Jun-16 12:17 AM
Your stupid mod already got a 1000 views
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 01-Jun-16 12:28 AM
Just gave the people what they wanted
ashy™ 01-Jun-16 04:55 AM
Deleted User 01-Jun-16 07:16 AM
replace the baby head in muscle roller legend with a 3d model of tay's head (edited)
Taylor Swift 01-Jun-16 09:54 AM
Taylor Swift 01-Jun-16 11:31 AM
"Our queen eh? The only Queen I am subject to, reacently turned 90, she also has never made my ears bleed, but hey what sounds good to you is subjective."
Space Ghost 01-Jun-16 11:32 AM
Hazlen 01-Jun-16 11:32 AM
lol if your government is a monarchy
Taylor Swift 01-Jun-16 11:33 AM
Ive got 4 endorsements
Pretty much the hottest mod atm
Space Ghost 01-Jun-16 11:34 AM
... collusion
God Emperor Trump BOT 01-Jun-16 11:34 AM
Hazlen 01-Jun-16 11:34 AM
tay's aryan girl squad pulled through? nice
Ass-Haggis 01-Jun-16 09:23 PM
if you're not using this to spice up your settlement and make them look actually passably lived-in, i don't know what to tell you
threadbare decor and simple furnishings does not an empire make
Taylor Swift 01-Jun-16 09:25 PM
I used that
Its pcool
Space Ghost 01-Jun-16 09:27 PM
Space Ghost 01-Jun-16 11:37 PM
I'm still working on the gun collection
Space Ghost 02-Jun-16 02:08 AM
Space Ghost 02-Jun-16 12:56 PM
Space Ghost 04-Jun-16 01:29 AM
Space Ghost 04-Jun-16 02:24 PM
Space Ghost 04-Jun-16 02:38 PM
Taylor Swift 04-Jun-16 03:16 PM
Taylor Swift 04-Jun-16 03:42 PM
DrDozzy 04-Jun-16 03:43 PM
Space Ghost 04-Jun-16 03:54 PM
~br kill yourself
Taylor Swift 05-Jun-16 06:32 PM
Space Ghost 05-Jun-16 08:05 PM
I've downloaded it but haven't activated it yet
Bible Ian Black 08-Jun-16 03:39 PM
how the fuck did i miss the tribesman named 'Two-Bears-High-Fiving'
Space Ghost 08-Jun-16 09:36 PM
Rigby 08-Jun-16 09:39 PM
Gmach do you play anything other then fallout?
Taylor Swift 08-Jun-16 09:41 PM
IS there anything other than Fallout to play?
Rigby 08-Jun-16 09:42 PM
When you have internet. Yes tay. There is.
Space Ghost 08-Jun-16 09:44 PM
Often I just have it open and I'm afk
Rigby 08-Jun-16 09:44 PM
Space Ghost 09-Jun-16 06:49 PM
Bible Ian Black 10-Jun-16 01:49 PM
This pricing mistake has been fixed, but no word yet on why it happened in the first place.
Space Ghost 10-Jun-16 02:07 PM
Who would be retarded enough to own a xbox?
ashy™ 10-Jun-16 02:45 PM
Taylor Swift 11-Jun-16 11:08 AM
Space Ghost 11-Jun-16 11:47 AM
Bible Ian Black 11-Jun-16 01:33 PM
how is it that furries don't realize that they're really bad at modeling
Bible Ian Black 11-Jun-16 08:37 PM
Lancek 12-Jun-16 02:05 PM
Taylor Swift 13-Jun-16 12:30 AM
With all the hours you've spent playing Fallout, haven't you earned a working Pip-Boy Model 3000 Mk IV replica? A faithful reproduction of the in-game item, this Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth® Edition is not a phone case for your arm. It's even better.
Wish I could justify that
People are soo butthurt about the new DLC
Fallout getting a proper VR port is big too
Give a lot of legitimacy to the VR movement
Especially since its coming to Vive
If you own #Skyrim and all its add-ons or own Legendary Edition on Steam, you'll get a free upgrade to Skyrim Special Edition on Oct 28 #BE3
Space Ghost 13-Jun-16 01:28 AM
Nuka world looks fun.
VR would be legitimate fun with fo4
Bible Ian Black 13-Jun-16 07:15 AM
oh goodie
time to remake every goddamn mod
and re-find fixes for every game breaking bug that's just, like, right there that they somehow miss every time
Ozmiander 13-Jun-16 07:27 AM
Beth is having the people who made RIPD and Godmode make the new quake
Bible Ian Black 13-Jun-16 07:59 AM
oh shit are you kidding?
Prude 13-Jun-16 09:12 AM
dunno if this has been posted yet since this is one of my few muted channels but hey!!!!
Ozmiander 13-Jun-16 09:13 AM
tha'ts just a ported skyrim mod bro
Prude 13-Jun-16 09:16 AM
yeah i know
i remember when the macho man dragon mod came out
but it doesnt mean it isnt good
to have it elsewhere
"Fallout 4 is getting DLC packs; in these you can make contraptions like machines that have unique functions such as conveyor belts, etc. They are introducing the new environment of NukaWorld which was included in the games code upon release, but no one ever thought anything would come of it. They are also getting a system where you can build your own vault, it contains a lot of the features of Fallout Shelter, just in the first person with the current workshop system in place." this'll get me to play FO4
hope the summer sale has some solid dealzz
"Dark Brotherhood is also coming to Consoles soon, as well as what they are calling One Tamariel for Elder Scrolls Online; basically takes off level caps from the game in order for more players to be able to interact each other and party with each other. The whole universe will be entirely explorable from the end of the tutorial, which is not how it is currently with areas in the games really starting as levels of sorts - one of the main reasons I stopped playing, but I might get back into it." this also sounds really good
sounds like all of ESO will having just scaling monster levels or something, and party-based level equalization?
Taylor Swift 13-Jun-16 11:06 AM
Dont mute this channel
This is BEST channel
Deleted User 13-Jun-16 08:52 PM
gonna nuke it
cant stop me
Taylor Swift 13-Jun-16 08:59 PM
ashy™ 13-Jun-16 08:59 PM
can't nuke bethesda
it's like tay and g-mach's dark corner where they can dutch rudder
Space Ghost 13-Jun-16 09:09 PM
Nuke this channel and I'll nuke you.
ashy™ 13-Jun-16 09:11 PM
... g-mach
God Emperor Trump BOT 13-Jun-16 09:11 PM
ashy™ 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
... gmach
God Emperor Trump BOT 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
Space Ghost 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
... G-mach
God Emperor Trump BOT 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
Space Ghost 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
... Gmach1488
God Emperor Trump BOT 13-Jun-16 09:12 PM
Space Ghost 13-Jun-16 09:24 PM
Space Ghost 15-Jun-16 11:33 PM
For those who do not know, the Hershey Chocolate Factory opened up an amusement park in 1906 for its employees. Over the years, it has become one...
Bible Ian Black 16-Jun-16 09:21 PM
So Nuka World isn't gonna be the last DLC pack is it?
and if so haha boy am i ever not spending money on that season pass
Taylor Swift 16-Jun-16 10:07 PM
Yeah it is
And its 6 DLCs
You fucking sperglord
uhbluhbluhbluh i didnt get enough vidjas for muh money bluhbluhbluh
Fucking apsies
Bible Ian Black 17-Jun-16 06:54 PM
no i mean none of the dlc looks good
except far harbour
Rejd 18-Jun-16 07:55 AM
Horse Armor was Bethesdas best DLC by far
Taylor Swift 18-Jun-16 11:47 AM
Hazlen 23-Jun-16 12:33 PM
fallout 4 $30
Might pick it up
Ass-Haggis 01-Jul-16 11:00 PM
Kizurue 02-Jul-16 12:59 AM
I've never gotten that far in Fallout to even see the Director's Quarters. I always see something shiney until I get bored of the game again
Bible Ian Black 14-Jul-16 04:29 PM
haha fuck
Apparently Bethesda ripped off a New Vegas mod for a Far Habor Quest in Fallout 4 Gaming Discussion
Taylor Swift 14-Jul-16 04:30 PM
neofag=no click zone
But still
Bible Ian Black 14-Jul-16 04:31 PM
i usually avoid
but i mean
this is pretty damning
Taylor Swift 14-Jul-16 04:31 PM
Damning to like
Bible Ian Black 14-Jul-16 04:31 PM
i mean in the sense that nothing will come of it
Taylor Swift 14-Jul-16 04:31 PM
The most popular game last year
Yeah because who cares
Bible Ian Black 14-Jul-16 04:38 PM
man if Bethesda hired writers they'd be unstoppable
i mean actual writers for games
wave 18-Jul-16 06:18 PM
wow last thursday
ashy™ 18-Jul-16 06:19 PM
wave 18-Jul-16 06:20 PM
dont be a ded larry
ashy™ 18-Jul-16 06:20 PM
i mean gas this channel
Hazlen 18-Jul-16 06:20 PM
ashy™ 18-Jul-16 06:20 PM
I like nugs
abrasive yet tolerable
wave 18-Jul-16 06:20 PM
rust server is ded
ashy™ 18-Jul-16 06:21 PM
taylor killed everyone
wave 18-Jul-16 06:21 PM
ashy™ 19-Jul-16 06:13 AM
Space Ghost 07-Aug-16 05:36 PM
@Taylor Swift
@Taylor Swift
ashy™ 18-Aug-16 08:39 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Aug-16 08:47 PM
Make The Commonwealth Great Again
(By supporting The Institute)
Space Ghost 18-Aug-16 08:50 PM
His hat says Make The Commonwealth Great Again
Taylor Swift 18-Aug-16 08:50 PM
Money from lobbyists
... trumpkek
God Emperor Trump BOT 18-Aug-16 08:50 PM
Space Ghost 18-Aug-16 08:51 PM
The mod got removed from nexus. Nexus mods confirmed cucks
Taylor Swift 18-Aug-16 08:52 PM
Theyre scared of all the traffic theyll get
Yuge mod
Space Ghost 18-Aug-16 08:54 PM
It's on dropbox atleast
and they banned the mod creator as well now apparently
Taylor Swift 18-Aug-16 08:55 PM
Make Nexus Great Again
Ozmiander 18-Aug-16 09:56 PM
haha, Paladin Dunce was a synth?
Taylor Swift 18-Aug-16 10:10 PM
EVERYONE was a synth
Future 18-Aug-16 10:14 PM
How's that bot work
... Mods
Space Ghost 20-Aug-16 10:37 AM
Yo dawg I puta nuk a in your nuke. (edited)
@Deleted User Hubologists are back.
Quantum X-01 is found in the Galactic Zone. In an exhibit about space colonies. There's Bethesda's answer to Enclave in space, boys.
Space Ghost 20-Aug-16 08:05 PM
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 20-Aug-16 08:06 PM
Is that from Nuka World?
Space Ghost 20-Aug-16 08:14 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Aug-16 11:43 AM
Space Ghost 23-Aug-16 09:59 AM
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 01:07 PM
@Space Ghost you hyped?
c0rndog 29-Aug-16 01:15 PM
Jesus Christ man. How many hours you got on FO4?
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 01:28 PM
Me? Only like 300ish
Gmach has close to 700
Oh only 238 for me rip
Ive got like 300-400 in Vegas
Probably the same in Fallout 3
And I think I had 600 hours in Oblivion
Space Ghost 29-Aug-16 01:32 PM
I have tomorrow off.
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 01:32 PM
Because I have every day off
Space Ghost 29-Aug-16 01:33 PM
#notpoorcrew #plusasidebusiness
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 01:33 PM
Does the AK in F4 really have a shovel handle
Way to steal Garrys ideas
Space Ghost 29-Aug-16 06:16 PM
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 06:17 PM
Oh shit
Space Ghost 29-Aug-16 07:12 PM
Its downloading (edited)
ashy™ 29-Aug-16 07:14 PM
... happening
Space Ghost 29-Aug-16 10:24 PM
@Taylor Swift Still downloading on your potato connection?
Taylor Swift 29-Aug-16 10:27 PM
No Its been downloaded for hours
Taylor Swift 30-Aug-16 12:03 PM
I hope reinstalled Windows didnt fuck with my set up
Although I guess now is good a time as any to restart
Since all the DLCs are out
Gobsnek 31-Aug-16 08:52 PM
... bullied
God Emperor Trump BOT 31-Aug-16 08:52 PM
Taylor Swift 31-Aug-16 08:53 PM
God Emperor Trump BOT 31-Aug-16 08:53 PM
New quote added.
Hazlen 31-Aug-16 08:57 PM
Ozmiander 08-Sep-16 06:33 PM
delete this dead channel plz
Space Ghost 08-Sep-16 07:06 PM
Get 3 more probations from SA this month then I will.
Taylor Swift 08-Sep-16 07:06 PM
Hazlen 08-Sep-16 07:56 PM
Get a new red title and I'll do it.
Taylor Swift 08-Sep-16 07:58 PM
Im going to set this channel so only Oz can see it
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 08:46 AM
and I'll just post in it
Set it so it's the only channel he sees.
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 08:48 AM
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 01:29 PM
Says same limitation will also come to upcoming Skyrim Special Edition release.
""Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition," Bethesda told fans on its official blog on Friday. "Like you, we are disappointed by Sony’s decision given the considerable time and effort we have put into this project, and the amount of time our fans have waited for mod support to arrive.""
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 01:30 PM
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 01:30 PM
nice one sony
way to alienate
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 01:36 PM
mods, tear. down. this. chan.
knockout 09-Sep-16 02:18 PM
maybe ill buy this game
Future 09-Sep-16 02:23 PM
Sony being bad I don't even understand
They are in a role this month
I bet Xbox one is real sad right now it doesn't have no mans sky to deal with
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 02:30 PM
No Mans Buy
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 02:30 PM
Grown Mans Cry
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 02:31 PM
So Mans Lied
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 02:31 PM
Pwned Man's Buy
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 03:04 PM
sean murray's lie
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 05:00 PM
Who fucking owns a console in the year of the Lord 2016?
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:00 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:01 PM
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 05:02 PM
All the good games come out on pc anyways. And who gives a fuck about wii u.
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:02 PM
Mario Maker
Thats coming out on 3DS sans level sharing
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 05:02 PM
mario hasn't been rleevant for like 20 years
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:02 PM
wii sports
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:02 PM
Whats the point?
Skyward Sword was good
Debate Me
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:03 PM
God Emperor Trump BOT 09-Sep-16 05:03 PM
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 05:03 PM
how can we
no one else bothered playing it
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 05:03 PM
Play Mario on a emulator.
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:03 PM
You missed a good Zelda
I mean
Its not Link Between World
Which was REALLY good
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 05:04 PM
Zelda is like babies first adventure/rpg game. It's such a boring vanilla series.
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:04 PM
... bait
Space Ghost 09-Sep-16 05:05 PM
And that's someone who had Nintendo systems growing up.
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:05 PM
not wrong
zelda is the milquetoast rpg
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:05 PM
Doesnt make it not fun
Minish Cap was vgood
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 05:06 PM
Alundra was the best Zelda
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 05:07 PM
Darksiders is the best zelda.
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:08 PM
Not wrong
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 05:08 PM
that ending too
that ending is AWESOME
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:08 PM
Wow Id never heard of Alundra
I might have to play this
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 05:09 PM
wow really? it's fucking phenomenal
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:09 PM
wut is that
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 05:10 PM
god i love this ending
when the seventh seal breaks
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:10 PM
I feel like it was a very lowkey game too
When it came out I was big into Xbox 360 piracy
And I just happened to download it
And was like whoah what the fuck this is great
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 05:11 PM
i never figured out 360 piracy, so my 360 was a Geometry Wars 2 machine
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 05:12 PM
had a modded 360
played halo 2 in french before it dropped in the states
was fun having a library on the box not having to use discs
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 05:20 PM
360 piracy was LIT
Unforunatly my old Xbox died and the new ones arent able to be flashed
So rip
So now its just a Madden machine
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 06:52 PM
Dreamcast piracy was peak piracy
i bought a cd-r drive and dreamcast at the same time lol
Taylor Swift 09-Sep-16 06:53 PM
hell yeah
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 06:54 PM
dreamcast still getting releases lol
shit going strong
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 06:54 PM
DC was an AWESOME console
Future 09-Sep-16 07:02 PM
I bought a ps4 to play bloodborne on
I still own one ps4 game
Hazlen 09-Sep-16 07:03 PM
is it bloodbourne
Future 09-Sep-16 07:04 PM
No I don't get the joke
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 07:16 PM
i bought a ps3 for mgs4
then sold it
Deleted User 09-Sep-16 07:48 PM
Dreamcast will always have a special place in my heart for flawless NES/Sega Genesis emulator+rom discs, the easiest piracy ever, and Phantasy Star Online with bros over the internet
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 08:40 PM
man, RE: veronica, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, every 3d fighting game of the era, sonic adventure
so many good games
Future 09-Sep-16 08:43 PM
RE: veronica
I forgot about this game
Ozmiander 09-Sep-16 08:44 PM
ie the best old school re
knockout 10-Sep-16 01:38 PM
you guys forgot about guardian heroes
that was the best dreamcast game
Ozmiander 10-Sep-16 02:41 PM
that's a saturn game bro
knockout 10-Sep-16 03:16 PM
you would be right
my bad
Space Ghost 04-Oct-16 07:36 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Oct-16 03:29 PM
Hazlen 05-Oct-16 03:31 PM
blank image fart
weak wrists big dick 05-Oct-16 06:31 PM
tfw u realize obsidian will never write another fallout game
Taylor Swift 05-Oct-16 06:31 PM
What is Project Louisiana
~b I want to believe
Taylor Swift 05-Oct-16 06:31 PM
But replace the UFO with Todd Howards face
Gobsnek 07-Oct-16 11:24 AM
Why don't you let Todd, tippy toe while he sucks your dick @Taylor Swift ? (edited)
Taylor Swift 07-Oct-16 03:06 PM
tfw you put an hour into Settlement building, fuck something up you cant fix, and have to reload a save before all of it
Hazlen 07-Oct-16 03:06 PM
quicksave shortcuts are your friend
Taylor Swift 07-Oct-16 03:54 PM
I need that mod they had for Skyrim
That did automated saves every so often
Taylor Swift 07-Oct-16 09:33 PM
TFW when you drop 5 stories onto your enemies head in power armor
Future 08-Oct-16 10:23 PM
when are they making fallout 4 goty edition
Taylor Swift 08-Oct-16 10:44 PM
Space Ghost 09-Oct-16 10:55 PM
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-16 01:10 PM
Found the greatest mod of all time
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-16 05:08 PM
These Bioshock inspired Power Armors are LIT
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-16 06:27 PM
You know a gun is good when it takes up half your screen
Space Ghost 10-Oct-16 06:31 PM
See the institute power armor?
Taylor Swift 11-Oct-16 11:59 PM
Might have gone too far
Future 12-Oct-16 02:30 AM
welp real talk
i told myself i would beat fo3 goty before playing fallout 4
i beat fo3 vanilla when it came out
so fucking bored and dont want to install mods to make an 8 year old game run on my computer
cross it off the back log and move on? or man mode and beat it
Taylor Swift 12-Oct-16 11:35 AM
Man up
Future 12-Oct-16 12:47 PM
Damnit tay
I wanted to wait for fo4 goty anyway
Taylor Swift 14-Oct-16 07:34 PM
tfw Spectacle Island for some reason starts giving CTDs
Taylor Swift 14-Oct-16 08:17 PM
So apparently Spectable Island Flattened randomly started causing CTDs
Space Ghost 14-Oct-16 08:44 PM
It is a huge cell for a settlement
Taylor Swift 15-Oct-16 12:22 AM
Peaches 15-Oct-16 01:54 PM
My wife being replaying fall out 4 as well
Maybe I'll do that again when I get back from out trip
Still a lot i haven't done
Taylor Swift 16-Oct-16 04:17 PM
racist af
Taylor Swift 16-Oct-16 09:49 PM
If yall niggas aint fuckin' with Snap n' Build
youre missing out
Space Ghost 16-Oct-16 09:52 PM
It's the best
Space Ghost 25-Oct-16 09:14 PM
A fallout tv series on netflix would be pretty awesome.
Free global trademark search by text or image
87200997 - FALLOUT Status: Live/Pending, New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date. (210) Serial number of the application 87200997 (220) Date of filing of the application 12.10.2016 (270) Language(s) of the application English (540) Mark FALLOUT (550) Indication relating to the nature or kind of mark Service Mark (641) Number(s) and date(s) of other legally related applications (US Registrations) 3829958; 3862677; 4118897 (750) Address for correspondence ANN K. FORD, DLA PIPER LLP (US), 500 EIGHTH STREET, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20004 (731) Name and address of the applicant (Applicant) Bethesda Softworks LLC Limited Liability Company DELAWARE, 1370 Piccard Drive, Rockville MD 20850 (740) Name and address of the representative (Attorney of Record) Ann K. Ford (511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto 41Entertainment services in the nature of an on-going television program set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world (512) National classification and/or list of goods and/or services classified according thereto 100, 101, 107
Taylor Swift 25-Oct-16 09:21 PM
What if they did a show like GoT
In that it focuses on different groups spread out
So youve got NCR, BoS, Enclave storylines going on
Kind of like how Man In The Hightower does it
👌🏿 1
Space Ghost 25-Oct-16 09:25 PM
The perfect mod for you @Taylor Swift
Yeah that would be cool.
Taylor Swift 25-Oct-16 09:25 PM
Clone a bunch of Prestons
Make the Drive in into a Cotton Plantation
Space Ghost 25-Oct-16 09:31 PM
you can roleplay an ancestor of yours
Taylor Swift 25-Oct-16 09:31 PM
Find me a Mint Julip mod
Rejd 26-Oct-16 08:13 AM
c0rndog 02-Nov-16 07:53 PM
Guys, if youre ever in Denver go to Briar Common Brewery. The beer and food there is fucking delicious
Joe 10-Nov-16 10:26 AM
fallout game of thrones fuck yeah
Joe 10-Nov-16 10:11 PM
change this to a GTA channel jfc
no one plays bethesda games anymore
Lancek 05-Jul-17 04:43 PM
rip G-Mach
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:53 PM
@Deleted User
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:53 PM
oh ok
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:54 PM
Lotta white names
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:54 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:54 PM
Guess they couldnt hack it smugpepe
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:54 PM
but yeah idk if you see what isee
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:54 PM
Yeah I get it
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:55 PM
no need to make a full sized dunmer stronghold, at least on the outside
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:56 PM
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:56 PM
so uh how DO i get in that
im gay and retarded
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Not sure, please hold
We might need to :filez: this
YinBot BOT 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Because theres some problems using the Steam version
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
usin gog version
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
English GotY?
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Yeah tahts the one
getin 1
Pinned a message.
Worst case scenario
I have to host the zip
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:02 PM
im using the version that was on the WTT site
is that the right one
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:02 PM
Thats the right one
What Ill PROB do
Is lets decide what we need
Then distribute an AIO package
GotY + mods
I think anyone interested in doing this is tech competent enough to figure it out from there
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:05 PM
how you gonna assume a niggy isnt retarded
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:05 PM
Yall are here so
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:05 PM
am i just dumping the contents of this folder in my morrowwind folder
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:05 PM
Seperate folder
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:06 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:06 PM
Then theres a wizard you run
Then when thats done theres a server browser
Get In Faggs
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:10 PM
un momento
Peaches 17-Apr-18 10:11 PM
What's happening
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:11 PM
BMW Morrowind Server is live
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:11 PM
MP morrowind test
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:11 PM
i think i cant connect cause of my mods
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:11 PM
Fuck around
Just reextract the GotY to a diff folder
And run the wizard off of it
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:12 PM
just plain morrowind, tribunal, bloodmoon?
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:12 PM
He is
I pinned it
Peaches 17-Apr-18 10:13 PM
I don't have morrowind
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:13 PM
Wow Alex this is shockingly not resource intenstive at alls erver side
I guess because its just coordinating locations
Instead of rendering a world?
We're running Linux
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
whats the wizard i run
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
@Peaches give me a minute
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
Ill upload the GOG version for you
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
i dont have the zip anymore ig lol
Peaches 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:14 PM
Yeah Ill reupload it for you jabronis
We also want to get some lite modding going on
Jacks working on a BMWHAUS
Peaches 17-Apr-18 10:15 PM
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:15 PM
mod creeper to have money
because FUCK not having money
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:16 PM
whos creeper
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:16 PM
im not even looting everyhting possible andi have a million gold and thats AFTER i halfassedly train shit to 100 but not everyhting because effort
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:16 PM
Pinned a message.
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:16 PM
caldera, ghorak manor. look for the uh...odd scamp out
he buys things. hes a real bro
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:16 PM
Creeper and Mudcrab
Merchant Bros 4 Life
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
creepers easier to find and not accidentally kill
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
thats the password
for the file
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
so yall dont have to decode it every time
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
Pinned a message.
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
idk if i have that level of skillz
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
what is the creeper
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
Sound part is easy
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:17 PM
i can make his dialuge turbo jewish
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:18 PM
Good first step
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:18 PM
not "the" creeper
just creeper
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:18 PM
Rename him "Alex Largestein"
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:18 PM
go to caldera, find ghorak manor and look around
ytes, its full of orcs
no they wont kill you
yes the place is a fucking trashed party haus
big comfy bed used for storing no end of bullshit, shitty bedrolls on the floor 👌🏻
just orismer things
also @Taylor Swift whats the wizard i run
theres exes here and im scared
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:20 PM
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:20 PM
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:21 PM
it prompts you to run the wizard the first time you run the launcher too
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:22 PM
binding my soul with dark magicks to resurrect my body
kms again
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:29 PM
server down?
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:29 PM
Yeah, adding a password
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:30 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:30 PM
Server password is: fuckbmw
Pinned a message.
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:37 PM
how do i type in chat
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:37 PM
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:37 PM
cause i wanna know!!!
Deleted User 17-Apr-18 10:38 PM
how do i move the chat box so i can choose a sign ree
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:38 PM
Expand your window?
I didnt have a problem
Hori 17-Apr-18 10:38 PM
use a larger window
i got full 1080
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 10:39 PM
Jacks Fursona
smugpepe 1
dong 1
Pinned a message.
Taylor Swift 17-Apr-18 11:11 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 12:01 AM
This is very cool and good btw
4 Bimmers raiding a dunmer ancestral tomb
Hori 18-Apr-18 12:40 AM
i was getting pretty buggy before i logged out
constantly getting stuck where i had to hit esc open the menu and close it to get unstuck
then i got stuck in 3rd person after dying
Coathanger MD 18-Apr-18 03:26 AM
Hard life patroling - Clipped by DrCoathanger
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 03:28 AM
thot brutality
Coathanger MD 18-Apr-18 03:30 AM
Prude 18-Apr-18 04:35 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 10:15 AM
my fursona lookin good
fuck i was drunk ln
that game owns, too bad being a mage is dogshit for the first 10 levels but once you start making custom deathball spells and enchant up a bunch of rad shit its gucci
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 10:18 AM
Custom spells arent 100% working yet
IIRC they dont sync with other people, so they can see them being cast
And they get deleted when you log out
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 10:20 AM
YinBot BOT 18-Apr-18 10:20 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 10:20 AM
haha just spent 100000 gold on this sick murderbolt aaaaand its gone
thiefmode bestmode it seems
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 10:21 AM
Pinned a message.
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 10:28 AM
do custom enchants work at least? if not its gonna be a loooot of stealth archin
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 10:30 AM
Alll I read was custom potions and custom spells dont work
However I dont see why you couldnt say
Mod an item in
TBQH we need just a running bmw.esp
That tweaks random things
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:13 AM
Oh no custom enchants dont work either
negative 1
Yeah this has a ways to go
But its still a lot of fun
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
its ok
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
Im going to look into some of these other servers
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
it's great
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
That are trying to gear more for MMO style
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
gonna work on bmw haus a bit
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
tbqh I thinnk it would be fun
To just load up some real bad mods one day
And fuck around
Take the jank to 11
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:15 AM
shoulda dragged tay to suran
theres a titty bar there
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:16 AM
We can play again tonight and start testing mods
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:16 AM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:16 AM
We just got a real late start last night and I was hella tired
I went to bed before 1AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:16 AM
but if theres a bunch of dudes playing it'll make killing shit even without hyperdeath magick zappy sticks nbd
also i think i remember where i stashed the boots of speed smugpepe
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:17 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:17 AM
they may be gone forever
unless someone finds em
theres always the rust strat where you log with all your shit at the bottom of the ocean (edited)
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:17 AM
A Taylor Classic
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:18 AM
or find some godawful hard to see grotto and dump shit in there so no one else jacks it
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:18 AM
God how hard would it own to get a stable of mods running like Tamriel Rebuilt
Then have a script running that purges cells
+ a mod that adjusts loot drops
So its like ana ctual MMO
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:19 AM
ive never loaded it because i wanna wait for it to be 100% before i fuck with it
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:19 AM
so in 2750AD?
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:19 AM
so never ha ha
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:19 AM
Elder Scrols 17: Sload Royale will be out by then
I wonder if we could change some of the settings of how you spawn in
Could you change new player spawn location?
And inventory?
I mean its Open Source so anythings possible I guess
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:20 AM
balmora isnt bad, you can get anywhere from there
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:21 AM
Yeah but if our goal is something a little more MMO-y
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:21 AM
having No Money kinda sucks esp if everyone's stolen everything of value already and did al lthe quests
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:21 AM
We could setup a beggars plate in the manor
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:21 AM
just have people start in fort moonmoth or w/e like they got kicked out of jail
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:22 AM
I was thinking
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:22 AM
I could chip in some gold for new chars to get equipped
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:22 AM
just put a basket down and drop gold in it
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:22 AM
Making a custom spawn village or something
Lets go all out
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:22 AM
well thats just bmwhaus then
wall off the lava flow, and have semi-buried houses in the walls of the canyon
and underground vaults n shit
topside is mostly open and town squarish
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:24 AM
At the lowest level of the darkest dungeon you stumble across a dwarven portal, you've never seen this before! Hovering over the door you see where it leads. "Taylor Swifts Fetish Chamber". "Ashen faced and slack jawed our brave adventurer returns to the stairs to leave this place, for good.
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
its surrounded with bones and philadelphia experimented corprus beasts embedded in the ground
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
And of course
The town MUST have a graveyard
With headstones that have flavortext
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
tomb or graveyard
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
Need a tombstone for bmw
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:25 AM
"Here lies Snazzle. He certainly didnt starve to death."
stare 1
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:26 AM
BMW Ancestral Tomb
a pile of trash in the corner and its labelled joe
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Or uh
The last dwarf guy
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Have his corpse labelled SNazzle
TrapBot BOT 18-Apr-18 11:26 AM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:27 AM
Wow dont link Snazzle selfies!
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:27 AM
mod it where everyone looks like that
buncha fat guys on hoverrounds with katanas
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:27 AM
The Goon Cave Dungeon
End boss is Arlowe
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
katanas everywhere
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
Thats doable
Super doable
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
thousands of them
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
Thats not even that hard
Copy paste an existing cave dungeon
Add NPCs
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
add katana racks
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:28 AM
Town name: Ashen Detroit
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:29 AM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:29 AM
idk, something dunmer themed
Ash or souls
Or whatever
Alt: like I said, make a canton
Maybe not attached to Vivec but somewhere
That way its all self contained
Wont interfere with anything on land
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:30 AM
just copy molag mar then and drop it off the coast or out in the ash wastes
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:30 AM
Yeah, something like that
Somewhere out like here
Where the hand is
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:33 AM
what about in lake amaya
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:35 AM
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:35 AM
Das Dreadfort
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:36 AM
thats doable too
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:39 AM
Server crashed
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:40 AM
Yeah I kept getting disconnected today
Maybe setup a once a day restart or something
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:40 AM
This is what Im aiming for
Script configuration To configure the default scripts that come with tes3mp, open up mp-stuff\scripts\config.lua Here you can set many different options, including: * Whether the console is enabled or disabled by default for new players * The default difficulty on the server * The cell and position that players spawn in upon registering * Where players should respawn * The penalty for dying * The speed at which time passes More options will be added as time goes by.
Oh Good thats all changeable
Answered my own question!
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:48 AM
>enable console
worst fucking idea lmao
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:48 AM
YinBot BOT 18-Apr-18 11:48 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:48 AM
player->setspeed 2500
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:48 AM
Yeah thats not happening
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
player->setstrength 100000
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
player->setlongblade 100
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the predecessor to Oblivion and Skyrim, is arguably the deepest and most immersive game in the Elder Scrolls series. For 15 years, it could not be played in multiplayer in any kind of decent way. Now, however, wi...
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
fuck god mode
player-sethealth 100000000
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:49 AM
Is there a mod to re-roll char
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
just make a new one
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
You can make as many characters as you like
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
I'll keep my dumb gay class until we reset i guess
it's not useless atleast
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:50 AM
haz1en, ha2len, hazl3n, h4zlen, ha5len (edited)
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:51 AM
I want to find a mod that adds an arpg like loot system
To give people a reason to go out into the world o their own
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:51 AM
raid a tomb...?
doesnt loot reset
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:51 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:51 AM
well theres no shortage of loot out there
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:51 AM
Id have to set up a server script to purge the cells folder
Yeah but theres not a lot of diversity
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
That would destroy our manor tho
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
And diversity is our strength
We could add exceptions to the purge, no?
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
also @Deleted User the ingrediant crate was empty when I went to offload this morning thonking
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
Say purge everything except x, y, z
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
i dont think i had anything on me
are the alchemy supplies there at least
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:52 AM
Might be related to the connection issues I was having with it
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:53 AM
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:53 AM
Yeah the shit on the ground is still there
Everything else was there
Just that first crate we use was empty
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:53 AM
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:53 AM
I dumped my shit anyways we'll see if it disappears negative
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:55 AM
Some asshole might have Taken All it
Can I look at people inventories?
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:55 AM
I'm gonna guess yes
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:56 AM
I can yes
Nice password btw
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:57 AM
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 11:58 AM
well im in the manor now, theres stuff in it but i dont think thats all of it
@Hazlen voice nibba
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 12:04 PM
I’ll be home in 30 to fuck around
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 01:46 PM
>boosting in Morrowind >2018 (edited)
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 02:01 PM
Jacks the worst thief ever - Clipped by TaylorSWifTT
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 02:11 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Apr-18 02:32 PM
So after reading back we should ditch my mage I take it
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 02:33 PM
Yeah if you were looking forward to custom spells
Coathanger MD 18-Apr-18 02:35 PM
Oh well off to a life of trapping and murdee
Future 18-Apr-18 03:36 PM
Bethesda water dirty
Bethesda water dirty
Bethesda water dirty
Bethesda water dirty
Bethesda water dirty
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 03:49 PM
fuck up if true
TrapBot BOT 18-Apr-18 03:49 PM
Future 18-Apr-18 03:52 PM
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 03:55 PM
We finally ended the fucking assassin threat
You can sleep safely now without worrying about waking up with a poisoned knife in your ass.
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 04:06 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Apr-18 04:29 PM
Bout time
Mr rest in front of a mine and get jack killed
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 04:30 PM
we all died at least twice with the stupid assassins quest
muh skills negative
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 04:30 PM
I can turn down the death penalty
Peaches 18-Apr-18 04:31 PM
For me anyway
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 04:39 PM
Im going to start adjusting some stuff tonight
Needless to say, server will be down
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 05:57 PM
Ok so the server will now be using all the Official plugins
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 06:44 PM
Guys lets play skyrim
The Skyrim: Home of the Nords Team are bringing the province of Skyrim to the world of TESIII: Morrowind. It represents the work of many talented modders.
Future 18-Apr-18 07:13 PM
Bethesda water dirty
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Yeah Im getting all the New Lands mods we can
Future 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Add player housing tbh
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Already did
Stole a dead guys house
Future 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Future 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
God damn owns
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
And Jack is working on a BMWHAUS mod
Hori 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
+ little spawn area
Hori 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
I stole that house
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 07:14 PM
God a megasperg BMWHAUS with like
An armory and display shit
Is going to OWN BONES
Future 18-Apr-18 07:17 PM
Same I need to get on this
So fucking busy
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 07:38 PM
tfw you get a vague as fuck quest from some arch-mage nerd to find out what happened to the dwarves and you end up spending the next 30 minutes reading through the bimmer library on dwarven topics
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 07:47 PM
oh lol
thats a REAL doozy of a quest
you'll need several books, all of which I know where to find
and ofc you lay it all out, exactly what happened and why (well, 90% sure anyway) and his response is priceless
requires going into some REAL sketchy places
you can sneak in with a lot of invis pots but man just getting there is a bitch
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 08:42 PM
@Taylor Swift how do i add the plugins to mp
edit the pluginlist.json?
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 08:44 PM
No, they should be selectable in your openmw launcher
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 08:53 PM
ok got it
load order matters too
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 08:54 PM
Yeah, sorry forgot to mention that
Ill get on in a bit if my internet stops randomly cutting out
Deleted User 18-Apr-18 09:02 PM
no the world reset reeeeeeeeeee
everythings back to how it was aaa
i mean, quests are done but all items and stuff we had are lost/back where we found em ree
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 09:07 PM
Thats interesting
Thats weird
Cells dont seemed to have reset
Yeah huh
Im looking at the json for Hlaalo manor and everythings still there?
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 09:10 PM
false alert
it's there
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 09:10 PM
Ok good
Hori 18-Apr-18 11:15 PM
how do i install book rotate
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:22 PM
Dont bother
We are about to remove it
Hori 18-Apr-18 11:27 PM
how soon is about
i figured it out so
Hazlen 18-Apr-18 11:27 PM
its up now without the book rotate mod
Hori 18-Apr-18 11:27 PM
Rejd 18-Apr-18 11:36 PM
Hori 18-Apr-18 11:37 PM
you can drag them here
to reorder
Taylor Swift 18-Apr-18 11:39 PM
Gotta make sure theyre checked
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 12:14 AM
Hori 19-Apr-18 12:24 AM
Max players 1024
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 12:24 AM
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 12:35 AM
Took us 5 guys and 10 minutes
but we killed Umbra at level 1-2
YinBot BOT 19-Apr-18 12:35 AM
Rejd 19-Apr-18 09:42 AM
What was that trader dude called
Who buys at full price
Got it, Creeper
Hazlen 19-Apr-18 10:53 AM
Yeah Creeper, in Caldera.
He buys weapons and armor at full price
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 11:00 AM
need to add my creeper mod where he buys everything and has 1000000 gold
5k aint enough esp in multiplayer
Lancek 19-Apr-18 12:09 PM
I don't have the puzzle box any more for that quest we were on so I can't turn it in 😕
negative 1
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 12:17 PM
stop losing quest items reeeeeee
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 12:31 PM
YinBot BOT 19-Apr-18 12:31 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 12:32 PM
>tfw all your buds are playing morrowind but you’re stuck at work
TrapBot BOT 19-Apr-18 12:32 PM
Rejd 19-Apr-18 01:16 PM
Rejd 19-Apr-18 01:27 PM
👌 1
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 02:20 PM
YinBot BOT 19-Apr-18 02:20 PM
Hazlen 19-Apr-18 02:23 PM
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 02:46 PM
Hazlen 19-Apr-18 02:57 PM
@Deleted User server revived itself
Rejd 19-Apr-18 03:58 PM
Apparently you can summon unlimited skeletons
They don't always disappear when you summon the next one
Yes, our house now has more skeletons than all the tombs on this island combined, why you asking?
Rejd 19-Apr-18 04:19 PM
Lancek 19-Apr-18 04:23 PM
I guess you could say we've got a lot of skeletons in our closet
Peaches 19-Apr-18 04:38 PM
We have a lot of people in the closet period.
Coathanger MD 19-Apr-18 04:38 PM
I'm gay?
Peaches 19-Apr-18 04:39 PM
You want to touch deez
Rejd 19-Apr-18 04:40 PM
Also apparently whenever Hazlen entered the house the skeletons would reanimate
Peaches 19-Apr-18 04:40 PM
Alternatively you showed a discord almost entirely populated by men. deez sooo
You gay bro
All homo
Rejd that's amazing
Boner Manor
Coathanger MD 19-Apr-18 04:44 PM
Yeah but I'm not prude
Hazlen 19-Apr-18 05:36 PM
so many books lol
Coathanger MD 19-Apr-18 06:16 PM
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 07:34 PM
no book rotate aaaAAAA
we gotta find a way to get it working holy shit
its killin me
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 07:39 PM
Yeah but get this
Morrowind mainland, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim soon
Hazlen 19-Apr-18 08:18 PM
"I can one shot you Tay" "You won't, no balls."
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 08:29 PM
Pinned a message.
Taylor Swift 19-Apr-18 10:34 PM
BMW Sixth House Collection
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 10:37 PM
@AlexanderDeLarge do you know why the book rotate mod doesnt work in MP
Deleted User 19-Apr-18 11:48 PM
much obliged
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 03:42 AM
id like to see them but if theyre super secret i get it
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 04:58 AM
my char is bugged i think
1/1 HP, 0/0 fatigue
Rejd 20-Apr-18 06:30 AM
I hid a nice little suprise
Let's just hope they don't go berserk!
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:36 AM
looks like some quake 1 model on the left there
Rejd 20-Apr-18 06:41 AM
They also reflect spells
Which kinda sucks with that spear I have!
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:47 AM
i always have an unenchanted weapon of choice on me
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 10:10 AM
@Rejd that manor is uh
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 10:27 AM
@Hazlen go into the Json for the manor and just remove any summons
Rejd 20-Apr-18 10:51 AM
I mean
You can enter it
The game just lags the fuck out when they all aggro you
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 03:24 PM
Say what yall will about the direction ES has gone in
But the theme is still a banger
.yt morrowind elder scrolls theme
TrapBot BOT 20-Apr-18 03:24 PM
Ringtone version now ready for DOWNLOAD: http://adf.ly/JQVYi Thumbs up for the 10 Hours version :D I accualy never played Morrowind , but i know its an aweso...
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 03:24 PM
Just like the intro to Oblivion
Maybe yall didnt like the game but damn was that intro LIT
TrapBot BOT 20-Apr-18 03:25 PM
Coathanger MD 20-Apr-18 03:25 PM
Give me that ugly ass slav
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 03:26 PM
.yt nerevar reprise
TrapBot BOT 20-Apr-18 03:26 PM
Music from the video game The Elder Scrolls - Morrowind from 2002, by Bethesda Softworks Music by Jeremy Soule ----------------------------------------------...
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 03:26 PM
better version
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 03:26 PM
.yt Oblivion intro
TrapBot BOT 20-Apr-18 03:26 PM
Getting ready for Skyrim? Get a blast of nostalgia from the intro cinematic to Bethesda's last Elder Scroll game, Oblivion. Oh the hours we've poured into th...
Future 20-Apr-18 03:51 PM
Turn into amazing cheese ?
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 03:52 PM
Im very excited for the future of OpenMW
Theres a lot that could be, especially with TES3MP
Turning the game eventually into something akin to an MMO would be amazing
Especially when it gets to the point where people add stuff to it
I mean with what Alex was saying, the end game of OpenMW is to create a way that people can use it to create their own games
Or in this case, own MMOs
And like with Umbra the other night
The idea of like group dungeons is very viable
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 04:02 PM
firemoth is meant as a quest to have you rock up with 4-5 npcs
idk how laggy it'd be to try with PCs
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 04:38 PM
We've got the new modpack working
Balmora Expanded is a little fuck
@Deleted User Heres your new library
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 04:53 PM
@Taylor Swift this is terrible
fix the load order
lots of broken models or textures or someshit (edited)
or just get rid of these mods
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:02 PM
In TR?
Or balmora?
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 05:03 PM
you would know if you actually tried these mods before dumping them onto the server
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:03 PM
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 05:03 PM
and then disappearing from voice ree
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:03 PM
How about lets work on fixing it instead of being snippy
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:12 PM
Balmora Expansion ~ The combinantion of over 40 different mods to make a bigger, better Balmora!
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 05:27 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:28 PM
Yeah + Skyrim and Cyrodiil
Rejd 20-Apr-18 05:28 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:28 PM
And Balmora Expansion
Im going to make a comphrensive guide tonight
Then tomorrow for Game Night people wont have too many problems
Allah Willing
Rejd 20-Apr-18 05:28 PM
Run the wizard after changing the morrowind.ini
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 05:53 PM
oh no how terrible
i kinda like it
super high res remasters are shit (edited)
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 05:54 PM
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:06 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 06:07 PM
>tfw spent 40k on training
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 06:07 PM
only 40?
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 06:07 PM
Yeah just to get a few skills to 50
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 06:17 PM
.yt dagothwave
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:17 PM
pro comment on that vid
1 month ago Her: I'm sure he's thinking about other girls. Me: 919 REPLY
smugpepe 1
What a fool you are. I'm a meme! How can you kill a meme? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No recall or intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your downvotes. It is not too late for my mercy.
rolleyes 1
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:22 PM
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 06:48 PM
they dug too greedily, and too deep
in a manner of speaking
Coathanger MD 20-Apr-18 07:20 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 07:40 PM
Step 1: Download http://wrongthinktank.com/files/BMWind%20-%20Sperg%20Edition.rar & https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp/releases/tag/tes3mp-0.6.2 Step 2: Extract and install OpenMW using openmw-wizard.exe Step 3: Set your loader order to this: https://i.imgur.com/azbCw8k.png (ignore the two Tribunals and Bloodmoons) Step 4: Launch tes3mp-browser.exe and find "Bimmerwind" Step 5: Connect with the password "fuckbmw" and follow the instructions Step 6: Enjoy Elder Scrolls III: Jankwind
openmw-tes3mp - Multiplayer for The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind based on OpenMW
Pinned a message.
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 08:15 PM
@AlexanderDeLarge Is there any technical limitations in the engine to say
Having much higher res textures
And better meshes?
Man uh
Theres A LOT of potnetial here what the fuck
Why is this so lowkey
Oh yeah
That looks on par with Oblivion
Id like to add some graphical mods too
We MIGHT want to gather some up and put them into one mod
Instread of having 40 people have to download
Whats the community stance on mods these days? Id assume its hard to give credit since most modders have been AWOL for a decade
Hell that Asgard house mod we use?
The mod author has been dead for like 13 years
I made that quick and messy pinned posts
But Im going to make a dedicated page for all this soon
wrongthinktank.com/bimmerwind or something
Make it easier
God Im just so hard for TR continuing and having all of Tamriel playable
With like player hubs in each province
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 08:34 PM
idea for bookshelves, you know how mannequins allow you to place items/armor on them
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 08:35 PM
Doesnt Skryim do that?
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 08:35 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 08:37 PM
Ill look for a mod
I was talking to Alex and them earlier, Jack
About some of the plans we have
Really want us to get into looking into modding
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 08:45 PM
Early work in progress - high resolution texture replacer for Better Clothes and More Better Clothes Vol. 1
Whatever face mod that is too is lit
Yeah thats the problem isnt it
Whats the success rate on WiP mods
I just mean general mods
Always seems like I see some hot new mod that will suck your dick and cure aids
On version .00001 PRE ALPHA WIP
Yeah I think Ill shy away from graphical improvement mods more or less
Id like to add more content
Looking for a good Vivec Expanded mod I played way back
I think a good practice going forward to maybe do monthly "wipes" where we re-release a mod pack
So people are redownloading shit every few days
And gives me time to test and make sure Hazlen pubbies dont ree at me (edited)
Im just hosting it on the site
If we go more public Ill stop bundling the actual game with it tho
Because thats illegal
And this is a Christian Discord where we obey the law
I couldnt get the Steam version to work
Weve been recommending the GOG version
BEcause it comes with the official plugins
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 09:24 PM
Can you run multiple servers from the same machine?
Hazlen 20-Apr-18 10:07 PM
wow this new content has a tay shrine
Deleted User 20-Apr-18 10:08 PM
Taylor Swift 20-Apr-18 10:14 PM
Peaches 20-Apr-18 10:39 PM
Sorry guys I bounced for a bit
I'll probably be back later
Rejd 21-Apr-18 01:16 AM
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 01:23 AM
it is a terrifying new land.
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 06:38 AM
load up TR assets into single player so i can have book rotate + new content + distant land with all that extra cool shit
45 mins later still unpacking and patching
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 08:06 AM
so close
book rotate works with the TR, now just for the distant land 🔫
also the help file for the graphics extender is a .chm file allears
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:43 AM
Yall SERIOUSLY gotta stop killing other players
Also, server is now called "Bimmerwind" and has a 30 player cap
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 11:09 AM
bimmerwind is what I call that foul visual flatulence which comes out of my monitor when I open bmw discord
Peaches 21-Apr-18 11:49 AM
I crashed while beating a skeleton to redeath with my bare hands (edited)
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 12:32 PM
So it looks like dungeons do reset
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:32 PM
I did a cell purge yesterday, remember
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 12:32 PM
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:32 PM
Yeah while you were having issues
Rejd 21-Apr-18 12:32 PM
Got it automated yet?
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:33 PM
No and that reminds me
Need to see how many cells Asgard is
Rejd 21-Apr-18 12:33 PM
Although you'd probably want to go add some more exceptions
Like I've been working on moving creeper over to balmora
Actually that might cause problems with duplicate creepers!
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 12:34 PM
we can delete duplicates
Rejd 21-Apr-18 12:34 PM
Not really
but y'know
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:35 PM
Prob going to mod move Creeper into Asgard
In fact prob fire up CS later on and start on that
Rejd 21-Apr-18 12:36 PM
Creeper sound is p annoying
So you might not want him directly in your base
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:36 PM
He'll be out in the common area
Its a big house
Also maybe I can remove the sound?
So my general plan now is weekly cell resets
And monthly total wipes
Or bi-monthly
And on those total wipes we can maybe push new mods out or BMW mod updates
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 12:41 PM
let's vote on total wipes for now, weekly cell resets is nice.
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:41 PM
Lancek 21-Apr-18 12:42 PM
There's a room in the asgard main hall set away from everything important we can stick him in
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 12:42 PM
Yeah taht little center area
Near the pool is going to be a common spawn area
Or better yet, I could put platforms out on the pool
There's also a hidden area in Asgard that we can add some fun stuff to
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 02:20 PM
akamora, aka dragon glade
omw to necrom, on the eastern coast
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 03:22 PM
Riverstrider eyepop
they make cool noises
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 03:25 PM
The TR stuff is REAL cool
Ass-Haggis 21-Apr-18 06:03 PM
what the fuck
what the fuck?
what the fuckle?
jack help me understand
teach me how this is real
i want to do endless fights with friend assholes and become huge
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:08 PM
Check the pins my guy
Very easy to set up
Very fun
Ass-Haggis 21-Apr-18 06:09 PM
i shall do this thing
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:10 PM
Yeah you will!
Ass-Haggis 21-Apr-18 06:12 PM
i've secretly wished for things like this to be real and possible
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:13 PM
It’s really good and surprisingly not janky
And we’ve got some ideas on how to make it better
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:38 PM
I found the guy that takes your to Cyrodiil
Coathanger MD 21-Apr-18 06:40 PM
It really is stable and good
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:46 PM
Unlike most Bimmers
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 06:49 PM
working on the library still but its getting there. bring all books you find or steal back even if its a dupe, dont want to miss any
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 06:57 PM
Im moving shit over
Although I gotta leave for like a while
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 07:23 PM
anything bookwise in the manor is a dupe
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 07:23 PM
Think y’all can move everything over in time for after the movie?
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 07:45 PM
no rush, its not going anywhere
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 08:02 PM
Yeah but it would be nice to have it in a bigger room so we arent trying to shove a bunch of extra Bimmers in a small room
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 08:03 PM
i don't follow
i mean its a few trips, just scoop it up and dump
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 08:03 PM
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 08:25 PM
i can move during the movie too
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 09:37 PM
@here who's ginjirou
Bear in the Woods 21-Apr-18 09:37 PM
not me
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:37 PM
chat doesn't work in char creation
or it isn't, I guess I should say
Deleted User 21-Apr-18 09:38 PM
oh ok
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:39 PM
What is this I am hearing
About Morrowind MP
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:39 PM
Its a thing
A very very cool thing
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:40 PM
I thought it was buggy as hell
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:40 PM
Theres some hitches with script heavy quests
But outside that its really really good and stable
And modable
TrapBot BOT 21-Apr-18 09:40 PM
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:40 PM
Check the pins niggy
Its pretty easy to set up
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:41 PM
i ahve never played morrowind befor
Prude 21-Apr-18 09:41 PM
s-same so maybe i'll download this stuff eventually!!!!
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:42 PM
I assume I need a copy of morrowind
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:42 PM
I mean you can download it
from the link in the pin
it really is easy, I can't even install skyrim and I'm connected
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:43 PM
oh, so you linked to a pirate coipy eh
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:44 PM
undocumented copy
Hori 21-Apr-18 09:45 PM
is a gog download really pirating tho
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:45 PM
it's the pirating equivalent of going 58 in a 55
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:45 PM
Im assuming youre all going to GOG and paying for it
Also its a 20 year old game
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:46 PM
I've only bought it on CD 3 times, it can't be that good
Prude 21-Apr-18 09:47 PM
(((bethesda))) has by now certainly gotten theirs (edited)
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:47 PM
Morrowind is worth every cent
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:47 PM
absolutely true
also a huge thanks to everyone who put this together and for that little installation guide, this has me way more excited than any TESVI release would
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:48 PM
DL complete in 14 minutes
time to minmax char creation
if I recall
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:52 PM
Its going to be even better in a month or so when we start modding it ourseles
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 09:54 PM
I'm all about the sugar.
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:55 PM
Six minutes.
Are you all playing or what
How does this work
Prude 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
the only thing i've pieced together is that jack is building a library and really wants book rotate mod to work 🤷
Guards 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
we're running a server you can join and make a character on and it's morrowind but multiplayer whoah mp morrowind
also we're running some mods
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
But how do quests work???
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
they work
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
I mean
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
everything is shared rn
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Theyre shared across all players
For now
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:59 PM
Is this just like an SP game with more than one person or what
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:59 PM
Its more co-op than MP
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 09:59 PM
So in other words
I need to bum rush the quests with wabbajack
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 09:59 PM
lmbo sure
Its still got a ways to go but its really playable atm
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 10:00 PM
as long as I can jump everywhere I'm OK
Hazlen 21-Apr-18 10:02 PM
My legs are OK.
Tallgeese 21-Apr-18 10:07 PM
I extract openMW to the MW directory, yes?
Azh I see
Bear in the Woods 21-Apr-18 10:09 PM
I started at Oblivion, would I be lost?
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 10:11 PM
Well maybe
Morrowind didnt hold your hand
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 11:38 PM
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the predecessor to Oblivion and Skyrim, is arguably the deepest and most immersive game in the Elder Scrolls series. For 15 years, it could not be played in multiplayer in any kind of decent way. Now, however, wi...
This servers about to get REAL autistic
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 11:52 PM
@everyone get in nerds this shit is lit
Coathanger MD 21-Apr-18 11:53 PM
and if you can't I'll have the stream up inb about 10m
Taylor Swift 21-Apr-18 11:53 PM
No excuses!
Coathanger MD 21-Apr-18 11:56 PM
Time to Hack the Planet: REZ Infinite
Bear in the Woods 22-Apr-18 12:11 AM
Darling in the 🅱ranxx is on Hulu now so I gotta watch it
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 12:11 AM
Bear in the Woods 22-Apr-18 12:12 AM
Otherwise I'd try out bimmerwind
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 12:13 AM
I mean its not going anywhere
So no hurry
im planning on keeping it up indefinetly and adding to it
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 12:19 AM
Lancek 22-Apr-18 12:19 AM
Tallgeese 22-Apr-18 02:24 AM
Is something up with the server
I cannot seem to get on
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 02:27 AM
it was desycing
im probs gonna call it a night
Pinned a message.
Tallgeese 22-Apr-18 02:29 AM
It just stops at the loading console
Very odd
Is that part just me?
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 02:34 AM
server probably needs a reset
might have to call it a night
wouldnt be the worst idea to play MW single player through the main quest, so you know what to do and where to go
Coathanger MD 22-Apr-18 02:43 AM
W O R L D S T A R https://www.twitch.tv/videos/253171088 W O R L D S T A R
DrCoathanger - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Twitch
https://clips.twitch.tv/BlushingPluckyFalconDoritosChip @Prude you're missing out man Jack was all ready for you
Paging Dr Prude, PhD in Trapology - Clipped by DrCoathanger
Guards 22-Apr-18 07:35 AM
here's a dumb question: how do I play a single-player openMW game with this setup? whenever I start it just opens the tes3mp browser
was gonna play through the main quests a bit but I'm not smart enough
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 09:34 AM
Download openmw and set it up like you did mp
We can suggest some must have mods
Guards 22-Apr-18 09:43 AM
is it possible to just use the ones that the mp server is running just using the installation I have?
or are those mods loaded server side?
Rejd 22-Apr-18 09:43 AM
You've got the mods installed clientside
Guards 22-Apr-18 09:43 AM
I figured, do I just need to install non-mp openMW now?
Rejd 22-Apr-18 09:43 AM
Your character saves are also in my documents/my games/Open MW/
Peaches 22-Apr-18 09:46 AM
i'm pretty sure you just launch the game normally
you will just need to go in the data files part of the launcher and turn on mods
Guards 22-Apr-18 09:48 AM
I tried just launching morrowind but it wasn't openMW, and then I tried just launching the openMW that I downloaded from the pin but that just opens a server browser, so I'm installing OpenMW on it's own now to see if that works when I just point it to the modded Morrowind
Rejd 22-Apr-18 09:49 AM
Honestly cell resets should be daily or even every 6 hours or so
Guards 22-Apr-18 09:50 AM
that worked, I can play singleplayer with all those mods now
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 09:53 AM
Agree Rej
Hazlen or someone really needs to set up a cron job to daily A. purge all non-player owned house cells B. Backup the data folder C. Restart the server
Peaches 22-Apr-18 10:19 AM
I love they included dude falling from the sky
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 10:20 AM
gave coat one of those scrolls last night lol
also sheogorath and his damn forks
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 10:33 AM
gotta do that quest actually
that needs to be a group effort, we can dupe the fork of horripilation and have a squad with it
Rejd 22-Apr-18 10:48 AM
Made a spell that fortifies speed by 100 for a second, gives you 100pt jump for a second, fortifies acrobatics by 100pt for 1s and slowfall for 60 seconds
Works p well!
It's basically my own version of icarus flight thing :v
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 10:52 AM
a shame custom enchanting is busted, a simple 2-3 levitate constant effect on a belt is great for getting around in places, not so much traveling long distance though... that's where jump comes in
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:12 AM
I mean you can use enchantments
They're just not gonna last
Also what about that fork
smugpepe 1
I got that spear of bitter mercy :v
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:13 AM
ahhh you bitch
thats something you squad up for and record
8 guys just stabbing it to death with a magic bbq fork
10 minutes of jumping and swearing
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:14 AM
Or uh
You cast a dot on it and equip the fork
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:15 AM
i know, "deathblow"
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:15 AM
Sheogorath never said you have to damage the giant netch with it
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:15 AM
i wanna see a squad do it "right"
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:15 AM
Just kill it with the fork
Lawyer up
TrapBot BOT 22-Apr-18 11:16 AM
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:16 AM
a fearsome weapon indeed
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:16 AM
It's especially fun because it drains your magicka
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:16 AM
*actual size
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:16 AM
By 200pts. Per second. Constantly.
smugpepe 2
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:20 AM
need dagger of mehrunes dagon too
not the strongest but its attack speed is stare
just stunlock with attack spam
did we get skull crusher
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:28 AM
Also the old morrowind trick for training (using drain skill on self) doesn't work in openmw
Since they use the permament values rather than temporary
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 11:30 AM
cell reset will make it better
since all the loot in the world will reset all you have to do is just steal all the ebony swords and shit all over again get another million gold (edited)
Rejd 22-Apr-18 11:43 AM
Also server's down
🇫 2
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 12:02 PM
Oh Hey I did a thing and restarted the server.
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 12:28 PM
@here if you logged in last night and grabbed rare shit from the armory and don't plan on playing please log back in and drop the shit we've collected. thanks.
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 01:22 PM
Ass-Haggis 22-Apr-18 02:27 PM
Rejd 22-Apr-18 04:17 PM
Oh gdi
Server is down again
And here I was wondering why all the armor dummies are gone etc
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 04:20 PM
server is up but it's probably hung or w/e. restarting it.
back up
Ass-Haggis 22-Apr-18 04:29 PM
i got stuck between a rock and a building again
please extricate me
rocks is dildons
Rejd 22-Apr-18 04:30 PM
Gonna need to get you a levitation ring/amulet
For unstucking
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 04:33 PM
I can't see the server in the list gdi
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 04:46 PM
New vendor for Asgard
Does the same things as Creeper but in a prettier package
Ass-Haggis 22-Apr-18 04:48 PM
now give her a massive fucking warhammer and we're set
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 04:49 PM
>not naming her Beccalia Stubrius
sad! (edited)
what was that rule
"always let jack name shit" smugpepe
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 04:50 PM
.ythey thats pretty good
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 04:50 PM
.yt you're pretty good
You're Pretty Good (Chronological Order) Credit to: Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 5 and all the wonderful people...
TrapBot BOT 22-Apr-18 04:51 PM
Quote added.
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 04:55 PM
So changes so far
1. Added new creeper-like NPC 2. removed acces to Asgard Master Bedroom & Armor. Access will be via ring. 3. Removed a bunch of scenery in Asgard so I can move spawn there
🙏🏻 1
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 04:58 PM
idea: respawning chests in asgard armory of full non unique but servicable kits
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 04:59 PM
Yeah, those will e in the common area
Like just some common netch items
whatever medium equivilent is
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 04:59 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 04:59 PM
+ basic weapons
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 04:59 PM
silver weapons, they arent enchanted but can deal with spirits/daedra/undead
and arent pricey/game breaking
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:00 PM
Oh and
4. Added Hearthstone Ring
🙏🏻 1
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 05:01 PM
need dedicated alchemy area in asgard. if you send me the asgard esp i can fuck with it
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:01 PM
Which more or less works but uh
Might embed you into the ground
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 05:02 PM
some philadelphia experiment shit
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 05:03 PM
did you become one with the scenery
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:03 PM
I did, yes
Let me finish up my projects, then Ill send you the ESP jack
Just remember to load ALL the esps and esms that we use with it
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 05:04 PM
tay make the cave need ring access too
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:04 PM
The cave?
The haunt?
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 05:05 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:05 PM
Whys it need to be off limits?
Ass-Haggis 22-Apr-18 05:19 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:20 PM
Beccalia Stubrius + Light and medium armour chests
Speaking of Prude
I didnt know there was references to him in MW!
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 05:26 PM
what is lord jonibret's last dance
Ass-Haggis 22-Apr-18 05:26 PM
a book
why's it playing the resident evil movie theme
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 05:27 PM
re: cross dressing and tricking people as to what your plumbing is
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 05:27 PM
did any of our mods add new music
I'm hearing songs that aren't in the morrowind ost and it's p dope
Deleted User 22-Apr-18 05:28 PM
tribunal and bloodmoon added music iirc
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 05:33 PM
What’s was xyelz real name
Or what race would believably have a name like xyelz
Xyelz the vain - tool merchant
Sells hammers, probes, etc.
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 05:59 PM
I tried looking for Tribunal or Bloodmoon soundtracks but everything points to the og morrowind one negative
Bear in the Woods 22-Apr-18 06:00 PM
How come y'all never invited Xyelz to the discord?
smugpepe 1
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 06:01 PM
Fun fact
Xyelz was so long ago that discord didn’t even exist yet
Bear in the Woods 22-Apr-18 06:03 PM
after the fact though
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 06:04 PM
If Beccalia Stubrius doesn't have referential dialogue then I'll be slightly disappointed.
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 06:06 PM
She will
As soon as I figure that out
I legit haven’t launched morrowind cs since 2005
Gonna make xyelz a khajit
shepface 1
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 07:09 PM
the mad men
Tallgeese 22-Apr-18 07:35 PM
Sorry i'm not playing, super busy today
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 08:24 PM
rip rejd stuck above the door
YinBot BOT 22-Apr-18 08:24 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 08:27 PM
Hazlen 22-Apr-18 08:33 PM
holy shit lmbo
this will be good getin
Taylor Swift 22-Apr-18 10:05 PM
I can start testing the mods on a local MP server Tuesday
Then hand it off to Jack for whatever he wants
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 10:03 AM
more mods, you sluts
i must become hugest wizards
Hazlen 23-Apr-18 10:20 AM
working on it
Rejd 23-Apr-18 02:10 PM
Added a 6h cell reset btw
dong 1
Deleted User 23-Apr-18 02:15 PM
guest house in balmora also (maybe) for new mans
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 04:29 PM
ah good it's still a thing okay um http://download.fliggerty.com/download--510
dong 1
that's the battlespire i was talkin about
trainwiz's Sotha Sil Expanded is also a hardline one we're gonna want http://download.fliggerty.com/download-68-777
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-18 04:37 PM
Yeah id planned on that
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 04:37 PM
like, dude you don't know but sometime you may even find out about how to know
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-18 04:37 PM
For the May update
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 04:39 PM
http://download.fliggerty.com/download-68-304 here's Rise of House Telvanni, because hell yeah i'm biased
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 04:50 PM
Better version of Telvanni Cephalopod Armor
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 05:00 PM
Compilation mod of my other armored robes mods: adds them to NPC and to some traders
Ass-Haggis 23-Apr-18 05:07 PM
i just enjoy looking pretty
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-18 09:58 PM
Theres a good post-game mod
That removes all the ash wind and stuff
Deleted User 23-Apr-18 10:12 PM
if you beat the game all the blight storms are gone
but the asklands would have ask storms because theyre covered in 3000 years of ash
Hazlen 24-Apr-18 10:48 AM
MIXTAPE (THE FULL THING IT'S NOT JUST ONE TRACK): SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/youngscrolls/sets/nazeem-clouds BANDCAMP (download): https://youngscroll...
Ass-Haggis 25-Apr-18 06:02 PM
i think it's down?
Hazlen 25-Apr-18 06:05 PM
back up
Ass-Haggis 25-Apr-18 06:07 PM
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:42 PM
But yeah.
That's what I was doing that first night I played, hacking the game <.<
I actually wondered if I had crashed the server, but I do not think so
Coathanger MD 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
So water is wet, Tallgeese hacked morrowwind smugpepe
Taylor Swift 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
Dont think it could
Unless you started flying around
And it loaded a bunch of cells
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
But now I'm going to see what happens if I set Sped to 1000
Taylor Swift 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
Coathanger MD 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
Add that jump
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:43 PM
It's a four byte integer
So honestly I can set it to be millions
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:44 PM
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:44 PM
though god knows what will happen if I move with that kind of speed
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
it will crash your client
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
That's what I imagine.
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
3000 is like the max
Coathanger MD 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
>Set speed and jump to 1000 >Character named Icarian Flight
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
beyond that you start warping through things
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
What, set Acrobatics to 1k to incraese jump?
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:45 PM
it gets annoying
every jumo is too the moon
and it takes a long time to land
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:46 PM
Plus I'd die unless I negate fall damage.
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:46 PM
slowfall 1 on self negates damage
just 1 no matter how far you fall
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:47 PM
Good to know.
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:47 PM
you fall at normal speed but tou never take damage
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:47 PM
Mainly want to remove STunted Magicka to see if I can.
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:47 PM
just stock up on magic pots
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:48 PM
Well yeah, I know
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:48 PM
every mage guild has em
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:48 PM
The point is to see if I can give myself any arbitrary state
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:48 PM
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:48 PM
Though I would first have to figure out how states work
Do they have IDs, yadda yadda
Which then makes me wonder how the hell custom states would work
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:49 PM
same as a disease
its another "always on" effect
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:49 PM
So I would just change the Stunted Magicka ID to something I guess.
Wonder what's a cool effect...?
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:50 PM
chameleon 100
nothing attacks you
its p broken an unfun tbh
Tallgeese 25-Apr-18 11:51 PM
well yeah, yuck
Deleted User 25-Apr-18 11:52 PM
fortify X is good
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:01 AM
Eh, I would just edit my innate stats
Though that would have the effect of giving me a lot of Fatigue... (edited)
isn't there a vampire state
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:03 AM
there is but you can't naturally contract it because the scripting for the porphyric hemophilia doesn't work
if you're able to give yourself vampirism then that will do automatic plus bonuses but I'm pretty sure there's three different types of vampirism one for each Clan
Thief Warrior and Mage Clans respectively
berne, quarra, aundae clans ^
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:05 AM
I was curious if I could do something hilarious like give myself vampirism for one purpose, but not for others
Like I know there's vamp exclusive quests
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:06 AM
theres vamp clan and vamp in general quests
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:07 AM
Ah, I see
All they give you is teleportation amulets
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:08 AM
those are custom recall spells on items
so with tweaking, custom recall to ANY cell
so say you have some bumfuk out of the way cave no one ever ever goes to
you want a secret stash to place all your shit
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:09 AM
Right, but I thought such spells do not function in MP right now
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:10 AM
they work but they don't last beyond a server reset or if you quit or crash
I could be wrong
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:11 AM
Ah I see
Well I can PROBABLY do some wacky things
I think my first target will be removing Stunted Magicka
Second target will be infinite charges
Actually, the second thing should be mega simple
...once I get an item with charges.
Speed max is 3k you say...
There we are. 500 speed.
That's... very yakety saxy.
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:24 AM
acrobatics 100, speed 300, strength 200
its Op without being gamebreaking and you wont have a hard time moving around
its still "natural" feeling albeit bullshit fast
basically doomguy with jumping
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:30 AM
Not to find an item with charges...
Ah, this hat will do
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:38 AM
There a hotkey to reset window positions?
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 12:38 AM
you can drag em around
and resize
try clicking the hud icons that correspond with the window
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 12:38 AM
Ah, thank you.
...well shit
And here I thought charges would be stored as integers...
...well hell
Got it.
...oh lord.
welp, can't get infinite charges then
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 01:50 AM
Ass-Haggis 26-Apr-18 09:00 AM
server pls
pls i want to become a morroworb
i want to be the discworld
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:29 AM
morrowind sp keeps crashing in weird ways on my pc
i just wanted a single player run through negative
bimmerwind is back up btw
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:34 AM
Are you using openmw on sp hazman?
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:34 AM
just the gog version (edited)
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:35 AM
Oh well there you go!
Use openmw you goose
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
why does the game not work normally thonking
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
I thought gog would have fixed those problems like they usually do for older games
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
deez nuts (edited)
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:36 AM
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:37 AM
Fake News
Low energy
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:37 AM
ok how do you do sp with openmw
do i need to host a server
cause that's dumb if so
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 10:00 AM
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 10:22 AM
Download the openmw
Not the TES3MP version
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 10:26 AM
huh well that's strange
same name for the software, drastically different version number tho
atleast it's working
Rejd 26-Apr-18 06:02 PM
tes3mp is based on openmw
Changes to openmws codebase doesn't get merged to tes3mp everyday
Infact isn't the last tes3mp release from december 2017
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 06:06 PM
TES3MP is only a two man team tho
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 08:40 PM
Usually takes a dedicated team to work on netplay stuff instead of being part of main project. (edited)
Espeecially for older games.
I personally attribute it to being because the nerds who like these sorts of games tend to be asocial. :V (edited)
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 08:40 PM
Did I link the uh
Tallgeese 26-Apr-18 08:41 PM
See corrections.
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 08:41 PM
I wish they would merge with the OpenMW project tbqh
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:13 PM
having a lot of fun in sp
we should def wipe the journal and go to a per-person quest system in our may update
Ass-Haggis 26-Apr-18 09:18 PM
also, i think i've finally found what i most remembered about balmora expanded
oh my god it's all the edgy goth mods i remember from my awful, terrible youth
at least they got treasures for me to eat
Deleted User 26-Apr-18 09:29 PM
i like the vanilla hlaalu stronghold best
although i always put in a couple extra bookshelves
its cozy but has enough room to stash a ton of shit
Hazlen 26-Apr-18 09:32 PM
I took over the dead dudes manor like we did in our mp game, never really knew it was there before tbh. it's a comfy hideout.
Taylor Swift 26-Apr-18 09:44 PM
We are
May Update is going to be lit
Ill post a changelog next week
After I finish the mod
Ass-Haggis 26-Apr-18 10:22 PM
i hope things are good and neat
Tallgeese 27-Apr-18 12:25 AM
When you say May update, do you mean 0.7?
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 12:25 AM
Maybe, if thats soon
Lancek 27-Apr-18 12:29 AM
0.7 might not be for a while but 0.6.3 is supposed to have a lot of good stuff added in like custom spellcrafting/enchantments and options to have seperated quests and automatic cell resetting without removing any player dropped items
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 12:43 AM
Whenever the next update comes out we will introduce the Bimmer mod
+ probably some things Ass linked
Tallgeese 27-Apr-18 12:52 AM
Custom enchants will be fun.
Lord knows I will try to overwrite effects to produce impossible bullshit. (edited)
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 12:54 AM
Waiting for a TES3MP update for a server is prob the prostrat
That might be our schedule going forward
Tallgeese 27-Apr-18 12:55 AM
So you know, I have no plans to make a sword that casts wombburn or something on strike. That would be mean.
...maybe corprus.
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 12:57 AM
I'm really fucking shit faced right now but is there anything on the hill north of balmora
there's a really tall mountain up there and I don't think balmora expanded or any other mod has anything placed on it
Asgard is way too big and oversized for what it intends to be. I'm thinking that bimmer house might be well-placed on top of the mountain north of balmora
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 01:24 AM
Asgard’s good because we can grow into it
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 07:44 AM
its too big
like, the armory and study are fine but its just this endless hike to get anywhere
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 09:32 AM
I’m changing some of that
Hazlen 27-Apr-18 09:50 AM
As cool as TR is can we nix it for now, once you get out a bit it is sparse of content rn and it fucks up the fast travel network with a bunch of empty cities.
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 09:59 AM
This is a big recommend, hoping that tes3mp and openmw don't break the scripting
Damn useful, fun!
We should test at least
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 10:51 AM
Yeah there’s some better mods that take TRs world space we could try
That have content
Stirk and Skyrim can stay since they’re are their own world space
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 11:18 AM
Wizard's isle, remember that one, with ged the frostbringer
A possible addition
Um also, lichcraft? And the illuminated order
Scriptheavy so I don't have full confidence but I don't see what'd STOP us from giving it a try
Adventuresome journeys are always a valid objective
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 11:53 AM
The roman island is good
@Deleted User Im going to remove the dinning room
So that door will go directly to Balmora
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 11:56 AM
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 11:56 AM
Just have a nice table with a prepped buffet and trays
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 11:56 AM
Ill just uh
Move the door down the main room
And it will just be there
For whatever reason
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 11:58 AM
Cozy lil nooks and crannies like how raven rock's factors manor is
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 12:07 PM
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 12:09 PM
unironically add it
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 12:12 PM
We already got crossbows and magickeries
But if you really super want it then I mean uh
I just kinda try and keep it somewhat tasteful and plausible But then you live your own life so
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 12:15 PM
Nah we aint adding it lmbo
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 12:34 PM
id just roam the island magdumping on cliffracers
TrapBot BOT 27-Apr-18 12:35 PM
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 12:35 PM
wheres the pic of him at the summit of a peak just getting swarmed
TrapBot BOT 27-Apr-18 12:35 PM
eyepop 1
🙏 1
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 12:35 PM
Pinned a message.
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 01:04 PM
Ok, so the door to Asgard in Balmora now goes directly to the main hall
And theres a seperate door for the Asgard dining room
Hazlen 27-Apr-18 01:36 PM
allears 1
TrapBot BOT 27-Apr-18 02:07 PM
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 02:07 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 02:11 PM
Im going to stream working on this mod here in a bit
Deleted User 27-Apr-18 02:11 PM
i'l lwatch
ping when its up
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 02:11 PM
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 07:15 PM
this is Ravenloft as patched for openmw and i am gonna recommend it as a better home than asgard for if you get tired or frustrated of it to try maybe
pictures are featured here http://mw.modhistory.com/download-63-10678
Ass-Haggis 27-Apr-18 09:49 PM
http://max99x.com/morrowind/minor-mods the Max's Glow mod is fully clientside, i tested it and it's far more appealing than gloss bukkake
Personal site of Max Shawabkeh, a programmer from Jordan. Works include Morrowind mods and Chrome extensions.
Taylor Swift 27-Apr-18 11:55 PM
Making the Bimmer mod for TES3MP
Working on the Bimmer mod
Taylor Swift 28-Apr-18 04:46 PM
Restores a lot of content cut from the final game.
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 04:52 PM
looks good
Taylor Swift 28-Apr-18 04:52 PM
My goal is adding more content to the game
While avoiding anything that changes the overall aesthetic
So no graphics mods
Ass-Haggis 28-Apr-18 06:18 PM
that stuff can be added clientside anyways
anyways, snagged the Ring of Surroundings and Goldbrand, they'll be waiting in the armory if anyone cares 😄
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 06:43 PM
@Ass-Haggis go to odirniran and get the steel blade of heaven
3 lbs but its a solid 50pt levitate spell
fuck lugging around potions of rising force or w/e the fuck
Ass-Haggis 28-Apr-18 06:44 PM
i can cast that shit myself yo
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 06:46 PM
no cast time since its an item
and save the magicka for something real
Ass-Haggis 28-Apr-18 06:46 PM
bleh i'll pick it up maybe if im in the region
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 06:47 PM
i always get it during the odirniran quest anyway
Hazlen 28-Apr-18 06:48 PM
if light armor is your thing grab the boots of the acolyte for levitation
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 06:48 PM
idk its just somehting i always hang on to, instant cast, v stronk levitate
tfw khajiit 😸🔫
also the fang of hyankahmamemnt or w/e the fuck
its in mamaea, stronkest base shortblade in the game
with a 40-50 pt shock on strike getin
15-30 stab or some shit
5500 durability
Rejd 28-Apr-18 11:19 PM
I just use some amulet I found at a trader
for levitation
negative 1
Taylor Swift 28-Apr-18 11:35 PM
c0da ^
Hazlen 28-Apr-18 11:35 PM
tfw in singleplayer i can actually make custom spells that do useful shit 👌
mp needs to get on top of that, and enchanting.. and alchemy..
