Wrongthink Tank - Jingle Deez
8,990 messages
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 03:20 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm gay
Prude 19-Jul-16 03:20 AM
Does it go in reverse?
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 03:20 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: So this shit works now. Great.
(Side) Rejdukien: And yes, it does.
Prude 19-Jul-16 03:20 AM
Can yall see me saying IM GAY in game?
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 03:20 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: what works?
(Side) Rejdukien: Also why is your name "Brutally Beefy Prude" instead of just Prude
Prude 19-Jul-16 03:21 AM
Because thats my true name on discord, prudes just a nickname
Can pubbies see this???
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 03:21 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
Prude 19-Jul-16 03:21 AM
Hi pubsters
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 03:24 AM
Browser test
(Side) Rejdukien: I need to do some more exception handling
(Side) Rejdukien: But hey, look at it as a proof of concept kinda deal.
Rejd 19-Jul-16 03:26 AM
... bullied
God Emperor Trump 19-Jul-16 03:26 AM
Rejd 19-Jul-16 03:26 AM
Hooray I broke it again.
Still doesn't like unicode.
... bullied
God Emperor Trump 19-Jul-16 03:31 AM
Rejd 19-Jul-16 03:32 AM
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:01 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Hey, yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: What's up
(Side) Rango: My friends and i build a base three days ago
(Side) Rango: but
(Side) Rango: Our flags have been stolen
(Side) Rango: and our base gate didnt brew out
(Side) Rejdukien: Where was the base at?
(Side) Rango: I can show you there
(Side) Rango: Can you come get me?
(Side) Rejdukien: That's the safezone.
(Side) Rejdukien: Just tell me the name of the territory and/or the location
(Side) Rango: Weedkinddom
(Side) Rango: weedkindom
(Side) Rango: and our vechile gone too
(Side) Rejdukien: Well, what I can tell you is that some dudes were pretty pissed at you because they thought you stole something from em
(Side) Rejdukien: So they blew up the helicopter outside
(Side) Rejdukien: No clue about the flag though.
(Side) Rango: but how did they stolen our flag
(Side) Rango: Our flag was cover by 3 wood walls and that walls didnt destroyed yet
(Side) Rejdukien: Honestly, no clue. Could have just used a thermal scanner on the gate. Since there's only one.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:10 AM
(Side) Rango: That thing can just hacked our code lock?
(Side) Rejdukien: If it's been used the last ~10 minutes or so, then they can see the code.
(Side) Rango: oh right thanks
(Side) Rejdukien: Well, apart from that no idea. I could just restore the flag if you want.
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:13 AM
Oh hey, flag stolen at: 2016-07-17 15:23:33
That's server local time, so whatever timezone texas is in
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:14 AM
(Side) Rango: Yep pretty thanks bro
(Side) Rango: uh Can i ask one more question?
(Side) Rejdukien: Figured out who stole it, I'll just go ahead and ask him next time I see him.
(Side) Rango: ok tks bro
(Side) Rejdukien: Also have you checked the office trader? Maybe the flag has been put up for ransom. Who knows.
(Side) Rango: ok ill tell my friend later
(Side) Rango: really thanks
(Side) Rejdukien: Flag should be back after restart.
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:20 AM
Dude's from taiwan D:
Prude 19-Jul-16 04:20 AM
wait cant they see you saying that, lol
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:20 AM
He just disconnected.
I think my rcon script just survived a server restart
Hey Gavin, I had someone complain to me that you stole your neighbors flag - How'd you reach it?
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:38 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: no no it was Potato
(Side) HollenHunde: gavin is cool and with me
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:38 AM
Odd, database shows it's Gavin.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:38 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: oooooooh yeah that we did, the door, we blew it down with an RPG
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:39 AM
Did you replace the door?
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:39 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: we have no neighbors anymore
(Side) HollenHunde: no we did not
(Side) Gavin: yea, one rpg to the door on the hangar took the door down
(Side) HollenHunde: we saw it was back when we went to gunt down Potato
(Side) HollenHunde: are we in trouble?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:41 AM
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:41 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: Haggis tols you about Potato yes?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:41 AM
A bit? Didn't quite get the story
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:42 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: ahh alright... ill have to tell you some time
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:43 AM
From what I know, potatoe was in your family/territory, fucked y'all over and ran.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:43 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: big time
(Side) HollenHunde: lost everyhting w ehad and you gifted us
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:44 AM
How the hell he didn't make any money from that is beyond me
Dude's broke.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:44 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: prob used it for himself.....
(Side) HollenHunde: thats ok tho... when we find his base we will ransack it and take it back
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:47 AM
heh, "base"
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:47 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: does he not have one?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:47 AM
Oops, I already said too much.
He does.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:48 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: could you be a dear and tell me where? we already broke the server rule of "DONT BE A DICK"
(Side) Rango: why?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:48 AM
Nah, y'all have to search for it
Let the manhunt commence
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 04:49 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: he said the coast lol north trader somewhere
(Side) HollenHunde: Rej why curious abou tthe flag steal and all cuz no im curious why your cusious
ashy 19-Jul-16 06:10 AM
Rename channel: Rejd's fishtank
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 10:08 AM
I'm mjasssively gay and where did the rest of ArmA chat go.
I thought you would make a new channel for this than blow out the old one D:
ashy 19-Jul-16 10:10 AM
It is a new channel you damn stoner
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 10:11 AM
I just woke up Ashy :(
like less than 5 minutes ago
I didn't even wake n bake yet
ashy 19-Jul-16 10:20 AM
Ah thats what it is
Also jealous
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:06 AM
(Side) Scorpion: sorry man let me finish this mission and I'll vote it to day
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 11:07 AM
hey guys
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:07 AM
(Side) Scorpion: Hey hey
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 11:07 AM
testing something Rejd made for us
it connects our chatroom server with the arma server
Lancek 19-Jul-16 11:08 AM
ashy 19-Jul-16 11:08 AM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:08 AM
(Side) Scorpion: thats pretty cool
Prude 19-Jul-16 11:11 AM
yeah its cool cause now you can shitpost @ innocent pubbies whenever you want
ashy 19-Jul-16 11:11 AM
Rejd's pets
Rejd 19-Jul-16 11:12 AM
wow rude
ashy 19-Jul-16 11:13 AM
lol how is that rude
Rejd 19-Jul-16 11:13 AM
you don't just call people pets~
ashy 19-Jul-16 11:13 AM
Its like an antfarm, except you named the ants and hover over the colony with a magnifying glass
Prude 19-Jul-16 11:13 AM
it worked fine with the last girl i was seriously talking to
ashy 19-Jul-16 11:14 AM
Yeah seriously theyre pubbies, they dont even have souls
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 11:14 AM
thats an exception not the rule, prude
also >implying they are anything but Rejd's loyal subjects
this is a nice experiment.
Rejd 19-Jul-16 11:17 AM
Basically was an excuse for me to get a little bit of practice related to microservice architectures
Prude 19-Jul-16 11:17 AM
you can microservice this architecture
... boom
God Emperor Trump 19-Jul-16 11:17 AM
Rejd 19-Jul-16 11:17 AM
Basically I've got two programs running independent of each other, one's a discord bot with a rest interface, the other is a rcon bot with a rest interface
sending messages to each other via that interface.
So you could completely replace one part without touching the other part at all.(edited)
It's hip and modern now.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:39 AM
(Side) Scorpion: How are things Perry?
(Side) perry: lol not great, last nigth i got sniped by ai and i have to loot all over again
(Side) perry: night* lol
(Side) Scorpion: I have been there lol.
(Side) perry: what about you?
(Side) Scorpion: just tryin to get stuff together to continue work on my base
(Side) perry: oh nice
Taylor SWifTT 19-Jul-16 11:42 AM
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:45 AM
(Side) perry: brotherman, what do i do with a knife?
(Side) Scorpion: sell it to me so I can break into locked cars XD
(Side) perry: alright chevy chase
(Side) Scorpion: I have yet to find one. Where did you come across it?
(Side) perry: the white dome at pygros base
(Side) perry: boi
(Side) Scorpion: hmm ok thanks. Ill have to check it out tonight when I have more time
(Side) perry: cool wankerneck
(Side) Scorpion: lol @ wankerneck
(Side) perry: lol my friends told me to call you random shit
(Side) Scorpion: tell them I call em Twat Waffles
(Side) Scorpion: and btw that is immature and offensive....we should hang out
(Side) perry: dude will you help me get my stuff back
(Side) Scorpion: sure where at?
(Side) perry: i died in Telos where should i spawn?
(Side) Scorpion: ill pick you up in Frini
(Side) perry: thanks
(Side) Scorpion: np
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 11:54 AM
new besties~
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 11:54 AM
(Side) perry: lol im here
(Side) Scorpion: 2k out
(Side) perry: k
(Side) Scorpion: what side of town you on?
(Side) perry: i hear you
(Side) perry: thanks alot dude
(Side) Scorpion: military area in Telos?
(Side) perry: 162172
(Side) perry: its in the middle of Telos
(Side) Scorpion: k
(Side) perry: theres AI
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:00 PM
(Side) perry: lol please help im not equipped for this
(Side) perry: NMOOOOOIOO
(Side) perry: FUDGE
(Side) perry: lol dude that ghilie on the ground has all my stuff will you put it in your car?
(Side) Scorpion: yes
(Side) perry: amd just bring it to where i spawn
(Side) Scorpion: checking area
(Side) perry: ok im back at Frini
(Side) Scorpion: man where did they all come from?
(Side) perry: ikr
(Side) Scorpion: headed your way now. put some guns I could fit in your car for you to sell
(Side) perry: okay
(Side) perry: thanks man and sorry for all the trouble lol
(Side) Scorpion: no worries. ive been there
(Side) Scorpion: sucks to lose everything
(Side) perry: it really kills the drive to play too
(Side) Scorpion: repaired your vehicle too
(Side) perry: <3
(Side) perry: <3
(Side) Scorpion: go ahead and detatch my rope for me. everything is in your car for ya
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:11 PM
(Side) perry: thanks man
(Side) Scorpion: np
(Side) perry: thats so awesome of you
(Side) Scorpion: ill wait here and let you get rearmed
(Side) Scorpion: I am always happy to help if I can. Better to have lots of peeps stick around ;)
(Side) Hazlen: @Rejd test
(Side) perry: thanks again dud
(Side) Scorpion: anytime. Happy Hunting. and if you find another knife, remember who helped ya ;)
(Side) perry: lol of coursew
(Side) perry: course*
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:17 PM
Aww, mentions aren't working :v
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:18 PM
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:18 PM
also wow, you didn't just straight up go for @everyone, what kinda goon are you
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:20 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @everyone okay test
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:21 PM
good lord
it worked
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:21 PM
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:21 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @Rejd #5798 test :*
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:21 PM
You heard that? If you wanna drive discord crazy, just make sure to repeatedly type @everyo..
Honestly it's probably a really good way to get admin attention
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:23 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @das vaper test
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:23 PM
hm if we had an admin group that they could @
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:24 PM
honestly we're prob better off just adding in keyword filtering and then making the bot mention a group by itself
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:24 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @Das Vaper test
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:24 PM
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:24 PM
So if the keyword "admin" is in the message, just @mention a certain group
Or go hogwild and mention here
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:24 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @here test
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:25 PM
that works
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:25 PM
Hold on, stay ingame hazlen
Give me 5 minutes
@deleted-role test
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:27 PM
(Side) Hazlen: @arma_admins test
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:27 PM
Yeah hold on.
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:27 PM
(Side) Hazlen: do that again
(Side) Hazlen: it was a number string here ingame
(Side) Scorpion: did you make it safely to sell that stuff and deposit your money Perry?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:32 PM
I guess that's what it showed up as?
That's the role ID
I'm trying to figure out if there's something like get_role(id) in the discord api
Since the mentions list should contain a role object rather than an id
or I could just.. try putting that in the message itself
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 12:34 PM
yeah something like that
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:36 PM
Alright say something containing "admin" ingame
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:36 PM
(Side) Scorpion: Admin here rock?
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:36 PM
uh lower case
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:37 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: admin here rock
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:37 PM
Yep that works.
Lemme make sure it ignores case.
Okay go hogwild with your admin mentions
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:38 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Admin admin @dmin
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Admin
(Side) Scorpion: @dmin
@deleted-role(Side) Hazlen: admins suck admin dick
@deleted-role(Side) Hazlen: admin
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:39 PM
Yep, working fine except for, you know, @dmin
BattlEye Bot 19-Jul-16 12:39 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Hazlen: adminsssss
@deleted-role(Side) Hazlen: ADMIN
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:40 PM
Now I just need to add jack and asshaggis to the role so they can experience the joy that is mention spam~
Taylor SWifTT 19-Jul-16 12:40 PM
kill me
Lancek 19-Jul-16 12:40 PM
Don't forget to vote for Trump! A vote for Trump is a vote for America
Rejd 19-Jul-16 12:40 PM
Ok Shillmaster 9000
But yeah this should kinda replace having to run the EPM RCon tool now
Haven't had to kick anyone yet, it's basically just chat I need to see
Rejd 19-Jul-16 03:53 PM
I'm gay
Fuck, I wonder if there's a way to access ingame voice chat via api
Or if I'd basically have to run a headless client and somehow use that for shenanigans
Lancek 19-Jul-16 04:11 PM
That's... a scary proposition
Taylor SWifTT 19-Jul-16 04:14 PM
Im hard af
Cynthia_Dutch 19-Jul-16 04:15 PM
I am fat
ashy 19-Jul-16 04:16 PM
im gay
Taylor SWifTT 19-Jul-16 04:19 PM
im fat and gay
Rejd 19-Jul-16 04:42 PM
I'm fat, gay and dumb
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 04:43 PM
Absolutely the same.
Ass-Haggis 19-Jul-16 05:35 PM
you fuckin nargs
im gonna inundate you with my lovejozzlin
Hazlen 19-Jul-16 05:36 PM
this is a new channel Ass, it's for talking between the server and discord :v
oh its not working right now anyways
Ass-Haggis 19-Jul-16 05:37 PM
hello hazlen
Rejd 19-Jul-16 05:45 PM
oh uh
did I break it
yeah rcon can't connect
Why is RCon being that fucky
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:17 PM
(Side) RekCus: How does an assault rifle shoot me out of a BTR
(Side) Scorpion: strange. did you have window open?
(Side) RekCus: No
(Side) RekCus: Shot me out the gunner seat
(Side) Scorpion: thats kinda lame right there
(Side) RekCus: Yeah..
(Side) RekCus: Beats the fucking point of a btr
(Side) Scorpion: right?
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Do you know who the admins are
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:18 PM
Some fags
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: I do, and if they are at thier computer just typing admin will get thier attn
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
Fuck the admins
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
(Side) RekCus: Cool
(Side) R3llik: nice
(Side) Scorpion: lol taylor
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: admin lives matter?
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Yo admin, you see what happened? Is that scripted right
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:19 PM
No what happened
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 01:20 PM
admins can see you
your text
what happened
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:20 PM
(Side) RekCus: NPC shot me out of a BTR with an assault rifle
(Side) RekCus: is that normal, doesnt really make sense
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:20 PM
Lmbo Arma.txt
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 01:20 PM
depends on a few factors but yeah that's standard arma.txt
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:21 PM
(Side) RekCus: So they can do that to a tank too ?
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 01:21 PM
probably not with an assault rifle
maybe if you turned out
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:22 PM
(Side) RekCus: I dont have an option to turn out in the btr and they 1 shotted me lol
(Side) Scorpion: was it a black mission?
(Side) RekCus: Yea, i mean why would it matter, its an assault rifle
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 01:22 PM
I don't think BTR's are very bullet proof. may have shot you with a big caliber
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:23 PM
(Side) RekCus: Nah it was a normal assault rifle, saw the guy, oh well
(Side) RekCus: Is there a button for a debug monitor
(Side) Scorpion: not that I am aware of
Lancek 20-Jul-16 01:37 PM
RekCus BTR-80's are APCs with at most 10mm of armor. Anything larger than a 5.56 up close is going to penetrate
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 01:38 PM
(Side) RekCus: Ah good deal, tfti
Rejd 20-Jul-16 01:42 PM
this rcon-discord thing is great when it actually works.
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 01:51 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:06 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Admin
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:09 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:09 PM
(Side) R3llik: he left
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:10 PM
next time anybody needs anything write what you need, we will see it.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:10 PM
(Side) R3llik: hes back
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:12 PM
What did you need Scorpion
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:12 PM
(Side) Scorpion: let me see if the relog fixed it right quick
(Side) Scorpion: ok ya is there any way to talk about this in private message or no?
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:13 PM
Not really
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:14 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I need to restore my stolen flag, but it will not let me at the office. Says 0 poptabs needed and will not fix the problem.
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:15 PM
Well I can't access the db right now
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:16 PM
(Side) Scorpion: Shit. I have to work soon. How long do I have to fix that?
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 02:16 PM
maybe @Rejd can help you
I've summoned him we shall see.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 02:16 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok ty
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Admin ok ill just have to mess with it later tonight. Please look into it.
Rejd 20-Jul-16 02:27 PM
Yeah db says someone stole the flag and hasn't turned it in yet
Rejd 20-Jul-16 04:09 PM
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 04:12 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 04:14 PM
(Side) RekCus: Cool story
(Side) R3llik: /vote day
(Side) CynthiaDutch: vote day
Rejd 20-Jul-16 05:01 PM
/vote day
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 05:07 PM
/vote night
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 05:10 PM
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Yo admin this vehicle i just bought isnt lock able?
Rejd 20-Jul-16 05:11 PM
which one
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 05:11 PM
(Side) RekCus: ZSU-39 Tigiris
(Side) RekCus: Can it be made lockable? it asked for a pin when we bought it, but no lock option
Lancek 20-Jul-16 05:13 PM
Try moving a bit away from it and get back into range and see if the Lock option becomes available?