Deleted User 28-Apr-18 11:35 PM
C0DA is a script for a 64-page digital graphic novel authored by the ex-developer Michael Kirkbride, released to the public on February 14, 2014, on its principal website. Before its release...
Pinned a message.
Hello, everyone. While visiting the demons of the Haight last night, I was handed the document that follows. I was drunk, so I cannot describe the courier, but I can verify that it is, indeed...
Pinned a message.
Those who do not fail become the New Men: an individual beyond all AE, unerased and all-being. Jumping beyond the last bridge of all existence is the Last Existence, The Eternal I. I AM. A whole World of You. God. God outside of all else but his own free consciousness, hallucinating for eternity and falling into love: I AM AND I ARE ALL WE. C0DA Digitals have confirmed that a subject in sensory deprivation begins to hallucinate after only twenty minutes. Scale unto this along the magical spectrum and maintenance of time, which is forever, and you begin to see the Lunar God’s failure as Greatest Gift. As above, “This is the love of God.” Why Love? Know Love to avoid the Landfall, my brothers and sisters of the past. The New Man becomes God becomes Amaranth, everlasting hypnogogic. Hallucinations become lucid under His eye and therefore, like all parents of their children, the Amaranth cherishes and adores all that is come from Him. I ARE ALL WE. God is Love. COME TO THE HOUSE OF WE. God is Love. ONE WORLD IN SPIRIT I AM. God is Love.
👌 1
Coathanger MD 29-Apr-18 06:36 AM
The ultimate isolationist ultra-nationalist xenophobic culture and crackpipe smoking adventure of the early 2000s. ----------------------- Send Sseth Shekel...
Prude 29-Apr-18 06:57 AM
lmbo the next video's thumbnail I'm pretty sure is fuckin using Incase art
bluecheck 1
Deleted User 29-Apr-18 07:36 AM
Deleted User 29-Apr-18 07:49 AM
"When Cyrodil sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing skooma. They're bringing the theives guild. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"
Hazlen 29-Apr-18 10:25 AM
Deleted User 29-Apr-18 11:52 AM
2:10 the stalker mod
so good
Ass-Haggis 29-Apr-18 12:08 PM
accurate, valid, confirmed
Coathanger MD 29-Apr-18 01:07 PM
@Prude it is, sseth has some fucking AMAZINGZ videos
Look at his referral code on it too
It fucking works
Ass-Haggis 29-Apr-18 01:35 PM
i'm already using nordvpn but i would deffo grab it if i wasnt
Deleted User 29-Apr-18 03:12 PM
tfw so much wasted potential with TES
The Carrickers hit the deck when the SMIS Longbow exploded, a small warp of the Lords of Misrule clamoring for the creatia they might claim for their own. Daedric servitorslips blinked into view around the Alinor Sunbird’s last moment. A small Oblivion war happened in the space that was not.
tl;dr they go to the moon
Hazlen 29-Apr-18 03:24 PM
.yt limmy's show moon
TrapBot BOT 29-Apr-18 03:24 PM
JOIN ME, for LIMMY'S VINES TOUR, across the UK & Ireland. Starts May 2018 Join me as I introduce a screening of my Vines, followed by an audience Q&A where y...
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 05:01 AM
by popular request, it's now available as an opening movie replacement right here http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44747 have fun 5/11/2017 - 100k vie...
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 10:32 AM
Menu: #10 - 2:03 #9 - 4:00 #8 - 5:31 #7 - 7:31 #6 - 9:28 #5 - 11:20 #4 - 13:22 #3 - 15:23 #2 - 18:08 #1 - 21:00 Honorable Mention #1 - 24:39 Honorable Mentio...
Trolling this for ideas
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 10:35 AM
.yt straight out of canton n'wahs with attitude
TrapBot BOT 30-Apr-18 10:35 AM
Well i thought someone should do it why not me? well because I have never done any singing ever... but no matter here it is. Lyrics: Straight outta Canton cr...
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:03 AM
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 11:07 AM
need a poll
fetcher, n'wah, s'wit, f'lah
which is the worst
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:09 AM
Fetcher is Slave, N'Wah is Foreigner, S'Wit is calling someone an idiot "slow wit". f'lah is uh... idk.
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 11:10 AM
camonna tong guys use it
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:22 AM
s'wit is i think the most commonly offensive one
also yeah if we wanna get into more detailed discussion of modlists and such just say the word
i have some must haves and recommends of course, but it'd be nice if we could like all agree on our preferences and experiences
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:24 AM
oh i murked the camonna tong on my current run
YinBot BOT 30-Apr-18 11:24 AM
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:24 AM
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:25 AM
that one legion dude and agent of the emperor in moonmoth will give you A Special Treasure in exchange for making some 'happy accidents' occur in that one cornerclub
camonna tong suck anyways, they oppose my righteous magocracy of just shitting telvanni towers every goddamn where
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:27 AM
I mean when the imperial legion gives me the green light on state sanctioned violence i rolled with it ok
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:30 AM
he appreciated my sense of discretion in not accruing a bounty for the work, because i value speechcraft and the ability to taunt folk into attacking me first
and then he gave me a book! that was a skill book! that increased my speechcraft! HE KNOWS
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 11:32 AM
i, too, only murder in self defense 😂
When I was a young'n and first playing morrowind I didn't realize taunting was a thing
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:32 AM
it's what a blades agent would do
yeah im watching this video and these expeditions and adventures and the dwemer rebirth project look rad
i'd advocate for em
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 11:44 AM
.yt snorkel the dolphin arillea tradehouse
TrapBot BOT 30-Apr-18 11:44 AM
@Deleted User, Couldn't find a video for that query.
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 11:44 AM
This brief video shows off the changes to Arrille's Tradehouse in Morrowind 2. The old Altmer who ran the tradehouse has since abandoned it, leaving an enter...
all that guys morrowind stuff is 💯
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 11:52 AM
@Ass-Haggis speaking of stuff
I added the Telvanni quest mod
Id appreciate any more good big quest mods
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:53 AM
rise of house telvanni?
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 11:53 AM
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:53 AM
yeah that, and if sotha sil expanded works i'd super grab that
uvirith inside i think is another one
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 11:53 AM
Yeah got it
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:53 AM
and that video you linked? yeah all those dungeons and quests look real good
just, everyone having a real blast of it
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 11:54 AM
theres a 6 th house mod vut i cant remember if it was good
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 11:54 AM
um i think there was a mod called citadels of the sixth house lemme try and remember
more bug fixes ... Some meshes changes. Works with Open Morrowind as of 0.41 This mod affects Dwemer ruins “Odrosal”,” Vemynal” & “Dagoth Ur” in Main Quest timeline, and it is
this makes the end of the main quest a much more challenging experience
Redoes the dungeon of Turenyulal to be more epic.
also this one since darknut redid every one of the citadels except tureynulal
This mod adds a whole new guild to Morrowind, which will have you questing for knowledge and rare artifacts, long lost. You eventually gain the knowledge on how to become a Lich.
i have fond memories of this questline and of my ascension to lichdom
there's also the lichcraft mod if you don't want to deal with a cool and expansive questline
Want to be a Lich? Want a herd of worshipers? Want a expandable lair that can be built anywhere? Done!
it's compatible it says so you can pursue the illuminated order's method and get the superior lichcraft form and mechanics
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 12:10 PM
Mods please give Ass a custom rank called "Grand Lich of BMW"
Or wait, dont
Grand Lich sounds like a Klan position
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 12:10 PM
i'd rather like um
well did i ever share this story, man i don't think i ever did
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 12:11 PM
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 12:11 PM
Myrhan, the Millennial King
one of my absolute favorites and a big inspiration on my idea of a benevolent necromancy-driven society
so rad
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 12:17 PM
i remember that
there was another one where a online DM ran two games over IRC concurrently
one was of a lich king saving the world from corrupt and evil nobility
the other was a band of adventurers destroying an undead menace
they finally merged the chats at the endgame
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 12:19 PM
did the lich monologue to the adventurers about how his actions are just
Deleted User 30-Apr-18 12:20 PM
they didnt know about each other until the end tho
DM is all so uh hey guys dip on in this room for a minute smugpepe
"wtf youre the dark lord? wtf?"
"No idiots the barons and counts had literally enslaved the people, etc"
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 02:18 PM
yeah they called him the archlich and shit
and he's just an old man lying in bed, waiting to die since his dreams have been crushed
and the adventuring party feels awful terrible and start to rebel against the nobility and royalty that sent them to undo his work in the first place, preventing them from regaining their hold on power
he wasn't even a lich, he was just an old man at the end of his life who wanted to use what knowledge he had to help and liberate the people before he passed, that he might actually do some good for the world
the lesson of the story is, destroy all monarchies
and the ending of the words is ALMSIVI
Overhauls Vivec's combat abilities, adding new areas, attacks, and treasure in the process.
smugpepe 1
for when we take on the last of the tribunal
Tallgeese 30-Apr-18 04:46 PM
I wasn't aware you were making me a boss fight...
Oh, wrong game.
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 07:23 PM
Mod's called Emba-5 (Эмба-5) (The Vodka Scrolls would suit it better). It's based on some abandonned Soviet military town in Kazakhstan. This thing exists. T...
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 07:24 PM
Hazlen 30-Apr-18 07:25 PM
just endless amounts of commie block apartments all fully modeled :shepicide:
YinBot BOT 30-Apr-18 07:25 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 07:27 PM
https://mega.co.nz/#!jQUFSDDQ!aMXladiATOW9A5nYpm8t61zY4d927carg5VPIcWDkNU This here’s a Morrowind Russian city mod (and thus entirely in Russian) called Emba-5. The original hosting site is really...
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 09:54 PM
it's been done once before, and it ended in tears and conciliatory handjobs
you have been warned face
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 09:55 PM
You phrase that as a bad thing
Ass-Haggis 30-Apr-18 09:57 PM
you tell me that the image of fargoth in a tracksuit doesn't induce dry heaving and wailing
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-18 09:57 PM
Fully erect
Tallgeese 01-May-18 01:50 PM
those are not mutually exclusive
Ass-Haggis 01-May-18 03:32 PM
Ass-Haggis 01-May-18 05:25 PM
my boy Vaulty featured me on his podcast & we talk about elder scrolls and stuff so watch it if you want it would be pretty cool: https://youtu.be/BaGVhsBG_C...
smugpepe 2
Hazlen 01-May-18 05:37 PM
young scrolls is great
.yt balmora vice
Ass-Haggis 02-May-18 03:35 PM
Taylor Swift 02-May-18 03:41 PM
Waiting on them to push a new TES3MP update
Then we will wipe everything and disable journal sharing
Ass-Haggis 02-May-18 03:44 PM
i hope i can one day live up to dagoth ur fanfiction
Deleted User 02-May-18 03:46 PM
fuckin fargoth'
Hazlen 02-May-18 03:47 PM
Ass-Haggis 02-May-18 08:04 PM
Meanwhile, Yagrum contemplates his life in a cave.
Hazlen 02-May-18 08:06 PM
Deleted User 02-May-18 10:30 PM
Ass-Haggis 02-May-18 10:31 PM
Deleted User 02-May-18 11:27 PM
This brief video shows off the changes to Arrille's Tradehouse in Morrowind 2. The old Altmer who ran the tradehouse has since abandoned it, leaving an enter...
Deleted User 03-May-18 10:19 PM
Deleted User 03-May-18 10:28 PM
>the numidium can straight up ignore things out of existence
and thats without the heart of lorkhan powering it! imagine what dagoth ur's replica of it would be capable of
Ass-Haggis 04-May-18 01:06 AM
it just says 'NO' to your very being as a construct within the aurbis
Deleted User 04-May-18 01:14 AM
this but you dont even have time to really react, you just arent there
if you were ever there at all
Ass-Haggis 04-May-18 07:10 AM
-hot nerevar x dagoth ur action THE LYRICS: Dagoth Ur welcomes you my sweet persistent friend. To this place where destiny(is) made, why have you come unprep...
Deleted User 04-May-18 11:21 AM
@Ass-Haggis you're on your honor. don't press your luck
Hazlen 04-May-18 11:50 AM
Deleted User 04-May-18 12:11 PM
>not two moons in the background
One job
Peaches 04-May-18 12:21 PM
Would you say it's off by one
thonking 1
Hazlen 04-May-18 07:29 PM
Deleted User 04-May-18 07:37 PM
who's making these memes reee
Deleted User 05-May-18 09:52 PM
Hazlen 05-May-18 09:53 PM
Taylor Swift 05-May-18 09:56 PM
Found that article Alex was talking about last week
About Todd Howards son dunking on him
Fucking owned
Ass-Haggis 09-May-18 11:37 PM
no Recall or Intervention, this time
stonk 1
Taylor Swift 14-May-18 11:35 AM
Muh dick
Deleted User 14-May-18 12:03 PM
tfw we got ridable guars in morrowind before ridable horses in rust
smugpepe 1
Hazlen 14-May-18 09:41 PM
Release date?
Ass-Haggis 16-May-18 02:22 PM
we are patient, and i am already in a state of amaranth
wolfs 26-May-18 12:06 AM
Multi-player morrowind?
Taylor Swift 26-May-18 12:06 AM
Taylor Swift 26-May-18 01:48 PM
Thinking about this S-tier Morrowind cosplay again.
YinBot BOT 26-May-18 01:48 PM
TwitPic: 2 / 2
Taylor Swift 26-May-18 01:49 PM
Why does this man look like he's about to tell you to submit to The Three, the spirits and thy Lords.
Deleted User 26-May-18 01:53 PM
Let's not make this official, Outlander. Move along.
Peaches 29-May-18 09:26 AM
That's some great work there damn
Taylor Swift 05-Jun-18 02:00 PM
That’s so weird
I LOVE base building
🔫 2
🇫 3
🇴 3
2⃣ 3
💯 2
ban 2
Lancek 05-Jun-18 04:28 PM
That video is removed now 🤔
Taylor Swift 05-Jun-18 04:44 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Jun-18 11:27 PM
idk personally
Im ready for the Bethesda Redemption Arc
Punished Todd, a man denied his remasters
Ass-Haggis 12-Jun-18 12:55 PM
chim 4
Taylor Swift 21-Jun-18 01:01 PM
Was adding human NPCs to Fallout 4 a bad idea? Totally.This mod fixes this by removing every human NPC from the game, like in Fallout 76 the best Fallout game so far.
smugpepe 2
Prude 21-Jun-18 02:56 PM
I don't get it either
the games they love will still be playable
and it's like 1000% obvious this isn't a mainline game, it's a side job
there will still be a fallout 5 some day in the usual formula
this is for people who want a different gameplay style but the same setting!!!!!
Scuba Steve 21-Jun-18 04:12 PM
RUST, but it's Fallout is a pretty amazing premise
Ass-Haggis 21-Jun-18 05:25 PM
IMPOOPMENTS(masterlayer) bruno mars is monetizing this so its time to ebeg https://www.patreon.com/sorenova i can, i cant. baby beans also i know its not bab...
Peaches 22-Jun-18 10:30 AM
Taylor Swift 22-Jun-18 10:34 AM
I thought Tallgeese hated Fallout 3
Taylor Swift 22-Jun-18 02:52 PM
>60FPS in downtown Boston
Taylor Swift 22-Jun-18 03:56 PM
BustrKc 22-Jun-18 04:10 PM
Wonder if she uses makeup
Taylor Swift 22-Jun-18 04:15 PM
Just a preset to make your character look like Ciri from the witcher 3: wild hunt
Taylor Swift 22-Jun-18 04:23 PM
huge if true!!!!
Taylor Swift 23-Jun-18 12:50 AM
Ive uh
Found a real weird bug
Im invincible and nothing changes my health or rads
Taylor Swift 23-Jun-18 12:03 PM
Figured out what caused it, atleast
Taylor Swift 23-Jun-18 02:22 PM
I figured out how to fix it, but the thing I needed to fix it wont spawn at all for some reason
Taylor Swift 23-Jun-18 03:16 PM
HUGE if true
Taylor Swift 23-Jun-18 07:13 PM
My characters woke af
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:03 PM
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:16 PM
Cant create something that comfy in Fallout Bad aka Fallout 2
@Deleted User
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
its not a creator/base build sim
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
And thats why its bad
hottake 1
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
Hazlen 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
YinBot BOT 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
is there a way to automate scrapping everything in fallout 4
i hit hating r then enter
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
Enviroment or inventory scrap?
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:17 PM
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:18 PM
Maybe? but not if youre using one of the Scrap Everything mods
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:18 PM
i want a nice clean base 😐
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:18 PM
Or else youll delete the entire worldspace lmbo
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:19 PM
i like that these clout goggles are in like a drawer immediately upon entering the world
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:19 PM
The hiddenish subway station in Vault 88 is the PEAK settlement
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:20 PM
if u r not playing fallout as a mole man what are you doing
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 02:21 PM
>Not using Fallout 4 as a Waifu/Animal Crossing sim
wolfs 25-Jun-18 02:21 PM
i am crouch walking my way through the world, stealing everything that's not nailed down
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 06:26 PM
my nigga
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 06:35 PM
Yeah but did Daggerfall have THIS
Taylor Swift 25-Jun-18 06:43 PM
>No Enfield >No waifu
Whats the position on waifus
Coathanger MD 25-Jun-18 06:53 PM
You can use them to barter or as lunch
pengwithgun 2
Hazlen 25-Jun-18 06:54 PM
"iguana bits"
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 06:59 PM
jet lab when
you know what fallout game had good fucking drugs
bruh 1
so many fucking chems it was unreal
it had agood drugs man
Trauma pack TraumaPack None 1 $2000 Immediate: +150 HP +2 Strength +2 Endurance +25 Damage resistance 20 minutes after consumption: -3 Strength -3 Perception -3 Endurance -50 Damage resistance 24 hours after consumption: +1 Strength +3 Perception +1 Endurance +25 Damage resistance
mutie was real good but would fuck you up for 10 days lmao
also the MEC gauss is hands down the most bullshit weapon
well, its a tossup between that and the M2 loaded with .50 depleted uranium
THAT was just "fuck you" the gun/ammo combo
Coathanger MD 25-Jun-18 07:08 PM
Tactics was fun
Barrel in with your squad in the humvee all set to overwatch and just run niggas down
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 07:13 PM
that one level where you get the gauss minigun tho
bring a scrub with you for pointman on the room the bot holding it is in
because the first one in will almost 100% die
unless you can get a real long range vantage with an m2 and pray your burst of .50 DU does the job before he manages to react
also ironmanning the st. louis mission with the mutant base surrounded with the toxic moat where you get the APC negative
>sneaking around the back side with an m249/disposable big gunner and just fucking u pthe mutants from behind getin
Coathanger MD 25-Jun-18 07:22 PM
Legit tactics was a good game
Weak fallout
But good game
Bear in the Woods 25-Jun-18 07:27 PM
Does it run on current day stuff? Just remembered I never played tactics
Deleted User 25-Jun-18 08:20 PM
it's a bit jacky but its decent turn/RT tactic squad shit
kinda like xcom but fallout combat
Coathanger MD 25-Jun-18 08:22 PM
With all the fallout style humor
Taylor Swift 26-Jun-18 08:27 AM
Taylor Swift 26-Jun-18 01:19 PM
Todd Howard: Starfield is "the Biggest Most Epic Science Fiction Thing You Could Possibly Imagine" https://t.co/VIz6qdZrec
.yt look at this dude
Taylor Swift 26-Jun-18 01:21 PM
Starfield CE gonna be LIT fr
Taylor Swift 26-Jun-18 07:49 PM
Yeah but get this
Can you 3D print waifus in Fallout 2
Coathanger MD 26-Jun-18 08:11 PM
That texture transition hurts my soul
Taylor Swift 26-Jun-18 08:11 PM
Its a sope
Like Im at the top of a ramp
And the rest is down in a pit thing
Coathanger MD 26-Jun-18 08:31 PM
Ah that'd do it still the perspective hurtys
Taylor Swift 27-Jun-18 02:44 PM
F4 updated and broke F4SE
Hazlen 27-Jun-18 04:28 PM
chiming 2
Deleted User 27-Jun-18 09:36 PM
Prude 27-Jun-18 10:03 PM
damn she thicc
Taylor Swift 27-Jun-18 10:09 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Jun-18 11:03 PM
THis is wild tbqh
Deleted User 27-Jun-18 11:31 PM
v nice
Taylor Swift 27-Jun-18 11:44 PM
Oh thats cool
Deleted User 28-Jun-18 12:53 PM
put your dick in it
Tinfoil Papercut 01-Jul-18 10:38 PM
That's a lot of words to say "yes, same engine"
Scuba Steve 02-Jul-18 03:50 AM
Engine of Theseus
Peaches 03-Jul-18 10:13 AM
It's crazy how much a difference those things can make
Even something like mine craft with different textures and lighting effects it looks wildly different
Taylor Swift 03-Jul-18 10:32 AM
I’m going to lol if 5 years in the future daggerfall is like on some Skyrim shit
Taylor Swift 03-Jul-18 09:19 PM
yo nigga them some tiddies
Prude 03-Jul-18 09:21 PM
my dagger rose
smugpepe 1
wolfs 05-Jul-18 09:14 PM
is it daggerfall thats mp or morrowind
with modz
Taylor Swift 05-Jul-18 09:14 PM
Taylor Swift 06-Jul-18 02:29 PM
Hello guys! It's time for yet another update. I know that I've said this before, but I can assure you that this is the largest update for Morrowind Rebirth ever! With it comes a ton of stuff including new dungeons to explore, new areas to visit, new...
Taylor Swift 06-Jul-18 08:27 PM
Mod used to break the skill level cap (my acrobatics is around 180). Other than that it's a 1s Fortify Jump 320pt spell and a 1s Levitate spell. Also wearing...
Informative video
YinBot BOT 06-Jul-18 11:51 PM
TwitPic: 2 / 3
TwitPic: 3 / 3
Taylor Swift 13-Jul-18 12:34 AM
The NCR ranger armor is some of the coolest armor in all video games
Peaches 13-Jul-18 10:19 AM
Taylor Swift 13-Jul-18 01:03 PM
I might uh
Make a seperate folder for a fresh install of F4
And try this Horizon mod
Might wait, because the next update sounds LIT
Taylor Swift 13-Jul-18 02:41 PM
>If a man dies by a gun, is its maker blamed? Of course not
What a simpler time 2015 was
vrath 13-Jul-18 05:48 PM
vrath 13-Jul-18 05:59 PM
shit is fire
put that pussy on my plate, eat it with a gucci spoon
Fuck with me and get smoked by my minions
I steer clear of these fucking thots cuz, they dickpicking cockpockets
Taylor Swift 13-Jul-18 06:10 PM
YinBot BOT 13-Jul-18 06:10 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Jul-18 07:13 PM
So guys whos best girl in F4 and why is it Curie
Taylor Swift 17-Jul-18 07:23 PM
BustrKc 18-Jul-18 07:06 PM
>Not naming your wife
Taylor Swift 19-Jul-18 06:46 PM
>tfw youll never go on a BMW group trip to Nuka World
Deleted User 19-Jul-18 07:02 PM
id take ya to six flags/universal studios
and maybe disneyland so you can see how fucking gay it is
knotts berry farm is okay but the new owners are kinda meh tbh
NPC BOT 19-Jul-18 07:03 PM
Buena Park, Calif. Knott’s Berry Farm’s classic wooden roller coaster, GhostRider, makes its long-awaited return on June 11, 2016 following a massive nine mo...
Deleted User 19-Jul-18 07:03 PM
protip, sit next to a fat person because this coaster wil lfuck your shit up
lets just say you're not very secure in your seats and theres no shock absorbtion
Taylor Swift 19-Jul-18 07:38 PM
BMW Disneyworld When
Peaches 20-Jul-18 10:26 AM
I'd go to theme parks but don't expect me to get on a roller coaster (edited)
I'm not even scared of them really I just don't like adrenaline rushes
Deleted User 20-Jul-18 10:31 AM
havent been there in 25 years smith
Coathanger MD 20-Jul-18 10:35 AM
Go see the vegetable fucker
Deleted User 20-Jul-18 10:47 AM
Weather is 💯 for the beach but I'd hit up ventura or orange county, i never go up to LA if i can help it
lots of good restaurants, theres no end of comedy clubs, even just wandering around downtown. hollywood is a pit outside of the meme-tier attractions but if its a clear day getting up into the hills is real nice
Prude 20-Jul-18 11:26 AM
The best part of hollywood is basically just going to koreatown
Koreatown is kind of cool even if still a shit to drive around in
My only regret was being too drunk to have bothered with some k bbq last time i was there (edited)
Prude 20-Jul-18 11:34 AM
Yeah I went by the Wiltern once - thot I was hanging out with studied makeup there
the original reason we were up there was for LACMA which is really legit if you like art
Went after I had taken a token art appreciation class so I could dig it more than otherwise, and they also specifically had a guillermo del toro exhibition as well which was cool since his collection/the stuff they curated in relation to him had a bunch of spooky artists I personally like
vrath 20-Jul-18 06:40 PM
Marski 21-Jul-18 05:29 PM
has anyone here been playing tes3mp
as in morrowind co op
Prude 21-Jul-18 05:30 PM
yeah we did it for a while
Marski 21-Jul-18 05:31 PM
im playing it with my friends
i was doing a destruction mage but it turns out that playing destruction mage without spellmaking fucking sucks so i rerolled and made a black samurai
i'm wondering if i was wrong to grind a couple of levels on my own to keep up
Taylor Swift 21-Jul-18 05:47 PM
Spell making should be fixed in the next build
Whenever the fuck that is lmbo
Taylor Swift 24-Jul-18 09:41 AM
Can’t wait for the tes3mp update
Taylor Swift 24-Jul-18 08:09 PM
Looking good
So in theory, could stuff like this be imported into 76 easily in the future?
So you could in a server that was essentially a Fallout MMO with a bunch of different zones
In theory have
Taylor Swift 24-Jul-18 08:27 PM
So it would be several different servers?
Would that be possible?
Scuba Steve 25-Jul-18 12:42 AM
Never thought chinagame.exe would get a squel
But yeah, transfer zones would be the best way to do it
set up a subway station or monrail station in a few spots and make that the load zone
or a boat or whatever
Taylor Swift 25-Jul-18 12:44 AM
That would be super interesting
I’ll be looking into that def
In 10 years lmbo
Tinfoil Papercut 25-Jul-18 03:38 PM
Disgusting fucking sicko
Taylor Swift 28-Jul-18 10:17 AM
Are there any other landmass mods?
Taylor Swift 29-Jul-18 06:14 PM
Now we just need a TES3MP UPDATE reee
Taylor Swift 03-Aug-18 07:43 PM
Oh dang
Peaches 04-Aug-18 09:30 AM
Looking good
Taylor Swift 06-Aug-18 01:14 PM
Todds doing a F76 panel Saturday
Taylor Swift 06-Aug-18 02:18 PM
We've updated our #Fallout76 B.E.T.A. FAQ! Before asking your question, visit our page here to see how you can break-it early: https://t.co/xlO5CFD8d9
verified 1
Deleted User 07-Aug-18 04:09 AM
Cinematography - Aniwat Pluemjit Sound - Jonathan Grove Music - Max LaFave Concept by Emmett LaFave Edited by Max and Emmett LaFave Starring Max LaFave Ben S...
Deleted User 08-Aug-18 10:44 AM
7:25 damn thats REAL nice
Taylor Swift 09-Aug-18 05:09 PM
Are you attending @QuakeCon and ready to get your hands on #Blades? Yes? Excellent, because Blades will have hands-on stations at #QuakeCon2018! https://t.co/KrIxiLsvzv
verified 1
Taylor Swift 10-Aug-18 12:53 PM
Quornes 11-Aug-18 02:29 AM
inb4 Lusty Argonian Maid Immersive VR TP-Link smart auto blowjobber
Taylor Swift 11-Aug-18 01:57 PM
Id play it
Burrito 22-Aug-18 09:18 PM
c0rndog 22-Aug-18 09:18 PM
did. . .
someone say
cum bird?
BustrKc 22-Aug-18 10:44 PM
The Wand Company’s Pip-Boy construction kit is a beautifully designed, highly detailed and fully accurate replica of the Fallout 76 Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI. Presented in an authentically vintage display case, the kit has been designed to mimic the look and feel of the kits that ...
BustrKc 22-Aug-18 10:46 PM
They made a car as well thats p nice
Taylor Swift 22-Aug-18 10:53 PM
Kinda want that hoody no lie
It looks thin tho
Fuck Fallout Merch is my crack
Dont do this to me
BustrKc 22-Aug-18 10:54 PM
They have a thicker one I think
Vault 111 tho
Taylor Swift 22-Aug-18 10:55 PM
Ill wait until closer to winter
Wont need a hoodie for atleast 2 more months
Ill wait and pick up the pipboy in ebay in a year or two
Taylor Swift 06-Sep-18 12:35 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Sep-18 02:49 PM
Drug closet
Deleted User 06-Sep-18 08:10 PM
>splits body in two, then fucks himself
Prude 06-Sep-18 08:32 PM
Would if I could
Deleted User 07-Sep-18 09:16 AM
>not posting the john from Whore
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 01:33 AM
Starting up a heavily modded FO4 game again
Horizon+Sim settlements, the ghoul/supermutant and monsters mods, plus a bunch of random weapon packs and whatnot
Taylor Swift 12-Sep-18 01:34 AM
YinBot BOT 12-Sep-18 01:34 AM
Taylor Swift 12-Sep-18 01:34 AM
Sounds lit
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 01:35 AM
It basically turns all the samey as fuck things to kill into a much more fully fleshed out and randomized set of things to kill
Taylor Swift 12-Sep-18 01:35 AM
Alex pimps Horizon regularly
And bullies me for not using it
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 01:36 AM
Horizon is basically a masterful patch that unfucks survival in FO4
So you get all of the survival sim shit minus the incredibly tedious bullshit
Horizon+Sim settlements is basically god tier
since you can just plunk down the base foundation types and like magic, settlers you attract show up and shit happens
and you can get food, power and water automagically too, based on needs
it's p legit
Also the number of skeezy as fuck CBBE mods I've seen looking around is amazing
why yes, the one thing raiders were missing is a shiny black leather dominatrix outfit consisting of straps and spikes
Taylor Swift 12-Sep-18 02:14 AM
Woah how did you get my load order
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 02:18 AM
One of these days I wanna just go through the s'lab and nexus and just find the most cringey and stupidly awful mods I can find and load them all up
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 02:40 AM
fuck, forgot the reverb and the fate overhaul
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 07:20 AM
Also, holy shit, the mod that adds a ton of new monster types also adds fucking rad spiders
which are stupidly fast and hurt like fuck
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 07:41 AM
Also the regrown mod makes the game like an entirely different thing
no more expansive sight lines,
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 08:13 PM
less than 5 hours in and lockpicking is broken for me
can't open any container
Taylor Swift 12-Sep-18 08:16 PM
Scuba Steve 12-Sep-18 08:54 PM
Horizon apparently does that sometimes, they added skills into the game, like NV had
so sometimes you break shit, but the trainer bench will unfuck it by recalculating all your shit from blank slate and applying the relavent perks
it's pretty sweet
added a bunch of the FO4NV guns in, added some weapon packs, and got the unique critters+ghouls+super mutants in
something didn't apply right, since beds heal me and ammo weighs nothing
This user has not added anything about themselves.
yeah, they're pretty great
Even openNV won't really help a ton
a lot of that engine is pretty badly dated
moving assets and mechanics to FO4 is probably the way to go
especially since Fo4.5-RUSTy bois edition should be out before christmas
If they're using the base Fo4 engine, then yeah
they should be, eventually
Scuba Steve 17-Sep-18 07:00 AM
YinBot BOT 17-Sep-18 07:00 AM
Taylor Swift 17-Sep-18 07:30 PM
Bethesda Files New Trademark for "Redfall" https://t.co/SU8VrTSL5L
Taylor Swift 18-Sep-18 09:41 AM
Tinfoil Papercut 18-Sep-18 06:09 PM
"Redfall" must be Hammerfell? "Redguard" is that race from there
Taylor Swift 18-Sep-18 06:15 PM
Good as guess as any
And I believe Hammerfell was theorized to be the location they showed in the trailer
That would kinda fit the naming scheme
from 3 atleast
Place > Event > Place >Event
wth did daggerfall mean
Tinfoil Papercut 18-Sep-18 06:22 PM
Assassination attempt
or did they kill him?
Taylor Swift 18-Sep-18 06:22 PM
Well there you go, the entire series has followed that scheme then
Tinfoil Papercut 18-Sep-18 06:22 PM
I forget
Taylor Swift 18-Sep-18 06:22 PM
Arena was a place
So Place > Event > Place > Event > Place > Event(?)
I did it boys
I cracked Todds code
Whats my prize
Tinfoil Papercut 18-Sep-18 06:24 PM
Redguard: Red Hammerfell: Fall
The fall of the Redguards at Hammerfell
Taylor Swift 18-Sep-18 06:24 PM
Wasnt there something in lore about like
A comet or something
A red comet?
Or am I thinking of a different IP
Tinfoil Papercut 18-Sep-18 06:42 PM
not sure I remember that one
Daggerfall was a kingdom too, I guess
been so fkin long
Taylor Swift 19-Sep-18 12:40 AM
Taylor Swift 24-Sep-18 09:44 AM
That makes sense tho
That headline is aids tho
Those weren’t persistent online games though
There has to be some level of discretion
I’ve got a few points about this
Gimme a bit to drive my dad somewhere
Prude 24-Sep-18 09:53 AM
"Here is why its a good thing" lol
the meme rears its head
Taylor Swift 24-Sep-18 10:16 AM
From what I recall private servers were at least going to be a few years after launch
So it makes sense for their main branch to have some level of qc
How pissed would we all be if we had spent hours hunting down nuke codes to farm the blast zone
For xXxFORTNITEFAN08xXx who downloaded an unlimited health and ammo mod to come through
If I had to bet though
Private servers won’t follow the same ruleset for mods
It also allows Bethesda to keep a tight control on its narrative
In the first few years
Also I would assume there’s some legal implications of allowing unfettered access to the game like that re underage players
Imagine the shitstorm if little Timmy’s mom saw him playing in a server with massive tits installed
On a Bethesda run server
Taylor Swift 24-Sep-18 10:42 AM
Fair but I never expected that in the first place
Always assumed that would be a private server thing
Tbqh it is a good thing because now we get mods sooner
I do fear still
The game is going to suffer the Sea of Thieves post launch illness
Where there’s a massive world but weak on content
I think all the complaints so far are superficial
I’m still hype
But I’m an irredeemable fanboi
I think it will be fun for at least a month after launch
Maybe 2
Especially if they have some sort of events
Quornes 24-Sep-18 02:20 PM
fucking paid mods
Taylor Swift 24-Sep-18 03:47 PM
Nah its gonna be lit
fake 1
Taylor Swift 30-Sep-18 04:41 PM
MAID, the New shape of assalutron! it will add cute, assalutron based robot frame and lots of customization options for it, and more will coming!
You can just FEEL how horny this dude was
Making this mod
Taylor Swift 03-Oct-18 01:40 AM
TR is lacking in fleshed out cities past mount hold though
Going clockwise
Part of why we dropped it from the TES3MP server
Guards 03-Oct-18 11:08 AM
Is fallout 4 worth going back to if I didn't like the building stuff? I never did finish it
Taylor Swift 03-Oct-18 11:36 AM
It’s worth just for the dlc
And that horizon mod makes it better according to some nerds
Peaches 03-Oct-18 11:40 AM
Yeah you can completely change ignore the building
I think there are even mods that automate it
Guards 03-Oct-18 11:49 AM
I thought the story was interesting enough, though I don't think I got very far into it
the whole building/preston thing just seemed a little tacked on
like if they had tied the settlements into the story progress that could have been neat
Taylor Swift 03-Oct-18 12:05 PM
Mika world is ace
Settlement building is fun once you get past the bare minimum shit
Guards 03-Oct-18 12:11 PM
I also liked the crafting, but thought it took too much of an investment
points wise
Taylor Swift 03-Oct-18 12:30 PM
Crafting is a lot of fun
I mod the shit out of my game so
Bear in the Woods 03-Oct-18 01:15 PM
You can mod in extra points per level so you don't have to invest as much
Guards 03-Oct-18 02:03 PM
How gnarly is horizon? I care more about being immersed in the story than the scrounging
Guards 03-Oct-18 02:21 PM
are there any good melee vats builds?
Guards 03-Oct-18 02:54 PM
nah I mean in vanilla-ish
Guards 03-Oct-18 03:16 PM
I like the VATS lifestyle
I don't feel like the gunplay is usually good enough without it
Peaches 03-Oct-18 11:53 PM
you can play melee but you will need to use guns for backup
also if you go melee I would suggest using landmines and explosives
when I did a melee build I would sneak around and trap areas, make a ruckus till things ran all into my traps and then you go beat whoever is left
Guards 03-Oct-18 11:54 PM
sounds like a fun deal
Peaches 03-Oct-18 11:54 PM
if it's a tough dude you will need to shoot him or maybe throw some nades, so you can backup and heal if needed
at least that's how I played it, you just have to be careful not to blow yourself up so save often enough lol
Guards 03-Oct-18 11:55 PM
I wonder if there's a mod that unlocks the camera and lets you stay in 3rd person for VATS
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:08 AM
More than likely
Lemme show you BEST GIRL tho
Ah fallout wants to be gay about screenshots
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:12 AM
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:13 AM
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:13 AM
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:14 AM
The TayCave is even cooler
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:14 AM
murder hobo queen
Prude 04-Oct-18 12:14 AM
looks to be bad blood era
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:14 AM
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:16 AM
pic dump inc
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:16 AM
send it
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:17 AM
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:19 AM
what's that place with the armor stands?
is this a custom home mod?
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:19 AM
Its probably the most underated and overlooked settlement in the game
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:19 AM
okay nvm
I'll find it
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:19 AM
Its pretty late game
And even then you might miss it unless youre a sperglord
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:23 AM
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:23 AM
I believe in you
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:23 AM
idk if I have the DLC yet or not
but I will get it
Taylor Swift 04-Oct-18 12:24 AM
Guards 04-Oct-18 12:25 AM
I need to reopen this frankenputer and fix my ram and the SSD that isn't plugged in so I can fill it with (like 3) games
Quornes 04-Oct-18 05:09 PM
i forget where it is but its the underground station area
Taylor Swift 08-Oct-18 07:15 PM
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the predecessor to Oblivion and Skyrim, is arguably the deepest and most immersive game in the Elder Scrolls series. For 15 years, it could not be played in multiplayer in any kind of decent way. Now, however, with Morrowind's engine having b...
Some very good features here
Guards 08-Oct-18 10:56 PM
fallout 3 mod?
I liked that game I don't know why everyone fucking HATED it so much
Taylor Swift 08-Oct-18 10:56 PM
Because theyre queers
Guards 08-Oct-18 10:56 PM
it was no Fallut or Fallout 2
but damn it was cool
Taylor Swift 08-Oct-18 10:57 PM
Yeah, because it was good
Guards 08-Oct-18 10:57 PM
instantly hooked me unlike 4, which I sitll plan to finish but it's been a chore
I like a bunch of the quests in 4, but damn if it isn't the fugliest thing I've ever seen
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 11:28 AM
Actually really good info
Guards 10-Oct-18 11:40 AM
hot tip
Too late for mine, but that's not a shock
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 11:43 AM
I think I have a good one?
Yeah I’ve got Taylorswift
Very important for the brand
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 12:03 PM
>champ >did something retarded
Yeah, checks out
~the brand~
Riso 10-Oct-18 12:07 PM
or bethesda games
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 12:07 PM
Yeah youd have to assume games henceforth will probably adopt this too
Especially the more exclusive to their platform they get
This is why I sign up super early on every platform I think Ill ever play
So I can at the very least get TaylorSwiftt
But youd be shocked how many times I can get just the one t
Fucking Nintendo had a crazy low character limit
I had to go with taylrswift or something
Dumb AND gay
They are so consistent about it to
Theyre great at everything but online and mp
Its amazing
Peaches 10-Oct-18 02:02 PM
So does elder scrolls count
Online that is
I dont even remember my account but I know I have one
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:54 PM
Someone already took Bearinthewoods ree
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:54 PM
You sure it wasnt you?
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:55 PM
Oh it was, did I use a different email
Maybe time travel me did it
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:56 PM
Thats probable
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Wait, didn't we make one for ESO?
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Or at least to link ESO and twitch?
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
ESO seperate
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Haven't played any
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Did you sign up for the Blades beta?
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:58 PM
Don't think so
Taylor Swift 10-Oct-18 04:58 PM
Bear in the Woods 10-Oct-18 04:58 PM
🤷🏿‍♂️ Thanks I guess, past me
Peaches 11-Oct-18 07:56 AM
Wait quake uses it
Taylor Swift 12-Oct-18 12:45 PM
West Virginia is one of the most beautiful states on the East Coast
Debate Me
Went there with my dad for a business trip in 96
Good times
Fun Fact: WVU is the only college in the US with a monorail
NPC BOT 12-Oct-18 12:52 PM
The Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit system threads its way through West Virginia University, taking thousands of people a day around the campus, non-stop. ...
Taylor Swift 12-Oct-18 01:02 PM
Yeah it’s the vault tech university
Taylor Swift 16-Oct-18 11:33 AM
That’s not bad
Compared to other games recently
Odyssey takes like 60
Taylor Swift 17-Oct-18 09:08 PM
Bear in the Woods 17-Oct-18 09:59 PM
The beta coming out soon? I'll probably base buying it depending on how that turns out
Taylor Swift 17-Oct-18 10:01 PM
Yeah a week or so
Prude 18-Oct-18 12:52 AM
best place to preorder?
if it makes any difference
ah, it won't be on steam anyways so I guess it really doesn't matter
maybe I'll just do it on amazon
Prude 18-Oct-18 01:45 AM
Huh, it considers the base price there $72
is that because of some exchange rate fuckery or is this an "upgraded" edition?
the final price is still def a good deal though, in any case
Bear in the Woods 22-Oct-18 09:57 AM
Isn't the PC version on the 30th?
Taylor Swift 22-Oct-18 09:59 AM
It’s this week I thought
Like the 27th
Bear in the Woods 22-Oct-18 11:17 AM
It comes out on the Glorious Microsoft Xbox One for a few hours tomorrow, and then next week is the PC/PS4 beta
Coathanger MD 22-Oct-18 11:32 AM
Waiting on my beta code
Taylor Swift 22-Oct-18 11:41 AM
Yeah so
Get those beta codes soon!!!!!!!
Coathanger MD 22-Oct-18 11:53 AM
Then imma cancel that $90 preorder
Taylor Swift 22-Oct-18 12:02 PM
Get that Russia cd key
Taylor Swift 23-Oct-18 12:22 AM
Redownload NV tonight, boys
Fallout: California drops tomorrow
Coathanger MD 23-Oct-18 01:13 PM
Got my beta code loaded
DerVerrater 23-Oct-18 02:38 PM
Im trying to finish FO4 for the first time for 76 release
but oh god the engine it hurts
Coathanger MD 23-Oct-18 02:52 PM
Yeah ots rough
pepehands 1
Deleted User 24-Oct-18 09:04 AM
its on my list
Bear in the Woods 24-Oct-18 09:07 AM
so is 76 good/bad/new WTT game?
Bear in the Woods 24-Oct-18 12:17 PM
Are the main issues performance?
Peaches 24-Oct-18 01:55 PM
That sucks to hear
Taylor Swift 24-Oct-18 04:02 PM
It’s gonna be good
Trust me
Bear in the Woods 24-Oct-18 04:57 PM
According to 2018 we'll be playing with at least 19 NPCs anyways
Taylor Swift 24-Oct-18 04:58 PM
I need an emote thats a cross between bruh and golf clap
To convey Im disappointed but slightly impressed (edited)
Bear in the Woods 24-Oct-18 04:59 PM
I'll take it
It sounds like it'll be fun anyways, and playing on a PC (and after they fix the issues from the beta) it'll have slightly less jank (edited)
Taylor Swift 24-Oct-18 05:18 PM
Hell we made a shitty EA survival game fun for 2 years
I think we can handle this
Peaches 24-Oct-18 06:16 PM
I'll have to wait and see once it's actually out I guess
If it is like sea of thieves I won't bother with it tbh
Tinfoil Papercut 24-Oct-18 11:21 PM
I never played New Vegas negative
Prude 24-Oct-18 11:34 PM
wait, is FO76 $28 somewhere?
Taylor Swift 24-Oct-18 11:46 PM
Prob on a russian cdkey site
Coathanger MD 25-Oct-18 07:20 AM
DerVerrater 25-Oct-18 07:38 AM
I heard nukes went off in beta
Is this true
Bear in the Woods 25-Oct-18 07:52 AM
It doesn't sound like they limited what you could do, so sounds likely
A couple Ni🅱🅱️as in Power Armor could take a silo and get the key
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 10:05 AM
Pre-ordered on Amazon, should get the code before the beta starts 🙏
DerVerrater 26-Oct-18 10:05 AM
Do you have any links/proofage
so i can use it to win an e-argument
Good to know
I pre-ordered for gits and shiggles
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 10:10 AM
same, plus I can play around the time it's up most likely
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 12:32 PM
As the #Fallout76 B.E.T.A. becomes available for everyone on Oct. 30, we wanted to look ahead to next week's anticipated sessions. Times are subject to change with issues that may arise, but we're hopeful this schedule will stay. Thank you for all your support!
verified 1
Taylor Swift 26-Oct-18 12:47 PM
Pinned a message.
Ill be able to p[lay the Oct 30 and Nov 4
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 01:15 PM
I'll miss about half of the 30th but can do the 1st. And half of the 4th
Tinfoil Papercut 26-Oct-18 03:53 PM
is this console only or PC too? the beta
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 04:20 PM
27,28 are Bone only, the rest are all consoles
DerVerrater 26-Oct-18 04:21 PM
Has to be some condolence for having a bone
DerVerrater 26-Oct-18 04:49 PM
I like to think its an idiotic engine quirk that prevents fast travel whilst jumping
Tinfoil Papercut 26-Oct-18 05:46 PM
console peasants
Taylor Swift 26-Oct-18 06:27 PM
Bear in the Woods 26-Oct-18 10:01 PM
Looks like I can fuck on the 30th
Taylor Swift 26-Oct-18 10:02 PM
Ill have to run early, but yeah same
Thats 3
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 01:56 AM
Yeah not being able to pick your shard won't help at all
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 02:01 AM
You wound me...
...with how accurate it is
I’m still awake because OF THIS FUCKING WORLD SERIES
No lol it’s currently in the 17th inning
!img joe buck 47th inning
Hm bots aren’t in videogames?
vrath 27-Oct-18 03:44 AM
Tfw when Japan time zone
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 03:33 PM
Got mine loaded
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Prude 27-Oct-18 05:43 PM
I think it looks aight
bethesda games have always been sort of rough in terms of art for their time
but this one looks good enough for the sake of gameplay
Bear in the Woods 27-Oct-18 09:40 PM
How y'all wanting to roll? Big dick guns or Big dick crafting?
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 09:59 PM
No idea
Kinda gonna play it by ear
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:00 PM
Yeah same
Lets just get in and see what feels right
No point in setting our minds to something just to find out Beth has different plans
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 10:02 PM
Rather just paly it by ear and see where we wind up
More fun that way anyways
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:02 PM
Like Rust
Just throw shit until the wall until we see what sticks
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 10:02 PM
Except a massive lack of penises
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:03 PM
>played with censor on the whole time
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 10:05 PM
I had a server for a little while, used to wear the admin armor top and hat so I could walk about as an imortal cock
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:06 PM
I had to so I didnt get striked on YT
Coathanger MD 27-Oct-18 10:08 PM
Damn jewtube and their hate of digital penises
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:09 PM
Yeah the Confederate flags, doxxing children, harassing countless players, and copyright infringement were fine
But dont you DARE have a penis
BTW putting 76 on my NVME
This is an "open" beta right
Bear in the Woods 27-Oct-18 10:12 PM
From first glance it looks like going generalist for the first few levels might not be bad which will be good for seeing what you wanna do
Taylor Swift 27-Oct-18 10:13 PM
Im guessing its going to be like Star Shitizen where its good to diversify our mans
God I hate how much Ive been using the word diversity lately
In a positive context
Bear in the Woods 27-Oct-18 10:15 PM
There definitely looks like there'll be roles you can develop. But that'll be up to preference
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 12:28 AM
Pre-load has begun Kings
DerVerrater 28-Oct-18 05:02 AM
I for one will rock out in some 76 probably with a mike ness build
Bear in the Woods 28-Oct-18 11:43 AM
It looks like it's similar to rust where if you don't lock your shit up it can be taken without any recourse. Might be fun to take advantage of early on
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 11:46 AM
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 04:00 PM
Were just gonna do like we did in Rust
DerVerrater 28-Oct-18 04:21 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 04:21 PM
But I meant the first part of Rust
Coathanger MD 28-Oct-18 04:55 PM
First we get prude to play, second wee dress him up like a girl, third we offer him as a trap
Bear in the Woods 28-Oct-18 07:58 PM
I mean I'll play it seriously and friendly. But if Pubbie Joe has an extractor running with no lock and it's full of purified water I'm gonna get my dick wet if catch my drift
Bear in the Woods 28-Oct-18 08:15 PM
Nah, BMW is the griefing group, WTT is the cooperation group* *May or may not be true
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 08:39 PM
We only griefed in BMW as it was also productive
Or that was the original idea
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 08:47 PM
BMW never really griefed for griefing itself
There was an element of people that thought we should but it was never our MO (edited)
Taylor Swift 28-Oct-18 08:56 PM
Kinda ventures in #internal-affairs level shit but
Its not not our thing
but griefing has to also benefit us
Or else its a waste of time
Example: The 5th wipe on Rusty Bottoms where Capitaler and I griefed a guy into quitting the server
Just by finding out he was an insomniac
And kept his headphones on all night and if he heard explosions he would get out of bed and get on the computer
So every night on the hour we would shoot a rocket at his base
After two nights he quit
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 12:41 AM
Fuck yes
Power Armor Bros (edited)
also I made a role for us
@The 76ers
DerVerrater 29-Oct-18 05:14 AM
sounds like a old peoples motorcycle club
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 07:48 AM
tfw not the 69ers sadpepe
DerVerrater 29-Oct-18 10:25 AM
RIP bethesda.server
Peaches 29-Oct-18 10:50 AM
Also rust was less griefing and more playing the game as intended and having people have salt eruptions (edited)
DerVerrater 29-Oct-18 10:50 AM
Which makes for a fantastic sub genre
FO76 seems to be geared against it
Like it has those elements cause 'survival games have xyz'
but they really dont want 'x and y
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 02:37 PM
Imgur not embedding
Coathanger MD 29-Oct-18 02:37 PM
Embed deez nuts in your face
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 02:38 PM
NPC BOT 29-Oct-18 02:38 PM
NPC BOT 29-Oct-18 03:02 PM
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 04:01 PM
Those nuts @Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 04:01 PM
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 04:12 PM
Wait is that right
The schedule I have pinned says 7ET
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 04:28 PM
Everything still says 7PM ET
Guess so
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 04:46 PM
That silt strider is cool
Not 107 bucks cool
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 04:52 PM
Some people were saying the servers had opened slightly earlier than their announced time. Might be something to keep an ear out for
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 05:03 PM
Ok well, lets plan to be on at 7PM regardless @The 76ers
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 05:16 PM
Can we be Beth.net friends at all? Would be nice to join on people ASAP
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 05:23 PM
I dont think bethnet has a friends system yet
That could make things a little complicated
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 05:51 PM
Also don't worry about your initial character appearance, you can apparently change it at anytime
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 05:53 PM
Im still gonna obsess tho
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 05:53 PM
I'm not initially, I can do that later
Porkchop 29-Oct-18 05:54 PM
I'm preloading
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 05:54 PM
Roled you
Weve just about got 2 full squads worth
Bear in the Woods 29-Oct-18 07:57 PM
Just sounds like as long as you're in the area you get stuff
Taylor Swift 29-Oct-18 08:18 PM
A lot of MMOs work that way these days
Where you just have to be present to get rewarded
vrath 30-Oct-18 03:27 AM
gimme role
DerVerrater 30-Oct-18 04:31 AM
ITs the final countdown
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:51 AM
Guess it'll be something to explore
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 11:52 AM
Itll be fun i hope
Im not after a mind blowing game
Just fun with friends for a while
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:04 PM
Re: greenbrier, that was def the first thing I thought when I saw it in the trailer
It would have been the perfect place to put npcs too
Could have been a hub of snooty senators and stuff
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:25 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:42 PM
Yeah lol
Which worries me a little because idk if I’ll have to wait for the package to arrive to play on launch day
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 12:46 PM
Now you can play the good fallouts smugpepe
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:46 PM
I already own 3 and 4 tho?
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 12:47 PM
No, the good ones I mean
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:48 PM
Yeah bear, that’s what I said
I think you’re confused
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 12:49 PM
To be fair 76 would be goty if they added jinxed to the mutations
Everything around you jams/explodes/missed critically
I'm deffo gonna get starched genes if I can for mutation lock in
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 12:53 PM
6 hours lads
Gonna be a long work day!
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 12:54 PM
tfw you got the day off (but still have to wait 6 hours)
No wait it'd be 5 hours right?
7 EST and almost 2 yeah
And if we can make friendos
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 01:56 PM
5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 01:57 PM
Thats 4 too many
How long is the beta window
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 02:01 PM
my launcher says 2 hours
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 02:02 PM
It’s 4 hours tonight
Then a few more this week
Then 7 Sunday
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 02:34 PM
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 03:01 PM
I might not make the window then
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 03:16 PM
I'll start adding friends when we can get on
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 03:57 PM
I’m home, about to do some work
Prude 30-Oct-18 03:58 PM
After this week I should have some breathing room, so I'll believe you guys re: the state of the game
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 04:18 PM
The timer ended a couple hours early, so you probably can't get any updates since the servers aren't up yet
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 04:27 PM
fuck mine are gone
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 04:28 PM
Ive got a _downloads folder with stuff in it, dunno if the game has to do anything with that once it unlocks
🤷 It's only an hour and a half away
Did yours get deleted?
What's it look like on yours?
Alright so mines still intact 🙏
I've opened up the launcher a few times too
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 04:33 PM
my launcher was already running in the background
didn't even get a chance to backup
too long, gonna miss tonight
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 04:38 PM
Looks like I'm reinstalling? I should be able to get it back before the Beta tho
Prude 30-Oct-18 04:45 PM
Accounts are reset upon launch anyhow at least, right?
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 04:48 PM
😂 🔫
I literally cant play tonight
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 04:50 PM
Rip tay
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 04:50 PM
Well hold on
Where did I download it
This Folder Is Empty
Check the time fam
I cant really even blame my internet for this
Even if they hadnt capped it
50GB is a lot to download
Its downloading and unlocking
12 hours
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 04:57 PM
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 04:58 PM
if the install folder read 0 it was deleted, some kind of DRM fucked up
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 04:58 PM
They capped the net at my office too apparently
So I cant sneakernet it
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 04:58 PM
when the launcher couldn't contact the login server it invalidated the preload
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 04:59 PM
Cant hurt
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:00 PM
And just like rust it implodes early
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:01 PM
Hey, atleast this wasnt launch night
Count our blessings
Id rather this happen on Day 1 of Closed Beta than night of launch
Id RATHER it not happen at all
All my files were gone, alex
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:02 PM
I figured it'd be iffy the first night
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:02 PM
Lemme try Recuva first
Because it stills says preloaded
Porkchop 30-Oct-18 05:05 PM
the launcher log shows it doing some kind of invalidation operation after failing to detect the login
I think its a DRM thing
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:05 PM
Further proof DRM is the devil
(This post sponsored by GOG.com)
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:05 PM
Maybe they'll extend the beta a couple hours 🙏🏿
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:05 PM
They wont
They wont even acknowledge this happened
smugpepe 1
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 05:06 PM
YinBot BOT 30-Oct-18 05:06 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:06 PM
Recuva didnt find shit
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 05:07 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:08 PM
Yeah its all gone for me
Folders and everything
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:08 PM
I clicked all the buttons call the police I don't give a fuck
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:09 PM
WinDirStat cant find it either
Im closing my whole damn Beth client
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:17 PM
Let's see what happens when I reinstall it, watch that one get deleted lmbo
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 05:20 PM
This is art
Good job beth
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:20 PM
Dr. Todd's Wild Ride never ends
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:24 PM
What the fuck, Bethesda
Was creating a buggy game not good enough?
!img smug todd howard
NotSoBot BOT 30-Oct-18 05:25 PM
Tay (But Creepier Than Usual)
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:25 PM
/ "shoulda bought Skyrim, kid"
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:28 PM
It just works (on consoles)
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 05:28 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:34 PM
Im waiting for an official word from Beth (edited)
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 05:35 PM
I'm in a holding pattern I guess
went from 13-14 MB/sec to like 2.5 tho
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 05:36 PM
I cancelled mine, guess Imf cuked lol
Im probably screwed anyway you cut it
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:00 PM
Y'all still installing?
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:08 PM
That's a big country road
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:19 PM
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 06:20 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:20 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 06:20 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:21 PM
Still waiting for the download after this download lmbo
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 06:37 PM
Slowed to a 1.50 MB/sec crawl, if it jumps back up again I'll be in
Mez 30-Oct-18 07:10 PM
Isn’t this beta for like
4 hours
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:11 PM
Yup bruh
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:14 PM
me atm (edited)
!yt tumbling down
NotSoBot BOT 30-Oct-18 07:14 PM
TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN TUMBLING DOWN Dec 20, 2012 ... When you sentence the whole world to death because you're an emotionally unstable teenager and are forced to fight on the frontlines against ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUFWXpYJKaI
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:15 PM
listening to above while waiting for something to screw up
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:19 PM
Mez 30-Oct-18 07:32 PM
So y’all are going apeshit for a demo with less than 4 hours of playtime
I’ll enjoy a turkey great game, OSRS
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:32 PM
I approve of this bit
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 07:36 PM
Fuckin seriously
It's forcing another download
And my bethnet was off
Bravfuckingo there
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:38 PM
We're calling a mulligan for tonight
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:39 PM
I'm still waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under my install
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:39 PM
And Sunday is going to be the new thing
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 07:44 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:44 PM
Yeah it did that to me too lmbo
It will go down in a second
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:44 PM
Is that some ancient Canadian secret?
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 07:45 PM
Fuck man I wish I knew
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:45 PM
!img ancient canadian wisdom
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 07:48 PM
I mean normally I could hammer this shit out fast but their servers are fuckin on fire
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:48 PM
Yeah I'm two hours in and I started before the throttling
Coathanger MD 30-Oct-18 07:49 PM
I'm only pulling 1.05mb
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:50 PM
!img Todd Howard
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 07:51 PM
!img todd howard fucks
NotSoBot BOT 30-Oct-18 07:51 PM
Tay (But Creepier Than Usual)
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 07:57 PM
Nah it worked, I accidentally deleted it
!img Todd Howard
NotSoBot BOT 30-Oct-18 07:57 PM
Body In The Spooky Woods
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 08:04 PM
there's the bethesda I know and love
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 08:26 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 08:28 PM
Deleted User 30-Oct-18 09:20 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 09:26 PM
Found dis
Ulthirm 30-Oct-18 09:27 PM
0.0 And i'm just using a machete
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 09:27 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 09:33 PM
WTT Meeting Hall
Ulthirm 30-Oct-18 09:35 PM
Do you know where tf is camden park?
Taylor Swift 30-Oct-18 09:40 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 09:41 PM
@The 76ers
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 09:59 PM
Last minute get
Ulthirm 30-Oct-18 10:01 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 10:13 PM
Found what @Taylor Swift will use
We know some users have been forced to redownload the #Fallout76 B.E.T.A. and not everyone will be able to enjoy the game tonight. To make good, we’ll be extending the B.E.T.A. for everyone on Thursday, November 1, 2pm to 11pm ET. Thanks for your patience. #ExtendtheB...
verified 1
DerVerrater 30-Oct-18 10:24 PM
i found the apple store in game.
Prude 30-Oct-18 10:47 PM
So how is the game in terms of gameplay
Y'all having fun?
allears 1
smugpepe 1
Deleted User 30-Oct-18 10:47 PM
@Prude guess
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 10:48 PM
I had fun, but I was 1 of sample size 2 of us who got to play the game
Prude 30-Oct-18 10:50 PM
Is it not working?
For the others, I mean
Been so busy the last few days that I have no idea what the situation is!!!
Bear in the Woods 30-Oct-18 10:52 PM
Y'all will probably pass me with the new beta hours for Thursday
Prude 30-Oct-18 11:07 PM
Prude 31-Oct-18 12:32 AM
if you ask me, this is just the right amount of technically embarassing jank that a proper WTT game requires
Reddit hate is overblown, the only thing I'm critical of is people being absorbed into the overall "reddit community"
The idea that reddit is something people will form an identity around
it's a take on an RSS feed w/ integrated comments imo
it's useful in that way
purpose-built communities for propogation of news/content
but the community attached to the site rather than specific subreddits is overwhelmingly in line with what people associate with reddit and the default subreddit spread and so on
but some people think that everyone who uses Reddit for the aforementioned good reasons are that way too
like I use Reddit to aggregate game news and porn, primarily, and also because it's a good source of very specific info - but some people get all gay if you talk about Reddit or link it at all
Prude 31-Oct-18 12:59 AM
If you want me, i'll be on my Xbox or looking for cocks.
replace GFWL w/ whatever is to blame for the hiccups here
Mez 31-Oct-18 01:01 AM
This first beta looks like a big ole mess from the outside
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 01:02 AM
Thursday got extended tho
Gonna be good
Mez 31-Oct-18 01:02 AM
!yt roblox oof
NotSoBot BOT 31-Oct-18 01:02 AM
Roblox Death Sound (Oof) - YouTube May 2, 2014 ... 2 million views, nice Want the audio in HD? First download ROBLOX or ROBLOX Studio, and look in your files. (Either version works) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uhxrPhVO8Y
2 million views, nice Want the audio in HD? First download ROBLOX or ROBLOX Studio, and look in your files. (Either version works) C:\Users\YourNameHere\AppD...
Mez 31-Oct-18 01:03 AM
I’d love to play on Thursday but money is tight for me
Keep me posted
And link me streams
Oh shit?
Fuck yeah
I’ll do it later when I’m done with my arrest
Prude 31-Oct-18 01:04 AM
how long does it take to get the key from amazon
don't wanna forget the preorder cancellation lol!!!
Mez 31-Oct-18 01:04 AM
A wave of bimmers approaching enemy base, all staring at the sky or floor
Fear us
Prude 31-Oct-18 01:05 AM
you know what
the jank metagame is valid
it's just like Rust all over again
embrace it
minmax your pub reaping capabilities
bah, I won't be able to play during most of the hours on thurs anyways
I'll probably just buy it based on how things look by the time release is here
cause there's only two more days after thurs anyhow
DerVerrater 31-Oct-18 06:51 AM
I got to play it all last night and had a rather good time
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 07:00 AM
I'll miss a bit of Thursday's Beta but I can probably do most of Saturday/Sunday
DerVerrater 31-Oct-18 07:10 AM
Tonights beta is extrended
due to the fuck u;
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 03:37 PM
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 03:58 PM
So during the PC BETA I was scrapping some guns and somehow deleted my pip-boy...yea I lost the ability to even open the menu, made me wish for some way to break other players pip-boy
NPC BOT 31-Oct-18 03:58 PM
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 04:43 PM
!img quality sticker
NotSoBot BOT 31-Oct-18 04:43 PM
A Ghost (because Alt killed him)
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:15 PM
I saw the fps thing after the beta ended so I couldn't fuck with it
Peaches 31-Oct-18 05:17 PM
That was not a good idea
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:20 PM
I guess on the other hand, that's the kinda thing the Beta was supposed to catch
Though I hear it's been a long-standing engine thing
Prude 31-Oct-18 05:21 PM
I feel like tying shit to framerate is an intentional engine choice that isn't new info to them
Peaches 31-Oct-18 05:21 PM
Remember killing myself with the cabbage cart in early game skyrim
It will kill you fast too
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:23 PM
I saw someone dragging a shopping cart in 76 and for a second I was worried I was gonna get railed by it
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 05:23 PM
Its a feature guys
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:24 PM
Feature deez
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:25 PM
Due the embedding thing they won't show, I rolled them yesterday and it was a link you had to go to
At least while phone postin
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 05:25 PM
Im seeing them.fine
NPC BOT 31-Oct-18 05:25 PM
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 05:25 PM
You got a microscope app on your phone?
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 05:25 PM
Thats at home
Its for my penis
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 05:28 PM
Imma ho roll in generap
Solgnir 31-Oct-18 07:23 PM
Imagine thinking a Bethesda game wasn’t going to be a bug-ridden shit show
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:24 PM
!img imagine my shock
NotSoBot BOT 31-Oct-18 07:24 PM
A Ghost (because Alt killed him)
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:24 PM
For real thogh
I'll still give it a fair shake
The bar for me is litterally just a good time with friends
So its p fuckin low
But gimmie that gen zero
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:26 PM
We all how a bad experience last night
But tomorrows gonne be good
Its gonna be exciting
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:27 PM
As I said, low bar. If i can have fun with you guys im happy
Cause at the end of the day if we aint having fun together it aint worth it
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:28 PM
And youre giving Daddy Todd money
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:29 PM
I mean rust. Y'all niggas played that for ages
Its a bad game but with friends it can be ok
But srsly dont buy the 200 version christ
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:30 PM
!img im gonna
NotSoBot BOT 31-Oct-18 07:30 PM
Taylor "Todd Howard" Swift
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:30 PM
Yeah Ill leave it on that one
Thats the one we deserve
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:30 PM
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:43 PM
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:45 PM
Alex I know youre upset, why dont you put in a few hours in "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Ultimate Editon ™
Calm your nerves
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:45 PM
He does have a point, Beth has gotten comfy with "The modders will fix it"
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:45 PM
And while youre at it
Why not drop a few bucks on Lunchboxes in Fallout Shelter ™
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:47 PM
I do hope they can find some way to get the situation undercontrol but It's bethesda, best to just hope for a fun game we can pick up for a bit before a real banger like Generation Zero comes out
(Preorders not live yet, stay tuned)
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 07:48 PM
Its gonna be fine I think
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 07:48 PM
I'm placing this bar around og rust
Mez 31-Oct-18 07:50 PM
Hopefully starfield means they’re gonna abandon gamebreyo
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 08:02 PM
I'm in the "fun with friends" camp with coat, if I wanted a super polished game I wouldn't be playing Beth's first attempt at multiplayer with a buggy engine
But my friends couldn't play last night negative
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 08:04 PM
End of the day if we can have fun together that's all that matters to me
Also hold us over till Gen zero
Bear in the Woods 31-Oct-18 08:04 PM
I'll be on tomorrow towards the end of the time frame
Coathanger MD 31-Oct-18 08:04 PM
I'll try to get on tomorrow if nothing else melts down
Scuba Steve 31-Oct-18 11:19 PM
Taylor Swift 31-Oct-18 11:19 PM
Ill be on as soon as I get off work
Shame I was sick last week, woulda used that excuse
But if its not busy Ill slip out after lunch
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 08:27 AM
The throwing knives are fun to try out (they're a throwable like grenades), they'll 1 shot anything early on
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 08:35 AM
Good to know
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 08:37 AM
Cheap to craft too, just takes some steel and some other small shit
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 08:37 AM
Thats really.good to know
Just dont disassemble your pipboy
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 08:47 AM
That's the real protip
Also don't worry if players are shooting at you if you don't want to pvp, the best they can really do is finish you off if you're low but otherwise it's really small chip damage. At a few mins left some guys started shooting me and I just walked away
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 08:57 AM
Yeah thats what ive heard, its chip damage till you return fire
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 09:16 AM
shoot back and begin a war of revenge respawns
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 09:21 AM
Guys a few hours till beta day 2
I’m def going home at lunch
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 09:21 AM
I'll miss most of this one
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 09:23 AM
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 09:23 AM
because I missed most of the first one too? sadpepe
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 09:32 AM
What is beta 2s times in GMT
Solgnir 01-Nov-18 10:23 AM
Tbh if the bar for F76 = Rust
It’ll have to clear that bar by a long way to justify me buying it
Because fuck rust
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 10:35 AM
Very hot take
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 10:40 AM
I only know rust as something i watch rage videos from
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 11:13 AM
It’s very good
Solgnir just had a real bad experience back in 2014
Which imo wasn’t bad it was very fun
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 11:14 AM
I am tempted by its sale
but unsurw
dont think ill have the time
plus i spent all my money this month on wrestling
Solgnir 01-Nov-18 11:17 AM
Implying Rust is somehow a different game now than in 2014
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 11:22 AM
It’s literally a different game
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 11:26 AM
How many times am i going to have to see that
Riso 01-Nov-18 11:27 AM
too many
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 11:40 AM
Welcome to BMW
Where nobody reads and just posts the same fucking thing 100 times
Solgnir 01-Nov-18 11:52 AM
did yall see fallout 76's physics system is tied to its framerate
smugpepe 1
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 12:04 PM
Did you know @Riso is my bae
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Risos gay rt
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 12:31 PM
fallout 76's physics system is tied to it's framerate including your walk speed so you can literally outrun most enemies by looking at the ground https://t.co/aYXiIJs6l7
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 12:37 PM
Siri, delete this server
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 12:39 PM
Alexa play despaciti
Peaches 01-Nov-18 12:50 PM
Guys man 76 is not doing so good huh (edited)
I heard that had a bug that ties the physics to the frame rate? Seems like you can outrun most enemies by looking at the ground (edited)
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 12:54 PM
I’m trying my hardest to get out of here
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 01:24 PM
I'll be on in a few hours
Need to go see my chiropractor
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 02:41 PM
How goes the beta?
Ulthirm 01-Nov-18 02:50 PM
I'll only get 2 hours in it :/
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 02:54 PM
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 03:12 PM
If it isnt gonna murder my rig ill stream it
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 03:22 PM
I’ll record it for archival purposes
I’m about to head home
Just gotta shower
Oh and go to Kroger
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 03:45 PM
Im outta the crackers office just gotta get back to my bike and be on in an hour or so
YinBot BOT 01-Nov-18 03:45 PM
thonking 1
Alt 01-Nov-18 04:22 PM
Wish I could fallout apeepoCry
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 04:50 PM
I mean i can lend you my account
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 04:54 PM
Go on those country roads for me
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 04:58 PM
You faggot
Just preorder and cancel
Coathanger MD 01-Nov-18 05:10 PM
Gonna shower and ill be on
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Still got 3 hours ree
Alt 01-Nov-18 05:34 PM
I do not own any rights to this song
Todays OST
Mez 01-Nov-18 05:44 PM
hows the game sofar
Alt 01-Nov-18 05:44 PM
It just crashed on coat cause he had a space in his name.
>Coat: I just took a picture of my dick Tays face when
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Shoutout to how less fat I look than in the bullied pic
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 06:18 PM
I think my ID is better
Ulthirm 01-Nov-18 06:19 PM
DerVerrater 01-Nov-18 06:20 PM
I am the greatest photographer in this game
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 06:29 PM
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 06:54 PM
3 hours in thoughts: Good Game ™
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 08:22 PM
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 09:28 PM
Well, we didnt have the luxury of taking any breaks
Because thats lost beta time
Im excited for launch
And Im even more excited for where it will be in 2 years
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 09:37 PM
Guess I won't be using this for a while
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 10:08 PM
Thanks to all who joined us in today's #Fallout76 B.E.T.A. session. See our schedule for the next times! If you’re planning on playing the B.E.T.A. for the first time, make sure you get started early on downloading so you’re all set on Saturday. See you soon in Appal...
No mention of more times but thats ok
Ulthirm 01-Nov-18 10:10 PM
https://i.imgur.com/JnRNw9R.jpg huhm I hope that dont mean I log into having no clothing...
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 10:12 PM
... trumpkek
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 10:34 PM
I had fun again
Porkchop 01-Nov-18 10:49 PM
Browse the perk cards. Plan your character. Know your stats.
build planner
Taylor Swift 01-Nov-18 10:50 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 01-Nov-18 11:00 PM
What'll be the benefits of 15 in a stat?
DerVerrater 02-Nov-18 04:41 AM
I think the one doenside of the beta is indeed that i feel compe;lled to play
15 = more cards?
I ended up on a good environmental quest
no quest points to start or stop it
DerVerrater 02-Nov-18 09:35 AM
I still havent finished 4
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 09:36 AM
Not missing much
DerVerrater 02-Nov-18 09:42 AM
Wubba lubba dub dub! Watch @adultswim's @rickandmorty play #Fallout76 on @Xbox One with @Ninja and @Logic301! Tune in on @Twitch and @WatchMixer. Unless you have ants in your eyes. Then maybe just listen. https://t.co/Gflwsk08Yp
verified 1
Nevermind im refunding
Bear in the Woods 02-Nov-18 09:48 AM
That's only 3 people though thonking
Ulthirm 02-Nov-18 10:02 AM
3-7 pm for me, guess I'll miss this one
Riso 02-Nov-18 11:55 AM
wubba lub lub
ye cunts
Prude 02-Nov-18 04:52 PM
send me a code fuckers
i've been too lazy to do the amazon thing
Prude 02-Nov-18 05:08 PM
porkchop got me covered 🙏
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 05:18 PM
Covered in 🇳 🇺 🇹
deez 2
Prude 02-Nov-18 05:18 PM
Prude 02-Nov-18 06:14 PM
when the next beta
Taylor Swift 02-Nov-18 06:14 PM
Tomorrow morning
And by morning I mean 5EST
Prude 02-Nov-18 06:15 PM
that's a good timing
i'll be able to get in on it then
Taylor Swift 02-Nov-18 06:15 PM
And then Sundays starts at 1PM and goes for 7 hours
Thats gonna be another big group day
Bear in the Woods 02-Nov-18 06:16 PM
I got a heated pitchfork you can use @Prude
Prude 02-Nov-18 06:17 PM
I may not be around for the start of sunday, at least
least this downloads fast
Mez 02-Nov-18 06:55 PM
I still need one
im off sunday.
Taylor Swift 02-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Shit we may have 10 on Sunday
Prude 02-Nov-18 06:57 PM
well there's probably like 15 codes to be handed out amongst everyone here unless they have a waitlist already established
no reason to not get anyone interested involved
Mez 02-Nov-18 06:58 PM
gib code or i report.
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 06:59 PM
Taylor Swift 02-Nov-18 06:59 PM
I sent him one too
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 06:59 PM
Eh whatever
Prude 02-Nov-18 07:00 PM
well whatever one he doesn't use, send to the next guy eh?
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 07:00 PM
Means twice the mez
Prude 02-Nov-18 07:00 PM
seems like it's consumed on use
Mez 02-Nov-18 07:01 PM
ok i got Tay's
Prude 02-Nov-18 07:02 PM
i'm sure there's someone else in this discord that'd use the unused code!!!
Bear in the Woods 02-Nov-18 07:47 PM
I've got 3
@Deleted User can have one if he wants
Or he can take Alex's whatever works
DerVerrater 02-Nov-18 08:01 PM
Bethesda has a messaging problem with Fallout 76. The issue is simple: Fallout games are typically single player experiences. Fallout …
Which one of you cunts was it
Scuba Steve 02-Nov-18 08:04 PM
that's like the pearl clutching outrage olympics
silver medalist
Coathanger MD 02-Nov-18 08:29 PM
I swear to god it wasnt me
this time
Prude 02-Nov-18 08:45 PM
ok its installed
Mez 02-Nov-18 10:25 PM
lmao yeah ok that happened
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 03:09 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Nov-18 03:24 PM
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 03:33 PM
I'll be on
And down to fuck
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 03:54 PM
I'll be on in a few then, save me a spot
Mez 03-Nov-18 04:51 PM
im on
Prude 03-Nov-18 05:02 PM
i'll be on in a bit
Mez 03-Nov-18 05:04 PM
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 05:05 PM
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 05:07 PM
Serevers crash?
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 05:14 PM
Not for us
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 05:41 PM
Ours did
and for some odd reason my friend keeps getting a forced team invite decline
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 05:41 PM
did he block you by accident?
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 05:41 PM
I dont think so
I can strill fast travel to him
Alt 03-Nov-18 06:43 PM
That was pretty boring tbh, big empty world, no in game chat so nobody talking. Just wandering around grabbing shit, listening to tapes and breaking down gear and eating.
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 06:46 PM
Alex Muttchops and I all tried grabbing the same power armor so we all phased into 1 horrible being
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 06:47 PM
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Sorry you didnt have fun alt
Guess it isnt for everyone!!!!!
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 06:57 PM
One of my friends said he wanted to buy it, and the other is absolutely furious about the game. Such a strange thing
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 06:57 PM
don't @ me
Ulthirm 03-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Where was this space suit factory?
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 08:04 PM
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:07 PM
It will really become apparent tomrrow
Thats what Im interested in seeing
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 08:12 PM
We had a good one on my team
let me gravb you someone elses version of that same moment
I think they had the better version honestly
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 08:13 PM
Coat and I murdered each other at the same time, that was fun
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 08:13 PM
Ive played every beta in full so far
I didnt like FO4 at all but im loving this
Coathanger MD 03-Nov-18 08:26 PM
Yeah so our first experience woth the bounty system
I somehow tagged one of them and scored a 10 cap bounty that wouldnt go away
Lost all sight of them on the map and any other player
Bear then tests a crit on me, then we go shotgun each other to geath
Overall a forgiveness option needs to exist
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:33 PM
Sounds like a 10/10 game tbqh
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 08:39 PM
PvP seems fucked
i was being 1 shiotted by an axe dude tonihgt
Alt 03-Nov-18 08:45 PM
Sure it wasnt some poop socker that was level 50 or some shit
Mez 03-Nov-18 08:49 PM
id like to play with yall tomorrow
lets get up to mischief.
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 08:50 PM
I want to collect more crafting plans
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:50 PM
Yeah Ill be on all day
If Im not dead
Which given the state of this cold is possible!!!!!!!!
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 08:51 PM
I'll be up for some clowning
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:51 PM
!img down with the clown
NotSoBot BOT 03-Nov-18 08:51 PM
Taylor "Mike Morhaime" Swift
Image Search Results
Alt 03-Nov-18 08:51 PM
rip tay
He never scored and was gay
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:51 PM
My voice is deeper than Peaches atm
hey yall seize the means of production
>tay never scored
Clearly you havent noticed how hard Ive fucked this group
Alt 03-Nov-18 08:55 PM
Only thing im seizing is WTT
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 08:55 PM
Take it
Clearly your bf doesnt relay how often I bitch in taychat
Coathanger MD 03-Nov-18 09:04 PM
The chat that doesn't exist
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 09:05 PM
DerVerrater 03-Nov-18 09:06 PM
in his head it does
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 09:08 PM
Taylor Swift 03-Nov-18 09:09 PM
Taychat used to be real toxic
Its literally just talking about all our getting old problems and high school football
Bear in the Woods 03-Nov-18 09:16 PM
Anyone else want a code? I still have my 3
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 10:13 AM
3 hours until the Big Boy Beta test
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 10:25 AM
I'll be down to explore, want to get a hold of more crafting plans
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 11:52 AM
@everyone Hour until final beta
DerVerrater 04-Nov-18 11:53 AM
is that with or without DST
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 11:54 AM
Harrower 04-Nov-18 12:19 PM
@Bear in the Woods ill take a code if you are just handing them out, tia
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 12:33 PM
@The 76ers it's up
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 12:34 PM
Ill get on after u ear
I eat
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 12:46 PM
I might need to take a quick nap
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 12:53 PM
Ulthirm 04-Nov-18 01:17 PM
Btw any of ya'll fought the snallygasters yet?
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:47 PM
man if it's always going to be on Sundays, I should be doing this
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 01:48 PM
Want a code?
Beta lasts about 7 hours
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:48 PM
I'd play it, is it going to be on sunday next week also?
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 01:49 PM
This is the last day until launch
In 2 weeks
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:49 PM
is it good? IS IT GOOD?
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 01:49 PM
Get this
Its real good
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:50 PM
if I can try it I'll probabl buy it for launch
oh look, the perfect game for me
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 01:50 PM
Think you can get 50GB downloaded in 6 hours?
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:51 PM
shit, probably
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 01:51 PM
Did they announce more dates?
Oh well fuck
Yeah hold on guards lemme get you a code
Guards 04-Nov-18 01:51 PM
damn thanks
that's a good price
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 02:03 PM
Ulthirm 04-Nov-18 02:36 PM
Browse 18 mods for Fallout 76 at Nexus Mods
Guards 04-Nov-18 03:34 PM
time to drink from a toilet
Guards 04-Nov-18 04:35 PM
diseased mattresses, that's new and exciting
Guards 04-Nov-18 05:14 PM
WHY are all of these toilets EMPTY?
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 05:39 PM
just drink from the water nigga
Guards 04-Nov-18 05:49 PM
the events are pretty sweet
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 05:51 PM
Guards 04-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Ulthirm 04-Nov-18 06:10 PM
Guards 04-Nov-18 06:23 PM
I guess that's bugged out power armor?
Guards 04-Nov-18 06:37 PM
this is pretty damn good, honestly
I'm kinda sad not seeing npcs yet but some guy just jumped into my base and we traded and it felt like some real wasteland shit
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 06:40 PM
Guards 04-Nov-18 06:41 PM
wow there's a mouth harp
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 06:42 PM
>mouth harp
Thats not what we call it around this parts, pal
Guards 04-Nov-18 06:42 PM
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 06:43 PM
There you go
Guards 04-Nov-18 06:43 PM
it's a shame you can't move these, can you at least build them?
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 06:47 PM
I wouldnt know
But it would be real cool
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 07:18 PM
@Coathanger MD
Guards 04-Nov-18 07:28 PM
Ulthirm 04-Nov-18 07:59 PM
Air lock : 111418 least thats what my paper said
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 08:06 PM
Thanks fam
Guards 04-Nov-18 08:11 PM
fun times thanks tay
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 08:11 PM
It just works
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 08:12 PM
There will prob be more betas this week
Someone will prob link it here so keep an eye out
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 08:19 PM
Also an F in chat for the extractors we left running and never collected
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 08:26 PM
My guess is it'll at least be open during the 🅱️rick and 🅱️orty thing
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 09:02 PM
Thats more or less what I called
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:02 PM
fugg I can't do em
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 09:02 PM
Ill miss the 6th
but I can do most of the 8th
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:03 PM
So if you wanna get past the laser grid, you gotta go here and do the thing
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:03 PM
8 I'll make most of
6 is a hard pass
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:03 PM
Real close to Alex's camp
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:04 PM
I'll have my cozy northern cabin done nice
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:04 PM
I saw you were built there and took my chance smugpepe
fair warning, 2 21 deathclaws in there
This is what I'm currently aiming for
I still have 2
Taylor Swift 04-Nov-18 09:10 PM
Yeah Ive got 1
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:15 PM
So I go normal gun crafting you go PA crafting Bear?
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:18 PM
I mean you can swap the cards out at anytime
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:18 PM
That is a nice bit on it
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:18 PM
We can both be brainbois and craft for the brainlets
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:18 PM
Yeah I'm going hard into PA
Guns and PA
Bear in the Woods 04-Nov-18 09:19 PM
So yeah, you'd stick the PA perks during combat and craft perks when in camp
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 09:21 PM
I more or less intend to live in that suit
Guards 04-Nov-18 10:22 PM
I might have to play more fo4 now, I wish there were mods to make it more like 76 so I could practice
probably one of the reasons they're going with usernames and not charnames
Porkchop 04-Nov-18 10:26 PM
60-40 odds that Jew_Sl4y3r is jewish
Guards 04-Nov-18 10:28 PM
"I was using the gamespy naminator, it's not my fault"
you can buy lunch boxes in the game?
Harrower 04-Nov-18 11:39 PM
anyone found a double barrel shotgun yet?
Coathanger MD 04-Nov-18 11:43 PM
Harrower 04-Nov-18 11:51 PM
nice, was worried they werent in
Ulthirm 05-Nov-18 01:52 AM
Lunch boxes sound similar to the shelter style store. My bet is that the original store mirrored shelter and then the EA and Overwatch situations happened so they decided to play it safe
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 07:54 AM
Were different types of creatures hostile to each other in Fo4? We got to see Ya Guais firing deathclaws and mirelurks fighting anglers during the beta
DerVerrater 05-Nov-18 08:00 AM
I run into a lot of supermutants vs molemen in the sout
I think its the same in fallout 76 too!
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 08:07 AM
Yeah depends on the enemy type but most are hostile to each other
Guards 05-Nov-18 11:33 AM
now I need to start looking for a deal on the actual game
late as usual
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 11:47 AM
Summon the @#1 Bethesda Bully
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 02:44 PM
Fucking ha
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 02:54 PM
Seems like Anti-Todd rhetoric to me!!!!
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 02:54 PM
Porkchop 05-Nov-18 03:21 PM
30GB patch, be sure to get updated before next beta
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 03:25 PM
>30GB patch
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 03:25 PM
You mean redownloading the game
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 03:25 PM
Dont let Alex hear
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 03:26 PM
I might pick it up with bonus money i got coming
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 03:45 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 03:51 PM
Really need a repost emote
DerVerrater 05-Nov-18 04:29 PM
it would be a response to everything here and you know it
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:30 PM
Or get this
Yall could fucking read the channels
Wild concept, I know
DerVerrater 05-Nov-18 04:30 PM
You aint got me on no reposts
Im teflon bitch
it helps i cannot read also
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:32 PM
We used to have a bunch of people like that
It was really annoying!!!!
DerVerrater 05-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Fite me or ban me
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Its ok
They are all in The Trashcan Discord now
DerVerrater 05-Nov-18 04:33 PM
I really need to be bothered enough to compare the Player code from FO4 to 7
Just to see what jury rig they did to make it multi properly
Their commitment to never sunsetting the gamebyro engine is impressive
it must have taken more bodge jobs to make it work than it would to have just build or learn a licensable engine
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:35 PM
it just works
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Nov-18 04:44 PM
Random toddbot responses here is good
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 04:44 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:45 PM
toddbot does todd fuck
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 04:45 PM
Todd fucks.
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 04:45 PM
Pinned a message.
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 06:34 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 06:37 PM
They fixed the throwing knives positive loop too
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 06:43 PM
ba2 is just textures and shit I thought?
Hopefully they dont have to do it much ouotside the beta
Well, that is the point of a beta
Unironically no shilling
Praise Todd
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 06:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Shows the engine's limitations
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 07:25 PM
It 👏🏿 just 👏🏿 works 👏🏿
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 07:26 PM
Does preordering get you anything other than the beta?
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 07:26 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 07:27 PM
Hm, what triggered that
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 07:27 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 07:28 PM
Maybe it's just random reactions
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 07:30 PM
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 07:30 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 07:59 PM
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 07:59 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 09:15 PM
Perk cards in Fallout 76 are an important part since they represent the skills of your character. There are two ways to get new perk cards in Fallout 76: You can choose a new one each time you level up and additionally, you get perk cards pack on a regular basis, each contain...
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 09:15 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 09:19 PM
Pinned a message.
This hits WAY too close to home
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 09:47 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 09:53 PM
Just works
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:04 PM
so I uh
need to uninstall and reinstall this game?
or will it want like 90 gigs then?
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:06 PM
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:07 PM
I have 5 left and it won't update because it says it needs like 40
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:07 PM
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:08 PM
I should have more space on there anyways
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:19 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:20 PM
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:20 PM
can someone on nexus hurry up and release an adblocker mod for the bethesda launcher
ToddBot BOT 05-Nov-18 10:20 PM
YinBot BOT 05-Nov-18 10:20 PM
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:22 PM
I'm ready to vote and play this game tomorrow though
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:22 PM
Youll prob be alone
I think 90% of us are out for tomorrow
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:23 PM
I was alone yesterday and it was still fun because there's a steady supply of retarded victims
and tomorrow will be even better because people loved the long play yesterday and you can buy a beta key for like $0.30
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:24 PM
Shoulda gotten in with us and seen Alexs retard castle
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:24 PM
how does the camp thing work when you log in to a different map?
like what if someone else built in the same place? do they just never get added to your server?
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 10:25 PM
Something like that
Guards 05-Nov-18 10:26 PM
I am excited to build Fort Fuckyou
Bear in the Woods 05-Nov-18 11:03 PM
if you join a server and they claimed your turf first it packs your camp up and you can set it somewhere else
Guards 05-Nov-18 11:15 PM
so you're not meant to build shanty towns then
Taylor Swift 05-Nov-18 11:16 PM
I mean
If you build it in an appropriatly obscure area like I did
Guards 05-Nov-18 11:23 PM
I have aspirations
Bear in the Woods 06-Nov-18 10:33 AM
Dreadhouse might be a way to use up all that junk in my stash trunk
Coathanger MD 06-Nov-18 11:56 AM
Yeah building is a legit way to clear stash space
My comfy fuckshack ate a good 25
Course i needed to stack turrets cause some nerds kept fighting bears and deathclaws
On my front lawn pengwithgun
I would actually love if we could make a neighborhood/town somewhere
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 12:02 PM
Thursday y’all come look at the valley I settled in
It’s peak comfy
A lot of flat land
Coathanger MD 06-Nov-18 12:10 PM
Well big one is we need a water source so we can plant a purrification plant
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 12:17 PM
There MIGHT be a river near by
I didn’t finish exploring it before we went on the Greebrier field trip
Guards 06-Nov-18 12:19 PM
now can I get 21:9?
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 12:20 PM
Lol no
Guards 06-Nov-18 12:20 PM
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 12:26 PM
It just works, baby
ToddBot BOT 06-Nov-18 12:26 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Nov-18 12:27 PM
God i love that bot
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 12:30 PM
Toddbot I love you
ToddBot BOT 06-Nov-18 12:30 PM
I'll always be here for you, Taylor "Mike Morhaime" Swift.
NPC BOT 06-Nov-18 12:30 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Nov-18 12:40 PM
Just let the bott fuck you already homo
Bear in the Woods 06-Nov-18 05:15 PM
How was today's beta?
Guards 06-Nov-18 10:10 PM
yeah real good
nice and smooth
too short
Taylor Swift 06-Nov-18 10:28 PM
Enough about your dick
Guards 06-Nov-18 10:49 PM
not just yet
when I piss, I have to sprinkle pepper on it and wait for it to sneeze
then I grab it with tweezers
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 11:22 AM
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 11:22 AM
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 11:23 AM
Shut up todd
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 11:23 AM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 11:51 AM
Todd is life
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 11:51 AM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 11:51 AM
Todd is love
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 11:51 AM
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 12:14 PM
Todd is gay
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 12:14 PM
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 12:14 PM
How many todd responses does it ahve
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 12:14 PM
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 12:14 PM
Cause man these are good
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 03:30 PM
Mez 07-Nov-18 03:38 PM
Yeah I’m not getting f76 given all these issues
And the fact the fov makes me get nauseous after a while
Prude 07-Nov-18 03:39 PM
i'll be watching it one way or another
DerVerrater 07-Nov-18 03:41 PM
turns out you can fuck with PC model proportions cleint side
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 04:15 PM
Yeah 76 is lookin more and more like a shitshow
Im gonna hold off as well
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:18 PM
We could power a small nation from the motion of yall waffling on this game
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 04:22 PM
If only they could channel that into a fixed game
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:23 PM
Felt fine to me in the 10+ hours we put into it so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 04:29 PM
Yeah its an ok game the problem is the total port faggtory, the fov does give me nasty headaches, the whole lack of fucking security
This isnt garry and his half baked tard crew or a bunch of drunk slavs
This is a multi million dollar company
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:31 PM
>getting sick from a game
tbqh its not the game making yall sick
its the amount of high T content it exudes
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 04:31 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:31 PM
Modern low T men cant handle it!!!!
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 04:32 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:32 PM
The only problems F76 gives me is a permanent boner
Psychosomatic tbqh
Youve fallen for the (((anti-Todd))) lies
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Looks good to me!!!!!!!!!!!
Mez 07-Nov-18 04:44 PM
I legit want to play but I was getting sick from the 3 hours I played
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 05:19 PM
This is a sad showing
Ill be playing Second Best Fallout while waiting for First Best Fallouts beta tomorrow
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 05:19 PM
Bear in the Woods 07-Nov-18 06:03 PM
It won't be as fun without you guys to play with negative
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 06:04 PM
>implying they wont play
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 06:05 PM
Im just waiting for the first few patches to make my final call
If theyre unfucking the console gay and let you shift the fov ill be sold
Porkchop 07-Nov-18 06:07 PM
and add PTT
Coathanger MD 07-Nov-18 06:17 PM
I just need to see that this isnt a pump and dump by Todd on your well worn assholes
ToddBot BOT 07-Nov-18 06:17 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 06:21 PM
Say whatever yall want
Yall will play
Alt 07-Nov-18 07:09 PM
Yall niggies gonna play this shit for like a month, run around the entire map and dump it.
Maybe less since theres fuck all to do and griefing isnt the name of the game like rust
Prude 07-Nov-18 07:13 PM
while i'm not sure i'll buy it given the state of my everything, i'm sure some people will get their money's worth out of it 🤷 (edited)
I think maybe there's been a bit much gamehate hot takes going on
Prude 07-Nov-18 07:22 PM
I do hope they fix the obvious issues, but if they do I don't think there's anything wrong with the game
It seemed fun even in its flawed state
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 07:23 PM
Yeah lmbo
What a fucking smooth brain post
Even for Alt
"uh youre only going to play this game that has a months worth of content for one month" (edited)
YinBot BOT 07-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 07:24 PM
YinBot BOT 07-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 07:32 PM
This is your fucking post
I knew this sounded familiar!
I went "God who wrote this click baity cry post"
smash cut to Alex
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 09:31 PM
Dude dont doxx my Reddit account
Guards 07-Nov-18 10:01 PM
game is good
made a real doubtful friend install it and he liked it
I'll probably play it just as much as I play most online games with friends
Taylor Swift 07-Nov-18 11:39 PM
Fallout 76: Official Platinum Edition Guide preorder is down to $70.29 on Amazon https://t.co/VqAz5A4pfz
YinBot BOT 07-Nov-18 11:39 PM
TwitPic: 2 / 3
TwitPic: 3 / 3
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
BMW influencing Bethesda
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
YinBot BOT 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
Whos in charge NOW TODD
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 12:44 AM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 12:45 AM
Harrower 08-Nov-18 06:34 AM
im not sure where all the youtube butthurt over this game is coming from
it seems perfectly fine
Prude 08-Nov-18 06:35 AM
there are some bits that I understand as being lazy dev bullshit
animations tied to framerate, no FoV option, they corrected the lack of PTT already though
I can understand griping about that, but I think it's all actionable
I agree that I don't think there's a fundamental reason the game should be considered forever broken or unfun
so long as Bethesda puts work into it
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 06:36 AM
Prude 08-Nov-18 06:36 AM
I mean it's already fun, like the game itself is functioning in a way that can generate fun
Harrower 08-Nov-18 06:43 AM
a bethesda game riddled with shitty bugs!?!?!? beyond the pale. if people dont expect that as a given i dont know what to say
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 06:43 AM
Bear in the Woods 08-Nov-18 07:15 AM
Youtube outrage comes from the fact of Outrage=Clicks=Views
so it's easy to hate on it from that outlook
DerVerrater 08-Nov-18 07:22 AM
i think all the epic fallout youbers
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 07:22 AM
DerVerrater 08-Nov-18 07:22 AM
who love the series
seem to have just played 3 and 4
judging by lots of the comments they make
Bear in the Woods 08-Nov-18 07:24 AM
So Tay's a Youtuber?
DerVerrater 08-Nov-18 07:24 AM
Tays something alright
Solgnir 08-Nov-18 11:22 AM
21:9 without FOV is gonna be painful
I notice this shit in VT2, some streamers play it on an FOV that makes me feel like I might be stroking out
Peaches 08-Nov-18 12:08 PM
To high or to low?
Small fov makes me feel weird
DerVerrater 08-Nov-18 12:11 PM
Im glad im always lazy on monitor upgrades
Peaches 08-Nov-18 12:30 PM
I'll be honest, I'm not surprised by all these issues. I have always have a ton of fun with Bethesda games but I've never been able to see it as a multiplayer experience and it still have the same appeal
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 12:30 PM
Peaches 08-Nov-18 12:30 PM
Which is why I had low expectations and hoped they could hop over it
I haven't given up hope or anything because this is definitely a new thing but they aren't make me any more enthusiastic
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 01:39 PM
I wanna play!!!!!
Guards 08-Nov-18 02:37 PM
Bear in the Woods 08-Nov-18 02:39 PM
Tfw can't play tonight negative
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 03:11 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Nov-18 03:11 PM
So we got a way to unfuck that shitty fov
Im off to get my back cracked n shit so ill be around for the beta to try thus shit
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 03:16 PM
I’m taking a pregame dump
Coathanger MD 08-Nov-18 03:17 PM
Pro move
Oh man my bus is a slip and slide
If I die before beta nuke some 12 yearolds house
Well back cracker went on vacation didnt know so ill be back sooner
YinBot BOT 08-Nov-18 03:21 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Nov-18 03:21 PM
Calm down doggo
Coathanger MD 08-Nov-18 03:30 PM
Yeah ill get some test time in for sure atleast
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:47 PM
Pinned a message.
Heres an interesting story note
Its fun to read terminals at bandit hideouts
Because its so different from previous fallouts
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:47 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:48 PM
The bandits here are like, normal pre-war dudes who had to turn to raiding to survive
So what Im thinking is
Theres 2-3 avenues Bethesda could easily use to bring NPCs in
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:50 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:50 PM
BoS, Enclave
And, mild spoiler
Theres another vault on the map
Vault 96 is a Vault-Tec vault in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia in 2102. It is located to the south of Spruce Knob and R&G Station, at the end of a gravel road designated "103". As with...
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:51 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:51 PM
That ESPECIALLY could be a great storyline
Breaking into a vault in the middle of its social expirement
So yeah 90% chance Fallout 76 will have NPCs by next Summer
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:52 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:52 PM
Remember how cool the BoS showing up in F4 was?
Imagine a regular F76 trailer then all the sudden
BoS airships
!yt Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel arrival
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:53 PM
NotSoBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:53 PM
Fallout 4: Brotherhood of Steel Arrival - YouTube Nov 16, 2015 ... FALLOUT 4 https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA02962_00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLjB6p3nHMk
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:53 PM
It was pcool
They staged it well
But its an interesting oppurtunity to make the lore cohesive
There was no BoS in the East right?
Maybe its because they got beat 😉
Porkchop 08-Nov-18 04:56 PM
the BoS was the remnants of a military unit on the west coast, they shouldn't have any eastern presence until Elder Lyons gets there
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:56 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:56 PM
Thats what Im saying
Maybe its just some ragtag group
And they get hellowned in Appalachia
200 something years before Lyons
Todd hire me 4 lore team thx
ToddBot BOT 08-Nov-18 04:57 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 04:58 PM
Makes as much sense as anything else lmbo
Bear in the Woods 08-Nov-18 05:12 PM
Make sure you go east of Alex's camp during this beta
Bring a friend maybe
I already did it, it's how I got into the bunker
All I'mma say, it's actually a fun quest to do
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 05:25 PM
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 05:33 PM
>only got to play 30 minutes of the beta because I need to run
and worked most the day
Ulthirm 08-Nov-18 06:00 PM
I didn't get to myself, but last time i did i got a fat man so whoever wants to be a heavy gunner if you catch me on
Coathanger MD 08-Nov-18 06:46 PM
Glad you like the dress
Taylor Swift 08-Nov-18 07:00 PM
No F76 for....
4-5 days?
!img dave chappelle crack
NotSoBot BOT 08-Nov-18 07:00 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 08-Nov-18 08:16 PM
Let warfarm give you a good dose for a few days
Scuba Steve 09-Nov-18 02:38 PM
Countdown to there being the shadman fallout pics in someone load screen
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 02:38 PM
Coathanger MD 09-Nov-18 02:39 PM
Count down? Nigga it happened already
Vault meat was dropped in the second they discovered it
Coathanger MD 09-Nov-18 03:04 PM
Keep your hands where I can see them. Patreon: www.patreon.com/Adustus Twitter: www.twitter.com/ChrisLondonFilm
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:07 PM
Mine still says arriving the 14th
Oh yeah that is cool
Its real big
One Retweet and Ill stream launch day wearing it
🔁 1
@The 76ers
The fallout sub is really on some smooth brain shit lately
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:16 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:16 PM
Present company excluded of course
Scuba Steve 09-Nov-18 05:16 PM
what're they doing now?
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:17 PM
Oh youre dumb if you buy this
Its a shitty console port thats bad and totally not fun
PTT and FOV are literally the most important things ever
Scuba Steve 09-Nov-18 05:18 PM
Oh, the usual latch on and cry about it things?
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:18 PM
A much smaller % that those who are
Reddit is a literal echochamber
reddit big gay rt
Scuba Steve 09-Nov-18 05:19 PM
It's a mic too close to a speaker, it starts of kinda intelligible but quickly escalates into an ear piercing shrieking REEEEEEEEEE
handy for some shit if you're able to google it
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:19 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:19 PM
" can't verify how many people were interested in the first place "
Judging by the ree since announcement?
Oh please
You know Beth haters as well as anyone else
you know most all these "lost sales" are either A. going to buy anyways or B. Never going to buy in the first place
Reddit literally exists for people shitty tantrums to gain validation
Theyre adding PTT, too
Is that not how betas are supposed to work?
Was this thread another one of your Reddit sockpuppets?
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:37 PM
This is starting to reek of Anti-Todd propaganda
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:37 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:37 PM
Its gonna sell numbers fam
Becauses hes the stark reality of it
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:38 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:38 PM
First off, those spouse abusers and kids are are like 70% of Bethesdas player base
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:38 PM
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:39 PM
Secondly, most every crybaby on Reddit is part of a group like this where a majority is ust blowing past the problems and going to play anyways
In the end, even they will play
And thats ok!
I think
Harrower 09-Nov-18 05:40 PM
ive had to dump a ton of games for making me motion sick, this isnt one of them
Taylor Swift 09-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Heh epic gamers have way too high of expectations for games
Ive literally never gotten motion sick from anything ever so
Im not the best test case
ToddBot BOT 09-Nov-18 05:41 PM
Harrower 09-Nov-18 05:42 PM
that warhammer deathwing game was the worst
made me want to throw up like 5 seconds in
DerVerrater 10-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Go on....
ToddBot BOT 10-Nov-18 12:25 PM
DerVerrater 10-Nov-18 12:25 PM
Go nuts
Remember this when rust is on sale
or some other game i can join the madness on
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 12:28 PM
Rust is a curse I wouldnt wish upon you
DerVerrater 10-Nov-18 12:28 PM
Well something i can join in on
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 12:31 PM
ToddBot BOT 10-Nov-18 01:12 PM
DerVerrater 10-Nov-18 01:15 PM
is it really an update at that syagew
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 01:15 PM
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 04:05 PM
Thats cool
Taylor Swift 10-Nov-18 04:14 PM
Im not sure
DerVerrater 10-Nov-18 05:13 PM
DerVerrater 11-Nov-18 06:46 AM
Now you are the jew
Coathanger MD 11-Nov-18 10:11 AM
He's always been
ToddBot BOT 11-Nov-18 12:13 PM
ToddBot BOT 11-Nov-18 04:57 PM
Guards 11-Nov-18 10:23 PM
all the ones I saw were europe/africa
Harrower 12-Nov-18 01:16 PM
is there an option for a larger clan organization or does the game operate entirely off the 4-5 guys you can get in your little group?
Coathanger MD 12-Nov-18 01:18 PM
4 man squads
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 01:31 PM
But friends outside your squad can join your server
Harrower 12-Nov-18 01:33 PM
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 02:17 PM
My limited edition says its been shipped
And will arrive tomorrow
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 03:05 PM
Shit, now that its to UPS its saying Wednesday
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:10 PM
Looks like mines coming Wednesday too, good thing I have Thursday off
I'll be able to play Wednesday night most likely, was gonna have to work either way
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:16 PM
Im not real far in, Alex
Im only level 12 or something
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:16 PM
I think I hit 21? before it ended
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:16 PM
Yeah I think so
you were def the highest
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:17 PM
It wasnt too hard, a mix of questing and combat
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:18 PM
>not just fucking around exploring and building comfy shacks
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:19 PM
Running around, questing and combat then
Some hardcore sockers hit 30s-40s by spamming the events
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:20 PM
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:20 PM
I'd rather just play with y'all than do that
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:20 PM
Yeah thats
The older i get the more I despise that playstyle
Bear in the Woods 12-Nov-18 05:23 PM
Hopefully they expand the stash size a bit
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 05:23 PM
Yeah us serial hoarders are already hurting
Taylor Swift 12-Nov-18 08:20 PM
Bethesda sent us Fallout 76's Power Armor Edition and, well, one of the editors won't take the helmet off. @Bethesda_ANZ https://t.co/qGxaULX0YD
verified 1
ToddBot BOT 13-Nov-18 12:33 AM
vrath 13-Nov-18 10:53 AM
I bought a code from cdkeys
says invalid
I submitted a ticket
time to learn to say fuck off in russian
DerVerrater 13-Nov-18 10:59 AM
idi na huy
is Иди на хуй
Your welcome
отъебись от меня
DerVerrater 13-Nov-18 02:20 PM
it was nice knowing you
please remember to shave your leg
Scuba Steve 13-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Wait, the game is released?
DerVerrater 13-Nov-18 02:33 PM
its active uk
Alt 13-Nov-18 04:04 PM
I hope you all enjoy the amazing GOTY that is going to be fallout 76 🙏
altpepe 1
ToddBot BOT 13-Nov-18 04:04 PM
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 04:04 PM
Thanks bud!
DerVerrater 13-Nov-18 05:00 PM
This hat exists in game
but cannot be picked up
Fucking bullshit
ToddBot BOT 13-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Coathanger MD 13-Nov-18 07:18 PM
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 07:25 PM
hottake but true
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 09:16 PM
I'm just saying, fo76 that I bought was a digital download, wtf Amazon shipping to me through ups?
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 09:17 PM
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 09:33 PM
I also apparently dont get to download the game so idk wtf up
I guewss my beta key didnt count fully so I have to wait till tomorrow to get the key via amazon
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 09:33 PM
I think your digital download is less digital and more physical
And less download and more coming to your house
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 09:34 PM
But like... what
The page says it contains not CD, just a code so like are they shipping me a piece of paper?
guess so XD
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 09:35 PM
They are
Thats whats in my special edition
ToddBot BOT 13-Nov-18 09:35 PM
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 09:35 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Nov-18 09:57 PM
we wining, dining, and 76ing tomorrow boys
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 10:22 PM
Sadly I have to visit a college tomorrow so I will not be until quite late :/
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 10:23 PM
UPS wont deliver mine until ATLEAST 5PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Nov-18 10:40 PM
Same, but work and 9:00 Probably
Thursday is gonna be some real pipe hitting shit tho
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 10:43 PM
same except I have to work that day
so F
Guards 13-Nov-18 10:46 PM
bug free by the weekend boys
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 10:46 PM
Bug free at launch more like
Because they arent bugs...
Theyre features
Guards 13-Nov-18 10:47 PM
well hopefully I miss some of those features
Bear in the Woods 13-Nov-18 10:51 PM
So they didn't delete our Beta progress I take it?
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 10:51 PM
Not supposed to
Bear in the Woods 13-Nov-18 10:52 PM
There was a "barring any major issues" kinda wording with it, but I think there were some duping tricks out there. Didn't think it was too rampant before they fixed it though
Ulthirm 13-Nov-18 11:53 PM
Well you got lucky
I deleted gta to garner enough space, I need to upgrade my SSD before too long.
Taylor Swift 13-Nov-18 11:56 PM
Tough scene
Scuba Steve 14-Nov-18 01:42 AM
I need a nice 2tb M2 drive
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 08:22 AM
Can you still pick perk cards after level 50 even though you can't pick a special to level up?
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 12:08 PM
Itd be a very bad system if you couldnt
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 12:47 PM
waiting on ups like
!img spongebob waiting gif
NotSoBot BOT 14-Nov-18 12:47 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 12:48 PM
!img skeleton waiting
NotSoBot BOT 14-Nov-18 12:48 PM
Turkey in the Woods
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:09 PM
lmbo fucking
Proved right once again
Big thread on tweeter shitting on Fallout
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 01:09 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:09 PM
Dude later in the replies admits he doesnt even play Bethesda games
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 01:09 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:09 PM
Fuck off shills
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 01:12 PM
Send link
or zelda
i forget which is which
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:15 PM
Im way past it now, sorry
tldr it was someone laughing at Metacritics user scores prerelease
I just despise people like that
They dont live to enjoy they live to hate
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:58 PM
pGAY 1
Peaches 14-Nov-18 01:58 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 01:59 PM
Ill prob have to update a little
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:01 PM
some how you look even gayer than i imagined
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:02 PM
Turn on your monitor
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:02 PM
oh good
you put on a helmet to look less gay
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:04 PM
Such a cool helmet
Arguably the greatest piece of Fallout merch evert
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 02:04 PM
Peaches 14-Nov-18 02:05 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:07 PM
The tin case is very cool too
Has a good feel
Atom prices
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:10 PM
i saw something
that the laminate floor costs more than a real sqm
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:11 PM
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:11 PM
i forgot the denotation for square meter
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:11 PM
Thats a weird distinction to make
It also costs as much as my lunch but I cant fucking eat it
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:12 PM
not when buying flooring
i mean
are you trying hard enough?
my real cmplaint
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:12 PM
Not really
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:12 PM
is nothing in the store interests me atm
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:12 PM
A. Yes, its bare atm but its launch day
B. You earn a lot of atoms in game
Ive already made about a grand
And Im barely past level 10
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
im like level 20 or so
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
So if you arent a big A E S T H I C fan youll never hyave to buy atoms
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
i might join your game and give you some powra armour chassis
cause i have like 4
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
Did I add you?
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
Whats your ign
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
i would serenade you in voice chat6
Ulthirm 14-Nov-18 02:13 PM
I used to each laminate. Is definitely ediblw
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:14 PM
as i told @Cirno as Fuck
i am too lazy to make more than 1 username
so i will let you guess
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:14 PM
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:14 PM
ill get on for some FO later tonight
Wokking the dogs in pitch blackness just now
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Yeah Im still sorting through the stuff that came with this
Probably just fuck with my cabin for a while
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:32 PM
This map is SUPER high quality
Alt 14-Nov-18 02:40 PM
Taylor SwiftToday at 3:09 PM Fuck off shills You're the server owner tay, you cant leave us. apeepoCry
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:40 PM
or can I
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 02:46 PM
All I bought so far was the Bear avatar with atoms because I gotta keep the brand alive
Ulthirm 14-Nov-18 02:52 PM
At this point i can't tell any of ya'lls ranks
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 02:54 PM
There are no ranks, comrade
All are equal
Got The Official BMW Stream ™ going
DerVerrater 14-Nov-18 02:57 PM
Shout me out bitch
but dont do it just yet
im watching the advert
okay now you can
Scuba Steve 14-Nov-18 03:11 PM
fucking shitass website won't let me register for an account
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 03:13 PM
Alt 14-Nov-18 04:55 PM
The prevalence of power armor so early is kinda shitty.
Was my main beef with F4
It was so common
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 04:56 PM
The first actual parts aren't until like 15 though, and that's shitty raider power armor
And all the good power armor perks are later in leveling
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 04:58 PM
The power armor in Fallout 4 was supposed to be like, a part of the journey
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 04:59 PM
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:01 PM
The deathclaw should have fucked your ass up in the opening
The fact they gave you a suit and let you kill a deathclaw was just real shit to the fallout power fantasy
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 05:03 PM
Ill agree
Alt 14-Nov-18 05:03 PM
Its still power armor and way to early, power armor should be a bad shit is going down and we need the big fucking nuke cannons
Not shit you run around to take a leisurely stroll.
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:04 PM
How the opening should ha e played out in my book would be the same up till the deathclaw fight
Alt 14-Nov-18 05:04 PM
I saw a streamer yesterday go into this cave
Fought like 3 bosses in there and even he admitted without the armor he was fucking dead like 4 times over.
Thats the kinda of shit im talking about, especially given 76's mmo nature.
"Holy shit this cave is insane and full of loot and bosses, let me bring my friends"
Nope, just one guy in armor took everything out in it.
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:06 PM
So yeah heres how it should have gone, you and the deathclaw play shot for shot like normal but it knocks you down at a certain point and starts tearing your armor parts off
Knocks you around and right before it goes for the killin blow you get the survivors you just rescue blast it with laser muskets making it run off
They pull you out of the now trashed frame and you go on like normal
Likely with a conversation about deathclaws and such
It establishes the power hierarchy of deathclaws are not a joke, power armor is not god armor, and it opens up two quests. One where you go back and repair the suit and one where you hunt the deathclaw who mauled you
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Right counter point
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Least thats how i feel they could have preserved the power fantasy better
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 05:11 PM
How lit was jumping off that roof
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:12 PM
Oh you keep that and qs i said when the deathclaw shows the change happens
So you feel like a god then get put back into reality
Alt 14-Nov-18 05:12 PM
New vegas did the deathclaw shit right
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:12 PM
It lets you see power armor is a very very good tool
Alt 14-Nov-18 05:12 PM
Cause fallout 3, they where a joke with the dart gun
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 05:12 PM
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:13 PM
But not the tool for every situation
I mean the dartgun was a meme gun
Alt 14-Nov-18 05:13 PM
Plus it was cool when I had my maxed out dude in vegas and went toe to toe with a deathclaw with a ballstic fist and he could still fuck me up
Never mind the alpha claw
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:14 PM
Christ i nuked it from orbit and it still nearly killed.me
I opened with a stealth helios strike
And it wasnt even half health
Those things need to be the most terrifying thing out there
They are legitimately the apex of wildlife maybe along side cadozers or night stalkers in fonv
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 05:47 PM
I fought some deathclaws in the beta and only survived because they were wailing on muttchops instead
They took a good amount of firepower
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:50 PM
Oh yeah the 76 claws are good
They didnt fuck around whe we fought them
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 05:52 PM
We let the yao Guais fight them instead
!img let them fight
NotSoBot BOT 14-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Turkey in the Woods
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:53 PM
Then cue me screaming in terror as they all attack me when we try to clean up
That was a fun one
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 05:54 PM
And then take advantage of the xp system by shooting everything once to get credit alex
Coathanger MD 14-Nov-18 05:55 PM
Yeah moments like that .ade 76 gun
Ill pick it up eventually
Taylor Swift 14-Nov-18 06:14 PM
This game is good
Official Taylor Good Game Seal of Approval ™
ToddBot BOT 14-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Ulthirm 14-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Its just an empty box
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 06:45 PM
There's merchants too
Bear in the Woods 14-Nov-18 07:43 PM
Downloading now
Roaming merchants
I found one around Charleston when we were playing
He had a brahmin named Moo-Moo
Ulthirm 14-Nov-18 08:42 PM
G and 6 look basically the same on this code
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:32 AM
So we may have a way to get 76 on the cheap
I'm the poor bastard testing it
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:37 AM
Theres bravery and then theres real bravery pic but the second is the shitposting leaf
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
If it works, $30 76
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
If it doesnt, Todd comes to your house
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
I have an erection already
Its win win
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
!img todd entering your house
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
NotSoBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:39 AM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:40 AM
!img todd howard breaking into house
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:40 AM
NotSoBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:40 AM
A Generation Zero Shill
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:40 AM
Got you fam
Alt 15-Nov-18 12:53 AM
I wonder if todd knows about the memes
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:53 AM
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:53 AM
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:54 AM
But providing im not banned or youre willing to join the leaf in glory and jewery here's how you get you cheap 76. Vpn to russia Load up https://bethesda.net/ru/games/FAOCS1PCBG01BASE Buy with your CC setting a Russian address Load beth net launcher ??? Profit
The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community.
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:54 AM
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:54 AM
cyka blyat
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:54 AM
I used the name Cheeki Breeki
But thats it
Easy af
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:55 AM
All those hours in the zone trained Doc for this
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:55 AM
I did nearly get gang raped tonight in 76
So it was like the zone
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 12:58 AM
We need the band playing soon
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:58 AM
Oh wheres that
Because theres like a 5 piece band in front of the miners bar
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 12:58 AM
South south part of the map
We raided an estate and had an assaulttron melt my dick off
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:59 AM
Purchase justified
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 01:02 AM
I got wind instruments plans
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 01:25 AM
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 01:50 AM
I found a coffee shop where looks like only the cat survived
Mez 15-Nov-18 02:00 AM
If someone can vpn and get me a key I’ll pay ya
DerVerrater 15-Nov-18 03:47 AM
fun fact
you can kill cats in 76
and make cat meat steaks
Scarecrow 15-Nov-18 04:34 AM
is there a way to change the fov in this game cos jfc on a 3440x1440p monitor its fucking terrible
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Ok so looking good, i got the invoice for buying the game
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 07:54 AM
Yeah i got a bit worroed when i see some good ol commie script in my email
But just Digitsl river sending the invoice
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:07 AM
Yeah then we're golden
So just you just need a vpn, login to beth net, buy it and bam
Im broke but if you want @Mez i can pass you my vpn login
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:14 AM
And it would be ironic if a VPN banned you from logging in from a different location thonking
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:15 AM
Peak irony
At $30 even Alt is considering 76
This should never have been a $60 game imo
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:26 AM
It's a gun
DerVerrater 15-Nov-18 08:32 AM
Can we rename guns
if so i would call that yorik
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:49 AM
@Coathanger MD you wanna see the excav power armor? I'm only missing the legs now
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:49 AM
Hell yeah
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:50 AM
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:50 AM
Thats actually kinda cool
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:50 AM
I need screws and nuclear material now ree
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:51 AM
Any bonuses or just normal PA
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 08:51 AM
there's apparently a set bonus
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:51 AM
Oh neat
Ill probably stick with t45 for a bit
When I get there
Helps i have most of a set atm
DerVerrater 15-Nov-18 08:52 AM
i mean if it gets a decent cchunk of content patches odwn the line
it will be kinda worth it
tbh i got nearly my moneys worth out of the betas
so i cant ocmplain
I generally aim for £ to hour in most games
its an arbirtary value but it works
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:56 AM
Thats a very safe value ratio
DerVerrater 15-Nov-18 08:56 AM
76 is about a 0.9 per hour at this stage
so good value
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 08:57 AM
I try to shoot for least $5 an hour personally
Prude 15-Nov-18 08:59 AM
If I break even with like a movie ticket or w/e I at least don't feel too bad, so long as quality of the time spent/enjoyment of the subject is controlled for
my normie entertainment rate parity scale
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:00 AM
Thats also a very fair value ratio
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:07 AM
But yes the vpn to Russia pushes 76 from overpriced to reasonable woth $30 usd
1.999,00 руб in commie
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 09:30 AM
>over priced
>spent less than 200
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:39 AM
Got 2 level 50 Right legs, ready for the endgame
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:44 AM
I got some t60 kicking around
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:44 AM
they were leather armor bruh
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:44 AM
Im probably gonna break the t60 down tbh
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:44 AM
yeah ive been breaking down all other PA pieces
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:45 AM
Im keeping 45 and 51 sets
Unless i find a x01 though im keeping that
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:46 AM
I just need more carry space
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:46 AM
Yeah i feel you
Oh if you have raider chest.armor hit a nigga up, i have the deep pocket mod for it
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:46 AM
Friendship with raider armor has ended, new best friend is excavator
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:47 AM
Im gonna get some power armor skills but im lea ing towards semi auto skills maybe energy
Im sitting on 700 308 rounds
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:51 AM
808 here
though once I find a certain heavy weapon that'll be a lesser concern
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:55 AM
I still need to see what weapons they have, ngl if they have a gauss rifle i want it
I'll mainline thay
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:56 AM
(there is one)
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 09:59 AM
But yeah honestly you should always use a hunting rifle
The ammo is plentiful
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:00 AM
I found a plasma rifle that literally doesnt work 😦
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 10:01 AM
Im gonna turn that pistol you gave me into somethung fun
I unlocked the sniper barrel.for it
Thats actually really cool
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:05 AM
Found some rich person's sex room
or sex closet I guess
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:13 AM
no wait, there was a t-45 power armor helmet on the ground. Problem solved
Set Bonus is an extra 100 lbs of carry weight eyepop
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:24 AM
maybe like 20?
with pocketed mods
Then you run into the next conundrum, you need a lotta caps for all those plans
and merchants don't have a lot on hand
YinBot BOT 15-Nov-18 10:31 AM
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:46 AM
I think a level 6 guy got wanted by punching a turret in my workshop
So I used my banked Black Powder Rifle crit on him getin
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 10:48 AM
Youre an animal
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:49 AM
it put him in a downed state so I walked up to him in full power armor and recreated the scene from the fallout 1 intro
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 10:49 AM
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 10:49 AM
So how's PVP work in this game
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 10:49 AM
I love the black powder weapons
So you get shot by some nigger
It does chip damage
Kinda like a warning
If you want to fight them you turn and open fire doing full damage
If a player is wanted they cant see anyone on their map, everyone else can see them, and they take full pvp damage
The game isnt very pvp friendly but gives the chance for real fuckery
DerVerrater 15-Nov-18 10:51 AM
push people off things is funny
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 10:52 AM
So basically dive in front of someone shooting a molerat then 360 noscope him with a black powder cannonade
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 10:52 AM
Or in my case have a newbie hit a turret of yours then open up on him
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 10:55 AM
Also the classic division darkzone human sheild trick is a good choice
Get a friend wanted, cluster around him, so when bounty hunters come they shoot you
Become wanted and thus get farmed
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 10:57 AM
Does murdering someone give you useful things?
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 10:58 AM
Their junk
Junk is more or less gold
Since you need so much shit to repair and upgrade
Most players are overloaded
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 12:07 PM
ROCKVILLE, MD—Popular RPG developer Bethesda has hired a team of leftists to roam the wasteland in its new Fallout 76 video game and act as NPCs, handing out quests and interacting with players.Bethesda games have often been plagued with buggy NPC behavior, a problem that...
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:07 PM
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 12:07 PM
YinBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:07 PM
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:44 PM
YinBot BOT 15-Nov-18 12:44 PM
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 02:41 PM
You can build on the golf course
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 03:01 PM
Thats P R I M E real estate
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 04:52 PM
I'm hoppin on if anyone else is
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 04:52 PM
Im on but Im just farting around until supper
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 04:52 PM
That's fair
I'm out farming PA
Either way chillin in voice for a bit
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 05:15 PM
Anything I need to know before playing this?
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:30 PM
Its a Fallout game
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 05:31 PM
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:31 PM
It just feels right
Oh, well
Maybe dont hoard like you would in Fallout 4
ToddBot BOT 15-Nov-18 05:31 PM
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:31 PM
Not until later levels
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 05:31 PM
yeah, grind it all down to junk because you don't need 57 PA sets
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:37 PM
lmbo yeah
Thats probably my primary most complaint
Is that hoarding is discouraged
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 05:37 PM
the camp only has like 150 slots or something?
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:37 PM
It goes quick tho!!!!
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 05:39 PM
does ammo have weight?
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:39 PM
90% of your stash is going to be junk
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 05:40 PM
Wanders around, opens door "Oh my god I am the king of everything!" Loots 70 typwriters and desk fans
Coathanger MD 15-Nov-18 05:56 PM
Ammo has weight
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 05:57 PM
Oh it does? that might explain a lot
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 08:43 PM
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:01 PM
yeah you should scrap that
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 09:07 PM
>160lb >40 weight
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:08 PM
>He forgot about Pack Rat
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 09:08 PM
>he did
Bear in the Woods 15-Nov-18 09:09 PM
Someone somewhere put one in their stash and is wondering why the limit is so low
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 09:13 PM
yeah lol what a dumb fucking nerd
Taylor Swift 15-Nov-18 11:13 PM
@here hot meme inc
Scuba Steve 15-Nov-18 11:58 PM
That's a ketchup tier spicy meme
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 12:09 AM
ok then take this as consoloation
me @ f76
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 12:27 AM
Scarecrow 16-Nov-18 03:09 AM
Anyone else here got a 3440x1440 monitor and managed to force this game to run at that?
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 03:23 AM
Scuba Steve 16-Nov-18 06:45 AM
ok, this game runs like hot dogshit
Prude 16-Nov-18 06:48 AM
Some people have said that
it's weird, since my system is becoming sort of low end these days and I actually felt it ran pretty nicely at the settings it auto-assigned me
Scuba Steve 16-Nov-18 06:49 AM
might be borderless windowed mode
So far, so good
Also, holy shit not having pocketed armor is aids
Scuba Steve 16-Nov-18 07:05 AM
also dying and having the server insta-DC you like 5 feet from your bag
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 07:47 AM
Yeah you get into the habit of dumping junk fast
Also dont loot everything
Ammo has weight so only take for what you use, if there is a bench nearby break down weapond you find
And get a PA frame asap
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 08:04 AM
Going whole hog into strength, using power armor and taking advantage of a certain set bonus for an extra 100 lbs on top, I reached a normal Fallout's amount of looting
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 08:04 AM
DerVerrater 16-Nov-18 08:05 AM
I need to collect my costume party tho
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 08:05 AM
But even then I focus on looting screws/springs/nuclear material
Those are usually the ones people are low on
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 08:08 AM
Aluminum is a safe loot too
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 08:09 AM
Clipboards are a stealth good option to loot
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 08:14 AM
Desk fans
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 09:13 AM
So I'm pretty sure whenever you first log in with the excavator PA on it bugs and you get +200 lbs of extra carry weight until you exit your suit
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 09:18 AM
Im.gonna work on a set this weekend
@AlexanderDeLarge You want my raider set when i up to 45?
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 09:19 AM
Start looking for Black Titanium, you'll probably have some from when we killed molemen
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 09:19 AM
Oh man i got a stock pile
Deathclaws drop it too
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 09:24 AM
I've apparently got 92 so I can spare some too
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 09:27 AM
Awesome, I'll funnel some more cores your way
The mine area has a god damn lotta cores
So might stalk that place regularly
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 10:08 AM
When we kept killing those robobrains they kept dropping a fusion core each
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 10:15 AM
Yeah seems that area is a core farm
Setup in the workshop so we got a chill spot to do our farm and go nuts i guess
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 10:46 AM
Cores are heavy af
It’s gay
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 10:48 AM
So are missiles
If non-gear was weightless in your stash I feel like that would fix people's problems with it
You could probably keep the 400 limit as well
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 10:56 AM
I get theyre trying to keep the survival feel
But as a looter like nu-fallouts are you need to either let the kids go nuts or lock in on survival
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 10:57 AM
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 10:59 AM
Somethung like building components having their own stash would easily fix everything
Like say a 200 building stash you had to unlock via a quest
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 11:59 AM
No not yet, ill toss those in tongiht
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 01:26 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 01:29 PM
That mother fucker
He sold us skyrim again
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 01:29 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 01:30 PM
My goal this weekend is to setup a trading post/service station at the power plant workshop
I think itll be fun to do
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 01:56 PM
fuck rad scorpions
Fuckers will follow you across the map
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 01:59 PM
One gave coat and I a quad barrel blackpowder rifle
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 02:01 PM
Legendary level 52 Mr Gutsy spawned on me
😂 🔫
DerVerrater 16-Nov-18 02:28 PM
I tried to take over the waterpark
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 02:37 PM
Yeah im excited to use that
Prude 16-Nov-18 04:02 PM
Fallout 76 bug accidentally uninstalls itself Haha ok that's funny Fallout 76 bug moves cursor over to Steam on its own Hey wait Fallout 76 bug opens store page for Skyrim Hold on a sec Fallout 76 bug purchases copies of Skyrim for all of my friends Ah! Got me agai...
DerVerrater 16-Nov-18 05:22 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 05:27 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 05:44 PM
I'm hoppin on
If anyone wants to take part in my plan to build a trade shop hit a nigga up
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 06:08 PM
I just got in from my run
Ill be on in uh
Oh its alost 1800 so i should eat
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 06:14 PM
I may have discoverd something hilarious with the hunting rifle
Shoot, bayonet melee, no chamber time
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 06:35 PM
Its got more pros than that
DerVerrater 16-Nov-18 06:43 PM
embrace the hate
i really dont get the huge ass negative against it
but i love watching it
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 06:59 PM
I dont because its all so tiresome
The meme of "oh I hate x because y (when in reality its just because its popular and I have 0 personality outside of being a contrarian)"
!yt liberty prime better dead than red
NotSoBot BOT 16-Nov-18 07:10 PM
Better Dead Than Red - YouTube Apr 10, 2011 ... Liberty Prime FUCKYEAH! ... Better Dead Than Red. deicidemaul. Loading... Unsubscribe from deicidemaul? Cancel Unsubscribe. Working. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glnOO4Q8hKM
Liberty Prime FUCKYEAH!
DerVerrater 16-Nov-18 07:14 PM
the more i watch
the more i realise most of these "fallout fans" started at 3
ToddBot BOT 16-Nov-18 07:14 PM
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 07:40 PM
The more I realize theyre faggots
Who just want to bitch
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 07:56 PM
The Commie Whacker is in the game
I picked up a mod for it today
Also don't go up against a Mirelurk Queen without a shitton of armor and stims
Mez 16-Nov-18 08:12 PM
I just wish they’d fix things that stop me from playing. The fov and poor optimization suck
I want to play with you guys for fuckery
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 08:13 PM
Theres an FOV fix
Its not official but it works
Mez 16-Nov-18 08:28 PM
Do you have to redo it every time you load the game or fast travel?
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 08:33 PM
I dont believe so
Alex said it was permanent
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 09:05 PM
So I just beatdown a Scorchbeast With a sledgehammer
My fire axe broke mid fight so I had to take the hammer off a scorched that rushed me
Taylor Swift 16-Nov-18 09:09 PM
Oh nice
What level are you?
Bear in the Woods 16-Nov-18 09:13 PM
about to hit 39
I'm gonna need to go into the 60s-70s to max out all the perks I want though
Coathanger MD 16-Nov-18 09:56 PM
So yeah can confirm
Bayonet stab while bolt cylcing
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 12:29 AM
what FOV you using?
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 01:15 AM
Interactive Map of Fallout 76 Locations. Find weapons, easter eggs, collectibles and more! Use the progress tracker to find everything you need!
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 01:26 AM
Vaults: 4
Thats a lot of possible storylines
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 01:30 AM
It's still being updated
Also nuke codes are the same across the servers
So expect weekly nuke code posts on redit
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 01:31 AM
>Alien blaster ammo
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 03:52 AM
ugggh, aluminum is such a bastard to find
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:26 AM
Also, Reeeeeeee, accidentally scrapped my tricked out shotgun
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 05:46 AM
I've scrapped like 3 of my good weapons so far
One of them went into a food hopper
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 08:47 AM
Do all the vendor bots share a caps total?
Tryihng to sell shit and they're all at like 2 caps left
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 09:06 AM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 09:28 AM
There's different 'networks' though. The Greenbriar mall shares caps, the train stations share one and there's a few other factions with their own
Scarecrow 17-Nov-18 09:34 AM
Shame that the power armor hud is fucked when you force widescreen
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 10:02 AM
guessing if you don't make your corpse run, your shit disppears, dark souls style?
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 10:53 AM
With launch day behind us, we’re now looking toward the immediate future for Fallout 76 and what that means for both the short and long term.
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 10:53 AM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 10:56 AM
You can find the previous residents of the Greenbriar if you look hard enough
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 12:02 PM
ugggh, so overloaded with crap
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:17 PM
Literally called that stash size the other night
I said I bet theres a hardcoded technical reason its that low
Stash Limit Increase – We hear you loud and clear. We will be increasing the stash limit in the coming weeks. The current limit is there for technical reasons, to cap the number of items the game is tracking in the world, including every container and stash. We believe we have some ideas in both the short- and long-term that will address the size without risking stability, but this is one we need to take our time on to make sure it is done right. Push to Talk for PC – After listening to all of your concerns, we have made progress on getting this into the game and it will also be included in an update in the next few weeks. Ultrawide Support for PC – 21:9 support will be coming soon. We have seen it in testing and it looks awesome. FOV Slider for PC – We know this is popular request for our PC players— look for an FOV slider soon.
Literally all yalls complaints
I credit Alex
We’ll see new Vaults opening
Peaches 17-Nov-18 12:20 PM
I can try this on Xbox now
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:20 PM
DerVerrater 17-Nov-18 12:22 PM
I wanna check the code on photomode
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:22 PM
Yeah ideally we can get all the "eh"ers in game by years end
DerVerrater 17-Nov-18 12:23 PM
it seems to just give you control of another 'actor'
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Its probably an invisible eyebot or something lmbo
Knowing the engine
!img fallout 3 train head
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 12:23 PM
NotSoBot BOT 17-Nov-18 12:23 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 12:26 PM
how the fuck are some of these nerds level 70 already?
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:26 PM
!img poopsock
NotSoBot BOT 17-Nov-18 12:26 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 12:27 PM
You get a sock, you put some poop in it bam level 70
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 12:27 PM
That would make a great easter egg recipie
1 cloth, 1 fertilizer = 1 poopsock, consume to get 5 exp
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 12:27 PM
95% disease chance
DerVerrater 17-Nov-18 12:28 PM
i thought being level 30 was bad
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 12:28 PM
5% chance to cause food loss in others
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 12:28 PM
Shit I aint even 30 lmbo
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 12:28 PM
Im working on my excivator armor
Need springs
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 12:29 PM
I hate power armor
but 100 carry weight
also, figured out what was so heavy
1500 steel
Anyone know what the vendor caps recovery period is?
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 12:45 PM
@Coathanger MD go check out camp McClintock. Clipboards are your friendo
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 12:45 PM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 12:45 PM
Or do the one quest I lead you towards, that building has a good amount of clipboards too
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 01:03 PM
Whereabouts are the three different vendor factions?
Daddy has like 15 full fusion cores to sell
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 01:11 PM
Whitesprings is the mansion on the center-south part of the map
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 01:23 PM
Also, if you ned nuclear material, the nuka cola plant has it and a shockingly large amount of aluminum
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 01:23 PM
The one near Charleston?
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 01:23 PM
yeah, west of charleston
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 01:30 PM
Thats a real comfy area of the map too
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 01:31 PM
And then you get to the fuckville of Ash Heap
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 01:38 PM
ok, scorchedbeasts can go fuck themselves
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 01:39 PM
YinBot BOT 17-Nov-18 01:39 PM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 01:44 PM
Kill them to learn dragon shouts smugpepe
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 02:03 PM
found a dank ass unmarked treefort thing in the far-ass northeast corner of the map
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 02:46 PM
I'm hoppin on to work on myPA
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 02:49 PM
I wont be on for, geez
8 hours
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 03:03 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 03:03 PM
fug yeah
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 03:06 PM
@Coathanger MD can you mod armor?
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 03:40 PM
I was with a friewnd helping him out sorry
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 03:45 PM
I'll join your session in a couple mins
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 03:45 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 03:46 PM
They had that shit in F4 too
Even in the Fallout Future
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 03:46 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 03:46 PM
Capshit is still ruled by SJWs
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 03:49 PM
where in the whitehole clubhouse is the trader bot?
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 03:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 03:50 PM
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 03:52 PM
I'm in the main? area with the pro shop and the restraunt upstairs, no vendor-bot
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 03:52 PM
the restaurant should have a vendor, that would share their pool
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:03 PM
oh, I was in the golf club, not the mall proper
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:03 PM
So apparently if you world swap with PA it'll refresh the core
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:03 PM
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
you ever kill a Wendingo in a clown outfit with a fireaxe via the power of stimpacks and respawning a dozen times?
also it's 20 levels above you
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
I killed one before
That was horror
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
And then a level 62 ghoul camps your sorpse for 10 deaths, yet your goodies are somehow still there after you face fuck it with an axe
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
That's p chad ngl
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:04 PM
because every single gun you have and ever piece of armor is broke as a joke
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 04:05 PM
where are you finding a 62 ghoul?
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:05 PM
And yes the cores refresh
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 04:06 PM
some asshole cleared the area before me so all the shit was leveles appropriately for his level 71 ass
killing the fucker at level 22 gave me...82 exp
wow, I can make literally anything but shotshells
because plastic is apparently rare as nuclear materials
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 04:16 PM
They split into plastic
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 05:03 PM
ok, so there is one of those capturable workshop things up in the northeast, the mutitions plant, that's basically a hilarious treasure troe
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 05:21 PM
Oh yeah you can make your own ammo there
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 06:56 PM
Weightcucks BTFO
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 07:02 PM
how the fuck?
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:02 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 07:03 PM
!img Im not even mad im impressed
NotSoBot BOT 17-Nov-18 07:03 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 07:04 PM
You should see coat's carrying capacity
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:05 PM
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 07:06 PM
>2018 >Using puush
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:06 PM
Guess we won't tell ya how to do it then
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 07:11 PM
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 07:14 PM
(I can tell you later if you want)
Scarecrow 17-Nov-18 07:20 PM
God I fucking hate weight limits so much
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:22 PM
Well the trick is in my picture
Scarecrow 17-Nov-18 07:27 PM
Honestly I dunno what I'm looking for
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:30 PM
Ok so, get two of the exact same armor. Level everything, they needed to be pocketed like mine there
And then spam equip them
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 07:31 PM
How long does it persist
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 07:31 PM
Server change
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 07:31 PM
until you swap servers
We've died, I've entered power armor. Both stay
Scarecrow 17-Nov-18 07:32 PM
Gonna try that out when I can get on as thata the first thing I do in every fallout is set weight limit to 999999
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 07:33 PM
Scarecrow 17-Nov-18 07:33 PM
Yeah fuck you toddbot
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 07:33 PM
You too, Scarecrow.
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 07:58 PM
Maybe tomorrow we try launching a nuke?
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 07:59 PM
Fuck yeah
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 08:00 PM
I'm working on the prereqs for it atm
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 08:00 PM
Illbeon all day tomorrow
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 08:19 PM
I'mma hang with a friend for a bit but evening/night I should be available
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 08:23 PM
Oh please, like any of yall have friends
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 08:24 PM
so it's possible to fortify the ammo fctory to the point where nobody can get in at all
by putting porta-shitters in the hallways
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 08:29 PM
I did the same to another workshop by placing concrete walls around the workshop Rust-style
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 08:33 PM
haha, some level 12 nerd just tried to pvp me
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 09:03 PM
Execute him with the 10mm
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 09:06 PM
I molotoved him then hit him in the face with a rocket sledge
Bear in the Woods 17-Nov-18 09:08 PM
Yup it's a bethesda game
ToddBot BOT 17-Nov-18 09:08 PM
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 09:38 PM
munitions factory best factory
Coathanger MD 17-Nov-18 10:57 PM
The community is really chill half the time
Scuba Steve 17-Nov-18 11:42 PM
I made friends with some random dude
ended up trading a bunch of junk neither of us wanted, did a few of these event quests
Taylor Swift 17-Nov-18 11:55 PM
YinBot BOT 17-Nov-18 11:55 PM
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 12:00 AM
Pls no bully
Alt 18-Nov-18 12:27 AM
>Level 50
Get a fucking life NERD
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 12:28 AM
I'm just SPECIAL
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 03:01 AM
Finally hit level 30
Also, if you'r a cheeky fuck, you can squat on lke 3 of the mine sites, and just soak in the tasty mats
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 03:03 AM
Depends on the servers players really
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 03:12 AM
far west edge and far southwest are never ever occupied
plus if you box in the shit there isn't much they can do to you
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 03:13 AM
Yeah all about that effort :V
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 03:14 AM
once you have a blueprint saved it's pretty easy
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 06:23 AM
Man I love how friendly everyone is in the game
Scarecrow 18-Nov-18 07:49 AM
that carry weight glitch is fucking amazing
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 09:54 AM
how do you set it up?
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 10:22 AM
Coat posted it yesterday
433 votes and 74 comments so far on Reddit
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 12:27 PM
Two peices of exactly identical pocketed armor, keep equipping them over and over
It still blows me away i havent had a single bad encounter with players
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 12:33 PM
I have
Everytime I group with Bimmers smugpepe
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 01:26 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 01:58 PM
Fallout 76 players launch 3 nukes at once, crash server https://t.co/HkJyYwvFzu
verified 1
Actual link
Check the butthurt replies
I love this game just because of how ass ravaged it makes Anti-Beth hatebois
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:38 PM
IT really is mind boggling how hard they hate on this
Save your sanity trying to survive! Filter your AID tab for Food and Water, see the combined weight of item stacks, and view your inventory weight for each tab so you know which category is weighing y
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 02:39 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:42 PM
I'm gonna dick about with it a bit later
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 02:42 PM
Im personally avoiding mods until Bethesda says something about them one way or the other
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 02:42 PM
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 02:42 PM
I'm gonna see if I can get everything I need to launch a nuke in a few
We won't do the fissure site prime though, maybe just morgantown for the chaoticness
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:43 PM
I'm gonna hop on and get to work on getting gear together
Peaches 18-Nov-18 02:56 PM
My wife is playing it atm
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:56 PM
I hope she's enjoying it!
Peaches 18-Nov-18 02:56 PM
So far so good I'm not sure how I feel about it yet
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:56 PM
The community is just so wholesome I've found
I love it
Peaches 18-Nov-18 02:57 PM
I just don't think I want a multiplayer experience
But we'll see
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 02:57 PM
And that's perfectly fair, it grew on me personally
Peaches 18-Nov-18 02:58 PM
I don't think I'd play it like that on Xbox anyway
This is a free test because my bro in law bought it
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 03:03 PM
tbh it's pretty easy to just play solo as well
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 03:03 PM
I love roaming the wastes and finding a player who's out doing something nice
Like one player I found was farming plants to make healing paste to give out
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 04:28 PM
RIP these pubbies
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 04:37 PM
awe not gonna wait for us
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 04:39 PM
I wanted to see how it worked, I couldnt turn around and bing bada boom I'm a war criminal now
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 04:40 PM
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 04:40 PM
its honestly not that hard
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Soooo Morgantown is not a bad nuke target if you wanna grind xp, all the ghouls turned into Bloated Glowing ones and gave like 400xp a pop
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 05:06 PM
!img nice truck attack
NotSoBot BOT 18-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Little Taylor Schitt
Image Search Results
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 06:33 PM
just a reminder that bulk steel sells for 5 caps a pop
turn that plastic and steel into plans for armor you can't build yet! (edited)
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 06:35 PM
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 06:45 PM
Oh yeah, if you find yourself in Site Charlie with a Nuclear Keycard, the code is 63362650
It'll probably change tomorrow but there ya go
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Cant find radstags
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 07:04 PM
There's Brahmin in Flatwoods
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 07:18 PM
Nah I need radstags for a quest
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 07:21 PM
for the daily hunt?
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 07:23 PM
No for Rosie
VERY important pic inc
Stand by
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 07:32 PM
Im the spook queen
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 07:38 PM
I got a border for launching a nuke
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 07:43 PM
So where does it store the pictures
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 07:48 PM
C:\Users\Daniel-PC\Documents\my games\Fallout 76\Photos\50ddfb310b324bde939c37dd17619f4d
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 07:48 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 08:06 PM
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 08:59 PM
the hemlock holes golf course is p nice for plastic
18-20 per spawn
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 09:02 PM
Finally had some fag try to fight me
I laughed at him and walked away
Also learned from a friend that my dragon is fucking powerful as hell
Killed him in a single shot, in PA
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 09:06 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 09:06 PM
4 barrel black powder rifle
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 09:06 PM
To both
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 09:07 PM
I ahve the perks that let me bypass 36% of armor
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 09:21 PM
Also, Yao Guai give springs
So they're actually worth murderizing
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 09:27 PM
and acid
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 09:40 PM
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 10:20 PM
ugggh, such a pain in the ass to farm them though
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 10:37 PM
So the uranium extraction mission is p nice
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 10:37 PM
The Uranium mine w/ the molemen?
Scuba Steve 18-Nov-18 10:37 PM
there are elite molemen who spawn with 2-3 star legendary which drop p decent armor
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:31 PM
We just chased a dude trying to take Bears camp like 2 miles
Sniping him the entire time as he burned through his entire stimpack supply
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:41 PM
I'm almost to nuke time
If I get a hand monday we can nuke pubbies
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:43 PM
Ill be around
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:44 PM
I'll be sure to save the nuke don't you worry. getin
I wana nuke some pubbies
It's crazy how polarizing 76 is
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:44 PM
Fucking nerds went into it hating it
They want it to fail because muh fallout muh bethesda
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 11:45 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:45 PM
I've actually had a friend message me telling me it's abd game and I should quit playing. bit of a wtf
But either people hate it or they honestly love it
It's bizarre
Bear in the Woods 18-Nov-18 11:51 PM
I mean we trapped a guy in a workshop and stole his loot when he became wanted. I could see him hating it
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:52 PM
Yeah its one of those things people cant just let it be
They have to actively fuck with it
Rent Free
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:53 PM
I realy do think they need to run free weekends if they want to.get past the stigma. Also the price tag doesnt help
Only reason i got in was the russian discount
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:53 PM
Yeah but
These people wont even try it
its like me and Jojo
Even though thats 80% bit
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
It jsut confuses me how this game is so polarizing
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Its been built up for 10 years
Since 3
Original FalloutFags like Jack built the foundation for nuFallout hate
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
I mean ive been a fallout diehard since 1
ToddBot BOT 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Then it became hip to hate
Right, but its one of those things that
Major haters now never played any
They just hate it because its cool to hate it
Its people with no personalities
Its like Ive said about these Goon groups
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:55 PM
Shit I played my copy of 3 so hard the disc broke on my 360
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:55 PM
If you base your entire thing on hating something, its going to turn toxic fast
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:55 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:55 PM
!img stop liking things I dont like
NotSoBot BOT 18-Nov-18 11:55 PM
Little Taylor Schitt
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:56 PM
Still crazy how fast the hate meme sprewd
Its not a great game but god damnit its fun
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:56 PM
Its not great but its good
And thats all it has to be
not every game has to be The Witcher 3 or whatever
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:57 PM
I mean shit today i found some pubby, partied up, and just hung lut for a few hours running about
Taught him a fuckton
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:57 PM
Yeah I was thinking of what youve been saying
People are weirdly friendly
Considering its a PvP enabled survival game
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:58 PM
I honestly love it
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:58 PM
If this was Rust Id already have 40 people after me
Coathanger MD 18-Nov-18 11:58 PM
Its refreshing
Taylor Swift 18-Nov-18 11:59 PM
I dont want to do full loot fuck you pvp grind fests
I cant, really
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 12:00 AM
Alt 19-Nov-18 12:00 AM
Well you dont have to engage in pvp
Some dude could follow around
But unless you play his game its all good.
You dont have the ability to be a shitter right out the bat, I imagine that turned off that particulr crowd.
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 12:00 AM
You can straight turn the pacifist flag on
So if you are being a shitter
Ill be safe
Alt 19-Nov-18 12:01 AM
If you could gank from the moment you where in the world , I would imagine youd have more people on it.
Because of this weird subset of idiots that just NEEDS to gank 24/7
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:02 AM
Well theres not many people per world anyways
Which is nice in some ways
not in others
Alt 19-Nov-18 12:02 AM
Hey man the game is held with ductape as it is, lets iron shit out then Im sure they'll increase people in servers.
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:03 AM
Im not so certain
Alt 19-Nov-18 12:03 AM
Or just let you go hog wild when servers drop
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:03 AM
We were talking about this earlier
Theres a lot of factors being balance, and increasing one would prevent the others
So when they increase the stash size that probably means player count is out
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 12:05 AM
I mean im cool with this player cap ngl
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:05 AM
Im hoping its one of those situations like WoW
Alt 19-Nov-18 12:05 AM
Why do you NEED a bigger stash, nobody needs that many things
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:06 AM
In WoW when they made the game it was just a glorified W3 engine
but theyve created miracles with it
I think Fallout 76 will turn out the same way
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 12:06 AM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:06 AM
The further we get in the more theyll find out they can actually manage with the engine
And thats without considering a private server future
I believe we will see some truly amazing things after that
!img tesla you will live to see
NotSoBot BOT 19-Nov-18 12:09 AM
Little Taylor Schitt
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 12:14 AM
which silo you going for coat?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 12:21 AM
Havent decided yet, hopped off
Work in the AM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 01:05 AM
god bless coat's carry ammount bug
turned the game from 'ehhhh, maybe not' to 'where is my press E macro again?'
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 02:33 AM
Dead set I'm going to be salty as fuck if and when they fix that bug cos God damn it's the best
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:16 AM
food spoilage is buggy as fuck
killed like 40 radstags, 40 minutes later, no more radstag meat
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 04:33 AM
same here
also that daily's map indicators are at best suggestions
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 06:09 AM
Thank Bear, he found it!
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 06:27 AM
How is everyone doing their specials I seem to just be picking what ever I feel like
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 06:45 AM
there's some stupid minmaxing you can do
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 07:19 AM
People can't make you move your camp yeah?
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:29 AM
They can't
I mean, they could grief you over and over again, but no
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 07:33 AM
ok good
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 07:37 AM
Ive been heavy set in Int and Perception. Im gonna stack some strength for melee shortly
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 07:38 AM
guys wanted my spot and all i had was a shitty little base, can just repair everything once they get bored
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:41 AM
where was it?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 07:41 AM
They can trash your base and you can jsut laugh at them
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 07:41 AM
down near the giant miner, next to a water body
really a shit spot but shrug
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:43 AM
I'm currently doing a loop on the top edge of the map
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 07:43 AM
Pro spot is on the golf course, water.on site to run an industrial purifier
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 07:44 AM
yeah i was going to move there anyway
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:44 AM
camp is at the golcourse where the grafton monster spawns, then space station for the suits and elite drops, then the cemetary for the elite yao guai
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 07:44 AM
You know about the PA spawn just above the station
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:44 AM
where is it?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 07:45 AM
Eastern ridge of the station area, little wooden hut up too it
The armor spawns on the 2nd floor exposed outside so you can tell if its there by looking
Most of the time its raider so good starter drop area
Also everyone should start the abandoned waste dump questline
Leads to nukes getin
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 07:58 AM
Yep, got far enough along to open the vendor up
Fuck me is it a longass run though
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:03 AM
Its worth it
Im on the nuke stage
Im gonna try to get a nuke setup i figure we drop on some nerds near the vault
Im shooting for either we drop one today or tomorrow. Otherwise Friday night
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:08 AM
welp, servers are down now
here's hoping we get a massively improved stash size, or they don't fix the clothin bug, or both
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:09 AM
God i hope they dont fix that bug
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 08:10 AM
You know it's going to be clothing bug fix and no stash increase
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:10 AM
Or itll just suck the fun outta the game again
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:12 AM
plus I'm 600 pounds overweight, my stash is full to overflowing, and I'm stuck at the ass fuck end of the map
got a triple launcher guided missile launcher that's also 20% more damage
gonna keep that one
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:18 AM
Ah bunker buster
Shes nice
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:19 AM
Also, no patch notes?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:23 AM
Not that i know
Im watching the reddit
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:32 AM
Man, this month is hell for games
I have obligations in Ark, F76 launches, 7 days is finally releasing A17, Starsector just added a huge fuckton of new gameplay stuff
is there a master list of junk in order from most to least valulable?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 08:44 AM
Screws and Springs are good if you're doing a PA build, otherwise it depends on what you're making
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:45 AM
A non-PA rifle build
I need a handmade rifle plan so bad
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 08:46 AM
Grahm sold me one
but are you doing auto/non-auto? Perks are different based on that
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:46 AM
non auto
I got a 10mm smg that also sets shit on fire, and burnt like 1k rounds on shit without doing dick
autofire needs you to basically have the gun held to thier face execution style to do good dps (edited)
plus that armor piercing rifle perk is dank as fuck
since it lets you ka-donk people in PA a ton easier
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 08:49 AM
I saw you can still target the fusion core on PA people
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 08:57 AM
So grafton beast farming is pretty lucrative
got a BOS combat armor limbs recipie after killing a few of them
is there another area that spawns legendary monsters fairly often?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 09:07 AM
The uranium mine event does fairly regularly
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:18 AM
That's about the only one I know of
Also, is it just me or do shotguns have absolutely dogshit range?
even with the long barrel with max range and accuracy, it goes from really great down to kinda shit in a hurry
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:20 AM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:21 AM
Got a vampiric fire axe to play with
the HOT it gives you is kinda weaksauce, but still, free healing
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 09:21 AM
I found a vampiric pipe wrench
I feel like that modifier would be better on a 1h fast weapon
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:23 AM
if only the Mr. Gutsy blade polearm actually worked
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 09:23 AM
The harpoon gun doesn't work either
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:23 AM
A vampiric cultists knife would be amazeballs
just standing here living the hobo life, stabbin folks with my hobo knife
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:29 AM
I got my gauss rifle
I am a happy man
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:30 AM
I want a big heavy anti-mat rifle
the hunting rifle is kinda shit and only getting shittier
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:30 AM
Hunting rifle is a good mainstay i find
Easy to find ammo, kills low level scorch and gouls np
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:32 AM
I camped the ammo producer for like half the day, made like 2k 556 bullets for my homemade rifle
i also have like 25 bulked aluminum
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:34 AM
I constantly run shy on 55
Love my hand made i found
Also flintlocks are still amazing
Dragon, musket, then swap to my main dealer
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:35 AM
I want the rare blackpowder rifle from the yao guai at the cemetary
so I can open the fight with a deathclaw or whatever with a real bang
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:39 AM
Instigating dragon plz
But im gonna farm for a few bp rifles
Turn into a pirate but itll be worth it
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:40 AM
I wonder if you can new york reload if you're fast enough on the weapon switching
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 09:42 AM
I still say someone should pirate captain RP and have like 10 different flintlock pistols
with a machete cutlass
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 09:43 AM
Problem with the black powder toys is of you get staggered the reload stops
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:55 AM
DLing 15.18 GB at 52MB/sec
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 09:55 AM
We're getting holidays boys
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 09:55 AM
i want a gigantic novelty turkey hat
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:03 AM
So i recently saw some dude rped a crazy dude, straight jacket, clown mask and just followed a guy
Not a word or anything dudnt even defend himself from mobs
I found a mothman cultist outfit the kther day, so who wants to create ritual sacrifices getin
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:04 AM
An axe and the sound of children laughing over the voice line
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:04 AM
The one bad thing about PA is that it limits your costume choices
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:05 AM
Crazy dude did a hilarious bit where when he done he threw molitovs at his feet and burned to death leaving a bag of bones
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:05 AM
comedy option clown outfit and ask any player you meet if they know where the kids birthday party is
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:05 AM
Im so down to do the human sacrifice right outside a major player area
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
Doing a ritual radiation bath
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
We need to rp cultists
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
Start chanting and one person submerges themselves in a pool of high rad water
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
To join us you have to be baptized by the glow
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
The Cult of the Marsupial
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:06 AM
is there a way to remove rads without curing your hilarious mutations?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:07 AM
Starched genes 2
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:07 AM
or dying repeatedly
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:07 AM
I picked it up for that exact reason
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:07 AM
servers not up yet?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:08 AM
Nyet, im gonna guess maybe noon?