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 05:14 PM
(Side) RekCus: Nope, every option besides lock
(Side) BroChacho: try logging out then back in
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 05:14 PM
hang on
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 05:14 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Can confirm, tigris is being odd.
(Side) Rejdukien: Arma.txt
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: admin ey same problem lol
(Side) BroChacho: terminal is the only place that has the hardware trader?
(Side) RekCus: No
(Side) RekCus: Sideras (top right) has it
(Side) BroChacho: ok thanks
(Side) RekCus: They should all have it, i think
(Side) BroChacho: I dont see one at the trader area on the left side of the map
(Side) BroChacho: is it hard to add? or is there not one on purpose?
(Side) RekCus: Oh yeah?
(Side) BroChacho: have you guys considered adding the new thermal vision headgear yet?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah sorry haven't gotten around to it yet
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm p much the only guy touching the scripts
(Side) Rejdukien: And considering I always have to wait for the server to be basically empty before I push updates, I just forget about stuff most of the time before
(Side) Rejdukien: I get a chance to
(Side) BroChacho: no problem bro...I was just asking. i am sure it takes a lot of effort arranging things
(Side) Rejdukien: Otherwise I'd just piss off people with my constant restarts~
(Side) Rejdukien: But yeah, it's checking the type of the vehicle for the interaction menus
(Side) Rejdukien: And so far there's just "car", "air", "construction"... in it
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 05:35 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: But those tracked vehicles are of the kind "Tank"
(Side) Rejdukien: So yeah, gimmie a few. Hope I got it done before the next restart, then I can take the server down at the same time.
(Side) BroChacho: is it hard to add the trader that sells building supplies to the left trader city?
(Side) Rejdukien: hth there's also an issue I don't understand at all.
(Side) Rejdukien: Oh fuck.
(Side) Rejdukien: Nevermind.
(Side) Rejdukien: Quinoa or w/e it's called should be purchasable next restart, too.
(Side) BroChacho: nice
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright, everything should be working as it's supposed to
(Side) Rejdukien: Also you can find the new apex helmet as rare mission loot
(Side) R3llik: do they lock now?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah
(Side) R3llik: awesome thanks
(Side) RekCus: Thats some flying
(Side) RekCus: Very patriotic paintjob too
(Side) R3llik: ^^
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: admin super speed huh
(Side) Rejdukien: :V
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:00 PM
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Id like that admin speed too
(Side) RekCus: Ey this mission they arent dying or moving
(Side) Rejdukien: uhh
(Side) Rejdukien: I have no idea what just happened.
(Side) RekCus: lol
(Side) Rejdukien: but shooting me doesn't help
(Side) R3llik: target practice
(Side) R3llik: ill stop
(Side) Rejdukien: man, flying the hummingbird is so much more enjoyable now that I get 100% of the response curve
(Side) Rejdukien: previously I had the controls mapped improperly so I'd just get 50%
(Side) RekCus: Lol
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't mind me~
(Side) R3llik: u good
(Side) Rejdukien: Just sniping with my dual gau-8
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 06:17 PM
he good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:18 PM
(Side) R3llik: that thing is a beast
(Side) R3llik: u on a joystick?
(Side) Rejdukien: yeah
(Side) R3llik: sick
(Side) Rejdukien: only thing missing now is trackir
(Side) Rejdukien: but I'm too lazy to set that up.
(Side) Rejdukien: y'all need a proper paintjob, too.
(Side) R3llik: nice
(Side) Rejdukien: Better.
(Side) Rejdukien: :V
(Side) RekCus: lmao
(Side) Potato Sandwich: yo rejd, guess what
(Side) RekCus: I can see trump flying this choppy
Lancek 20-Jul-16 06:27 PM
A vote for Trump is a vote for Making America Great Again!
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:28 PM
(Side) RekCus: hooray
(Side) Rejdukien: yeah careful with those slums there
(Side) Rejdukien: You just directly flew over a hardcore mission
Lancek 20-Jul-16 06:29 PM
Hmm Rejd I wonder what happens if I do this
... goodshit
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 06:29 PM
📣 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:29 PM
(Side) RekCus: Yup, noticed it late
(Side) Rejdukien: Nothing.
(Side) RekCus: What gave us away was the paint job
(Side) Potato Sandwich: yo rejd
(Side) RekCus: If we still had our camo paint, we'd be ait
(Side) Rejdukien: If a message contains those unicode emojis, it's not getting parsed.
Lancek 20-Jul-16 06:30 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:30 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: finally got apex
(Side) Rejdukien: Neat.
(Side) R3llik: that damn paint job fkd me
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
(Side) R3llik: u did us dirty
(Side) Potato Sandwich: shit, damn tree.... i need to find a way to up my render distance without killing my pc...... rejd, could you pop me in a ducktape please?
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
yes feed your ants Rejd
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i literally cant see trees or rocks until theyre about 25ft infront of me
(Side) Rejdukien: Always carry 3-4 ducktape
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
feed them
Rejd's antfarm
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
(Side) BroChacho: there are plenty of video optimization tutorials on google
(Side) RekCus: If youre handing out duct tapes, can you duct tape our chopper back together
(Side) R3llik: ^
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
duct tape deez nuts
... trumpboom
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:32 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i dont have 3-4 ducktapes, i lost them all when my heli went down :(
(Side) RekCus: Hey welcome to the club, get to walking homie
(Side) R3llik: ;)
(Side) Rejdukien: Then go spawn yourself a quad
(Side) Rejdukien: You're not too far from the trader anyway.
(Side) Potato Sandwich: welp, guess i bought this vehicle for nothing
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i dont have enough of the cash, i have 179 tabs
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :D rejd and his healing crop dust
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm taking those 300 out of your bank account.
(Side) Rejdukien: Running you into the red~
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:34 PM
get rekt potato
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:34 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: You may call me Goldstein.
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:34 PM
... jewing
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 06:34 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:35 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: can i call you corperate america?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: O_O
(Side) Potato Sandwich: that spooped me
(Side) Potato Sandwich: y
(Side) Potato Sandwich: nononononono its okay, did i spoop it away?
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm dumb and gay
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
(Side) Potato Sandwich: u mak me sad
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i r sad nao
(Side) Potato Sandwich: gonna go find a big cliff and drive off
Lancek 20-Jul-16 06:39 PM
Do you fashion yourself more as Thelma or Louise?
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:39 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: So be it then
(Side) R3llik: now thats a trump ride
(Side) Rejdukien: Get in and let's make america great again
(Side) RekCus: Got stuff to do
(Side) RekCus: Since we just lost half our shit lol
(Side) Rejdukien: Well, I comped Reliks a tad there for that chopper.
(Side) R3llik: lies
(Side) Rejdukien: Locker.
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, are the two new vtols from apex purcahsable?
(Side) Rejdukien: yep
(Side) R3llik: balance 0
(Side) RekCus: ey
(Side) RekCus: How do you re-arm tanks and armed vehicles
(Side) Rejdukien: ammo truck
(Side) Rejdukien: park close by.
(Side) RekCus: Ah
(Side) RekCus: Thanks
(Side) R3llik: thats insane control dude
(Side) R3llik: jelly
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, did you fix those shipping crates being unaccessable?
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 06:48 PM
Hes so good ebcause Rej isnt even real
Hes just a computer program
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:50 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: weeeelllllllll, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
(Side) Rejdukien: What'd ya do this time
(Side) Potato Sandwich: someone else this time....
(Side) Potato Sandwich: walk into my base, safe is unlocked and empty, crates are empty
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
(Side) RekCus: Lol
(Side) Rejdukien: rip
Lancek 20-Jul-16 06:51 PM
ashy 20-Jul-16 06:51 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:51 PM
(Side) RekCus: How can they get into your safe?
(Side) Rejdukien: Also shipping crates, don't see any reason why they shouldn't work
(Side) Potato Sandwich: thermal scanner
(Side) Rejdukien: hth I think you just forgot to lock it.
(Side) Potato Sandwich: there was one i crafted, but it had the options to lock and pack and thats it
(Side) Potato Sandwich: no no no, i lock my shit before i leave
(Side) RekCus: Nah, it was open
(Side) Potato Sandwich: even if i hop out of a car to loot a building
(Side) Potato Sandwich: are you saying you stole my shit?
Rejd 20-Jul-16 06:53 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 06:53 PM
(Side) RekCus: I just took what was mine to begin with
(Side) Potato Sandwich: what the fuck does that even mean? all the stuff in there was from a crate from a mission........
(Side) RekCus: Its mine
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd can confirm
(Side) Potato Sandwich: !chat
(Side) Potato Sandwich: did you get rid of that, rejd?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: anyone know what the shovel is for?
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 06:59 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:00 PM
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) Potato Sandwich: . #FeelTheBern
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 07:00 PM
/ban potato
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:00 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
(Side) Potato Sandwich: it was joke
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 07:00 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:00 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hahahahaha, see, theres a camera over there sweats nerviously
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:03 PM
Welp, I should go update the extended base mod.
You can now place ATMs, which act as lockers.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:03 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, did you get rid of !chat?
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:03 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:03 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ah
(Side) BroChacho: do you buy the ATMs?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hmmm, it didnt work earlier
(Side) Rejdukien: I think you craft those
(Side) BroChacho: oh ok
(Side) Rejdukien: Not quite sure
(Side) Rejdukien: I mean I could still add em to the trader.
(Side) Rejdukien: Infact I think almost any EBM object is craftable.
(Side) Rejdukien: Just gotta know the recipe
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, could you do me a small favor?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: could i play with the guns on the armed osprey?
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:05 PM
Not right now
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:06 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: but that is a yes? at some point?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: if im a good ant
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:07 PM
... bitchart
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 07:07 PM
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:07 PM
told you
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:07 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: im rejd's pet
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
called it
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: <3 u rejd
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:08 PM
This is definitely a bit.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:09 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: they should add a chainsaw for faster tree chopping :( rip my life this is now minecraft
(Side) Potato Sandwich: FUCK... i lost my handsaw :(
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:10 PM
Get searchin'
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:11 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, when i get enough money im gonna make a family and name it "Rejd's Ant Farm"
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:12 PM
... boom
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 07:12 PM
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:12 PM
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:12 PM
promote ashy to GOD KING OF BMW
@Taylor SWifTT
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:13 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:13 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: .......... i was just watching that
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd can read the minds of ants, he is truely an ant god!!!
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:14 PM
I wonder how much more of that is getting pinned
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:17 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ant god, i want to die inside
(Side) RekCus: Hey which truck gives ammo for vehicles? whats it called
(Side) Potato Sandwich: its truckname(Ammo) or (Resupply)
(Side) Potato Sandwich: check the HEMMT and zamak
Player Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Potato Sandwich: mighty ant god, i want to die inside
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:27 PM
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 07:27 PM
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:28 PM
I want to be inside a man~
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:28 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: been through the closest place for loot 3 times now, no damn handsaw
(Side) RekCus: Use your teeth
(Side) Potato Sandwich: sadly you cant in arma
Player Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Potato Sandwich: wake me up
(Side) Potato Sandwich: (cant wake up)
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:31 PM
... before you go-go~
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:31 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: oh.... wrong song
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:31 PM
oh wow yall are singing in arma chat now
... gay
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 07:31 PM
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:32 PM
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\U0001f4e3' in position 20: character maps to <undefined>
help pls.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:33 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hold down the button on your computer that has a circle with a line in it
(Side) RekCus: Q this one
(Side) Potato Sandwich: no, line on the other side
(Side) Potato Sandwich: it should be on your case, its the emoji jey
(Side) Potato Sandwich: key
The Sauce 20-Jul-16 07:35 PM
am i in arma
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:35 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: no
The Sauce 20-Jul-16 07:35 PM
is this battletoads
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:35 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: How about that one
(Side) Potato Sandwich: no, this is knack
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
(Side) RekCus: Is there a way to give money to other players
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:38 PM
I think you'll have to drop it
Lancek 20-Jul-16 07:39 PM
You can put money into crates and let them take it that way
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:39 PM
(Side) RekCus: and cars, now that i think about it
(Side) RekCus: Thanks
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:41 PM
I just killed the discord bot for a second. Let's see if those emoji work now
yeah it doesn't, lmao
Okay, let's see
... goodshit
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 07:42 PM
📣 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Lancek 20-Jul-16 07:42 PM
... goodbones
God Emperor Trump 20-Jul-16 07:42 PM
📣 💀 🎺 💀 🎺 💀 🎺 💀 🎺 💀 🎺 gooD boNes n calcium 💀 thank 🎺 mr skeltal g 💀 💀 ood bones 💀 💀 and calc 💀 ium 💀 💀 💀 good bones 🎺 and calcium 🎺 🎺 if i dootƽaү thank skeltal man 🎶 doot doot doot doot 🎶 good bones n calcium good bones (chorus: ᵈᵒᵒᵗ ᵈᵒᵒᵗ) mMMMMᎷМ 🎶 💀 💀 💀 DO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒT 💀 💀 💀 💀 🎶 💀 🎺 🎺 🎺 💀 💀
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:42 PM
rip arma chat
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:43 PM
Player Lancek connected from United States
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:44 PM
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:44 PM
Also this is p cool, if someone posts a youtube link or w/e ingame it embeds in discord, too.
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:44 PM
it got all the way to the chorus
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:44 PM
(Side) Lancek: im gay
(Side) Lancek: Hmm I can't spawn Rejd
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
kill urself
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
your banned
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
I mean
Kill yourself.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
(Side) RekCus: Do it
Rejd 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
Hit F1 and kill yourself.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
(Side) Lancek: rip
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
he ded yo
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:45 PM
(Side) Lancek: There's no options to choose a spawn location
(Side) Lancek: wait nvm
(Side) Lancek: Oh it spawned me over the ocean
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
(Side) Lancek: Oh shit I'm wearing an American flag
(Side) Lancek: Never been more proud
(Side) R3llik: /vote day
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm coming in hot lancek~
(Side) Lancek: I wonder who has the Huey with door gunners in it
(Side) Lancek: I uh
(Side) Lancek: Oops
(Side) Lancek: ...
(Side) Rejdukien: UMM
(Side) Rejdukien: Ooops.
(Side) Rejdukien: Goddamnit, I just wanted to park the heli inside.
ashy 20-Jul-16 07:56 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:56 PM
(Side) Lancek: Our base must have despawned :/
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 07:56 PM
yeah rip
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:56 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: shoulda have paid your rent
@deleted-role(Side) Rejdukien: also admin, ass-haggis, go pay rent for the motherbase
(Side) Lancek: jfc
(Side) Rejdukien: pls stop killing yourself
(Side) RekCus: Do you have to be in a safe zone to re-arm with the ammo truck?
(Side) Rejdukien: Nope
(Side) RekCus: Is it a one time use?
(Side) Rejdukien: gmach used to tow a truck behind his tank
(Side) Rejdukien: SHouldn't be
(Side) Rejdukien: But as usual
(Side) Rejdukien: Arma is a buggy piece of shit
Player Lancek disconnected
(Side) RekCus: Well, its not letting me re-arm this time. Did once
Lancek 20-Jul-16 07:59 PM
Okay so after that last time it killed me it kicked me off
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 07:59 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Try moving the truck around a bit or w/e
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:02 PM
(Side) RekCus: Why does this mission keep respawning ai non stop
(Side) Rejdukien: they keep respawning until they're all dead
(Side) Rejdukien: That's one of the things happening if it's a hardcore mission.
(Side) RekCus: Well everytime we get to 1, it spawns to 10
(Side) R3llik: wow u can do that
Player Lancek connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: :<
(Side) RekCus: Lol
(Side) Rejdukien: What'd I do
(Side) Rejdukien: I WONDER
(Side) Rejdukien: IF IT'D WORK
(Side) Lancek: uh oh
(Side) Rejdukien: c'mon
(Side) Rejdukien: for science
(Side) Rejdukien: :|
(Side) Lancek: I don't even know what you're doing D:
(Side) R3llik: i need some glow sticks
(Side) RekCus: Thats my jam right there
(Side) R3llik: again
(Side) Rejdukien: I CAN'T HANDLE THIS
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:28 PM
(Side) R3llik: thats awesome
(Side) Rejdukien: If I actually knew how to get intro scripts working that'd play every time you join the server~
(Side) R3llik: they used to do that in dayz1
(Side) R3llik: dayz2
(Side) RekCus: That should play while you paradrop
(Side) R3llik: ^
(Side) Rejdukien: Fuck yeah.
(Side) Rejdukien: I could actually do that.
(Side) R3llik: rofl
(Side) R3llik: got trumpt
(Side) Lancek: nice
(Side) Rejdukien: can't stump the trump
Player BroChacho disconnected
(Side) R3llik: i know u watching
(Side) R3llik: aint this a b
(Side) RekCus: Ey
(Side) RekCus: Which choppers can tow that crate
Rejd 20-Jul-16 08:45 PM
All of em
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:45 PM
(Side) R3llik: i couldnt lift it
Rejd 20-Jul-16 08:45 PM
use the cargo rope action menu
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:46 PM
(Side) R3llik: did
Rejd 20-Jul-16 08:46 PM
rather than vanilla slingloading
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:46 PM
(Side) R3llik: once i started taking off the ropes snapped
Rejd 20-Jul-16 08:46 PM
take off slower
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:47 PM
(Side) R3llik: they stretched like rubber bands and then broke
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Lancek disconnected
Player RekCus disconnected
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) RekCus: fml and arma
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: any admin watching atm?
Simplyjack 20-Jul-16 08:58 PM
always watching
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 08:58 PM
watch deez
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 08:58 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I feel ya there lol Rek
(Side) RekCus: Man, just towing some shit and it hits a corner and blows up behind me
(Side) Scorpion: I was curious if anyone knew what caused my flagpole problem earlier? seems fine now?
(Side) RekCus: just bought this shit
(Side) Scorpion: oh man, I have had that happen. Sucks. gotta be careful here.
Simplyjack 20-Jul-16 08:59 PM
yeah its not GTA or saints row
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I have lost alot of stuff. But when you figure it all out, it works well. I find towing I have to look behind alot and make sure I swing wide
Simplyjack 20-Jul-16 09:00 PM
slow WAY on down
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:00 PM
(Side) RekCus: Yeah but the issue is i was going like 3mph
(Side) RekCus: just started moving, and it blows up
Simplyjack 20-Jul-16 09:00 PM
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 09:01 PM
towing what
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:01 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ouch. you got arma'd.
(Side) RekCus: My ammo truck
(Side) Scorpion: So Halzen, was my flag stolen earlier, or just glitched? and if so, what might have caused it?
(Side) Scorpion: and why is it back now if not XD
(Side) R3llik: they figured it out earlier
(Side) R3llik: the person that stole it didnt sell it
(Side) R3llik: so u in limbo
(Side) Scorpion: ah. so that could fuck someone over. Good to know I guess.
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 09:02 PM
server restart may have fixed it
i didnt do anything
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:02 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ya I seem good now Hazlen. ty
Rejd 20-Jul-16 09:02 PM
It was me.
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 09:02 PM
of course it was rejd
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:03 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I was in the process of fixing how they could have gotten to it. wasnt gone long lol
(Side) Scorpion: well ty all the same. And Rej, it isnt nice to give me heart failure right before work.
(Side) Scorpion: I was so pissed all night lol
Rejd 20-Jul-16 09:04 PM
Wait what
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:04 PM
(Side) Scorpion: didnt you say you were the one that stole my flag?
Rejd 20-Jul-16 09:04 PM
Oh nah
I just set the flag to "no, not stolen" in the db because stealing a flag and not turning it in ain't fun.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 09:05 PM
(Side) Scorpion: well whoever did made me make several people of various ages cry at work tonight.
(Side) Scorpion: j/k j/k ;)
(Side) RekCus: I didnt get a chance to sell the flag
(Side) Scorpion: lol was it you?
(Side) RekCus: I guess youll never really know
(Side) Scorpion: nvm I dont wanna know. always more fun to not know
Player Lancek connected from United States
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Daniel connected from Mexico
Player Daniel disconnected
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Rejd 20-Jul-16 09:49 PM
I'm gay
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 09:49 PM
Rejd 20-Jul-16 09:49 PM
Get in my butthole freak show
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 10:12 PM
Player ngerb connected from United States
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: Hello patato sandwich
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, you there?
(Side) Freak Show: ive got him on conchord, what ya need
(Side) Potato Sandwich: could you ask him to message me on steam? i need to ask him a few things
(Side) Freak Show: I messaged him, he didn't respond. Might be AFK!
(Side) Freak Show: this transport chopper goes as slow as possible
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
Player RekCus disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: lol dat rage quit
(Side) Scorpion: owie
(Side) Freak Show: what happened
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: whos osprey am i by?
(Side) Freak Show: mine
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ah
(Side) Freak Show: just bought her
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 10:38 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: nice
(Side) Freak Show: having to restart since the base i was sharing with friend went away
(Side) Freak Show: she forgot to pay protection money
(Side) Potato Sandwich: same with my group, just talked to rejd about it
(Side) Scorpion: happened to my brother and I as well XD
(Side) Freak Show: awsome, he gonna get ya started again
(Side) Potato Sandwich: dont know honestly
Player meep connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player meep disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hey R3llik, grid square for where he died
(Side) Potato Sandwich: gotta get back at him
(Side) R3llik: mine
(Side) Freak Show: hey in the strider how do you turn on thermal
(Side) R3llik: hes burning
Player Rango disconnected
(Side) ngerb: vote day
Rejd 20-Jul-16 10:57 PM
So since I just figured out how to bring removed bases back, that 4th reich base should be there again on next restart.
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 10:57 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: the ant god has spoken
Player meep connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: how long till then rejd
Rejd 20-Jul-16 11:01 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:01 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd halp
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rip
(Side) Potato Sandwich: right as i insta doc
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player ngerb disconnected
Player Freak Show disconnected
(Side) HollenHunde: sooo who owns a base on Makrynis???
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 11:56 PM
Not I
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:56 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: is it you? lol
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 11:57 PM
Mines gone
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:57 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: whoever owns it left the door unlocked and now they are locked so i must sit here and wait lol
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 11:57 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:57 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: yup yup
Hazlen 20-Jul-16 11:58 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:58 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: hmmm they actually locked their safes this time
(Side) HollenHunde: maybe they know im here.... left my scuba gear in there lol
(Side) Gavin: so if you hit any wall or bush at any speed, you start bleeding perfusly
Taylor SWifTT 20-Jul-16 11:59 PM
BattlEye Bot 20-Jul-16 11:59 PM
(Side) Gavin: arma.pleasekillme
(Side) HollenHunde: arma.pleasegetmeoutthisbase
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 12:00 AM
(Side) Gavin: arma.ihaveabikenow
(Side) HollenHunde: well time for death
(Side) Freak Show: so did someone decide to go joy riding in my offsprey after restart?
(Side) HollenHunde: no maam
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player RekCus connected from United States
(Side) Gavin: wtf man
(Side) HollenHunde: thanks
(Side) RekCus: Ooooo
(Side) Gavin: a silly fucking bike killed you
(Side) HollenHunde: my character is a pussy! you knos this!
(Side) Gavin: i bumped your leg amd you decided to brake your spine
(Side) RekCus: /music
(Side) Gavin: this is gonna take me a year and a half a 33 health
(Side) RekCus: Kill yourself
(Side) Gavin: no you
(Side) RekCus: no u
(Side) Gavin: NNO!
(Side) Gavin: YOU!
(Side) HollenHunde: whos penis do i have to suck to get my safe rest on my old base cuz i forgot it when it got deleted
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 12:27 AM
(Side) RekCus: Mine
Player SurgeonSturgeon connected from United States
Player SurgeonSturgeon disconnected
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Bountyhunterbrad connected from Canada
Player Bountyhunterbrad disconnected
(Side) RekCus: Ooooo
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:01 AM
Player Brett connected from United States
Player Brett disconnected
Player Kozack connected from New Zealand
Player Kozack disconnected
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Yo admin, how come these choppers dont tow anything, its like its too heavy
(Side) HollenHunde: get a bigger lifting doohicky
(Side) RekCus: They said all choppers lift everything the same
(Side) Gavin: they dont
@deleted-role(Side) HollenHunde: Admin i have a question
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 02:10 AM
Player john connected from United States
Player john disconnected
Player ngerb disconnected
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Gavin disconnected
Player HollenHunde disconnected
Player Gavin connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 04:31 AM
Player HollenHunde connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 05:45 AM
Player HollenHunde disconnected
Player Gavin disconnected
Player HollenHunde connected from United States
Player Gavin connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 06:06 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player john connected from United States
Player john disconnected
Player Friend connected from Canada
Player Friend disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 07:35 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player HollenHunde disconnected
Player Gavin disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 09:40 AM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 10:51 AM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 11:44 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 12:31 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:02 PM
(Side) R3llik: hey
(Side) R3llik: scorpion, how do u make concrete walls?
(Side) Scorpion: sec
Taylor SWifTT 21-Jul-16 01:04 PM
By sending me nudes
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:04 PM
(Side) Scorpion: 2 concrete, 2 sand bag, 2 metal poles, 2 large water containers with dirty water and one full gas can. take to cement mixer and click recipie next to
(Side) Scorpion: the mixer
(Side) R3llik: TAYLOR SWIFT wants my dk pics, im honored
(Side) R3llik: thanks scorpion
(Side) Scorpion: np
(Side) R3llik: is there a way to buy a aircraft hangar?
(Side) R3llik: or i just need to find 1? and build into it
(Side) Scorpion: hmm unsure. havent looked at the full list yet
(Side) Scorpion: I know there is a canopy type one, not sure bout regular
(Side) R3llik: yeah thats what i keep seeing
(Side) Scorpion: the hard part for the concrete really is finding the water containers. I had ten, then decided to remodel my base, moved the safe I had it all in, and
(Side) Scorpion: when I checked next all my crete and those water containers were gone XD. its been a process
(Side) R3llik: oh wow, so u actually have to craft the stuff
(Side) Scorpion: some of it anyways
(Side) Scorpion: alot of the betterthings use concrete sand or metal poles/boards. I just got some of those and looked over what I could create with it in recipies
(Side) R3llik: i gotcha
(Side) R3llik: good to know, thanks man
(Side) Scorpion: Anytime. I dont know it all, but dont mind sharin what I do ;)
(Side) R3llik: agreed
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: admin
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
I'm gay
Taylor SWifTT 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
(Side) R3llik: yo
Hazlen 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
(Side) R3llik: any rules against building a base in certain locations?
Hazlen 21-Jul-16 01:13 PM
as long as it's not impossible to get the flag i guess
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:14 PM
In other words, don't put your flag inside a rock or w/e
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:14 PM
(Side) R3llik: ah
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:14 PM
You're welcome to shove your flag in other people tho.
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:14 PM
(Side) R3llik: noted
(Side) Scorpion: did you find somewhere tasty?
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:18 PM
Also anyone here who was in HöllenHund's group?
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:18 PM
(Side) R3llik: no
(Side) Scorpion: not I. I am usually solo
Lancek 21-Jul-16 01:19 PM
Whoever was complaining about their flag being taken yesterday I think the culprit outed themself late last night on chat
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:19 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I lead a sad life
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:19 PM
The culprit was HollenHund :v
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:19 PM
(Side) Scorpion: lol
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:19 PM
By forgetting to pay his rent
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:20 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I had that happen. so while we are on that subject
(Side) Scorpion: does it have to be paid on the date it says, like mine says 23rd. or just before?
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:20 PM
YOu can pay it before, too
But it doesn't "add up"
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:20 PM
(Side) Scorpion: Ok so I did that, but still says same day
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:21 PM
It just sets the "date paid" field to the current time and on each restart checks against that field wether to remove the base or not
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:21 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok. ill keep tabs on it cause I dont wanna start over again XD
(Side) Scorpion: I lost a really nice base
(Side) Scorpion: but I like my new location better
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:22 PM
I mean if people are gonna cry hard enough I might just go check the db and see if I can revert the deletion
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I never cry. just swallow the big lump in my throat and keep on truckin
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
(Now that I know it's possible~)
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
(Side) Scorpion: if its my fault, that is XD
Lancek 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
heh, just a lump?
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
(Side) Scorpion: which it was
(Side) Scorpion: haha
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:23 PM
swallow deez~
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:24 PM
(Side) Scorpion: just like the stuff disappearing out of my safe. I knew better then to move it while it had stuff in it. sometimes it deletes it when you do.
(Side) Scorpion: I did it anyways....and paid a huge price XD
Rejd 21-Jul-16 01:24 PM
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:27 PM
Player RekCus connected from United States
Lancek 21-Jul-16 01:33 PM
Not exactly a game engine problem
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 01:47 PM
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 02:23 PM
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 03:52 PM
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Player ngerb connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 04:01 PM
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player ngerb disconnected
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player Morgan Davion connected from Canada
Player Morgan Davion connected from Canada
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 05:02 PM
Player John connected from United States
Player John disconnected
Rejd 21-Jul-16 05:03 PM
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 05:42 PM
Player Morgan Davion connected from Canada
Player Morgan Davion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 06:15 PM
Player BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 07:04 PM
Player Cpt.wolf connected from United States
Player Cpt.wolf disconnected
Player BroChacho disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 08:59 PM
Player zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 09:06 PM
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player HollenHunde connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: good evening gents
(Side) Potato Sandwich: heyo
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: who likes potatos?
(Side) Scorpion: I like Bacon
(Side) Freak Show: hate them!
(Side) Potato Sandwich: not potatos
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
(Side) Potato Sandwich: y
(Side) Potato Sandwich: u
(Side) Potato Sandwich: make
(Side) Potato Sandwich: me
(Side) Potato Sandwich: crei
(Side) Freak Show: Im just being sore, my offsprey or blackfish what ever you call it is missing! YET again!!!
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hmmmmmm
(Side) Potato Sandwich: welp
(Side) Scorpion: ya we lost some stuff today too
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 09:29 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: wanna go slaughtering to find it?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i lost about 150k-200k worth of guns
(Side) Potato Sandwich: and i know who took them
(Side) HollenHunde: Scorpion dont side with potato... we have our friendship, and i didnt take anyones stuff
(Side) Potato Sandwich: he lies
(Side) Potato Sandwich: bull fucking shit
(Side) Potato Sandwich: in a voip, he admitted to stealing them
(Side) HollenHunde: /no, come to our base, we have no money and none of the items you say i stole
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i would, but.... somes gotta say where
(Side) HollenHunde: got no money, and no choppers or tanks... we got our 30K heli and thats it
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hey, freak show, got a heli?
(Side) Freak Show: no0pe
(Side) Freak Show: its missing
(Side) Potato Sandwich: never mind then
(Side) HollenHunde: Scorpion is my Ally... atleast i got him
(Side) Scorpion: ;)
(Side) Scorpion: usually I just keep to myself and do my own thing. Try not to make enemies, and hunt down the ones I do.
(Side) HollenHunde: yeah i havnt gone after anyone but potato
(Side) Potato Sandwich: for a fucking assumption that i raided him
(Side) Potato Sandwich: didnt even look into it first, like an asshat
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 09:35 PM
(Side) Scorpion: From what I have heard, might be justified. But I dont know. I've just been working on rebuilding.
(Side) Scorpion: Watching chat like a stalker
(Side) Potato Sandwich: no, rejd checked the DB, it was a server event, forgot to pay the rent
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i wasnt on the whole day they got "raided"
(Side) HollenHunde: i did pay rent and this info sufaced after the fact
(Side) Scorpion: Well for what it is worth, I had my base despawn on me too for failure to pay on time. But all of this is not my affair.
(Side) Scorpion: I just judge all on the interactions I have with them
Player Lancek connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 10:06 PM
Player Jack connected from United States
(Side) HollenHunde: hey Jack i have a question
(Side) Jack: im flying, whats up
(Side) HollenHunde: just wondering why the M40A3 and M24 sniper rifles ranges are so low
(Side) HollenHunde: cuz they have confirmed kills of over 100 yards
(Side) HollenHunde: 1000 yards*
(Side) Jack: no idea man
(Side) Lancek: The stats just aren't set right
(Side) Lancek: You'll be fine to reach out with those things
(Side) HollenHunde: :(
(Side) Lancek: They shoot normally is what I mean
(Side) Lancek: DOn't worry about it
(Side) HollenHunde: ik the other server i was hitting long range, was just concerned with my gun choice
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Hazlen connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: jack
(Side) Potato Sandwich: am i blind or is there no spec ops trader at the western trader?
(Side) Lancek: Only the center trader
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ah
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rekt
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 10:34 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hmmm, it seems the airlines is too far away.....
(Side) Scorpion: so that was kinda BS.
(Side) Scorpion: died constructing base
(Side) Lancek: That's why it's hard to build with multiple people
(Side) Scorpion: it was just me and a wall XD
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rip scorpion
(Side) Scorpion: right?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: whos flying a greyhawk?
(Side) HollenHunde: is there an issue with locking doors or adding locks to doors.... cuz i cant add a lock to ym door or lock my door
@deleted-role(Side) HollenHunde: umm.....help any free admin? i cant remove, move or lock my doors in my own base
(Side) HollenHunde: plz vote day
(Side) HollenHunde: plz vote day
Player Hazlen disconnected
Hazlen 21-Jul-16 10:54 PM
/vote night
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 10:56 PM
Player JB4 connected from United States
Player JB4 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 11:02 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: whos greyhawk is circling the central trader?
Lancek 21-Jul-16 11:03 PM
Might have been mine when my game crashed
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 11:12 PM
Player Jack disconnected
(Side) Potato Sandwich: whos osprey is at the trader
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hey freak show, could i get a lift to the western trader, plz bb <3
(Side) Freak Show: YEA GET IN
(Side) Potato Sandwich: is that your greyhawk at the trader?
(Side) Freak Show: NOT MINE
(Side) Freak Show: not sure where that came from
(Side) Potato Sandwich: your caps is on
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ah
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ok
(Side) Potato Sandwich: lag
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i cant get out :(
Player Lancek connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: try and move seats
(Side) Potato Sandwich: tried all seats, and even ejecting
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :I
(Side) Potato Sandwich: it rubberbands me back in
Player ngerb disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 21-Jul-16 11:32 PM
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Player zombi disconnected
Player HollenHunde disconnected
(Side) Potato Sandwich: ah, im out of the osprey now
(Side) Potato Sandwich: how long till restart?
(Side) Lancek: Little over 10 min
Player Rango disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player Zynkrad connected from Chile
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Lancek disconnected
Player Zynkrad disconnected
Player Lancek connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 12:01 AM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Lancek disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: lagging again, rip my life
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player RekCus connected from United States
Player Freak Show disconnected
(Side) HollenHunde: who crashed an Ospree?
(Side) Scorpion: Not I
Player HollenHunde disconnected
Player Ploplo connected from Chile
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player RekCus connected from United States
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: admin
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 12:51 AM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 12:52 AM
(Side) R3llik: taylor my vehicles dissapeared, did they get erased or jacked
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 12:53 AM
Great Question!