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:09 AM
Our latest patch for Fallout 76 brings additional performance and stability improvements and many bug fixes to the game. Read on for details about everything that’s coming to the game with today’s patch.
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 10:09 AM
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:09 AM
>November 19th on title but 20th on url
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:09 AM
No mention of any of of the various flavors of dupe bug or cargo limit
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:10 AM
>Pfft silly bethesda
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 10:10 AM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:10 AM
here's hoping we can keep that gravy train rolling until we end up with a 2k stash size
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:10 AM
or weightless stash junk
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:11 AM
that would make the most sense
also, the ability to bulk shit like silver and fiberglass
also, is it possibel to upgrade legendaries to have a newer, higher level?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:12 AM
dont think so
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:24 AM
I wish
Im gonna prep a mule soon i think
Just incase we cant keep the weight train going
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:27 AM
such a pain in the ass
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:31 AM
I figure we get mules setup and all stage them at a central location
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:32 AM
someplace out of the way but still center-ish
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:32 AM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:32 AM
north end of the goflcourse?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:32 AM
I was thinking closer to 76
That way we dont even have to level them
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:33 AM
Bolton greens?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:33 AM
I'll have to look at the map when i get a chance but maybe
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:35 AM
it's literally dead ass center
V76 is a ways west
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:37 AM
Hmm think staying closer to the vault is easier since we can move the mules to the location right frim the get go
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:37 AM
You need at least one friend to stay on the same server however
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:38 AM
is there a way to see which server you're connected to?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:38 AM
I don't think so
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:40 AM
Yeah the mules would need to be a joint effort
Good way to store decent guns
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:43 AM
also a solid set of hand-me-downs for lower level chars
I wonder how fast you could level if you just sat on top of a bunker-camp after nuking the golf course
and just plinking at ghouls to get credit for the kill
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:53 AM
Morgantown was an effective farm too, pretty much any high density ghoul area
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:54 AM
Can you build a workshop after the nuke hits?
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 10:55 AM
No idea
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 10:56 AM
I'm picturing a ghoul train led right to a bunker covered in missile turrets
and going up like 3 levels all at once
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 10:59 AM
So nuke the golf course eh
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 11:07 AM
When i go to drop the bomb I'll either hit the course or a pack of players
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 11:12 AM
The codes mightve changed if mondays the reset
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 11:22 AM
servers up
cargo space bug confirmed working
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 11:26 AM
Yeah I can still pocket spam my way to infinity
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 11:27 AM
now I need two legendary items with the same str or cha bonus or something
and get myself int overflow special stats
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 11:28 AM
Oh jesus
I didnt even think about that
And yeah i expected nuke codes to change
By the time im home i expect theyll be cracked
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 11:51 AM
I've still got my current silo code
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 12:14 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:21 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 12:34 PM
hears lots of gunshots "Must be by the Whitesprings" hears chain car explosions "Yup whitesprings"
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 12:35 PM
Small patch today
I say small
But for some reason its 3GB
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:41 PM
>race car bed
Oh those are real good
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 01:43 PM
Tfw you'll never bang on a racecar bed
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:43 PM
Not with that attitude you wont
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 01:44 PM
More like that shit is expensive
Rather spend the money on caring for pupper
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:45 PM
New monitor problems
If yall can hear that
Thats my GPU crying
2,665 votes and 831 comments so far on Reddit
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 01:46 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:46 PM
Perfectly encapsulates what we were saying las tnight
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 01:47 PM
P much
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:48 PM
Our latest patch for Fallout 76 brings additional performance and stability improvements and many bug fixes to the game. Read on for details about everything that’s coming to the game with today’s patch.
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 01:48 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:48 PM
Full patch notes btw @The 76ers
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 01:49 PM
Steve posted those already you reposter
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:50 PM
Mods rename me Riso plz
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 01:59 PM
Why is my FPS randomly capped at 38
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:05 PM
fuck, I'm stuck entering power armor
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
Yeah always slam a core in via transfer dirst
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
issue is I have a workshop up
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
Also might not be on, seeing pupper tonight
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
making ammo
don't wanna lose it
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
can you join my game so I can preserve it?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 02:06 PM
At work but tay is youre safest
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:07 PM
I could fast travel out of it, but I'm starving
because of course I am
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:12 PM
Increased my FOV
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:13 PM
can you help me save my workshop?
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Sure, whats your deal
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:15 PM
I got stuck entering power armor
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Whats your ig name
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:16 PM
Sent a request
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:16 PM
I don't see it
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:16 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:18 PM
ok, added
lemme know when you're in so I can leave and rejoin real quick
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:19 PM
Im right next to you
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:20 PM
what a pain in the ass
thanks man
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:20 PM
sometimes it really do be like that
oh lol I guess this answers partially what happened to The Brotherhood
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:23 PM
dropped a bunch of plans and recipies for you
duplicates I had
fucker unclaimed on me
gotta walk over adn reclaim it
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:24 PM
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 02:26 PM
I'll add you today too
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:46 PM
>you dont actually rock in the rocking chair
Shit game
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:54 PM
lmbo this is pathetic
Was reading AMD news on this site
And the side bar had two articles about 76 "bombing"
Both by the same author
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:54 PM
gotta be mad that it isn't FO4, with all the big tiddie latex waifu mods, only multiplayer too!
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:55 PM
Well, seems like hes a Isofag
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 02:57 PM
I dont get the hate about this game, its fucking fo4 with multiplayer
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 02:57 PM
Same reason they hate FO4
Its A. Popular B. Not Isometric
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 02:58 PM
legit the map has to be the best map in the whole line of fallouts so far
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 02:58 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:58 PM
it's p nice, I agree
I could spend a week just wandeering about (edited)
Also, holy shit the AMS building area is insane
level 68 scorched legendary
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 02:59 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 02:59 PM
I'm 40
handmade rifle to the face, from stealth took it to half, then it stimmed and healed up
disengaged, popped a stealth boy and fucking missile launcherd it in the face
"I roll to backstab" Ok, and what weapon are you using" "Uhhhh.....this siege ballista I had in my bag of holding" "Fucking really? Ok, roll 3d10.....you do 47 damage, and the orc flies apart into meaty gibs, showering the party in chunky gore, everyone roll a will save"
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 03:02 PM
hell yeah
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 03:17 PM
god i want to know how and why item weights are such a fucking limiting factor on peoples stash sizes
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:18 PM
Fags are jerking off in the Fallout subreddit about sales being down 80% compared to F4 in the Uk
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 03:18 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:18 PM
Burying the lede that its physical sales
And anyone pointing that out is getting shit on lmbo
What a bunch of fags
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Fallout has all the containers use weight
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:19 PM
it's pretty core to the engine
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Its even in Skyrim
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:20 PM
and weight is a halfassed useful surrogate for total items stored, if you squint at it funny and did most of your engine coding in 1997
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:20 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:20 PM
Changing it to be 400 slots of bullshit would be a massive undertaking, because basically every single shitty fucking thing that touches the inventory and itemIds will need code review
Also, cord soup is the shit
+3 ap/sec regen rate
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 03:21 PM
damn nice
also fucking lol
"why would we ever need to change this, tis not like fallout would every be a online game where this could be a problem"
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 03:21 PM
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 03:22 PM
im going to assume thats why the building of bases is so limited as well
DerVerrater 19-Nov-18 03:24 PM
Quick lets just go look at how FO4 records objects and try and guess how its done
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:32 PM
Some cheeky fucker managed to sneak into my ammo factory and abscond with 400 556 😦
And I couldn't even chase him down because he'd gank me and take all 1000 weight units of goodies
I didn't lock the ammo crafter like a dipshit, so he wasn't even PVP flagged
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:39 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 03:39 PM
I need to figure out how the fuck to get autohotkey to work with FO76
fuck pressing R on a water pump 5000 times
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 03:55 PM
I was just using it
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 03:56 PM
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 04:02 PM
I actually like the DoF now
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 04:26 PM
Im off to see my pup so wont be on till later
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 04:34 PM
★2017年10月のGoose house Streaming Liveは 10/28 20:00(JAPAN TIME)START! 詳しくはhttp://goosehouse.jp ▼Goose house OFFICIAL INFORMATION ------------------------------...
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 04:59 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 05:06 PM
That's a self owning nuclear take
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 05:08 PM
Cult of Todd, its what we have to do
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 05:08 PM
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 05:08 PM
Im going to farm cultist robes
We need some cultist blades
Take people into the woods to witness sacrifices in the name of Todd
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 05:10 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 05:31 PM
I now have 2007 rounds of 556
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 05:32 PM
For handmade rifle?
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 05:47 PM
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 05:59 PM
gonna go for 3k then switch to somthing else
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 05:59 PM
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 06:00 PM
>5mm ammo is literally 0 lbs with bandolier
Scuba Steve 19-Nov-18 06:00 PM
too bad 5mm is shit
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 06:01 PM
Gatling gun is fun, could be a little faster though
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 06:02 PM
When you have the carry glitch everything is zero lbs smug
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 06:03 PM
Someday the Carrypocalypse will happen to all of us
(and it'll be funny)
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 06:15 PM
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 06:40 PM
This os why im saying prep mules
Taylor Swift 19-Nov-18 06:40 PM
Oh fuck yes
PatchBot BOT 19-Nov-18 06:41 PM
This channel will now receive notifications for Fallout 76 patches
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 06:57 PM
Prep deez
Bear in the Woods 19-Nov-18 07:37 PM
Also looks like the codes reset for the week
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 08:27 PM
If you log out you lose control of a outpost yeah?
Coathanger MD 19-Nov-18 08:28 PM
Scarecrow 19-Nov-18 08:29 PM
Lame, lost my in-game sound and can't get it back
Peaches 19-Nov-18 09:52 PM
You may have just went deaf
Made your eardrums fallout
👍 2
ToddBot BOT 19-Nov-18 09:52 PM
Peaches 19-Nov-18 09:52 PM
slaps knee
My wife had her character disappear for a bit but it showed backup
So if you have that happen to you maybe it will come back also
Alt 20-Nov-18 12:31 AM
>Load up 7 ways to die >Get this
Sensible chuckle.jpg
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 01:34 AM
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:28 AM
I am now a hacker in 76
!img hackerman
NotSoBot BOT 20-Nov-18 02:28 AM
A Generation Zero Shill
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:28 AM
So yeah after you left Tay we took that workshop you fuckos were fighting over
These retarded pubs in voice hit the shop and caused the cap to stop, pvp unfolds after I Tell them to step out of the circle or we're going to kil them
Cue 56 glowing ones, them pot shotting Alex, Steve, and Bear while I stoll over and one shot them with my musket
They then screach about how I'm a hacker since they never shot me after death. Really it's a case of them being autistic enough to tag me or hit seek revenge
And I was a "buttmad level 45 picking on us, he's hacking so I blocked him. Oh god why is he still killing me"
Theyd always whine and bitch when i stoled out and laughed at them
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 03:06 AM
So I vote Friday we nuke the everliving shit out of the golf course
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:07 AM
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 03:07 AM
I'll have the quest unlocked by then
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 04:08 AM
Where do you find lots of screws?
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 04:43 AM
Just holding a few junk collectors while doing normal shit seems to work well
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 04:54 AM
Will give that a go, also fuck assultatrons jfc
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 07:35 AM
Friday or Saturday night ye
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 10:32 AM
This patch apparently broke pvp scaling
Anyone above 50 will get shreded by mid 20s
Once you hit level 70-80, people that are below levels than you start to scale up so much, and barely any weapons do damage. Here's a video to...
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 11:15 AM
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 11:23 AM
also silver scrap sells for 2 caps per
and is stupid lightweight
free caps~
Riso 20-Nov-18 11:37 AM
Congratulations, you've done it. Fallout is dying, and YOU killed it. Malicious trolls, ingrates and children alike, cheering as the metacritic score plummets along with any chance of me visiting this cesspit of a board ever again. I'll say it again: Fallout is dying because you wanted it to. Every MMO has a rocky start. Every Bethesda game has a couple of bugs. Yet... somehow this is suddenly the end of the world. Somehow it's only worth mentioning when you can spitefully use it as ammunition as needed. Well, you've taught Bethesda a valuable lesson: Fallout isn't worth it. Not when nobody but adults serious about gaming and capable of acting as such (the minority, it seems) want a fun, fleshed out multiplayer experience. I hope you're fucking ashamed of yourselves. Don't think this'll stop at Fallout, either. TES VI? Won't be needing a fleshed out world, "gamers" don't want that anymore. Starfield? Let's just scrap the in-depth customization and emergent gameplay because clearly it didn't fucking work with 76, people hated it! Just check the boxes that gamers REALLY want: singleplayer, a few NPCs, and absolutely nothing to do but read dialogue. That's a REAL RPG! This entire board is fucking filth. Maybe I'll come back in a few years and chuckle at the people crying over how terrible TES VI and Starfield are, and how they miss Fallout. Just remember: you wanted it this way. Anyways, I've said my piece. Let the rampant shitposting continue.
ToddBot BOT 20-Nov-18 11:37 AM
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 11:45 AM
Where did you find that autistic screed
Riso 20-Nov-18 11:47 AM
probably from reddit originally
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 11:56 AM
Autism’s a hell of a drug
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 12:07 PM
man, being limited to 1k caps/day if you cheese the vendors is kinda gay
I can see why they'd do it
but still, ree
Riso 20-Nov-18 12:10 PM
thats one way to deal with chinamen
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 12:10 PM
I wonder if it's limited per account or per char
if it's per char, I can trivially get like 500 silver and gold
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 12:15 PM
I hope in the future they allow the economy to become more player driven
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 12:20 PM
it keeps it from being a dumpsterfire where one guy who figures out radrat butthole soufle somehow is worth 500 caps from fucking the market up forever (edited)
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 12:20 PM
I think im gonna start working on a second charactrr so i can unfuck my special
Since i went hard into Int
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 01:02 PM
Yeah unless you're going into hella PA int isn't much great, plus >100% durability is broken atm
Plus I don't think any perks improve the damage resistance, only weight and durability/crafting
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 01:25 PM
Yeah i figure this way have a crafting character
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 01:56 PM
Yeah im gonna build up a nasty rifle build i think
Ive got my techie build i guess done since i can do osme real meme shit with hacking
Probably be good for silo runs
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:06 PM
The good thing about the perk cards though is you don't really need investment into int for hacking, just the perks (or getting them from the booster packs)
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Im gonna roll heavily on luck for a sneak rifle build and just musket nerds
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:29 PM
That's what I think I'll end up doing too
Perc/luck and just gank nerds
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:29 PM
That's what I'm leaning on my alt now
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:30 PM
handmade rifle is dank as shit
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:30 PM
I haven't seen that many out in the wild
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:30 PM
they're p rare
but so nice
like a combat rifle only less trash
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:30 PM
I got the plans from Grahm
Only place Ive seen sell it
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:31 PM
yeah, I need to buy them next time I see his ugly mug
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:31 PM
It sucks because it's not guaranteed to sell them like the BP guns
Maybe check the raider vendors too?
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:33 PM
i did
ToddBot BOT 20-Nov-18 02:38 PM
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:38 PM
Thats a rough outline im shooting for
Some int points for int skills, buncha luck meme magic, some strength for melee
Nothing crazy though
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:44 PM
you can probably swap out gunsmith for something else
since you can always pop over to your main and transfer it
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:45 PM
Yeah thats just a general 5 int
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:46 PM
Do all chars share the same stash?
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:46 PM
That way i have play room for hacking picking
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 02:46 PM
also I got fucked on perk packs, I have 7 dromedary cards
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 02:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 02:56 PM
I'll post my build when I get home, it's mostly the same but I cut different corners
I think I went 8/12/3/4/5/12/12
I didn't fully level all the riflemen, since it's only 5% per point after you get all 3 of the initials
6 points for 45% versus 9 points for 60%
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:05 PM
Yeah its a rough design there
Tossed together at worl
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Its a general right direction though i think
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:30 PM
I mean im ok spending like 500 atoms to do a respec
Id love to fix my main character ngl
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:50 PM
Problem is how long they think itll be
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 03:58 PM
I mean its a very safe move to focus on stability and performance updates
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 04:06 PM
I wonder if they will get any of the id guys to help out
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 04:10 PM
the gunplay in fo4/76 is p decent
it could be more stalker-ish
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 04:18 PM
I did a bit of spergin, it's hard to get everything you want
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 04:25 PM
I',m willing to say that this means co-op ES6 and FO5
Simply becasuse if your engine supports it, why not include it?
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 04:33 PM
Except the fire is fun and exciting times with your bros
Too bad Docs screencap didnt get me doing the heart pose
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 04:34 PM
We can get a better one friday
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Yeah ideally one without Faggot McDogfucker in it
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 04:35 PM
Yeah thiugh you missed the autistic duo
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 04:36 PM
Im off for 5 straight days so no more Boomer Hours ™ for me!!!!!!!!!!
And my card will be here in the morning so I can record in something higher than 22fps
Even downscaling OBS wasnt having a good time last night lmbo
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 04:50 PM
On this new character I'm gonna not max every skill out ASAP, I'll take a chance on RNG to see if I get free cards that I need
Otherwise you risk maxing out a skill and then getting an extra card when you could save yourself a level or two
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 04:53 PM
Perhaps we can powerlevel our chars in the golf course after nuking it
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 04:53 PM
Yeah we're learning heavily
I'll probably bring my main to the nuke party
That way we have heavy hitters who can get the kills
And the power team can level
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 04:59 PM
I got to 23 on my alt last night after the sweet sweet powerleveling
@AlexanderDeLarge I saw someone share this skill in a rad zone and made the rads comedically trivial http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Rad_Sponge
Rad Sponge is a perk in Fallout 76.
ToddBot BOT 20-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Thats cleber
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 05:03 PM
I think I lost rads by going into the zone even
It would let everyone don regular armor and be perfectly fine
Though you could get it to work on a low charisma build by having 5 Cha and then equipping that and Magnetic personality (requires a full team though)
Charisma and sharing opens up some fun ideas and gimmicks
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 06:18 PM
I fucking love this game
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 06:42 PM
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 06:47 PM
Any of you guys able to join my game and kill me to remove my bounty?
some level 81 jerk in power armor has ben harassing me all afternoon
So I stole his ammo and legged it
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 06:49 PM
Now I wanna find out if you can drain someone of power cores by shooting at theirs in vats
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 06:49 PM
and he's fucking mad salty about it
but now I'm wanted, and completely overflowing in sellable junk for the next vendor reset
pro tip: acid, gold, silver and a few others are sellable unbulked
for 2-3 per
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 07:02 PM
I've been abusing that carry bug and grabbing everything and selling it
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 07:11 PM
nobody is online?
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 07:15 PM
I will be after my run
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:40 PM
@Scuba Steve I'm home now need to get ganked still?
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 07:40 PM
I'll be on soonish
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:42 PM
I'm wokring on my alt so just zing me if you need a murdering
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 07:43 PM
if you can join my game and go to the ammo factory to murder me, that'd be great
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:43 PM
one sec
Jsut sprinting outta the vault
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 07:47 PM
some nerd walked up while I was tabbed out and murdered me
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:47 PM
Sorry fam
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 07:48 PM
he didn't take shit
not even my screws
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:49 PM
what a bro
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 07:57 PM
haha, then he swaps to X1 armor and mini nukes me in the dome
and claims my workshop
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 07:57 PM
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 07:58 PM
The ammo giveth and the ammo taketh away
You can't make mini nukes with the factory though smugpepe (edited)
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 08:02 PM
I put a welcome mat down, gonna sneak in, plant two nuke mines on it, then wait for him the TP back
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 08:05 PM
I'm doing the leveling atm
gonna sit in voice
Scuba Steve 20-Nov-18 08:11 PM
Fuck, I need to move a ton of my shit to a mule char
Scarecrow 20-Nov-18 08:19 PM
Yeah same, gonna be so fucked if they ever fix the carry bug atm
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 09:57 PM
Coat and I are doing the "Back on the Beat" Event and everyones dressed up as cops
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 10:00 PM
Someone redo their character as a black guy
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 10:01 PM
We purged the town of ((ghouls))
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 10:11 PM
I was even using a .44
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 10:20 PM
Well I got the liberal mutation
Can only eat plants
No meat (edited)
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 10:21 PM
Coathanger MD 20-Nov-18 10:21 PM
Veggies give double healing n sheet
Safe to say I'm tossing this fucker
Bear in the Woods 20-Nov-18 10:37 PM
Uhh got disconnected, lemme see
Taylor Swift 20-Nov-18 10:42 PM
Things you missed >Scoob getting owned by two mirelurk kangz
Alt 21-Nov-18 12:24 AM
He was a kang
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 12:27 AM
They got all up in my grill and fucked me up fam
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 12:36 AM
I watched
That Patriot power armor is very tempting
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 03:27 AM
Who has a good melee build?
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 08:19 AM
Fuck you game, finished the quest to get that key frag in the cave head over to do the next one and dc, load back in and I have to repeat it
Kicker is my guns are still broken
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 11:48 AM
I had to redo the entire basic training mission
ToddBot BOT 21-Nov-18 03:42 PM
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 03:44 PM
Grahm falls under unique I think
ToddBot BOT 21-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 05:49 PM
I like it
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 05:53 PM
I really do hope they can pull an eso with this and turn it around
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 06:02 PM
When has a Beth game not had a rocky start
AlexanderDeLarge 21-Nov-18 06:06 PM
If this has a similar ESO redemption story, they'll have two massively successful live service games to bankroll some of their flops like Prey (RIP)
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 06:07 PM
Honestly 76 is so fucking fun
AlexanderDeLarge 21-Nov-18 06:07 PM
deal of the century
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 06:10 PM
I want to see it get past the review bombing
Also it was really released early
AlexanderDeLarge 21-Nov-18 06:12 PM
I mean if No Man's Sky can recover in sentiment, so can Sea of Thieves and F76
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 06:12 PM
Do you actually need armor to protect ya head? I thought it was just an overall value for armor
AlexanderDeLarge 21-Nov-18 06:14 PM
Hell even EAFront 2 is recovering in public sentiment check out this new trailer they just put out, everyone seems to dig their content releases (and it comes with the benefit of being $10 because of the poor reception lmao) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-lwHrw_914
The Clone Wars have begun. Jedi hero Obi-Wan Kenobi and the new map Geonosis arrive in the latest update – free for all Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II players an...
and idk about head armor
holy shit it's even cheaper than I thought
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 06:17 PM
All head pieces are cosmetic, but I could see them forgetting to have head armor
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 06:29 PM
I tell yall what
76 has introduced something Fallout hasnt had in a while
ToddBot BOT 21-Nov-18 06:30 PM
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 06:30 PM
Because I cant save scum
Or console
Or mod
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 06:31 PM
Caves in fallout scare the shit out of me with fucking werdingos in them
ToddBot BOT 21-Nov-18 06:31 PM
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 06:32 PM
If I didn't have power armour I would never go into caves
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Anyone have a good melee power armor build?
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Cards wise?
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 07:25 PM
yeah, basically the build bear was using
when you were just crunching shit with me last night
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 07:25 PM
I specced too much into int and luck for your tastes probably
All the 2h perks + incisor with the fire axe basically
Power armor is pretty necessary for going toe to toe with things, but none of the INT skills really help damage resistance I don't think
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 07:30 PM
I have 8 int :(
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 07:30 PM
Look at this small brain, not having 15 int
(It's not worth it)
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 07:31 PM
I want cards in int but not more int
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 07:31 PM
Yeah that's the problem
I went after the cards too hard
My build is kinda fuckered
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 07:32 PM
RNG has been a bit nice to me with the booster packs, but I deffo learned from the first build
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 07:32 PM
It's a good silo clearing technician build
But that's about it
It's not a good combat build
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 07:33 PM
Kinda same with mine
Coathanger MD 21-Nov-18 07:34 PM
Like it can shoot an shit but if you hit terminals or locks I can crack em both
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 07:38 PM
Scorchbeasts have to land eventually right?negative
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 07:38 PM
Oh well, at least farming the golf club is funny as fuck when you build your base next to it with 3 missile launchers
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 07:56 PM
The white springs or the northern one?
Scarecrow 21-Nov-18 07:57 PM
White springs
Agro the whole lot, kite it back to the river and tag them all then EXPLOSIONS
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 08:10 PM
Pretty much
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 08:25 PM
Anyone around 30 and using Big Guns? I looted a Vampiric Gatling Gun earlier
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 08:47 PM
are big guns worth a shit? (edited)
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 08:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 09:35 PM
New CAMP place pls no steal
There's a lake nearby and everything
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 09:56 PM
Also, apparently there are caps stashes in overworld locations you can set camps on
so you spawn in, grab it for 50-100 caps, then dip and repeat
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 09:56 PM
You could combine it with the caps bobblehead too
Scuba Steve 21-Nov-18 09:58 PM
he did, said he was making 2-3k caps an hour
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 10:02 PM
Might be worth trying
Buy Plans for flamer y/n?
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 10:05 PM
Taylor Swift 21-Nov-18 11:40 PM
pickin' with the boys
Bear in the Woods 21-Nov-18 11:50 PM
boys (female)
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 12:04 AM
Also if any of you see Grahm, (at)here us so we can pile in and pick him apart for plans
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 12:05 AM
What the fuck is Grahm
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 12:05 AM
The super mutant trader that wanders the map
Real obvious if you meet him
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 04:13 AM
Is it just me or does manipulating items in the inventory get worse and worse over time?
Like selling guns to the trader, after 3-4 sales the game drops to like single digit frames
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 08:01 AM
Maybe this is why they limited weight. We're victims of our own hubris
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 08:09 AM
Wouldn’t be the first time
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 08:46 AM
To the guy in underwear sitting in the outhouse of Middle Mountain cabins, I salute you. You could've been waiting there for hours as far as I...
Fucking legend
And yes the game loses its fucking mind when we stary turbo stacking
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 09:41 AM
That spot I found last night keeps getting taken ree
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 09:53 AM
Download MicMute for free. MicMute. MicMute is a small program that will enable you to easily manage the level of a connected microphone. The application also supports push-to-talk thanks to the built-in 'Transmitter Mode'.
Im seeing this referenced a lot as a way to get around no ptt for now and keep voice on
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 03:44 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:31 PM
Giantbomb proving to be giant cucks once again
How toxic is the gaming community where its literally more profitable to shit on a game than anything else
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 05:32 PM
A bad boy gets a spanking in the wastelands of Fallout 76 and isn't too happy about it. Highlight from www.mixer.com/eggbong Stream, if you enjoyed give me a...
Might be picking this up now
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:33 PM
You should
Its fun and not that expensive
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 05:34 PM
Where was that $35 deal?
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:35 PM
Pick up your Fallout 76 PC copy from Green Man Gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price.
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 05:36 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:36 PM
Heres a 39
OUR FUTURE BEGINSBethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Work together, or not, to survive. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, you’ll experi...
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 05:36 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:36 PM
Heres 36
Alt 22-Nov-18 05:37 PM
id join ya if i had the spare dosh
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:38 PM
No real rush
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 05:38 PM
Yeah, found an extra 12% for gmg
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:38 PM
It will be around for a long time
Its going to be like ESO tbqh
People shit on it, has a bad rep
Gets better with updates
Always playable
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:41 PM
I bought this game just because Giantbomb hates it tbh
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
no, seriously, I bought it this morning
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Giantbomb is seriously a bunch of cucks
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Yeah fuck them
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
And so are their fans
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
so yeah I'll be down to fuck over the next few days prob
once I actually study on how to build character etc
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:42 PM
Play it The Tay Way ™
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:43 PM
I also have some rootin' and tootin' to do
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:43 PM
okay so
there's no "private servers" a la rust, right
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:43 PM
meaning ever
right, Todd?
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 05:44 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:44 PM
I mean
Beth is about 75% on delivering
So Im hopeful
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:44 PM
well, their 180 on FOV sliders gives me hope
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:44 PM
You mean Alex bullying them into doing it?
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:44 PM
in fairness, the boomer pressure was going to be real on that
we love our widescreen monitors
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 05:45 PM
big if true
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 05:51 PM
Honestly play it a bit
Don't worry about your build
Just remember to be careful with your special points
Don't turbo stack int
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 05:56 PM
Got it
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 05:57 PM
this is a little gay
the game is shoved to the left of my monitor
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 06:00 PM
Ive got 56 mins til I can complain about stuff
Solgnir 22-Nov-18 06:14 PM
oh, and because I needed this
4 votes and 18 comments so far on Reddit
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 06:14 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 06:16 PM
For any technical issue you have with the game, including FOV this about covers everything https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_76 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2/?tab=description
Fallout 76 at PCGamingWiki - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game.
Resizes many user interface elements to be unstretched and better positioned for 21x9.
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 06:16 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 06:17 PM
Pinned a message.
Alt 22-Nov-18 06:17 PM
When you getting this fag bot outta here, the meme for it is long dead ned
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Testing that mic mute atm
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 06:22 PM
>knowing when a memes run its course
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 06:29 PM
So mic mute works good for the game juist need to setup up a work aorund for discord
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 07:14 PM
thanks fam
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 07:15 PM
Also, there is a mod that makes recipies glow green
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:18 PM
I’m hesitant to try those kind of mods
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 07:19 PM
yeah, I did the inventory sorting one and that's it so far
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:19 PM
I’m worried that they haven’t said anything either
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 07:27 PM
Honestly we should all just tweet at pete hines
I'll @ you guys when he's on twitter and responding to other stuff, he's pretty good about it
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:35 PM
Or well
Everyone but maybe me
Maybe WHITE NATIONALIST 1488 shouldnt be demanding anything lmbo
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 07:38 PM
when yall wanna play
Coathanger MD 22-Nov-18 07:39 PM
I'm on right now
leveling atm
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 07:39 PM
I'm in voice if you wanna group
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:42 PM
Ill be on in a few hours if yall are still buckin'
vrath 22-Nov-18 07:46 PM
is this game dead yet
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Nov-18 07:46 PM
We got 3 rn so I'm sure there'll be some people on in a couple hours too
vrath 22-Nov-18 07:46 PM
I bought it
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:47 PM
We got 3 on atm
2 bought in today
Its a slow burn tbqh
vrath 22-Nov-18 07:47 PM
how do we play together
2 hours to dl
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:47 PM
Add us in-game
We should get a Google doc going or someting
vrath 22-Nov-18 07:48 PM
yeah I need the sweet sweet faq
someone make an op
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 07:48 PM
BustrKc 22-Nov-18 07:59 PM
I'm just working out the kinks now
Scarecrow 22-Nov-18 08:04 PM
Need to play with goons
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 08:09 PM
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (1/10453)
Id rather sodomize myself with a broke beer bottle
Id have a better experience
vrath 22-Nov-18 08:17 PM
So is there anything special I have to do to play with yall?
like server to join or whatnot
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 08:20 PM
Nope, just add someone as a friend ingame
You join on people like that
Its all sharded so theres no way to join specific servers otherwise
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 08:22 PM
Join the BMW 1488 #nomods #nomasters (0/20) server
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 08:28 PM
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 08:52 PM
My DNA coding is just a twitter post at this point
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 08:58 PM
lmbo do you have - STR now?
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 08:59 PM
Probably, rip my carry weight
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 08:59 PM
ugggh, I need to find grahm
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 08:59 PM
I'll @ you if I find him
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 09:00 PM
Reeeeeeeee, fucking CTD ate all the junk on my char
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 11:04 PM
haha, RIP, brother tried FO76, hates it
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:06 PM
Its super polarizing
Scuba Steve 22-Nov-18 11:20 PM
Yeah, he's like mad salty over how shitty the game is
such is life
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:23 PM
I mean
Ig et it
But its Bethesda
ToddBot BOT 22-Nov-18 11:24 PM
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:24 PM
What did anyone expect
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 11:35 PM
I expected funjank
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:36 PM
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 11:37 PM
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 11:50 PM
Tay and I found a responder wandering vendor, that was pretty neat
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:50 PM
Who wore it better
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 11:51 PM
Me 2 minutes into the future
880 caps for that coat but it was worth it
Taylor Swift 22-Nov-18 11:54 PM
Appalachia Uber Alles
Bear in the Woods 22-Nov-18 11:55 PM
More of a WW1 look tbh
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:27 AM
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:29 AM
Gauss is bugged
0% hit rate in vats every 2nd or 3rd shot
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:29 AM
Good to know who can sell it tho
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:29 AM
Need to shoot it in 3rd person
Alt 23-Nov-18 02:02 AM
That cluttered ass UI with all that shit on the right is triggering
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 02:07 AM
Yeah the quest UI needs an overhaul
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 02:12 AM
See if we could just get a fucking response to whether or not they'll allow client side mods, the community could fix it as they always do with everything
a lot of minor tweaks like adding more tabs in the inventory and repositioning the UI like my 21:9 mod does makes things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better
but you guys shouldn't risk getting banned over QoL stuff
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 02:50 AM
haha, my char has so much shit the non-pipboy trade/sell interface crashes
I sold some shit to a dude and it took 4 tries before he could buy it
"it's lagging really hard" "Yeah, that'll happen"
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 02:56 AM
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 04:10 AM
yeah have fun with that
DerVerrater 23-Nov-18 04:16 AM
end game kit
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 04:18 AM
orrr you spawn over and use the one in blackwater mine or whatever
vrath 23-Nov-18 04:28 AM
anyone playing?
ign is v-rath
DerVerrater 23-Nov-18 05:20 AM
fallout 76 for £25 in my local game store
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 05:21 AM
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 05:26 AM
God damn I have so much stuff
vrath 23-Nov-18 07:47 AM
I made level 10
DerVerrater 23-Nov-18 07:50 AM
vrath 23-Nov-18 08:04 AM
where is the dope leveling spot
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:10 AM
Do events and quests
Thats legit the fastest way
If you see an unclaimed workshop go claim it, itll act as a fast travel point and have.regular defense events
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 08:36 AM
Anyone else getting a lot more dcs and game crashes since Monday?
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 08:45 AM
If you're around 30 or higher, Watoga High School has a good event for leveling
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:56 AM
All minersl pits on the map
Can camp near the non workshop ones and get your own harvesters going
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:06 PM
My alt is attuned now for silos
Knocked out the commendations in 2 hours
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:29 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:37 PM
You can hop servers and kill the one scorchbeast by the SAM site pretty quick
Even got a prime mod plan off one of them, too bad it's an automatic receiver for the assault rifle
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:39 PM
Still its its something
Though gotta do the enclave events for that gasmask
Thats some right fashy shit
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:41 PM
Which gas mask?
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:48 PM
The urban scout nadk
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 12:52 PM
Doesnt work with the hat though
You can buy it at the enclave's merchant
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 12:59 PM
Yeah thats the one thing i hate aboutcit
But gid damn is it fashy
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 12:59 PM
!img dont you wish your girlfriend was fash like me
NotSoBot BOT 23-Nov-18 01:00 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 01:00 PM
yikes lol some real scary shit in that
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
Dont buy your 76 copy from humble atm
They ran out
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
They ran out of keys?
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
But r/fallout and r/pcgaming said this game was dead
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 01:52 PM
And nobody was buying it?????
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 01:53 PM
Im pissed becuase i bought a copy for alt from them before they ran out and i dont have a key
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 01:53 PM
Alt 23-Nov-18 02:16 PM
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Jesus i looked at r/fallout
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Ironic todd there
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:25 PM
Anyways holy fuck its like looking at politics as a conservative
This gives me an idea
Best effort i can muster on my phone
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:36 PM
There found a template
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 02:38 PM
Pinned a message.
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:40 PM
I'll make it better later
Needed that little Todd
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 02:44 PM
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 02:47 PM
I actually, like
want to play this game tonight
the fuck thonking
Todd why you do this
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 02:47 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 02:48 PM
We cracking open a silo tonight?
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 02:48 PM
partially because I want to see how I can die in another glitchy shitshow like I did last night
that shit was funny
good ol west virginia
er wait, how does the bot work
West Virginia
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 02:48 PM
Mountain mama.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 02:48 PM
there we go
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 02:50 PM
I VATS critted a scorchbeast today with a fatman I had found, only for the mini nuke to launch at a 45 degree angle towards the ground
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:50 PM
Yeah dont vats fatmen
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 02:51 PM
The other times it went up into the air and homed toward the scorchbeast, only to stop in mid air and detonate negative
Yeah I'm like 0 for 3 on vats fatmen hits
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:51 PM
Vats musket life
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 02:52 PM
Midair jump VATS life for me
I gotta get one of y'all mutated so I can use that 25% bonus perk
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 02:55 PM
Yeah i jsut need starcher genes
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 03:12 PM
Take me home
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:12 PM
Country roads.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 03:36 PM
does he do the whole chorus tho
Country roads
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Take me home.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
To the place
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
I belong.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
West Virginia
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Mountain mama.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Take me home
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Country roads.
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Pinned a message.
I can kick the bot now
Its peaked
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 03:49 PM
Toddbot does Toddbot fuck?
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 03:49 PM
Toddbot doesn't fuck.
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 03:49 PM
Yeah you can kick him
Alt 23-Nov-18 04:04 PM
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 04:11 PM
!!hat @ToddBot
HatBot BOT 23-Nov-18 04:11 PM
I automatically generated this hat for you! If you're not satisfied with the placement, you could place it yourself here
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 04:11 PM
bot-ception smugpepe
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 05:20 PM
223 votes and 28 comments so far on Reddit
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 05:48 PM
Yeah they seemed to have overtuned pvp against high levels
vrath 23-Nov-18 05:52 PM
I'm getting on with my noob self to farm super muties
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 05:53 PM
Yeah fuck this guy, the amount of people who have bought into the hyperbolic hate against this game is a good litmus test on whether you should pay attention to them ever again lmao https://youtu.be/7L1UAglcaa0
Look, I know I'll get a lot of hate for this video but I don't care. The idea that releasing a game this broken, unfinished and uninteresting while charging ...
allears 1
"there isn't a single well designed system in the game" bullshit
Harrower 23-Nov-18 05:53 PM
this game is kinda bad but im super addicted to it
classic janky but fun
rip all of my fusion cores that got eaten by bungling my power armor collection
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 05:54 PM
Its not bad its just
Its not revolutionary
But it doesnt have to be
Harrower 23-Nov-18 05:55 PM
it is really poorly optimized, the whole game engine is compromised, and the control scheme is console garbage
still a ton of fun
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 05:55 PM
Do you have the latest drivers?
Improved performance by like 50% for us
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 05:55 PM
Ill agree with point 1 and 2
The control scheme sucks DICK
Harrower 23-Nov-18 05:56 PM
first thing i do whenever a shit engine game comes out is check for driver updates daily
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 05:56 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 05:59 PM
There's a fair amount of problems with this game, but it manages to still be good fun and can only get funner if they fix the broken shit
Harrower 23-Nov-18 05:59 PM
it also has some serious weapon balance problems that i probably wouldnt care about if i wasnt an autist
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 05:59 PM
Fair being generous
Harrower 23-Nov-18 05:59 PM
lol at a .50 call machine gun doing the same shot for shot damage as a 10mm pistol
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:00 PM
Lol at the 50 Cal not even being the worst big gun
Harrower 23-Nov-18 06:00 PM
lol at the VERY FAST damage weapons like the ripper and handy saw effectively doing zero damage
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:00 PM
The LMG is worse, and the harpoon gun doesn't even do damage half the time
Harrower 23-Nov-18 06:00 PM
they need to double the base damage of all the heavy guns, then double the damage bonus from the perks
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
It's exactly what they said it would be except the multiplayer isn't nearly as buggy and bad as I was expecting. On a technical level, it seems like everything Austin handled is really good and they're just getting shit on for Bethesda Maryland's incompetence/complacency/laziness but who knows If I could change one major thing about the game though, it'd be their struggle to make it look and feel like Fallout 4 to a fault. I wish they'd take a cue out of ESO's playbook and do a collection menu where instead of cosmetics and lore being physical items, why not do a collection menu?
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
Not even gonna bother complaining about lack of NPCs because I think that's a given at this point
vrath 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
game is good
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
in a future update
Harrower 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
yeah the multiplayer aspect is actually pretty much flawless
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:01 PM
Game is bad, but is still fun so swings back towards good
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Yeah if this is the worst it ever is
Which is likely
Its going to be a good game
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Depends on how long it stays at it's "worst" (edited)
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:03 PM
I think they're about a 2 week delay on fixing things from when they're reported, so maybe like a month(?) Will be a good indicator
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:03 PM
The game's got some jank factor but I mean
It's Fallout
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 06:03 PM
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:03 PM
with your boys
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:03 PM
Mainly because they're keeping consoles and PCs the same version and consoles have to do certification
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:04 PM
See I really hope they're not withholding content because consoles. They don't do it with ESO
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:04 PM
If they're keeping versions identical across platforms, then yeah
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:04 PM
certification bullshit is cancer
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:04 PM
It's not content I don't think, it's just patches
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:04 PM
Like on Warframe, console drags behind in content
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:05 PM
Yeah but PC then can hotfix for "hey Vay Hek crashes the game Everytime he has a line so we fix that fam"
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:06 PM
Right now we know they're doing respecs, faction PVP, opening some vaults and they're doing FOV/ultrawide support and increasing the stash. Hopefully we get a roadmap soon but overall it looks like net positive changes.
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:06 PM
I got the game primarily because the outlook looks positive for improvements, but the Humble sale didn't hurt
Jank and Bethesda go hand in hand, so I expected that at release
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 06:06 PM
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:06 PM
god fuck off Todd
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 06:06 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:13 PM
I hope ZOS steps in and helps them out because they were in a similarly awful launch state only 4 years ago and now it's a bigger, more popular game than World of Warcraft is.
They'll need a big redemption story to salvage this one but if No Man's Sky did it, why can't this too? Especially with Bethesda Austin handling pretty much everything post-launch
ToddBot BOT 23-Nov-18 06:13 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:16 PM
No Man's Sky did it without an annual E3 conference too. Every year ESO got shown, more and more people were literally sitting through the changes they were making and popularity explodes after the conference
76 should benefit greatly from that too
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 06:16 PM
And worst case, we get bored/disappointed and just come back in X months
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:18 PM
Pretty much, that's 100% going to happen but there's other stuff on the horizon that has our attention anyways. Gotta catch up with Sea of Thieves, The Division 1 might be a thing before Division 2 since it's so good and so cheap, ESO, GW2
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 06:18 PM
Youre forgetting the next major BMW game
Meridian 95
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:19 PM
59 fam
this is gonna be fun though, oldest MMO on the market today still holds up relatively well if you can tolerate Daggerfall's aesthetic https://store.steampowered.com/app/893390/Meridian_59/
Play the world's first 3D massively-multiplayer online game! You will need to create a free account on our Web site in order to log in.
very very similar
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 06:20 PM
Unironically doing a Meridian 59 gamenight
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:31 PM
Are you gonna play it on Windows 95
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 06:31 PM
I mean
Lemme fire up VMware
Solgnir 23-Nov-18 06:33 PM
so it's a MUD with graphics
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 06:35 PM
pretty much online Daggerfall which I guess is the equivalent of a good visual MUD
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 07:37 PM
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 07:38 PM
invisible nerds bug, best bug
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 07:43 PM
lmbo yeah I had that last night
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:18 PM
@The 76ers Nuke Y/N?
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 08:18 PM
Only if I can be the cowboy riding the nuke
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:19 PM
Only if I can be the nuke 😉
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:19 PM
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:19 PM
Either way
Nuke shit
Need a sound off
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:20 PM
I wont be on for several hours but Im useless anyways PepoHeart
Alt 23-Nov-18 08:20 PM
Whenever I get my code im goinf full melee
You niggies have been warned
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:20 PM
Safe choice
Alt 23-Nov-18 08:20 PM
I dont care if its a super mutant lobbing nukes
Im rushing him
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:21 PM
Melee is legit good
Alt 23-Nov-18 08:21 PM
ur legit good ablobcouple
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:21 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 08:21 PM
They don't have shoes as a melee weapon though, fair warning
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:22 PM
Got em
Alt 23-Nov-18 08:22 PM
that be to op m8
that would be like carrying the nuke yourself
The power of the LaChancla is beyond most.
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:26 PM
>thinks she can beat antebellum waifu
!img top kek
NotSoBot BOT 23-Nov-18 08:26 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 08:26 PM
Those uh
Look good
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:26 PM
Yeah they do
!yt top kek commercial
NotSoBot BOT 23-Nov-18 08:26 PM
top kek turk.webm - YouTube Jul 19, 2014 ... top kek turk.webm. Creme de la meme .... Turkish commercials are dank .... When the meme is so supreme you let out a scream- "TOP KEK". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0VG3pJLuak
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 08:27 PM
Deathsquad waifu is a close second
Alt 23-Nov-18 08:45 PM
Only one whos ass is getting beat is yours tay
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:46 PM
Bring it, ese
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 08:48 PM
whats the max squad size?
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 08:48 PM
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 08:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 08:57 PM
I'll teach you the secrets to beatin'
landed the shot just right
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 09:13 PM
@The 76ers Grham on me
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 09:24 PM
oh shit son
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 09:24 PM
he gone
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 09:24 PM
spawming in
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 09:29 PM
Got a radium rifle now
Scarecrow 23-Nov-18 09:32 PM
If it wasn't for the carry bug I don't thing I could handle playing this game
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 09:33 PM
Though you gotta scrap or sell shit p often otherwise it freaks out
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 09:45 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 09:47 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 10:30 PM
Bought the Speed Demon serum, rip my caps but hello Sanic
also the server I had it on the golf course in the blast zone
so many glowing bloaters, this is a good spot
AlexanderDeLarge 23-Nov-18 10:40 PM
FALLOUT 76 is a glitchathon of a game, stuttering and freezing, but still fun, addicting with its post nuke open world. A big game with hit & miss missions. Despite its flaws, I dig it.
verified 1
Pinned a message.
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 10:59 PM
Ringing endorsement lmbo
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:03 PM
So yeah next nuke is definitely the golf course
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 11:04 PM
god yes
it's like an exp pinata, especially since you can just stand on a burnt out wreck and swing for the fences
and not get dome pieced by some level 68 scorched champion goatfucker
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:04 PM
someone dropped this
Alt 23-Nov-18 11:05 PM
When we fighting the giant scorch beast
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:06 PM
buncha 1 star legendaries but free loot
Scuba Steve 23-Nov-18 11:07 PM
free loot is free loot
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:08 PM
tag urself
@Coathanger MD gets the blackpowder pistol though
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 11:09 PM
Thanks fam anyone want that cloaking marine armor?
cause I do
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 11:11 PM
I get the cute outfit
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:11 PM
I guess that means tay claims my extra enclave set
Taylor Swift 23-Nov-18 11:12 PM
All Hail Fuhrer Tay
Bear in the Woods 23-Nov-18 11:33 PM
@Coathanger MD
Level 50
Coathanger MD 23-Nov-18 11:51 PM
I like
You give me the best presents
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 12:04 AM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 02:25 AM
Late night camp the ammo factory comfy
vrath 24-Nov-18 02:50 AM
there's gotta be a faster way to level
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 02:56 AM
events and killing
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 03:11 AM
Farming the golf club with your camp works well
Kite them out into range of 4 missile turrets and enjoy the fireworks
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:09 AM
P much
or stand on an exploded car and swing for the fences
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:19 AM
Gotta get me some late night ammo farming
Gotta figure out a way to get macros to work in FO76
so I can just have it keep pressing take on the thing and go out to lunch or something
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 04:21 AM
Where is the ammo factory?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:23 AM
top rigth edge of the map
to the west of the cabin thing on the map
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 04:29 AM
Sweet will check it out
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:55 AM
Anyone want tesla rifle plans?
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 05:23 AM
common game, claim the ammo factory and fast travel to my camp, stuck on a loading screen ffs
they need to make it so you can reconnect and not lose your claim to a workshop just cos you dc'ed
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 05:46 AM
would also stop server hopping if it took 15 fifteen minutes to reset your perferred server
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 06:18 AM
Does wanted ever expire?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 06:26 AM
Don' think so
I just have my brother murder me
or get one of you guys to
join on me and I'll gank you if you need it
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 06:56 AM
jfc a CTD
god trying to hold workstations is just a pain in the dick atm
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 06:58 AM
yeah, I just summed the sons of dane wendingo and CTD
while holding the ammo factory 😦
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 07:00 AM
feels like ammo is so hard to come by and mobs are turning into real bullet sponges now too
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 07:00 AM
get the ammo making perk and the super duper perk and it's way less aids
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 07:00 AM
super duper?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 07:02 AM
luck skill, gives you 30% chance to get a 2nd whatever you crafted
at max rank
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 07:02 AM
oh damn
i have the ammo one aready
vrath 24-Nov-18 07:19 AM
anyone playing?
just doing some exploring
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 07:24 AM
What's you ign scuba?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 07:26 AM
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 07:35 AM
Added you I'm scarecow
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 07:36 AM
uggh this fucking nerd
keeps chanign the ammo to 38 and I can't just PVP him
stupid ass chip damage
finally managed to get him entombed in concrete barriers
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 07:48 AM
impossible to kill this asshole through chip damage
and he just emotes at me
fuckkit, he wins
vrath 24-Nov-18 07:59 AM
anyone need automatic assault rifle or 50 cal machine gun?
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 08:18 AM
You can lock the terminal
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 08:21 AM
I really need someone to kill me
Scarecow in game if anyone is free
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 08:21 AM
the servers ned a reboot, DC'd from like 5 servers so far
you can't lock the terimnal
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 08:27 AM
Yeah you can, I've done it
Lock the extractor lock the terminal all you gotta do is secure the workshop
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 08:27 AM
I'm fiddling with it now and the option isn't there
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 08:36 AM
haha, the option isn't there, but if you hit F it lets you anyways
🇫 2
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 08:39 AM
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 08:39 AM
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 09:04 AM
Why the fuck dries parasites last for 2 fucking hours why
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 09:05 AM
Shorter than the clap
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 09:14 AM
My kingdom for a fucking disease cure
This is fucking terrible
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 09:25 AM
We nuking tonight?
Harrower 24-Nov-18 09:27 AM
radium rifle worth getting the plans for?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 09:33 AM
it's basically a combat rifle
A set of gamma gun plans would be amazing
since they're basically the dickiest form of PVP ever
also, not sure if the gamma also takes slap reduction
Talon bleed and a few other things don't
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 09:39 AM
So not worth it then ?
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 09:39 AM
I can make them if you need one
ok, super duper is stupid broken awesome
Harrower 24-Nov-18 09:42 AM
yeah it has the best stuff
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 09:43 AM
I forgot I had it on and made a bunch of food
game shat itself trying to play the animation for it over and over
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 09:56 AM
Chemist is a good perk too, I should combine the two
Turn your stimpaks into 4 diluted with a potential for double
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 09:57 AM
that's pretty decent
I'm turning my high level char into an all purpose crafting dude
Also treasure maps are dogshit tier
Scarecrow 24-Nov-18 10:10 AM
Wha level is super duper unlocked?
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 10:12 AM
50 I think
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 10:17 AM
yeah, 50
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 12:31 PM
I lucked out hard and got a drum mag hand made
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 12:31 PM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 12:32 PM
Not the plans mind you
But from a supply drop
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 12:37 PM
I should farm mods on my char with the plans
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 01:30 PM
85 round mags are nice ngl
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 01:33 PM
Jesus lol
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 02:29 PM
Yeah I sat on the ammo printer for like two hours to stock up on bullets
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 02:39 PM
Guess I found a Dragunov
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 02:41 PM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 02:56 PM
I got ghetto push to talk done
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:02 PM
Someone can have above dragunov, I've already found a better weapon getin
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:15 PM
gonna farm caps
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:20 PM
to buy anything in particular?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:27 PM
If I spot something I like
I can get it
Might hold that off since I found the ammo factory unowned
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:32 PM
Want any help?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:32 PM
You're welcome to come chill in the factory with me
I'm farming 556
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:34 PM
ye, one sec
I might do some crazy builds come respec
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:42 PM
Thanks fam
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:44 PM
Got me a cowboy gun
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 03:45 PM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:47 PM
Some dude owned this before and built like a tard
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:48 PM
nice enough to build extractors at least
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:50 PM
Yeaho nly oil
Overall his generator palcement was shit
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 03:50 PM
aluminum too
and junk
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 03:50 PM
Sorry meant to say only not oil
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:05 PM
Should we go take the big red rocket as well?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:06 PM
Guards 24-Nov-18 04:11 PM
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:14 PM
which way did the scorchbeast die?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:14 PM
beside pubbie camp
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:16 PM
its owned, but none of the extractors are locked
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:16 PM
man, fuck scorchbeatts so much
Also, a full set of zealots armor makes them go from fucking stupid to just annoying
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:18 PM
guys only 35, gonna claim it
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:20 PM
gank me after
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:20 PM
had to turn pacifist mode off :v
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:21 PM
That's so retarded defending yourself gets you wanted
kid is here
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:22 PM
yeah killed him once already
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:23 PM
Wanted status should really decay over time
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:23 PM
it does I believe
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:23 PM
joining in so you can murder me to clear it
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:24 PM
Coming to the factory
Did you want your shit back?
Oh there you are
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:26 PM
gotta hike back
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:26 PM
I'm crouching on your bag
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:29 PM
you still see the guy on our server coat?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:31 PM
He's watching the place from the next ridge over
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:33 PM
think those 2 pubs were together
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:34 PM
I got tallons
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:35 PM
see if you can jump into the workshop
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:35 PM
grab a deathclaw or mole hand and swing
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:35 PM
or at least access it
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:35 PM
I can get at it
Bear gave me a switch blade with 40% increased speed
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:37 PM
haha, just stealing ammo from all these nerds
Harrower 24-Nov-18 04:38 PM
did they fix the infinite trap disarm bug? i need some fuel 😦
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:38 PM
damn doens't work with the switch
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:39 PM
need an 'unarmed' weapon
fist, gauntlet or mole are it I think
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:39 PM
I need one then
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:40 PM
PA fists too maybe
should I leave and see what happens?
try to see if you can access it
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:43 PM
haha, racking up a pretty big wanted bounty
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:43 PM
yes I can
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:43 PM
just stole 260 .44
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:43 PM
fixed it
can PA jump in
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:44 PM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:45 PM
fixed it
Can't pa jump in now
NPC BOT 24-Nov-18 04:46 PM
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:46 PM
Build the wall
🙏 1
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 04:47 PM
theres a scorched mirelurk queen to the east eyepop
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:47 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 04:47 PM
Im going to start selling MAKE APPALACHIA GREAT AGAIN hats on the BMW store
Preorder now
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 04:48 PM
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:48 PM
got mini nuked by two nerds in PA
welp, RIP 100 caps
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 04:49 PM
Oh shit lol
I can actually make those hats
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:49 PM
do it
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 04:50 PM
I wish I hadaccess to an embroidery machine
A nice WTT polo would be nice
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 04:51 PM
Fuckig nigger scorch beast
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 04:54 PM
oh man, I should lead a scorchbeast back to these nerds
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 05:03 PM
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 05:03 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 05:04 PM
soyface 1
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 05:05 PM
Turns out the mirv is not a weapon you can use in anything close to useful circumstances
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 05:15 PM
Maybe when you're overlooking a big target, but thats about it
Alt 24-Nov-18 05:21 PM
Immortality is not all it’s cracked up to be, if you’re doomed to an eternity of Fallout 76 – as one player is fed up of never dying.
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 05:21 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 05:21 PM
me irl
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 05:25 PM
so why cant he fast travel?
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 05:37 PM
RIP that server?
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 05:44 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Nov-18 06:18 PM
`I almost have all your flux, remind me in a couple of days to sell it to you.` 🙏
Decontamination boiz
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 06:19 PM
or we nuke tonight
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Nov-18 06:19 PM
If we are, plz be soon. Seeing a movie in 5 hours
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 06:37 PM
Also, anyone know about how many rads/sec the nuke gives?
I did the radshield quest and it gives 300 resist
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 06:38 PM
Def more than 500
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 06:39 PM
You can make rads a non factor if someone shares rad sponge
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Nov-18 06:43 PM
Fallout 76 is not faring that well in sales and after the criticism received by the game, the price is quickly dropping leaving those who bought it at
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 06:43 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Nov-18 06:43 PM
50% off some places, which sucks for them but good for us
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 06:50 PM
I think its less being in free fall
And more realizing that GaaS cant be priced that high
Unless its a very tight experience
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 06:51 PM
i also think a lot of people expected fallout 4 level content PLUS multiplayer
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 06:51 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 06:52 PM
Which is unrealistic A. for a Gaas B. A game this short in dev
BustrKc 24-Nov-18 06:54 PM
I just got to lvl5, my body is ready
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 06:54 PM
Whats your ign, bust
BustrKc 24-Nov-18 06:54 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 06:55 PM
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 07:03 PM
Apparently Rad-X suppresses mutations, which would explain my occasional lack of jump
BustrKc 24-Nov-18 07:13 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 07:16 PM
Wow ok
VERY problematic
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 07:16 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 07:17 PM
Cant wait for Private Servers
Sbarros flags everywhere
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 07:32 PM
Right fuck this
Demanding a refund from humble
going to gmg
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 07:52 PM
Got a Scorchbeast to fight a Mirelurk Queen. All because I wanted a Nuke Keycard
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 08:13 PM
long story short I now have a Keycard if any of y'all want to nuke
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 08:37 PM
i need to get my keycard
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 08:44 PM
you only need 1 technically
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 09:04 PM
@here found grahm
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 09:21 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 09:21 PM
Big if true
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 10:03 PM
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 10:08 PM
The one I took
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 10:09 PM
!img yay teamwork
NotSoBot BOT 24-Nov-18 10:09 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 24-Nov-18 10:09 PM
I took q few
Just saying Bear is the real mvp of fallout for us
ToddBot BOT 24-Nov-18 10:10 PM
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 10:12 PM
nope, I'm just the avg pleb
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 10:21 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 10:29 PM
>tfw you have an outfit not on there
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 10:29 PM
Fashion 76
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 10:52 PM
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 10:52 PM
Alt 24-Nov-18 11:40 PM
my games done
lll join yall when coats done strammin
Taylor Swift 24-Nov-18 11:40 PM
I might still be up
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 11:42 PM
I'mma be a sleepymans, but I gave coat a weapon or two to play with at low levels
Alt 24-Nov-18 11:42 PM
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 11:49 PM
DMV quest, worst quest
Bear in the Woods 24-Nov-18 11:49 PM
Haven't done it yet
Scuba Steve 24-Nov-18 11:53 PM
it perfectly encapsulates the DMV
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 02:52 AM
Fat fingered R, dropped my PA and some random got in
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 02:54 AM
you can grant theft PA?
Scarecrow 25-Nov-18 02:58 AM
God damn that would suck
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 03:02 AM
It was only T51
So not the end of the world but man that stings
They tried to give it back but because I painted it they couldn't
Scarecrow 25-Nov-18 03:06 AM
Dcing in this game is really killing any effort into taking workshops jfc
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 03:12 AM
gotta 2 man it
team so if you DC you can join on your teasm mate to get back in
Scarecrow 25-Nov-18 03:16 AM
That would require having someone to play with
Alt 25-Nov-18 04:46 AM
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 05:34 AM
Nothin like having 30 bloated glowing ones chasing you
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 06:59 AM
There'll be more PA at least
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:12 AM
Yeah mildly frustrating
Have most of a set back already
Gonna need someone to let me do some mule transfering tomorrow
vrath 25-Nov-18 07:14 AM
Hit level 35 running the mine shaft
Starting to get pretty tanky
Next up, mutations
Harrower 25-Nov-18 07:53 AM
anyone know if the plasma thrower mod is gotten from disassembling or is it learned from plans or bought from vendors as a mod?
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:36 AM
I'm trying to figure out what plans give you the fast travel target, unless that's workshops only
DerVerrater 25-Nov-18 09:54 AM
so turns out
if you have an active bluetooth dongle
you cannot play FO76
Mez 25-Nov-18 10:04 AM
Taylor Swift 25-Nov-18 12:56 PM
man reading the f076 subreddit
Some people on that next shit
Theorys that 76 wasnt a control vault
or that its a Vault 112 kinda thing
Pointing to why the date resets everyday on your Pipboy
DerVerrater 25-Nov-18 12:59 PM
Is this one of those cases where weak design becomes the deepest lore
Taylor Swift 25-Nov-18 12:59 PM
but they didnt a lot of UI changes
How hard would it be to remove the date and time
Oh and also theres a throwaway terminal entry saying that too
The alien captive recorded logs are items added to Fallout 3 in the add-on Mothership Zeta. There are a total of 25 recordings. Although they are usually not physical objects, the recordings will...
ToddBot BOT 25-Nov-18 01:06 PM
Taylor Swift 25-Nov-18 01:06 PM
I'm the current Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Vault-Tec Corporation. I was inspecting the construction site of Vault 76 when I was captured by what I can only assume are alien beings from another world.
Reading more, the better theory is it was a test to see how we would use the nukes
Since they gave the overseer info about the nukes
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 01:32 PM
I think our canon is we used them to nuke someone's workshop in a turf war
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 02:10 PM
Boomer vault eat your heart out we got nukes
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Probably mde that pubs night
Dropped him some spare PA to finish his set, setup his ammo factory and left
Alll cause I wanted the pa spawn in it
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Nov-18 07:00 PM
Reupload with an added F76 moment (01:31) and extra sequence at the end (starting at 03:21). The original (https://youtu.be/yvGXCisAaR4) has been blocked in ...
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:40 PM
fucking agiligty course not registering my hits
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:42 PM
the camp one?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:43 PM
HAd to run it three times because the button presses wouldn't register
Annnnd now I'm trapped in a terminal
Rip three workshops I had
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:44 PM
hold up
ill hold onto them for ya
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:44 PM
I can't accept any requests
I"m litterally trapped
Like litterally can't do a thing
No button press responds
So gotta alt f4
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:45 PM
which ones did you have?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:45 PM
ammo factory and two small ones
nothing amazing on the small ones
WAs more a southern fast travel
I mean I had to kill a god damn scorch beast to get the ammo factory
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:46 PM
Just means I have to fast travel to claim them, I'm at least on the same server
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:46 PM
I'm loading back
LEast I can get on the sam server
fast traveloing over
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:48 PM
ya gotta lock this upper door
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:48 PM
Rip the suit is 50
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:49 PM
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:49 PM
Still trinyg to replace the suit I lost PepeHands
Fucking need to redo the course
God beth get your fucking servers fixed
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:50 PM
that terminal is probably one that'll get fixed soon tho
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 07:51 PM
I love this game but holy shit the bugs
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 07:59 PM
which other workshops did you have?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 08:03 PM
Junkyard beside the powerplant, the lake side cabins and that shitty airport one
aaand crashed
I was mostly using the south locations for fast travel
I'm done blowing my caps on workshops this session
Getting reaaaaaaal tilted
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:07 PM
Also beth fucked up the traps again
there is a 2nd infinite exp spot now
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:07 PM
grenades or flamethrowers?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 08:08 PM
OH for christ sake anyone got a spare army helmet the crash lost mine
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:08 PM
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 08:08 PM
nm found one
But fucks sake beth
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:18 PM
quest done?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 08:19 PM
I figured get that done now before I do enclave and bos
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:22 PM
how easy is it to level up with (((traps)))?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:26 PM
gotta get to level 23 first
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:27 PM
or someone can share home defense with u
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:28 PM
yeah, but that needs 6 cha
Alt 25-Nov-18 08:28 PM
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:28 PM
But you're here?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:34 PM
ugggh, how do you get ahk to work with fo76?
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Nov-18 08:36 PM
If anyone figures it out plz let us know
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:36 PM
@Coathanger MD happen to have Home defense 2 and 6 charisma? :v
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:43 PM
does cha boosting items let you share cards if you only have 4 cha?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 08:44 PM
Nope and nope
home one and chr 4
Ranmdomly rolling up on a wanted player and blasting them is ok360
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:49 PM
cha boosting lets you up your shares yeah
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 08:51 PM
got it working
lemme unfuck it real quicklike
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 08:55 PM
if you have cha 6 and HD 2 by chance steve could I proleech off your skill share?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:00 PM
yeah, lemme check
Also, got the AHK script working
haha, I only have 4 cha
lemme see if I can boost it up to 6
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:05 PM
does Booze still do it? otherwise mothman eggs that are cooked will boost it by 2
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:06 PM
ok, I have a number of those +3 stats when at low health things
where is this glitch at?
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:06 PM
There's one in Morgantown HS
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:07 PM
should I join on you?
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:07 PM
I'll join you, making a new character now
in the join queue now
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:12 PM
I can bounce servers to one that's not full if you need
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:12 PM
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:14 PM
you sure there's one in morgantown?
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:14 PM
In the HS yeah
I did it for a couple mins before making a new char
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:14 PM
there's a room with 2 bouquet traps, but they don't glitch
fair warning, I need this on my alt as well
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:14 PM
did you trigger the pressure plate?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:15 PM
disarmed it first
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:18 PM
Get it working?
looks like the share got lost
Got an extra pocketed piece by chance?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:25 PM
i do
haha, it's 50
skill share shoukl be up
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:26 PM
not atm
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 09:26 PM
get to like 25 and I'll go make you a deep pocketed metal arm or something
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 09:31 PM
Got combat rifle plans
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:33 PM
nice, as loot or from a vendor?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 09:40 PM
So got my 1600 caps
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 09:49 PM
and pump action shotguns
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 09:52 PM
There a good spot to loot gun plans then?
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 09:52 PM
no idea
Found the pump in the governors office
Alt 25-Nov-18 10:02 PM
Idk if this is normal But near the airpot area we kept killing a dude that always had like 30 pieces of loot on him
It was weird
I got like 4 shotguns one me cuz of that dude
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 10:03 PM
Some crown mobs are loot pinatas sometimes
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 10:10 PM
Yeah we had a few lvl 6 crowns just pinata like a mother fucker
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 10:55 PM
Can I scrap grenades? Asking for a friend
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 11:05 PM
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 11:16 PM
So nothing I can do with these 40000 grenades?
Scuba Steve 25-Nov-18 11:18 PM
sell them to vendors?
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 11:19 PM
Surprisingly my inventory isn't going to shit with just a ton of grenades
Coathanger MD 25-Nov-18 11:24 PM
How was that for leveling
Bear in the Woods 25-Nov-18 11:35 PM
Just hit 48 if that's an indicator
Have been doing it for like hour and a half maybe?
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:15 AM
I stopped clicking like 10 mins ago, still geting grenades and exp
1800 queued up grenades so far
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:20 AM
Fast travel to an event, get a full set of 50 PA minus a torso smugpepe
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:22 AM
2040 and counting
I think I have like 10 levels backlogged
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:24 AM
Found a torso, level 50 set done
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:25 AM
Did you enter/exit the area to force it to updatE?
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:27 AM
the grenade trap?
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:27 AM
No, the exp bar
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:27 AM
it was still going when I did
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:27 AM
I stopped clicking on it like 20 minutes ago, STILL getting grenades
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 12:43 AM
Yeah gonna have to get you guys to gelp me set that up
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:47 AM
Still ongoing
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:47 AM
if you're playing now Steve has a group setup
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:47 AM
I have to swap back to my main to share the perk
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:48 AM
Built up my charisma mans for future funtimes
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:53 AM
4k grenades since I stopped pushing button
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 01:10 AM
I don't dare log out since it's STILL going
I think I have like 10 levels queued up on the server
AlexanderDeLarge 26-Nov-18 03:03 AM
how the hell are you getting that kind of XP? I still don't understand what you're doing (edited)
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 03:51 AM
Yeah gonna need a explain for that
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 04:11 AM
Ok, so you disarm a tap over and over and over
because bethesda fat fingered the onDisarm: Remove trap script for that thing
ToddBot BOT 26-Nov-18 04:11 AM
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 04:12 AM
so you can disarm it literally as fast as you can press R
Me and my brother are leveling alts to 50
just so we have options based on the perk packs on what to build as
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 04:16 AM
so your just both sitting at a trap disarming it?
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 04:18 AM
and I can share the perk so you can do it from level 1
the game legit shits itself and ends up taking an hour just to convey all the exp gains you're getting
Also, the nuked flora decays to inert flux which is 1 weight of water GIVES 5 disease resist, and 25% water
it's like the best water source in the game if you just run around a nuke site with green thumb
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 04:34 AM
Where is this trap?
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 04:40 AM
morgantown hs
the grenade bouquets behind the locked door in the gym
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 04:42 AM
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 05:02 AM
So they just disarm for me
Harrower 26-Nov-18 05:07 AM
you just keep resetting the world until the trap bugs
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 05:08 AM
The nads or the trigger?
Harrower 26-Nov-18 05:17 AM
the trap it self
for grenades youll see an empty string that the grenades are usually attatched too
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 05:17 AM
About 50 so a pop
Harrower 26-Nov-18 05:18 AM
if it just disarms once and doesnt let you mash it over and over, reset
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 05:18 AM
Yeah I have it now
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 05:37 AM
you able to share with the class?
I wanna get my alt some more levels
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 05:39 AM
I alt tabed out and hit teh nad blowing myself up 😐
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 05:42 AM
yeah, be sure to look away before alt tabbing
the melee attack triggers the invisible exp pinata, releasing explosive candy
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:32 AM
Also, if you run the bug, be prepared to have more or less infinite sellable caps
so just scrap anything you don't need to use like immediately
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:48 AM
If you really want to have fun and fuck with high levels go to the grind spot and trip the traps
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:50 AM
I did that twice
or lead in scorched to someone who is pretty obviously afk
that's also fun
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:52 AM
Free mats
Possible caps when they tilt
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:53 AM
I already have too many fuckkin mats
and like 80k grenades
I need to grind up like 2-3 more alts before the patch it
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:53 AM
Ill hesd there with my main and do it since i have home def 3 on him
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:53 AM
being able to get to 50, get all your perk card packs, THEN choose a build is supprisingly nice
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:54 AM
Grab some extra charisma and be a legend to you all
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:54 AM
the unyielding or whatever armor that gives extra stats is super nice
+3 on low health
get 3-4 pieces of that and lol at your cha
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:54 AM
God call
I love this broken buggy ass fucking game
So when are we gonna get out there and do our cult shit
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 07:57 AM
When we have enough bored nerds on hand to make it funny
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:58 AM
I want to also get a few guys on and roll up to workshops that have miced up players so we can "inspect" the structual integrity of the plaxe
And demand permits n sheet
Just fuck with people
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 08:00 AM
hardhats and coveralls, fire axes and power fists
Also, I found the power fist plans
I wish there was a list of all unlocked plans on your char somepalce
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 08:10 AM
Safety inspector night
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 08:11 AM
I'd be willing to eat a PVP flag mini nuking them if they don't play along
"I'm sorry sir, but without the proper permits we're gonna have to condemn the building"
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 08:12 AM
We just move the caps on to a mule
Make a note and at the end of the night redistribute
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 08:13 AM
pretty much
I need to move like all my kit off to a mule at some point
Also, using a random box in the wold is better than dropping shit
the world ate like 1k 45 and 700 shotshells last night
pissed me off
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 08:14 AM
Yeah ate a legendary i was giving alt a few nights aho
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 09:06 AM
So since Fusion cores are energy ammo, Batteries Included makes each one 0.3 Pounds smugpepe
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 09:45 AM
Thats good to know
For when carrypocalypse comes
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 10:05 AM
Worth taking over the fusion core duration perk for sure
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 10:08 AM
Int tree?
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 10:20 AM
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 10:56 AM
Servers are down for maintainance again
here's hoping they didn't fix the bug again
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 11:09 AM
Time to pray
Taylor Swift 26-Nov-18 11:34 AM
I’m not ready for the Carryacolpyse
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 11:48 AM
That would torpedo what little fun is left in the game
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 11:57 AM
Carrypocalypse but it comes with server stability
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 11:58 AM
apparently just collecting a ton of outfits and random notes is enough to get your inventory to start hating itself
Taylor Swift 26-Nov-18 12:04 PM
Yeah it’s annoying
But I’d rather they be cautious than overload their servers
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:05 PM
They just have to unfuck the spiny item screens
the pipboy doesn't do it at all
it's only screens where you're trading shit or using a box/campsite item
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 12:39 PM
How long would it take to throw 80000 grenades?
If they fix that this week they'll change grenades to 0 selling price
Scuba Steve 26-Nov-18 12:42 PM
Then I just go back to collecting high value outfits to sell
or say fuck it and just run cap stashes in the bog
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 01:13 PM
Just scrap all ya extra guns and bulk the steel
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 02:13 PM
The more I play this game the more I lean to it being a fucking broken pile of shit that never should have come out and the only reason I keep playing it is I'm a crack junky for everything fallout
ToddBot BOT 26-Nov-18 02:13 PM
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 02:14 PM
Like this is no man's sky level of a shit game
Taylor Swift 26-Nov-18 02:15 PM
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 02:16 PM
Its a bit above release NMS
But not very much higher
Scarecrow 26-Nov-18 02:16 PM
A ball hair higher
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 02:17 PM
P much
Im willing to give it time to unfuxk
In the mean time i want to do stupid shit
Like how i know where to find the artillery camp blue prints
Solgnir 26-Nov-18 02:32 PM
It's not as fun as a regular Fall*ut game solo
(fk you tddbt)
but it's very fun with your bros
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 03:01 PM
P mich
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 03:55 PM
Any patch notes yet?
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 04:00 PM
>We made game better, minor text fixes. >42gb patch
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 04:00 PM
>Todd personally enacts the carrypocalypse
ToddBot BOT 26-Nov-18 04:00 PM
ToddBot BOT 26-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Taylor Swift 26-Nov-18 04:19 PM
@Deleted User Gonna need a bigger slowjerk emote
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 04:57 PM
Man looking at the fo76 bazzar can make.bank if we get a good legendary farm rolling
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 04:57 PM
It's called the whitesprings golf course
Goddamn some Handmade plans went for 17k
I got mine in the beta before I knew it was rare pepehands
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 05:14 PM
Guess I saved myself 15k caps at least
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 05:15 PM
Yeah and theyre such nice rifles
So heres a fun one, the gauss rifle is affected by both energy snd rifle perks
So im deff running a guass build now
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 05:31 PM
God I love logging in and some nerd doens't lock their ammo printer
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Oh man
I made a 44 rage
Dipshit didn't lock his ammo printer or factory
So he comes back and attacks me
Then tries to taunt me into attacking
I just ate food and laughed at him
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 06:07 PM
>using the gun factory in 2018
AlexanderDeLarge 26-Nov-18 06:07 PM
it's going down further boiz
that's 25$
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 07:23 PM
Game dead, rip game
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 07:23 PM
The price drop really isn't a nice look
Alt 26-Nov-18 08:24 PM
Coathanger MD 26-Nov-18 08:33 PM
Whenever I log out and I own the ammo factory I swap it to 38
Like a mad man (edited)
Bear in the Woods 26-Nov-18 09:00 PM
>he doesn't know about 38
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:29 AM
Set macro to repeat at 1ms, enjoy exp and nads
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:30 AM
P much, I'm on char #3
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:30 AM
It's crazy
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:31 AM
Gonna save two or three of them for the inevitable balance patch
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:42 AM
griefing protential: Cryolators can perma-freeze chars
applies the slowed debuff peranently
relog doesn't fix it
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:46 AM
What level do you stop at scuba?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:50 AM
you doing it now?
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:50 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:50 AM
my brother went to bed and the perk stopped sharing
can you share it out?
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:50 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:50 AM
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:51 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:52 AM
you're offline
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:52 AM
It's scarecow
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:52 AM
lemme relog real quicklike
social has been acting dumb for me
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:56 AM
3 points of charisma per perk point? Why
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:56 AM
because reasons!
might be able to use the +3 stats on low health armors
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:57 AM
Graves another card so I could share it
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:58 AM
still can't disarm them
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 03:58 AM
Try the one nex4 to me
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:58 AM
that works
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:03 AM
I wonder how many nads it would take to fuck the server?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:09 AM
Probably 65535 or higher
More probably 2 billion.ish
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:10 AM
Xp bar has stopped moving
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:10 AM
Server shitting self
Im only getting like 5-15 per server tick, despite getting 30+ nades
vrath 27-Nov-18 04:11 AM
how do I do
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:11 AM
Spawn in on me or scarecow, come inside the highschool, then look for us
Just spam R amd reap.fat profits
vrath 27-Nov-18 04:12 AM
gotta add me as a bro first
I think I sent request to scubasteeve?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:14 AM
Yep, I see you now
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:14 AM
Think I'll let the server catch up
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:14 AM
The server takes like 3x as long to catch up as it took you pressing r
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:15 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:15 AM
Bro stopped at 51 last night, then someone nuked thr bog, so we went there, he was 62 by the time we called it a night
I stopped at 80, and was like 90ish
vrath 27-Nov-18 04:16 AM
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:16 AM
Gonna go sell some nads and come back
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:17 AM
bring me water adn food
just mash R on this string
yo broke it
gotta leave and come bck in now
Don't melee it, open your map before you alt tab, because it'll register the alt as a melee attack
vrath 27-Nov-18 04:23 AM
you got a script?