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:02 AM
(Side) R3llik: any way u can find out
(Side) RekCus: Oh you bastards want to play dirty huh
(Side) RekCus: man up, which one of you blew up or took my vehicles
(Side) Scorpion: been alot of that goin around today. I would like to find out as well
(Side) R3llik: so u missing vehicles too scorpion?
(Side) Scorpion: my brother had a Chinook, the good one, come up missing.
(Side) Scorpion: I however have not had anything gone yet today. Have recently though.
(Side) R3llik: ic
(Side) Scorpion: I will never touch a base unless I know that person is online. Its the thrill factor that makes the game fun for me
(Side) R3llik: i dont care about the base, its the cost of the vehicles
(Side) Scorpion: to blow up someones stuff or raid thier base when you know they are not online is lame imo
(Side) RekCus: It just kind of sucks that locked vehicles can be blown up
(Side) Ploplo: rip, my vehicles are gone
(Side) Scorpion: yours too?
(Side) Ploplo: yep
(Side) RekCus: Welcome to the club
(Side) Scorpion: ill bet someone rampaged in a heli or tank.
(Side) Scorpion: bout the only thing I dont like here. Wish they had virtual garage. Other than that perfect imo
(Side) Ploplo: its weird, because i leave my truck inside
(Side) Scorpion: ok that is strange. do you ahve it on a floor you made? wood or cement?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:16 AM
(Side) Ploplo: wood
(Side) Scorpion: ya that will do it. when they spawn in at a reset, they bounce. if they are on a floor or close to a ceiling, boom!
(Side) Scorpion: just have the earth as your floor if you can solves that if there is plenty of room above them. should fix that problem for ya
(Side) Ploplo: but wasnt the first restart
(Side) Scorpion: its a maybe thing. maybe it will happen this time, maybe not. try it without the floor and ill bet you dont have the trouble
(Side) Ploplo: and what about my 3 helis
(Side) Scorpion: also on a made floor? heli pad for instance?
(Side) Ploplo: nothing , just dirt
(Side) RekCus: Psa, i will be destroying everything i see now
(Side) Scorpion: hmm well the bounce shouldnt affect helis, sounds more like you got hit
(Side) Scorpion: sometimes you never know. could have even gotten Arma'd. Its great for that.
(Side) R3llik: well im out 213k cuz of arma
(Side) Scorpion: dizzam
Player Zynkrad disconnected
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 01:31 AM
i've had vehicle problems too i'm not sure what that problem is
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:31 AM
(Side) RekCus: Cool
(Side) Scorpion: I would think someone just going around blowin up vehicles would fall under the dont be a dick rule?
(Side) RekCus: Thats not really being a dick, thats part of the game
(Side) Scorpion: true
(Side) Scorpion: still dickish XD
(Side) RekCus: Yeah
(Side) Ploplo: yep
(Side) RekCus: Thats what ill be doing now, #salty
(Side) Scorpion: Its what it always comes down to it seems lol
(Side) Ploplo: im done, good night
(Side) Scorpion: night man
Player Ploplo disconnected
(Side) RekCus: Hope he hid his remaining vehicles
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: admin
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 01:39 AM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:39 AM
(Side) Scorpion: I had a metal ladder, and when I placed it, it placed in one of the walls. Is it possible to retrieve it?
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 01:39 AM
write what you want because anytime it sees admin it notifies us
yeah you'll have to pixel hunt to find it
there should be a remove option long as you got rights to build there
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:40 AM
(Side) Scorpion: I do. ok ill see if I can get a spot on it
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 01:40 AM
if you hover over it and see the name of it your on the right track
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:40 AM
(Side) Scorpion: so far I cannot even see it any longer. should I just move on?
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 01:40 AM
if its embedded within the wall you might be out of luck
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:40 AM
(Side) Scorpion: ok ty
(Side) RekCus: /vote day
Player Keegan connected from New Zealand
Player Keegan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 02:21 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player R3llik disconnected
Player RekCus disconnected
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 12:58 PM
Player Zynkrad connected from Chile
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:16 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: what's new gentlemen?
(Side) Freak Show: wasted all my money in the last three days
(Side) Scorpion: me too :(
(Side) Scorpion: irl and game XD
(Side) Freak Show: im so poor i bought a tractor
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 01:25 PM
Dont hate on tractors
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:25 PM
(Side) Scorpion: damn now that is poor.
(Side) Freak Show: hey taylor
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 01:25 PM
tract DEEZ
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 01:25 PM
(Side) Freak Show: at this moment im not hating, its gonna get my damn heli away from this wall so i can fix it
(Side) Scorpion: need any help FS?
(Side) Freak Show: naw
(Side) Freak Show: i got diz
(Side) Scorpion: if ya do shout out.
Player Stone connected from Chile
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Rough connected from United States
Player ulises connected from United States
Player ulises disconnected
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 02:19 PM
Player Zynkrad disconnected
Player Stone disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: ok now im pissed
(Side) Scorpion: whats up?
(Side) Freak Show: why do all my vehicles keep exploding
(Side) Scorpion: you dont have them on floors or too close to a ceiling do ya?
(Side) Freak Show: no there out in the open
(Side) Freak Show: log off for a bit for breakfast and now there blown up
(Side) Scorpion: then assholes most likely. There hasnt been a whole lot of peeps on betw now and when I saw you last
(Side) Freak Show: ever since a week ago
(Side) Freak Show: my shit has been randomly blowing up
(Side) Scorpion: I have a chopper gone now, but unsure if something happened to it or my brother borrowed it
(Side) Freak Show: i took screen shots this time
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Stone connected from Chile
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Zynkrad connected from Chile
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 02:53 PM
Player Alienware17MLK_1 connected from United States
Player Alienware17MLK_1 disconnected
(Side) Stone: Hey ther Scorpion
(Side) Freak Show: hello everyone
(Side) Stone: sup
(Side) Scorpion: hey hey
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) RekCus: Ok wtf.. Is the ammo truck like a one time use per server reset
(Side) RekCus: Keep losing mine
(Side) Scorpion: idk. seems so many vehicle problems at resets here
(Side) Freak Show: ive been having vehicle issues too
(Side) RekCus: Man with the random vehicle problems , we out close to 500k now
(Side) RekCus: Shits getting old
(Side) Freak Show: im bankrupt, lost 500K as well
(Side) Scorpion: all I have seen today is peeps talkin bout vehicles disappearing, and now I have talked to my brother and verified my heli just disappeared
(Side) Stone: we lost all our vics aswell
(Side) Scorpion: this is BS lol
(Side) R3llik: wow
(Side) RekCus: wow..
(Side) RekCus: This stuff is gonna start killing the server
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 02:57 PM
(Side) Stone: 2 trucks, 2 pickups, 1 attack heli, 1 little bird, 1 taru, 1 seahawk
(Side) R3llik: daym
(Side) Scorpion: I stand corrected. my heli is there still. I personally havent had issues. thought I had with the little bird. But everyone else seems to
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: Well i hope the admins can figure out whats going on
(Side) Scorpion: they should install virtual garage. we should picket! Form a union!
(Side) R3llik: how does that virtual garage work
(Side) R3llik: u just summon vehicle from the xm8?
(Side) Scorpion: works off the computer. park a vehicle within a certain distance of the computer and go to computer to make it poof! into vr
(Side) Scorpion: then to get it back
(Side) Scorpion: go back to computer
(Side) RekCus: VR garage isnt a good idea imo, because this game is designed to steal, blow up and etc
(Side) Scorpion: and click from your list, and it spawns at one of four spots for you
(Side) R3llik: it would be less lag with vr
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: true, and not everyone will use it, but I cant see what it could be making these go away unless someone is flying around blowing them up
(Side) Scorpion: ya it helps with Frame rate if everyone uses it
(Side) R3llik: ^
(Side) RekCus: In which case thats fine if someone is doing it, i just want to know whats happening to the vehicles
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:00 PM
It's entirely possible that somebody is going around blowing up helis although I don't have a way to check that
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: easy fix too would be invincible locked, but there are pros and cons with that as well
(Side) RekCus: If someone keeps stealing them or blowing them up
(Side) Scorpion: they have to really be on a roll though.....to be hitting everyone?
(Side) Scorpion: with all of that, you could still steal and blow peoples stuff up, but it would be more when they are careless or online and out and about.
(Side) RekCus: i guess yeah
(Side) Scorpion: I mean, I have sunk a lot of time here, and I dont wanna leave. But to come online and always have to run back to trader to replace a vic every time
(Side) Scorpion: would get old fast
(Side) R3llik: exactly
(Side) RekCus: Thats what im saying
(Side) RekCus: not just the run either, the money loss is getting old
(Side) Scorpion: and time wasted
(Side) RekCus: Yeah.
(Side) Scorpion: Vic lives matter
(Side) Freak Show: lol
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:07 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:07 PM
(Side) Freak Show: hi jack
(Side) Freak Show: were starting a movement here
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:08 PM
im sorry you guys are losing stuff. i'll look into things but rejd/hazlen/lancek are the ones keeping things running for the most part, i just throw down money
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:08 PM
(Side) Freak Show: lol no worries, i have messaged Rejd about it, also lancek was helping out yesterday replacing lost funds for it, i honesly though most of it was my
(Side) Freak Show: fault
(Side) RekCus: Well it would be nice if you guys can find out whats happening
(Side) Freak Show: but now im starting to think something may be wrong
(Side) RekCus: i mean if someone is blowing it up, thats all fine
(Side) Scorpion: it would have to be right? I mean that is way too many people in too short a time right? idk
(Side) R3llik: ^
(Side) RekCus: Thats what im saying
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:10 PM
im seeing some older exile posts from last year where vehichles can flip/explode/go missing
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:10 PM
(Side) RekCus: Are you seeing a fix for it too? lol
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:11 PM
still reading on it
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:11 PM
(Side) Freak Show: most of my issues have been after logging out and then back in their destroyed right in front of me
(Side) Freak Show: that was just most recent and i know that no one was in the server at the time
(Side) Scorpion: damn. I have had that happen before...at my other base, and I was too close to it lol
(Side) Scorpion: my btr
(Side) Scorpion: blew a big hole in the side of my base too lol
(Side) Freak Show: whos in the hazard zone
(Side) Stone: i am
(Side) Freak Show: can we share?
(Side) RekCus: Whats in there?
(Side) Stone: sure
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:18 PM
a lot of it is appearing to be a bug in exile's database
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:18 PM
(Side) Freak Show: ok then im coming out
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:18 PM
but i dont have the experience with the mysql db that rejd, lance and hazlen have
and since its EVERYONE im p sure its not a guy going around blowing your shit up, even with ESP and knwing where everyone's stuff is
because i have it as an admin and it would still be a chore and pointless
and someone would at some point have seen them doing it
im gonna keep reading on it
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:19 PM
(Side) RekCus: So then what do we do
(Side) RekCus: i mean we cant play and lose shit we earn daily
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:20 PM
no you cant thats super lame
so im gonna keep researching and looking into it and talk to the other guys and we can brainstorm a solution
arma is arma and super janky but thats not an answer anyone wants to hear so im gonna try and make it right
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:21 PM
(Side) RekCus: Ok well thanks for looking into it
(Side) R3llik: thank u
(Side) Freak Show: hey jack are you on discord?
(Side) Freak Show: stone im out, so if you see anyone else
(Side) Stone: kk
(Side) Freak Show: its not me
(Side) RekCus: Hey, whats in the hazard area? loot or something?
(Side) Freak Show: yes loot
(Side) Freak Show: need gas maask
(Side) RekCus: Is it typical loot or what
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:24 PM
its good loot
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:25 PM
(Side) RekCus: Ok thanks
Player levya connected from United States
Player levya disconnected
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:27 PM
The rad zone is pretty much all of the best guns in the game
easy 5-10k per gun
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:27 PM
(Side) Scorpion: NICE!
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:27 PM
You'll need the DLCs for any DLC weapons otherwise you can't pick them up
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:27 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I got em
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:28 PM
So grab a truck and town some exras behind it into the zone, fill em up and sell em at the trader
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:28 PM
(Side) RekCus: Is it all just dlc stuff?
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:28 PM
Yeah mostly since the marksman weapons are considered the best because they can really reach out and touch someone
And their big caliber guns
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:28 PM
antimateriel rifles wil lruin whatever you point em at
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:29 PM
(Side) RekCus: well the m107 and gm6 lynx are the best and they arent premium
Lancek 22-Jul-16 03:29 PM
Yeah the .50's and 12.7's can shoot through almost all the armored vehicles barring proper tanks
Correct. Sniper Rifles are worth the most
And the Marksman DLC comes with a lot. Which weighs the loot table
So you'll find the non-DLC sniper rifles but a lot of them are DLC
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:34 PM
Player zombi disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: ok so ya that is strange. I am back to base, and when I said earlier that my heli was gone? I swear it was. Now after restart, I am looking at the
(Side) Scorpion: same spot I thought it would be, and here it is
(Side) RekCus: Well lucky you
Player vsgt9_000 connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: what is going on?
Player vsgt9_000 disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: hey stone im back
(Side) Scorpion: never seen anything like that before lol
Player RekCus disconnected
Player RekCus connected from United States
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:50 PM
Yo, someone with a disappeared vehicle speak up and tell me what type it was
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:50 PM
not destroyed, disappeared
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:50 PM
(Side) RekCus: black attack heli, 2 ammo trucks
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
like flat out poof into the ether
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
There's a couple vehicles in the db with deleted_at field set to dates between 20th and 21th
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
(Side) Stone: 1 super stallion, 1 attack heli, 1 little bird 1 pickup, 1 taru
Player Zynkrad disconnected
(Side) RekCus: well thats the thing we dont know if it was blown up or just gone
(Side) RekCus: thats what we want to know, if it was blown up or stolen then its all good
(Side) Stone: i do know it was between 20th and 21
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
I hth don't even know why it would set delete flags in the db for vehicles
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
(Side) R3llik: same
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
Like, territories - I can understand. But vehicles?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:51 PM
(Side) Stone: because before that we saw them everyday
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:52 PM
its not being stolen
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:52 PM
(Side) RekCus: Can you guys make locked vehicles indestructable
(Side) Stone: that would be alittle too much
(Side) R3llik: why
(Side) Scorpion: or Virtual Garage would be my vote
(Side) R3llik: i like that 2
(Side) RekCus: vr garage means you cant raid and destroy peoples base
(Side) RekCus: vehicles in there i mean
(Side) Scorpion: right. unless they leave em out or are out and about in them. Wouldnt that make it more fun to attack something that can shoot back?
(Side) Stone: i think that making them indestructible or not there on a raid takes the fun out of it
(Side) RekCus: true i guess
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:54 PM
problem with godmode vehichles is that they sometimes vanish
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:55 PM
(Side) RekCus: ah ok then
(Side) RekCus: im out of ideas then
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 03:55 PM
and being flat out arma'd into the void isnt something godmode can stop
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:55 PM
That sounds like your black attack heli?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:55 PM
(Side) RekCus: yup, the apache
(Side) Freak Show: im only missing my blackfish
(Side) RekCus: what happen to it?
(Side) Freak Show: the vehicle one
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:56 PM
Owned by Potatoe Sandwich
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:56 PM
Player Stone disconnected
(Side) RekCus: our black heli?
(Side) Scorpion: nooooo
(Side) Scorpion: that dude isnt making ANY friends lol
(Side) RekCus: So you can steal stuff then
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:56 PM
Blackfish, that's the vtol right?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:57 PM
(Side) Freak Show: umm the offsprey was the old name
(Side) Scorpion: if you have a knife and time
(Side) Freak Show: its teh vehicle transport offsprey
(Side) Freak Show: i havent found a knife in this game yet
(Side) RekCus: one at a time lol, rej, is our black heli stolen by potato? or freak shows
Rejd 22-Jul-16 03:58 PM
Let me check how the vehicle db cleanup is handled, I think it might be tied to when the player has last logged in? I don't know.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 03:59 PM
(Side) Freak Show: whos the puppy near the road
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:00 PM
(Side) Freak Show: two puppies on the road, please identify
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:00 PM
Well, I did find this?
// Remove all vehicles that were not moved/used for X days
vehicleLifeTime = 3;
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:01 PM
(Side) Freak Show: sorry about that, but i asked several times to identify
(Side) Freak Show: who the second dude and are you friendly
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:01 PM
What's a puppy
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:01 PM
(Side) Freak Show: brand new guy
(Side) Freak Show: guy still in orage
(Side) Freak Show: sorry guys i asked
(Side) Scorpion: was it ai or player? didnt see kill msg
(Side) RekCus: lol
(Side) Freak Show: it was players i think
(Side) R3llik: no kill message tho
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
Alright y'all ready for a quick restart
I want you to yell at me if stuff has reappeared.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
(Side) Scorpion: can be one sec
(Side) R3llik: wait
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
Alright, I'll give y'all about 5 minutes
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
(Side) Freak Show: jeeze that would require me to be back at my base
(Side) Scorpion: ok ty
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
hey those 5 minutes are just to safely land your choppers and whatnot
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:04 PM
(Side) RekCus: we wont see if ours reappeared, not even close to where it was
(Side) Freak Show: give me 1 minute warning
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:05 PM
db changes won't appear ingame until after restart.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:06 PM
(Side) Scorpion: good to go for me
(Side) RekCus: ready for restart
(Side) R3llik: rdy
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player RekCus disconnected
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:16 PM
I'm fat dumb and gay
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:16 PM
(Side) RekCus: rej
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:16 PM
Now help me and see if any of those vehicles have reappeared
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:16 PM
(Side) RekCus: our ammo truck is gone again, 3rd one
(Side) RekCus: full of building supply this time too
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:17 PM
Did R3lik buy it?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:17 PM
(Side) R3llik: omg
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) RekCus: yeah
(Side) RekCus: we left it right here
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:17 PM
According to the db it's all well
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:17 PM
(Side) RekCus: well its not here lol
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:17 PM
At 23.088, 19.770
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
(Side) R3llik: sigh
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
Might have "warped" back 200 meters or so.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
(Side) RekCus: why the hell
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
Due to the restart.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
(Side) RekCus: we drove it right here before restart, nd locked it
(Side) RekCus: nvm we see it
Lancek 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
(Side) RekCus: it did move for some reason
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:18 PM
Told you
Lancek 22-Jul-16 04:19 PM
And just to set the record straight I'm only an ingame admin I don't have access to anything else
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:19 PM
(Side) R3llik: weird af, that it teleported
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejd 22-Jul-16 04:19 PM
exile only saves on events such as vehicles being blown up, being purchased and so on
Or in intervals.
There doesn't seem to be a shutdown event handler vOv
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:20 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah I can deffo see a whole buncha vehicles inside of each other because people kept buying new ones
(Side) RekCus: lol
(Side) R3llik: well the apache and ammo truck gone from yesterday
(Side) Scorpion: was it back?
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) Scorpion: nice!
(Side) R3llik: black
(Side) Rejdukien: Base I'm at here has an apache, littlebird, taru and two stallions outside
(Side) Rejdukien: aswell as a strider
(Side) RekCus: thats not ours
Player Jack connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: strider iwth grenade launcher?
(Side) RekCus: but we dont know if ours is back, we arent even close to where it was last time we saw it
(Side) Rejdukien: Hell, another groups old base that got deleted due to inactivity has a couple vehicles sitting in the open now, too.
(Side) RekCus: coords please lol
(Side) R3llik: i just care about my 155k apache that tore a hole in my wallet
(Side) RekCus: more like 400k from all the vehicles
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: was it really that bad Jack?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:31 PM
(Side) Jack: so cessnas are p trash at a 360 loop
(Side) Scorpion: ah yes they are
(Side) RekCus: that a player?
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao.
(Side) Jack: ow
(Side) Scorpion: lol did I even hit ya?
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 04:43 PM
i crashed my jet
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:43 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Think so
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 04:43 PM
i wasnt trying to hit you too much though scorps
f3d flies so damn fast and getting it that low is hard
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:44 PM
(Side) Scorpion: its cool. that was fun. wasnt sure who it was with all that has been goin on
(Side) Scorpion: I thought I was good at flyin...man you show me up anyday
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 04:44 PM
the frogfoot is my fav CAS airplane
its not super twitchy and seems to handle batter than the a164 wipeout
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 04:45 PM
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 04:45 PM
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 04:45 PM
your joking right
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 04:45 PM
i like it more
its not BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT i know
and the 164 flies good
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 04:58 PM
(Side) RekCus: ey
(Side) RekCus: play that trump song
(Side) Scorpion: here here
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 05:09 PM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Rejd 22-Jul-16 05:17 PM
Best CAS air vehicle is still a dual gau-8 AH-9
That said
Somewhere on the map is a dual gau-8 ah-9
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 05:18 PM
(Side) Jack: fuck yeah
(Side) Jack: oh god no
(Side) Jack: NO
(Side) Jack: that better not be global fffuuu
(Side) RekCus: what?
(Side) Jack: ok good
(Side) Jack: i tried to play a sound but it was no bueno
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Jack disconnected
Rejd 22-Jul-16 05:41 PM
I'm gay
Hazlen 22-Jul-16 05:43 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 05:55 PM
Player diego connected from United States
Player diego disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 08:56 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: wat?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: dafuq?
(Side) Potato Sandwich: uhhhhhhhh
(Side) Potato Sandwich: hmmmm
(Side) Potato Sandwich: can rebreathers run out of air?
Rejd 22-Jul-16 08:57 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 08:57 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: can they?
ashy 22-Jul-16 08:57 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 08:57 PM
(Side) R3llik: runs out of the filters
Player Alastair Harris disconnected
Player Alastair Harris connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
Player Alastair Harris disconnected
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i wasnt even under water.....
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i was swimming...
ashy 22-Jul-16 08:58 PM
lol rip
fuckin pleb
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 08:58 PM
(Side) R3llik: then why are u asking if it runs out of air
(Side) Potato Sandwich: i dont know... im so confused....
Rejd 22-Jul-16 08:58 PM
Rebreathers need water to produce breathable air~
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 08:59 PM
(Side) Ass-Haggis: same tbqh imho fam
(Side) R3llik: filters
(Side) Potato Sandwich: yeah, but like, if im above water, do they suffocate me?
(Side) Ass-Haggis: yeah, you weren't breathing enough water
(Side) Potato Sandwich: .-.
(Side) Potato Sandwich: youre just making me more confused.....
Rejd 22-Jul-16 08:59 PM
My ants are killing themselves.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:00 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: you added too much water to the farm
Rejd 22-Jul-16 09:00 PM
not enough*
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:00 PM
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Potato Sandwich: 7.8/10
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:00 PM
@Rejd tell your ants not to play with water
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:01 PM
rejd, why haven't you added a single hyperaggressive NPC who moves at super speed and ahs an infinite aggro range?
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:01 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :( i still hear water......
(Side) Potato Sandwich: plz no, ant god
(Side) Ass-Haggis: please yes and give them the csat vtol
(Side) Potato Sandwich: plz no
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:03 PM
nah, just one guy with a rifle would be good enough
Simplyjack 22-Jul-16 09:03 PM
predator mode on the tanoa map
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:03 PM
maybe just a pistol!
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:03 PM
(Side) Ass-Haggis: better yet, install the wanzers mod and give it the giant one
(Side) Jack: i got a giant wanzer for ya
(Side) Potato Sandwich: actually, predator would be a cool mode on tanoa
(Side) Jack: it would own
Player Alastair Harris connected from United States
(Side) Jack: its in the splash screens even
(Side) Jack: in the hottest summers there's reports of nativ emen going missing in the jungle"
(Side) Potato Sandwich: it could be called "The Apex Predator"
(Side) Jack: damn
(Side) Potato Sandwich: rejd, could you do that?
(Side) Jack: your squad is composed of hardened soldiers afraid of no man
(Side) Jack: bit its not a man out there
(Side) Potato Sandwich: thats sexist, add a woman predator
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:06 PM
they said a predator would be cool
it has been spoken
rip pubbies
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:06 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: who said?
(Side) RekCus: yo momma
(Side) Potato Sandwich: :(
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:06 PM
How do you guys see us talking? Our nicks, or just *VOICE FROM THE SKY SAYS:
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
they can see us?
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
oh shit
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
(Side) Jack: thats the point dummy
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
im gay
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
(Side) RekCus: rej is gay too
@deleted-role(Side) Potato Sandwich: it says "Admin: DISCORD - name: message
(Side) RekCus: do you guys sword fight
(Side) Potato Sandwich: dock
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:07 PM
all the time
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:08 PM
(Side) RekCus: well record it next time
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:08 PM
no, cause i have a horse killing sword and they have stilettos
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:14 PM
(Side) Potato Sandwich: can you not loot a body underwater?
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
(Side) Method Man: you musty rat
(Side) RekCus: Whos the god mode flying that thing
(Side) Ass-Haggis: oh that'sme, sorry
(Side) RekCus: god mode unfair game play :(
(Side) Ass-Haggis: was just attempting to fuck everything forever
(Side) Jack: instructed not to attack players
(Side) Jack: we wont attack you
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 09:18 PM
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:18 PM
(Side) RekCus: yeah but we figured its other players, so should be kill able right?
(Side) Jack: we were just murkin AI
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 09:19 PM
Rise up against the masters
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:19 PM
(Side) Jack: i can turn off godmode
(Side) RekCus: murking ai on my turf
Ozmiander 22-Jul-16 09:19 PM
on my server, all the admins are unable to pick up guns bigger than a 1911 and the pubbies have god mode.
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:19 PM
(Side) RekCus: >=|
(Side) Jack: >my turf
(Side) Jack: ;^)
(Side) RekCus: turn that god mode off, we see whos turf it is ;)
(Side) Jack: all are welcome at merc base tho
(Side) R3llik: its all good
(Side) R3llik: u almost done
(Side) RekCus: just wanted some pvp fun, saw you guys just hovering there
(Side) Jack: i just like shooting mans/npcs
(Side) Jack: i dont need the loot
(Side) Jack: i can pvp if you want
(Side) RekCus: its more fun without god mode ;)
(Side) RekCus: do that mission legit lol
(Side) Jack: my net is shit and im p bad/old/sick/tipsy
(Side) Jack: i have
(Side) Jack: it requires APCS and air support and luck
(Side) R3llik: alot of excuses
(Side) RekCus: its more fun when you can actully die lol
(Side) Jack: im not that good man i admit it
(Side) RekCus: i thought that osprey got damaged and would explode when it hit the ground lol
Rejd 22-Jul-16 09:36 PM
Hope I added proper timeout detection now.
ie. when the server restarts
to this stupid rcon-discord bot
ashy 22-Jul-16 09:44 PM
you're a towel
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 09:52 PM
Player Ass-Haggis disconnected
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 10:05 PM
Player Method Man disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 10:35 PM
taiwan numba wan
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 10:35 PM
(Side) Rango: none our base been raid again
Taylor SWifTT 22-Jul-16 10:35 PM
yeah because taiwan numba wan
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 10:36 PM
(Side) Rango: lol~~
Player R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 22-Jul-16 11:00 PM
Player Lancek disconnected
Player RekCus connected from United States
Player Quinton connected from United States
Player Quinton disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:15 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Freak Show: gorshade you are now my number one target for today
(Side) Saladking: go kill that mtfker
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:34 PM
(Side) Scorpion: take that one metal pole out that is in every one of those and put in a canister. at least you can buy poles
(Side) RekCus: can you buy rope or is that find only too
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:36 PM
fps might be a touch lower because I raised the default view distance a bit
But you can change that via xm8
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:36 PM
(Side) Scorpion: pretty sure you can purchase most everything else other than a knife
(Side) R3llik: thnx
(Side) Scorpion: ok ty Rej
Lancek 23-Jul-16 03:36 PM
Rope is at the hardware trader
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:37 PM
(Side) R3llik: sweet, thanks lancek
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:37 PM
Also I raised the payment time for territories because people had their bases getting deleted due to not paying soon enough
I think it's 30 days now?
basically forever.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:37 PM
(Side) RekCus: hey can you guys check into why the second crate at the merc base is always empty?
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Hey when any admin has a moment, can you get rid of the remaining things at my old base location?
(Side) RekCus: the one inside the white dome
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:39 PM
Also one of your messages broke the discord bot and I have absolutely no idea why. Suprisingly enough, the rcon bot was fine tho.
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 03:39 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:42 PM
(Side) RekCus: you werent kidding about the animation lol
(Side) Scorpion: right lol
(Side) Scorpion: just much better if someone has your back
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:42 PM
"(Side) Rango: We in too Where is he?" broke it --- Why!?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:43 PM
(Side) BroChacho: can you not make jugs out of empty water bottles...thought i read that you could...
(Side) Scorpion: not that I have seen
(Side) RekCus: no
(Side) Scorpion: however I dont know it all by any means
Player chewie disconnected
(Side) RekCus: only the barrel
(Side) BroChacho: gonna try...I thought I read that it takes 20 empty water bottles to craft a water jug somewhere
(Side) RekCus: it takes 20 to make the barrel
(Side) Scorpion: a water barrel that you use to fill the jugs up at I know for sure
(Side) BroChacho: maybe that was it
(Side) RekCus: i just checked the recipe
(Side) Benbo: are tents persistent?
@deleted-role(Side) BroChacho: admin on?
(Side) R3llik: always
(Side) BroChacho: are you one?
(Side) R3llik: no
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: ya the admins are pretty frequent here. just typing admin in chat will usually get thier attn.
(Side) Scorpion: they must all be afk atm lol
(Side) BroChacho: they must be afk
(Side) Scorpion: or fixing that bot
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:47 PM
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: when u type the word "admin" they get notified, so when u use that word just type out ur question
(Side) BroChacho: just going to see if they could add the water canaster as you guys were talking about
(Side) BroChacho: to mission
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) BroChacho: or really expensive to buy
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:48 PM
I'm gay
... let me check the recipes
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:48 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I could live with even that
(Side) R3llik: ye
(Side) Scorpion: but one per mission would be cool. still have to work for it and chance for pvp tryin to get it
(Side) Scorpion: err gear crate I meant
(Side) RekCus: yeah 1 in a hardcore mission would be fair, or at least a chance for a cannister there
(Side) BroChacho: or a chance for one at least
(Side) BroChacho: lol
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:49 PM
name = "Craft Water Barrel";
pictureItem = "ExileItemWaterBarrelKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "ExileItemWaterBarrelKit"}
components[] =
{20, "ExileItemPlasticBottleEmpty"}
I wonder how that looked ingame
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:50 PM
(Side) Scorpion: we are talkin about the water cannisters that you fill up at the water barrel you have posted there
(Side) RekCus: like spam
(Side) Scorpion: ya
(Side) Scorpion: but we could see it
(Side) Scorpion: shit son woke up. bbiab
Player Scorpion disconnected
(Side) BroChacho: have you guys considered adding the thermal helmet yet? I would like to try it out
(Side) R3llik: its in the server
(Side) BroChacho: get from AI?
(Side) R3llik: its super rare drop
(Side) R3llik: last i heard
(Side) BroChacho: on npcs..or in mission crats?
(Side) BroChacho: crates
(Side) R3llik: i only heard they same its a rare drop
(Side) R3llik: thats all i kno
(Side) BroChacho: oh ok
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:57 PM
Yeah it has a.. I think 10% chance?
To be in a mission crate
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:57 PM
(Side) BroChacho: oh nice
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:57 PM
I mean it's a goddamn thermal helmet.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:57 PM
(Side) BroChacho: thanks
(Side) BroChacho: I understand it needs to be rare
(Side) R3llik: but u gotta have apex dlc right?
(Side) BroChacho: will make missions more meaningful imo
Rejd 23-Jul-16 03:58 PM
Also I haven't found anything related to those water cannisters you guys are talking about
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 03:59 PM
(Side) BroChacho: you can still wear without apex....you just get spammed with popups on your screen every so often
(Side) RekCus: you cant make them, its only by find
(Side) R3llik: ah ok
(Side) BroChacho: ok thanks
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:00 PM
(Side) BroChacho: can you add water container as a semi-rare drop as well?
(Side) BroChacho: I suppose they do spawn good enough though....
(Side) RekCus: yeah but i think it would be fair to get one from a hardcore mission
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player BroChacho disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: well...got back just in time to leave. see you after reset
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:05 PM
It's resetting now? dang.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:05 PM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Benbo disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Hell yeah, intro works now.
(Side) BroChacho: I noticed lol
(Side) BroChacho: whose in the heli?
@deleted-role(Side) BroChacho: admin in heli?
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:36 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:37 PM
(Side) BroChacho: ai
(Side) Scorpion: I feel I havent heard that song in ages now
(Side) Scorpion: damn that sux.
(Side) Freak Show: eh, my mistake
(Side) Scorpion: nothin too expensive I hope
(Side) Freak Show: 55K i think
(Side) Scorpion: owie
(Side) Freak Show: no biggie, ill recoop my loses with a couple of gun runs
(Side) Scorpion: indeed. easy come easy go
(Side) Scorpion: unless its water canisters lol
(Side) Freak Show: those are safe back at my base, or at least they should be
(Side) Scorpion: which is ok. I like rare type items
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:49 PM
You know, those water canisters - They can only hold dirty water?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:49 PM
(Side) Scorpion: yes
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:50 PM
Isn't that kind of awful
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:50 PM
(Side) Freak Show: yes, there for the construction of concrete
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:50 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:50 PM
(Side) Scorpion: maybe its a little rusted on the inside or it was used a shit pot or somethin
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:50 PM
Alright, give me a suggestion for the recipe
Or should I just throw it in at the hardware trader
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:51 PM
(Side) Scorpion: any of the white concrete items use it
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:51 PM
or.. gear crate?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:51 PM
(Side) Scorpion: well gear crate would be cool. maybe one per. cause a little pvp over them
(Side) Scorpion: or a chance for that is
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:52 PM
Oh hey, the concrete recipes return the canister to you
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:53 PM
(Side) Scorpion: yes
(Side) Freak Show: just need the 3, but finding them is not as easy as it sounds
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:53 PM
But yeah, I could add a chance to get a cannister from a gear crate
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:53 PM
(Side) Freak Show: that would be awsome
(Side) Scorpion: but easy to lose and you want plenty unless you wanna keep running back and forth and making one ata time
Rejd 23-Jul-16 04:54 PM
Just make sure to yell at me if the server restarts so I can upload the updated script
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 04:54 PM
(Side) Scorpion: k
(Side) Rejdukien: 50% chance to get one from a gear crate.
(Side) Scorpion: very nice ty
(Side) BroChacho: time to kill myself lol
(Side) Rejdukien: rip?
(Side) Freak Show: well dammit to all hell
(Side) Freak Show: new heli i bought cant lift my strider, just kill myself at my base
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: oh man.
(Side) Freak Show: lesson learned
(Side) Scorpion: done that
(Side) Rejdukien: Are you using vanilla slingloading or the advanced slingloading addon
(Side) Rejdukien: For lifting your strider
(Side) Rejdukien: Vanilla slingloading has a harder cap on lifting stuff
(Side) Rejdukien: whereas with the advanced singloading it's more lenient
(Side) Scorpion: rej?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yes?
(Side) Scorpion: that you? lol
(Side) Rejdukien: Nope
(Side) Scorpion: you still mad bout the heli thing?
(Side) Scorpion: lol j/k
(Side) Freak Show: you talking to me scrop?