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:30 AM
Keyboard macro
If I log out will it stop the xp train?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 04:35 AM
Yes, server hops kill it
Also itll keep ticking for about 3x as long as you were using thr macro
So you can stop the macro and go adventuring for a while if you want
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:37 AM
Will do that then
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 04:47 AM
Well my game crashed
Scarecrow 27-Nov-18 05:19 AM
I'm off to bed, will leave game running for you guys
vrath 27-Nov-18 05:46 AM
sucks I can't sell them to vendor
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 06:09 AM
Hey Steve you gonna be around tomorrow night? I could really use the XP
trying to get my build sorted out sooner rather than later, I'm really underpowered until I get my goddamn cards.
btw I'm getting all the flux I need for decontamination shower
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:27 AM
I should be there
haha, server crashed
vrath 27-Nov-18 06:28 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:30 AM
uggh, I'm high enough level to get the perk, but I wanna keep this guy a blank slate
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 06:37 AM
Fallout 76 News and Updates: So it looks like the community has broken into one of the DLC Vaults planned for Fallout 76! What awaits us inside? Let's take a...
can't find the video so enjoy this clickbaiting cunt stealing content instead
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 07:00 AM
Complain get free atoms (or crowns in ESO which is the better choice imo)
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:25 AM
Hand made bubble bursting
Also holy fucking shit the cap stash bonus perks are unrsal
120 caps from a single.stash the other night
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:33 AM
priase fuck
finally gonna get me a set
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:39 AM
When i finish the enclave quest im gonna grab the gauss plans
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:40 AM
not looking forward to having to make like 30 of them to unlock all the shit
but ehhhh
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:40 AM
And shill put guass rifles
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:40 AM
did they unfuck the 'impossible to hit shit in vats' bug?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:40 AM
No idea
But the gauss fucks when you stack crits and surprsie attacks
Forgot you needed to max charge is
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:41 AM
My first alt is a vats crit rifleman build
So that should be fun
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:41 AM
I killed a crowned windigo in 5 hits
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:41 AM
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:41 AM
The guass fucks
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:42 AM
I just machinegun shit in stealth with a chamelion piece
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Im also stacking sneak skills on my alt
Today if someone is free id like to transfer my xo1 over to it
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:42 AM
I should be free
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:43 AM
Ye ill check later todsy
Just at work atm
But I plan on transfering some kit over
This way i dont need to hunt PA
Still choked i fucked up and dropped a paintd set of 51
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:47 AM
bitch at bethesda
ToddBot BOT 27-Nov-18 07:47 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:47 AM
tell them your game crashed and when you came back in it was gone
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:55 AM
Well im not chocked it happened more.of a "Man i cant believe i was that retarded" (edited)
Its only 51
If it was 60 the id be legit mad
Or x01
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 07:56 AM
I still ned to hunt for X1 shit
my PA is like crap tier t-60 and raider
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:59 AM
If you run the whole BoS quest line you get a fullset of ultracite
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:00 AM
yeah, but then I have to re-run the glassed cavern
and fuck that solo
though with 50478235934876 grenades and some covering fire, it's way less assy
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:01 AM
I need to start thatnquest
So im down to knock it out later. Mind you i need to do the dmv kms
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:02 AM
the DMV quest perfectly encapsulates the DMV as a whole
it's Tod's greatest work
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:02 AM
Ive heard and i fear it
I actually tried to do the dmv earlier this week and it wouldnt let me
Wouldnt move past it calling my nimber
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:04 AM
Yeah, there is this while prequel to it
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:04 AM
Yeah thats just real faggotry
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:04 AM
find fort defiance, poke around there, then you have to do the enclave quest, THEN you get to do the DMV
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:04 AM
Let me get my god damn ID
I went and got my soldiers card early
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:04 AM
or at least get the soldiers cert from boot camp
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:05 AM
Yeah i did that early
Im trying to hold back on doing the enclave for a bit longer so i can get the bunker buster at 50
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:06 AM
That's the other great thing about alts, is you can do all the one time story quests and get the guarnateed legendaries at 50
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:07 AM
Yeah i want a 50 summerset special
DerVerrater 27-Nov-18 08:07 AM
I need to get some gun blueprints
I have the tier 4 crafting perk for it
but only can make pipe rifles
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:08 AM
Just gotta hit vendors and lucky loot
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
p much
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
I managed to get the combat rifle and pump shotgun last night
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
my main has a ton of shit unlocked just by visiting vendors and shit
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
Ngl im p stoked about the combat rifle
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
i think I'm gonna leave my mule at like 35 just for selling caps and checking vendors for <45 shit
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
Good plan
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:09 AM
combat rifle is dogshit tier
it's really p bad
the recoil on it is like 3x as bad as handmade
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:10 AM
Ive always handled it fine honestly
Plus ive got the radium rifle plans
So can have some fun with rad damage in pvp
And not need a gamma
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:11 AM
PVP tends to be over so fast that it's kinda ehhhhhh (edited)
I was fucking around with it
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:12 AM
Yeah black powder is bae for that
I want a double shot dragon so bad
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:12 AM
gamma gun is great because you can just keep chip damaging them for 10-12 rad/sec
where do you get the dragon from?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:12 AM
Rando drop
Bear and I found ours off a rad scorpion
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:16 AM
now I wanna see a dragon with a silencer on it
some hilarious as fuck chunky block of brass
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:19 AM
I dont think it can get one
The gauss supressor is comedy
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:20 AM
I know, but it would be hilarious regardless
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:21 AM
Almost as long as the gun itself
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:24 AM
So can you actually hit shit with the guass?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:44 AM
Yeah Ive been manuall aiming
I don't vats it
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:44 AM
vats would be a waste since it chunks like 100 ap a shot
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:44 AM
Plus it needs to be charged
I usually vats with the combat rifle to build my crit bar, muskey with the bar
Repeat with my 4 hot barred muskets
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 08:45 AM
I just machinegun shit with my handmade
q, mousewheeel down, click click click click
stealth I can generally kill a 68 scorched without much issue
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:13 AM
Recently i've been doing crits+vats, open with a headshot then shoot like 5 more rounds with an automatic into their head
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:13 AM
me and my brother have been toying around with an ALL THE GRENADES build
max all the grenade perks, and whip like 5 nades from stealth into the pack then open up with 40mm autos (edited)
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:14 AM
I farmed some levels on my stealth mutie to use grenades
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:18 AM
300 damage in an area splash is nothing to sneeze at
especially when you have like 10 going off like retarded party favors
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:19 AM
I need more .38 though
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:19 AM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:19 AM
my auto combat rifle
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:22 AM
Does it actually work that great?
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:24 AM
my auto rifle came as 38, but it's melting things pretty reliably
four leaf clover means usually 1 hit out of many will fill your crit, then you can open up with a headshot and concentrated fire will carry it to 95% pretty quick
downed in 5 shots, he dropped this
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:29 AM
ok, that's pretty fuckkin dank
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:30 AM
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:32 AM
I want an auto reciever for my handmade so bad
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:38 AM
I want a legendary two shot guass
God thatd own
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:38 AM
Instigating two shot executioners
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:38 AM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:38 AM
two shot auto handmade
pls jebus
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:39 AM
Im stocking up my caps and gonna see what i can get on the bazar
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:39 AM
I'd rather try for it myself
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:40 AM
I mean if i can get one normally awesome but im gonna keep my eye out for a good deal
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:42 AM
can the radium rifle be made auto?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 09:42 AM
No idea
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:00 AM
673 votes and 343 comments so far on Reddit
Beth is FINALLY getting talky
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:00 AM
@The 76ers A Roadmap of sorts?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:00 AM
Stash going to 600 initially, cryolator effectd reduced from 2 hours to 30 secomds
Fucking my.sides we need to abuse the cryolator
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:01 AM
I... can make cryolators, probably need a science or two though
also have a level 25 one with assassin on it
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:02 AM
Im more intereeted in going to places and cryolating people then leaving
2 hours of chilled bullshit
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:02 AM
I was telling you
just get a shitload of PVP flagged dudes to run around slowing everyone over and over
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:02 AM
do they need to be flagged though?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:03 AM
effect works via chip damage too, pretty sure
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:03 AM
Push to talk, 21:9 ratio, and respec on the 11th
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:04 AM
downside: probable carrypocalypse
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:05 AM
gimme 1 sec, i'll find out for you if it works via chip
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:05 AM
I wanna get like all my shit onto my mule before the 4th
Bear, you able to get me the various vendor POis unlocked?
I need harpers and the two southern ones for sweet sweet handmade plans
and a pocketed armor piece, shit
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:09 AM
can the southern ones sell handmade too?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:09 AM
from the post, that's a maybe
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:09 AM
I can get you the vendors tonight yeah
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:10 AM
Yeah if we want to do item transfers lets do it tonight
I need to move shit too
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:12 AM
I could juggle some things around yeah
Could also find grahm so we can check plans while we're at it
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:13 AM
sweet, I can make the super sledge, power fist, multipurpose axe, tesla rifle, M79, combat radium and bp rifles,
and like 5 flavors of deep pocketed gear
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:15 AM
How are tesla rifles?
DerVerrater 27-Nov-18 10:15 AM
Over priced and hipster
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:16 AM
they do this odd jumping damage
no idea how many times it jumps
DerVerrater 27-Nov-18 10:20 AM
SHockingly this isnt just the fallout 76 trailer
ToddBot BOT 27-Nov-18 10:21 AM
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:22 AM
Also i wantnto do some mutation testing
Grounded could be a hilarious bit
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:27 AM
I wonder what the scorchbeasts attacks count as
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:27 AM
I wanna see if I can get grounded and scaly skin on my muted up character, im running out of good mutations to get though
It makes Class Freak+Starched Genes a must have though, you can get a lotta good shit for the low price of 5 special into luck
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:30 AM
first respec is dropping 1 int into luck to get both those
because god damn is farming them easy in the blackwater mine
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 10:31 AM
And you've seen how much shit I can do with marsupial
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:31 AM
Yeah i want that
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:31 AM
I had bird bones before I fucked it up
I stole from some nerds and led them on a merry chase through the ammo fctory
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 10:32 AM
Talons could be comedy gold on a punch mans
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:32 AM
cloaking is broke as fuck
A fully mutated dude with a tophat outfit was runing around with a moleman gauntlet
he was doing non-trivial punchmans damage to the queen
while some dude with a hammer was just fucking it up
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:40 AM
Also, the school is a p sweet spot for plastic, and the super duper mart is a pretty kickass place for adhesive and screws or whatever shopping baskets give you
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 10:48 AM
Hey those are good changes
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 10:50 AM
There can be no appealing to these nerds
Also laffo, 22k weight
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 11:15 AM
also popping by the bailey family cabin is p good for farming random crap
I get 10-15 40mm grenades per trip
which is p great when you have a legendary 40mm auto
Peaches 27-Nov-18 11:18 AM
How many people are on a map at a time
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 11:19 AM
5-20ish I think?
Peaches 27-Nov-18 11:19 AM
Ok I wasn't sure thanks
I'm still slightly interested in this but so many aspects are off putting with the multiplayer aspect
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 11:24 AM
soutside of events or special things it's mostly single player
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 11:58 AM
afk farming ammo is the best way to play this game
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 12:35 PM
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 12:38 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 12:39 PM
I want to fellout
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 01:41 PM
TL;DR be between 15 and 44 and they're more likely to show up
I got them around 15 in the beta and it had me thinking about a level range
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 01:45 PM
That makes sense
So today we go and get hand mades?
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 01:45 PM
I gotta make a 15 today but yeah
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 01:45 PM
My alt is in the window
So i can get you one
Just get me to the locations
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 01:47 PM
I can just leave a boyo at 15 for muleing and other stuff if one of y'all has 6 Cha and HD2
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 01:57 PM
my mule alt will probs get to 15 for exactly that
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:17 PM
apparently if you try to capture the wokshop, it flags both partie for mutual PVP
some twink with like 50 mutations just did that then oneshot me with a fucking knife
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 02:19 PM
Yeah it does that
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:28 PM
fucking oneshot with a knife tho
fucking twink ass pvp builds
that said it sounds like a great way to fuck with people
spawn in, contest the thing, insta-gib them, profit
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 02:29 PM
What was the level difference
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:32 PM
54 vs 96
so yeah, leveling effect would have caused that
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 02:32 PM
You got pvp scaled
Not saying his build was broken
But the scaling is they key reason you got melted
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:33 PM
Ikeep forgetting that I'm like retardedly overleveled right now
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 02:35 PM
I'm getting my decontamination shower in about an hour. The dude is selling me all the components and gonna equip a perk card to cut down on materials
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:37 PM
Too bad super duper won't proc on it
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 02:37 PM
Super Duper can proc on crafting the materials though
And Green Thumb doubles it when you harvest them
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 02:58 PM
yeah, I'm always shy on the hardened masses though
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 02:59 PM
We should nuke something this weekend (or earlier), get a good legendary farm going
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:06 PM
honestly the resort seems best
lots of ghouls, decent amount of vegitation (edited)
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 03:15 PM
Does the XP curve after 50 or is it flat?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
flat as a motherfucker
it's why some really poopsocky nerds are well over 100 now
even without the cheat
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Oh shit did yall see there was a mod for a while
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
if you just run the caverns for legendaries out of boredom you'd hit 100+ easy
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
That opened the vaults?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
yeah, they're full of boring shit
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Oh okay, I was just worried about your overleveling if they don't retroactively let you pick cards for those 46 levels you've made
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 03:19 PM
Youre full of boring shit
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 03:20 PM
One looks like an event where you're putting out a vault fire
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:21 PM
I know I'm full of boring shit, I play FO76
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 03:21 PM
I didnt mean it Scoob Im sorry
I love you
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:22 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 03:23 PM
Hey steve after I make this trade mind helping me out with that XP glitch?
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 03:34 PM
just FYI they can steal from you
if they have a weapon out
stash box anything you don't want wandering
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 03:41 PM
Yeah its super gay that bug exists
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 04:08 PM
Humble refunding me.for the snafu
Hell ue
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 04:08 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:18 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Oh we got screwed?
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Yeah we were supposed to get a significantly nicer bag
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Well shit
Get me in on this
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
I'll let you know when I get more details
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:19 PM
Power Armor buyers actually have a case
the product description doesn't match what we got
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 04:20 PM
The helmet slaps
Dont let that get lost
But yeah that bag sucks ass
Which is weird
Everything else was good
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:27 PM
ToddBot BOT 27-Nov-18 04:27 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 04:41 PM
ToddBot BOT 27-Nov-18 04:41 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 05:25 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 05:28 PM
front page boiz lets get this show on the road
maybe Pete Hines will show his face after 10 days
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 05:37 PM
That email looks fake though.
God reddit lol
I'm dying at those coments
Any of you niggas want to get your shit moved around I"m hoppin on now
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 05:45 PM
the email I edited in looks legit
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Oh I believe you I'm just laughing at their fake comments
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Yeah I wish I didn't use that quote because I do think it's fake, people are focusing on the wrong thing, the fact that they traded a cloth material for fucking nylon (edited)
I even called one of the guys out on making fake tweets https://twitter.com/MolokoDrengo/status/1067553519069085696
@HeroKunning @CmdrLlama @Fallout @BethesdaSupport @bethesda @DCDeacon @BethesdaStore Are you editing tweets? There is no @BethesdaStore @BethesdaGear exists but that isn't what your screenshot shows and they're not even verified.
Harrower 27-Nov-18 05:49 PM
has anyone tried the radium rifle for pvp? was testing with my buddy and it does like 15 rads per shot
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 05:49 PM
No I haven't
But I can make em
Harrower 27-Nov-18 05:50 PM
probably useless against power armor with its hundreds of rad resistance
anyone else should get shreded by it
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 05:55 PM
Yeah it could be hilarious in a PA deathsquad
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 05:58 PM
gamma guns and cryolators
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:00 PM
Anyways whoever wants to do item transfers I'm online and taking the ammo factory so we can have ammo print while we work
Harrower 27-Nov-18 06:05 PM
how much ammo does that actually print? is it worth defending?
i can burn through 6000 5mm in like an hour
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 06:05 PM
It will take a while
But get this
!img its free software
But ammo
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:05 PM
Time and money to get to it tho
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 06:05 PM
Wow imagebot dropping the ball today
NotSoBot BOT 27-Nov-18 06:05 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:06 PM
It's useful because you lock it up, get a free northen travel point, have it idly print ammo while you do your thing, and defense missions
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:06 PM
Ammosmith + Super Duper make ammo rain however
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:06 PM
They do
Harrower 27-Nov-18 06:06 PM
yeah thats what im doing now
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:08 PM
annoying farming the lead and steel for make it rain ammo
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:08 PM
Also it's hilarious to trigger nerds
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:08 PM
though 5mm and .50 cal are dumb as fuck with the perks
180 ammo per craft
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:09 PM
With infinite pockets, you can mulch all the guns you loot into ammo for steel
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:09 PM
234 ammo per craft on average
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:09 PM
Lead from robbits and the ground I guess
Grafton Steel might be a hidden pro-grab workshop
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:09 PM
I actually camp on a lead deposite
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:10 PM
The game is designed to where you can farm a certain creature to get the junk you want
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:10 PM
So uh wall decor covers doors
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:11 PM
Like so you can't pass through them?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:11 PM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:12 PM
American Flags in front of every door, these colors won't run 911
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:16 PM
should yeah
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:17 PM
can you break them?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:18 PM
I mean like everything else I bet
Guess we need to test
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 06:20 PM
I'll be on in a couple hours probably
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 06:34 PM
Wanted players legit love it when you kill them for their bounty
Scuba Steve 27-Nov-18 06:41 PM
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:39 PM
So uh how are auto grenade launchers
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 07:47 PM
They sound baller
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 07:48 PM
Cause I can buy the pans
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 07:49 PM
Scoob said he can farm the ammo pretty easy at some cabin
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 07:55 PM
Is it counted as a big gun or explosive (or both)?
I think you can make the rounds at the ammo printer as well
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:04 PM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:07 PM
With ammosmith and super duper you can make 5-10 mini nukes per craft getin
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:41 PM
God damnit bear
smugpepe 2
That god damn hat
Oh so where is the harpers ferry merchant
check for handmade n sheet
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:43 PM
ill go there
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:43 PM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:44 PM
the perks of having a camp (mostly) between 6 of the factions
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:44 PM
Yeah mine's up on a lead deposite beside a PA spawn
excicutioners tesla
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:46 PM
hunter's wood leg
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:47 PM
single star on mine
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:47 PM
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:47 PM
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:47 PM
the real nigga shit comes from the golf course usually
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:47 PM
No hand made
But he has a combar rifle scorched killers reciver
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:48 PM
Check watoga next
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:48 PM
Dont got it on this one
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:49 PM
FTing to Watoga now
I'll go clear the next one
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:51 PM
damn nope
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:51 PM
got 6 cha and HD2?
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:51 PM
hard 1 and 4 cr
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:53 PM
I think the window is closer to 15-25, that's when I got mine during the beta
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:53 PM
Plus side
Gauss rifle plans
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:54 PM
yeah he can sell gauss and power fist
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:54 PM
So saves me rushing to do the enclave
Ok you mind helping me do a quick gear transfer
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 08:54 PM
sure if you can do me one after
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 08:54 PM
I'll hop in voice
Alt 27-Nov-18 08:55 PM
Almost heaven , West Virginia Blue ridge mountains , Shenandoah river Life is old there , older than the trees Younger than the mountains , blowing like a breeze
I hear her voice in the morning as she calls me Radio reminds me of my home far away And I'm driving down the road and i get feeling that I should have been home yesterdayYesterday~
NPC BOT 27-Nov-18 08:58 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 09:05 PM
had to disable my notifications jesus christ
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:14 PM
!img imagine my shock
NotSoBot BOT 27-Nov-18 09:14 PM
Elf on a Coathanger
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 09:18 PM
Boy howdy
Am I glad Alex is on our side
Coathanger MD 27-Nov-18 09:33 PM
Taylor Swift 27-Nov-18 09:38 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 27-Nov-18 09:40 PM
This is what peak male performance looks like
ToddBot BOT 27-Nov-18 10:55 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Nov-18 10:56 PM
I was forwarded the email. Checked the source. Posted the source.
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 12:29 AM
Oh man
This is a treat!
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 12:31 AM
We need an alex bullying beth meme
Memelords get on it
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:17 AM
There got my main to 50
vrath 28-Nov-18 02:46 AM
anyone disarming traps?
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 02:48 AM
I think everyone’s disarming their pillows around this time
vrath 28-Nov-18 02:55 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 03:22 AM
We have what? A week to disarm at least?
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 06:36 AM
anyone online?
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:32 AM
handmade plan get
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 10:27 AM
level 15 is the sweet spot
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 12:31 PM
got a cultist blade plan
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 12:43 PM
Hell uesh
Got a nuke card last night
Gauss is legit pro strat for it
I got my old main to 51, so grab an enduring piece and i can share home def
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 12:50 PM
PVPing is best at like 50ish
because holy fuck the pvp scaling is broke as a joke
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:02 PM
Thanks to bear i transfered over my x01, gauss, and a cryolator
So im gonna start the bos line, get the mortar pit blueprints
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:04 PM
the mortat do anything useful?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:08 PM
Turn your camp into a short range artillery base
Also a stupid fast way to get a bounty
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:08 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:08 PM
Mortar a dudes camp and itll hit just about every bit of it
A single hit is 10 caps
One guy got a nice 240
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:09 PM
that would be a great way to bait pvp
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:09 PM
But my thought process is, nuke tge golf course turn on pacifist and moartar the hoard
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:09 PM
have zero caps and just shell the shit out of something untll you have 500+ bounty, then huddle up and wait to get flagged
can you build camps in the rad zone?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:10 PM
I dropped mine whe we did ours
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:12 PM
Camp with rocket turrets and a mortar or two
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:12 PM
So if we do two camps, maybe Alex with his decon arch and fortify it and mine with a mortar pit
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:12 PM
Do you aim it or throw flares for it?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:12 PM
Throw flairs
Not a great range like falloutn4
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 01:13 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:13 PM
But could be useful
Besides the free suit of ultracite pa is enough incentive
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:15 PM
for the BOS quest?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:25 PM
When you finish it you get a full set of 50 ultracite
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:32 PM
lemme know when you get to the find taggerty mission
we can team up to do it
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:36 PM
A missile base in the nuke zone is a pretty good strat, saw some nerds do it one time
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:37 PM
golfcourse nuke with two missile bases would be legit
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:37 PM
What they did to make a safe zone was have a concrete barrier blocking a stair case so you could jump over it and be out of melee range of ghouls
The raised platform having all the missile turrets
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:38 PM
sooner or later I'mma find flamer plans
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:39 PM
Check watoga or BoS with a higher level, I've bought some befoee (edited)
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:39 PM
4k 556 and counting
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:40 PM
If you have any extra .38 you wanna dump I'll take it later
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:41 PM
I have over 4k .38
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:42 PM
Also mortar pits could be hilarious for turf warfare antics
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:42 PM
I've got a decent combat rifle that uses it
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:42 PM
How so?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:43 PM
Couple mortars dropped on a dudes camp
Comedy gold
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:43 PM
some nerd on the trading forum found a double shot fatman
and mirved it
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:44 PM
Pretty sure that'll make you the epicenter of that 9 nuke explosion
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:44 PM
Muhammed jihad?
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:46 PM
God damn would that be fucking amazing
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:46 PM
VATs crit all of them
Watch them home in on the scorchbeast
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:47 PM
Run up to some nerds base dressed as cultists, screaming durka durka mohomed jihad then one of us pulls a mirved fatman and launches
oh god, crits are 100% accurate, yeah?
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:47 PM
'accurate' yes
But some work better than others
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:48 PM
I'm picturing the briefcase from hitman right now
homing, floating, corner turning (edited)
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 01:48 PM
That's not far off
When I've crit a scorchbeast, the nuke flew up, homed in on it then just sat in midair for a couple seconds before exploding with no affect
Then when it was on the ground I critted the head and the nuke shot 30 degrees towards the ground negative
But it will curve the shot slightly like said briefcase
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:51 PM
Apparently a dude with an executioners shotgun just fucks it up
the flat % chance to cripple limbs just drops it from the sky instantly
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:53 PM
I picked up a nice toy for Alt last jight
Doing the vendor run on my main i got q zealots power fost
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:53 PM
I got a double ammo capacity broadsider
that I'm gonna play around with
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 01:54 PM
Harpoon guns dont work
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 01:58 PM
I need to trick out a gauss rifle at some point
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 02:02 PM
I cant do any fancy mods since i havent broke any down
But with vats click n hold till you hesr the ding
Otherwise you do a base shot
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 02:05 PM
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 02:30 PM
You can windup the shot in VATs?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 02:40 PM
I leared last night
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 02:41 PM
god damnit
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 02:41 PM
Shot down a cargo bot
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 02:41 PM
fucking CTDs
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 02:53 PM
Better than STDs tho
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 02:54 PM
both are a pain in my dick
smugpepe 1
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:39 PM
ahahahahhahahahah holy fuck @Taylor Swift
tagged as [confirmed see stickied comment] now
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:39 PM
Im changing your role
@#1 Bethesda Bully
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:40 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:52 PM
holy shit, people are getting refunds on Amazon because of inaccurate product description
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 04:53 PM
god damn son
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
For the Power Armor?
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
only Power Armor Edition
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
Eh, I like it
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
If you bought on Amazon, go bitch at customer service and see if you can at least get a credit on top of Bethesda giving away atoms
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 04:54 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:55 PM
nonononoono they don't even have to return the item
it's a straight up refund
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:55 PM
What the fuck lol
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:55 PM
Amazon doesn't take fraudulent listings lightly
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 04:55 PM
Holy shit
Whats the general wording we should take?
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 04:57 PM
Inaccurate product listing, pre-ordered then bait and switched, listed as a canvas bag to this day even though they've been delivering nylon bags for the past week. Already reported to the Federal Trade Commission
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 04:57 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:01 PM
Oh man this is art
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Bethesda responded `Thanks for tagging us in this post. We’re not sure if you've seen this make the rounds on various areas of the internet, yet, but we've made an official statement about this issue and included it below: "The Bethesda Store's Support member is a temporary contract employee and not directly employed by Bethesda or Bethesda Game Studios. We apologize to the customer who took the time to reach out. The support response was incorrect and not in accordance with our conduct policy. Unfortunately, due to unavailability of materials, we had to switch to a nylon carrying case in the Fallout 76: Power Armor Edition. We hope this doesn’t prevent anyone from enjoying what we feel is one of our best collector’s editions."`
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:02 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:02 PM
oh fuck off you cunts, it's still listed as a canvas bag on literally every major retailer except Bethesda Gear US where they changed it after people complained
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:03 PM
Na this shit show is just the gift that keeps on goving
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:04 PM
I've gotten my $60s worth already for sure. If y'all get a better value that's cool too
I did see if I could get some extra atoms from Bethesda though alex
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:05 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:07 PM
Do I go through the return thing or jujst contact support direclty
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
Contact support
Explain the situation to them
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
How does a nigga bully bethesda outta their lumch Atoms bear
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
The $200 Power Armor edition of Fallout 76 promised fans a load of stuff, including what looked like a very nice canvas bag. Which they didn’t end up getting, because between announcing the bundle and shipping it Bethesda pulled a lil’ switcheroo.
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
Fallout 76's 'canvas bag' isn't what folks who pre-ordered the collector's edition were hoping for
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:08 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:09 PM
After a dismissive initial reply, Bethesda has apologized for the response--though it has not clarified if it notified buyers of the change.
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:09 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:10 PM
!img im growing stronger
NotSoBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:10 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Mods please rename Alex to AlexDeBethesdaBully
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:14 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:14 PM
I only sent a ticket to customer service, I'll see what they respond with. People have been having success with that
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:14 PM
Whatd you say?
Cause daddy wants some power armor paint
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:15 PM
Man, i need to move so much junk and horseshit off onto my mule char (edited)
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:15 PM
I might be free to help you if you help me with a home defense farm.tonight
Still at work atm
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:16 PM
Along the lines of "Bought it for full price off Amazon and now (as of Black Friday) it was X% off. Anything you can do?"
Didn't ree or anything, just the facts. I'll let you know how they respond
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:17 PM
Hmmm do i take a chance since i bought Russian
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:17 PM
I wouldnt risk it
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:17 PM
Only if you ask in Russian
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:22 PM
Im gonna play safe
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:24 PM
Just send them a message with "я гей" and they'll give you something I'm sure
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:24 PM
cyka blyat
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:27 PM
mother fucker
scorchbeat queen mostly dead, CTD
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:27 PM
They want me to return the whole thing
Theyre only going to give me 10% back
Oh well
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:34 PM
Its free money I suppose
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:34 PM
I mean
Its probably 10x more than what that bag cost to make so
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:34 PM
!img great success
NotSoBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:34 PM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:35 PM
20$ for a 10 minute bitching in a web chat
!img im ok with this
NotSoBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:35 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:35 PM
YinBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:35 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:35 PM
Very polite poo
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:36 PM
You can put the $20 towards the next game we play that's janky
Or another copy of Rust (edited)
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:37 PM
oh man, flipping the ammo factory for half a second then hiding is the best
just landed a fucking whale
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:38 PM
Thanks for the help lads
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:38 PM
120 black titanium, 29 bulk adhesive, 29 bulk gears, 10 bulk spring, 215! screws
80 nuclear waste
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:39 PM
For mortars?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 05:39 PM
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:39 PM
I claimed the ammo factory for about half a second to have the mission spawn
then hid up high cloaked and waited
he showed up, looked around, went to a crafting thing, and a merk'd him in the head
grabbed his shit, he insta spawned back in, chased me and I broke LOS and cloaked
and he was hotmicing the entire time
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 05:41 PM
I'll put my mic back on IG once push to talk is in
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:42 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:42 PM
those articles sure shot those numbers up, it was 100,000 last night
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Chaos Option would be buying 20$ worth of atoms
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:43 PM
Wait did they give you $20 worth of atoms or credit or what?
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:43 PM
21.32 straight to my bank account
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:43 PM
oh nice
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:44 PM
Yeah Id assumed a full refund was unrealistic
Unless someone ends up getting one in which case I WILL raise Hell
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:44 PM
Well if you ship it back to Amazon, they can't revoke your key
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:44 PM
Yeah but I like the helmet
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:44 PM
it'll tank fam just like the Destiny 2 Collector's
just buy it again in 4 months for $50
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:44 PM
They arent doing us as dirty as Bungie
Id feel bad
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:45 PM
that's fair, but at least Bungie delivers what's promised in their goddamn collector's editions ree
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:45 PM
I mean
Lets be real
Given the context of what they did deliver
Im not that angry about the bag
I do like free money tho
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:46 PM
Oh yeah me neither, until they gave that shitty ass response, now I'm just annoyed by their response more than anything. That's the thing though, they could've given a generic product listing as a carrying bag, honestly I'd go back and complain for more since you did buy the CE and you got the same amount that $60 people got
A Fallout Todd Howard mod lets you crucify the game's longtime director alongside VP of Global Marketing Pete Hines in Fallout: New Vegas.
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:47 PM
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 05:52 PM
i have so much junk I stole off that guy that I can't ven begin to fit it all in my stash
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 05:57 PM
the fuckers even responded to my tweet
@MolokoDrengo @DCDeacon @insomniabound @BethesdaSupport Unfortunately, due to unavailability of materials, we had to switch to a nylon carrying case in the Fallout 76: Power Armor Edition. We hope this doesn’t prevent anyone from enjoying what we feel is one of our best ...
verified 1
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 05:57 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 05:58 PM
See pins
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 06:01 PM
fuck it, doing a chargeback. Cunts
It's not like they can trace the CD key back to me
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 06:02 PM
The jew has been unleashed
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Bold move
!img bold move cotton
NotSoBot BOT 28-Nov-18 06:02 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 06:05 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 06:05 PM
At least it wasn't to that extent I guess
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 06:07 PM
Content Variation: Select * FROM Region where NAME like *
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 07:47 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 07:48 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 07:48 PM
some guy posted that on Reddit where he pre-ordered 30 of the power armor editions
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 07:48 PM
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:03 PM
but y tho
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 08:04 PM
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:06 PM
>scalping for a dead game in TYOOL 2018
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 08:36 PM
@AllGamesDelta_ The Bethesda Store's Support member is a temporary contract employee and not directly employed by Bethesda or Bethesda Game Studios. We apologize to the customer who took the time to reach out. The support response was incorrect and not in accordance with o...
verified 1
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 08:36 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 08:38 PM
Translated: We fired this one guy even though what he said is literally what we are saying just without the PR bullshit newspeak
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 08:45 PM
Thanks Bear
You're a real nigga (edited)
Yeah when you showed up that rando and I had to fight 3 sorched beasts and several chared gouls
Even some molemen
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:50 PM
I must've missed that part
Was that his PA?
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 08:52 PM
Ultracite set
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:52 PM
it was stealable :v
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 08:52 PM
Chill dude
Well good thing ya didn't
CAuse he was chill
We were chatting on voice
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:53 PM
I guessed he was your friend and decided not to
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 08:53 PM
Thanks fam and bigger thanks for the delivery
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 08:55 PM
mind muleing a plan over for me? I can FT to you
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 08:55 PM
sure when it's safe
I'll ft to you when you swap
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:07 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:07 PM
wait you got them?
ok good
game went lag hell on me
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:07 PM
probably cause you had to load my camp in
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:07 PM
It's a nice place
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:08 PM
it got taken last time I tried setting it up negative
Forgot I had super duper on if you want a free handmade @Coathanger MD
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:12 PM
Oh sure what rank?
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:12 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:12 PM
hell yes
Need a t60 chest?
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:14 PM
nah, not my PA character
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:14 PM
got it
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 09:20 PM
When you make 5 guns with Super Duper
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 09:26 PM
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 09:26 PM
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 09:27 PM
You fucking madman
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 09:30 PM
>this is why you're getting sued
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 09:38 PM
>500 atoms
Porkchop 28-Nov-18 09:51 PM
if you take the atoms doesn't that preclude you from joining the lawsuit?
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 09:52 PM
I look forward to both enjoying this game and sueing Bethesda
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 09:52 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 10:01 PM
ToddBot BOT 28-Nov-18 10:01 PM
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 10:02 PM
That fucking reply lmbo
Can we bitch about the voice modulator too?
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 10:03 PM
his literally didn't work
I wish we could bitch about the modulator because it sucks
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 10:04 PM
If niggas getting canvas bags I want one
Then Id have two bags, and 21 dollars
BustrKc 28-Nov-18 10:10 PM
While scavenging for food in Fallout 76 a helpless clown is attacked by vicious raiders of the waste. Stream: mixer.com/eggbong Website: www.neetlivesmatter....
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:10 PM
Should I grab for someone? level 50
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 11:10 PM
@Bear in the Woods yes plz
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:13 PM
it was only 400 caps on the vendor so not that bad
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 11:14 PM
oh shit I didn't know you were paying plz don't
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:14 PM
oops oh well, like I said only 400 caps
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:15 PM
400 isn;'t bad at all
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:15 PM
did just loot this tho
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:15 PM
Scuba Steve 28-Nov-18 11:16 PM
I mean, I'll take it if nothing else
the grenade launcher
tomorrow is caps farming
I found a route that has 4 boxes and is reasonably easy to do
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:18 PM
ive got 4 chars I can vendor with each day so 🤷
and a 15 that can buy handmade plans for any of y'all ni🅱🅱as
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:19 PM
Bear is a real nigga
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 11:23 PM
Any chance you have handmade plans on hand?
I'd really like to get that
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:23 PM
I can probably get some real quick
This is on the Watoga vendor, only 650 caps too
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:28 PM
Oh man I want
Taylor Swift 28-Nov-18 11:28 PM
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:29 PM
looked like someone was dumping a legendary farm's worth of stuff on all these vendors
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:29 PM
Comin down to take a look
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:29 PM
looked like that and the scorched auto launcher were the only good things
imma check the free states vendor too though
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:31 PM
You check the bos one in watoga?
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:31 PM
yeah, thats where I bought the auto grenade launcher
nope, nothing good
Coathanger MD 28-Nov-18 11:33 PM
The trouble shooters legndary wasn't bad
Bear in the Woods 28-Nov-18 11:34 PM
it is reminding me to finish my vendor route on this char though
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 11:48 PM
@Scuba Steve you on 76? I'd like to do that XP glitch you were talking about
BustrKc 28-Nov-18 11:58 PM
Whats this glitch?
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Nov-18 11:58 PM
spam R get 7XP multiple times a second
10 minutes from 40-50 1 hour 1-50
it's trap disarming in a specific location (edited)
but you need the perk for it so it's ideal someone shares it
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 12:00 AM
Oh ok, I'm just like starting out so anything to help me level and be useful in someway is good
Ill look into it
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 12:01 AM
the sooner you get to level 50 the better imo since gear is tiered and getting gear below 50 is a waste of time
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 12:17 AM
As I said tomorrow I'll help people with it
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 12:17 AM
I'm on and doing it now
join on steve and I'll invite you
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 12:39 AM
@Scuba Steve I'm on you rn
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 12:44 AM
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 12:49 AM
@AlexanderDeLarge had to log for tonight, can I get Handmade Plans to you tomorrow?
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 12:50 AM
that's fine thank you
ping me whenever you're back, I'm in your server but there's nothing to do in there
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 12:56 AM
Are you on his team?
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 12:59 AM
no I can't invite him for some reason
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 01:24 AM
sorry man, I had to step away for a while
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 01:25 AM
It's all good
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 01:44 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 05:03 AM
vrath 29-Nov-18 05:31 AM
@Bear in the Woods I need handmade too tmrw if you can.
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 09:58 AM
@vrath I can get you one tonight
vrath 29-Nov-18 09:58 AM
if you want,
join group and I'll share home defense so you can get them traps
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 09:59 AM
I gotta log off real soon, otherwise I would
vrath 29-Nov-18 09:59 AM
I'll be on tomrw
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 12:13 PM
oh man
got a 45 dragon from harpers ferry
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 12:33 PM
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 12:44 PM
Pinned a message.
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 12:54 PM
Also, I'm probably gonna do the quest for the nuka cola power armor at some point
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 01:24 PM
Introducing NylonGate, Fallout 76’s Collector’s Edition Bag Debacle https://t.co/SmqFgRGRbp
Alex got a *gate started
Alexander Bernstein
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 01:30 PM
Gawd Damn@
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 01:41 PM
Photo Mode is coming to FO4!Will be accessible through PHOTO MODE option in the Pause menu, and via hotkey.Features: FOV, View Roll (tilt), Depth of Field Strength/Distance/Range/Autofocus, Freeze Time, Step One Frame, Show/Hide Player, Show/Hide Armor Pieces, Position Player...
ToddBot BOT 29-Nov-18 01:41 PM
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 01:41 PM
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 01:59 PM
Ok, caps bobbleheat, cap collector and an outdoors cap stash is p nice
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 03:22 PM
@Taylor Swift
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 03:23 PM
also since you're bouncing servers constantly, you can also look for uranium fever
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 03:37 PM
Pinned a message.
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 03:39 PM
Thats why i needed bullied
vrath 29-Nov-18 05:01 PM
anyone playing and want to play with our selves together?
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 05:02 PM
Im still a week or so out from being able to play again tbqh
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:04 PM
I still have like an hour left on this bobblehead
holy shit is caps grinding aids as fuck
vrath 29-Nov-18 05:05 PM
what's your method for grinding caps?
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:05 PM
And why?
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:06 PM
Caps collector+caps bobblehead+camp near an overworld cap stash
and just bouncing servers for an hour or three
while doing nothing productive
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 05:07 PM
@Coathanger MD lemme know when you're on I'd like to do that XP thing
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 05:07 PM
yeah I'll hop on
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 05:08 PM
thx fam
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 05:08 PM
I'm looking into some stream shit atm so I can idle while you farm
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:08 PM
There's also a couple other places to do it if you don't want (just) grenades
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:08 PM
I could use a fat stack of flamer fuel
flames are hilarious
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:09 PM
There's one at the prison
Or close to Top of the World
I found a pro workshop spot: Grafton steel has the equivalent of 4 steel extractors and you can slap down a lead one too
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 05:11 PM
Well that had me freaked out a little
Have a login screen on 76
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:11 PM
It's usually attacked by mutants who drop gunpowder (and screws) so that's all you need for ammo
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 05:14 PM
I had that last night
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:21 PM
Also I'm doing the caps thing because you can get some hilarious things from the trading discord for like 1k caps
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:22 PM
You could theoretically get enough legendaries to have weightless weapons if they all stack
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:23 PM
pretty sure they do
Also some of the really good weapons are going for 30k+ caps
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:24 PM
I'd rather farm my own really good weapons
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:25 PM
I just want a double shot grenade cannon
or M79
for the comedy explosives build
got an anti-armor grognaks earlier
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 05:27 PM
I'm on @AlexanderDeLarge
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:28 PM
Also this weekend we can nuke the queen one or twice
the trick is apparently an enforcer shotgunner to cripple the wings
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:29 PM
I'd be game, that or the golf course
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:29 PM
golfcourse would be good too, it's apparently a hilarious legendaries pinata if you're in a group
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 05:30 PM
It is, even solo
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 05:31 PM
gonna do the nuke quest and BOS line with my brother
should be good for some comedy
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 06:17 PM
@Bear in the Woods Where are the other spots, alex is reporting they fixed the grenade bug
Hold on think we fixed it
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 06:21 PM
Y'all good?
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 06:22 PM
No not working for Alex
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 06:22 PM
so far it looks broken
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 06:26 PM
Not working anymore for me
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 06:30 PM
@Scuba Steve is it working for you? I think they patched it
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 06:31 PM
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 06:31 PM
Lemme check real quick
Still works, hop servers
mine works
join on me, and remember, don't alt tab
without looking away from it
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 06:45 PM
If you trigger the trap, re-enter the building
Alt 29-Nov-18 06:47 PM
I received it but dont see it
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 06:49 PM
Alt 29-Nov-18 06:50 PM
I think I added you
It says you're offline O_o
But I can join coat
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 06:51 PM
the social thing is buggy as fuck
Alt 29-Nov-18 06:51 PM
Ah I lost my mutation
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 06:52 PM
Turn on your monitor?
Alt 29-Nov-18 06:59 PM
Ok im ready
Im not getting a prompt for anything
Alt 29-Nov-18 07:23 PM
Now I understand why everytime I play with coat he throws grenades everywhere
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 07:24 PM
Also they sell 2caps a go at merchants
So you can clean them out
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 07:24 PM
3 if your charisma is worth a damn
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 07:24 PM
(Mine is)
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 07:24 PM
4 if you're my level 15 handmade mule
You still need a plan @AlexanderDeLarge ? I'll be on in like an hour
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 07:26 PM
He does
Alt 29-Nov-18 07:26 PM
13k nades lmao
Level 45 wanted guy to the north
Cant see the disarm thing
Alt 29-Nov-18 08:07 PM
Oh god my framerqate
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 08:24 PM
@Coathanger MD Is artillery the workshop thing you can make to mortar people? is it quest or merchant attainable?
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 08:30 PM
BOS quest, pretty sure
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 08:40 PM
Thanks @Bear in the Woods you're a good dude
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 08:41 PM
>When you charge them what you paid for it and are able to sell more to the merchant for buying it alex
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Nov-18 08:42 PM
you all good Alt?
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 09:36 PM
Ever get so high you stabbed someone with a pitchfork?
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:45 PM
Pinned a message.
tfw pinning your own post in a channel you have no interest in
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
Todd Redemption Arc coming up tho
fake 1
ToddBot BOT 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
Very real news
!img punished todd
ToddBot BOT 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
NotSoBot BOT 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
Taylor Claus
Image Search Results
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:46 PM
checks out
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:47 PM
The only lie hes going to tell now is that youll get tired of playing his games
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:47 PM
post ur bag
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:47 PM
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:47 PM
your ~canvas~ bag
oh man im getting a nut shot arent i
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:47 PM
Nah even better
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:49 PM
keepin the helmet?
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:49 PM
Its good
Everything was well made actually
Except the bag
Thats what I dont get
They went all out for the map, the helmet, hell even the box
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:49 PM
thats the dumbest thing, like, if its too expensive to make, then make the CE cost more
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:49 PM
But skimped on the bag thonking (edited)
Deleted User 29-Nov-18 09:49 PM
and shit a canvas bag is like 20 bucks
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:51 PM
I do not get it
The bag was probably the cheapest thing in the whole package
Alt 29-Nov-18 09:52 PM
Yea alex im all good, wanted to try out my new perk and watch coat
Now I dont have to worry about food anymore since EVERYONE IS FOOD aPeepoCheer
Taylor Swift 29-Nov-18 09:53 PM
Alt 29-Nov-18 09:55 PM
I grabbed the cannibal perk
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 09:57 PM
does eating people give disease?
Alt 29-Nov-18 10:00 PM
I feasted on 5 ghouls and 7 scorched and didnt get any
IIll keep everything in sight and keep you updated
keep eating*
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 10:13 PM
I usually just whore up with dog food and Good Doggy
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 10:21 PM
@Coathanger MD Gauss Rifles come in 45 flavor usually right?
Also found this on the BoS Vendor
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 10:33 PM
Scuba Steve 29-Nov-18 10:44 PM
Fuck me is the perk system buggy when you have like 50 levels to spend
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:15 PM
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:16 PM
Shit I am so behind lol
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:16 PM
watoga is amazing
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:17 PM
Just hit level 12..
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:17 PM
You want to power level tomorrow?
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:17 PM
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:17 PM
Alex, myself, steve, or bear can help you with it
Just get one of us to show you. You'll need a macro for spaming R a lot though
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:18 PM
either tomorrow or saturday if i get stuck out
I can set one on my mouse
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:18 PM
You're golden then
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:18 PM
Or remap my keyboard
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:19 PM
We'll hook a nigga up
BustrKc 29-Nov-18 11:19 PM
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 11:28 PM
3 more parts for weightless weapons coat
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:29 PM
I got another assassins with luck now
So I've for -24% player damage
Bear in the Woods 29-Nov-18 11:29 PM
Also I could use a power level at some point also, got another character idea I wanna play with
Coathanger MD 29-Nov-18 11:30 PM
and scored a 45 vampires fire axe
Only 89 caps
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 12:28 AM
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 12:31 AM
That last part is a myth IIRC
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 12:36 AM
I love this game, both in content and drana
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 12:37 AM
god yes
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 12:39 AM
Got my house golden
Fusion is in, power on, oil lamps up
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 02:33 AM
gonna hop on
anyone playing?
vrath 30-Nov-18 03:00 AM
I am somewhat
gonna get some more levels
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 03:02 AM
Bethesda's #fallout76 debacle continues, this time with a Nylon Bag being substituted for the promised #canvasbag. Let's discuss their dispute resolution pol...
Pinned a message.
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 03:04 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 03:10 AM
important part for Tay https://youtu.be/aDb7z8SytRc?t=614
Bethesda's #fallout76 debacle continues, this time with a Nylon Bag being substituted for the promised #canvasbag. Let's discuss their dispute resolution pol...
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 03:44 AM
basically Bethesda was retarded and now if you didn't opt-out within 30 days of Bethesda.net account creation, they'll need to handle each case in dispute manually and if denied, it will be heard in arbitration one by one, which comes with fees that are more expensive than the cost of any CE they'll ever put out and it will cost them a fortune (they'd lose anyways). Now instead of asking for a refund, I'm asking for a bag because the bag will likely be more valuable than the refund amount itself so alex
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 03:44 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 03:53 AM
@Taylor Swift
Scarecrow 30-Nov-18 05:58 AM
So are heavy weapons a bad thing to spec into?
Harrower 30-Nov-18 06:28 AM
they all kinda suck dick
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:15 AM
The rapid fire ones are fairly good for a power armor build
But you need to build very specific
Though the auto grenade launcher fucks
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:19 AM
Though you can also spec into melee so you can equip a train and then hit like one
Harrower 30-Nov-18 07:22 AM
i think mostly my complain about the heavy weapons is aiming them is awkward as hell. they dont really spray enough to justify not giving them real sights
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:33 AM
Will say gatling plasma is beyond meh
I can craft them
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:34 AM
Mainly because plasma doesn't hit half the time
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:34 AM
Now gatling laser
Also doesnt help the reload glitch
Pull it out have ti reload immediately
Im still sticking mostly.with singleshots
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:35 AM
With my sneakyboi I've switched to automatics
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:36 AM
Alt is doing melee shotguns
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:37 AM
You can bank a crit, aim for the head(s) and hold down until it explodes
Then with just 1 rank of gun-fu auto lock on the next target and repeat
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:38 AM
Im loving the more efficient crit useage perk
Only uses half my crit bar? Yes fucking please
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:39 AM
I might switch that out for luck of the draw so my weapon never breaks now that I think of it. With an auto weapon Four Leaf Clover procs more
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:40 AM
Yeah thats an auto tool there
Or least a drummed up hand made
I love this vampire fireaxe i got
Watoga is most likely the dumping site for so many legendaries
89 caps for it, i needed a new melee so its a total steal (edited)
Plus the 3 star assasin for my other arm?
Shit took 200 weight off of my 1200 grenades
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Todd expected bullying
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:42 AM
Wasnt bullied
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:46 AM
I've been avoiding putting in more than 1 point in each X/Expert X/Master X these days, that's 6 points I could use somewhere else for only 5% each per point
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:47 AM
Yeah youre right about it
Leaving them at base tier is best
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 07:48 AM
I just feel like I'm already struggling to spend them. I'm not lock picking and hacking within a team, someone else can share that shit with all the charisma I'm investing in them
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:48 AM
Like you could put 3 points into Bloody Mess and have a 15% bonus to everything if you really want that (and everything gibs)
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 07:48 AM
oh wait what
oh shit
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 07:50 AM
Tank killer 3 is still a must have though
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 07:51 AM
I don't have half of these cards ree
hell I don't think I have 75% of these cards
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 08:04 AM
Everyone should have tank killer 3
Its jsut that good
So when we all gonna dress up as park rangers, get the mole man mascot head and chase people wirh chsinsaws
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:36 AM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 11:07 AM
Gotta mule some bps over today, I'll be helping Alt level so when i do that ill send out a ping
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 11:11 AM
I'd be up for some power leveling late tonight or tomorrow
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 11:41 AM
Probably be early evenings when i start it, as i said ill send a ping
BustrKc 30-Nov-18 12:48 PM
Bethesda has banned a group of Fallout 76 players for life after a shocking in-game homophobic attack.The following contains language some may find offensiv…
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 12:48 PM
BustrKc 30-Nov-18 12:54 PM
You don't like cleansing the gays Todd?
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 12:54 PM
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 12:55 PM
Pete Hines is a lefty
Todd is /AREGUY/
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 12:55 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 05:49 PM
After a week of bizarre stories exposing Fallout 76's bait-and-switch, the story continues to develop as Bethesda apparently gave free canvas bags to Fallout influencers.
ToddBot BOT 30-Nov-18 05:49 PM
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 05:52 PM
Did the BOS questline
not bad
except the game glitched and we had 3 fucking scorchbeasts in the final cavern, and then the boss SB didn't drop me anything
That said, explosives perk'd auto grenade launcher with 50% limb cripple and more damage on sequential hits is dank as fuckkk
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 05:55 PM
Gon a hop on, plan on running the enclaveine
I want to nuke shit
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 05:59 PM
I'm at 9/10 commendations
gonna kill some rando legendary then get that finished
@here grahm on me
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:01 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 06:01 PM
@Scuba Steve invite plz
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:04 PM
he's just south of the munitions plant
got a 45 chameluon marine armor chest ❤
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:07 PM
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:10 PM
Anything good?
if you guys wanna cycle chars to see if he has any good prints at 15ish, lemme know
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:12 PM
Got a gamma gun, shiskabob, and alex got me the garage door
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:13 PM
the fuck gun is that?
Alt 30-Nov-18 06:13 PM
What are you doing leaf ned
Why havent you invited me ned
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:13 PM
Tesla shotgn
Alt 30-Nov-18 06:13 PM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:13 PM
Had to rush to a rare trader
Alt 30-Nov-18 06:14 PM
rush deez
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:15 PM
I'll call that one a success
59/37/37 just as hardened
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:34 PM
Pray to go nobody ever builds near you alex
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:35 PM
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:35 PM
that's a pretty nice spot
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:35 PM
Power armor spawn 100m away
current version has fusion gen on the roof
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:36 PM
gen on roof is a shitshow if there are scorched nearby
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:37 PM
I mostly get anglers, supers, and mirelurks
Supes tend to get caught up on the extractor
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 06:49 PM
I have 3 dragons now
sneak attack critical headshot on a SB does like 40% of it's HP
Alt 30-Nov-18 06:50 PM
I just opened a door and theres a brick wall behind it
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:50 PM
!img new vegas fuck you door
NotSoBot BOT 30-Nov-18 06:50 PM
Elf on a Coathanger
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 06:51 PM
@The 76ers starting up the exp farm, two slots open
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Nov-18 06:53 PM
1 slot left
Scarecrow 30-Nov-18 06:59 PM
I wish I was able to play :(
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 07:13 PM
When are you able to?
Alt 30-Nov-18 08:16 PM
I need a camp I have 96k grenades and im carrying 48k worth of things
Thanks, eating corpses gives me rads a little so having a free rad thing is great
All my armor is old as shit
I have that as a perk
Guessing this burned out husk of an area is radioactoive
Im suffering food loss from parasites so if you kill something, let me eat it
My right leg is still old but the rest of my armor is fine
What im hungry dont judge me
Thats my old one
I could chill here
Maybe in a spot with water
+300% health regen, healing factor mutation
How do i make a camp
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 08:55 PM
Bimmertown starts
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 08:59 PM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:00 PM
Its legit.comfy up here
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:17 PM
Alex has a legit pro spot
I showed him a lead node, lake side property
Has gold and solver vein spawns
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 09:20 PM
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:27 PM
Yeah, Alex ahs this crazy silly build, Alt has this really rustic sorta cabin
Shit he has alluminum too
Holy shit guys Alex has the best spot, pond with a ton of barrels in it
Can ping 39 rads
Combine with his arch
Yeah ok he has the best spot
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 09:32 PM
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 09:33 PM
My Silo spot is good, even if only for the comedy of having a nuke in your backyard
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:33 PM
IT really is
It's legit cozy
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 09:33 PM
Need a lawn chair
To watch it
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 09:34 PM
Rad Sponge rank 1 is super good for nuke zones, Alex and I were staying rad free with just us 2 niggas last night
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:34 PM
I litterally turn around and Alt is eating a cropse
Mid explination
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 09:35 PM
@Alt grab 3 ranks of Class Freak, it lowers all your mutation drawbacks to near negligible levels
That and starched genes can set you on the path of a mutation addiction
Alt 30-Nov-18 09:39 PM
Yea ima need more grenade mania then
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 09:47 PM
class freak and strange in numbers is broke like a joke
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 09:48 PM
Yeah mutations should be nerfed with how good they are, at least a cap on how many you can have
Coathanger MD 30-Nov-18 09:51 PM
Alt's place
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 09:53 PM
man, now I feel bad about my shitty 2x3 box covered in guns
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 09:54 PM
I like the dress
Alt 30-Nov-18 09:55 PM
You're welcome to join us bear
Can you die from RADS
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 09:56 PM
But dying does clear you of some rads so you don't perma die
Alt 30-Nov-18 09:58 PM
Its ok I got credit
Got maxed starched genes
Now I can start being a freak
I got money for that guy you killed
When alex comes back I can start mutating
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 10:08 PM
I can show you the spot to do it if you want to do it when alex isn't here
plus optimal mutating requires server hopping
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 10:09 PM
>start mutating
48 years late on that bruh
Alt 30-Nov-18 10:11 PM
Why dont you join us tay
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 10:12 PM
>not mutating
pfft fucking normie
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 10:12 PM
Cause F76 runs likeass
Alt 30-Nov-18 10:19 PM
I mean it dont run so hot on my pc either but I make due 😛
Taylor Swift 30-Nov-18 10:21 PM
Well, Im trying to run 2k on this card and its unduly stressing it
Alt 30-Nov-18 10:32 PM
Maybe settle for less than stellar visuals ned
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 10:33 PM
He could always just keep the monitor off for that smugpepe
alt 1
Alt 30-Nov-18 10:33 PM
Found a vendor guys
Dunno if you bought shuit off him
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 10:33 PM
the train station?
Alt 30-Nov-18 10:35 PM
Near where you made my power armor suit
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 10:35 PM
That's the Brotherhood of Steel one yeah
just south of it is the Watoga train station and that one has it's own pool of caps from anyone else (minus Grahm)
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 11:07 PM
oh man
Scuba Steve 30-Nov-18 11:29 PM
Man, I have so much bullshit on my main that I think I'm just gonna make him the mule
he's already entirely too high level to do PVP or real content without the scaling fucking him
Alt 30-Nov-18 11:31 PM
Which fork is it?
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 11:32 PM
Alt 30-Nov-18 11:32 PM
And the geeneral?
Bear in the Woods 30-Nov-18 11:32 PM
Alt 30-Nov-18 11:51 PM
Im back
Alt 01-Dec-18 12:19 AM
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:22 AM
like HW Bush all over again
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 01:06 AM
Disarming Tesla Arcs gives you Steel/Copper/Circuit/Fusion cells
Grenadecucks btfo
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 01:07 AM
oh god
where is one we can run a train on?
daddy needs him some 500000000 steel
Alt 01-Dec-18 01:09 AM
Thanks for the games niggers.
altpepe 1
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 01:11 AM
If you play tomorrow I can show you the rad mutation spot to spam over and over
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 01:12 AM
badwater mine?
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 01:12 AM
Yeah that one
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 01:12 AM
just don't be a dipshit like me who forgets to slot starched before going to the decon shower and losing bird bones
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 01:13 AM
Only bird bones? I figured decon shower would proc enough to lose everything
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 01:14 AM
it was all I had at the time
Alt 01-Dec-18 01:22 AM
I lost healing factor again hands
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 01:24 AM
@Coathanger MD I'm here, just off mic so I don't hear the sound of a thousand disarms a second
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 01:33 AM
@Bear in the Woods nuke
Alt 01-Dec-18 01:37 AM
vrath 01-Dec-18 02:20 AM
can anyone make serums yet
this gun is so good
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 02:32 AM
make it automatic
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 02:55 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 03:01 AM
@Bear in the Woods where the fuck did you get 11,000 circuits?
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 03:01 AM
I should've dropped the steel
Scarecrow 01-Dec-18 04:40 AM
Holy shit this dmv quest line
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 04:51 AM
it's amazing, isn't it?
Scarecrow 01-Dec-18 04:51 AM
It's fucking terrible
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 05:03 AM
it's a very authentic DMV experience
Also its a shame that explosives are so buggy, because holy shit are nuka grenades hilarious
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:00 AM
Does anyone know if there's any way to not die of hunger and thirst? Makes AFK XP farming a real bitch
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 06:00 AM
pretty sure you just go down to 1 hp?
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:00 AM
killed me last time I tried
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 06:02 AM
What are the go-to mods for power armor?
I.e what should I keep an eye out for?
Riso 01-Dec-18 06:14 AM
After a week of bizarre stories exposing Fallout 76's bait-and-switch, the story continues to develop as Bethesda apparently gave free canvas bags to Fallout influencers.
ToddBot BOT 01-Dec-18 06:14 AM
Riso 01-Dec-18 06:14 AM
shills got real bags. how does that make you feel @Prude
Prude 01-Dec-18 06:16 AM
As a ~bag guy~ I wouldn't be caught with a video game branded backpack in any case smugqua
but also that does seem sort of shitty for the people who actually paid for them
I didn't, so I don't feel too bothered personally
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 06:19 AM
handmade plan get
Zelda tune
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 06:48 AM
Also fucking impossible to sleep, aftershocks for fuckkin days man
Prude 01-Dec-18 06:50 AM
You mean like earthquake aftershocks?
Heard something about Alaska getting some business in the last day or two
didn't look into it
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 06:51 AM
7.2 earthquake like 20ish mile away
knocked power out for like 3 hours
aftershocks like literally all day
and I swear to god if we have another ash fall I'm gonna scream
Harrower 01-Dec-18 08:19 AM
anyone else notice buggy inaccuracy when using the gauss rifle?
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 08:45 AM
Coat did yeah
Harrower 01-Dec-18 08:50 AM
seems like it goes away when you put a bunch of mods on them
i looted some that were fully modded
i have to go test it out in long range sniping but im confident itll be a big improvement
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:38 AM
Nukebois tonight?
Harrower 01-Dec-18 11:41 AM
yeah if you have a silencer on your gauss rifle it unbungles the bugged hit detection
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:47 AM
That fissure site got me 7/10
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 11:59 AM
This is fucking pissing me off. Level 90 and I feel like I have dupes of every card except the ones I need for my build
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:01 PM
At 90 you should have all the perks you need by then
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:04 PM
I don't have tank killer, I don't have iron clad, master marksman, I don't have refractor, I don't have suppressor, power patcher, covert operative or bloody mess,
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:04 PM
What did you spend all your levels on?
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:04 PM
I have like 45 unspent
I'm just opening card packs
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:05 PM
Oh well that's your problem
You gotta spend points
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:05 PM
fuck, well I don't have anything to spend on them because I don't have the cards I want ree
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:06 PM
At 50 you can get any perk, just buy them up
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:06 PM
oh okay
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 12:07 PM
And post 50 you don't level special but you can still pick perks
Anyone need Steel :^)
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:12 PM
fucking hell
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 12:17 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:23 PM
Browse the perk cards. Plan your character. Know your stats.
Browse the perk cards. Plan your character. Know your stats.
ToddBot BOT 01-Dec-18 12:23 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:23 PM
r8 my final build plz
Harrower 01-Dec-18 12:31 PM
what weapon specifically are you planning to use with it?
ToddBot BOT 01-Dec-18 12:33 PM
Harrower 01-Dec-18 12:33 PM
id say ditch refractor for concentrated fire, and put end points into adamantium skeleton
idk though about refractor maybe its really good? i just like being able to vats crits legs for easier kiting
ToddBot BOT 01-Dec-18 12:33 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 12:34 PM
I'll probably end up swapping them out situationally. I posted armored/power variants.
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:05 PM
That was right, I got my build sorted out
I didn't know they unlocked as you spent points.
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:36 PM
NPC BOT 01-Dec-18 01:36 PM
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 01:37 PM
Whats this, just over 12 hours since Steam announced the payout changes?
Theyll add it on Steam with the first big content update
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:38 PM
Yeah that sounds like a reasonable expectation tbh that would be in what? January-March?
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 01:38 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:38 PM
hopefully sooner rather than later
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 01:38 PM
Let the holidays go by, Baggate pass by
Theyre fixing bugs at a good clip, ones that I didnt except either
Like the frame rate-run speed bug
Theyre def getting a NSM redemption arc
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:41 PM
Yeah, NMS did it without some big ass conference every year too. Even people who hated ESO started coming around to it after One Tamriel and if that didn't get them in, Morrowind did
Figure something similar will happen with new locations and whatnot
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 01:43 PM
Well, big Vault update will be first
Adding 3 psuedo-dungeons
Probably adding vault pieces to our camps
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:44 PM
I wonder if those will be the multiple factions
for the PVP update
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 01:44 PM
Oh yeah thats an interesting idea
It would be cool if they all opened and we had to pick one to defend
And raid the others for supplies
Damn thats actually not a bad idea
Hire me, Todd
ToddBot BOT 01-Dec-18 01:45 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 01:48 PM
Yeah that's what I was thinking because it has to be a contained area
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 02:35 PM
what the fuck why can't I build this?
Scarecrow 01-Dec-18 03:40 PM
Have you got the perk cards in ?
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:20 PM
Yeah I did, gave up on it. Are we gonna do the nuke soon?
Alt 01-Dec-18 06:26 PM
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:30 PM
I need to finsih atuning
And I'll need bear
@The 76ers How many of us are nuke attuned and how many are ready for a nuke tonight
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
I'm not attuned yet am I?
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
You don't have the facist outfit
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
You ain't attuned
Alt 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
How do I attune ReeDaPing
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:34 PM
We were doing that quest last night actually
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 06:35 PM
Get Alt attuned, y'all should do a silo w/o me
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:35 PM
But you guys needed to go to camp miclintoc
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 06:35 PM
the more fresh experiences the better
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:35 PM
Yeah agreed
Ok nerds I'm gonna hop onand finish mine but when you want to attune let me know
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:35 PM
maybe we should nuke tomrorow or Monday instead then?
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:36 PM
I'm ok with tomorrow
I'm in no rush to nuke
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:36 PM
Sounds good
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:36 PM
Reasonable hour though, Alt and I have date plans
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 06:36 PM
Sunday nuke would be better for me
A blind silo run is definitely fun doing at least once (I kinda guided coat through it but that was just 2 of us)
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:44 PM
IT was still a blast
I throughly enjoy speed running things like that
AlexanderDeLarge 01-Dec-18 06:46 PM
I'm in voice if anyone wants to do some group stuff
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 06:54 PM
I'm gonna stay off voice tonight, I'm wiped out still from this work week but I'll part yup and take you guys to the attunement
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 06:55 PM
I'll hop on voice in a few mins
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 07:50 PM
Me and my brother's new chars are ready to rock
keycards at the ready
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 07:53 PM
Coat/Alt/Steve/Bro would be a good 4 man group
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 07:59 PM
Also, if you need to move shit between characters, a desk has 0 carry weight, and can hold arbitrary quantities of shit
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:10 PM
Alt has upgraded gear now
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 08:18 PM
Ironically enough my last mutation was Talons
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 08:20 PM
Charles Ponzi has a deal for you, just give him all your crap and he'll make you whatever you like~
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:27 PM
That actually looks really cool
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:37 PM
Auto grenade launchers are fun af
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 08:39 PM
my legenary is the shit
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:39 PM
I got a normal one I found a while back
Jsut used it
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 08:39 PM
limb damage and more damage on additional attacks
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:39 PM
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 08:39 PM
did the cavern and bro just merkd the fuck out of the queen
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 08:54 PM
the glassed cavern?
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 08:59 PM
I got the small letters set from the scorch beast defense
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 09:00 PM
Congrats on beating the game
Alt 01-Dec-18 09:02 PM
Hes got 2 rare contracts in GW2 now this
Lucky nigger
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:16 PM
So Coat hear me out
Chain Lightning gun
Alt 01-Dec-18 09:19 PM
Coat just one shot a guy and then I ate him
He did not return
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:19 PM
The Classic Good Cop/ Cannibal Cop
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 09:20 PM
Man uh
Really want to see some BMW fanart of Doc Power Armor and his Cannibal Girflriend
Alt 01-Dec-18 09:22 PM
It makes it funnier cause coats in this fascy commisar outfit and Im in a blue dress and sheriffs hat.
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:22 PM
I turn my back for 30 seconds and she's tearing some dude's throat out
With her teeth
And chain lighting gun
You already know I adore the tesla shotgun
And the guy who I shot tried to friend me
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:24 PM
I have a spare set of tesla plans
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Tesla gun?
or tesla fists?
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:25 PM
tesla gun
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:25 PM
I'd love you for it
Because I use an executioners tesla
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:27 PM
join on me and head to the lighthouse
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:27 PM
don't need it, just bought the plans smugpepe
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:29 PM
Damn vendor bought my patrolmans sunglasses
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:30 PM
Watoga emergency services, reception before you enter
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:30 PM
Love you
Thank you
And you're on another server steeve so can't get to you just yet
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:34 PM
no worries
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:44 PM
God damn walls
FAcing the wrong way I noticed
Won't swap around
Taylor Swift 01-Dec-18 09:45 PM
Yeah wall snapping is real fucky Ive noticed
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:46 PM
just like rust all over again
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:46 PM
ok that was fucking terrifying
here I am with like 5 alts and 70 hours worth of junk in my inventory, crafting away, then suddenly I'm under attack
two 140+ dudes with melee are wailing on me
even with chip damage iit hurt kinda bad
I think they both had talons mut or something
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:47 PM
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:47 PM
stimed twice and legged it
then fast traveled and quit server
gonna have to move my camp to the fucking ass end of nowhere
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:48 PM
yeah talon bypasses chip
Come north to bimmerville
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:48 PM
I was thinking far south end of the map there are some nice lakes
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:48 PM
super quiet up here
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 09:49 PM
I was thinking south center by the 3 nuclear waste site
but basically on the map edge there
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:53 PM
if the map was a liiittle bit extended I'd 100% camp on the black bear icon on the map
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:54 PM
Ok the enclave plasma with a flamer nozel
holy shit
its broken
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:54 PM
you should repair it thonking
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 09:54 PM
har har
But it was full on melting an 80 scorch beast
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 09:55 PM
I'll join y'alls server once I get settled
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:05 PM
I need to grind down more energy riffels, need a bigger capacitor to burn all my energy ammo quicker
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 10:07 PM
what's the exact weapn that's melting face?
Also, I can customize a handmade out for someone if need be
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:08 PM
do you still have the alt that can get plans for handmades?
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 10:08 PM
I think I have them all unlocked, plus the powerful automatic
heading out to dinner like nowish
but yeah, I have a spare set
and an alt
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:09 PM
500 caps for the plan?
Scuba Steve 01-Dec-18 10:10 PM
that should be fine
I'll be back in like 2-3 hours
Alt 01-Dec-18 10:18 PM
Can anyone give me stimpaks? Im running low.
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:22 PM
Diluted fine?
Alt 01-Dec-18 10:39 PM
Of course
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:43 PM
Gimme a few mins to farm up a few more mutations and I'll dilute all mine
and split them with ya
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 10:53 PM
Got Marsupial 🙏
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 10:55 PM
@AlexanderDeLarge barn set, 210 caps
Grabbed it for you fyi
Alt 01-Dec-18 10:57 PM
Ill join you in a moment bear
Scared the hell out of me bear lol
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:02 PM
He does that
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:02 PM
Im laying down for a nap and someone in power armor starts stomping around my house]
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:02 PM
So I've got the no damamge bug
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:02 PM
Yeah I had that when I first joined your server
Unstable Isotopes, onto the next one
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:03 PM
Yeah I was hitting the drop site near fissure prime
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:04 PM
y'all gotta get marsupial
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:04 PM
usually has a good plan or spawn
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:05 PM
hit me out of pacifist mode
punch me
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:06 PM
holy shit
I need it
What's the drawbacks
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:06 PM
I take some(?) damage
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:06 PM
That's amzing
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:07 PM
I might just grab all the mutations
Herd Mentality is a flat 0 with class freak
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:08 PM
did that plasma blast hit you at all
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:08 PM
maybe? try it again
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:08 PM
Look how much damage I do
From the gauntlet
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:09 PM
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:09 PM
Hes in full power armor and im doing that much
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:09 PM
tbh this is the shittier PA
I might mule over my set of 50 X-01 to this guy
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:10 PM
Yea id be curious about damage values
With this claw
Really good PA versus it, regular human in normal gear
Maybe test it on coats assasin gear since he takes reduced damage
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:11 PM
I got a 60 helmet torso and right arm here if you want em bear
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:11 PM
I got 60
it's just t-60
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:11 PM
Only problem with the claw is that you cant use it in PA
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:11 PM
i'm gonna farm some mods for the tesla fists for X-01 ideally
twisted muscles + talons won't fuck around
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:12 PM
So if Im bumrush someone with the claw I get messed up abit
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:12 PM
I only fired 3 shots at ya
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:12 PM
Ive heard of those talons, is that a fist weapon
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:12 PM
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:12 PM
Guess I need that
And the testa fists?
Yea you hit me 3 times and fucked me up
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:13 PM
got a disease cure by chance? I apparently dissed terry too many times
shit sorry
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:15 PM
All good man
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:15 PM
I shot alt and it chained to you :v
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:15 PM
I just see that corpse fall from a tree
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:16 PM
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:16 PM
I got launched
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:16 PM
You need a ladder
To get your shit back
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:17 PM
Nope, jump good
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:20 PM
Sorry for murdering you but you did kill my man
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:20 PM
nah we good
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:23 PM
Game crashed on exit
Got me another cute dress blobcatuwu
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:27 PM
Today was a good seession for alt I'd say
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:27 PM
get attuned?
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:36 PM
I crashed too, guess that's good enough for tonight (edited)
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:36 PM
She's most of the way
Started the process, she wanted a campaign hat
So went to the ammo factory and took it cause why not
defense wave stars. three scroch beasts
Bear in the Woods 01-Dec-18 11:37 PM
they can keep the factory if they bring 3
Coathanger MD 01-Dec-18 11:37 PM
Some 80 was there that triggered them
We all killed them, got some more nice bits discovered the plasma flamer melts shit fast
Did some time in white springs to do the ghoul circut, then some time at watoga
She probably has 6-7 done
Alt 01-Dec-18 11:41 PM
Im at the commendation part
@Taylor Swift Much as I loath to admit it, you where right, 76 is fun after all
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 12:09 AM
Taylor Knows Good Games ™
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:15 AM
post a pic of your plasma flamer? i want to compare stats to the one i can make
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:16 AM
When i get a chance, its just the 45 enclave plasma with a flamer barrel
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:16 AM
whats the listed damage?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:16 AM
Think it was 45 47 ballistoc energy
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:16 AM
oh holy shit thats huge
my normal plasma flamer is like 25 25
and it shreds stuff
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:17 AM
Both at once with a 300 round tank
Thats no extra mods.too
So itll get functionally retarded
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:17 AM
do you have the plans to make enclave plasma?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:17 AM
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:17 AM
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:17 AM
Got it from the survey
It may actually hit so hsrd it locks me out of damage
Like i couldnt use any ranged weapons
Only melee
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:18 AM
yeah at the fire rate its doing over 200 dps
might be doing like 4 or 5
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 12:19 AM
Its p silly
I want to see justnhow cancerous i can get
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 12:25 AM
so what exactly is this plasma flamer that melts face?
Harrower 02-Dec-18 12:29 AM
the base plasma gun at level 45 does like 20/20 balistic/energy damage
with the flamer mod it goes to 25/25
the enclave plasma gun has double that damage
Harrower 02-Dec-18 02:42 AM
Riso 02-Dec-18 02:43 AM
#Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (2004) vs. #Fallout76 F:BoS | F76 ✅❌ Smooth 60fps gameplay ✅❌ Single-player story, NPCs & dialogue ✅❌ Couch co-op ✅❌ Rebindable buttons ✅❌ No microtransactions ✅❌ There is a Brother...
YinBot BOT 02-Dec-18 02:43 AM
TwitPic: 2 / 4
TwitPic: 3 / 4
TwitPic: 4 / 4
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 03:56 AM
So I logged on to find myself with a full set of lvl 50 ultracite pa
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 03:57 AM
the BOS quest gives you that
never ever repair it without the power armor repair perk
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 03:57 AM
Yup yup
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 04:07 AM
so at some point I picked this bad boy up
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:08 AM
That's pretty fukkin nice
Also, I got the charging shotgun plan for the tesla rifle
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 04:09 AM
Oh nice
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:32 AM
Yeah I found it too
Need the rifle plan still but the shotgun bit is bae
Harrower 02-Dec-18 05:00 AM
the gauss rifles with silencers are really really good. the shots never just fail
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:00 AM
Yeah I need one
YinBot BOT 02-Dec-18 05:32 AM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:35 AM
haha, nuked the waterpark
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:53 AM
Ran the site alpha quest because we wanted to see what was up, didn't want to do the actual site because it's like fucking 4 am, so we nuked the water park
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 08:17 AM
The whole thing isn't super bad when you can just whip 500 grenades at the problem
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 08:55 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:09 AM
Adds the ability to save custom Perk Card loadouts and swap between them as needed.
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 09:09 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:09 AM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:27 AM
what...the fuck?
where can I get this magical thing?
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:29 AM
Download the FO4 creation kit, use archive2 to inject the interface folder you download for the mod into the interface BSA
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:31 AM
that sounds like a lot of effort
how big is the bsa?
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:32 AM
it's super easy I do it every update for my 21:9 mod
the creation kit is like 100mb off the Bethesda.net launcher and it only replaces the files that you're changing so it doesn't take long at all. Just make sure to backup your BSA file in case the new update needs an unpatched client
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 09:33 AM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:33 AM
nifty, I did the ark kit and it was like 57gb
Harrower 02-Dec-18 09:47 AM
is the rad sponge perk good? does it make you rad immune if your buddies also have it and you are getting irridated like crazy?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:48 AM
gotta cheese it hard
level 3 shared team wide with a 4 person team will do that
it procs so often you sit above 90% without issue
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:49 AM
Bear was using it in a nuke zone and it was procing all the fucking time. I was in power armor without radx and I didn't notice it going up or down at all and his was only rank 1
Dont you just hate missing plans and recipes when you're out exploring, well no more! Recipe books and Plans now glow a beautiful green
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 09:52 AM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:52 AM
I was thinking about using that one
Also nothing is as terrifying as a car exploding when you have 6000 weight worth of junk
that said, nothing is as funny as chilling cloaked outside sugar grove and nuking someone via car explosion
which doesn't flag you, FYI!
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:54 AM
I'm gonna try and get an official response on whether clientside mods are allowed or not
they really should publish guidelines on what is and isn't allowed
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 09:55 AM
They really should
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:57 AM
This mod implements HRTF sound positioning technology inside Fallout 76, which will make you hear sounds exactly from which direction they're coming.