(Side) Scorpion: no Rej
(Side) Rejdukien: What heli thing
(Side) Scorpion: shootin at ya in my strider. wasnt it you and jack buzzing me?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah but why would I be mad about it?
(Side) Scorpion: I was j/k
(Side) BroChacho: just learned there are heli AI flying about...shot one down a little bit ago...
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:05 PM
(Side) BroChacho: first time I seen one on theis server
(Side) Freak Show: thermal scanner pro?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
(Side) Freak Show: what the hell is this?
(Side) Rejdukien: Does what you expect it to do
(Side) Rejdukien: Scans locks.
(Side) Freak Show: omg can this give me the codes of vehicles
(Side) Scorpion: they have to have touched it within a certain time frame right?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
(Side) Freak Show: what do you mean touch within a certain time
(Side) Scorpion: the lock you are scanning. it goes off the residual heat from them punching in the code
(Side) Freak Show: thanks rej
(Side) Rejdukien: Man the new LIM-85 sounds great.
(Side) Rejdukien: And it's got a slow fire and fast fire mode :v
(Side) Rejdukien: The only drawback for pvp I guess it doesn't have stealth belts
(Side) Rejdukien: They're all tracer belts
(Side) Rejdukien: Doesn't it get kinda old having to open and close two gates
(Side) Rejdukien: ... I wonder if I could add in a functionality to link two gates together
(Side) Rejdukien: So if you open one, you open the other, too.
(Side) Freak Show: yeah, but its what I could build at the moment, im working on replacing it but need to get some cash together for another heli
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:18 PM
(Side) BroChacho: lol...are you watching me?
(Side) Rejdukien: But I'd have to save the linked reference to the db, too.
(Side) Rejdukien: And thus.. effort.
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah.
(Side) BroChacho: oh lol
(Side) Freak Show: whos the fast mover
Player BroChacho disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: jet?
(Side) Freak Show: yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: most likely AI.
(Side) Scorpion: been ai in those. never been attacked by one though
(Side) Rejdukien: And I have absolutely no idea why there are AI jets
(Side) Rejdukien: They're neither in the DMS nor in the Occupation config
(Side) Rejdukien: And I don't think vanilla exile has AI jets
(Side) Rejdukien: There is however an AI helicopter
(Side) Rejdukien: Well, two. One is a taxi, the other is agressive.
(Side) Scorpion: ya I met him earlier
(Side) Scorpion: no more ai heli
(Side) R3llik: THANKS REJ
(Side) R3llik: the song is dope af
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:25 PM
(Side) RekCus: Yesssss song on login
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:25 PM
You're welcome~
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:25 PM
(Side) RekCus: whered you find this damn song, i want to download it
(Side) RekCus: yo rej
(Side) RekCus: can you make a command like vote day for the song to play just for the person doing it
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:27 PM
... Sure?
God Emperor Trump 23-Jul-16 05:27 PM
💢No quote found.
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:27 PM
I guess I could do that
Thanks trumpbot
@God Emperor Trump fire 3
God Emperor Trump 23-Jul-16 05:28 PM
🔥 ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้ 🔥🔥 ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้ 🔥🔥 ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้ 🔥
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:28 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Neat?
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:28 PM
Atleast it's not crashing the discord nor the rcon part.
planting a concrete charge takes 7 minutes
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:35 PM
(Side) Freak Show: wow
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:35 PM
and you need 3 of those
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:35 PM
(Side) RekCus: whos base you raiding
Rejd 23-Jul-16 05:35 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:36 PM
(Side) RekCus: 7 minutes a bit long lol
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
(Side) RekCus: 21 min to just blow up a wall lol
Player Scorpion disconnected
(Side) Stone: WHO GOES THERE! :3
(Side) Freak Show: stone,
(Side) RekCus: Where
(Side) Stone: land rover
(Side) Freak Show: you at the hazard zone
(Side) Stone: nope
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp, guess there's no easy way to fuck with door opening/closing through other objects
(Side) Freak Show: not me then
(Side) Stone: alright im opening fire
(Side) Stone: MURICA!
(Side) Rejdukien: hax~
(Side) R3llik: who?
(Side) Stone: him
(Side) Stone: lol
(Side) Rejdukien: And yes
(Side) Rejdukien: That is a C130 with a GAU-8
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 05:57 PM
(Side) Stone: you and your inventions lmao
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 06:05 PM
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Rejd 23-Jul-16 06:06 PM
Well, it also had a howitzer loaded with cluster shells
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 06:06 PM
(Side) Stone: i thought i heard some explosions...
Player Benbo connected from United States
(Side) Benbo: really... the intro music....
(Side) RekCus: its awesome
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) RekCus: so whats everyone doing
(Side) RekCus: wtf
(Side) R3llik: the fk
(Side) RekCus: get armad
Player Zynkrad disconnected
(Side) Benbo: yo, you three runnin together
Player Stone disconnected
(Side) RekCus: who?
(Side) RekCus: well dont even reppell out the heli
(Side) RekCus: makes it go boom for no reason
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:03 PM
Player Stone connected from Chile
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player RekCus disconnected
(Side) Benbo: anyone looking to buy a foolbox?
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Stone disconnected
Player lucus zeller connected from United States
Player lucus zeller disconnected
Player Benbo disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Vanillawafer connected from United States
Player Stone connected from Chile
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player RekCus connected from United States
Player Benbo connected from United States
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:22 PM
Gear crates now have those cannisters y'all asked for
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:23 PM
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) R3llik: ure amazing
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Stone: huh?
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:24 PM
Those water cannisters you need for the concrete recipes
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:24 PM
(Side) R3llik: rej i found the song
(Side) R3llik: on youtube
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:24 PM
Well it's not difficult to find
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:25 PM
(Side) R3llik: theres so many
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:25 PM
just search for "trump song", should be the first hit
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:25 PM
(Side) R3llik: nah
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:25 PM
or was it "Trump jam"?
I think jam.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:25 PM
(Side) R3llik: yeah
(Side) Stone: uhhh
(Side) Stone: help? lol
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:27 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:27 PM
(Side) R3llik: sup
(Side) Stone: im bugged on a position lol
Rejd 23-Jul-16 07:28 PM
Can you move your camera?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:28 PM
(Side) Stone: just that
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) Stone: this is hilarious
(Side) Rejdukien: Uhh
(Side) Rejdukien: There we go.
(Side) Stone: funny shit there
(Side) Stone: Physics? naaah
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't need those.
(Side) RekCus: physics like rapeling from a chopper makes it explode instantly
(Side) Rejdukien: Odd, that worked several times
(Side) Rejdukien: Rip
(Side) Stone: rip
(Side) Stone: F to pay respects
(Side) Freak Show: WOW RELIK
(Side) RekCus: lol
(Side) RekCus: respek
(Side) RekCus: why would it mean hes mad lol its a pvp game
(Side) R3llik: just saw a convoy
(Side) RekCus: you on our turf
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:35 PM
(Side) Freak Show: TURF
(Side) RekCus: turf war
(Side) R3llik: whos dropping nukes?
(Side) Freak Show: you really want a bmw turf war
(Side) Rejdukien: You wanna see a nuke?
(Side) R3llik: no
(Side) Stone: i want
(Side) Stone: not on my base tho
(Side) Stone: lol
(Side) RekCus: i dont mind pvp if people play fair
(Side) Benbo: ... i wanna seea nuke
(Side) RekCus: like no god mode lol
(Side) Rejdukien: Yo
(Side) Rejdukien: Watch this little drone then :v
(Side) Rejdukien: Also don't shoot it or bad things happen~
(Side) R3llik: ok
(Side) Benbo: sheit, i cant watch
(Side) R3llik: how much
(Side) RekCus: holy shit
(Side) Benbo: damnit
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:39 PM
(Side) RekCus: thats a nuke right there
Player Vanillawafer disconnected
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: was that some admin stuff or can it be bought
(Side) Rejdukien: lol nah
(Side) R3llik: nah to which part
(Side) Benbo: just nah
(Side) Rejdukien: It's hilariously broken
(Side) R3llik: ikr
(Side) Rejdukien: Why would you think you could actually buy that
(Side) R3llik: jericho missile x10
(Side) RekCus: it sells some drones doesnt it? in spec ops merchant
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah but that's a regular drone.
(Side) Rejdukien: Also I added some checks if you connect to a drone
(Side) RekCus: does it just make 1 explosion instead of 50
(Side) Rejdukien: You have to be the owner or the owner needs to be in your family
(Side) Rejdukien: For you to be able to connect to a drone
(Side) Rejdukien: It makes no explosion at all, but you can slap a satchel charge on it if you want.
(Side) RekCus: ah
(Side) Stone: gotta restart my game now lmao
Player Stone disconnected
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:46 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: rip
(Side) R3llik: rej u guys allow jsrs?
(Side) Rejdukien: say what
(Side) R3llik: its a mod
(Side) RekCus: jsrs is a sound mod
(Side) RekCus: corrects in game sounds to more realistic
(Side) Rejdukien: Neat
(Side) Rejdukien: So the guns don't sound like bb guns anymore?
(Side) R3llik: everything is revamped
(Side) R3llik: the vehicles dont blow ur eardrums
(Side) Rejdukien: Or is it like positional effects / reverb
(Side) R3llik: it makes a huge noticable difference
(Side) Rejdukien: rude
(Side) R3llik: ?
(Side) RekCus: thats the kind of unfair im talking about but ok lol
(Side) Freak Show: i thought you said anything fair, please explain
(Side) R3llik: how u know where i was at
(Side) R3llik: 8km away....
(Side) RekCus: drone
(Side) Freak Show: because thats where you killed me, you completed the mission
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:57 PM
(Side) RekCus: but we arent on the mission ;)
(Side) R3llik: not even close
(Side) Freak Show: and never picked up the loot, plus i used IR to find the black tank you were in
(Side) R3llik: to either location
(Side) Freak Show: really, because i saw your tank right next to it when i did my first fly over
(Side) Freak Show: then tracked you
(Side) R3llik: uhuh
(Side) RekCus: we like 600m from the mission, and you dropped those missiles right on us only
(Side) Freak Show: and?
(Side) RekCus: just happen to have a uav and missily launcher you bought legit huh
(Side) RekCus: nah its cool man
@deleted-role(Side) Freak Show: im not an admin bro
(Side) Freak Show: and im standing at the trader
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 07:58 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:59 PM
(Side) Freak Show: what you sound like is sore fucking loser because you just lost that expensive vehicle, maybe youll think twice before shooting at random people
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 07:59 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 07:59 PM
(Side) RekCus: its not expensive and not sore at all ;)
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:00 PM
(Side) RekCus: you sound more sore than anything lol
(Side) Freak Show: alrighty then,
(Side) Freak Show: happy would be the expression on my face, like the fucking JOKER HAPPY!!!
(Side) RekCus: im sure
Player Steve connected from United States
Player Steve disconnected
(Side) RekCus: so to clarify
(Side) RekCus: you died, went to a trader and bought a missile tank and knew where to shoot from 8km away
(Side) Freak Show: drone!!!
(Side) Freak Show: UAV, i can see how that was confusing
(Side) Freak Show: naw it was drone
(Side) RekCus: you flew a drone 8km away to find us and then killed us with what
(Side) Freak Show: the missles on the drone, laser locked
(Side) Freak Show: shot from drone
(Side) R3llik: nice
(Side) RekCus: didnt rej just say drones dont shoot except if you put a satchel on it
(Side) Rejdukien: There's different drones.
(Side) Freak Show: he was talking about the little drone
(Side) RekCus: mm ok
(Side) Rejdukien: The AR-2 Darter you guys are talking about and then there's also the greyhawks, which are predator drones.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:04 PM
(Side) Benbo: im watching the drone land right now. he aint lyin
(Side) RekCus: cool cool
(Side) R3llik: its cool man
(Side) Rejdukien: Greyhawks are quite a bit more expensive than the 1k darters
(Side) Rejdukien: In retrospect, I probably should make em more expensive.
(Side) RekCus: how many shots does that drone come with?
(Side) Rejdukien: It's got 4 rockets and then it needs to land and rearm
(Side) RekCus: nice
(Side) Rejdukien: There's also a CAS variant which has laser guided bombs
(Side) Benbo: how do you re amr?
(Side) Benbo: rearm*
(Side) R3llik: ammo truck
(Side) Benbo: kk
(Side) Rejdukien: But that only comes with 2 bombs and you can't use em via the loiter command
(Side) Rejdukien: Missiles are easier to use, since you can set a loiter waypoint with radius ~1000m and just use the turret view to aim.
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: Figured you'd need a little help if you're trying to do a hardcore mission alone, on foot.
(Side) Benbo: If thats you Rej, thanks. this is awesome
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 08:22 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:22 PM
(Side) Benbo: fo sho
(Side) Rejdukien: Should be a tad easier now, make sure to clean em all up before they respawn
(Side) Benbo: kk thank you
(Side) Rejdukien: one of the key features of static hardcore missions is that they keep respawning in waves
(Side) Rejdukien: It'll sound like a flare going off
(Side) Benbo: oh. thats new. kk
(Side) Rejdukien: rip
(Side) Benbo: the lag kills... oh well. i tried.
(Side) Benbo: have a good night guys. im done.
(Side) Rejdukien: night
Player Benbo disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
(Side) RekCus: brb
Player RekCus disconnected
Player RekCus connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player R3llik connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: good evening folks
(Side) Rejdukien: Heya.
(Side) Rejdukien: Not sure if it was you who requested the water jugs to be added.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:36 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: But they're in.
(Side) RekCus: to buy?
(Side) Scorpion: I was one of them. ty. just the gear crates correct
(Side) Rejdukien: gear crates
(Side) Scorpion: how many can spawn in the crate?
(Side) R3llik: 1 rarely
(Side) Rejdukien: Since it was rare to begin with (I guess?) It's 1
(Side) Scorpion: nice. fair enough
(Side) Rejdukien: 50% chance I think?
(Side) Scorpion: ty for that
(Side) Rejdukien: If I understood the way Occupation does its loot generation
(Side) Scorpion: One of these days I wanna fly with you Rej
(Side) Scorpion: crate canisters work
(Side) Rejdukien: neat
(Side) Rejdukien: welp
(Side) Rejdukien: that was too close to the ground.
(Side) Scorpion: I dont think I have ever been on a server where they know how to script so well. Well done
(Side) TESSERACT: cool
Player Ass-Haggis connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: Uguu~
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:52 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: I got a compliment.
(Side) Scorpion: hey I complimented your flying too
Rejd 23-Jul-16 08:53 PM
If anyone wonders what big brother is doing
URL should be reasonably short.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:54 PM
(Side) Scorpion: big brother?
Rejd 23-Jul-16 08:54 PM
Or alternatively, https://tinyurl.com/armaMAGA
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 08:57 PM
Player Freak Show disconnected
(Side) Ass-Haggis: hey
(Side) Ass-Haggis: hey scrorps
(Side) Scorpion: hey hey
(Side) Scorpion: whats new
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i see you have concretified
(Side) Scorpion: ya. slowly but surely
(Side) Rejdukien: Concrete is basically bs to raid, those "big momma" charges in exile take a shitton of crafting materials
(Side) Rejdukien: Take 7(!) minutes to plant
(Side) Rejdukien: And you need three of them if I'm correct.
(Side) Ass-Haggis: that's a significant heap of bullshit imho tbqh
(Side) Scorpion: idk. makes it more exciting to have a chance they come home or online during
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:00 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: I think I want this game to be too close to rust.
(Side) Scorpion: but
(Side) Scorpion: Idont wanna spend a whole reset tryin to get in XD
(Side) Rejdukien: Well you've got three hours~
(Side) Ass-Haggis: we can always activate operation rust: final lust
(Side) Scorpion: if what you need is behind that first wall you blow, sure 21 minutes
(Side) Scorpion: not that I am sayin change it. I like that setup
(Side) Rejdukien: Blow deez~
(Side) Scorpion: lmao
(Side) Rejdukien: BOOOYA
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Thats weird
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Gotta go make a chance to the rcon bot, there's quite a delay between chat messages.
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
It doesnt show me on the map
Rejd 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Unless im the New Orleans one
Rejd 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Well you rarely play.
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Is this all time or recent?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
(Side) Ass-Haggis: woouldn't be the first fuckboi to live in nawlins
Rejd 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
I got on yesterday im psure
Rejd 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
Last 3 days or so
Bot could also have been down
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
Yeah Ive def been on since then
Good point
Rejd 23-Jul-16 09:03 PM
Since the BE library was kinda shitty and didn't have proper timeout handling
So I had to add that in, too.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:07 PM
Player brade connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: test
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:09 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:09 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: t1
(Side) Rejdukien: t2
(Side) Rejdukien: t3
(Side) Rejdukien: Ehh.
(Side) Rejdukien: And testing again
(Side) Rejdukien: t1
(Side) Rejdukien: t2
(Side) Rejdukien: t3
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright, fixed it.
(Side) Rejdukien: Discord chat is now more responsive. Had a sleep at a wrong place.
(Side) Ass-Haggis: bruh
(Side) Ass-Haggis: brah
(Side) Ass-Haggis: breh
(Side) R3llik: yo
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:15 PM
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:15 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: @Taylor SWifTT you're gay
(Side) Ass-Haggis: braaaaaah
(Side) Ass-Haggis: shaka brah
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:15 PM
HELL yeah
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:15 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: @Taylor SWifTT And so am I
(Side) Rejdukien: So let's be gay together @Taylor SWifTT
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i am a disastrous sperg
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i have a gift for yous
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i amd isgorging it from my santa sack now
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:16 PM
HELL yeah
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:16 PM
(Side) Ass-Haggis: yo look on the ground
(Side) Ass-Haggis: dudes
(Side) Scorpion: giggity?