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 09:57 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 09:57 AM
this one looks really fucking useful
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:01 AM
I kinda really hope they nuke the negative weight glitch but nobody knows about the positive one
so we get to cheese it for another month or two
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 10:05 AM
It'll be a pain to do but it's better than running back to stash every 20 minutes I guess smugpepe
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:06 AM
yeah, only downside is holy shit will it be a nightmare to do anything without a mule alt
Harrower 02-Dec-18 10:07 AM
yeah was gonna get me and my buddy to rank 1 it and wait for some one to drop a nuke and then go in and see how well it worked
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:08 AM
ok, sleep time is now
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 10:11 AM
2 votes and 8 comments so far on Reddit
I'll let you guys know if it gets a response
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 12:47 PM
Currently own the Steel Mill, a Powerplant, and a camp with a junk extractor
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 01:30 PM
Thanks shitty powerplant defense
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 02:25 PM
I figure they give zero shits about mods on pc, so long as it's not to break the game or to grief other people
And even then they probably don't care
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 02:56 PM
Yeah small letter set is the shit
I can now label things as faggot and leave the server so I can trigger nerds
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 02:59 PM
Grats on your ban
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 03:00 PM
So there are automatic radium rifles, just looted one getin
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:03 PM
Not a shock
I need to build more to get the mods
I'm gonna do a farm run
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 03:06 PM
farming PA?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:08 PM
caps an pa
Also I got my niggerrigged push to talk doing me as a squeeker
God I love my camp
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 03:18 PM
President Trump says you get hit with this if you kneel for the National Anthem
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:24 PM
Yeah that's one I was waiting to do at 50
It's too good
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:40 PM
Man I lvoe watoga
scored a new single action with furious and another 3 tier legendary arm for alt
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 03:44 PM
scored a nuke keycard for me
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:53 PM
Not bad
35 assassins hand made with 50% limb dmg
Harrower 02-Dec-18 03:57 PM
rad sponge trip report: rank 1 pretty much keeps you and your buddy clear of rads at all times
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 03:58 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 03:59 PM
repair your head
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:00 PM
That's my scav set
I just threw down a PA to get down fast
Had to kill a legendary
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:01 PM
is the ultracite PA worth keeping/upgrading?
or should I just get a T-60 set and be done with it?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:01 PM
it's got the highest physical and energy resist
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:04 PM
yeah, but ultracite is annoying to farm
Also, is there any spot on the map that has both junk AND water within a single campsite?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:05 PM
Small Water purifiers + junk harvester?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:07 PM
bah, there is no junk pile in the south center of the map
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:09 PM
There's one south of sugar grove?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:10 PM
I mean down by the bear icon
I guess I can set up shop in bimmersville
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:11 PM
Hly shit!
I got the pie
Harrower 02-Dec-18 04:11 PM
was it delicious?!?!!?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:11 PM
it's plastic
Hrm, junk and water over near deathclaw island
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:37 PM
Ok yeah
Plasma flamer confirmed as tripping the anti cheat for too much damage
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:37 PM
the tesla rifle does that too
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:38 PM
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 04:38 PM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 04:39 PM
yet somehow the explosive shotgun of deathy doom doesn't
Also running the BOS quests can give you PA piece plans and some other good shit
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:42 PM
Oh man
3 star auto radium rifle at watoga vendor
muh dick
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:44 PM
what're the bonuses?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:52 PM
250 dmg resist when reloading 30% more to super mutants and 25% faster fioring
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 04:53 PM
If you won't use it I could give it a nice home
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 04:53 PM
Oh I plan on using this girl
I was gonna use radium rifles
Watoga has been good to me
Got a double tesla
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:07 PM
I found grham in a wall
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:08 PM
anything good?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:08 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:08 PM
now find the wandering responder bot
anyone use shotgun shells? I don't need mine
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:12 PM
Gonna cycle watoga aagin
See what goods I can score
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:15 PM
Nuke tonight?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:15 PM
I'm down
3 star ghoul slayers cryolator 50 dmg reist when aiming 30 to ghouls 10% more when aiming
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:16 PM
freeze some players tonight before the patch
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:18 PM
White springs or fissure prime
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:20 PM
I kinda wanna get my legendary farm on, so whitesprings?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:21 PM
get us a camp vollunter then
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 05:39 PM
i'll volunteer if noone else wants to
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:39 PM
There is something very wrong with this server I'm on
invisible undetectable enemies hitting me
Fucked up my PA
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 05:50 PM
I can set up shop
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:57 PM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 05:57 PM
I can't make turrets or much shit, but I can donate the camp location
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 05:58 PM
That's the big one
We got turret niggas I bet
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:00 PM
So I have explosive vents in my PA legs now, let's see if they're any good
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:02 PM
So the silo was kinda a slog, but really not that bad all things considered
deffo not fun to solo though
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:06 PM
got an exploding gattling plasma
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:07 PM
once they unfuck the damage, that'll be amazing
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:07 PM
Nocturnal too
So this'll be a meme
40 sadly
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:10 PM
Think 246 Diluted Stimpaks is enough?
Alt 02-Dec-18 06:11 PM
Maybe 500 more.
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:13 PM
My water production cant keep up negative
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:16 PM
I'm out of stims atm
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:19 PM
want some diluted ones?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:27 PM
I'd love that
Stan Halen 02-Dec-18 06:31 PM
Most agree that 'Fallout 76' needs some more work before it'll be ready for primetime, and this feature in particular should be a priority.
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 06:31 PM
Stan Halen 02-Dec-18 06:31 PM
Which one of that was you
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:31 PM
join me, grahm spawn on my workshop
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:31 PM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:32 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:33 PM
gamma gun plans + shiskebab and radium rifle
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:34 PM
daddy wants those plans
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:35 PM
11k for signs and letters guys
total steel
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:36 PM
my level 15 sees it at watoga fairly often, for like 9k after cha
doesn't have shit 😦
lemme get my 15 over
one sec
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:38 PM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:38 PM
also having to do stuff on your mule is terrifying
every car is a lost loot bag waiting to happen
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:40 PM
say when you're here
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:40 PM
loading in now
got gamma gun plans
gonna be fun
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:44 PM
hey coat can I test something?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:44 PM
why the power plant?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:44 PM
fusion cores
shoot me I want to test something
I guess explosive vents don't work lol
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:50 PM
found artillery plans
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:51 PM
So uh
Does anyone need a spare X-01 left leg
I super dupered
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:51 PM
I mean, I'll take it
Also got a 2nd set of handmade plans
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:52 PM
god damn screws
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:52 PM
I'll give you 11 screws for it!
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:52 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 06:54 PM
500 caps for the handmade plans?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 06:54 PM
and server melts
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 06:54 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:04 PM
What time should we start the nuke?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:04 PM
Sooner than later
I'd like to start the silo run in 30m if possible
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:05 PM
sure, any way we can guarantee a server is new/ not gonna implode during our run?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:05 PM
no idea
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 07:07 PM
I can help with the silo run
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:14 PM
I'll help too
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 07:15 PM
once you know what to do it isn't that bad (edited)
but it would be complete aids solo
Alt 02-Dec-18 07:25 PM
drcoatLeaf Fast travel on me hurr. Die cause its a fucking nuke zone alt
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 07:34 PM
TOUGH scene
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:36 PM
got a team going coat?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:37 PM
got you a gauss bear
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 07:38 PM
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 07:40 PM
I dont like the vagueness of that still
It doesnt say anything about banning
Just says it doesnt support
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 07:41 PM
Yeah I tagged 3 accounts associated with Bethesda in my post
ToddBot BOT 02-Dec-18 07:41 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 07:41 PM
We'll see tomorrow. Should get an actual response.
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Its strange they wouldnt right off the bat take a hardline approach to it
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Fallout 76 Stash Box Glitch | INFINITE STORAGE GLITCH (PERMANENT) | How to increase stash box weight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB6A8JvUpwM STREAMING ON...
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Im wondering if their official stance is "yeah its illegal wink wink"
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 07:42 PM
stash bug
Taylor Swift 02-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Scarecrow 02-Dec-18 07:43 PM
need the art plan tho for it to work
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:48 PM
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 07:48 PM
I have a spare
god DAMN!
this is gonna be so fuckin nice
AlexanderDeLarge 02-Dec-18 07:50 PM
Can I buy it?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 07:50 PM
gonna try to farm more on my alt
they're a level 15 item
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:52 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:52 PM
Quad Plasma Rifle getin
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:52 PM
ghot a three star gattlig gun
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 07:52 PM
you guys doing the nuke site now?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 07:53 PM
on my server
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 07:53 PM
leggo alpha deathclaw near alt
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 08:00 PM
I have 3000 atoms, what should I spend it on?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:06 PM
Vampire's The Dragon thonking
y'all get discoed?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:12 PM
And nice so I got you a mutant gauss
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:12 PM
you dont want it?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:13 PM
I mean I need to get my mutant farm done later but I figure you'd use it more
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:13 PM
my current mans is more automatic, if you want to save it for your post-farm that's cool
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:14 PM
Ye wanbted to ffer least
But vampires fatman
That is some hilarity
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:15 PM
vampire's the dragon aint that great sadly
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:15 PM
I mean I'll take it
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:15 PM
I think we're on a fresh server tho
grab @Scuba Steve and do our own nuke?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:17 PM
I'm so low on supplies
Alt has a nbuke dropping on her
Move to her now
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 08:18 PM
fissure site or golfcourse?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:18 PM
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:19 PM
uh oh, am I gonna spawn and get disintegrated?
Alt 02-Dec-18 08:19 PM
@The 76ers
I just got out of the blast zone
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:20 PM
indoors, thank fugg
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 08:21 PM
Alt 02-Dec-18 08:21 PM
And I died anyway
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 08:21 PM
reee, my friends list is broke
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:22 PM
survived in ground zero 😎
Alt 02-Dec-18 08:24 PM
Bear invite coat
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 08:24 PM
is he in our session?
you have lead once you see him
Alt 02-Dec-18 09:17 PM
Anyone have spare 40mm or cloth?
Could you fucking fags PLEASE warn me you're in a goddamn blast zone before I zone in, all I hear is you guys chatting away about repairing stuff and loot.
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 09:24 PM
Thought you knew we were in one sorry
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:12 PM
Harrower 02-Dec-18 10:21 PM
which vendor has combat armor mods in their rotation?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:25 PM
Probably BoS or Free States ones
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:28 PM
What kinda mods you need?
I can do arms and legs easy
Harrower 02-Dec-18 10:35 PM
need some deep pockets
the deepest
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:36 PM
regular pocketed raider chest does 15
deep does 10 for some reason
Harrower 02-Dec-18 10:37 PM
ill take regular then if youve got it
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:43 PM
@Scuba Steve you still have a ton of lead you don't want?
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:45 PM
No, burnt it making 556
that handmade is dank as fuck
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:49 PM
I need to go get marsupial
Where's the good spot bear
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:51 PM
blackwater mine, where the uranium fever event is
facing the entrance to the mine, on the left is an irradiated pool of water that rads you up quick
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:51 PM
Got it thanks
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:51 PM
and right inside the mine itself is a rad shower
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:52 PM
I figure now is a good time to get jumpy
Also the comedy option of bird bones and we use strange in numbers to let me walk on the air
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:52 PM
it's so weird
but you can play some really fun keep away games with melee build scrubs
kinda sad I lost bird bones
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:53 PM
1 more and they'll go off the page
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:53 PM
This nigga a freak
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:54 PM
Atom store paints will mark your chassis different
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:54 PM
only if you just picked them up
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 10:55 PM
The Enclave + Patriot is a liiittle bit fashy
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:56 PM
kinda tempted to get the nuca cola paint and do up some of my pirces
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 10:56 PM
need it
Scuba Steve 02-Dec-18 10:56 PM
Cola hands and head, ultracite body
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:14 PM
does cola work on the ultracite armor?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:14 PM
wow that is easy
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:14 PM
once you get the mutation you need to server hop to reset the timer
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:15 PM
Not bad
Scaly skin
I like it
Alt 02-Dec-18 11:16 PM
I want mutations hands
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:16 PM
I can show you where to farm
Bear just showed me
Alt 02-Dec-18 11:16 PM
Crazy how theres no limit
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:16 PM
Yeah it is
Freaky ass nigga there bear
Got electrically charged
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:21 PM
Those are 2 of the few I don't have yet
Now what happens when 2 of us have empathy? do they override each other?
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:33 PM
Just short Empath, Plague Walker and Egg Head now, think I'm good
Harrower 02-Dec-18 11:38 PM
best weapon balancing ever done: black powder pistol base damage is like 30% higher than an equal level broadsider at all times
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:46 PM
EAgle eyes
Man I've got a good fuckin muttie roll
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:46 PM
What's the good lead farm? killing robbits?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:48 PM
Also live on a lead extractor
Bear in the Woods 02-Dec-18 11:51 PM
can I paint armor atom colors for other people or does it change/become untradeable?
Coathanger MD 02-Dec-18 11:51 PM
Ther emay be a way
You need to pick up a chassis with the painted bit so it's now showing an atom shop symbol
Then drop it
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:02 AM
imma cheat for my lead
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:02 AM
bird bones
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:04 AM
cheat for lead?
Harrower 03-Dec-18 12:05 AM
lead cheats sound cool and good
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:05 AM
with HD3 there's a trap in the prison that gives steel/lead/nuclear waste
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:06 AM
oh god
RIP any semblance of economy
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:07 AM
Until tomorrow maybe?
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:07 AM
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:09 AM
Between Tesla coils and radiation emitters you can farm infinite plasma cartidges
Harrower 03-Dec-18 12:10 AM
what about the plastic?
lol was about to put my third point in home defense and i got it out of a card pack
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:11 AM
oh it's plastic not steel nvm
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:15 AM
reset my mutations since I like having any strength
Got speed demon because someone nuked whitesprings again
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:17 AM
I wish 40mm grenades didn't need screws to make
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:17 AM
Get class freak
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:19 AM
Speed demon is my shit holy fuck fuck
god damnit carnivor
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:20 AM
eagle eyes, speed demon, marsupial, bird bones
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:20 AM
Plus Adrenal Reaction and Unstable Isotope
Oh I guess I don't have the electrically charged one either
Alt 03-Dec-18 12:21 AM
Got egg head
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:21 AM
I might grab it once they allow items to go over the 100% durability
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:24 AM
There are no strength boosting mutations
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 12:25 AM
but buffout is cheap
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:39 AM
Just give me marsupial god damnit
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 12:42 AM
Marsupial boosts carrying cap too
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:53 AM
Alt got a double shot double barrel
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:06 AM
twoshot or double ammo capacity?
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 01:07 AM
Yo Bear where is that trap in the prison?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 01:09 AM
Got marsupial
Might be a double but still she loves it
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:09 AM
I have a fancy deathclaw gauntlet I can give her at some point
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 01:09 AM
Oh nice
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:09 AM
also ree
my camp duplicated like 3 times, and now I can't get my artillery battery set up without grinding up like a ton of crap
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:10 AM
Got my SILO BUSTER rifle
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 01:10 AM
Oh fuck
Thats fucking lit
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:10 AM
gawd damn
I should go through my camp and unfuck it
Also, I really really wish we could have smaller stash boxes
because I'd love my silo armor and weapon set to not require 15 minutes of scroll and check
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:26 AM
good against the scorch queen I suppose
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:26 AM
Mine is damage and swing speed
And yeah, swing for the fences boi
Also, we need to see if we can stack strength up to retarded levels
I might have two identical pieces of the +3 stats armor to play with
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 01:29 AM
So after some mutational fighting, I have marsupial carnivore and healing factor
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:29 AM
I should go to bed
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:29 AM
someone, somewhere is frantically checking rule 34 for that
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:30 AM
Since ive dismantled thousands of pipeguns I should be able to mod mine to the gills
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:33 AM
Also some of the really tits mods for them are cheap as hell on the bazaar
prime ultracite doomkiller fuckwadium automatic reciever etc.
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:33 AM
Oh yeah, I do have the prime auto reciever for the pipegun
Those scorched robots are gonna be fucked
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:40 AM
do the watoga bots mutate in a nuke?
are there any areas that you can get 70+ doom-bots?
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:41 AM
What if you nuke the silo?
Alt 03-Dec-18 01:44 AM
If I could get a vampire claw id be in business
I got a punching glove but the damage is lacking
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 01:44 AM
I'll keep an eye out for claws and power fists
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 01:44 AM
I found a Hunter's claw today if you want it
Harrower 03-Dec-18 02:05 AM
what does hunters do?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 02:06 AM
Animal damage
vrath 03-Dec-18 02:30 AM
whats the best way to get caps currently?
cap stash farming?
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 02:36 AM
cap collector, caps bobblehead if you have one, the bobblehead duration perk, and an alt that doesn't have 9k weight of crap on it
I farmed like 5-6k in an afternoon with a single cap stash
just join/quitting
boring, but easy
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 02:54 AM
I'm gonna do the stash trick on my crafter and set up a 3-4 caps run
Alt 03-Dec-18 03:09 AM
Yea while farming for mutations I made 400 caps
And like 200 shotgun shells cause the area has dudes that use shotguns on you
And theres an event there to
So its possible you can farm legendaries there from time to time
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 03:23 AM
I make a point of looking for horde events and uranium fever while caps farming
if there is one, off I got to kill something
Harrower 03-Dec-18 04:00 AM
lol got an assassins gamma gun. +10% player and +50% limb damage
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 04:10 AM
if they ever unfuck PVP that could be interesting
or just trolling people at workshops
Scuba Steve 03-Dec-18 05:24 AM
Experimental failure
Turns out that unyielding does NOT let you use either of the carry weight style bugs to increase special stats
still need to test it with a armor that just gives a flat buff
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 11:43 AM
My graphics card replacement shipped
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 12:07 PM
Looking forward to having you join us
You have an idea of your build?
Alt 03-Dec-18 12:58 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Mostly so we can keep an eye out for legendaries fornyou
Also alt i still have a new arm for you
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 02:29 PM
Is the patch tomorrow or today?
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 02:32 PM
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 02:44 PM
I have no idea what build Id go
Im just taking perks as they sound cool
But my playstyle is mostly using hunting rifles
and shotguns
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 02:48 PM
Enforcer marksman
Laugh in cripple
Also i learned something
The m79 is affected by shotgun perks
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 02:49 PM
I think I picked up a leggo pump-action last night, if I didn't post it already then I'll show it tonight
Shotgun and explosives?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 02:49 PM
No idea about others
But the 79 gets brnifits
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 02:51 PM
I took Scubas idea and grabbed 3 levels of Glow Sight. Slot it in and I can do 60% damage with any gun when at White Springs
If any of y'all are checking mods at the Enclave bunker, can you pick up a Tesla Bracer if you see them?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 03:26 PM
Will do
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 06:46 PM
I think tomorow I'm gonna shoot for weight neutral
I love playing the game with the glitch but I need to prep for when it ends
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 06:49 PM
They didn't mention a fix to either XP glitch or weight glitch in patch notes
do you guys think it's gonna be a stealth fix and they're just saving face over the fact that it existed in the first place?
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 06:50 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 06:50 PM
I know but at the same time I want to not worry abot that shit anymore
>hear country roads in the background instantly slap on my pipboy radio
hell yeah boys
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 07:09 PM
phew. finished my bracket of Reservoirs in West Virginia
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:11 PM
Oh boy
Found the grognak rpg
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 07:14 PM
Bethesda to Compensate Fallout 76: Power Armor Edition Owners with Replacement Canvas Bag https://t.co/59wDLExZf4
>tfw Im going to get 20$ AND a canvas bag
Is this what it feels like to be Alex?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:17 PM
Only slightly
Add a zero and then yes
That's Alex
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 07:22 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:23 PM
@Septapus comic 8
Septapus BOT 03-Dec-18 07:23 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 07:24 PM
I hold no ill will towards them anymore. I'm getting what I paid for. They still deserve to be named and shamed for trying to pull that shit in the first place at every opportunity going forward though. (edited)
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:24 PM
tfw you pull 200 caps from a stash
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 07:31 PM
In terms of manufacturing and shipping, I wonder how much their little stunt is going to cost them.
I'm glad people are getting what they paid for. They're only doing this because of the massive PR hit they received in addition to the fact that they'd get fucked in the ass by the FTC and a class action suit that they'd definitely lose. I hope people aren't idiots and remember this going forward with all collector's editions because I guarantee we'll be seeing a product may vary on the Starfield CE they put out in 2-3 years.
Scarecrow 03-Dec-18 07:36 PM
So I'm at 11/10 commendations and the quest won't update wtf
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 07:37 PM
Also I think this is just going to cause everyone everywhere to be more vague in what they're selling because if Bethesda weren't so dumb and they left the material unspecified, they would've gotten away with their shitty ass nylon bag.
ToddBot BOT 03-Dec-18 07:37 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:48 PM
God dman vats
targeting a player not the legendary beside them
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 07:54 PM
That's the double edged sword with gun-fu
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:54 PM
I'm still in paci mode since last night
Thank god
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 07:54 PM
Same but always
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:54 PM
I tend to run with it off
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 07:55 PM
I also keep it off because gun-fu
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 07:59 PM
Vanguards combat right arm with +1 luck in enclave 493
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 07:59 PM
I should get a loot suit of excavator, 100 lbs for the set plus an extra 100 for the leg mods
Scarecrow 03-Dec-18 08:06 PM
finding mods for gear in this game is a pain in the fucking ass
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 08:29 PM
So that 25% less dr syringer is op af
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 08:31 PM
I'll try out my pipe gun tonight
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 08:36 PM
Yeah bear, play with your pipe tonight
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 08:42 PM
I'll think of you when I do
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 09:00 PM
You want this when your card works @Taylor Swift ?
level 45
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 09:01 PM
Oh hell yeah
Alt 03-Dec-18 09:36 PM
No give it to me 02reee
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 09:37 PM
Up to y'all
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 09:40 PM
Give it to her
I wont be on until atleast Thursday and then it will take a while to get to 45
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 09:41 PM
You'll get my next good shotgun roll, no matter how good it is then (edited)
Alt 03-Dec-18 09:43 PM
Tay is a scholar and gentleman 02salute
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 09:53 PM
Ill get to work on an extra set of PA for you tay
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 09:59 PM
does Tank Killer apply to shotguns?
aaand i'm pretty sure my pipe triggered the no-damage glitch
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:04 PM
@Taylor Swift What kinda PA you want
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 10:05 PM
The cool kind
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:05 PM
51, 60, X-01?
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 10:06 PM
I really dont know whats the one to go with tbqh
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:07 PM
Pick your flavor of fash
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 10:07 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:07 PM
Tech hoarding fash, Secret governemnt fash, or old school military fash
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 10:07 PM
Ralph Fiennes in Schindlers List
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:07 PM
X-01 it is I guess
I'll work on a set for you then, I can build that
Gonna get Alt kitted first then build yours while you level
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 10:08 PM
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:10 PM
save 1800 atoms and you can do it up american style
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:12 PM
Current shot while Alex needs my help with a quest
Scarecrow 03-Dec-18 10:16 PM
holy shit
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:21 PM
I kinda wanna do a shotgun/explosives type build
someone tell me not to
Scarecrow 03-Dec-18 10:23 PM
This double shot laser is the tits omg
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:27 PM
that plasma would be cool too (edited)
Scarecrow 03-Dec-18 10:27 PM
Yeah the plasma will be good when I have mods for it
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:35 PM
@Coathanger MD you building tay a 50 set of PA?
well not right now but in the future?
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:37 PM
Yeah after alt and mine are done
Maxed out power smith helps
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:37 PM
I found a set of t-51b minus the legs if you want to throw that towards him
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 10:37 PM
Getting a suit ready is the plan
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 10:46 PM
Looks like I can't pre-paint it though, tags the item as untradeable
Coathanger MD 03-Dec-18 11:02 PM
There might be a way
Ill try it kater
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 11:14 PM
It looks like 5 is your maximum allowed amount of characters per account (edited)
AlexanderDeLarge 03-Dec-18 11:14 PM
Pinned a message.
Bear in the Woods 03-Dec-18 11:15 PM
5 (wo)mans, 5 funs, 5 chances to fuck your build up
Taylor Swift 03-Dec-18 11:54 PM
That will be almost 3 fucking weeks
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 12:38 AM
Ok time to quit 76 then
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 12:38 AM
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 12:38 AM
Tay will finally get to play with us
So we all quit now
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 12:44 AM
Nah we get 3 weeks to do so
Then we quit because Beth runs the game into the ground
Or 1 week I guess, I can't date
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 12:48 AM
Yeah it will have been 3 weeks since I ordered it
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 12:49 AM
game will be dead by then
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 12:49 AM
Nah there'll still be life, I need at least the Christmas PA skin to come out before I quit the game
And we'll have the bulldoze stuff to play with
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 12:51 AM
You joke but I do expect a lull in a week or two
Holidays and content fatigue
Then probably a content patch mid January
More time for Star Citizen getin
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 12:53 AM
Star Citizen isnt a game ironicat
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 12:59 AM
Yes it is
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 01:01 AM
its not even what you would call a beta yet
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 01:03 AM
That’s because it’s an alpha
So was rust (edited)
vrath 04-Dec-18 01:43 AM
anyone got tips for mutation farming?
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 01:45 AM
Blackwater mine
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 02:38 AM
Scored artillery
So if anyone wants their own mortar hit a nigga up
vrath 04-Dec-18 03:27 AM
I do
wait nvm
I don't trush that stash glitch
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 03:30 AM
I'm going to Yolo it cos I don't have faith in Bethesda to fix it in a way that would result in losing stuff in your stash
ToddBot BOT 04-Dec-18 03:30 AM
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 07:41 AM
I'm using the stash glitch simply because there is no clean way to prune it down
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 09:53 AM
i'm hoping I get a couple minutes before work to see what's broken/fixed
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 10:27 AM
here's hoping the stash bug via artillery is unfixed, same with the carry weight bugs
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 10:29 AM
Does that mean the other ones are good still?
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 10:34 AM
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 12:19 PM
Before i went off i got the arty and the ultracite laser plans
Only 220 for arty, we know the hard range yet?
Cause i want to bomb people
Alpha solvef
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 12:52 PM
Pocket glitch still in?
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 01:00 PM
No clue
At work
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 01:02 PM
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 01:03 PM
Got marsupial back so im ok witu it
Was pushing to go weight neutral anyways
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 01:04 PM
I just shoved all my shit in the stash and holy shit is it nice not having to pocket glitch every load
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 01:04 PM
Yeah tonight im go na have to move some legendary weapons around
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 01:14 PM
Probably keep the three stars i have
Shift the less useful ones
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 01:46 PM
Servers up, weight glitch confirmed working
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 01:59 PM
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 02:10 PM
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 02:13 PM
the most irritating part of having a level 15 alt is you can't kill shit on it
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 02:14 PM
Im gonna move mules to the flatwood church
Access the stash
And store my good shit i want to keep
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 02:24 PM
So are all the xp glitchs fixed ?
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 02:28 PM
no idea
Alt 04-Dec-18 02:45 PM
My house is gone vioRIP
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 02:45 PM
We can rebuukd it
With artillery
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 02:49 PM
Coat has to kill his neighbor now
Scuba Steve 04-Dec-18 02:51 PM
Anyone need tesla rifle plans?
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 03:17 PM
I still do never got them off you
I need to do a hard test on arty range
Solgnir 04-Dec-18 06:12 PM
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 06:12 PM
No selfies in #fallout76
Solgnir 04-Dec-18 06:12 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 06:12 PM
Imagine being that happy to play a Bethesda game on a Sony console no less
ToddBot BOT 04-Dec-18 06:12 PM
vrath 04-Dec-18 06:49 PM
I think in honor of Bush Sr. I'm going to farm mutations today
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 07:00 PM
So the scaly skin mutation it is?
vrath 04-Dec-18 07:03 PM
carry weight bug still works baby
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 07:04 PM
I thought the respec/ultrawide/FOV update was today ree (edited)
I knew PTT was next week
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 07:06 PM
Respec was next week i thiught
Today was stash
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 07:10 PM
Yeah I fucked up
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 07:32 PM
Any new atom shop items?
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 08:34 PM
The server I was (briefly) on had been nuked and it looked like a guy at the whitesprings station got caught by it. He dropped some decent junk
Taylor Swift 04-Dec-18 08:34 PM
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 10:13 PM
How is the respec thing going to work?
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 10:17 PM
Each level after 50 you can choose either to pick a perk or respec 1 SPECIAL point
Scarecrow 04-Dec-18 10:29 PM
That's fucking retarded
Also what's with the change in workshops now producing ore
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 10:39 PM
They apparently stealth nerfed workshops to produce either less and/or ore instead of scrap. It's a weird change and makes them kinda pointless now
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 10:40 PM
Yeah that's a poor choice
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 10:40 PM
Might affect water purifiers too but I didn't check
Hopefully they walk it back but that'll take at least a couple weeks
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 10:46 PM
yeah that's dumb and gay
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 10:57 PM
Looks like they removed the trap exploit?
So Tay gonna have to level the old way
Alt 04-Dec-18 11:01 PM
Thank fuck I abused it
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 11:03 PM
Do other traps work?
not just grenades?
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 11:09 PM
Good thing I got to 42 on my newboi last night
I think all traps were fixed
Spawns got changed too, less likely to have overleveled mobs on you but that might fuck nuke zone farming
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 11:15 PM
Also they try to keep you on the same server now
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 11:16 PM
Kinda good I guess
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 11:21 PM
Means server hopping for loot isn't gonna be as effective
Example of things changed in the update that were not mentioned Production rates reduced to 10 per hour or 1 fusion core per hour Ammo production CAP reduced (400 to 200) Getting ore instead of scrap (stock up on acid) The amount/% of how exp is reduced for high lvl mobs Legendary spawns reduced and % of them having a legendary also reduced Plans not being awarded as often for events The legendary effect "instigating" has been changed, it used to be Double Damage if the target is at full HP, it's been reduced to an always active 40% damage increase Stealth has been nerfed (lvl 50+ slightly less damage and enemies not aware of you regain health randomly) Melee has been nerfed (lvl 50+ damage seems to be reduced havnt checked lower levels) Characters over lvl 50 do even less damage to both PVE and PVP Plan/Mod spawn rates have been reduced Boss enemies still don't give guaranteed items Super Mutants and ghouls both seem to have either increased health or damage reduction Enemies now have an aggro zone but when they leave it they regain health instantly Grenade exploit removed Trap exploit removed Cap stash exploit removed SOME server hopping exploits removed (CONTAINERS stay looted, might be more changes)
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Dec-18 11:23 PM
Alt 04-Dec-18 11:27 PM
Melee has been nerfed (lvl 50+ damage seems to be reduced havnt checked lower levels)
Rip my build
Solgnir 04-Dec-18 11:28 PM
Toddbot does melee fuck?
ToddBot BOT 04-Dec-18 11:28 PM
Melee doesn't fuck.
Solgnir 04-Dec-18 11:28 PM
No, it doesn't, thanks to you, you little shit
Bear in the Woods 04-Dec-18 11:31 PM
Melee was still fucking when I was using it earlier
Coathanger MD 04-Dec-18 11:35 PM
We're still fine
Just not doing stupid damage
Alt 04-Dec-18 11:41 PM
>Just not doing stupid damage
Nobody wants to be a pleb
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:32 AM
running around with no gear is kinda fun
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:03 AM
holy shit what is up will those fucking changes
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:04 AM
>Game is shit
>Made fun by no balance and exploits (edited)
>Fix balance and exploits
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:05 AM
Characters over lvl 50 do even less damage to both PVE and PVP
why the fuck is that a thing
also why the fuck cant I tell the bethesda launcher I already have this stupid game downloaded and that it dosnt need to dl the whole thing again jfc
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:09 AM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:11 AM
>have mechanics and perks that don't work >Fix things that do work
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:13 AM
urgh I should have level alts on the weekend
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:16 AM
I can safely say that personal extractors are doing scraps still
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:16 AM
well thats good at least
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:17 AM
And I've almost hit weight neutral
Shed about 800 pounds
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:23 AM
Yea I dont get the pvp and pve thing
Why does a 50 less damage
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:23 AM
because their sliding scale damage is fucking broken
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 01:25 AM
Bethesda can't into scaling
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:25 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 01:25 AM
they haven't been able to since fucking Oblivion, I'm not surprised. They're probably using Bethesda's legacy code. I wish Bethesda Austin would've just used ZOS' engine and worked with them cutting Todd's team completely out of the picture.
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:25 AM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:32 AM
109 at watoga
not bad
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:39 AM
i love my 428KB/sec download speed
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 02:03 AM
So I wonder how much this will effect preorders for other games giving the raging hate boner people have for it
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 02:03 AM
vrath 05-Dec-18 03:58 AM
oh man bois
How to duplicate any item in Fallout 76! ● Feel free to follow my Instagram at this link - https://www.instagram.com/riflegamingishere/ ● Follow my Twitter i...
Who wants to trade legs
I have a grognak axe and a combat rifle with 50% armor pen if anyone wants
gimme your best stuff
I need an artillery station
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 04:01 AM
i have a arty peice
vrath 05-Dec-18 04:02 AM
wanna trade legs?
and make a bunch of nuka cola bottles:P
I"m in voice
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 04:05 AM
oh god, dupe exploit
vrath 05-Dec-18 04:13 AM
join us breh
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 06:28 AM
got some tasty duped shit
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 07:40 AM
got us a twoshot 45 gauss
gonna get us like 10 of them now
Harrower 05-Dec-18 07:43 AM
did they fix the home defense exploits?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 07:45 AM
yeah, but now you can dupe any item
and it's exponential (edited)
I now have over 20k nuka grenades (edited)
Harrower 05-Dec-18 07:47 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 07:47 AM
and we have twoshot handmades and twoshot gauss for the group
Harrower 05-Dec-18 07:50 AM
does it work with ammunition and crafting materials?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 07:51 AM
anything you can put inside a box
Harrower 05-Dec-18 07:51 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 07:58 AM
1 makes 2 makes 4 makes 8 makes 16 etc.
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 08:09 AM
32 two shot handmades and 32 twoshot gauss
If you want one, just lemme know
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 08:40 AM
we gotta dupe the shit out of that enclave plasma flamer to unlock all the addons
vrath 05-Dec-18 08:41 AM
So much salt on reddit
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 08:42 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 08:45 AM
That's some artisanal pink salt there (edited)
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 08:47 AM
I have a quad plasma gun and a 3 star shotty you can dupe if you want
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 08:50 AM
sounds like a plan
twoshot gauss is sicknasty
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:34 AM
We can dupe plans too right?
and junk?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:02 AM
you can dupe everything
as long as you can theoretically shove it in a stash
I had a sick fucking pile of plans spare that we duped the fuck out of
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:03 AM
I bought ultracite laser gun plans if you haven't duped those yet
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:04 AM
I'd contribute but I already redeemed plans for my decontamination shower
If y'all have flux you could get your own showers though
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:05 AM
if you have hardened masses/glowing shit i.e the stuff you mix with fluxx to get stabalized fluxes, we can dupe the everliving shit out of those
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:05 AM
I don't have shit to give you guys. I've had really bad luck with legendaries
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:05 AM
no worries
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:08 AM
We can start pooling our leggos together
Like my janky pipe rifle
and mutation serums
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:12 AM
I def want one of those gausses, get a few normal so i xan mod em too
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:12 AM
if you have serums, those will be legit
Yeah, we duped like a fat stack of them to use as grinder fodder
the non-legendary ones
the gauss is hilarious
Also, nuka grenades are fucking hilarious as fuck
400 base damage plus rads
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:18 AM
I'm gonna log in and get you some of those flux
I don't have all of them but I have some
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:18 AM
As much good shit as you can think of
oh yeah, I duped the small letters plan like 50 baziliion times
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:19 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:19 AM
I randomly got it from some shitty quest
'wait...what the? fuck yeah!'
also handmades, tesla rilfes, and the charging shotgun barrel plan
plus tons of other shit
and like 200k nuca colas
vrath was mutation farming using them and the 100k radaways we got
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:20 AM
yeah same "kill these mole rats to protect your fusion core racket; you get [Small Letters Plan]"
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:20 AM
Mine was scorch beasts
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:20 AM
also gotta dupe the enclave plasma flamer thing
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:20 AM
Ill pass you guys that and you can do your magic
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
is enclave plasma a variant like the ultracite laser gun?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
like twice the damage
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
Ah, well my quad aint as good then
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
Its still got way more ammo
Enclave gets 300 in flamer
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:21 AM
Bear what about your pipe?
That thing looks cool as fucj
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:22 AM
Yeah I'll bring that to the pool
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:22 AM
I have those weapon weight reducing arms
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:22 AM
do either of you guys have a fatman that's legendary?
aisde from the daisycutter?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
coat does
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
Had i sold it to cut weight
womp 2
Vamp was a meh onenfor it
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
Anything that might make either a good PVE build or a good meme build we should dupe
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
Single pip vam
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
plus quality of life shit like calmex, x-cell and nuca colas
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:23 AM
I got that medic 10mm
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
with the nuka-lover perk, a quantum is legit better than a suepr-stim
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
I've got a mutant marine chest that gives + 1 perception
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
Ghoul slayers combat with +1 chr
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
Last bastion might be better though
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:24 AM
I have a chamelon marine chest
it's p nice
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:25 AM
i'll dump my leggos on you whenever you get on
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:25 AM
oh yeah, gotta dupe up items to see if swapping legendaries gets you bonus stats
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:25 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:25 AM
Need two people to dupe
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
Yeah I saw the steps required
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
Also bear, we need to dupe all your power armor pieces
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
Im building alts house agaun tonight so i can pass you the plasma thrower when im on
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
since I think you have the most tricked out sets
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
you can't trade Patriot paint sadly
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:26 AM
yeah, shame
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:27 AM
I'll do thay test thung tonight
See if there is a way
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:29 AM
On the plus side I have twoshot gaus and twoshot handmades for days
everyone gets some
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:29 AM
Honestly when do y'all see it getting patched?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:29 AM
I could see an emergency server down and removal of the arty item temporarily as soon as noon today
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
doubt it
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
or they just blithely ignore it for a week or six
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
either way, we have enough comedy shit to outfit you all for life
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
In any case I'm getting out of bed to login now
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
I have like 200k 556
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:30 AM
they havent touched it and it's been apparently a thing since the beta
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:31 AM
if you and coat wanna consolidate things, I'll hop on and help dupe like a fiend for an hour or so
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:31 AM
coat might be working, but I'm available atm
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:34 AM
ok, if you wanna farm up 1 of each stablized flux, we can go ham duping them
I'm technically working, but it's work from home, so it barely counts
but I gotta get my hours in
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 10:36 AM
I'm in voice
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:38 AM
Im goig to work
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:38 AM
That's fine, I'll save you some copies of shit
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 10:38 AM
Also i have phantom weight, going weight neutral is borderline impossible
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 10:39 AM
AAA game of the year
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 11:05 AM
I ran the math last night on my gear, chems, and ammo
There is around 45lbs of phantom weight
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 11:09 AM
I don't remember that Metal Gear Solid sequel
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 11:12 AM
Its from snakes retirement, takes place in his florida old folks home where he lets himself.go
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 11:26 AM
Alex and I have it going, but Scuba i'm sure already has the stockpile of all the good shit
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:27 AM
be on in 5ish
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 11:48 AM
I'll probably want to swipe an extra pair of hand made and guass for a friend also dupe.toasters and hotplated
Screws and springs for days
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:49 AM
we just dupe the junk itself, 8 shitzillion screws
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 11:49 AM
Better plan
Im still waking up
Im obv gonna have to swipe some of those sweet sweet screws
Also does anyone have a trappers pocketed chest
Doing 15 a tick beats 5 for weight glitching
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 12:12 PM
I'm amazed this bug is still going
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 12:20 PM
Does anyone have Colbalt Flux? We're in dire need of it
If you get me one I'll get you a decontamination shower
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:31 PM
We might be able to launder my Painted Power Armor
and dupe it
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 12:32 PM
Who needs payday 2, we got heisting action right here
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:34 PM
no go, you can't store chassis in the artillery box womp
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 12:35 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 12:36 PM
Hey bear do you have a few spare parts of military PA i can test somethung withlater
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:36 PM
but you can launder the parts for it however
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 12:36 PM
just a few sets of tricked out parts would still be pretty nice
even if we have to spend our own atoms on the paint job
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 12:37 PM
As i said we might just need chasis to launder paintef
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:37 PM
yeah, chassis will launder painted if you relog
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 12:38 PM
Thats exactly what im thinking
Dupe the gear, paint the dupe, drop the chasis
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:38 PM
paint the dupe, relog, drop the chassis yeah
Alex has a X-01 Painted torso now
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 12:39 PM
So thats how we share laints
I have camo paint fyi
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:39 PM
them tricentennial ni🅱🅱as should theoretically be able to share that too
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 12:43 PM
I'm gonna buy the dumb Christmas light one
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:43 PM
I was even if you were
Alt 05-Dec-18 12:49 PM
Game just keeps on giving tripleTOX
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 12:49 PM
Og god
we need to get the power armor crew done up in christmas lights
god that would be hilarious
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 12:50 PM
!img yes gif
NotSoBot BOT 05-Dec-18 12:50 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 12:50 PM
Thats going on the BMW Christmas Card
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:55 PM
also I duped my hunter's long coat
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 12:57 PM
Do you have all the PA pieces duped out as well?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 12:58 PM
I couldn't dupe chassis so I'd have to unpaint all them
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:05 PM
I def want that long coat
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 01:05 PM
I have 5 so you can have one even if they patch
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:07 PM
Dupe fiesta lenny
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:07 PM
Well 4 after I get mine back :v
But I also have some from duping
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Can we dupe nuke cards
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:12 PM
That's a good ass question
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:12 PM
I have kne
Cause after you hunt your first convoy that shit gets old
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:15 PM
Fucked up if true
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:15 PM
convoys are easy though
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:16 PM
More annoying running after the little flying boy
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:16 PM
you shoot it in the boosters and it cant go anywhere
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:16 PM
Yeah i have doen that just that little shit sometimes just b lines like a mother fucker
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:17 PM
Comedy double shot gauss it in the taint
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:17 PM
shoot the boosters in the opening salvo and it wont go anywhere
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:21 PM
Has anyone duped a double shot guss rifle?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:21 PM
we've duped 80
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:21 PM
also double shot handmades and a bunch of others
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:25 PM
Damn need to grab one of them off one of you then
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:25 PM
Everyone gets a gauss
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:25 PM
Double shot gauss is fucking amazing
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:25 PM
!img oprah you get a car
NotSoBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:25 PM
Elf on a Coathanger
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:26 PM
Gaussmas precedes the Carrypocalypse now (you can steal that one too)
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:26 PM
Gonna need a few norm gauss too so i can get mods
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:26 PM
If Bethesda gave a fuck about this game they would have shut down the servers, removed the arty and fix this but noooo
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:26 PM
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:27 PM
I scrapped 190 gauss rifles at once and had the server cunk
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:34 PM
You can dupe shotgun
Its 2 barrel extra projectile one
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:34 PM
Man the fallout76 Reddit is some prime salt now
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 01:34 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:35 PM
I mean ots fair since beth really fucked the good will dog this time
Im so thankful we got the max level
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:37 PM
Like there's no way to fix this for them is there
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:37 PM
Hypothetically if they wanted to stop this
Servers down now
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:37 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:37 PM
Roll back up to the patch drop
Arty disabled
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:38 PM
it's been around since the beta I think
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:38 PM
It has but its a massive influx now
They need to damage contr what they can
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 01:38 PM
New Event: Nuke The Servers getin
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:39 PM
But yeah at this point a roll back is their only hope of saving the economy
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
Haha they won't do that
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
Trion didnt roll back arche age when 95%of the playerbase was locked out on expansion drop
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
The entirety of the economy and everything else is fucked hard
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
And that was massivly devastating
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
God fucking archeage
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:40 PM
So now I guess we can just enjoy the content
"Lol, what content?"
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:41 PM
I still have lots of places on the map to explore
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:41 PM
I mean the game waa fucked from the start.
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:42 PM
Now I can do that with a minigun and just blow cunts away with no care as I have 50k rounds at least
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:42 PM
At this pont just let people go nuts
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:44 PM
Shows how bullshit the stash size stuff is
I've got 300k of shit in my stash
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:44 PM
Either way expect turbo nerfs
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:45 PM
I'm upwards of 1.1 mil I think?
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:45 PM
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:45 PM
I have enough nuka grenades to go on a one man map depopulation spree
they're basically thowable fatmans
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:45 PM
I don't think they can turbo nerf this
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:45 PM
Do we have a few trappers pocketed so we can incresse the speed ofnthe weight glitch
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 01:46 PM
I bet they don't have the tools to deal with something like this
Alt 05-Dec-18 01:47 PM
If they rollback the game is dead
Simple as that
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:48 PM
Pocketed raiders does the same thing
15 carry weight
and yeah, if they roll the servers back like half the nerds will quit in protest
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:49 PM
And do we have some spair raiders then to speed thenglitch up
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 01:50 PM
I can just make a dozen of them
its not like junk will be an issue
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 01:50 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 02:23 PM
Does anyone have the metal walls?
Not the scrappy ones but the nice ones?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 02:24 PM
DerVerrater 05-Dec-18 02:39 PM
Are they gay tho?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 02:43 PM
do the grenades touch?
vrath 05-Dec-18 02:59 PM
Who has the best modded out x01 setyp
And did anyone have serums?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 03:08 PM
I don't think we had serums and we didn't have x01 modded or base but I'm willing to dupe if anyone else has them.
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 03:15 PM
I have bracers in one arm
Oh i have the x01 bright headlight nod
I was saving iy
But ill happily pass that nigga around
vrath 05-Dec-18 03:31 PM
I have a full x01 set unmodded
But at work for the next 12 hours
Wish I had jetpack
DerVerrater 05-Dec-18 03:37 PM
i accidentally bought that hidious brahmin outfit when i was trying to see how it looked]
vrath 05-Dec-18 03:38 PM
Wear it
DerVerrater 05-Dec-18 03:38 PM
That was my space suit money
im gonna start a gofundme for atoms and contact the support.. or i wouldnt if they didnt take it offline
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 04:06 PM
So has anyone else noticed bash stocks add a fucking lot of durability
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 04:15 PM
yup they are great
PatchBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:20 PM
Fallout 76
Our latest patch for Fallout 76 will bring an increase to maximum stash storage, additional performance and stability improvements, balance changes, and many bug fixes to the game. As mentioned in our recent Inside the Vault article, we’re also planning to release another patch on December 11 that will include C.A.M.P. improvements, SPECIAL respeccing, additional settings for PC, and more!...
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:23 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:23 PM
@AlexanderDeLarge @Taylor Swift some fag got your tickets
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:23 PM
Fuck lol
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:23 PM
This is hilarious
What the christ
NotSoBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:24 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:25 PM
How do they keep fucking up this badly
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Oh man they're gonna be feeling this legal ass fucking
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Hold up
I just had that thought
This is super illegal huh?
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
We just wanted a canvas bag, Todd
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
No, this has gone too far todd
ToddBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
Theyre gonna eat fines
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:31 PM
Pinned a message.
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:32 PM
This is a game that keeps giving
Peaches 05-Dec-18 05:34 PM
Jesus Christ
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:35 PM
Im looking forward to being now in 2 class actions against my favorite dev
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:36 PM
bethesda stap wat are you doin
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:37 PM
Oh btw because they had our uh
Invoice images
They could see the last 4 of your CC
And you know someone def scrapped ALL that info
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:39 PM
This might call for a full ping
@The 76ers heads up if you filed a support ticket with bethesda recently check it asap. Other people can read and reply to tickets atm
Cause this is legit serious
Peaches 05-Dec-18 05:40 PM
What a fuck up damn
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:40 PM
I love 76 but holy fick
Bethesda what the fucking christ
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:41 PM
how do you fuck this up so much?
Peaches 05-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Really dodged some bullets with this one
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Yeah, im happy i waited
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:43 PM
so this is like legit gonna get sued type fuck up?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:44 PM
Or major fines
This is legit ad
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 05:45 PM
!img its all so tiresome
NotSoBot BOT 05-Dec-18 05:45 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:47 PM
servers down atm?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:48 PM
I love 76 but holy fuck this has been a bad investment
For beth
Like fuck did they murder a gypsy family or something
Cause this is some cursed shit
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:53 PM
it seems like game companies get to a level of size and just collapse under the weight of the shit thats built up
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:54 PM
I mean even EA hasnt fucked up this bad
And they fuck up constantly
Solgnir 05-Dec-18 05:54 PM
Jesus what the FUCK Todd
vrath 05-Dec-18 05:56 PM
It just works
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 05:56 PM
they need a purge
vrath 05-Dec-18 05:56 PM
They need an exorcism
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 05:58 PM
How long till a buy out attempt
vrath 05-Dec-18 06:02 PM
This is my favorite fallout game so far tbh
Like not the game. But the melty
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:03 PM
vrath 05-Dec-18 06:03 PM
I mean I keep thinking how will they top this?
I thought massive duping was the Pinnacle
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:04 PM
They control your webcam and post your nudes
vrath 05-Dec-18 06:04 PM
They shut the game down, no refunds
Solgnir 05-Dec-18 06:09 PM
inb4 BethEAsda smugpepe
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:09 PM
They would shut down so fast from the lawsuits
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:16 PM
So what'd I miss?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:30 PM
They can only see what you've posted in the tickets though?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 06:35 PM
I'm glad i never submitted any of my information to Bethesda
Everything I've done has been through physical mail.
vrath 05-Dec-18 06:38 PM
Nah can see your address and shit
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:44 PM
Well only if you posted it in a receipt of some sort
Oh, servers are down too, fixing the dupe bug?
vrath 05-Dec-18 06:49 PM
Too late todd
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:53 PM
Sorry i couldnt provide for the dupes
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:56 PM
We got some fun stuff to play with (and share), you good
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
Yeah im thankful for you real niggas
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
There's a chance they're not fixing it. I mean that's a pretty complex thing to fix, I don't know how I'd implement a fix tbh
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
Legit you the true heroes
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
Step 1: Artillery removed from game
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
DT is 2 hours from 6:30EST
No patch notes
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 06:57 PM
guess we'll find out in 30 minutes then
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 06:58 PM
They've never done a hotfix during Primetime, so it's for something serious
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:00 PM
I mean if this is them unfucking duping then good on them
vrath 05-Dec-18 07:00 PM
I hope it is lol I'm either mega rich or banned
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:00 PM
I hope I'm mega banned personally
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:01 PM
They wont ban, the fallout would be just as bad
smugpepe 3
Alt 05-Dec-18 07:01 PM
If duping is gone or they rolled back, ima get attuned, launch the nuke and never play the game again personally, least not till significant content comes out
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:01 PM
as bad as Fallout 76?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:01 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:01 PM
I can't imagine they'd do a roll back. That's too crazy. Especially if it were a full 24 hour rollback.
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:02 PM
At that point they may as well issue refunds and shutndown the game
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:02 PM
That info was making the rounds for a while.
Alt 05-Dec-18 07:03 PM
Honestly coat
That might be for the best lol
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:06 PM
Nah they can come back from this
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
They can but if they ban people they're just gonna be going after people who are getting around their shitty weight limits and drop rates
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
How bad was ESO before they turned it around? I guess that's the only multiplayer analog
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
I doubt theyll ban anyone
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
Really bad.
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
This bad?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
It was a MMO which wouldn't give quest credit for group stuff so worse imo
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:07 PM
It actively punished you for playing with other people
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:08 PM
It was physically painfuyl to play
It hurt your soul
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:08 PM
But enough about WTT smugpepe
😂 1
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:08 PM
Yeah I hated it but it had the same promise that I see in FO76
FO76 is better because at least I bought the shit. Then again, ESO had a subscription at first so that put me off too
I probably would've played ESO despite its problems if it didn't have a subscription fee tbh
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:09 PM
Fallout is good because its fun at a base level
Its just the technical aspects that are fucking up
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:10 PM
and the base part of this (Fallout but with Friends!) is alright
it's just janky as fuuuck and there's a toooooon of missteps going on
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:10 PM
It had an equal amount of promise, I just didn't want to pay $15/mo Also ESO was on its own engine so it had its own problems, FO76 is just frustrating on a technical level because they launched with shit we've bitched about for 17 years.
It really pisses me off that they've fixed so much of it in the last 3 weeks, why the fuck didn't they do it 17 years ago if it was that goddamn easy?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:11 PM
YinBot BOT 05-Dec-18 07:11 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:11 PM
I guess you're right but at least it's finally come to a head and they're paying for it. I've been waiting for it to happen for a loooooooooooooooooooong time it's just a shame a game I actually like for once is gonna suffer for it
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:12 PM
On the flip side, the next Beth game will be so much better technically because of all the improvements to 76
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:12 PM
Yeah Starfield is gonna have all these additions which is good
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:12 PM
THe Chess Clubs reckoning was a long time coming
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:12 PM
(hopefully, bethsoft could pull a bethsoft and have these same problems again)
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:12 PM
Hopefully the past few years has been Primary Ted Cruz
And we are about to witness the Redemption Arc
Into Soarin' Ted
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:13 PM
Honestly Fallout 4 deserved this reaction and 76 deserves a 55% metacritic, it isn't a 2/10 game like some people are saying
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:13 PM
Its a 5/10 maybe a 4.5 at worst
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:13 PM
I won't say FO4's reaction and 76's should've been reversed because neither deserve a 94 metacritic
that's fucking retarded
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 07:13 PM
Its a solid 6
Much like me
And my dick
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:14 PM
a 6 on an actual 1-10 scale where it'd be a 7-8/10 without the technical issues
not this "anything below a 7/10 is garbage" nonsense
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:16 PM
I'd give it a 5-6/10 yeah
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:17 PM
Its a very average game with the issues
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:17 PM
it's a fun game but the issues are big
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:17 PM
Without its a good game that can be much better
The issues are the real cancer
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:17 PM
and the real Fallout are the friends you make along the way?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:18 PM
Yeah I suppose you're right with the issues it's a 4.5-5.5/10 without issues it's a 6/6.5 knowing it'll get better if they don't abandon it
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:18 PM
No the real fallout is the pr nightmare
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:18 PM
I'd say 7-8 w/o issues
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:19 PM
It has real potential without issies
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:31 PM
Is this real? What the fuck `Power station workstations are now producing 1 fusion core per hour as well, which is a reduction.`
8,620 votes and 1,381 comments so far on Reddit
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:31 PM
Ammo factory is doing half the ammo too
Let me find the hard notes some guy made from the code
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:32 PM
i have 80k of ammo smug
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:32 PM
Super duper ammo smith here
So I'm fine for good
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:32 PM
That's fucking retarded who would risk a Fusion Reactor and bother capping the workshop instead of just going around collecting fusion cores off the frames?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:32 PM
Workshops Extractor capacity Copper: reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 Aluminum: reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 Gold: reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 Lead: reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 Nuclear: reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 Coal: reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 Silver: reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 Titanium: reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 Acid: reduced from 2.0 to 0.5 Oil: reduced from 2.0 to 0.5 Fertilizer: reduced from 2.0 to 1.5 Special Workshop capacity Ammunition Factory: reduced from 2.0 to 1.0 Fusion Core Processor: reduced from 14.0 to 9.0 Resource Production rate Default: reduced from 25/h to 20/h Scrap: reduced from 12.5/h to 8.33/h Ammo: reduced from 125/h to 83.33/h Fusion Core:reduced from ~12/h to ~0.8/h Workshops produce their respective ore instead of scrap.
Stash Capacity increased from 400.0 to 600.0 Weapon Mods Automatic Receiver damage multiplier increased from -15% to -10% from base Mobs Scorchbeast Queen has new combat style. Scorchbeast Queen Damage Mitigation increased from 50% to 70% Loot New leveled legendary drop system. Added guaranteed Bulk scrap to vendors Holiday Special Special weapon, armor, perk effect, and encounters added in preperation for the holidays ​ Magic Effects changed: Cryo Slow added: Chilled, Frosted, Frozen ​ Textures Fixed texture for Red Flight Helmet ​ Idle Animation Photomode "Ready Pose" support for Unarmed and Binoculars
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:33 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:33 PM
checking my mule
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 07:33 PM
I get it, fusion cores were common as fuck
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:34 PM
fusion cores were heavy without weight perks though
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:34 PM
3 fucking pounds each
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:34 PM
.3 With 2 ranks of batteries included
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:34 PM
Yeah at the rate that you use them, keep 2 on hand, you'll find replacements by the time they run out
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:34 PM
Still got my dupes
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:35 PM
servers back up?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:35 PM
I'm getting in voice
vrath 05-Dec-18 07:35 PM
Test the dupe
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 07:43 PM
First glance they fixed it
there's a fucking queue though
can't verify yet
vrath 05-Dec-18 07:51 PM
Reddit says it still works
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:51 PM
maybe i'm fucking it up now, but it's not working for me
the arty can still disappear, but now you can't take stuff out of it when the owner is gone
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:52 PM
you have the window open when they leave the game right?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 07:52 PM
manually transferring and trying "take all" both didn't work
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 07:53 PM
lol only took them over 24hours to fix it
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 08:09 PM
Looks like reddit is saying is fixed now
we did it boys
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 08:12 PM
we got in early and exploited ?
Taylor Swift 05-Dec-18 08:14 PM
The BMW Way
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 08:20 PM
its the best way
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 08:20 PM
We're stock piled thankfully
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 08:20 PM
Scuba is the doomsday prepper outta all of us though
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 08:54 PM
I told you guys we should have duped non-perishable food ree
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 09:02 PM
I don't think they nerfed the industrial farm
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:10 PM
I think lead still comes out as scrap
everything else is ore
Alt 05-Dec-18 09:22 PM
Hope yall duped stimpaks and other shit
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:26 PM
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 09:34 PM
i have 40k stimpacks
chemist + super duper will at least quad that
Alt 05-Dec-18 09:36 PM
Well share the goods nigga POGGERING
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 09:46 PM
my dude how did you miss out on this
if i can get on later tonight after work i'll hook ya up fam
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:48 PM
@Coathanger MD Remember a few minutes ago when you said getting no legendary is worse?
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 09:50 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:51 PM
Guess what happened to the 3 star legendary I just killed
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 09:51 PM
no legendary
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:51 PM
Coathanger MD 05-Dec-18 09:51 PM
you guys got any screws over there in Alex land
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 09:51 PM
Probably because I let him self-destruct
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:35 PM
Alt 05-Dec-18 10:39 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:43 PM
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 10:46 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:46 PM
Cursed Legendary
Scarecrow 05-Dec-18 10:51 PM
they are still bugged and eat all your ammo right?
Bear in the Woods 05-Dec-18 10:51 PM
think so
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:49 PM
What did I miss?
Alt 05-Dec-18 11:49 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 11:49 PM
RIP glitch
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:50 PM
At least we got a shitload of nice things from it
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 11:52 PM
Yeah, did you do any non-perishable foods? I put dog food in but it was only ran in 2-3 times I think
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:52 PM
Don't think so?
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 11:53 PM
RIP hope there's another dupe glitch because I think that's the third most important thing outside of ammo and gear
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:53 PM
Not like food is hard to grab, hit a farm and make 20 tato soups or whatever
Still annoying though
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Dec-18 11:54 PM
Yeah I wish there were some sort of working refrigerator which could keep food from expiring.
I mean we have working electricity, why wouldn't there be a food preserver?
Scuba Steve 05-Dec-18 11:55 PM
Because bethesda
Welp, back to sleep
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:08 AM
Old world food is from the industryal farm workshop
AlexanderDeLarge 06-Dec-18 05:22 AM
Todd's gonna be showing Blades at the Game Awards tonight
Harrower 06-Dec-18 06:54 AM
is there a good reason why im over burdened at 209 while my max rate is 225?
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 06:59 AM
phantom weight probably?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 07:17 AM
Phantom weight would add more
Peaches 06-Dec-18 07:23 AM
God damn ghosts weighing me down
If it isn't skeletons it's ghosts
Harrower 06-Dec-18 07:25 AM
spooked again
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 07:31 AM
Todd Howard himself puts his foot on the scale when you aren't looking
Peaches 06-Dec-18 07:36 AM
Damn nylon bags can't handle the weight, so you aren't getting the proper support as advertised
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 07:42 AM
So does that mean pocketed armor is canvas
Makes ya thonk
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 07:52 AM
RIP dupe bug
at least we got it while it lasted
and have some dank weapons to show for it
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 07:53 AM
Yeah holy fuck this two shot handmade is dank as fick
My friend loves his and passes on his thanks
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 07:54 AM
how about that 2shot gauss?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 07:56 AM
Love it
I need to get mods
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:01 AM
i need to rejigger my handmade, as it's nigh uncontrollable
50/50 on the bulldozer thing letting you dupe as well
Also, does the arty put stuff in your stash still?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:07 AM
No idea
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:08 AM
easy enough to test real quick
yep, it stores items like normal
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:11 AM
I swapped my hand made to seni, preferring
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:11 AM
the auto was for that big dick DPS
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
Yeah i use the plasma thrower for that
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
I'm digging shotguns atm, kill everything by blowing each limb off
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
kinda sad that we couldn't dupe that
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
Its a straight up preference really for me
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
unless you did
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
in that case i want one
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 08:12 AM
I threw my quad plasma thrower in the pile
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:13 AM
But thats a basic bitch mod
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 08:13 AM
but apparently it's not as good as enclave
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:13 AM
Yeah mines the ultracite of plasma
Thankfully its a basic bitch one
So just take some leg work
Not a whole lot
Either way we got dank fuckin guns
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:23 AM
that we did
looks like my server is getting nuked soon
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:25 AM
Im balls deep in my shift atm
-21C outside kms
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:25 AM
how is Hoth this time of year?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 08:26 AM
I look like jack frost blew his frosty load on my mustache and beard
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 08:30 AM
Sounds kinda hot
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 09:02 AM
apparently some of the duped items are disappearing
if you end up missing stuff, lemme know and I'll give you new ones
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 09:10 AM
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 09:10 AM
Can we still dupe paints?
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 09:11 AM
That's less of a dupe and more of a launder
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 09:11 AM
cause I'll get the christmas set if you guys want blinky shit
and we can just cycle frames through to get it for everyone
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 09:12 AM
I was gonna get it anyways
But I can get you a patriot set tonight if you want
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 09:12 AM
Nothing says 'I love this gaudy mess' like decorating your powered armor like it's a shitty freshman dorm room
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 09:13 AM
Blinky shit hell yeah
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 09:52 AM
Like s show, made of shit, jumping up and down on another shit show
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 11:59 AM
haha, 15k caps richer
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:10 PM
and buying 3 marsupial serums with the gains
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 12:17 PM
Selling your dupes?
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:20 PM
Such a dirty, negative word. yes, yes i am
Trying not to be obvious about it
apparently 2 shot handmades are like 15k
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:23 PM
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:23 PM
And I'm sitting on a stack of like 80ish?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:24 PM
Gonna need a spare for Alt since the world ate hers
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:24 PM
They might be cycling through the various save data hunting for them
who knows
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:26 PM
Na it was a world eatting moment not a nuked dupe
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:26 PM
oh, dropped item go poof?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:26 PM
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:26 PM
I always use a random lootable thing for that kinda shit now
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:27 PM
Yeah i did a bag check then she took the bag before i finished, didnt tell her so my bad
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:31 PM
you know what really sucks? having to move 1500 treasure maps to your stash because they're a super obvious giveaway, but only move one at a time
haha, someone just nuked whitesprings (edited)
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:38 PM
So a day that ends in y
One of these days lets prep all 3 silos
And nuke white springs
Then nuke the farm point everyone goes to
And then one more for good measure
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:43 PM
got some good pictures
Also, yeah, if we angle them right, we can make it a bit of a slog to walk in
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:46 PM
I just want to make it the most annoying farm possible
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:51 PM
Comedy option nuke the far northeast
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:57 PM
Nuke an activr scorch queen
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 12:59 PM
can you nuke a site already nuked?
because that would be hilarious as fuck
SB Queen too hard, nuked it to kill it
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 12:59 PM
Well lets find out
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 01:02 PM
I have a keycard and that dank as fuck pipe rifle
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 01:15 PM
Ive got a cardd.too
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 01:23 PM
319 votes and 170 comments so far on Reddit
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 01:29 PM
The real farm meta: nuking the people in the nuke zone and taking their loot
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 01:29 PM
That would be some peak sault there
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 01:32 PM
Start it when the groups engage the Dragon Queen for max salt
They can't leave because enemies, they try to stay for the loot
If you can nuke inside the same blast zone that is, otherwise you angle the first nuke to the side so you can create a Venn Diagram of nuclear hellfire
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 01:35 PM
Thats exactly what i wa nt to do
And then drop the 3rd nuke to cover our asses
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 01:45 PM
I'm half tempted to make a server nuking punchmans
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 02:04 PM
First the customer service was in the players' hands, now the server reset button is as well
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 02:06 PM
this game just keeps giving
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 02:09 PM
Look on the bright side: the next elder scrolls game is gonna have co-op
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 02:10 PM
but on the bad side its going to be built off the same engine as FO76
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 02:11 PM
ehhh, it won't be that bad
it's come leaps and bounds since GamebryoFace.jpg with FO3
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 02:16 PM
its still fucking trash and watching gumbo people mashmouth during dialog is going to be grating as fuck after more recent games
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 02:17 PM
Could go either way with Tod 'It just works' Howard at the helm
but there is enough middleware for that kind of thing now that they might just outsource it
And fuckhuge libraries of people emoting at shit with the million dot face digitizers
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 03:00 PM
haha, sold another handmade for 10k
god I love this game
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 03:10 PM
Look at this capitalist nigga
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 03:14 PM
Trying to buy an explosive twoshot handmade
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 03:15 PM
I want a two shot dragon
Scuba Steve 06-Dec-18 03:17 PM
because nigga gotta have that upward mobility
though apparently you can't have more than 25k caps in your inventory
Taylor Swift 06-Dec-18 03:18 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 03:18 PM
Thats what ive heard
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 04:43 PM
All I've got unique is (was) that two shot tommygun
But if I see any other two shots I'll let ya all know
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 04:53 PM
End of the day we set for along time thanks to our dupes
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 04:57 PM
That 3 star shotgun fucks
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 05:13 PM
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 05:39 PM
What shotgun is this?
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 06:17 PM
Supressor trait with cheaper VATS and faster fire rate
Pump action
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 07:58 PM
>Pubbie at Vendor, taking up the merchant >Shoot missile behind him >looks away, go and use the vendor
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:07 PM
@Coathanger MD if your current enclave suit isnt modded you wanna trade patriot for camo?
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:07 PM
It's half 40 half 50
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:07 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:08 PM
Yeah camo parts are 40sd
Yeah some oil, springs, steel and silver I can probably make the 50 set now
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:12 PM
eh you can trade me one later, we can at least try a quick cheeky launder
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:13 PM
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:13 PM
take my suit when I drop it
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:14 PM
Here I'll least give you my curent suit
Jsut gonna trip the camo
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:15 PM
don't worry bout it
drop me a chassis though
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:15 PM
All yours
Bear in the Woods 06-Dec-18 11:24 PM
Gonna farm up some mutes
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:29 PM
have fun
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 11:34 PM
Watch the official announcement trailer for The Outer Worlds, a new single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. I...
god damn give it to me in my fucking veins
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:41 PM
I need this
Just fucking inject me and leave me to wither and die in pure bliss
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 11:41 PM
m-Morty corporations have taken over the edge of the galaxy and I thawed u out to help me stop them Im outer worlds rick, morty!
stolen from the sa thread
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:42 PM
Scarecrow 06-Dec-18 11:47 PM
urgh the wait for that is gonna suck
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:50 PM
We can stay strong
Huddle together for warmth in the loving embrace of New Vegas
Taylor Swift 06-Dec-18 11:50 PM
!img todd breaking into a home
NotSoBot BOT 06-Dec-18 11:50 PM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:51 PM
!img todd howard breaking in meme
!img todd howard lockpick improved
NotSoBot BOT 06-Dec-18 11:51 PM
Elf on a Coathanger
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 06-Dec-18 11:52 PM
Close enough
Bear in the Woods 07-Dec-18 12:16 AM
!img todd howard
NotSoBot BOT 07-Dec-18 12:16 AM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Dec-18 12:46 AM
nuFallout's audience are literal brainlets
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Dec-18 12:53 AM
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 01:04 AM
Junk weight reduction is a thing
Some madman sold a 45 marine leg with zelots, perception, and junk reduction
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 06:54 AM
I wonder if the 90% junkr eduction perk stacks additively or multiplicatively with the armor perks
I coudl see bethesda fucking it up either way
Bear in the Woods 07-Dec-18 07:34 AM
I have a food one, it's not 0 after thru hiker and 1 part
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 07:36 AM
then it's multiplicative
but getting 3-4 pieces of it and the perk would mean you have either or 0.1*0.2, which is kinda hilarious
Also bear, you wanna do me a solid while I'm stuck away from my machine?
Bear in the Woods 07-Dec-18 08:18 AM
Whatcha need?
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 08:22 AM
Someone to cycle my characters selling frag grenades for caps
while I'm on vacation
You get half the total haul
Bear in the Woods 07-Dec-18 08:24 AM
im bad about doing that on just my characters alone negative
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 08:26 AM
maybe we can get coat to do it?
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 11:09 AM
In down with helping a niggy out
Especially aftrr you hooked me up
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 12:24 PM
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 12:33 PM
How long the vacation gonna be
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 12:34 PM
19th through the 2nd
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 12:37 PM
I'll do what i can since holidays are a whore
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 12:37 PM
and if you wanna paw through my shit for stuff, go nuts
just make a list of what you ganked
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 12:40 PM
Yeah worst ill probably knick are springs
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 12:40 PM
I duped like 70k or something stupid
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 12:40 PM
Then yes im knicking springs
Scuba Steve 07-Dec-18 01:34 PM
pretty soon they're gonna have entire modded questlines in
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 03:10 PM
Im gonna put this guy in fuck it
Get an easy way for Alt to do it then she can call us faggots
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Dec-18 03:15 PM
I'll install it too
like I said it's an accessibility thing and it's fucking bullshit that a multiplayer game like this would launch in a state without it
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 03:41 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Dec-18 03:42 PM
Maybe it will get popular and we can bully Beth to put it in the game
Lets do it Bimmers
Alt 07-Dec-18 03:49 PM
yfw you literally have no mouth and cannot scream in the fallout world
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 03:57 PM
I wish i could get you a better voice
Alt 07-Dec-18 04:08 PM
In the name of fighting toxicity all these cunt faggot devs just ensure some people never get to say anything. carl
Nice inclusiveness purely because some thot cant stand to be called names.
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 04:14 PM
Yeah it reslly bothers me
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Dec-18 04:17 PM
I already did it Tay. We just don't know when.
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 04:47 PM
⚠️We are adjusting our patch schedule for next week’s Fallout 76 update. The update will roll out for PC players on Tuesday and console players on Thursday. This is to allow further testing on consoles, where we can't hotfix unintended issues as quickly as we can on ...
verified 1
Bear in the Woods 07-Dec-18 05:36 PM
Having a PC/console split will be good going forward
Coathanger MD 07-Dec-18 05:40 PM
It will
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:06 AM
hell yeah found some nerds dumping legendaries
Riso 08-Dec-18 06:16 AM
mods, rename this chat to bethestards
Harrower 08-Dec-18 06:19 AM
anyone have a deathclaw gauntlet extra claw mod?
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 06:24 AM
I think I do
Harrower 08-Dec-18 06:28 AM
let me know
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 06:30 AM
I'll keep an eye out for you
Harrower 08-Dec-18 06:33 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 12:27 PM
man, picking on randos is kinda fun
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 01:35 PM
Ive been stalking low levels and acting as a sniper guardian
Alt 08-Dec-18 02:38 PM
Thats retarded, just get a trenchcoat and a magnum and pretend you're the mysterious stranger.
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 02:38 PM
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 02:43 PM
coat, you availible to help me move caps to my alt?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 02:57 PM
Let me eat breakfast
And i do it that way so they cant see me
If youre crouched you don't show up
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 03:10 PM
oh man, people are getting around the shitty afk timer and the small resource cap by afk pressing R on the ammo maker
take the thing for half a sec and murder them
consequence free
(more or less)
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:18 PM
Ok I'm hoppin on
I'll be in coice
Fruit hat in the atom shop
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 03:21 PM
dont sign your posts?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:22 PM
Nigga I fucking wish I had a plastic fruit hat irl
Those things are hilarious
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 03:22 PM
I gotta see this
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:22 PM
Yeah let me load in
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 03:22 PM
nah nigga
Im loading in
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:22 PM
Ain't buyin it though, 700 atoms
oh shit
!img big dick is back in town
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 03:23 PM
Give me 3 hours tho
NotSoBot BOT 08-Dec-18 03:23 PM
Elf on a Coathanger
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:23 PM
@Scuba Steve I'm golden for laundering caps
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 03:32 PM
Grahm on me, in a nuke zone
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:32 PM
oh shit omw
in voice fyi
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 03:36 PM
he's up by the trainstation
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:37 PM
nothin good
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 03:38 PM
worth a shot
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:38 PM
still aprceaite it
AlexanderDeLarge 08-Dec-18 03:39 PM
Studio Director of id Software Tim Willits joins Game Informer's Leo Vader to answer quick questions and endure long jokes! Head to gameinformer.com/rage2 fo...
8:00 if timecode doesn't work
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 03:43 PM
I think Grahm and Watoga share the same pool of stuff, I don't think I've seen anything unique to him
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:46 PM
stop spining loot seever!
I think the loot server died
AlexanderDeLarge 08-Dec-18 03:47 PM
Wait is the loot server a thing? I thought each server was their own loot server
If that's actually not the case, they need to distribute the load better.
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 03:51 PM
!img share the load frodo
NotSoBot BOT 08-Dec-18 03:51 PM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 03:54 PM
3 star no legendary
squating your bag
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:00 PM
lad us to the parking lot area where I found the handmade
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:01 PM
theyr'e shit talking us in area
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:09 PM
found 3 different two shot guns
laser rifle, lever action and plasma
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:10 PM
ARe you thinking what I am
Two shot plasma flamer
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:10 PM
it's non-enclave
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:10 PM
Who cares
Got a zealots musket
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:25 PM
furious lmg
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 04:27 PM
Too bad the lmg is garbo atm
You farming in whitesprings?
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:29 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:36 PM
Gonna rip into the prod wing of the bunker
see what Ican make
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:43 PM
Good nuke
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:46 PM
I got like 5 fucking two shot
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:46 PM
doin abacktrack now to find any I missed
Found about 6 more armor bits
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:49 PM
Twoshot double barrel, lever action, laser sniper, plasma rffle
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:49 PM
Bet alt would love that shotty
ok into the bunker I go
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:52 PM
she probably would
gonna see if brother wants it first
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:52 PM
Found a plasma gun true flamer barrel
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:52 PM
I think I have that as a mod for mine
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:53 PM
I'm really curuouys about that two shotter
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:53 PM
you know it's dicey when I just throw twice then turn and leg it
were they all buttmad that I was using explosived and flinging corpeses everywhere?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:54 PM
Just the two guys who got assmad when one got killed and we looted all their shit
We dove your bag fuckin hard too when you went down
Yeah lotta trash armor in my drops
Few keepers togive out
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:55 PM
Nuka grenades are very very VERY mucha doubl edged sword
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:56 PM
The LMG couldbe hilarious when they get a buff
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:56 PM
on the one hand 800 explosive and 400 rads, on the other hand, holy shit
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:56 PM
Got an instagating railway
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:56 PM
with all the explosives perks, it's skeezy as fuck
that could be nice
that was a lot more shitty legendaries than I thought
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:57 PM
Zealots BP musket I'm okj with
got a nocturnal pool hook with 40% speed and +1 end
Zealots shiskebab too
also nuka grenade bp
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 04:58 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 04:58 PM
quad harpoon gun
and a medic ones
Gonna keep the supressors flamer
That could be memey
fucking almost got a full set of marine legendary
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 05:01 PM
I still have to sort through all mine
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:01 PM
If you find any good marine chest peices let a nigga know
I've got a ghoul slayers +1chr chest atm
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 05:02 PM
I duped my chamelon one
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:03 PM
Furious knuckles
not bad
Nigga was selling a vampires dragon in watoga
mine now
oh nice
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 05:10 PM
Level 45 Vampire Dragon?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:10 PM
nm got a nice 3 star combat armor chest with 50% more durability
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 05:10 PM
I still have mine
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:16 PM
Good haul todayu
There, +1str, 35dr for high health and 50% more durable
That's a good fuckin chest
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Also 5 levels in the nuke zone
Not bad
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:37 PM
Fucking with people at workshops is thebest
Oh nice three cobalt and 3 yellowcake and I'm done my arch
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 05:38 PM
Is it still nukey in your server?
The one i'm on nuked Grafton, let's see how bad that is
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Na ours ended a while ago
just chilling now
That';s not fucked up at all
Bloatfly Larva syringer barrel
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 05:50 PM
lol Furious Broadsider
@Coathanger MD mind helping me mule some stuff? or at least use your artillery box to do so?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:55 PM
Yeah course
Just make a note of what you give me
Oh man that's the legendary pipe rifle
v nice
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 05:58 PM
take one
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 05:58 PM
Thanks fam
Well I just fucked up. I scrapped my PA kms
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:01 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:01 PM
Replaceable thank god but fuuuuck
Ok so it just put the parts in my inventory
Thank god for that
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 06:03 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:04 PM
I shit myself
Soon as you're done bear I'm gonna lock the box just incase
or I'm gonna go merc a 10
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:09 PM
For a second I thought my stuff disappeared
then I realize I was looking at the wrong box, thanks for muleing
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:12 PM
trying to give this kid hisshit back
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:12 PM
so the broadsider doesn't work
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:12 PM
yeah harpoon gun is buggy too
holy shit
But you got all your shit?