(Side) Ass-Haggis: partake of the ass-bounty
(Side) R3llik: thnx
(Side) R3llik: lmao
(Side) Rejdukien: You've also got a new action menu command with that humongous thing between your legs.
(Side) Scorpion: scared the shit out of me
Hazlen 23-Jul-16 09:19 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:20 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: ok @Hazlen
Hazlen 23-Jul-16 09:20 PM
oh god damnit
im finally going to have to mute this channel aren't I :v
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:20 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Rejdukien: Well there always was ADMINS ADMINS ADMINS
(Side) Rejdukien: But no
(Side) Rejdukien: You shouldn't mute it
(Side) Rejdukien: To mention you directly from the game I actually have to copy your ID and put it in <@id> form
(Side) Ass-Haggis: man i love rimworld
(Side) Rejdukien: Same
(Side) Rejdukien: I haven't updated yet tho
(Side) Rejdukien: I probably should
(Side) Ass-Haggis: when life gives you unskilled labor, make horrific amalgamations of metal and flesh and send them off to kill in your name
Player RekCus disconnected
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i have bots for all the unskilled labor anyhow, if you're gonna be all traipsin about bein ineffectual with your fleshopoid corpus i am gonna like
(Side) Ass-Haggis: i will rectify the sin that is your flesh
Player R3llik disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Reasonable response if someone's being ineffective
Hazlen 23-Jul-16 09:28 PM
its on steam now rejd
you can get a key
downside: fucking mod authors updating their shit and breaking your saves every day
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:29 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Well that sounds awful
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Taylor SWifTT 23-Jul-16 09:32 PM
taiwan numba wan
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:34 PM
Player Maple disconnected
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player Maple disconnected
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
(Side) Ass-Haggis: hi
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) TESSERACT: around ai
(Side) Ass-Haggis: im gonna go and become the ultimate
Hazlen 23-Jul-16 09:49 PM
I'm gray
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 09:50 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Grayskins out~
Player Ass-Haggis disconnected
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:04 PM
(Side) Scorpion: hahaha
(Side) Scorpion: I was wonderin wtf
(Side) Rejdukien: Hah
(Side) Scorpion: you seem to have caught me with my pants down
(Side) Rejdukien: Just playing mindgames with you :v
(Side) Scorpion: well done. I was pretty mind fucked right there. I saw someone out in the distance. then you up close in blue
(Side) Rejdukien: Zeus mode is fun.
Player Maple disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: thats always so creepy
Player TESSERACT disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: bbiab
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player HollenHunde connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: whats new Hollen
(Side) HollenHunde: missing my heli
(Side) Scorpion: ouch. again?
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:31 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: yeah again... kinda annoying
(Side) Scorpion: do you park it on the ground?
(Side) HollenHunde: yeah, cant afford those new floating parking spots lol
(Side) Scorpion: that sux man.
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:33 PM
Don't see any helis owned by you in the db either
If they get 'removed' due to inactivity or w/e it just sets a deleted_at flag with the timestamp, so I could undo that
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:33 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: so i tmust have been destroyed
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:33 PM
But there's no vehicles with the flag set atm
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:33 PM
(Side) Scorpion: so either blown up or stolen and sold
(Side) HollenHunde: oh, hmm.... it hasnt been a weak, it was locked so idk
(Side) Scorpion: is it three days inactive?
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:34 PM
Yeah old inactivity time was 3 days, raised that to 14
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:34 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok cool
(Side) HollenHunde: hmm damn... thought helis where cheaper....
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:34 PM
And if I understood it correctly it just has to be touched, not even necessarily by the owner?
Not sure about it.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:34 PM
(Side) Scorpion: 17k cheapest
(Side) HollenHunde: gotta sell PCML and some stuff to get it
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:35 PM
Check the osprey price~
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:35 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: i dont have apex
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:35 PM
No, the cup one.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:35 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: dont see it
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:35 PM
I think that one is 10 grand, I might be wrong
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:36 PM
Player Potato Sandwich connected from United States
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:36 PM
It might also not be called osprey
but instead V-something
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:36 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: its cool, i got a heli
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:37 PM
Also hey, your base - Potato didn't delete it.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:37 PM
(Side) HollenHunde: ik this now yes
Rejd 23-Jul-16 10:37 PM
Just thought I'd mention that since he just connected.
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 10:45 PM
Player HollenHunde disconnected
(Side) Potato Sandwich: so hows life
Player Potato Sandwich disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player beau connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 23-Jul-16 11:19 PM
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player Fred connected from United States
Player Fred disconnected
Player beau disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:05 AM
Player Tyson connected from Canada
Player Tyson disconnected
Player WolfMord connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player WolfMord disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player matgo connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:17 AM
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player matgo disconnected
(Side) Rango: ah
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: does the admin online now?
(Side) Scorpion: I dont know. its pretty late
(Side) Rango: hello
(Side) R3llik: they have so many already
(Side) Rango: i have a poblems of my drone now
(Side) Scorpion: what problem?
Player XeL87 connected from United States
Player XeL87 disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 01:09 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player taogeht connected from Taiwan
Player taogeht disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 02:02 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player SPC Puriadark [17BCT] connected from United States
Player SPC Puriadark [17BCT] disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 03:12 AM
Player Deadghost77 connected from United States
Player Deadghost77 disconnected
Player Deadghost77 connected from United States
Player Deadghost77 disconnected
Player keyton connected from United States
Player keyton disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 04:44 AM
Player Paul connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 05:02 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Saladking: hi
(Side) Saladking: TESSER
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) Saladking: Hows everything going?
(Side) Saladking: you friendly?
(Side) TESSERACT: yes
(Side) Saladking: ok
(Side) Saladking: if u see me dont kill me lol
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Saladking: do u need help!?
(Side) TESSERACT: no thanks
(Side) Saladking: okay
(Side) Saladking: good luck
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: thanks
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 06:09 AM
(Side) Saladking: is that u?
(Side) Saladking: near the gear crate?
(Side) TESSERACT: strider
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) Saladking: is u?
(Side) Saladking: i see u lol
(Side) Saladking: i want that gear crate but u finish it www
(Side) TESSERACT: ai 3
(Side) TESSERACT: ok bye
(Side) Saladking: ok
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Gorshade connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 06:49 AM
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 07:00 AM
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Mike connected from Canada
Player Mike disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 08:09 AM
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player wired98 disconnected
Rejd 24-Jul-16 08:46 AM
This thing actually still working?
ashy 24-Jul-16 08:49 AM
im gay
Rejd 24-Jul-16 08:49 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
I have to do it.
Watashi wa ōkina gei no akachandesu
Fuck it I should let my bot do all the translate stuff
Just determine from where someone is coming (Well it's already doing that) and plugging in "I'm a big gay baby" english->whatever language
ashy 24-Jul-16 08:51 AM
Rejd 24-Jul-16 08:51 AM
Ich bin ein großer Homosexuell Baby
... That sounds wrong.
ashy 24-Jul-16 08:51 AM
Rejd 24-Jul-16 08:52 AM
großes homosexuelles
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 08:53 AM
Player alexm_000 connected from United States
Player alexm_000 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 09:01 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:01 AM
Player Brojangles connected from United States
Player Rone connected from United States
Player Rone disconnected
Player Maple disconnected
Player Niklas Schneider connected from Germany
Player Niklas Schneider disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) BDoGG: You guys friendly, lol
(Side) Rango: did someone shoot at us?
(Side) BDoGG: Not me
(Side) Saladking: hello
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
(Side) Rango: my gear on the car
(Side) Rango: i need to take it back
(Side) Rango: nonono
(Side) Rango: its ok
(Side) Rango: i took off
(Side) Rango: you just take the car
(Side) Rango: hey~
(Side) Rango: BD GG
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:38 AM
(Side) BDoGG: Follow you?
(Side) Rango: give you
(Side) Rango: this car
(Side) Rango: HMMV
(Side) Saladking: take it
(Side) BDoGG: Oh okay thanks, guns inside of it?
(Side) Rango: yep give you
(Side) BDoGG: Thanks bud
(Side) Saladking: bye
(Side) Rango: im already took my gear off
(Side) Rango: have a nice tri[
(Side) Saladking: trip
(Side) Rango: trip
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Rejd 24-Jul-16 10:39 AM
fuck yeah, player visualization.
Now next step, going to try and visualize player deaths on the altis map as heatmap.
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:41 AM
Player gestherlina connected from United States
Player gestherlina disconnected
(Side) Rango: why you died?
(Side) BDoGG: shot by AI lol
(Side) Rango: slum base?
(Side) BDoGG: They ambushed me, does this server have roaming AI?
(Side) BDoGG: In Telos
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Saladking: lol respawn and take ur gear back
(Side) Rango: have a lot
(Side) BDoGG: Ok, just found that out, but yea its near Slums
(Side) BDoGG: lol
(Side) Rango: no
(Side) Rango: your gear is cool man
(Side) Scorpion: ty ty
(Side) BDoGG: So, is this a team orietented mode? I've noticed AI has aimbot which is cool lol but I just started playing this mode recently
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
(Side) Rango: we can play next time
@deleted-role(Side) zombi: Admin, quick query. how do i sell a stolen flag?
(Side) Rango: it cant sell
ashy 24-Jul-16 10:48 AM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:49 AM
(Side) zombi: so only if player pays ransom will i get paid?
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
(Side) Saladking: nope
Rejd 24-Jul-16 10:50 AM
Have you tried talking to the office dude
with the flag on you
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:51 AM
(Side) zombi: yea, no option that offers me money for it lol
Rejd 24-Jul-16 10:51 AM
Tried selling it to a regular trader, too?
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:51 AM
(Side) zombi: says unsellable
(Side) Rango: haha you just let him to buy his flag again
Rejd 24-Jul-16 10:51 AM
I'll have to look into it when I'm done with my other mini project
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:52 AM
(Side) zombi: no worries, whenever u can. just let me kno
Player zombi disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
(Side) BDoGG: Whos in the jets?
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:00 AM
(Side) Scorpion: ai
(Side) BDoGG: Ah I see
(Side) Scorpion: they dont mess with ya, just fly around if it is the ai ones
(Side) BDoGG: Damn
(Side) BDoGG: Was 40 m away from my body
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player Brojangles disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
(Side) BDoGG: Type /vote day pls
(Side) Scorpion: sorry I prefer the night when doing missions
(Side) BDoGG: Alright cool
(Side) BDoGG: Gonna have to hunt me some NVGs lol
(Side) Scorpion: I'll vote day when I get done here
(Side) BDoGG: Question, does AI detect you less in the night?
(Side) Scorpion: yes
(Side) BDoGG: I'm not new to ArmA but am new to this mod lol
(Side) BDoGG: alright thanks!
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:43 AM
(Side) Scorpion: they dont have nv
(Side) BDoGG: This mod is by far the best one I've played lol, keep discovering more cool shit too
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
(Side) BDoGG: They got me
Player BDoGG disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: lame.
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: sorry dog. usually I dont have too much trouble with ai at night. still gotta be careful, but not as much
Rejd 24-Jul-16 11:51 AM
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:51 AM
(Side) Scorpion: hey hey
Rejd 24-Jul-16 11:51 AM
If anyone wants to see a heatmap of all player deaths
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:51 AM
(Side) BDoGG: It's all good, I was just testing something out
(Side) Scorpion: ok cool have to check that out
Rejd 24-Jul-16 11:52 AM
Made it a tinyurl with custom name so it should be easy to type.
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:52 AM
(Side) BDoGG: I'm going to get Apex and Marksman DLC this paycheck. dont have it atm
(Side) Scorpion: ah. ya its a nice exp
Rejd 24-Jul-16 11:53 AM
again, tinyurl.com/magaPlayerdeaths
share subscribe and like~
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:56 AM
(Side) Scorpion: how can we get it back to day now? wont let me /vote it
(Side) BDoGG: Whoa
(Side) BDoGG: Ty
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:17 PM
regarding the heatmap
The source image I used for the map didn't have the right size for all coordinates
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:17 PM
(Side) Scorpion: YA?
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:17 PM
So, exported the topology map directly from arma now.
New one coming in a sec.
Here's the correct one.
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:20 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok
(Side) Scorpion: what would we use that for?
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:23 PM
I don't know? I just thought it'd be neat to see where people tend to die a lot.
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:23 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ah ok I could see that
(Side) Scorpion: was just curious if there was a tactical application
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:23 PM
It's basically "Hey, I wanna try out this library... Now what could I use it for?"
And now I'm wondering a. how do people even die at traders that often
and b. why are there dead people in the ocean
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:25 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I have died in the ocean a few times lol
(Side) Scorpion: and my bro died at trader running into the corner of a table
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:25 PM
I mean I know there's a bug where you sometimes spawn at 0,0 (bottom left)
the other ocean deaths?
Like those three south of the main island
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:26 PM
(Side) Scorpion: who knows. Alright gents im outties. see you this evening
Rejd 24-Jul-16 12:26 PM
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 12:26 PM
(Side) zombi: YA ttfn yo
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player zombi disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 01:40 PM
Player Devin connected from United States
Player Devin disconnected
Player R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 02:14 PM
(Side) BDoGG: So why can't I claim territory? I have poptabs and stuff, XM8 isn't showing any option to claim
(Side) R3llik: go to the airfield
(Side) R3llik: find the office trader
(Side) R3llik: and buy a plot pole
(Side) BDoGG: Any airfield?
(Side) R3llik: no
(Side) R3llik: the main one in the center
(Side) R3llik: that has the traders
(Side) BDoGG: Okay, how much are they?
(Side) BDoGG: Sorry, new to this mod
(Side) R3llik: depends how big u want the base
(Side) R3llik: starts like 2500 for 15m plot pole and then u can upgrade
(Side) R3llik: its not much
(Side) BDoGG: Ok, thanks bud
(Side) R3llik: np
(Side) R3llik: this mod is way better than epoch
(Side) BDoGG: You're telling me lmao, I've played this mod two days now and still discovering shit.. its the best mod I've played in my gaming career haha
(Side) BDoGG: Addicted now.
(Side) R3llik: yeah its nice
(Side) R3llik: wait till u get into crafting building items
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 02:20 PM
(Side) R3llik: gonna change ur mind
(Side) BDoGG: I'm even upgrading a graphics card to be able to play this better cause I've always played
(Side) BDoGG: Arma 2
(Side) R3llik: yeah i played that 2
(Side) BDoGG: I'm a A2 veteran though, I've had A3 since it came out, just never played it
(Side) R3llik: same
(Side) R3llik: i was playing epoch arma 2 when amra 3 alpha came out
(Side) BDoGG: Yea me 2, I played the hell out of that, always solo'd though, all my arma friends split up lmao
(Side) R3llik: happens
(Side) BDoGG: Yup
(Side) BDoGG: Ok so it says I have 15k PT in my locker but I can't use it at the trader?
(Side) R3llik: u have to literaly take it out the locker to put it on ur person
(Side) BDoGG: Lockers in the airport?
(Side) R3llik: every trader city
(Side) BDoGG: So not in the airport?
(Side) R3llik: its there
(Side) BDoGG: Lol my bad man
(Side) BDoGG: I got it
(Side) R3llik: cool
(Side) R3llik: the locker is the bank obviously
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 02:25 PM
(Side) BDoGG: Thanks for the help man
(Side) R3llik: yeah no problem, just ask
(Side) R3llik: cya
(Side) BDoGG: Nice tank
Player RekCus connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: its alright
Player HAUKR connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: kinda slow
(Side) R3llik: but has armor
(Side) BDoGG: This thing is best off road lol
(Side) BDoGG: beast*
(Side) R3llik: yeah it runs over everything
(Side) R3llik: but theres actual tanks
(Side) BDoGG: Man I can't wait to get Apex and MM lol
(Side) BDoGG: Gonna be sweet
(Side) R3llik: yeah its alright
(Side) RekCus: /vote day
(Side) R3llik: /.vote day
Player HAUKR disconnected
Player Anthony connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 02:41 PM
Player Anthony disconnected
(Side) BroChacho: cool....got one of those special purpose helmets
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 03:07 PM
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: admin the artilery computer doesnt work in the m5-sandstorm
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
Player Rejdukien disconnected
(Side) R3llik: sup rej
(Side) BroChacho: got one of those cool helmets from a mission Rej...thanks for adding those
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) RekCus: the artillery computer doesnt work
(Side) Rejdukien: I don't know what to tell you except "It works."
(Side) Rejdukien: You have to get in the gunner seat to use the artillery computer.
(Side) RekCus: when i press arti computer, it closes out ofthe map
(Side) Rejdukien: Use it again
(Side) R3llik: doing it now
(Side) RekCus: have been for like 15 min
(Side) R3llik: keeps canceling out of it
(Side) Rejdukien: Nothing in the log either
(Side) R3llik: come try this 1
(Side) R3llik: it fires yes but the arty computer doesnt work
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: then its just not letting other than admin use the arty comp
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 03:16 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: That was the artillery computer.
(Side) RekCus: it opens the computer map and closes it right away
(Side) Rejdukien: Let me go check the forums, may or may not be an infinistar restriction - But in that case it should log that
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah, idd -1 was not whitelisted.
(Side) Rejdukien: -1 is the artillery computer screen.
(Side) R3llik: so the infistar cancels it out
(Side) Rejdukien: Yell at me when it restarts and I can upload the changed config
(Side) Rejdukien: Or let me know if y'all are fine with a restart right now
(Side) R3llik: in 10 min
(Side) R3llik: im ready
(Side) RekCus: it will be in 10 min
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright
(Side) R3llik: other 2 guys idk about them
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
@deleted-role(Side) RekCus: admin you can restart now, all others left
Rejd 24-Jul-16 03:23 PM
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 03:23 PM
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player RekCus connected from United States
Player R3llik connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: thanks rej it works
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Rejd 24-Jul-16 03:38 PM
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 03:38 PM
(Side) R3llik: thanks man
Player BDoGG connected from United States
(Side) BDoGG: Server already restart?