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:15 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:15 PM
good good
Yeah saw te kid was wanted so I dragoned his ass
Waited for him to spawn back but he was so far away I brough him his shit back
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:16 PM
did you tell him it was nothin personnel
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:16 PM
plus some of my rando junk I had
so three yellow and 3 cobalt and I got my arch up
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:17 PM
you got the schems?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:18 PM
Killed a few queens now
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:18 PM
Will the gay community ever recover?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:18 PM
Not if I have my way
After all I'm a nazi
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:19 PM
-some rando
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:19 PM
Made my night that
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:20 PM
relogging, 1 sec
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:29 PM
@Coathanger MD leggo on me
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:31 PM
and dammge glitch
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:33 PM
gonna do a vendor cycle if you want some free fast travellin
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:34 PM
hell ye
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:44 PM
bear leggo on me
@Bear in the Woods
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:44 PM
1 sec
you tagged it right?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:45 PM
We both did
same time
Fucking nuked it
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:46 PM
stalker's cryolator
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:46 PM
weightless combat chest
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 06:47 PM
usually a lego in the e. services building
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 06:48 PM
Just a crash for me
gonna take a break anyways
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:01 PM
Day two this guy is doing some crazy shit
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 07:03 PM
Reminds me of that post on r/pcgaming
Talking about all the people that talked about roleplaying and never did
r/pcgaming sucks and needs to be deleted
upvotes to the left
⬆ 1
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:04 PM
Yeah no this guy has done this a second time now, it's insane
had I seen this earlier I'd have gone in on it
but now it's a total shit fuck
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:09 PM
we should find his server and drop a nuke getin
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:09 PM
Happened last time he's asked no one to
Now mirv fatmen?
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:10 PM
I'd be game
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:11 PM
Well lets go
AlexanderDeLarge 08-Dec-18 07:11 PM
ree come play SCP
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:11 PM
If I wanna kill mutants I just need to look in the mirror now
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:12 PM
Just hoping they get me in
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:22 PM
if you do I'll see if I can join you (edited)
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:22 PM
Blackbird paint is in the game
Fucking looks nice
buying it
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:25 PM
for PA?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:26 PM
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:26 PM
datamined or currently on sale? I don't see it
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:26 PM
On sale now
1800 atoms
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:26 PM
Might have to relog to see it then
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:26 PM
I'll join your server and set my PA up
so you can see it
server is melting on my end
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:29 PM
servers hiccuping yeah
I'mma switch
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:30 PM
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:40 PM
@Coathanger MD you want some 45 Excavator Legs? Super Duper Procced on each
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:40 PM
something is off with this server
I can't see you
fuckin game
Time to paint
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:46 PM
welp, all them edgekids gonna buy that one
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:46 PM
Didn't even notivce the face
I was more into the whole SR-71 vibe
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 07:46 PM
chest says USAF too
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 07:46 PM
exactly why I bought it
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 08:09 PM
Got the Torso mod I wanted 🙏
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 09:01 PM
I got the mole head
also some 30 bounty boy ate draggon from behind
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 09:18 PM
Oh that bounty boy didn't like having his bounty claimed
tried to fight me
5 times
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 09:23 PM
did he died 5 times?
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 09:26 PM
He kept trying
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 09:50 PM
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 09:52 PM
I also have sirens
You ever wanted to make your workshop down right CANCERIOUS
Well now we can
Seriously bounty hunting is the fucking best thing in this game
They don't pop often but when they do man do they get fun
I'm almsot to the god damn space station and I hear it
these sirens are cancer
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 10:17 PM
I just took some dudes workshop
then built a ton of sirens
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 10:26 PM
gaze upon hell itself
Scuba Steve 08-Dec-18 10:31 PM
Good job
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 10:35 PM
You want yo trigger peak nuke zone comedy
Camp outside the golf house during a nuke
Full.of those
The launch of Fallout 76 has been nothing short of apocalyptic, but that doesn’t mean the game is dead on arrival. Bethesda has a path forward, paved by The Elder Scrolls Online, another game that suffered a rocky start. Players can expect plenty of content updates, paid ex...
Not gonna lie this is probably the first bit of good press I've seen
Taylor Swift 08-Dec-18 10:43 PM
Alex and I have been saying that from day 1
Coathanger MD 08-Dec-18 10:44 PM
Also blackbird looks nice on X01
Harrower 08-Dec-18 10:47 PM
anyone have a deathclaw gauntlet extra claw mod around?
Bear in the Woods 08-Dec-18 11:43 PM
Blackbird gives you more of a FO2 look on the Enclave armor too
Totally getting the Xmas one though
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 12:02 AM
Any interest?
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 12:02 AM
A broken clock is right twice a day but holy shit, can't even have a correct opinion throughout a single article smugpepe `Bethesda has shown time and time again that it’s willing to price games exactly as high as people are willing to pay, reaction be damned. That’s why Skyrim Special Edition still has a $40 MSRP, yet The Elder Scrolls Online starts at $20. It’s a newer game, but let’s face it. It’s not as good as Skyrim.`
Alt 09-Dec-18 12:03 AM
shit ill take tahat
Scuba Steve 09-Dec-18 12:03 AM
Christmas power armor, best power armor
Scuba Steve 09-Dec-18 12:12 AM
Anyone elses aton store not displaying 90% of the items?
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 12:14 AM
works on my machine
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 12:27 AM
How many atoms is the Christmas armor?
Harrower 09-Dec-18 12:45 AM
pricing things at exactly the point people are willing to pay
what a novel concept
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 12:48 AM
Not in store yet, assume it's gonna be 1800 like the others (edited)
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 01:03 AM
Oh I thought it was in game already damn
Harrower 09-Dec-18 01:17 AM
anyone interested in a two shot cryolater? only level 35 though
Harrower 09-Dec-18 02:10 AM
just got a two shot handmade level 45 if anyone wants
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 02:17 AM
yes plz
hold onto it for me? I'm not gonna be online tonight though.
Harrower 09-Dec-18 02:27 AM
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
@Harrower got your claw mod
Harrower 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
yeah i did too lol
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
all good lol only was 55 caps
Harrower 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
sorry, i should have said something
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
Na it's al good fam
Harrower 09-Dec-18 03:22 AM
been waiting like 3 days for it to spawn
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:23 AM
Yeah that'd drive me fuckin nuts
More happy you got that
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:38 AM
got a furious plasma rifle
gonna flamer that bithc
So yeah a enclave vs normal plasma is 37/39 and 42/43
vrath 09-Dec-18 03:54 AM
@Scuba Steve to fix your atom store add SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2,
as the first things in your custom.ini file
Harrower 09-Dec-18 04:02 AM
does the plasma flamer use automatic pistol/rifle perks or something else?
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:03 AM
no idea
fucking god damn fucking colonol gutsy in the fucking ground
Harrower 09-Dec-18 04:10 AM
is it the one with a gun arm instead of a laser arm?
those guys shoot for like 90 a shot, and its semi auto
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:20 AM
Those niggers
that obliterate you in PA
I could only fight it melee
vrath 09-Dec-18 04:30 AM
Step one, nuke the clubhouse. Step 2 kill the club house. Step 3 one of the two people logs and joins back. All the monsters respawn instantly. Step 4 Profit.
Oh, Step 0 have a friend
I must have gotten 200 leg drops in an hour or two tonight
ofc they were all garbage but an anti armor combat shotty, an explosive vampire handmade, and a 2 shot blackpowder, but it was way better than normal farming
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:33 AM
I found a tin foil hat
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:52 AM
I'm set to fuck with people
Harrower 09-Dec-18 05:28 AM
what kind of 2 shot black powder
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 07:32 AM
The join trick still works? I thought they changed that with a patch
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 08:29 AM
Sunday night nuking?
Scuba Steve 09-Dec-18 11:52 AM
works for me
I should be on most of the afternoon
or at least availible
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 01:19 PM
If its at a reasonable hour sure
Got date plans
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 02:39 PM
How to burn through .308
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 02:52 PM
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 02:56 PM
Benefits from autorifle perks, probably tank killer too
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:18 PM
So found something out
Explosive legendary effect is effected by the explosive perks
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 03:33 PM
yeah. so explosive shotgun is boosted by both shotgun AND demolition expert
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:35 PM
And your pipe rifle gets demo boosts too
I need the flaming chainsaw mod
Gonna stalk players with it
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 03:55 PM
So I'm wearing the creepy clown mask with the straight jacket and chainsaw
If they react wit hthe help emote I dump stims and water on them
Taylor Swift 09-Dec-18 03:57 PM
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:02 PM
Thats the thing though
gotta play along
Like I'm not baiting low levesl into pvp
got pacifist turned on
how the fuck did a scorch beast one shot me
ah glad to see scorch beasts still drop nothing
got a jet pack on my x01
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:23 PM
Flying fucko reaches top of the capitol building. News at 11
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:37 PM
some dude is nuking harpers ferry
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 04:39 PM
should be good
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:39 PM
I'll peep it
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 04:39 PM
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 04:39 PM
see if it's a valid site
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 05:16 PM
@The 76ers whomst wants to bathe in glorious nuclear fire?
Harrower 09-Dec-18 05:26 PM
lol nobody because the servers are going down
Taylor Swift 09-Dec-18 05:27 PM
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 05:27 PM
your server maybe
Try being on a more chad server (edited)
Harrower 09-Dec-18 05:28 PM
the virgin official server and the chad private pirate server
Alt 09-Dec-18 05:29 PM
I nee one commendation to be atunned for nukes
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 05:29 PM
We can get you it
or your money back
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 05:46 PM
Yeah just let us know
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 07:08 PM
@The 76ers nuke time
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 07:08 PM
T-20 mins to nuke
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 07:08 PM
world is full so I'd queue up now
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 07:08 PM
and 🙏 it doesn't crash
Harrower 09-Dec-18 07:34 PM
you want that two shot hand made alex?
also who do i join on for nukes?
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 07:44 PM
Me coat alt or Alex
Harrower 09-Dec-18 07:48 PM
i dont have anyone as friends :((
is everyones in game names listed somewhere?
Taylor Swift 09-Dec-18 07:52 PM
Hold on
[ATTACH] Want to unfuck your FOV/Widescreen/etc?: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_76 Useful Mods: (USE AT YOUR OWN CAUTION, NO CONFIRMATION...
Pinned a message.
Harrower 09-Dec-18 07:54 PM
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 07:57 PM
>Coat shoots something with an explosive gun, gets tagged by anti-cheat >Bear walks in air and crits everything to death, no change
Harrower 09-Dec-18 07:59 PM
friend invites sent
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 08:00 PM
whats your user?
You aren't missing much, I don't think Morgantown can spawn leggos
Harrower 09-Dec-18 08:06 PM
Bear in the Woods 09-Dec-18 08:38 PM
@AlexanderDeLarge not having any luck, gonna call it quits
Harrower 09-Dec-18 09:37 PM
lol my automatic railway rifle is bugged
i can kill a mirelurk queen in two bursts
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 09:37 PM
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 10:39 PM
Looks like a new exp glitch
Harrower 09-Dec-18 11:12 PM
the robot event one?
AlexanderDeLarge 09-Dec-18 11:23 PM
Is it as easy?
Coathanger MD 09-Dec-18 11:42 PM
and yes
Harrower 09-Dec-18 11:44 PM
it requires more input than mashing the same button over and over. but not by much
Taylor Swift 09-Dec-18 11:46 PM
Yall run me through it tomorrow night
Thanks God Bless HH
Harrower 09-Dec-18 11:53 PM
you dont need anyone
LINKS ➤Safe Fallout 76 Stuff Go to https://bit.ly/2zWrmit ➤Use My Coupon "RGD5" for 5% Off. Subscribe ► https://goo.gl/kbykGj Discord Server ► https://discor...
Taylor Swift 09-Dec-18 11:54 PM
Yeah I dont NEED anyone
But I WANT everyone
Harrower 09-Dec-18 11:56 PM
you spend all your time resetting the world doing it in a group is mostly kind of annoying
Alt 10-Dec-18 12:15 AM
Since I didnt say it before, watned to thank everyone, youve all grinded and hit the game hard and helped me a ton and given me free shit. GWcmeisterPeepoLove
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 12:18 AM
In just thankful youve really given the game a good chance after the kinda wooden beta
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 12:21 AM
I'm thankful y'all got it for a good цена
The sooner you do it the better, once it catches on y'all are gonna have to fight for the keycards and spaces
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 12:33 AM
I just want to shit on some event now with a nuke
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 12:35 AM
Get 2 nukes, nuke the people fighting the Queen smugpepe
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 12:35 AM
So our original goal
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 12:36 AM
Next weekend?
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 12:37 AM
Also possible place to find bodies
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 12:40 AM
Tfw I could just go to WV irl
Probably sucks irl too
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 12:40 AM
A mixed bag
Its like Alabama but with mountains and less black people
Geographically its Top 4 best states but
A lot of poverty
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 12:42 AM
Mountains are cool and so are less black people. Hella poverty though yeah
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 12:42 AM
Around Morgantown is nice though
WVU has a real cool campus
!yt WVU Baylor country roads
NotSoBot BOT 10-Dec-18 12:43 AM
WVU / Baylor End of Game Country Roads - YouTube Sep 30, 2012 ... At the end of the Big 12 opener WVU/Baylor Full house singing Country Roads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs-lrLfPqWU
At the end of the Big 12 opener WVU/Baylor Full house singing Country Roads
vrath 10-Dec-18 06:59 AM
so this video led me to a website called fashthenation.com which had a really suprisingly well written article found here http://fashthenation.com/2018/12/as-chinese-stocks-plummet-beijing-rethinks-trade-with-u-s/
The big trade news of the week is the announcement that President Trump has suspended raising tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion worth of Chinese [...]
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 09:22 AM
That’s not uh
Fatty cucks website is it
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 09:48 AM
How sick looking are the blackbird paints?
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:02 AM
Real fucki sick
Not the best shot but all black usaf marking o chest with red trim
Helmet gets a skull paint
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 10:08 AM
ok, that's a must buy
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:09 AM
Yeah its nice
I can laundrr for you if you want
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 10:09 AM
works on all armor types?
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:09 AM
Haven't tried the ithers
Swapped my patriot set over right sway
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:17 AM
I'm still holding on for Christmas PA
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:18 AM
This is why im thankful we can launder pa
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:18 AM
For now
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:19 AM
True i have a feeling its on a priority list to patch
Since cuts the atom buys
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:19 AM
I dunno, it's not that well known I don't think
Haven't seen anything on Reddit regarding it
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:20 AM
Either way im down to paint yo guys shit
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:20 AM
You could say we're all for the splitting of Atoms smugpepe
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:21 AM
Apparently new dupe bug
No info in the post but was made an hour ago
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 10:23 AM
I'll get the christmas plinky lights one then
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 10:27 AM
LINKS Poisonedthewell ► https://twitter.com/PoisonedGaming ➤Safe Fallout 76 Stuff Go to https://bit.ly/2zWrmit ➤Use My Coupon "RGD5" for 5% Off. Subscribe ► ...
Might be it
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:33 AM
Sounds like it's easier with a friend, but slightly inconsistent
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 10:34 AM
Much like this discord
BustrKc 10-Dec-18 04:08 PM
Is that mission glitch still viable for all that sweet xp?
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 04:15 PM
ok, explosive shotgun most hilarious shotgun
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 05:18 PM
If it wasn't patched yeha
and stack demo expert on your shotgun Steve
memes become real
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 05:18 PM
dude even in PA I oneshot myself if I'm too close
like, not even 'aim at feet, die' just kinda srota nearby
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 05:19 PM
I need one of those lawdy
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 05:20 PM
if you're availible we can try to dupe trick
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 05:22 PM
hell yeah
I'll hop on
I;'m on and ready tofuck
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 05:44 PM
If you're duping and can get me a copy I'd be grateful thank you and God bless
AlexanderDeLarge 10-Dec-18 05:50 PM
I'd appreciate the same give me 15 minutes and I can be on if you need a third
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 05:50 PM
This is a SUPER tedious dupe
So gonna likely do a few runs
Building 300 leather left arms to cause a game crash
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 05:52 PM
The general idea is that you force a desync to create a copy
You could probably do the same with ammo
Does your inventory update when you drop the item or after you close out the artillery box? I would be up for trying some duping tricks when I'm home in a few hours
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 05:57 PM
No idea honestly
We're doing flux, some really nice armor and my jetpack torso
and the guns
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 06:00 PM
That the spot near Watoga?
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:00 PM
yeah by relay EL-B1
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 06:00 PM
The one with the copper deposit or the one near the map edge?
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:01 PM
no idea
Right here though
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 06:01 PM
Yeah, you're sitting on a copper deposit I think
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:02 PM
yeah I se it
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 06:02 PM
I think it's the SW corner of of the lake but I'm going from memory
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:02 PM
You're right where we are
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 06:03 PM
It's a good spot but I like my central spot for vendors
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:17 PM
Dupe was a success
We're duping syrums now as well
who wants healing factor, speed demon an shit
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:31 PM
This dupe is finnicky as fuck
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 06:40 PM
Ok we got it stream lined
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 06:49 PM
Dupes for the dupe throne
(my fucking hands hurt)
Alt 10-Dec-18 07:18 PM
Screenshotting and reporting, enjoy your bans ned
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 07:25 PM
Alt was Todd Howard this whole time
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 07:28 PM
Explains so much
Coathanger MD 10-Dec-18 07:43 PM
Does this mean Todd has seen my dick
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 07:46 PM
But thats unrelated to BMW
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 07:56 PM
I mean how you got into the BETA was up to you
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 08:02 PM
hahahaha 3500 flux
350 cobalt, 500 crimson, 3500 flourescent, 1100 violet, 2496 yellowcake
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 08:08 PM
Tfw each flux is .25 pounds negative
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 08:08 PM
Tfw you have 12 arches set up on your base
because of that big dick energy
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 08:09 PM
Can you dupe me some Halloween candy?
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 08:09 PM
Can you give me a fat stack of holloween candy?
Also, Mr fuzzy tokens
dupe up a shitzillion of them
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 08:10 PM
I'm in
I've got a two-shot cryolator as well we can throw in
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 08:11 PM
we just traded for a level 50 explosive combat shotgun
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 10:10 PM
Apparently I am cursed
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 10:25 PM
Fucking dupe is cursed I swear to fuck
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 11:30 PM
ok, figured out how to get it to sorta behave
but fuck me my hands hurt
I hope you nerds enjoy the fruits of my labors
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 11:36 PM
I'd give you my spot for Bimmer of the Year at the very least
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 11:37 PM
>implying youre winning
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 11:39 PM
spot, not victory smugpepe
I don't actually think I'd win, it was a weak entry at best allears
Alt 10-Dec-18 11:46 PM
Polar should win for being so good to us in fallout
Bear in the Woods 10-Dec-18 11:47 PM
But Peaches is eternal best boy, long after we get bored of fallout (aka next week)
and 80% of the stuff ive given out is dupes thanks to Steve and all them
Taylor Swift 10-Dec-18 11:57 PM
So humble
Changing my vote tbqh
Bear deserves it
Scuba Steve 10-Dec-18 11:58 PM
Also, that combat shotgun that coat was able to trade for fucking chunks shit (edited)
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 12:32 AM
@Scuba Steve you dind't give me any prime guass ammo
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 12:37 AM
I need to dupe more
I'll give you a bunch tomorrow
gotta get like 50k before it's too much of a pain
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 12:39 AM
Yeah no worries
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:15 AM
macro mode steve sems to just crash the server completely
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:36 AM
we can dupe again?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:41 AM
And it crashes servers
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:42 AM
I managed to whoopsie like 4 servers before I figured out when to kill my speed builder script
we got like 200k fluxes now
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:43 AM
I wanna dupe steve
I need splosive shotty like bad
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:43 AM
we have like 20 of the combat and like 200 of the pump
Steve has been busy
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:44 AM
wanna dupe my x01 armor?
that has a jetpack installed
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:44 AM
already duped coats
have like 55 jetpack torsos
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:44 AM
lemme dupe your stack b 😛
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:46 AM
also like 2k of various serums
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:47 AM
in voice if I can get a run off the printing press, I don't mind waiting, will prob be patched soon
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:47 AM
i'll give you a set of all the good shit once we finish up
the dupe tends to kinda sorta explode the server
anything special you wanna dupe?
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:49 AM
not really only new good weapon I have is vampire explosive combat shotgun
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:49 AM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:49 AM
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:50 AM
you need me to chug nukas and buy serums?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:50 AM
nah, we got electically, healing, marsupial and speed duped to shit and back
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:52 AM
wait nvm it's a vampire explosive handmade
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:53 AM
you see how the server tends to start completely shitting its pants when I start this, right?
you can do this on any server
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:53 AM
lol its awesome
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:53 AM
just make like 300 leather left arms
you can scrap them for all but the steel back
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:54 AM
Lemme get a stack of the new shit and I'll go start duping it all
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:54 AM
way easier to do with two
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:55 AM
I got a second man
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:56 AM
k, I'll give you a stack of shit once this round is done
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:57 AM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:59 AM
so yeah, fair warning, you're gonna need to dupe this like a half dozen times
vrath 11-Dec-18 01:59 AM
lol did the server crash
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:00 AM
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:01 AM
I mean honestly probably better if you just keep doing it
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:01 AM
I got shit to do
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:01 AM
I just feel bad asking for profits when I did no work
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:01 AM
been doing it for literally 6 hours
So no, the profits you get from this will be paid for
in bloody figer tips and hand sprains
spawn on me and come get your starter lucre
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:03 AM
so I craft 300 leather shoulders, then dump in box buddy grabs
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:03 AM
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:03 AM
you wouldn't happen to have a timed macro would you?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:03 AM
I have a 'it presses it until you quit' macro
no togle, either it runs or you close AHK via esc
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:04 AM
the same one from the disarm shit
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:04 AM
I just changed it to be enter instead of R
vrath 11-Dec-18 02:04 AM
I can add a delay probably
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:05 AM
come get your goodies
ok, so the important things are the Mr Fuzzy tokens and the shotguns and fluxes
actually hop in voice for a sec
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:02 AM
so combat shotgun is dank as fuck
except when the damage bug kicks in and you get chased halfway across the map by an invulnerable scorchbeast
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:05 AM
it just crashes me
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:06 AM
gotta craft them slower
with the crafting dingus, you gotta make them until the server goes not responsing twice, then drop all your shit, then go back and make the other 150ish
manually, the autoclicker will just nuke the server
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:07 AM
see I did that the first time
and it didn't dupe
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:09 AM
yeah, it's picky
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:24 AM
my second man bailed on me
if you can jump back on I'll toss it back
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:30 AM
sure, one sec
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:30 AM
I do have 4 nuclear keycards for you
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:30 AM
forgot to dupe those
you get it to dupe at all?
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:31 AM
no 😮
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:31 AM
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:31 AM
I got ditched
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:31 AM
welp, we got a ton of shit either way
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:31 AM
can I keep the combat shotty?
or eventually probably
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:32 AM
yeah, I just need to fluxes back, really
I only gave you like 10% of the shit we duped
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:32 AM
ah nice
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:35 AM
i think that's it
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:36 AM
in box
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 03:37 AM
Foundm y new camp
https://puu.sh/CfSSE/d11a1cf954.jpg Bramen keep spawning up here in the lake infront of me
So free steaks
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:39 AM
Welp, we have like 20 combat shotguns, a shitload of those prime gauss, 23k rounds of ammo for them, and like 40k minimum fluxes
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 03:39 AM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:40 AM
Hopefully it's not patched after patching tomorrow
and we can get that explosive handmade duped up too
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 03:40 AM
Oh and I managed to get my hands on the marine tactical hood
Had to trade a dude a gun for it
But worth
got the plans
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:41 AM
see what else you can do as far as that
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 03:41 AM
Na like I straight met him at the farm
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 03:41 AM
and I'll do another dupe run if it's not fixed
but sleep time is now
later gents
vrath 11-Dec-18 03:47 AM
trying to trade for a god tier melee
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 04:15 AM
Find the perfect camp, have to rejoin a server, some fucking NIGGER is in the spot and I lose my cmap. lose the last hour and a half of work
Thanks todd you fucking turbo kike
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 04:55 AM
That fixes tomorrow right?
Harrower 11-Dec-18 05:36 AM
getting turbo kiked by a nigger is the worst
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 07:32 AM
Did you dupe more (((Mr Fuzzy Tokens)))?
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 08:10 AM
Harrower 11-Dec-18 08:22 AM
lol it was like 30 megs for me
PatchBot BOT 11-Dec-18 08:25 AM
Fallout 76
Our latest patch for Fallout 76 will bring major C.A.M.P. improvements, SPECIAL re-speccing, new display settings for PC, and many new bug fixes to the game. Read on for today’s complete patch notes. - - - - - - Patch Version: Download sizes for this update will be approximately 5GB for consoles, and around 3GB for PC. - PC: ...
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 08:29 AM
Harrower 11-Dec-18 08:31 AM
they also nerfed the amount of gunpowder super mutants drop 😦
the real tragedy
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 08:36 AM
This change is not retroactive for characters that have already progressed beyond level 50 but will apply to every level-up they achieve going forward.
Not only is their implementation of respec fucking awful, they do this
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 08:41 AM
I mean they can't delevel everyone either
Harrower 11-Dec-18 08:43 AM
they could just have reset every character stats
like pretty much every persistent multiplayer game with a talent point system does when major changes come through
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 08:44 AM
This wouldn't be as much of a problem of those fucking idiots let people know beforehand that charisma builds would be garbage and you'd be able to get more points than you can share
Harrower 11-Dec-18 08:44 AM
i bungled a bunch of picks while leveling, getting to redo them for free would be nice
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 08:44 AM
This only exacerbates the problem of 1.) Not letting people know what perk cards exist day one because of level gated perk card selection (retarded, let people know what's in there from the start) 2.) Not having a in game build calculator 3.) Completely botching charisma implementation (edited)
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:19 AM
So apparently the Pipe guns benefit from Pistol and Rifle perks both
and my explosive one adds Demo Expert to that stack getin
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 09:50 AM
man, fuck
gotta go through and stash literally everything on my chars
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:52 AM
So uh
I think they fixed storing things in artillery too
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 09:54 AM
yeah, I think they did
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:54 AM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 09:55 AM
guess we gotta set up the never ever moving mules now
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:57 AM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 09:57 AM
man, and I really don't want to move stuff out of my main's stash, because it's literally 500k worth of fluxes
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:57 AM
how do you bulldoze things?
ah I see how it works
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:03 AM
i wonder if a mod could let you bypass the insertion filter
or if bulldozing a container would work
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 10:03 AM
that's what im wondering
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:03 AM
I dont see the phantom weight fix
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:06 AM
as it stands, my main's stash is unusable, and there is no way in fuck I'm moving literally a million weight units of shit over onto an alt, especially when they can be dropped
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:08 AM
I mean we knew tjis day was coming
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 10:08 AM
carrypocalyse yall
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:09 AM
Just im more bothered by the phantom weight
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:10 AM
phantom weight is still a thing?
Also, using the other method to increase weight doesn't work either
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 10:10 AM
yeah they made a whole metal gear solid out of it
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:12 AM
I mean ill see when i log on
Gonna sleep more first
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 10:15 AM
In other big news, no Xmas Power Armor yet
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:21 AM
man, walking back to the vault is gonna take like hours
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:26 AM
Let me get breakfast xant sleep and I'll see what i xan do
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:27 AM
I'm probs just gonna get my brother to make a mule
and shove it all on him
or wait 2 days ang see the shiny new exploit involving bulldozing a truck with a toolbox in it
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:29 AM
Well ill def have to grab some syrums off you, i think we're gonna wana take stock of what we cam ditch
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:29 AM
or a mod that just bypasses all the filtering they had to have done client side and lets you stashbox shit again
glad I put the fluxes away before shit got bad
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:29 AM
Small victories
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:29 AM
my stash is at 1.83 million
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:30 AM
belHide belHide belHide
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:31 AM
fluxes are supprisingly heavy
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:31 AM
Makes sense ngl
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 10:31 AM
I ain't gonna worry about it now, there'll probably be a way to stash once I get home from work smugpepe
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:32 AM
Im still gonna take stock
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:32 AM
pretty much
Also, that shotgun means you can solo the glassed cavern
me and bro just walked down it, the level 80 scorchbeast died before it finished the lava crawl animation
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:33 AM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:34 AM
if you're nto careful though you end up with revenants who will never die
the damage bug is real
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:34 AM
Yeah im firing these things off slow
Man aint we glad we duped my arms and leg
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:43 AM
Yeah, that'll be nice
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:45 AM
I mean gotta bright side n shit
Marsupial will help a little
Im gonna butt chug a few thousand nuka cola before i cut my pile
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:47 AM
I have so much duped shit in my stash that there is no way I'm ever gonna be able to cut it all
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:48 AM
Yeah man you got the rough end
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:50 AM
at least we got like 20 of those shotguns
and like 180 of the pump
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:54 AM
Think we can toss a few pumps
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:01 AM
Time to take stock
oh boy
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:02 AM
I wonder if you can even put stuff in world containers now
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:09 AM
Steve I have the most wonderful news for you
It'll be tedious but I bet you can macro it
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:10 AM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:10 AM
So you just need TWO pocketed peices side by side in your inventory, rapidly equip them both
You go up (edited)
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:10 AM
as long as I can get it to work once to move most of the good shit off my main, I'll be good to go
Wait, any two pieces?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:11 AM
Best you'll want to of the same just different condition
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:11 AM
screenshot of your setup?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:11 AM
so see those raider bits
damn its only capping at 350
Look at my carry weight
You'll want them side by side like mine
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:13 AM
god, getting to 85k will take all day
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:13 AM
If you ditch the nukas
It'll be less painful
But we got something least
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:14 AM
in my case it's mostly the shitton of guns and the dogfood
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:14 AM
I'd drop the dogfood for now then
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:15 AM
just gonna move it to my mule alt
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:15 AM
Still found a way to least hold off the carrypocalypse
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:15 AM
all the glitches just get more tedious
soon we're gonna have like a pre-game game macro just to get it playable
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:16 AM
I'm going weight neutral after this
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:17 AM
how do you equip both rapidly?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:17 AM
one sec nuk e bot
nm it flew underground
So somehow after rappidly equiping the two I was able to spam e on one and the other would equip]
also don't stand in decon too long
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:30 AM
Not able to get it to work 😦
we know it exists at least
we can tease out exactly how to trigger it later
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:32 AM
Yeah it's a start
I think it's related to the two 45 raider chests I have
Since equiping and uneqipping one triggers the other
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:37 AM
it might be specific to those items, I tried it with two different pocketed arms and it didn't trigger
so the setup is probably a lot pickier
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:42 AM
Well this will be interesting to tease out
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:43 AM
No longer works on your end?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:43 AM
Still does
I'm just butt chugging
With my subterranian cargobot
Nuke bot went underground to avoid the shotgun
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 11:48 AM
Going up works still?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:49 AM
Kinda? Coat got it to work, I couldn't
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:52 AM
Yeah it's weird
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:53 AM
are they like exactly the same item with exactly the same stats/durability?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:53 AM
different dur
One's value is 67 th eother 64
but exact same item beyond that
It's from our duping
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:56 AM
we can play around with it more
but yeah, once we figure it out, 99% of my shit is going on my alt
Scarecrow 11-Dec-18 12:02 PM
Oh shit carryapoc
Scarecrow 11-Dec-18 12:10 PM
At least I have enough shit in my stash I don't need to worry about adding to it
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 12:11 PM
yeah, now I just have to be careful about accidentally pulling a full stack of something out
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 12:15 PM
plus side I now have full sized letter plans
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 12:15 PM
ooooh, that's p nice
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 12:16 PM
I mean I'm butt chugging
may as well
Got like 160k nukas
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 12:19 PM
the issue now is good luck getting anything on the market for caps (edited)
and even if you did, where would you put it?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 12:28 PM
Ok so testing for repeatability
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 12:59 PM
I think my mule will just be the First Natl Bank of Bear and build a giant ass building around me
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:09 PM
got t2 enclave underarmor
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 01:09 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:09 PM
they're super easy to get
you straight buy them
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 01:10 PM
If only you had the flux to upgrade them
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:11 PM
T1 and T2 don't need flux
3 adn 4 do
Alt 11-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Weight still makes no fucking sense, a modded gun weighs as much as power armor chassis
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Yeah they need to lower gun weight a bit
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:15 PM
Or stack weight drops into the durability.purls
God butt chugging is so boring
so uh
additions work now
god I can't type
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 01:34 PM
Are you addicted to Nuka-Cola now?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 01:35 PM
no fat fingered mentats
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 02:16 PM
At least you can't get addicted to stimpaks
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 02:22 PM
Or are you already
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 02:41 PM
Smell that, that's green energy
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 02:42 PM
you setting up shop at the lake down by the cabin we were duping at?
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 02:45 PM
I'm probably gonna set up as close to the Bear Icon as I can for the Bank of Bear
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 02:49 PM
I'm up near pleasent valley
Just north of the little flower on the map
A friend lives at that flower
So it's a single cap hop to the station now
Also marine helmet looks p good with the enclave suit
Scarecrow 11-Dec-18 03:29 PM
Taylor Swift 11-Dec-18 03:58 PM
Pinned a message.
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 04:01 PM
Mind the cows
I was hungry
got my marine wetsuit plans
Man it don't hide it if you got it
But at t2 it does 1 STR/PER/END and 6/6/6 DR
T2 Enclave does 2STR 1 PEr and 6/8/3
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 05:00 PM
Same lake where we did the dupes?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:22 PM
Further north
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 05:29 PM
Near the campground?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:33 PM
Na closer to pleasent valley
Done the brotherhood line
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:45 PM
Bro and I are gonna unfuck our inventories tonight, and I can pass out the armor/weapons I duped
Scarecrow 11-Dec-18 05:48 PM
Yeah boi
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:55 PM
The shotgun just FUCKS
like you don't even know
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:56 PM
I realized something while doing glassed caverns
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:56 PM
The magnitude of fucks bought to the fight cause a quantum superposition of 'dead as fuck' and 'an undying revenant thirsting for blood unending'
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:56 PM
This gonna fuck UP deathclaws
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:57 PM
Also, the dupe mightttt still work
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:57 PM
Id say lets not play with fire
we made off like bandits
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:57 PM
if you can shove shit in boxes in the overworld, or a re brave enough to drop it
and yeah, not gonna fuck with it
we got like 20 of the combat shotguns and enough pumps to outfit the entire discord with one
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 05:58 PM
and mutations
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 05:59 PM
4 of the better ones
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:01 PM
I now only need a sinlge piece to weight glitch
I have no idea how I'm doing this
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:06 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:06 PM
I mean works great for me
But very confusing
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:07 PM
knowing bethesda, it might be that specific combination of armor
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:09 PM
atoms shop datamine
You can do raiders torso right?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:09 PM
On my crafter, yeah
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:09 PM
45 butress raiders torso pocketed
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:10 PM
you just mash enter on it and up it goes?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:10 PM
Well E
But it's the exact same as the old glitch
just reverse
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:13 PM
it might just be your character (edited)
because bethesda is best at coding
What do you have equiped?
weapons and other armor?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:15 PM
the armor we duped
and the raiders bit you gave me to bug last night
I'm gonna test with pocketed
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:17 PM
like, a screenshot with it all equipped please
trying to replicate this because being 50k overweight is a special kind of aids
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:19 PM
I've been changing armor constantly and it still works but it's these two armor bits that stay the same
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:20 PM
you literally just mouse over it then tap e a bunch and up it goes?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:21 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:21 PM
strip naked and see if it still does it
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:21 PM
soon as I'm out of watoga
gonna do a relog to clear it
and see if I can while naked
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:25 PM
cause it might be some odd interaction of the gear your have on and the mutations you have
Also, do you know how to get the vertibot siginal grendae box to show up when you take the ammo fctory?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:26 PM
repair the helepad
I logged in wearing the raider armor
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:28 PM
your char might be bugged then
actually, I wonder if the carry weight is entirely client side
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:29 PM
It's specifficly tied to those two exact tiems
I'm doing another log to clear
Looks like it broke
Back to normal wegiht
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:33 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:33 PM
There's a way to bug your character I guess
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:36 PM
yep, you can most likely still dupe
Any 0 capacity overworld thing you can put whatever you want into still
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:37 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:37 PM
So find a armor bench near a desk or ammo box or whatever, then go ham on it same as before
you just can't do it at a camp in the middle of west fuck alabama
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:39 PM
so buddy claims shop with pad, locks box you craft?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:40 PM
No, same as last night, make bunch of armor, shove crap in box, buddy grabs crap, you crash, profit
The vertibot thing might let you get your stash back
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 06:41 PM
Hey I need help muling shit, I put it off and now I fucked myself hard ree
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:41 PM
if you can store it
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 06:41 PM
I tried to do it last night but servers were down
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:41 PM
or store any container in a workshop
like a desk or what have you
worth testing
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:49 PM
There got myself least to the point I can run around
Am I able to bum some of the muttie juice off off you steve
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:50 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:50 PM
k I'll head your way
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:50 PM
checking some things out real quicklike on an alt
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:51 PM
no Rush
I got a long run
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 06:53 PM
uggh, what a pain in the ass
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 06:59 PM
Nigs doin fissure prime on my server
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:03 PM
Grahm on me
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:07 PM
Why the fuck does my AK weight 22 pounds
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:13 PM
ok, there goes that idea
boxes you can edit and move in workshops don't transfer inventory to your stash when stored, and can't be placed once stored
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 07:19 PM
Does there seem to e any solution to the carry weightocalypse outside of mules?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:20 PM
just tested the two most likely canidates: items in a workshop and overworld crap near your camp
neither let you transfer shit to your stash
chances are that the filter on what can go in the arty box is client side and the server has like 0 validation on it
ok, getting back on my main
if you want serums or armor/weapons lemme know
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 07:28 PM
Hey can someone mule my stuff over? I need someone who can fast travel to my camp and hang out for like 10 minutes.
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:29 PM
yeah I'm comin for a muttie juice
I crossed half the fucking map already
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:29 PM
I'm at the cabin near where we were duping
Also 99% sure the dupe works
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:29 PM
You're not online on my side
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:29 PM
you can still force DC if you craft shitloads of arms
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:30 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:33 PM
Sad news bear, you can't actually build your base anywhere close to the actual bear on the map
I'm at the cabin
chilling on the chimney
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:38 PM
sorry was on the phone
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:39 PM
you want one of the gauss?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:39 PM
Got the prime already
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:39 PM
have some more ammo for it then
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:40 PM
I'll take a little since I'm trying to balance
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:40 PM
kinda salty the workshop trick didn't work like I hoped
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:41 PM
Need to shed 200 more pounds
You gonna stay on this server for long?
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:42 PM
not especially
maybe 20-30 more minutes
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Ok gonna move some stuff to a mule quick then
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:42 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:44 PM
Oh here take the resistant urban armor
bonus strenght
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:44 PM
i actually already have a set
Alt 11-Dec-18 07:45 PM
Think im at like 380 myself
They really need to unfuck the weight of stuff
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:46 PM
i kinda wish I had muled all my shit before the stash nerf
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:48 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:49 PM
i think this is where I'm gonna set up my mules at
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:49 PM
good spot
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:49 PM
yeah, easy access to a transfer area, couple good camp sites nearby
Still super salty the workshop trick didn't work
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:53 PM
God I fucking hate this weight shit
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:55 PM
trying to see if you had phantom weight?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:55 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 07:56 PM
Do you?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 07:57 PM
10 pounds
Need to play this game as a minimalist
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 08:00 PM
My mule is stuck over on the south part where you were duping last night
Alt 11-Dec-18 08:00 PM
Before I joined you guys for the nuke I had a 160/190
Like even with minimal armor and only the guns I use
Its still a ton
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 08:01 PM
IT's weight reduction perks or get out
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 08:03 PM
Or excavator armor
If you could get 5 pieces of 20% weapon reduction that'd make things a lot easier
Alt 11-Dec-18 08:06 PM
You shouldnt need specific perks for thjat, this was never a problem in the other fallouts
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 08:09 PM
I don't think they really understood the core of the playerbase who enjoys FO4
Also, I think the mules stashed down there is nice
plenty of good camp spots nearby, easy access to a fast travel spot that has multiple 0 weight (and therefore infinite weight) boxes, and it's unlikely for people to wander by while we're muling shit
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 08:19 PM
By Lake Dupeicaca?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 08:21 PM
also the corpse catapults
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 09:07 PM
Taylor Swift 11-Dec-18 09:07 PM
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 09:07 PM
Also I have news for our max boys
Respecing has a fun little bug
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:07 PM
!img imagine my shock
NotSoBot BOT 11-Dec-18 09:07 PM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 09:08 PM
So when you respec and move a point it doesn't remove the cards from that tree
So say you had 15 int and moved a point over
You'd still have 15 int worth of cards equiped as long as you dno't fuck with it
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 09:11 PM
So in other words level up 100 times, Max out each tree get a definitive set of what you want and don't fuck with it
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 09:14 PM
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:14 PM
until they fix it next week(+ or - a week)
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 09:16 PM
Better get on that XP glitch then
Bear in the Woods 11-Dec-18 09:17 PM
Which one?
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 09:17 PM
The most recent one which gives caps
No one has said whether they patched it or not
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:04 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:11 PM
thats p legit
also muling at the cabin, if you need shit lemme know
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:13 PM
I got T4 enclave
Still looking for marine underarmor mods
Only got the t1 mod
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:14 PM
T4 gives?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:14 PM
9/13/5 +3 str +2 per
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:14 PM
and you can craft it?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:14 PM
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:15 PM
I need 3 sets
at lake duplicaca
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:15 PM
Give me some ultracite and crim flux
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:15 PM
I'm at the cabin
lemme drop a camp
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:15 PM
Already on the way
The vault suit one does luck and int
Marine wetsuit is more dr
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:19 PM
that do it?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:19 PM
throw down an arrmor bench
and do you need me to get the suits
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:19 PM
need one for me and my bro
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:19 PM
ok bbr
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 10:23 PM
@Scuba Steve You have dupes of all the legendaries plus more right? I feel bad throwing this shit out but I really only need the two shots
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:23 PM
that's fine
and yeah, I have all of coats good elegendaries, like 50 x-1 jetback chests, and 20+ of the good shit
in some cases 190+ of the good shit
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:25 PM
omw back to you steve
I'll need one of the assassins trapers arms we duped I lost the spare for alt
Thanks fam
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:26 PM
all set?
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:27 PM
That 40% is so imporrtant
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:27 PM
I bet
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:27 PM
No really it is, only reason I'm able to move about
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:27 PM
1.8 mil on my stash
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:27 PM
My fucking hand made is 22 pounds without the effects
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:32 PM
sht eshotgun of the gos is only like 14
in case you can't telll, I am drunkspoting like a bos
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 10:35 PM
hell y
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 10:54 PM
@Scuba Steve can I comfortably toss 2000 plasma cores away? I forgot about them when Tay was online and I don't want to have him get back on just for these
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 10:54 PM
not sure
kinda far from my camp
gimmie 20
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:04 PM
I cna make them
You can throw them out
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:12 PM
so so so so drunk atm
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 11:14 PM
I glitched Fallout 76 getting rid of 750,000 weight
I'm 600 over capacity and I'm running around no problem
Persisted after relog
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:21 PM
its wildly insonicstent
Coathanger MD 11-Dec-18 11:22 PM
Got a quad handmade
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:22 PM
so dupe is more or less verififed still working
AlexanderDeLarge 11-Dec-18 11:33 PM
thanks again fam
Scuba Steve 11-Dec-18 11:33 PM
If you need shit from me, make a list and I'll get it staged ont he mule
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 12:44 AM
Is the carry bug gone or does it still work?
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 12:48 AM
Carrypocalypse is here
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 01:15 AM
I got Smash as an early Xmas present so I'mma do that for a bit
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:27 AM
I mean we gone hard
We can take a break
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 01:28 AM
Also having to dump everything gun wise ain't that enticing
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:36 AM
Yeah its an all day project
Its why i did 12 hours today
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 01:41 AM
weight limits are pure fucking cancer
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:44 AM
It woudlnt be so bad if they redid weapon weights
As i griped before 22 pound AK
What the fuck
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 01:44 AM
jesus wtf
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:45 AM
I am fully fucking serious
22 pounds
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 01:45 AM
god damn bethesda
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:45 AM
It weighs more than my fucking guass rifle
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 01:47 AM
and now my bethesda launcher is fucking up
its DLing something and just a grey screen
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:47 AM
They need rifle reduction perks
Im barely unfucked
Im gonna mass produce us some t4 enclave under suits if we can get a stack of ultracite and ballistic fiber
They give you an extra 10 carry
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 02:04 AM
of course my garbage internet stopped working during the day so i have to wait another hour before I can play FML
theres perks for every other gun to reduce weight right?
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 02:20 AM
Just about
Hell shotguns get weight reduction AND reload speed
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 02:22 AM
urgh why the fuck is this patch 1.8g
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 03:13 AM
sure love that the bethesda launcher download speed limits dont work as well
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 03:38 AM
Pinned a message.
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:33 AM
They fucked the workshops up
If your buddy places something for you, and you store it, you can't place it until you learn the plan
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:48 AM
Also, straight north from the bear is a nice little lake tucked up against the map border
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:04 AM
Unf Marine wetsuit plans
Ok, Cola nut is broke like a joke
Quantums give you 600 HP and 300 ap
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 10:07 AM
With or without cola nut?
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 10:10 AM
Also healing factor stacks with the regenerating armors
I heal almost as fast out of combat as a stimpack heal does
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:01 AM
Wetsuit is niiice
But until i find the t4 lining its outclassed
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:16 AM
maybe I'll finally have not-negative str now!
DerVerrater 12-Dec-18 12:40 PM
the camp auto hiding shit is cool
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 12:48 PM
3 star ghoul slayers gamma gun
ghouls, limb damage, and 90% weight reduction
also healing factor makes rad-away shit
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 01:01 PM
Yeah need class freak
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 01:06 PM
man, it's super annoying having to server hop to reset your shotgun from 'revenant creating satan-cannon' back to 'apocalyptic scatter-grenade rifle'
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 01:10 PM
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 01:17 PM
Pretty much
Also got gear and a few guns for you tay if you're playing
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 03:05 PM
Also, looking at the data mined bs2 files, a mod that toggles the take-only flag might let you stash bug again
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 03:57 PM
I'd use it to fill my stash then get banned happily
Surprised there isn't anything for helping with phantom weight
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 04:30 PM
bethesdas trying to fuck me
Greetings, Thank you for your interest in receiving a Power Armor Edition Canvas Bag replacement. We were not able to verify your eligibility due to one of the following: The proof of purchase provided was illegible The proof of purchase provided was invalid Please submit a legible/valid proof of purchase for your Fallout 76: Power Armor Edition and we will be happy to verify your eligibility to participate in this program. Thank you for your patience. Kind Regards, Bethesda Support
Ah gay
They added more shit you have to add to it
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 04:36 PM
that sucks
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 05:07 PM
Morr stuff to dox you with
Theyre making a list and sending the hitmen
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 05:09 PM
Thank God
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 05:11 PM
And by hitmen theyre gonna knock you out and youll wake up on a cart in the mountians
NPC BOT 12-Dec-18 05:11 PM
Intro for the pc version of Skyrim. All settings on max. Raw recordning size is 28 gig and converted size is 1 gig and after upload 423 mb.. Contains spoiler...
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 05:11 PM
God dammit Todd
you did it again
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 06:47 PM
What did you send that was ineligible?
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 06:48 PM
Apparently after I submitted my invoice
They added a line about needing to sign it and a bunch of other shit
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 06:48 PM
Fallout 76 players are unhappy with the game's new ultrawide mode, which doesn't seem to offer true 21:9 support.
tl;dr the mod is still better
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:09 PM
Bored, currently playing around by murering mirelurk queens and hermit crabs
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 07:11 PM
Once you have all your shit built up and you've outpaced the rate of earning resources versus spending them, it really exposes how barebones this game really is
ESO was the same way but at least it had content. Hope they address it.
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:11 PM
I'm sure they'll be adding a lot of content as the game continues
to be fair the core gameplay loop is the same in FO4
FO4 just has like 57603470835 more quests and interesting things to do and see
it doesn't help that we basically bent the game economy and core loop over and fucked it till it loved us
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 07:16 PM
Eh I still suspect I'd be saying the same thing right about now because I was already feeling that way immediately after getting my decontamination shower and getting my new base with the lead extractor+aluminum+gold deposits Now it's just a waiting game for those really cool updates they were talking about.
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:18 PM
reasonably certain the first vault opening is gonna be them backtracking on people in the world
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:31 PM
Ok, with marsupial it's possible to climb to the very tippy top of Seneca Rocks
Also, you can place a camp up there
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:48 PM
oh man, I hope nobody is afraid of heights
Best camp location ever
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 07:49 PM
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:50 PM
this entire thing is osha as fuck
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 07:51 PM
Take pictures lets see this hoe
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:55 PM
it's a shitty house
but the view is amazing
probably gonna redo it at some point
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 07:56 PM
The monorail interchange?
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 07:56 PM
nah, the gigantic rocky mountain things near the wendingo cave
AND fast travel drops me off right on a foundation, for once
hahaha, found a jangles the moon monkey and an import panda with the chalk phrase 'astropanda'
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 08:00 PM
Also found out they made the scorch queen immune to nukes
sadtay 1
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:06 PM
yeah, that was how they were killing it easy mode
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 08:14 PM
But the players arent thinkpepe
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:14 PM
I wonder how closely you can overlap them
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 08:15 PM
Well we can find out
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 08:27 PM
Eh with our two shots isn't that basically easy mode right there?
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:30 PM
two shots are like little baby mode
the shotgun just chunks face
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 08:31 PM
Your face if you're close enough
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 08:39 PM
Overall at this point i want to fuck with players in creative ways
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 08:56 PM
Sirenpocalypse is p good
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 09:00 PM
Another good one is camping in your camp with a retarded bounty
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:05 PM
Yeah, that could be fun
transfer all your credits, murder a shitshack for massive bounty, hide in your camp until someone else flags for PVP, have buddy murder them
Taylor Swift 12-Dec-18 09:08 PM
Someone send me a good screenshot that encapsulates the fuckery yallve been doing in Fallout
With glitching
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 09:13 PM
Ill check what i got when im home
But im thinking one or us just slaps a wall you drop i nyour shack and rack a bounty up
So we up in fuck off land and only high levels can find us
Then you keep your shack locked they have to claim abounty to get us
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:30 PM
Dropping a nuke on the queen, join on me if you want loot
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 09:37 PM
Rip im out with puppo
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:47 PM
shotgun makes the silos a joke
like holy fuck
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 09:52 PM
Sell our services to clear.silos?
Also nuke silo pvp
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:58 PM
Golf course PVP challenge
rack up a 2k+ bounty, hide inside a metal walled box, with sirens going
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 09:59 PM
Pvp bait the golf course eith sirens
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 09:59 PM
Got a NICE deathclaw gauntlet for alt
40 faster, 10% mutated, +1 str
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 10:00 PM
Oh nice
Thata lit
Alt 12-Dec-18 10:04 PM
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:17 PM
Comedy option: have coat build the golf camp, Steve gets wanted. Steve hides in the camp and anyone who hits the buildings gets wanted
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:18 PM
That's p much the idea I have
And we just murder fuck wanted guys
It's the division all over again
Scarecrow 12-Dec-18 11:30 PM
That sounds amazing
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:31 PM
Bonus points: it's covered in neon signs with sirens wailing
I need switches to be able to turn them on and off randomly
I could just stand in the camp punching a fridge or whatever to raise my wanted level
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:32 PM
This weekend?
Id prefer not to move my house but im willing to buukd the signs
Mostly.cause i maxed my budget
And storing that would be hell
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:33 PM
that's fine, I need to completely redesign my house as well
So i can build the house, you can be wanted, and we can just dunk on anyone
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:33 PM
But i deff can provide the cancer
Plot our faggotry tomorrow 5am comes fast
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:34 PM
Do the scorchbeast queen, then see how high a bounty we can get you to
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:35 PM
Turbo bounty and then nuke me
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:36 PM
I don't think that'll remove your bounty, since the nuke is a world spawned item
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:36 PM
Oh i dont care about losing it
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:36 PM
Yeah nuking doesn't count for kills
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:36 PM
More to piss off hunters
3k cap bounty or nuclear hellfire?
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:37 PM
I'll have to get myself weight neutral this weekend on my non mules
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:37 PM
Yeah lets first get everyone mobile again
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:38 PM
Eh I'll work on it on my own
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:38 PM
I can help get that set up
Gotta teach myself how to mod the game
see if I can't mod the stash bug back in
dupe is still working
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:38 PM
Matter of letting go of the frivolous shit
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:38 PM
but fucckkkkkkkkkkkkkk doing it
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:38 PM
Yeah i cut so many legendaries
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
!img Dead Money
NotSoBot BOT 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Hate that dlc
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Gotta learn to let go
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Ghost people are fuckin ASSHOLES
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Fave DLC is still Old world blues
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Honest hearts is a close secomd
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:39 PM
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:40 PM
Father in the cave is peak story telling
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:40 PM
yeah, that was a pretty great little find
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:40 PM
The survivalist stuff was good too
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:40 PM
man, Zion in the Fo4 engine would look beautiful
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:40 PM
I need to replay that dlc
Its just so good
Old world is pure comedy
But Honest Hearts is feels
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:41 PM
The Pitt in 76 would be neat
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:41 PM
I do love how Lonesome Road ends your personal story
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:42 PM
the pitt was such an 'ehhhhhhhhh' experience for me
laser shotgun was broke as a joke amazing though
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:42 PM
It was
Cannibal pitt run though
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:42 PM
and it ended on one of those super hamfisted shity moral choices
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:42 PM
You eat the baby
That was some peak what the fuck
Mothership zets though
That was fucking great
The mothership deathray fight
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:43 PM
if only for the adhesive
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:44 PM
My sides
Bear in the Woods 12-Dec-18 11:44 PM
As long as I don't have to go to Ohio in 76 I'm okay
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:45 PM
Id love a glowing sea type area
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:45 PM
yeah, I'm p sure we're gonna see map expansions and shit in this one
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:45 PM
I loved that bit were you actually left the main map
That was cool
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:46 PM
The fucking second someone is able to host a modded server, some nerd is gonna get FO4working in the new engine
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:46 PM
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:46 PM
a co-op super hard horizon run would be pretty great
Coathanger MD 12-Dec-18 11:47 PM
Just the fact we will likely get to coop 4 eventually is lit
Coop Fo4 Frost
Scuba Steve 12-Dec-18 11:48 PM
Dude: hear me out
Co-op FO4:NV
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Dec-18 11:50 PM
E3 2019 better be some big announcements for the game
Guards 13-Dec-18 12:28 AM
I know what I hope to see at E3
a lot of apologies
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 06:46 PM
haha, found a quad, explosive, 250 dr when rloading pump shotgun....level 35
Coathanger MD 13-Dec-18 06:48 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 06:48 PM
it's still hilarious
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 07:16 PM
oh man, I stole this guy's workshop and ganked him when he came back
now we're playing hide and seek with stealthboys and chameleon armor in the Mire, at night
Coathanger MD 13-Dec-18 07:17 PM
oh boy
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 07:17 PM
it's actially p fun
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Dec-18 07:54 PM
I wonder how much better 76 will look once we start getting some fixes like this
Bear in the Woods 13-Dec-18 08:13 PM
See if the 35 one triggers the damage cap
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 08:27 PM
Note the stash weight number
Also, the peks that let you over 100% weapons and armor work now, so get them if you have spare points
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Dec-18 08:37 PM
How'd you manage that?
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 08:39 PM
stash bug and a SHITLOAD of duping
those fluxes are generally worth like 50-75 a pop
also got like 300k of nuka cola
I can butt chug it and become a millionaire across all my accounts
assuming they ever raise the cap cieling
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Dec-18 08:42 PM
what's the stash bug?
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 08:44 PM
you could put an arbitrary quanityt of shit into your stash
Also, this quad shotgun is fucking hilarious
Doing fissure site if you wanna kills hit
Bear in the Woods 13-Dec-18 08:54 PM
just make sure you don't take all ever again
Scarecrow 13-Dec-18 09:59 PM
that would be RIP to your character
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 10:14 PM
moving shit around between alts is like a shitty fucking tower of hanoi
especially since they're all in differnt areas
Scuba Steve 13-Dec-18 10:30 PM
at least one was basically 99% ammo
so no big loss abandoning it on an alt
Alt 14-Dec-18 01:04 AM
I got into an argument with some retard over the weight shit
Nigga is seriously trying to play the realism card frogface
Ok but I can sit in toxic waste and grow 7 tits and not die, THATS FINE.
But to many guns? You cant THATS TO MUCH
Scarecrow 14-Dec-18 01:11 AM
there is zero gameplay reasons weight limits should be a thing
Scarecrow 14-Dec-18 01:38 AM
So there's no way to store anything past the weight limit now hey?
AlexanderDeLarge 14-Dec-18 02:31 AM
character weight should be 2000 with str adding 100 per point for a total of 3500-4000 stash should be 5000 with massive amounts of resources needed to upgrade five tiers to a total of 10,000
Scarecrow 14-Dec-18 02:42 AM
There needs to be fucking rifle weight reduction talents
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 06:02 AM
Fucking this
Bear in the Woods 14-Dec-18 06:59 AM
There should be a base weight reduction AND a perk. We shouldn't have to slot perks just to stay afloat weight wise
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 07:29 AM
It should be like shotguns, weapon bonus AND weight reduction
AlexanderDeLarge 14-Dec-18 07:37 AM
They need to have passives for SPECIAL investments as well
A lot of cards shouldn't exist tbh
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 07:38 AM
Harrower 14-Dec-18 07:38 AM
im carrying nearly a ton of .50cal ammo right now
it does shot for shot damage about the same as most other auto rifles
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 07:39 AM
20 bobby pins is a missile
Harrower 14-Dec-18 07:39 AM
also im not actually using the ammo, just carrying it around incase i get a good deal on a 2 shot
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 07:40 AM
I mean 50 is a fucking joke to make
With ammo producer you can pump out 180 q craft before your super procs
Harrower 14-Dec-18 07:40 AM
i had 15000 before i shot most of it off
now it weighs 2lbs and just dumping it feels like a waste
ammunition in video games always seems to be stupid and pointless. it always turns into some makework project to have enough ammo but you never really run out of it when it matters assuming youve taken proper precautions
reloading is fine but ammunition supplies is just pointless busy work that has no impact other than to cause annoyance and degrade quality of life
Bear in the Woods 14-Dec-18 08:22 AM
>knows how to make ammunition > can't unmake it
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 09:22 AM
That one is jyst way
Like why the fuck cant i break it down to gunpowder and steel n lead
Scuba Steve 14-Dec-18 10:04 AM
Unless the game has been balanced around ammo scarcity
Like Horizon
where most of the early to mid game is focused on scrounging for shit and avoiding fights that cost more than you make
Bear in the Woods 14-Dec-18 10:33 AM
To be fair it'd have to be something like <50% of what you'd put into it, other wise you'd have a potential positive loop with Ammosmith+Super Duper
Scuba Steve 14-Dec-18 10:39 AM
yeah, but just being able to grind up the old ammo would be nice
Coathanger MD 14-Dec-18 11:01 AM
Id be fine with with something like you need twice a crafts output to break down for the equivalent if a craft
Coathanger MD 15-Dec-18 02:04 AM
Got prime gattling lasers
Scarecrow 15-Dec-18 02:56 AM
Why can't you put windmills on roofs jfc
Coathanger MD 15-Dec-18 03:01 AM
Also exploding 10mm
AlexanderDeLarge 15-Dec-18 03:19 AM
Pinned a message.
Scarecrow 15-Dec-18 03:25 AM
Cursed image
Scarecrow 15-Dec-18 04:11 AM
this game feels dead now
Harrower 15-Dec-18 05:45 AM
does anyone know anything about a mr frizzy cat head
Bear in the Woods 15-Dec-18 05:53 AM
Do we tell him?
Harrower 15-Dec-18 06:53 AM
some guy wants to trade one for a two shot explosive harpoon gun but i have no idea what one is or where to get it
Scarecrow 15-Dec-18 07:22 AM
i would imagine its a wearable item like a hat
Bear in the Woods 15-Dec-18 07:27 AM
You get it from an amusement park but it's 300 tokens that you can only get 4-5 legitimately from dailies
Harrower 15-Dec-18 07:32 AM
i can shit out a handful of dailies to farm a valuable item. which amusement park?
Bear in the Woods 15-Dec-18 07:37 AM
Camden Park
Harrower 15-Dec-18 07:39 AM
Coathanger MD 15-Dec-18 05:59 PM
Ive been having a lot of fun watching new players
They make such innocent mistakes
AlexanderDeLarge 15-Dec-18 09:42 PM
To all Fallout 76 players: do not purchase any atoms in the store, there is a good chance your information can be leaked, and potentially be used without your consent, i woke up this morning to a potencial fraud near 2000 dollars. Spread the word, be safe.
Could be someone jumping on hate bandwagon but yeah I could see this happening
Harrower 15-Dec-18 10:04 PM
lol at spending real money in the atom shop ever
Scuba Steve 15-Dec-18 10:07 PM
just cheese the dailies if you really really want that dank blinky skin or whatever
Harrower 16-Dec-18 02:04 AM
is there a mod to make the tesla gun full auto?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 02:05 AM
No idea ive only seen the charge baarels
Harrower 16-Dec-18 02:18 AM
hmm the fallout 4 wiki says its an option
wonder if its in 76
Bear in the Woods 16-Dec-18 07:32 AM
There's an automatic one ye
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:53 AM
deconstructed a couple and didnt get anything
anyone have a two shot .50 cal theyd trade for caps?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 02:13 PM
So it looks like t4 enclave suits sell real good
3k caps
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 02:28 PM
So if someone wants in on this scam to move some im down for a 50/50 split if you help me with the flux and ball fiber.
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 03:40 PM
I have literally 50k of both
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 04:27 PM
I know getin
But yeah we can undercut this nigga selling for 3k by like 200 caps and roll out rich as fuck
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 04:29 PM
lemme know when you want me to roll in and toss you 500 of each
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 04:33 PM
Sounds good
I'll likely sell them on my alt
Also t3 bos suit is on the table
Strength and endurance
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:04 PM
I'm gonna do a few test orders sionce I have the spare scrap and flux but if it moves decently I'll start sellin en mass
I am now scared of naked men with boards - Clipped by XXEPICBEATXX
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:33 PM
These dumb mother fuckers, I said T4 enclave not fucking road leathers
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 05:39 PM
you expected reading comprehension out of these tards?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:40 PM
One is looking to grab all I can craft
Another decided to ask about fucking road leathers
You dumb nigger
Trying to find the shielded bos plans
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 05:41 PM
generally watoga bots sell them if you already know the first 3
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Yeah I got em
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 05:41 PM
just gotta server hop for them
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:41 PM
So cycling that and also grabbing the casual plans too
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 05:41 PM
same with marine
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:42 PM
Yeah I've hopped so many times still cna't get the fuckin marine one
Bear in the Woods 16-Dec-18 05:56 PM
I know some of these words
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 05:56 PM
Trying to shill underarmors to the special needs masses for a profit for us, can sell the T4 enclave, T3 BoS, T1 Marine, and T2 casuals
People are asking about the raider set
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 05:58 PM
man, why the raider set?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 06:00 PM
I have no idea
Also Looks like I can do raider T2 and Casual T2
Taylor Swift 16-Dec-18 06:19 PM
Those were in the beta
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 06:20 PM
I don't think they're gonna be that stupid
They already know this game has cost them so much
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 06:27 PM
They're probably gonna be dailys rewards like the atoms shit
kill 76 bleeding anus snalygasters, get a random lunchbox
Taylor Swift 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
That'd be ok
AlexanderDeLarge 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
At this point these "alternative media" faggots are worse than the outlets they bitch about 24/7. At least Kotaku/Polygon wait for something to happen before expecting me to spend 11 minutes of my life watching or reading their shit.
Taylor Swift 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
Im ~ok~ with lootboxes as long as they arent paid
Bear in the Woods 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
Or an earlier iteration of lootboxes before the lawman came down on EA
AlexanderDeLarge 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
YongYea is the worst of them. Fuck that chink faggot
Taylor Swift 16-Dec-18 06:28 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 16-Dec-18 06:30 PM
Seriously I'll take Polygon's radical leftism over listening to another neckbeard rant about loot boxes for another 10 minutes of my life for that (((ad revenue))).
Another jewtuber made the same exact video today. The actual topic of the video doesn't start until 4 minutes in. Until then it's a random rant about a completely irrelevant bit of lore from a DLC and some incoherent arguments about the game's engine. He talks about the actual leak for ~3 minutes at which point he says everything there is and goes on a random tangent about how he doesn't trust the developers, and he doesn't like this, and "look at my other rant video I already made", then some more random filler. All to make a video past the 10 minute mark with literally 3 minutes worth of content.
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 06:31 PM
Fuckin christ hour and a half ago guy says he wants a suit
Never replies
God damn reddit faggots
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 06:41 PM
got that sale wew
Alt 16-Dec-18 06:42 PM
You being Jew coat?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 06:43 PM
Just laundering our product
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:03 PM
Damn if that lmg wasn't 30 I'd buy it
explosive rounds
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:06 PM
I still need a two shot explosive handmade
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:06 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:13 PM
Yeah these suits ain't fuckin movin so guess they won't be a great business plan mean time I'll stock up on the rest of the suits and try again later
Harrower 16-Dec-18 07:45 PM
you duping stuff to make fat stacks of cash?
wanna dupe some treasure maps? its the hot new exploit
BustrKc 16-Dec-18 07:46 PM
Which exploits still work after the patch?
I stopped playing once I got too overencumbered
And stuck at lvl 17 like a pleb
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:48 PM
Dupe still works
And I'm doing this since it's fucking piss easy and not needing to do the DC dupe
Since the treasure maps dupe is the exact same dupe as before
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:51 PM
wait, treasure maps duping?
how's that work?
Harrower 16-Dec-18 07:51 PM
you dupe a few thousand treasure maps
go to the locataion
and give yourself carpal tunnel opening the treasure a few thousand times
you get pretty much every plan + tons of equipment and caps
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:52 PM
It's the same as the crafting dupe
Craft 300 boards
drop in box
relog and collect
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:53 PM
I thought the treasure map had a chance to just turbonuke your character
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:53 PM
no idea if they fixed it
likely did
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:54 PM
Hrm, I should burn all my maps down for plans and free shit
I duped a few hundred of them
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:55 PM
Well time to find out if you become rich or the fist of god
Made some level 2's day and gave him a T3 bos suit
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:58 PM
Harrower 16-Dec-18 07:58 PM
if you got any t4s laying around you should throw one my way!
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:58 PM
Gimmie a enclave suit and crimsom flux
And I can do it
But I had that T3 suit laying around
So hook a nigga up there
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 07:59 PM
lemme sign on real quicklike
I need you to T4 mine
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 07:59 PM
You got T4s already bruh
If they're sheilded they're maxed
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
I have resistant urban operative
no idea where the two T4s ended up
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
Weird well I'll fix it
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
oh i thought you had a bunch of dupes laying around
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
Na I craft them
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
i accidentally farmed yellow flux instead of crimson 😦
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:00 PM
Super fucking easy to make
I'm sure we can spare some of the stash for you fam
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:01 PM
I go like 60k fluxes minimum of each type
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:01 PM
Jsut bring me the suit
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:01 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:01 PM
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:02 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:03 PM
Join my world rolling with friends atm
jesus some nigga with 150 cap bounty in the bunker
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:03 PM
Also I'm overweight, I grabbed too many fluxes
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:04 PM
That's a fucking trap to me
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:05 PM
can you fast travel to me>
gotta give you the fluxes
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:06 PM
worlds full, in queue
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:06 PM
Gotta say, this is a p legit spot
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:09 PM
you have the mountain top spot? i have no way to get up there lol
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:09 PM
you can fast travel to coat
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:10 PM
puts me at the bottom
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:11 PM
comin down then
Can you head back up steve
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:11 PM
I do need my underarmor back
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
Though I tgave you that back
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
damn thats hot
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
in the bag
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
Happy to hook my niggas up
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:13 PM
you got serums for him?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:14 PM
I haven't given alt hers yet
@Harrower You wana get real fucking freaky? We got the muttie juice if you need it
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:14 PM
mutants are for purging
those serums typically sell for lots though
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:15 PM
We have a few thousand
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:15 PM
if you want to give me a bunch for reselling ill take em
not gonna use em though
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:20 PM
Coat: See if you can get a twoshot explosive handmade so we can dupe the shit out of it
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:30 PM
I'll see what I can do
I'm trying to build up a little trader rep atm so we get better deals n sheet
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:44 PM
I....may have god handed myself
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:44 PM
You killed the server
You straight merced the server
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:48 PM
on the plus side I got a ton of plans and enough shitty guns to learn all the learnable shit
good, my character does not have a crashwitch in it's inventory
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 08:53 PM
Thank god
If only you could localize that crash
Harrower 16-Dec-18 08:53 PM
Bear in the Woods 16-Dec-18 08:55 PM
were you able to mod in the stash glitch again? or just duping?
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 08:55 PM
Can't get the mod to take
but I'm sure someone else could
like worst case you just cheatengine the flag from 1 to 0
Alt 16-Dec-18 09:28 PM
God hand(ps2). An Excellent song with funny lyrics; Great outro!!
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 09:45 PM
chock another murder on the dragon
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 09:52 PM
Bounties just wavfe at you
Then you blast them
Harrower 16-Dec-18 10:04 PM
dont even need the dragon
the black powder pistol does it
need a double shot/explo/crit damage pistol
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:13 PM
I like the dragon cause it sends a messag
That I really want to kill you
Harrower 16-Dec-18 10:18 PM
lol it really does
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:24 PM
Also the bounty I merced I think he blocked me :V
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 10:24 PM
I want an instigating dragon kinda bad
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:25 PM
Like bitch god damnit I'm gonna kill you for those 5 caps
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 10:25 PM
We need to set up the cancer base and get me my 1500 cap bounty (edited)
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:25 PM
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 10:25 PM
vacation starts tuesday, so tonight or tomorrow
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:25 PM
ye no worries
Harrower 16-Dec-18 10:35 PM
instigating and the +100% vats accuracy out of combat
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 10:37 PM
Yeah give me that gay shit
Scuba Steve 16-Dec-18 10:38 PM
there was a fight club a day or two ago
no explosive guns, no explosives, and it turned into this hilarious stealthboy hide and seek match
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 11:07 PM
Yeah some christmas event
Bear in the Woods 16-Dec-18 11:33 PM
They add the Xmas power armor yet?
Coathanger MD 16-Dec-18 11:34 PM
Harrower 17-Dec-18 10:55 AM
does furious legendary mod just not work?
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 11:18 AM
Who knows with this game
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 12:54 PM
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 01:49 PM
So picked up an assassins gamma gun with limb.damage
Dis gunna be fun
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 02:17 PM
I wonder if the armor pen perks work on the rad damge
could you imagine it? Body shotting people to death via rads
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 02:25 PM
I mea we can test some.cards out for.sure
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 02:27 PM
I also wonder if rad damge takes chip reduction
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 02:27 PM
Test tonight
Ive gotta do some panic shopping
But we can test that shit
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 05:28 PM
Time to see if I can move suits
Bear in the Woods 17-Dec-18 05:36 PM
Suits of PA?
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 05:37 PM
na enclave
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 05:45 PM
Looks like the BOS suit has interest
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 06:37 PM
Not bad two flux and some nuke mats for 1k
Probably coulda done more but I neeed to gathr the mats
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 06:48 PM
That's it immersion fucking ruined
I can't hook the electric chair up to the generator
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 07:01 PM
yeah, I was bumed when I learned sitting in it wouldn't kill you either
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 08:37 PM
Not bad 3800 for doing fuck all
Had to farm a little ultracite
But overall not abd
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 08:40 PM
if you find shielded plans again, buy them for me
I have massive fuckpiles of ultracite too
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 08:44 PM
I don't think I'll see them since I own them
For the enclave set you litterally just go to the bunker prod department, buy your way up
Next tier will always be there
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 08:51 PM
in that case give me like 10 of them and I'll sell them tomorrow while I'm at work
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:03 PM
I need the ultracite then
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:03 PM
k, how much you want?
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:04 PM
18 scraps a suit
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:04 PM
400 work?
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:04 PM
shoudl let me get some suits
Had to deal with a couple faggot neighbors
By artying them
Also god damn enclave suit buyer hasn't shown that fuck
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:06 PM
haha, 42k ultracite scrap
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:06 PM
jesus fuck
Yeah let me get some suits and then I'll tkae the scrap
I like to move
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:06 PM
I went hard and heavy on the arty dupe dude
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:07 PM
Oh I know
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:07 PM
we got so many fucking goodies
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:09 PM
Oh hey some dumb fuck sold all rise
Mine now
god damn
290 in a single cap stash
Taylor Swift 17-Dec-18 09:14 PM
Do you have any of the perks for stashes?
Scuba Steve 17-Dec-18 09:15 PM
they just make the huge stashes more likely
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:16 PM
Maxed out
So I always get a boosted stash
Taylor Swift 17-Dec-18 09:17 PM
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:17 PM
Finally that kike is replying
Taylor Swift 17-Dec-18 09:18 PM
Dont....sign your posts?
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:19 PM
Hey I may be channeling my inner alex but I'm no kike
Ok game is stoping giving me suits
Gonna cart the wares over @Scuba Steve
deals done headed over
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 09:59 PM
Oh boy might have a lead on a 2 shot explosive lever
Coathanger MD 17-Dec-18 10:17 PM
damn nigger ain't playin ball
Bear in the Woods 17-Dec-18 10:27 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Dec-18 01:03 AM
Well soon as i get that ultracite i can mass.produce under armor. Also need nuke materal
Seems bos suits are a thing
Coathanger MD 18-Dec-18 04:07 PM
I uh want
Oh fuck that
Bear in the Woods 18-Dec-18 04:17 PM
A worse deal than Fallout 76 smugpepe
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 09:26 PM
There is no middle groun on Reddit regarding 76 is there
Scuba Steve 18-Dec-18 09:26 PM
Much like politics
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 09:26 PM
Either a sub hates them, or like r/fo76 they endlessly kiss its ass
Scuba Steve 18-Dec-18 09:27 PM
either you love the smell of these artisinal salted farts we have on offer, or you're a racist misogynistic bigot
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 09:27 PM
Fucked up but true
Coathanger MD 18-Dec-18 09:43 PM
I find the filthycasual version of fo76 is much more enjoyable
It's more just people enjoying themselves
With a bitta ragging on the game
AlexanderDeLarge 18-Dec-18 09:48 PM
Early on that was the case but I think even FO76 has become hostile
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 09:49 PM
I see nothing but dick sucking still
Coathanger MD 18-Dec-18 09:58 PM
It's leaning on constructive criticism
Then hostility when beth does somehting dumb
Coathanger MD 18-Dec-18 11:25 PM
Bear in the Woods 18-Dec-18 11:51 PM
!img x to doubt
NotSoBot BOT 18-Dec-18 11:51 PM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 11:59 PM
Guys get this
We have a new thing now
Taylor Swift 18-Dec-18 11:59 PM
... doubt
Bear in the Woods 19-Dec-18 12:01 AM
!img x to doubt
NotSoBot BOT 19-Dec-18 12:01 AM
Polar Bear in the Holiday Woods
Image Search Results
Bear in the Woods 19-Dec-18 12:01 AM
Yup it works
Taylor Swift 19-Dec-18 12:04 AM
Fucking boomers
Not adapting to new tech
Bear in the Woods 19-Dec-18 12:11 AM
>Bear being a boomer
NPC BOT 19-Dec-18 12:11 AM
Taylor Swift 19-Dec-18 12:14 AM
>I shamed him into it
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:24 AM
So I've been side funneling my suit earnings to give new players T3 bos suits
Gotta buy that enclave suit though alex (edited)
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 12:45 AM
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:52 AM
But for real
It gives them a super good item
A great experince with players
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 12:53 AM
Off to the airport
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:53 AM
And a story to tell their friends
HAve fun fam
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 12:53 AM
if I die, burn down bethesda softworks TIA
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:53 AM
We gonna anyways
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 12:53 AM
I'll bring back pictures
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:54 AM
Hell ye
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 12:57 AM
and possibly swag if the factory has some
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 12:57 AM
Hell YE
I'll work on getting that rep up to try to get some nice deals
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 01:27 AM
Oh fuck me
Left leg with 20% weapon reduction
Scuba Steve 19-Dec-18 02:13 AM
Nice, also, fuck TSA
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 02:21 AM
Yeah I can shave off so much weight now
Also same leg, 20% junk
So if I'm junking can sneak off with 40% less
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 02:44 AM
So those 3 pieces, normally my handmade is 22 with them 8.8.
So you know what the fucking weight should be closer too
Alt 19-Dec-18 07:26 AM
Guys get this.
Tay is gay
altpepe 1
Bear in the Woods 19-Dec-18 08:22 AM
That's old news
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 10:17 AM
639 votes and 707 comments so far on Reddit
Damage glitch foxed
Duping may be fixed
Coathanger MD 19-Dec-18 11:28 AM
Praise jesus the damage glitch is fixed
Bear in the Woods 19-Dec-18 01:12 PM
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition?
Coathanger MD 20-Dec-18 05:26 PM
Fucking lmbfuckingo
80% weapon weight reduction
Coathanger MD 20-Dec-18 05:57 PM
Man people give you free shit for holding grahm for them
Bear in the Woods 20-Dec-18 06:34 PM
What does Grahm have that's unique?
Coathanger MD 20-Dec-18 06:59 PM
Powered doors
Plus his cap pool helps
But overall you just post it on the trade reddit and I had about 15 people cycle through
One gave me a buncha plans
Another gave me stim packs
Bear in the Woods 20-Dec-18 08:05 PM
His cap pool the same as Watoga tho
Harrower 21-Dec-18 08:08 AM
i was considering shelling out for the cool bottle
but lol
Coathanger MD 21-Dec-18 08:55 AM
Yeah i saw the price an fucking noped
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Dec-18 02:14 PM
#HappyHolidays! ANYONE who logged into the full release of #Fallout76 in 2018 will receive an entitlement for Fallout Classic Collection on PC. This applies to Xbox One and PS4 players, too. The entitlement is expected to go live in early January.
verified 1
Taylor Swift 22-Dec-18 02:15 PM
Bear in the Woods 22-Dec-18 02:18 PM
>Fallout 3 >not a classic smugpepe
Taylor Swift 22-Dec-18 02:20 PM
Because its still relevent
Unlike 1 and 2
Which are dated and bad
BustrKc 22-Dec-18 02:55 PM
Ez Now i can sell my physical copies
(Jk im a hoarder)
Taylor Swift 22-Dec-18 02:59 PM
Unironic same
Of the 4 rooms I take up only one isnt full of stuff
Prude 23-Dec-18 12:48 AM
>Bethesda sells "Nuka Dark Rum" >Shows the FO4 Rocket Bottle. $80. Yikes! >See vid of a guy that pre ordered it >He gets told its delayed >Game comes out >Another email, delayed again, vid showing production >Bottle is just rum bottle with plain text label shoved inside a ...
Harrower 24-Dec-18 12:18 PM
ive got a TSE primed handmade if anyone wants to do some hyper duping
Bear in the Woods 24-Dec-18 02:32 PM
What current glitches are in there? Haven't played in a couple weeks
Coathanger MD 24-Dec-18 02:36 PM
Duping is still there just need to find the way to crause your crash
Harrower 24-Dec-18 05:13 PM
anyone want a 2 shot minigun and 11k 5mm ammo?
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 03:30 AM
I'm stalking people blasting cbt
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Dec-18 09:27 AM
Are christmas lights power armor in?
Bear in the Woods 25-Dec-18 09:36 AM
@AlexanderDeLarge not atm
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Dec-18 01:05 PM
Today we take a look at some new info around Fallout 76 and players getting banned. This is in the form of several players being banned from Fallout 76 not f...
What's going on? I just heard about this but apparently people are getting banned for the Imperfect 21x9/Better Inventory/Text Chat mods? @Coathanger MD @Alt
Taylor Swift 25-Dec-18 01:07 PM
Told yall niggas not to fuck with mods
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Dec-18 01:09 PM
Told yall niggas that Bethesda are fucking incompetent retards and they have no business managing a service game
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 01:14 PM
Ive heard of it but only seen the cases pisted in the video
My friend is still unbanned
And he modded this bitch up
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 01:43 PM
You know what we this is some Todd's Law shit, you can't tell if this is a smear or Bethesda actually fucking up so bad
Like that's how far this is gone
It's at the fucking Law stage
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Dec-18 01:45 PM
Take a look at the Nexus site. 99% of those "mods" are just things that should've been in the game in the first place (especially the betterUI mod that totals up a group of items so you know what's weighing you down and you don't need a fucking calculator on hand at all times for basic inventory management which is only exacerbated by their shitty weight limits that ruin the game in the first place)
Imperfect 21x9? Fixes their shitty 21:9 implementation and the modder even offers it straight up to them. https://i.imgur.com/aYSK7o6.jpg
Even the more egregious mods like the one that recolors cap stashes so you don't run past them are just addressing bad visual clarity/design
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 01:47 PM
Todd's Law
Fucking coining the thing now
This is Todd's Law
Taylor Swift 25-Dec-18 01:47 PM
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 08:32 PM
I think I shot a guy who was wanted trying to gift to some nerd
Bear in the Woods 25-Dec-18 08:36 PM
Good news: Christmas PA is out
Bad news: T-51 only I believe
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 08:37 PM
Worse news, laundering was fixed I think
Taylor Swift 25-Dec-18 08:45 PM
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 08:47 PM
Am I an asshole?
Taylor Swift 25-Dec-18 08:47 PM
Yes but for other reasons (edited)
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 08:48 PM
You legit can't get at the bench
IT's comedy gold
Bear in the Woods 25-Dec-18 08:55 PM
tfw you stash the bench away
Coathanger MD 25-Dec-18 08:59 PM
Can't get at it
Alt 26-Dec-18 02:14 AM
Find out more about the latest updates to Fallout 76 and what we’re looking to address in the new year.
We’re also hard at work on a new mode where you can work together, or not, without PVP restrictions. We’re already having fun playing it at the office and we’re hopeful to roll it out to all of you sometime in the first quarter of the year.
Taylor Swift 26-Dec-18 02:26 AM
Scuba Steve 26-Dec-18 09:28 PM
You guys manage to dupe the fancy two shots?
Coathanger MD 26-Dec-18 10:13 PM
Haven't gotten to it
Christmas shitshow
lmbfuckngo people actually buying andselling duped super guns https://www.u4gm.com/fallout-76-weapons
Taylor Swift 26-Dec-18 10:15 PM
No way lmbo
Coathanger MD 26-Dec-18 10:15 PM
Dead fucking serious
Taylor Swift 26-Dec-18 10:15 PM
An idiot and his money are soon parted
Coathanger MD 26-Dec-18 10:17 PM
Dupe glitch is the exact same as before just you drop the 255 caped and make the rest
And there is a way to speed crash
Bear in the Woods 26-Dec-18 10:17 PM
I'd be proud if you made your money back from buying the game by selling dupes
Taylor Swift 26-Dec-18 10:17 PM
Coathanger MD 26-Dec-18 10:18 PM
Yeah no power to those jewy mother fuckers
Good for them
I mean looks like we can sell to those niggers too and make a bitta cash so who knows
Scuba Steve 26-Dec-18 10:44 PM
Please to be dupe the things before they make it impossible to do
Coathanger MD 26-Dec-18 10:49 PM
I need t osleep, work tomorrow but if we can get the gun moved over I can shoot for it
Scuba Steve 26-Dec-18 10:51 PM
I'm still like 4000km from my computer
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Dec-18 06:12 AM
goddamn those keys are tanking in price
AlexanderDeLarge 27-Dec-18 01:56 PM
WE NEED YOU! If you're a 3D or 2D artist with experience in Autodesk Software (other programs accepted), take a moment and think about joining the Road To Li...
too bad Fallout 3 is a piece of shit not worth remaking
Taylor Swift 27-Dec-18 02:48 PM
Alt 27-Dec-18 03:49 PM
Need a nuclear take emote tbh
like BAKOOM but with hot take
Bear in the Woods 27-Dec-18 05:01 PM
But I thought fallout 3 has decent mods
Taylor Swift 27-Dec-18 05:01 PM
Fallout 3 was decent
Real decent
Coathanger MD 27-Dec-18 05:09 PM
It was fun
Not amazing
But it was a good game
Bear in the Woods 27-Dec-18 05:09 PM
For being the first Fallout in X years it wasn't bad at all
Alt 27-Dec-18 08:25 PM
It was better than the originals
Scuba Steve 27-Dec-18 08:25 PM
It was pretty great for the time
And gave them the cash and engine to do skyrim
But it didnt age real well
Alt 27-Dec-18 08:25 PM
Thats not really good thing though!
Skyrim was BUTTS
Scuba Steve 27-Dec-18 08:26 PM
Never played it
AlexanderDeLarge 28-Dec-18 04:02 AM
first person good isometric bad
NotSoBot BOT 28-Dec-18 04:02 AM
Image Search Results
Taylor Swift 28-Dec-18 11:00 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Dec-18 12:52 AM
only for T-51 RIP
Taylor Swift 29-Dec-18 12:52 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Dec-18 12:53 AM
shit didn't see it posted the other day
oh well now you can see it again
4 days left
@Bear in the Woods https://i.imgur.com/IbPWxGY.jpg
Scuba Steve 29-Dec-18 05:41 PM
Coat, buy me the powrerarmor and bear arms
Coathanger MD 29-Dec-18 05:44 PM
Will do when im done kiling myslef
Scuba Steve 29-Dec-18 11:21 PM
Bear in the Woods 29-Dec-18 11:41 PM
I got it to protect my brand
Coathanger MD 30-Dec-18 12:45 AM
Bought them @Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve 30-Dec-18 11:26 AM
Do they look decent?
Scuba Steve 30-Dec-18 12:00 PM
Also, were you able to helldupe the good guns?
Coathanger MD 30-Dec-18 12:33 PM
Sadly no
Dude who had it dipped
Scuba Steve 30-Dec-18 11:21 PM
Rippppp, best gun still that shotgun we got?
Also dupe still work incase I can source one?
Coathanger MD 31-Dec-18 01:08 AM
should work still
And yes
tbf that shotgun is fucking godly still
So can't bitch too mcuh
Scuba Steve 02-Jan-19 06:56 PM
wohoo, still not banned
🙏 1
Coathanger MD 02-Jan-19 07:07 PM
Hell ye
YinBot BOT 03-Jan-19 12:40 AM
TwitPic: 2 / 2
Coathanger MD 03-Jan-19 08:16 AM
Bear in the Woods 03-Jan-19 08:19 AM
!img peace in our time
NotSoBot BOT 03-Jan-19 08:19 AM
Bear in the Woods
Image Search Results
DerVerrater 03-Jan-19 09:58 AM
Fallout 76 had its own version of the Y2K bug. No, it's not an in-game event. The actual game software couldn't cope with the rollover from 2018 to 2019 and glitched. This is just sad now. https://t.co/E5OcDckyWW
Bear in the Woods 03-Jan-19 10:00 AM
The fallout is still happening, just outside the game now smugpepe
Taylor Swift 03-Jan-19 10:03 AM
DerVerrater 03-Jan-19 10:15 AM
another good one
their branded mugs
are not dishwasher or microwave safe
btu it doesnt say that on them
Coathanger MD 03-Jan-19 10:16 AM
Todds. Law.
Peaches 03-Jan-19 11:06 AM
Man I hate shitty merch
I'll say my wife got me a GMM mug a couple years ago and it's held up great. It's a nice quality thing
DerVerrater 03-Jan-19 11:21 AM
Yeah shit merch is a pain
cause of the added cost
i got this shitty illidain hoody which is actually decent quality and nice on
Taylor Swift 03-Jan-19 11:34 AM
That sounds pretty cool
Where did you get it
Prude 05-Jan-19 10:31 PM
Leaving the concert and saw this and had to take a pic
Riso 08-Jan-19 11:31 AM
cursed image
PatchBot BOT 10-Jan-19 08:30 AM
Fallout 76
Our latest patch for Fallout 76 provides fixes for many issues that were affecting perks, weapons, crafting and more. Check out the full list below to see everything addressed in this update. - - - - - - Patch Version Download sizes for this update will be approximately 4GB for consoles and around 500MB for PC. - PC: - PS4: Available next week - Xbox: Available next week ...
Bear in the Woods 10-Jan-19 08:32 AM
At least they finally made bobby pins lighter
Coathanger MD 10-Jan-19 08:53 AM
Systems: Fixed an issue where bashing an enemy with the Railway Rifle or Crossbow would add the projectile to the enemy's inventory.
Bear in the Woods 10-Jan-19 09:01 AM
Scorched: Shooting a Scorched in the leg will no longer break their weapon causing them to not attack the player
There's some pretty good ones in there
Weapons: Fixed an issue that prevented the Gauss Rifle from being identified as a rifle. Now rifle-related perks can be applied to the Gauss Rifle.
Coathanger MD 10-Jan-19 09:07 AM
Just art
Bear in the Woods 10-Jan-19 09:41 AM
To be fair there are some good fixes in there too
Coathanger MD 10-Jan-19 09:48 AM
Theyre workin on it least
AlexanderDeLarge 12-Jan-19 02:10 AM
>It’s accessible in game too. >Bethesda has responded by, you guessed it, banning players who go in the room, rather than making the room inaccessible. >This developer room contains plans for every item in the game, including top-tier weapons and unreleased goodies which are supposed to arrive in upcoming updates. Oh, and there's an NPC in there sat all by itself. That's got to be the holy grail for game glitchers. >Reports of this room's existence began to surface on Reddit about four days ago, but some of my sources have told me it has been known about on Discord servers for several weeks. A video showing the room was posted on YouTube - although the original by "Mr. X" has since been removed. You can take a peep at a reupload here: http://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/446522637 (edited)
Fallout 76 developer room found with unreleased future content - "/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.
PatchBot BOT 14-Jan-19 11:25 AM
Fallout 76
Fallout 76 on PC has received a new hotfix to address issues players were experiencing with server instability. - - - - - - Patch Version - PC: (unchanged) - - - - - - Bug Fixes Stability and Performance - PC: Addressed an issue with workshops that could cause server instability.
DerVerrater 14-Jan-19 04:02 PM
I said outloud to my girlfriend, "How cool would it be if Fallout 76 was good?" Then these foxes lethally kissed. https://t.co/5iCO6QyVzt
verified 1
Coathanger MD 18-Jan-19 08:00 PM
Check out the latest news on Fallout 76.
(UPDATED) Changes to the Two-Shot and Explosive Legendary Mods: The Two-Shot and Explosive Legendary Mods will be undergoing a few balance changes in this next patch. We know that there has been some frustration over how powerful these mods are, particularly when combined and used in player vs. player combat. With Patch 5, the damage bonus for Two Shot Legendary modded weapons has been reduced from +100% to +25% damage and the Two Shot legendary mod can no longer be looted in the world. The Explosive Legendary mod has a reduced damage bonus, now adding +20% of the base weapon damage with explosive radius damage instead of +100%. Note: This was a misunderstanding in what was being addressed with these mods. They will still be available in the world but are just undergoing some balance changes. Thank you for your feedback, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the changes.
Bear in the Woods 18-Jan-19 08:06 PM
Change... good?
Coathanger MD 18-Jan-19 08:07 PM
It's p much as we suspsected with beth
It's a sea of thieves situation
Bad start
Steady improvements
Taylor Swift 18-Jan-19 08:09 PM
I always believed
Never doubted for s econd
Bear in the Woods 18-Jan-19 08:12 PM
I always knew we could come back after we get bored with Div 2/Warframe/ESO smugpepe
Taylor Swift 18-Jan-19 08:14 PM
Cant be a dead group if you constantly rotate through GaaS'
AlexanderDeLarge 18-Jan-19 11:12 PM
GaaS is great because you can rotate and it'll be significantly different by the time you go through a couple others
Scuba Steve 18-Jan-19 11:17 PM
p much
Also about time they unfucked twoshot and explosive
Bear in the Woods 19-Jan-19 06:26 AM
The clever Bear always knows when to hibernate
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Jan-19 12:14 AM
Fallout 76 free to play plans could be in motion as phycial copies of the game are pulled from EB Games Australia by Bethesda.
@Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 22-Jan-19 12:15 AM
Wouldnt be shocked
Deleted User 22-Jan-19 08:48 AM
"gee jack why arent you hype for this"
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Jan-19 08:54 AM
I still stand by the fact that this is their best release since Morrowind 🤷
Bear in the Woods 22-Jan-19 09:09 AM
"jack it's free to play why wouldn't you pick it up now"
Taylor Swift 22-Jan-19 11:42 AM
Taylor Swift 22-Jan-19 04:47 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Jan-19 05:04 PM
600 animals were skinned for that shit smh
It's not even a nice looking jacket
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Jan-19 05:58 PM
@xGTExDopey @Fallout There is no truth to this rumor.
verified 1
Bear in the Woods 22-Jan-19 06:55 PM
There's enough jackets for each person playing smugpepe
Peaches 22-Jan-19 07:48 PM
Yeah those are pretty ugly
Could have done a wasteland leather jacket style if you were going to do leather
That could have easily looked more like the fallout jumpsuit with a different material
Quornes 22-Jan-19 09:53 PM
Will it be real leather though
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Jan-19 06:37 PM
In the latest edition of Inside the Vault, we're excited to share more details about a new game mode we're working on called "Survival", as well as more information about our next major patch.
`Survival mode is not for the faint of heart! All players, except your teammates or event groupmates, are automatically flagged as hostile toward one another by default. There are no “invitations” to PVP combat in Survival mode. You can attack other players without restriction from the first shot you line up, meaning every encounter you have with a stranger could turn deadly in the blink of an eye. Further, level scaling in Survival mode will work the same way it does in Adventure mode today. This will help to level the playing field a bit and give newer characters a fighting chance against high-level players they might encounter during their adventures in the Wasteland. As a result, you’ll need to keep your wits about you during every hostile encounter, because even low-level characters can pose a real threat. As this will be our first implementation of a Survival mode, we plan to experiment with different rules after Beta release, such as death mechanics. Currently, players who die in Survival mode will be unable to use the seek revenge respawn option against their aggressors and can only choose to respawn at their C.A.M.P. or Vault 76. We’re also planning to award you double the Caps when you kill another player, and they may drop their Aid or other items in addition to their Junk. Added risks and rewards like these in Survival mode PVP will make each of your deaths more devastating, and every kill you rack up much more lucrative. However, it’s important to note that these changes aren’t set in stone, and we’ll be looking to make adjustments based on playtesting and your feedback during the Survival Beta. It’s also worth noting that players who are currently in Adventure mode worlds are completely separate from those in Survival mode, so you won’t need to worry about Survival players coming for your Aid items or double Cap rewards when you’re in Adventure mode.`
@Taylor Swift `You’re free to create new characters for Survival mode, and encouraged to do so, but you can also use your existing ones. If you do take on Survival mode with an existing character, keep in mind that all your progress from Adventure mode will travel with you, and anything that affects your character in one game mode will also affect them in the other. This means that if you fire off all your ammo, level up, complete a quest, spend Caps, or find a fancy new weapon in Survival, this will also be reflected on that character in Adventure. If you’d rather keep your existing characters as they are, we recommend starting a new one when you head into the more challenging Survival mode.` RIP well there goes that
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 06:44 PM
Just lol
Scuba Steve 24-Jan-19 06:44 PM
Like the entire point of survival mode would be to get a fresher start free of the hilariously duped murdercannons
Like, I'd make a new character, give it a ton of good duped shit, then play clueless newbie
Bear in the Woods 24-Jan-19 06:56 PM
I'd RP big iron
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 06:57 PM
Protest idea: stand outside the vault handing out 400 stacks of stims and ammo
Scuba Steve 24-Jan-19 07:00 PM
Man, how the hell would you do the queen?
since anyone with an explosive weapon is gonna just turbonuke the melee guys
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Jan-19 07:09 PM
Yeah they need to really think this through
Scuba Steve 24-Jan-19 07:36 PM
Like, I have 99% of all the shit needed for endgame content
only way I can't is if they add new classes of rare junk to thwart me
or look at my 56k crimson flux and just ban me/char wipe me
Alt 24-Jan-19 07:46 PM
That sounds absolutely fucking terrible.
Coathanger MD 24-Jan-19 08:07 PM
Fresh characters only you fucks
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 08:11 PM
Yeah its not hard
Youve had a 3 month duping epidemic
Dont let it spread jfc
Bear in the Woods 24-Jan-19 08:18 PM
At least Division 2 is coming soon
Scuba Steve 24-Jan-19 09:17 PM
lots of fun shit to do in the interim
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 09:17 PM
Div2 is THE new Bimmer game
>"This is our new game, I feel it" says desperate group leader for 17th time this year
Bear in the Woods 24-Jan-19 09:19 PM
Before or after the Jackbox Schism?
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 09:27 PM
Oh def after
Remind me to make an announcement about that btw
Before tomorrow night
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Jan-19 09:28 PM
Like Anthem? February 15th getin
Taylor Swift 24-Jan-19 09:29 PM
The one game we didnt bandwagon on lmbo
Coathanger MD 24-Jan-19 11:12 PM
I'm gonna go blast my 80s sythns over here as I play gen zero
Scuba Steve 25-Jan-19 01:23 AM
We need to do some streamed co-op shit when it hits
Coathanger MD 25-Jan-19 01:24 AM
DerVerrater 25-Jan-19 10:11 AM
AlexanderDeLarge 25-Jan-19 05:11 PM
You could see it coming. It doesn't help that the jacket itself comes in a Fallout 76 bag.
@Fallout @BethesdaGear Made from real @BethesdaStudios leather!
@Jamesdelrey7 @Paul_8491 @Fallout @BethesdaGear Post production some items may of slightly changed, but rest assured it's the best quality that you deserve
Peaches 25-Jan-19 07:18 PM
PatchBot BOT 29-Jan-19 08:10 AM
Fallout 76
Patch 5 is rolling out today with a number of balance and design changes along with another large wave of bug fixes. All of this is possible thanks to your continued support and feedback on the game. As the game evolves, so do our patch notes. With Patch 4 a few weeks ago, we added “Dev Notes” under some of our larger changes. We’ve done this to provide you with more context behind things like balance and design changes. We will also tackle additional questions as they come in and we’ll...
This update is sponsored by:
When PatchBot updates, have the roles of your choice mentioned. Anyone can give Premium to this server for as little as $1.49/mo.
Scuba Steve 29-Jan-19 01:36 PM
New patch should be interesting
Coathanger MD 29-Jan-19 01:40 PM
Rip your mule
Can never pick things up again
Scuba Steve 29-Jan-19 01:41 PM
pretty much
If they ever do anything to stashes I'm turbo fucked
Also haha, 3 new dupes discovered
Coathanger MD 29-Jan-19 01:45 PM
Not a shock
You'll never escape it
Just its good they nerfed explosive and two shot
Scuba Steve 29-Jan-19 01:52 PM
which means the comedy flamer tip plasma cannons are a thing again
Scuba Steve 29-Jan-19 02:17 PM
I'll probably start a new char at some point for the new content launch
simply because not having a usable stash is aids
Coathanger MD 29-Jan-19 02:20 PM
Scuba Steve 30-Jan-19 06:23 AM
So much fucking salt about this patch
Coathanger MD 30-Jan-19 08:31 AM
Apparently its a bad one
salt 1
Scuba Steve 31-Jan-19 10:15 AM
haha, they're slowly SLOWLY flagging accounts with too much shit in them now
Scuba Steve 31-Jan-19 10:25 AM
And hell-banning people who make too many guns too fast
Coathanger MD 31-Jan-19 10:41 AM
Taylor Swift 31-Jan-19 10:44 AM
!img train wreck
NotSoBot BOT 31-Jan-19 10:44 AM
Taylor Swift
Image Search Results
PatchBot BOT 31-Jan-19 02:10 PM
Fallout 76
Today’s hotfix aims to address a few issues introduced by our previous patch for Fallout 76, including the reversion of an adjustment we had made to bobby pin weights earlier this month. - - - - - - Patch Version Download sizes for today’s patch will be just under 1 GB for consoles, and around 14 MB for PC. - PC: - PS4: - Xbox: - - - - - - ...
Alt 01-Feb-19 07:46 PM
GameStop in Germany obviously can't wait to get rid of their stock of Fallout 76 copies quick enough where they've taken to giving them away for free when customers buy a used PS4 controller
AlexanderDeLarge 05-Feb-19 05:21 PM
Bear in the Woods 05-Feb-19 07:04 PM
We paid to play Fallout 76, big difference
Peaches 05-Feb-19 08:12 PM
Shelves at Walmart are full of fallout 76
Taylor Swift 05-Feb-19 08:14 PM
Well of course
There would be riots if they ran out
Im assuming they overnight copies daily to keep them in stock
Because of its success
Peaches 05-Feb-19 08:15 PM
Yeah they were totally putting out the fresh inventory
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 08:22 PM
I'm probably gonna re-roll a fresh character once they add some actual new content
I still haven't really explored like half the map
Taylor Swift 05-Feb-19 08:22 PM
I stopped playing because of the video card fiasco
And then when that got sorted yall were already mostly done
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 08:24 PM
on the plus side we'll have some baller as fuck gear to do it with
Bear in the Woods 05-Feb-19 09:33 PM
The Bank of Bear will be open for sure
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 10:11 PM
we have enough high tier shit to just YOLO most of the early game
even if we keep the explosive shotguns holstered for the fun of it
Coathanger MD 05-Feb-19 10:28 PM
I'll probably keep mine as is
I ditched the twoshot lever for a mutants lever
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 10:37 PM
I'd probably just roll with my quad explosive shotgun, 2 shot handmade and comedy gamma gun
Coathanger MD 05-Feb-19 10:40 PM
Comedy gama is comedy
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 10:41 PM
maybe a good lever or hunting if I find one
Coathanger MD 05-Feb-19 11:10 PM
Yeah I might start farming casually
Scuba Steve 05-Feb-19 11:14 PM
haha, they re-broke mob-healing
now melee triggers it too
Coathanger MD 05-Feb-19 11:32 PM
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 10:50 AM
haha, they may have gotten the last laugh. I can't interact with any of my super huge stacks of crap
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 10:58 AM
Yep, any item with a stack size high enough to make you overweight can't be interacted with
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 11:01 AM
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 11:04 AM
RIP all that flux
knowing bethesda they'll fuck it all up somehow
Taylor Swift 06-Feb-19 11:19 AM
Good move on their part tho
Probably the best decision to make outside of a wipe
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 11:19 AM
I'm willing to bet this is less a calculated move and more a side effect of how they did the 1500 weight cap code
it does make me sad I didn't helldupe spacesuits
since they weigh nothing and are worth like 80 caps a pop
Taylor Swift 06-Feb-19 11:22 AM
It really do be that way sometimes
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 11:23 AM
oh well, we have enough pointless bullshit to still steamroll any content we can find
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 11:31 AM
Not too worried
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 11:32 AM
plus it's not like the game is hard
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 11:33 AM
And we all have backup supplies
Taylor Swift 06-Feb-19 11:45 AM
Good thing alex transferred a bunch of shit to my alt
So our mains are clean more or less
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 11:46 AM
And i went turbo autist on getting my main weight balanced
Also helps im rolling 80% weappn weight reduction
Now if the chest can get that
Then the memes become reality
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 11:58 AM
my current main is sitting at barely weight neutral and like 187k in the stash
so it's kinda fucked
on the plus side, I can still use junk from the stash even if I can't take it out
so huzzah, I can still make all the broke as a joke nuke items at least
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 12:11 PM
Need to get you the designs for sheilded gear
Just spam them out
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 12:16 PM
sounds about right
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 12:25 PM
Just need caps
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 12:34 PM
What needs to be done to do it?
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 12:42 PM
To get the plans it depends on the type youre chasing
Imo enclave is best
That requires about 6k caps and the enclave entrance quest finished
You go to the manufacturing vender and buy the enhanced suit plans, relog, buy next tier,
Repeat a 3rd time
Sell at about 4k a suit
The BoS and marine suit you gotta get lucky on vendors
Watoga vendor fyi
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 12:50 PM
I'm just salty as fuck that my huge stash of sellable shit is unsellable now
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 12:51 PM
Thats fair
But we did get away with murder in terms of loot
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 01:15 PM
we really really did
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 01:21 PM
I still have backup supplies if we need to dole out
Not much but enough to get a person endgame viable
Scuba Steve 06-Feb-19 01:28 PM
doesn't take much, honestly
give it another patch or two and it'll be fixed/broken even worse
so who knows
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 01:45 PM
Im very satisfied with the fun i had
Bear in the Woods 06-Feb-19 02:18 PM
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 02:19 PM
Sure it was a shit show
But we had fun
Bear in the Woods 06-Feb-19 02:20 PM
Got my 60 bucks of fun out of it at least
Coathanger MD 06-Feb-19 02:20 PM
I got my 3000 vodka bucks worth
🙏 1
Scuba Steve 07-Feb-19 02:32 AM
So yeah, anything that can be crafted I can craft ez pz, but fuck you if you wanna sell those 35072453704635 grenades
Scuba Steve 07-Feb-19 02:43 AM
except out of all the stupid bullshit not to have 537904 of, it's circuits
Scuba Steve 13-Feb-19 09:42 PM
RIPPPP, they're starting to slowly nuke duped shit
Taylor Swift 13-Feb-19 09:43 PM
About fucking time lmbo
Bear in the Woods 13-Feb-19 09:44 PM
Like delete it or delete characters?
Either way I could use them clearing my inventories thinkpepe
Scuba Steve 13-Feb-19 09:46 PM
deleting the items
Coathanger MD 13-Feb-19 09:48 PM
Oh well
I mean again
Scuba Steve 15-Feb-19 05:01 AM
RIP my 100k nuca colas
AlexanderDeLarge 15-Feb-19 05:01 AM
I wonder if they'll get to the legendaries. I only have one of each but still
Scuba Steve 15-Feb-19 05:11 AM
if you had like more than 5ish they nuked them
I still have the gauss, handmade and shotguns for the most part
Coathanger MD 15-Feb-19 05:47 AM
I mean you can move now
Scuba Steve 15-Feb-19 05:48 AM
nope, they didn't delete like 90% of the shit
stash is still like 120k
literally half my guns, some of the armors, and all my colas
Scuba Steve 15-Feb-19 06:05 AM
Gonna end up having to make a new char sooner or later
Scuba Steve 15-Feb-19 06:14 AM
they should have an actual roadmap for content updates soonish too
AlexanderDeLarge 18-Feb-19 05:48 PM
Coathanger MD 18-Feb-19 05:55 PM
Scuba Steve 18-Feb-19 05:59 PM
Taylor Swift 18-Feb-19 07:29 PM
Sounds made up tbqh
AlexanderDeLarge 18-Feb-19 07:45 PM
it's legit
a guy on /v/ linked it last night
Bear in the Woods 18-Feb-19 08:04 PM
everything on 4chan is real and straight
PatchBot BOT 19-Feb-19 08:20 AM
Fallout 76
We’re releasing Patch 6 today, which includes an increase to stash size, balance and design changes, and another large wave of bug fixes, many of which were reported by players in the Fallout 76 community. As always, this is all possible thanks to your support and feedback for the game, please keep sharing your thoughts and bug reports with us! Take a look at some of the highlights from Patch 6, and then continue on to read about the rest of the changes coming with today’s update. ...
This update is sponsored by:
We now support Ring of Elysium, Battlefield 5 and more! What games should we support next? Swing by our Discord server and vote for your favorite games.
Bear in the Woods 19-Feb-19 08:25 AM
Those are some actual decent patchnotes
Coathanger MD 19-Feb-19 09:38 AM
Actually yeah
Those sre good
Scuba Steve 19-Feb-19 10:58 AM
Those are some good notes
Coathanger MD 19-Feb-19 11:00 AM
Lets see how they fucked it up this time though
Scuba Steve 19-Feb-19 11:02 AM
I just hope they let me pull from oversized stacks in my inventory again
gotta abscond with a bunch of useful stuff to a new char before they break it again
Scuba Steve 19-Feb-19 11:22 AM
RIP, unable to pull
AlexanderDeLarge 20-Feb-19 07:31 AM
Fallout 76 is not a very good game, but there are bits of the game that are endearing, rewarding and even addictive, especially if you like hoarding digital guff. There are people who genuinely love the game, and continue to pour hundreds of hours into combing the wasteland. ...
Bear in the Woods 20-Feb-19 07:58 AM
Devs did him a favor imo
AlexanderDeLarge 22-Feb-19 01:11 PM
As we journey down the road ahead in 2019, we’re thrilled to share our content roadmaps for Fallout 76. Also inside, get a first look at everything coming with wild and wonderful Wild Appalachia, our first new content beginning March 12.
They finally put out a goddamn roadmap
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 01:18 PM
Some of that stuff seems interesting too, like the Legendary (prestige) characters
We gonna be a F76 group again at some point, mark Deez words
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 01:27 PM
Maybe them pumping the breaks and doing a slow rolling ban/erase thing worked out
Iwas thinking the other day at work how much it sucks we are almost through Q1 with no content update
But Id rather they get the game back to a good state than to push more content
The Wasterlanders update will introduce NPCs (edited)
Pinned a message.
Book it
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 02:41 PM
I wonder if having duped shit and not logging on for a few months will get me banned/erased
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 03:52 PM
I think youll just log into find most your shit gone
Feels pretty easy
Just run a script that searches all player inventories/stashes and search for any number higher than x
Coathanger MD 22-Feb-19 03:59 PM
Worked great for the bullet farmer blueku
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 04:11 PM
Best part, based off this
Seems like these updates will be dropping after D2 will be on the downslide
Coathanger MD 22-Feb-19 04:16 PM
Good pool of games to play
Gonna be a good year
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 04:40 PM
Year of the GaaS?
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 05:04 PM
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 05:07 PM
Would Wastelanders coincide with your theory that they show off/tease NPCs at Bethfest/Quakecon/whatever the fuck
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 05:09 PM
Summer starts at the end of June (edited)
And E3 is early June
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 05:25 PM
Im not banned
Thats good
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 06:35 PM
I haven't checked yet
Taylor Swift 22-Feb-19 06:40 PM
I didnt log into my mule either so idk what the sitch is there
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 06:41 PM
If I have a ton of shit I might send a ticket to Bethesda saying "wipe my inventory fam"
Saves me the effort of doing it smugpepe
Bear in the Woods 22-Feb-19 07:27 PM
@The 76ers be sure to get your free roadmap (or seasonal, I aint the news) emote
AlexanderDeLarge 24-Feb-19 07:38 PM
Fallout 76 is a flawed and fascinating game, and I think it's finally time to sit down and figure out exactly what went wrong with Fallout 76, and how it cou...
a 2 & a half hour long video essay on how they fucked up lol (edited)
DerVerrater 25-Feb-19 01:40 PM
Taylor Swift 25-Feb-19 01:40 PM
DerVerrater 25-Feb-19 01:40 PM
its the dress isnt it
DerVerrater 26-Feb-19 05:15 AM
Some how i feel this could be unintientionall hilaropouis if done
Taylor Swift 26-Feb-19 08:38 AM
I’d buy it
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 12:53 PM
I'd pirate it
⬆ 2
🇹 2
🇭 1
🇮 1
🇸 2
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 01:10 PM
I'd pay them for a NV remaster tho
getting the NV DLC redone would be a thing of beauty
Gonna get me the best house and take a tour of scenic Utah
AlexanderDeLarge 26-Feb-19 01:11 PM
I wouldn't. They'd be profiting off something they didn't make even further than they already have meanwhile spending the better part of two decades shitting on their audience that wants RPGs with depth in their games
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 01:12 PM
As long as they did a good job, it would be enough effort to count
plus Todd isn't in charge of the NV story
so it would be better than 4
AlexanderDeLarge 26-Feb-19 01:12 PM
Bethesda games going forward are day one pirates until they impress me again. I guess a Fallout New Vegas remaster with a little extra content would impress me though. More devs should pull OSRS moves where they go back to something people like and expand on it
Taylor Swift 26-Feb-19 01:19 PM
>better than 4
AKA impossible
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 01:27 PM
FO4 engine tale of Two wastelands (edited)
Taylor Swift 26-Feb-19 01:29 PM
Thats smoothbrain
FO4 Engine Tale of FOUR wastelands
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 01:30 PM
Once the 76 private servers are up some grognard is gonna get the maps able to play nice with eachother
Taylor Swift 26-Feb-19 01:31 PM
I cant wait
Scuba Steve 26-Feb-19 01:31 PM
and if FO3 and NV are remastered into the 76 tier engine, god help us all
Taylor Swift 26-Feb-19 01:31 PM
And ideally its a bimmer grognard
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Mar-19 06:32 AM
Welcome back to Inside the Vault! As we start moving down the road toward our next patch, we’re ready to share more details on what’s coming in Wild Appalachia this March—starting with a crash course on the all-new Brewing and Distilling crafting system!
`The Brewing Station is a workbench that you’ll learn to construct during the ‘Wasted on Nukashine’ quest. This crafting station can be placed in your C.A.M.P. and is used to create a variety of adult beverages, including beers, cocktails, wines, and spirits. Be mindful of the refreshments you toss back: while each will impart you with a temporary buff, they also each bring a drawback and, just like real life, will result in a mild hangover. Some drinks, such as wines and spirits, require additional fermentation time before they’re ready to be served at your next shindig, and their effects will become even more potent the longer you allow them to ferment. During ‘Wasted on Nukashine’, you’ll also learn to craft the Fermenter. Build one of these in your C.A.M.P. and place drinks within to reduce the wait time needed to try your latest creations.`
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 01:33 PM
As Wild Appalachia draws nearer, we’re previewing the first seasonal event in Fallout 76, guaranteed to shoo away those winter blues: Fasnacht Parade! We also share a few highlights with you from Patch 7, which we’re planning to release next week.
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 02:09 PM
Too man good games
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 02:57 PM
Gonna be our year bois
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 03:24 PM
>best boy peaches at the helm >wall to wall good games
Alt 07-Mar-19 03:47 PM
all bad games tbh
Bear in the Woods 07-Mar-19 04:02 PM
I'd follow Peaches to hell and back I would
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 04:17 PM
Idfollow him to the Short Stop but thats about it
Alt 07-Mar-19 04:17 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 04:17 PM
But mainly because I just want that 4.99 Tinder Boxx
With the potato wedges
And a Barqs
BTW if yall aint never got a tinder box at the short stop get the fuck outta my sight
Bear in the Woods 07-Mar-19 04:35 PM
All I got out of that is that you think the South'll rise again
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 04:36 PM
I got something south thatll rise
Bear in the Woods 07-Mar-19 04:37 PM
Alt when she comes to the US?
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 04:38 PM
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 04:38 PM
YinBot BOT 07-Mar-19 04:38 PM
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 04:55 PM
I mean i was making a dick joke but he isnt wrong
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:09 PM
That new update looks hrest
I can turn my camp into a bar
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:13 PM
I hope we can steal from the fermenters
also looks like high through is gonna be super needed for the comedy 90% food/drink reduction
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:19 PM
The brapp barn will beocme a new hotspot
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:20 PM
Only if they're halfway useful
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:27 PM
The vintage whisky one looks p good
Melee and ranged can set your targe infire
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:29 PM
too bad the fire tick isn't % based
it's like a flat 3hp/sec for x secs
which makes it more or less cosmetic after level 10ish
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:32 PM
Im more interested in the comedy value
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:33 PM
Also, it's possible to actually stockpile meats and shit now that the stacks seem to decay 1 by one instead of whole stack goes poof after one spoils
Taylor Swift 07-Mar-19 05:34 PM
Very excited for the F76 redemption arc
AlexanderDeLarge 07-Mar-19 05:34 PM
thank god that was retarded
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:35 PM
Also if you want/need like infinite caps, server hop until you get a civil war outfit plan, they're like 30-40 caps a pop, and take 1 cloth to craft
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:42 PM
I tend to go farm golf outfits and straight jackets
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 05:46 PM
I hammer enter a dozen times and go sell them for sweet sweet cash
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 05:52 PM
Yeah thats mad money
I just like doing the golf outfits since it means legendaries
Cause white springs n shot
Scuba Steve 07-Mar-19 11:26 PM
Woo, finally level 35 and can use my comedy pump shotty
Coathanger MD 07-Mar-19 11:31 PM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 12:01 AM
Some guy dropped me a bloddied pump shotgun when I was like level 12, that thing is really great with half a full set of unyielding
bloodied explosive would be hilarious
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 12:14 AM
oh god
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 12:16 AM
whitesprings will be a 24/7 365 shitshow if the legendaries rerolling guy is what I think it'll be
Also glowing meat is shockingly profitable to grill up and sell
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 12:44 AM
And yeah I hope they find a better farm ngl
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 01:01 AM
outside of the vaults being some kind of legendary farming dream, I doubt it
I could see it getting a guaranteed 3-star 90+ mob that'll give a guaranteed 3-4 star item
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 01:06 AM
I can't fucking wait for the vaults
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 01:26 AM
Too bad the standard vault layouts are fucking awful for any kind of fighting
the vault 88 from FO4 has a layout I could see kinda working
larger more open spaces
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 01:40 AM
I'm curious to see waht they build for us
So uh where is that civil war blueprint
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 01:46 AM
So far left side of the map, there's a hunter's lodge thing, north of the automatid farm
the road will spawn two random events
crashed vertiberd/sattelite, random tents, random NPCs
one will be a civil war re-enactor
he'll have a random civil war outfit plan
the hats are both craftable, worth like 150 caps, and take 1 cloth
Took me like 40ish minutes to get it to spawn
which means you can turn pre-war money into fat stacks
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 01:52 AM
Sounds good
Thanks figure may as well stock the fuck up
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 01:52 AM
I hope the crafting bot for legendaries has some way of storing value
like grinding the legendary and getting Elf farts and pixie dusts
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 01:53 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 01:53 AM
So there's some kind of farming and trading incentivee
and the results of the bot are more 'lock and re-roll' instead of 'make the best meta gun and pay 700 elf farts for it'
Pure random would be cancer, pure 'pick a perfect gun' would also be kinda assy
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:00 AM
I'd like it to be random but you can weight the roll to certain things
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:02 AM
lock+ reroll would be great
every lock costs 5 extra elf farts per attempt
got bloodied explosive and REALLY want WWR, that won't be cheap
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:03 AM
Well I expect beth to cock it up good
Can't wait for that blueku
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:03 AM
vendor lets you dupe any legendary by force DCing via buggy script they add
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:03 AM
I can't fucking wait
Like I enjoy 76 but holy fuck do I enjoy how bug fuck the game gets
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:04 AM
the jank is what gives it the charm that anthem and other looter shooters lack
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:05 AM
P much
Also that I can dress up as a fucking murder mascot
And stalk new players
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:06 AM
first few weeks where everyone was hot micing were the best
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:06 AM
I know
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:11 AM
man, even with a new char I keep hoarding too much shit
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:12 AM
Free Nixe tube clock in the shop
Yeah it's a hard time to break
I'm super lucky I got the 4 weapon weight reduct armor
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:12 AM
because you know for a fact the second you need something, you'll have thrown away 100 of it the previous game session
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:12 AM
Hard fact
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:14 AM
on the plus side, my old main has like 50k of every crafting mat except for circuits and fiberglass
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:14 AM
Yeah you're set
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:16 AM
Too bad all the pieces are assassins
sentinels is apparently where it's at
flat 75% damage reduction when sitting still
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:19 AM
My legs are cloaking and ghoulslayer
Ah the server is still shit
Someone nuked prime
Server meltd
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:24 AM
hop on mine, someone just popped it
wierd as fuck spot too
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:25 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:25 AM
it's SW of the dam and power plant on the western edge
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:26 AM
Ah someone was doing the queen
I still have 3 nuke cards
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:29 AM
no hazmat, rip steeve
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:30 AM
What level
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:33 AM
just hit 35 (edited)
man, the gustys do NOT fuck around when you're wearing like level 10 leather
Gonna go grab a hazmat
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:37 AM
They never fick around
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:50 AM
Figured you could use a t4 suit their too
You still need a suit @Scuba Steve
Got a full one at 3
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:53 AM
nah, got one
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:53 AM
Ah kk
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 02:54 AM
Nice, marine legs plan
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 02:56 AM
Oh i can do those
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:00 AM
fever on my server
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:35 AM
magic disease healing water
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:35 AM
Nada good
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:45 AM
Haha, just found a non-duped two shot handmade
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:46 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:47 AM
and a vampires explosive handmade in a fever earlier today
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:47 AM
Jealous damn
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:47 AM
level 35 tho
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:47 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:47 AM
Doesn't help that I don't have the perks or build to use it worth a crap
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:48 AM
Still fat F
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:49 AM
I cannot wait to get class freak back, reee
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:50 AM
I think the game forgot i have 80% weapon reduction
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:50 AM
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:50 AM
Just a fast relog
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:51 AM
I have so much canned dog food right now
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:51 AM
Its love, its life
Yeah relog fixes it
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:55 AM
wow, that's some top tier bullshit
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:55 AM
Scuba Steve 08-Mar-19 03:56 AM
two assholes tried to gank me, one had a gauntlet and was swinging, the other had an explosive shotgun
must be running full assassins standing or sprinting, because my shotgun was doing fuck all even after the slap damage turned off
legged it and logged, fuck them both
Coathanger MD 08-Mar-19 03:57 AM
Yeah fick that
Coathanger MD 11-Mar-19 05:16 PM
76 update got bumped back a day
Coathanger MD 12-Mar-19 04:50 AM
Sorry for nto taking the invite was doing uri fever and gonna head off
Scuba Steve 12-Mar-19 05:41 AM
No worries
was just fucking around server hopping doing the golfcourse and farming legendaries
PatchBot BOT 13-Mar-19 09:25 AM
Fallout 76
Welcome to Wild Appalachia! Patch 7 introduces the first of many new content updates to come, including a questline, a pair of daily quests, and a crafting system. Additionally, this patch contains a variety of balance and gameplay adjustments, new features, another large wave of bug fixes, and much more. Check out a few patch highlights below, and then read on to catch the full patch notes. - - - - - - Patch Highlights ...
This update is sponsored by:
When PatchBot updates, have the roles of your choice mentioned. Anyone can give Premium to this server for as little as $1.49/mo.
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 10:56 AM
Carry Weight Limit: A new “Destroy” option will now appear in place of the “Drop” option when a player who has exceeded the absolute maximum weight limit of 1,500 pounds plus the character’s current carry weight views items in their inventory.
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 11:26 AM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 01:07 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 01:57 PM
Perks work on the overweight changes
same with armors
So if you're like me and had 180k shotshells, you can drop some and use the armor and perks to bring them down to 0.001
Holy fuckkk
they unfucked the stash pushing shit
You can pull partial stacks out of oversized stashes now!
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 03:13 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 03:13 PM
A mythical beast, a lost generation of scouts, and the strongest brew this side of the wasteland. Welcome to Wild Appalachia – a series of free and all-new q...
@The 76ers
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 03:16 PM
Ok ok
THis could fuck
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 03:17 PM
I'm gonna login and check it out
I still think summer and fall are the main events tho
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 03:17 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 03:17 PM
What faggots
That looked like a solid update
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 03:18 PM
!img npc meme
Fallout man bad
NotSoBot BOT 13-Mar-19 03:19 PM
Punished Tay
Image Search Results
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 03:42 PM
the entire summer seems like it'll be a fun update
man, I'm super excited for the stash fixing
finally can move my retarded stacks of bullshit around
and use my grenadier char to just shit up everything with infinte grenades
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 03:45 PM
Same but clearing my inventories
Gonna roll around with some out of season Christmas Power Armor
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 03:46 PM
I went from 120k on my char to 1400 via lots of perks and armor abuse
batteries/bandolier/hike through + armors
also throwing out tons of shit
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 04:53 PM
New dupe possibly
MOUS lets you use all 3 terminals again
NPC BOT 13-Mar-19 04:54 PM
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 04:56 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:03 PM
We need to dupe the good armors you have if so
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 05:04 PM
I guess Ill update
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:04 PM
the new quest is p decent for what it is
and the new items finally give you a reason to pick blackberries
too bad my cola stashes got turbofucked
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 05:06 PM
Im scared to even log on my mule character
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 05:08 PM
Last I checked my mule was still intact and all my characters were still hella overweight
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 05:08 PM
Enough about me irl
Oh wait fuck
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:09 PM
yeah, aside from the de-dupe round, they left shit alone
my 2nd char is at like 1.7 mil stash
only thing they pulled was the 400 copies of the swoshot gaus and all my colas
if either of you have a ton of them, now's the time
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 05:09 PM
I'll keep the mule intact but get my other mans down at some point
I can check tonight if you want
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:09 PM
a lot of the new booze recipies use nuca colas and they're a fucking pain to farm
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 05:10 PM
Yeah if I still have a dank cola stash I'll @ you
Or coat, or just everyone
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:11 PM
daddy needs him a shitton of them
mostly because cola nut us broken as fuck
and colas don't count as healing for the healing factor mutation
so you can trivially outheal anything but a oneshot
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 05:29 PM
Anddddd they broke nukes again?
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 05:29 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 05:30 PM
Classic Todd
I bet Division 2 has working nukes (edited)
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 05:33 PM
will have
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:11 PM
I'm gonna hop on 76 soon
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 07:11 PM
Ive got about another hour of dl
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:17 PM
I'm glad i left Bethesda Launcher running overnight
seems like it's ready now
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 07:21 PM
Didnt even think about it!
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:21 PM
It's a good update
I was at camp cap before and now I have a fucking shitload of spcae
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:21 PM
did the range get wider?
your camp space physically or just the decor cap?
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:21 PM
Building budget
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:22 PM
That's okay i felt like my plot was big already
just needed cap raise
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:22 PM
Turrets and lights got caped though
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:25 PM
one of my mods broke interface can't click play
gotta revalidate and remove my ba2 files I modified
been so long I gotta guess which ones were
btw we should all install https://i.imgur.com/iiKMkR8.gif when it gets updated for the new patch
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:30 PM
you can have 10 turrets and 60? lights
but everything else is cheap as hell
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:30 PM
something like that
Yeah they lowered the totals down HARD
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
apparently some of the custom recipies for shit are random world encounters?
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
okay cool. I only need like five good turrets max
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
like the civil war costume dude
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
speaking of shit to sell, I have a spare civil war tophatplan
150 base value, 1 cloth to craft
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
I'll grab it off ya
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:31 PM
basically infinite vendor caps
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:32 PM
was farming it couldn't get the spawn
Mostly got satelites
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 07:32 PM
yeah, it's annoying to do
I do it while on shift
because boredom
see how much nuka quantum you have when you get in Alex and Tay
also back in 60ish
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:34 PM
do you only have one of those plans? I could really use it for playing the market
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:46 PM
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 07:46 PM
What plan
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 07:47 PM
he was probably asking about the civil war hatte
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 07:49 PM
civil war tophat yeah
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 07:51 PM
they nuked any I had on my mule, but I also mightve given you guys mine before I stopped playing
I still apparently have 10 2 shot handmades though
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 08:04 PM
Doesn't seem like they nuked any of my shit
still have all my legendaries
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 08:05 PM
When Im done downloading Ill get on that mule and see what I still have of yours
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 08:06 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 08:07 PM
it's not the legendaries, it's the colas
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:08 PM
Sadly I got nothing cola wise
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 08:08 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:09 PM
I may have given yall my colas to keep the dupe train going, since I don't have any serums either (edited)
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 08:09 PM
I still have 400+ serums
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:10 PM
Tay and Alex may be your better bets
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 08:12 PM
Maybe because we didn't login for so long it would've been passed over
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 08:12 PM
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 08:14 PM
This is a good update
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:16 PM
>Alex >Passed Over I was gonna react with an :alex: but it's gone :negative: (edited)
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 08:16 PM
New management, right?
Fucking Tankies
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 08:17 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:18 PM
is there any reason now not to have 20 mutations?
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:26 PM
Is power armor or no power armor the meta?
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 08:27 PM
Adds the ability to import custom Perk Card loadouts and swap between them as needed.
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 08:28 PM
No idea tbh
I run PAless because I have 80% weapons weight reduction
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 08:41 PM
depends on the meta you wanna do
non-PA is broke as a joke
bloodied melee at <19% hp with 5 pieces of 15% reduction when standing still is comedy
but the legendary vendor thing will be here in a month or so, so we get to see what else they fucked up
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:47 PM
sell legendaries buy legendaries?
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 08:49 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 08:50 PM
but how many colas you got?
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 08:50 PM
Oh man I cant use ANY of this shit
It all has to be destroyed
Did they optimize this?>
Its running WAY better
Running a solid 70 fps
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:01 PM
What do you have to destroy?
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:01 PM
425k pounds of inventory
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:01 PM
oh that sucks
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:01 PM
Yeah once you hit a certain point it becomes destroy instead of drop now
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
Cant be traded?
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
no idea
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
lemme try
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
Ill join on you
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
joining on you
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
I was on main
Gotta switch anyways
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:02 PM
oh okay
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:03 PM
k join on me
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:06 PM
says you're on main menu
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:08 PM
Im at 76
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:08 PM
can't fast travel
overencumbered lmao
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:08 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:09 PM
I'll unencumber myself and get this sorted out but I don't have that much to do
I'm at 300/190
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:09 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:09 PM
it's just hard throwing away this stuff because it's all really good stuff
@Coathanger MD where is that power armor chassis near my house near the hellish lake?
that would really help me out
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:13 PM
No idea
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:13 PM
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:13 PM
Haven't been up that way in ages
Hold on I'll show you where
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:13 PM
kk thx I just don't want to dump this power armor stuff
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:14 PM
Your world is full
in queu
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:14 PM
I'll join on you
nvm can't
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:15 PM
owneds all around
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:15 PM
Join me in a sec
I just loaded into a nother world
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:16 PM
you got any extra weapon reduction parts coat?
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:16 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 09:17 PM
i got spare arms as well
I'm gonna go find a good spot for razorgrain
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:18 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 09:18 PM
I know one of the farms has a ton
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:18 PM
how much can you reduce it for?
how much can you reduce weapon weight*
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:18 PM
I'm at 80%
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:21 PM
my decontamination shower isn't working RIP
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:21 PM
Have you tried to join my server yet?
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:21 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 09:24 PM
Also tay, you have any colas?
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:24 PM
I'm in
Taylor Swift 13-Mar-19 09:25 PM
Lemme se
I have 1
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:27 PM
It'll spawn up here
Right here
Guess someone got it
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:28 PM
Oh okay thanks I appreciate it
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:28 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:29 PM
5000 pounds to go
should I just junk everything?
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:30 PM
Got a frame for you alex
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:30 PM
Finding it though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go
3600 pounds of it was grenades
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:31 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:31 PM
I can drop stuff now at least getin
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:34 PM
There you go a second chasis alex
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:35 PM
any consumables you're looking for coat? imma start dropping stuff where I am soon
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:35 PM
traveling to you
I'll pick through your droppings
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 09:36 PM
FYI Billings homestead near the 81 on the west edge of the map is the razorgrain trove (edited)
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:36 PM
can I snag some weapon weight parts real quick?
see where that gets me
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:36 PM
sure one sec
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 09:36 PM
also if you're over the 1500 max, perks AND armors count
they just care that you're under
not that you don't have 70k grenades still
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:37 PM
the grenades went bye bye and that got me under the 1500
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:38 PM
You carrying much junk bear?
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:38 PM
nothing in the 4 digits
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:39 PM
my assassins arm is duping itself
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:40 PM
should I dump the bobbleheads?
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:41 PM
just eat them
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 09:44 PM
got some ultracite pa parts if you want em
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 09:45 PM
I mean hey it's all gettin dumped anyweays
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 09:45 PM
I fucking did it getin
Let's get in voice and figure out what we can exchange
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 10:02 PM
The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community.
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 10:12 PM
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 10:20 PM
hows your special @Coathanger MD ?
Coathanger MD 13-Mar-19 10:21 PM
Scuba Steve 13-Mar-19 11:12 PM
This is what happens when you nuke Monongah! I also show a complete police uniform location, and how to play with the unique "Vox Syringer" during a hidden q...
Bear in the Woods 13-Mar-19 11:14 PM
@Scuba Steve can I grab your weapon reduction arms?
AlexanderDeLarge 13-Mar-19 11:32 PM
closedcircuit is Sauce's username
Scuba Steve 14-Mar-19 11:35 AM
So I did some surveying and found out that there is a lemonade-bot that sells the recipies for the lemonade and hard lemonade
if anyone is online, I'm standing at it now
@Coathanger MD @AlexanderDeLarge @Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift 14-Mar-19 11:40 AM
I’m at work negative
More accurately I’m in the Arby’s parking lot
Coathanger MD 14-Mar-19 11:40 AM
Scuba Steve 14-Mar-19 11:40 AM
it's not too annoying to farm for
took me 20ish minutes
Scuba Steve 14-Mar-19 11:50 AM
kinda salty I'm gonna have to do like 50 dalies to unlock all the boozes
Taylor Swift 14-Mar-19 11:51 AM
Scuba Steve 14-Mar-19 11:52 AM
And the lemonade recipie I got is shit
Coathanger MD 14-Mar-19 12:56 PM
Theyre dragging it out lmbo
Scuba Steve 14-Mar-19 01:08 PM
Yeah, the dripfeed is super irritating
but it just means you do the daily, then sell your hats
Coathanger MD 14-Mar-19 01:09 PM
Yeah p much
Im fine with it
Gives me more reason to hop on
DerVerrater 14-Mar-19 02:36 PM
Hey @Taylor Swift did you know this exists?
Taylor Swift 14-Mar-19 02:37 PM
How many keyloggers doe this have
DerVerrater 14-Mar-19 02:37 PM
Taylor Swift 14-Mar-19 02:38 PM
Sounds interesting
Sounds real itneresting actually
Be cool tog et a bunch of dudes who know TES lore to play it
AlexanderDeLarge 14-Mar-19 03:31 PM
I'll bring this up with tesog
Those guys really know their shit
Coathanger MD 16-Mar-19 03:30 AM
How to get inside the TNT dome 7 at Black Mountain Ordinance works in fallout 76! This contains a plan for the Nuka Cola Quantum Power Armor Paint! Huge than...
Scuba Steve 16-Mar-19 05:12 AM
The real secret is to hide outside the closed gate with chameleon armor
then leg it inside and steal the plans
Coathanger MD 19-Mar-19 06:27 PM
@The 76ers event is live
Clown farming here.we.go
Scuba Steve 20-Mar-19 12:58 AM
people are nuking the event
Coathanger MD 20-Mar-19 06:28 AM
Love it
Bear in the Woods 20-Mar-19 06:44 AM
Maybe the nuked clowns give more thonking
Coathanger MD 20-Mar-19 07:41 AM
Na you nuke it mid event
Kill the robots fail the event
Taylor Swift 20-Mar-19 12:20 PM
Scuba Steve 22-Mar-19 12:21 AM
New event is halfway decent
tons of people salty as fuck because Betheda made the rare items actually rare
in that the entire playerbase might see 10-15 all week
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-19 12:22 AM
Scuba Steve 22-Mar-19 12:23 AM
Also got a halfway decent legendary
Furious gauss, +10% aiming, 90% weight
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-19 12:23 AM
Shit I might fuck around this week then
Since Ive hit a certain point in Division
Scuba Steve 22-Mar-19 12:25 AM
I wasn't really able to get into Div2
my char is like level 5
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-19 12:26 AM
Scuba Steve 22-Mar-19 12:26 AM
Yeah, it looked really good, but I just didn't like it
Taylor Swift 22-Mar-19 12:26 AM
Killing me, STeven
Coathanger MD 23-Mar-19 04:07 PM
Don't trust a man in slippers and Appalachia is full of lunatics. Welcome to West Virginia! If you want to see this from the angle of the two people at the e...
PatchBot BOT 26-Mar-19 09:30 AM
Fallout 76
Patch 7.5 releases today, and introduces the Survival Mode Beta to Fallout 76, which is a new game mode featuring fewer restrictions and higher-stakes for Player vs. Player (PVP) combat, Scoreboards for tracking your stats, a bonus on all XP you earn, and Legendary item rewards for new Weekly Challenges. We’ve also renamed the standard Fallout 76 experience “Adventure Mode” and have removed incoming damage from players you are not hostile against. ...
This update is sponsored by:
When PatchBot updates, have the roles of your choice mentioned. Anyone can give Premium to this server for as little as $1.49/mo.
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 09:56 AM
Slap dmg is gone
Im actually ok with ir
Scuba Steve 26-Mar-19 03:35 PM
Slap damage was stupid to begin with
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 03:37 PM
And survival mode could be memetastic
Scuba Steve 26-Mar-19 03:38 PM
people are already bitching
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 03:38 PM
Scuba Steve 26-Mar-19 03:38 PM
because the bloodied chameleon assassins stalkers builds are still there
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 03:38 PM
I do feel locked to fresh starts would be best
Scuba Steve 26-Mar-19 03:38 PM
Some asshole up on a phone pole cloaked vats oneshots you
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 03:39 PM
Kinda glad two of my weight gear are assassins
Abd my gama
Scuba Steve 26-Mar-19 03:44 PM
needs to be assassins 15% when standing still or while running
those are the two broke as a joke sets
since you get 40% reduction from players, then an additional 75% for standing still
~15% damage taken which then hits the DR you have
Coathanger MD 26-Mar-19 03:45 PM
Yeah im not too worried about pvp tbh
I mean i love bounty hunting
But end of the day its not made for pvp
Taylor Swift 28-Mar-19 04:27 PM
Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew Cha-CHING u/WindleyCreations created a working Fat Man! Check it out here: https://t.co/wTmfs13n5L https://t.co/vNK5LAGQst
verified 1
Scuba Steve 28-Mar-19 04:45 PM
literally just as effective as the mortal launcher of british lore
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Mar-19 07:59 PM
some real good stuff for Fallout 76 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/403037417
Bethesda - Fallout 76 - Twitch
Taylor Swift 29-Mar-19 08:11 PM
Or is the whole thing good
AlexanderDeLarge 29-Mar-19 08:12 PM
whole thing talking about what's coming and how they're going for a more TESO-like design where they're just gonna keep stacking activities for endgame
also some good TES series talk later on (edited)
Taylor Swift 30-Mar-19 04:16 PM
I like the implied thing here at first
About Todd reading Reddit
That 100% means Alex bullied Todd to his face
🙏🏼 3
sadtay 1
Taylor Swift 30-Mar-19 05:10 PM
Man theyve really upped the optimization in this game
Coathanger MD 02-Apr-19 12:48 AM
Fukin oof, 3 hours sesssion wasted because I shot the wrong guy
Trying t oget the good end in exodus
Shoot one wrong person
Time to restart the chapter
Taylor Swift 02-Apr-19 01:17 AM
Coathanger MD 02-Apr-19 01:38 AM
Yeah one bad karma point locks you out of the ending it seems
Taylor Swift 02-Apr-19 01:39 AM
That seems excessive
Coathanger MD 02-Apr-19 01:39 AM
Its metro
Thats normal
The quick save/load system doesnt work too
So i need to manually copy my saves now
Peaches 02-Apr-19 05:06 PM
Fitting for the channel name
Coathanger MD 02-Apr-19 05:14 PM
I mean its metro
Normally i dont care
But Alt demands a good end
New Dawn 03-Apr-19 01:33 PM
Tested implementing an ability that makes the player explode when they take damage (the explosion only harms enemies). Turns out that when you're on fire, you take damage all the time #Noita https://t.co/bccAkHfGBY
Taylor Swift 04-Apr-19 12:33 AM
Guys Im retarded
I had the fucking
Eurojank and this channel backwards
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Apr-19 12:38 AM
Yeah I was wondering what was going on there I couldn't tell which was which lol
Taylor Swift 04-Apr-19 12:39 AM
Im retarded lol
Never let me oversee an April Fools joke again
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 07:36 AM
TBH I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't point it out
Just double down and say it was intentional imo
"Putting everything in Japanese was a cover, the real April Fool's was here"
Taylor Swift 04-Apr-19 09:50 AM
It was Chinese
The bit was we sold out to Tencent
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 10:41 AM
I know It's all moonrunes to me
AlexanderDeLarge 04-Apr-19 02:16 PM
This week, we’re sharing a few details about Wild Appalachia content coming to Fallout 76 in the weeks immediately following Patch 8, including The Burrows, which is our first dungeon, a new way to capture memories with the SnapMatic! Camera, and Repair Kits, which you can ...
Selling repair kits in the atom shop scummy as fuck
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 02:27 PM
Im gonna wana see their prices first but generally yes
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 03:04 PM
>free repair jits also from challenges >Better repair kits as ingame loot (edited)
Don't seem too bad
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 03:49 PM
As i said I need to see the prices
If its like 10 atoms a kit
Then thats ok
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 04:16 PM
It's a good sign that the best ones are through gameplay
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 04:16 PM
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 06:07 PM
Pokemon Go has a similar thing where you can buy Poke Balls with the premium currency but you get more and better balls just through playing normally
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 06:23 PM
Yeah i was a pogo poopsocker
The other note though was that the go+ used stock pokeballs only
But as i said, its pricing
I need to see prices
And i need to see drop rates
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 06:52 PM
4 in 20 would be good
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 07:07 PM
Its real easy to fuck this up so if they can do it fairly fuck yeah
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 07:36 PM
Either way I'm on Todd Howard's wild ride
Coathanger MD 04-Apr-19 07:40 PM
Bear in the Woods 04-Apr-19 07:40 PM
Comedy outcome: the kits weigh a ton
Scuba Steve 05-Apr-19 04:49 PM
That woukd be great
Kit weighs almost as much as a tricked out rifle, might as well.use the weight perk and carry a 2nd one
Bear in the Woods 05-Apr-19 05:06 PM
And then they can update with a new perk that lowers the weight of them thinkpepe
PatchBot BOT 09-Apr-19 09:05 AM
Fallout 76
Patch 8 arrives today, bringing a host of new Wild Appalachia content to Fallout 76, including a new questline, features, balance adjustments, and a ton of bug fixes. Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update. - - - - - - Patch Highlights - Lying Lowe Questline: Separate fact from fiction as you investigate the mysterious disappearance of Calvin van Lowe. ...
This update is sponsored by:
PatchBot Premium servers can tell PatchBot to pin the latest game's updates. Anyone can gift Premium to this server for as little as $1.49/mo.
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 09:08 AM
The nuke zone items are now instanced, which is good
Ooh, they added a vendor from each faction to the Whitesprings shops. Less running around for daily cap selling
Maybe that'll help it become a <Hub>
And a dungeon opens up next week
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 01:57 PM
Turrets do real big boy damage now
and got a buff
V.A.T.S.: No longer targets friendly or neutral players or creatures.
Holy shit
VATS builds actually useful now with the enemy hopping perk
Taylor Swift 09-Apr-19 02:00 PM
Feels like that shoulda been a launch feature but hey!!!!!!
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 02:01 PM
Games as a Service: Please look to our 100 day roadmap, we promise it'll be good by the end!
Insult Bot: The Insult Bot will now insult you.
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 02:38 PM
Group to work on the dungeon on drop?
Taylor Swift 09-Apr-19 02:41 PM
What level is the content?
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 02:46 PM
We have enough explosive shotguns and gauss rifles that we should be able to clear it without issue
worst case I use some of my 50000 nuka grenades and we just 21-explosion-salute it to death
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 02:52 PM
P much
Taylor Swift 09-Apr-19 02:52 PM
I need to level!!!!!!!!!!
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 02:57 PM
Super interested in what bethesda is gonna do to make it 'challenging to everyone'
Since a bloodied sent build is basically an immortal blender
They made queen have like 500 DR in addition to having like 90% explosion resistance
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 03:04 PM
Need to work on that set
But hard to want to change off my 3 pound hand made set
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 03:05 PM
If ya'll need a body for the dungeon I could probably be caroused with some extra inventory management
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 03:07 PM
I mean lets see what it looks like but Id love to have you along
Im curious if its party instanced or ot
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 03:09 PM
My guess is that it'll behave like the Silos, those seem to be the "dungeons" we have so far
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 03:13 PM
p much
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 03:19 PM
Yeah this is bethesda
So itll be a shit show
Dump your junk see if we can trigger involentary pvp?
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 03:33 PM
Haha, they broke the repair menu in workbenches
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 03:44 PM
my hilarious tophat empire is crumbling aruond me
went from 150 to just 50 😦
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 03:44 PM
It keeps on tumbling down
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 03:50 PM
on the other hand, the 1400 caps shared pool means I can max my caps per day with like 3 serums
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 03:59 PM
Yeah that's a nice change
Also white springs will so become a hub for trading now
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 04:00 PM
player vendors all over the lawn by the golf course
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 04:03 PM
Nukes never been so good
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 04:09 PM
The nuking whitesprings cycle continues
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 04:13 PM
Except this time we targetting the players
Bear in the Woods 09-Apr-19 04:13 PM
Comedy option: set up your vendor outside the optimal circle so when it does get nuked you have a base to fast travel to and commence the ghoul boning and hopspot selling
"Oh wow all this radx/away is yours for the buying"
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 04:15 PM
Dirt cheap rad suits
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 04:28 PM
new quest is p good
Coathanger MD 09-Apr-19 04:38 PM
Thats good tochear
Scuba Steve 09-Apr-19 08:00 PM
The boss fight has a pretty easy gimmick
get one guy to get all 3 pylons, another guy to stim pack him every 25 seconds after he dies, and the rest of the clowns to just unload on the thing
Scuba Steve 12-Apr-19 06:54 PM
I'm so glad I hellduped as much as I did
Scuba Steve 16-Apr-19 05:37 PM
the new dungeon is literally shit
it's A) not instanced, B) Not hard in any way C) Has shit loot and D) Has a shit plot
ree 2
Coathanger MD 16-Apr-19 05:49 PM
AlexanderDeLarge 16-Apr-19 05:56 PM
They need to collaborate with Zenimax Online Studios more
Their dungeons range from 7/10-10/10
Bear in the Woods 16-Apr-19 05:59 PM
Normal dungeons to Veteran DLC Fuckpalaces
Taylor Swift 16-Apr-19 06:00 PM
Wish I had a fuckpalace
Scuba Steve 16-Apr-19 06:03 PM
I spent most of yesterday afternoon redoing my camp perched on top of a mountain
Scuba Steve 17-Apr-19 01:06 AM
So apparently if you nuke the shit out of harpers ferry the resulting burrow is pretty legit
PatchBot BOT 23-Apr-19 09:30 AM
Fallout 76
We’re releasing Wild Appalachia Patch 8.5 today, which brings the ProSnap Deluxe Camera and two forms of Repair Kits to Fallout 76. We’re also making balance adjustments for some Aluminum items and applying a number of bug fixes. Catch a few highlights from today’s patch below, and then read on for the full patch notes. - - - - - - Patch Highlights ...
This update is sponsored by:
PatchBot Premium servers can tell PatchBot to pin the latest game's updates. Anyone can gift Premium to this server for as little as $1.49/mo.
Taylor Swift 23-Apr-19 10:57 PM
I've been getting into datamining and know quite a few other dataminers, and together we've been able to conjure very interesting info pertaining...
A bunch of new Perk Cards have been added in today's update: https://imgur.com/a/6kjYJZP 1. Briefcase...
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-19 06:16 PM
Has there been any HINT of modding or private servers
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Apr-19 06:25 PM
I'll be concerned about it if they don't talk about it at E3/Gamescom (edited)
wasn't expecting them to even discuss it until June-September tbh
forgot about gamescom they might have a presence there idk
Taylor Swift 30-Apr-19 06:31 PM
I hope so
Honestly way more hyped for that than I am updates
AlexanderDeLarge 30-Apr-19 06:34 PM
same but I want it to be in a state where people will want to bother modding it too
Scuba Steve 30-Apr-19 07:02 PM
Probably not until after the first set of "give us 100 days, it'll be good by then, we promise"!
AlexanderDeLarge 01-May-19 09:43 AM
This week, we’re sharing a preview of our “Ever Upwards!” Wild Appalachia update that’s currently slated to arrive with Patch 9 on May 7. Read within to learn how you can join the Pioneer Scouts and claim your first Backpack!
Coathanger MD 01-May-19 10:36 AM
I like it
Coathanger MD 02-May-19 01:29 PM
This mod adds a race that looks like an anime. Has some character creation function.
Taylor Swift 02-May-19 01:33 PM
It doesnt actually look that out of place
Its done pretty well
Peaches 02-May-19 01:53 PM
Legit proof that the bombs made anime
Taylor Swift 02-May-19 04:13 PM
This is the wildest part
Dude was so horny for anime strange
He learned modding and 3d modling
Coathanger MD 02-May-19 04:15 PM
BustrKc 02-May-19 05:24 PM
Whats good with that 15hr dl time, gaddamnn
Taylor Swift 02-May-19 05:25 PM
yeah idk why it says my speeds that low
but w/e
AlexanderDeLarge 02-May-19 05:34 PM
Did discord change fonts or something? It looks like shit on my monitor all of a sudden
Taylor Swift 02-May-19 05:35 PM
Yeah a few days ago
Its like
Bolder or something
AlexanderDeLarge 02-May-19 05:35 PM
Yeah I don't like it. Gross.
Taylor Swift 02-May-19 05:35 PM
>Discord >improving their product
AlexanderDeLarge 02-May-19 05:36 PM
Discord FOSS alternative when ree
not Matrix or Rocket or anything I mean a proper gaming-focused solution that has self-hosted networks and instances
Coathanger MD 06-May-19 09:30 AM
>anime wiafu mod comes out >twitter be like https://twitter.com/ArtemisGrimoire/status/1125076998999748610?s=19
@sierra_bat I LOATHE this flavor of mod honestly If you're gonna make this shit, they should cater to more than just straight boys Its the same as that dude that made the mod that lets you turn the stardew valley romance options that are guys into girls because he was af...
Scuba Steve 06-May-19 10:05 AM
Needs a tender Husbando mod
AlexanderDeLarge 06-May-19 07:48 PM
Bunker down and pray for updates. Get Curiosity Stream if you know what's good for you. http://www.curiositystream.com/internethistorian The first month free...
PatchBot BOT 07-May-19 10:10 AM
Fallout 76
Patch 9 arrives today, bringing a host of new Wild Appalachia content to Fallout 76, including new features, quests, challenges, balance adjustments, and a ton of bug fixes. Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update. - - - - - - Patch Highlights - Ever Upwards: Join the Pioneer Scouts to complete new Quests, Challenges, an Event, and receive your first Backpack. ...
This update is sponsored by:
Promote your stream, game, community, product or service by sponsoring updates for the games of your choice.
Bear in the Woods 07-May-19 10:12 AM
Player Vending Machines now
Taylor Swift 07-May-19 10:17 AM
Hell yeah
Bear in the Woods 07-May-19 11:06 AM
You can also junk shitty legendaries for a new currency
Coathanger MD 07-May-19 12:36 PM
But can I sell my ass
Scuba Steve 07-May-19 01:48 PM
No idea
is it legendary armor?
Coathanger MD 07-May-19 01:59 PM
Be whatever you want it to be for 20
Bear in the Woods 07-May-19 02:14 PM
>rename a gun to "My Ass" >Sell it
Scuba Steve 07-May-19 03:06 PM
Ok, so the scout challenges are aids as fuck
P.S. the world challeenges are in the map menu, challenges, world tab, scroll WAY down
AlexanderDeLarge 08-May-19 05:41 PM
Fallout 76's player vending system includes a 10% tax to curb inflation, and wasteland wanderers aren't happy
Bear in the Woods 08-May-19 05:47 PM
Thanks Obama
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 05:49 PM
New RP Idea: Ron Paul based character
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:35 PM
The new update isn't awful
Vending works fairly well, new free terminal that lets you find your dailies
It's actually a lot of fun to fast travel to camps to see what they got on sale
I swiped a nuka quantum paintjob for my x01 for 570
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 09:42 PM
Oh thats not bad
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:43 PM
Yeah it's legit fun
Bear in the Woods 08-May-19 09:43 PM
So much to play right now
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:43 PM
23rd the legendary seller is in
Bear in the Woods 08-May-19 09:43 PM
until then you can sell leggos for currency though right?
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 09:43 PM
just lol if you arent playing like 5 MMOs concurrently
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:43 PM
no idea
Bear in the Woods 08-May-19 09:43 PM
Legendary Scrip or whatever the fuck
Good thing we have many games to play under the leadership of Tay Peaches Alt?
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 09:46 PM
I mean
Technically with Peaches not here Alex is still HNIC
But Alt wears the pants, yeah
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:58 PM
Got an actuall bar inside too
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 09:58 PM
GOD warrior
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 09:59 PM
I mean the generator house still has brapp powered
Running on a steup like this but I've added a garden now
Over behind the artillery is a garden with the stuff you need to make booze
Plus a dock and a guitar
For that comfy home steader vibe (edited)
Taylor Swift 08-May-19 10:01 PM
Country Roads plays softly in the background
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 10:02 PM
Yeah I'm real proud of how good my camp is setup
Coathanger MD 08-May-19 10:15 PM
Let me get a nice shot of it
Also has 3 cows spawning in it
So constant food
Taylor Swift 10-May-19 07:53 PM
It’s not Beth’s fault, it’s your fault. Quit it, you unimaginative jerkoffs.
I agree but lol
The fucking armchair psychologists
AlexanderDeLarge 10-May-19 08:07 PM
What faggots complaining about duping in a game that is hardly competitive in the slightest
Coathanger MD 10-May-19 08:12 PM
Buy muh economy
NPCangry (edited)
Here is a MASSIVE list of all the possible weapons and armor from the legendary vendor as of right now. At the bottom is the source from my...
AlexanderDeLarge 14-May-19 07:29 AM
turns out Rage 2 requires a Bethesda.net account so I guess Fallout 76 on Steam will pretty much be handled like uPlay titles on Steam, interesting.
Glad I reserved my name when I did though smug
Coathanger MD 14-May-19 08:07 AM
Yep called it
Bear in the Woods 14-May-19 08:22 AM
Is Rage 2 fun?
AlexanderDeLarge 14-May-19 08:38 AM
don't know, was gonna buy it until they snuck Denuvo in there with the release
didn't even add the disclaimer until people got mad
Scuba Steve 14-May-19 11:44 AM
is it an online game?
Taylor Swift 14-May-19 12:09 PM
I think it has aco-op
AlexanderDeLarge 14-May-19 03:17 PM
It doesn't
AlexanderDeLarge 14-May-19 03:30 PM
Taylor Swift 14-May-19 03:34 PM
The wheels are clearly rusted ALEX
PatchBot BOT 21-May-19 09:20 AM
Fallout 76
We’re releasing Wild Appalachia Patch 9.5 today, which introduces the Project Paradise event and includes a number of bug fixes. Read on for the full patch notes from today’s update. - - - - - - Patch Version Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 5.5 GB for consoles and under 1 GB for PC. - PC: - PS4: - Xbox: - - - - - - Wild Appalachia Project Paradise Event ...
PatchBot BOT 10-Jun-19 09:40 AM
Fallout 76
Nuclear Winter is taking Appalachia by Storm with the arrival of Patch 10. Gather your squad to compete in this all-new last-team-standing Battle Royale mode for Fallout 76. Additionally, Patch 10 brings a number of combat improvements and bug fixes to the game. Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update. - - - - - - Patch Highlights ...
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