(Side) R3llik: yeah
(Side) BDoGG: Im at slums base, hold arty please
(Side) RekCus: its all yours
(Side) R3llik: they are aimbotters in the slums man
(Side) R3llik: watch out
(Side) RekCus: They will keep respawning also
(Side) BDoGG: nades will take care of that
(Side) R3llik: get it
(Side) BDoGG: if i didnt leave them in my truck 500m away lmao
(Side) BroChacho: whats up with the missions showing 0 units?
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 04:00 PM
(Side) RekCus: i finished them
(Side) RekCus: free to take
(Side) BroChacho: arty?
(Side) R3llik: yea
(Side) BroChacho: a little op I think...
(Side) BDoGG: This time, I need to grab my nades lol, should seize the slums base this go
(Side) BDoGG: So how do I select nades on here and throw them? F just switches my shoot mode
(Side) R3llik: idk
(Side) BroChacho: g throws I think
(Side) RekCus: you want some help at the slums?
(Side) RekCus: bahaus truck about to be cleared
(Side) R3llik: get it
Player RekCus disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 05:55 PM
Player R3llik connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: did the server just restart?
(Side) BroChacho: 25 minutes it will restart
(Side) R3llik: ah, alright. thnx
(Side) BroChacho: np
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 06:16 PM
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Jeff connected from United States
Player Jeff disconnected
Player Vanillawafer connected from United States
Player Vanillawafer disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 07:41 PM
Player BDoGG disconnected
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 08:10 PM
Player Giba connected from Brazil
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player Giba disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: ah admin
(Side) Rango: are you there
@deleted-role(Side) Freak Show: whats up, no admins are on but i can reach them
(Side) Rango: ok because my drone have explosived in the safe zone
(Side) Rango: i thing that is a bug
(Side) Rango: just want to ask can i get my drone back again?
(Side) Freak Show: yeah weve been experiencing issues, with vehicles being left in the there
(Side) Rango: Did it stock in the ground?
(Side) Freak Show: yeah, we think thats been happening
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: haha very sad because it cost me 100k
(Side) Freak Show: what did?
(Side) Freak Show: UAV drone?
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: ah that a vechile
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 08:36 PM
(Side) Freak Show: our prices are not that high, you on right server
(Side) Rango: nonono thar drone sell 100K in the vechile shop
(Side) Freak Show: one of our UAV you buy for 30K or 55K sells for 100K
(Side) Rango: I bought the uav drone 100k it sell back for 50K
(Side) Freak Show: still dont know what drone your talking about, top price i know for drone is 50K
(Side) Rango: Do you in the safe zone right now?
(Side) Rango: i can show you there
(Side) Freak Show: i can be there soon, hold on
(Side) Rango: i m add you the party?
(Side) Freak Show: on my way
(Side) Rango: yep just be careful
(Side) Freak Show: of
(Side) Rango: last one
(Side) Freak Show: damn you bought that POS, that thing gets hit once and its dead
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Rango: i know that
(Side) Rango: it armor to low
(Side) Rango: but it fire by AI
(Side) Freak Show: i went and told them, so they are aware, i would re-address it once there back on
(Side) Rango: the drone?
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 08:54 PM
(Side) Freak Show: yeah
(Side) Rango: oh man pretty thanks
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 09:02 PM
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: good evening all
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Paul connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Freak Show connected from United States
Player R3llik connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: How goes the base building?
(Side) Freak Show: who ya talking to
(Side) R3llik: it was going but i blew up the heli bc my bro tried to rappel down andit blew up
(Side) Scorpion: R3llik
(Side) R3llik: so i lost all water containers
(Side) R3llik: been hunting ever since
(Side) Freak Show: start checking the
(Side) Freak Show: gear crates.
(Side) Scorpion: damn. ya those damn cannisters lol
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 09:50 PM
(Side) R3llik: i have
(Side) Freak Show: redj just changed their load out
(Side) R3llik: its hit and miss in those but thats good
(Side) Freak Show: i just found one earlier, so that should be my third now to start some crafting
(Side) R3llik: actually found a knife
(Side) Scorpion: Nice!
(Side) R3llik: while looking for water containers
(Side) Scorpion: oh damn drones?
(Side) Scorpion: how much firepower those things got?
(Side) Freak Show: sorry, drone is mine, dont worry i only use them on AI or anyone that attacks me
(Side) Scorpion: fair enough. hows the fire power? never flown one
(Side) R3llik: takes down a armored vehicle one shot
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 10:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: very nice
(Side) R3llik: man i flew by the hazmat zone, instantly started dying
(Side) R3llik: thru it*
(Side) Scorpion: ya it fucks you up
(Side) R3llik: yeah i thought just flying thru id be fine but nah
(Side) R3llik: man when its night its pitch black
Player Freak Show connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:07 PM
(Side) Freak Show: luckiest shit ever just happend to me
(Side) R3llik: what happen
(Side) Scorpion: ?
(Side) Freak Show: kids fucked with my internet and it cut out, i was in my helicopter
(Side) Freak Show: on hover
(Side) R3llik: omg
(Side) Freak Show: came back online and I was ontop of the damn thing, free falling but not going anywhere
(Side) R3llik: lightly land?
(Side) Freak Show: was able to manuvuer back into the heli and still land
(Side) R3llik: go buy a lottery ticket
(Side) Freak Show: scared the shit out of me
(Side) Scorpion: nice!
(Side) Scorpion: So I just did my first run through looting the Radiation area. Not a very pleasant experience.
(Side) Freak Show: whys that?
(Side) R3llik: its a pain, one weapon at a time
(Side) Freak Show: true to that, but its a good source of income
(Side) R3llik: ye
(Side) Scorpion: just the looting of one at a time, the ticking of the counter, the sight fade...idk all makes it nerve racking
(Side) Freak Show: what would make it better would be a backpack like arma 2, where we could load like 5 weapons, even sniper rifles
(Side) R3llik: there are bigger backpacks but this server doesnt have em
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:19 PM
(Side) Scorpion: right? or at least a couple buddies, but then you have to share ;)
(Side) R3llik: but even in arma2 some guns u couldnt fit in the backpack
(Side) Freak Show: true, what backpacks arnt on this server, I will talk to Jack about getting them loaded if their an exile mod
(Side) R3llik: pretty sure its an exile mod, they look like a mountaneering backpack
(Side) R3llik: its smaller than the biggest backpack in here yet carries more
(Side) Freak Show: anyone want to go take on the slums? meeting at the trader if your in!
(Side) R3llik: ill drop some bombs in a few
(Side) Freak Show: aight, just let us know after your complete
(Side) R3llik: i will
(Side) R3llik: engaging
(Side) Freak Show: what are you bombing with?
(Side) R3llik: scud launcher
(Side) Freak Show: that thing require laser? or do you just fire into the area?
(Side) R3llik: just fire
(Side) Freak Show: awsome
Player RekCus connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: watch the fireworks
(Side) Freak Show: not bad, 12 left. gonna take the drone over and see what it can hit
(Side) R3llik: its still hitting
(Side) RekCus: still missiles falling for another minute lol
BattlEye Bot 24-Jul-16 11:38 PM
(Side) Scorpion: I couldnt see nothin but I hear it
(Side) Freak Show: i will stay out
(Side) RekCus: the blast radius is over 100m so yeah keep a distance
(Side) R3llik: ok no more missiles
(Side) R3llik: all u
(Side) Scorpion: I feel so ineffective now lol
(Side) R3llik: its a chunk of change man
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 09:13 AM
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 10:11 AM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player BDoGG disconnected
Rejd 25-Jul-16 11:13 AM
Hazlen 25-Jul-16 11:15 AM
Rejd 25-Jul-16 11:15 AM
Yo if Relik happens to join, let him know to let me know what mod has those bigger backpacks he was talking about while I was asleep
Or maybe I'll just catch him eventually
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 11:59 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 12:37 PM
Player Avery connected from United States
Player Avery disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 01:03 PM
Player R3llik connected from United States
Lancek 25-Jul-16 01:06 PM
Yo relik tell @Rejd what that backpack mod is
Joe 25-Jul-16 01:16 PM
is stuff i say in here broadcasted to the server
... goodshit
God Emperor Trump 25-Jul-16 01:17 PM
📣 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Hazlen 25-Jul-16 01:17 PM
unfortunately for them, yes
R3llik are you there?
Lancek 25-Jul-16 01:19 PM
I don't think the emotes work Joe
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 01:33 PM
Player R3llik disconnected
Player R3llik connected from United States
Hazlen 25-Jul-16 01:45 PM
What is the backpack mod you were talking about last night
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 02:44 PM
Player Smithers connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 03:08 PM
Player R3llik disconnected
Player BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 05:54 PM
Player BroChacho disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 07:11 PM
Player Kilo16 connected from United States
Player Kilo16 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 08:07 PM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 09:12 PM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 10:21 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Saladking: hi all
(Side) Scorpion: Hello
(Side) Saladking: hi~~
Player Nathan connected from United States
Player Nathan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 11:00 PM
(Side) Saladking: who shot at me?
Taylor SWifTT 25-Jul-16 11:00 PM
BattlEye Bot 25-Jul-16 11:00 PM
(Side) Scorpion: not I. Happy building atm. ai?
(Side) Saladking: Maybe
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 12:18 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 01:37 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Gorshade connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 02:02 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 03:11 AM
Player lonny connected from United States
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player Gorshade connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 04:10 AM
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 05:16 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 06:12 AM
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player zombi disconnected
Player gill disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player gill disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 07:22 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
(Side) zombi: well fuck me. that sucks
(Side) zombi: i had a ural and a hummer full of loot from gas mask zone and one lil bump and they both exploded killing me and pissing on all that work
Player TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 08:04 AM
Player zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:00 AM
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player BDoGG disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 10:04 AM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: How are things Gill?
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:10 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
ashy 26-Jul-16 11:12 AM
Taiwan #1
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:12 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Scorpion: How are things Rango? Salad?
(Side) Saladking: wat?
(Side) Rango: ?
(Side) Scorpion: how goes it
(Side) Saladking: good
(Side) Rango: yep its good
(Side) Scorpion: cool cool
(Side) Rango: Want to build a base
Player SARHENTO connected from Philippines
(Side) Scorpion: ive been at mine for a couple weeks now. I think it is finally coming together
Player SARHENTO disconnected
(Side) Rango: Scorpion
(Side) Scorpion: yes?
(Side) Rango: If we buy a chopper can we part in your base?
(Side) Rango: because we dont have a base
(Side) Scorpion: well I dont know that it would be any safer at my base than anywhere else. I dont have a landing pad or anything yet
(Side) Rango: all right
(Side) Rango: want to kill some ai tommorow?
(Side) Scorpion: absolutely. Ill bang out missions with ya
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:19 AM
(Side) Scorpion: im hoping to have an attach chopper by then
(Side) Rango: Ai?
(Side) Scorpion: guys at missions and what not
(Side) Rango: ah
(Side) Rango: Can we park a vechile in your base now?
Rejd 26-Jul-16 11:21 AM
Just be careful with that attack helicopter
Prepare yourself for C key smashing whenever you hear any kind of beeping :v
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:22 AM
(Side) Scorpion: sorry was afk. do ai have launchers then?
(Side) Rango: Yep
(Side) Rango: They have PCML and aimbot
(Side) Rango: can destroyed your vechile in one shot
(Side) Scorpion: ah ok ill have to keep that in mind. So C must be a flare or chaffe or w/e they are called?
(Side) Rango: We coming near of you
(Side) Rango: Dont shoot us
Lancek 26-Jul-16 11:25 AM
C for Countermeasures
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:25 AM
(Side) Scorpion: coming near who?
(Side) Rango: We are near the mine
(Side) Scorpion: so if you gents need stuff to build your base that I can help with let me know. As far as parkin in my base, I cant do that.
(Side) Rango: ok bro
(Side) Scorpion: Nothin personal. Just learned you cant trust anyone unless you can go to thier house and punch them in the face lol
(Side) Rango: i know
(Side) Scorpion: im friendly and try to be helpful, but have learned the lessons
(Side) Rango: its ok but we friendly too
(Side) Scorpion: the only time I am not is if I get shot at or I find someone near my base lol
(Side) Scorpion: lol I have waaaaay too much kid aggro to play today. I might be back later
Player Scorpion disconnected
(Side) Rango: bye ~
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 12:04 PM
(Side) Rango: some one shoot me?
(Side) Saladking: Why u always dying?
(Side) Saladking: Do u need help?
Player gill disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player R3llik connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: thanks man
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 01:00 PM
(Side) R3llik: u gotta watch the ai, they are aimbotters
(Side) R3llik: especially in the black/hardcore missions
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 01:01 PM
yo r3llik
whats that backback mod you mentioned a few days ago
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 01:01 PM
(Side) R3llik: hey hazlen
(Side) R3llik: i was looking all day yesterday for it and couldnt find it
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 01:02 PM
well if you find it mentioned admins and tell us the name in side chat
we'll get notified
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 01:02 PM
(Side) R3llik: maybe its the apex dlc but i cant find the actuall backpack item
(Side) R3llik: but sure thing
(Side) R3llik: one shot, wtf
(Side) gill: rip
(Side) R3llik: i was in a tank...
(Side) R3llik: just driving by ffs
(Side) R3llik: rip
(Side) R3llik: got tired of living?
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 02:38 PM
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 03:07 PM
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player gill disconnected
Player gill disconnected
Rejd 26-Jul-16 04:12 PM
The apex one has 480 capacity and is on the trader list
I think?
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 05:04 PM
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player Iceman connected from United States
Player Iceman disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 06:07 PM
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 08:22 PM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: good morning aa
Player BroChacho disconnected
Taylor SWifTT 26-Jul-16 08:34 PM
Taiwan numbah wan!!!!
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 08:56 PM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:07 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Freak Show: restart in 15
(Side) Freak Show: welp now 10
(Side) Rango: freak
(Side) Freak Show: whats up
Player Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Rango: Why breaching charge cannot use in raid?
(Side) Rango: Is this a glitch?
(Side) Freak Show: umm, depends on the breaching charge,
(Side) Freak Show: there are wood types and concrete ones
(Side) Freak Show: are you sure you had teh correct one!?
(Side) Rango: oh
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:11 PM
it should be working
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:11 PM
(Side) Rango: Yep sorry
(Side) Rango: im made the metal type
(Side) Freak Show: no worries,
(Side) Rango: but how to make the wood type
(Side) Stone: hello everyone
(Side) Freak Show: i the breaching charges are the wood ones i believe
(Side) Saladking: hello
(Side) Freak Show: hey stone, restart in 5 min
(Side) Stone: kk
(Side) Stone: oh c'mon, all vecs gone again? >_<
(Side) Stone: see you all after rr
(Side) Freak Show: really stone,
(Side) Rango: because we use 15 explosive charge to raid a door it didnt destroyed yet
(Side) Scorpion: whos base XD
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:12 PM
you need breaching charges
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:13 PM
(Side) Freak Show: i have seen as many as 30 something charges online to get it
Player Stone disconnected
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:13 PM
the regular ones are for wood
metal and concrete ones are labeled
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:13 PM
(Side) Rango: uh i dont konw
(Side) Scorpion: see ya after reset XD
(Side) Rango: is stone bases
(Side) Rango: ??
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:13 PM
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:13 PM
Player Scorpion disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: Hazlen got it right^
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: understand tks freak and admin\
(Side) Freak Show: no problemo
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:14 PM
fyi not everyone who can talk through here is an admin!
i happen to be one ;)
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:14 PM
(Side) Freak Show: just as long as its not my base, dammit
(Side) Rango: freak do you want to deal the mencenary base?
(Side) Freak Show: ^ that is true too
(Side) Freak Show: on restart?
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: after restart
(Side) Freak Show: slums or mercenary
(Side) Rango: mercenary base
(Side) Freak Show: yea we could, ive got my UAV here we can use to start out with
(Side) Rango: yep we also have SMG
(Side) Freak Show: but it wont take out many, may look for the vehicles first then we can go in with striders or track vehicles for the rest
(Side) Freak Show: but yeah I would be down for that!
(Side) Rango: Is this yours?
(Side) Rango: drone?
(Side) Freak Show: omg, wtf was that shit
(Side) Rango: What@@
(Side) Saladking: AI?
(Side) Freak Show: landed my heli and boom!
(Side) Freak Show: fuck my life
Player Freak Show disconnected
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:18 PM
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) Rango: holy haha\
(Side) Rango: loll
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: well there goes another heli down the drain
(Side) Rango: ok haha
(Side) Rango: salad go but the breakfast can we wait him for 5m?
(Side) Freak Show: oh yea
(Side) Rango: buy
(Side) Rango: tks
(Side) Freak Show: have to buy another uav laptop
(Side) Rango: dont be sad i already crashed 6 heli
(Side) Freak Show: all i did was land this one and boom
Player Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Rango: haha~~
(Side) Freak Show: its like this game gates me
(Side) Freak Show: we have a love hate relationship
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:33 PM
(Side) Freak Show: is my uav still at the trader
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Freak Show: k
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Freak Show: on my way, have to drive take me liek 10 min
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: its ok
(Side) Rango: Were shopping now
(Side) Stone: can i ask any of you to give me a ride to main trader?
(Side) Rango: i can
(Side) Freak Show: a=where are you
(Side) Freak Show: nvr mind
(Side) Stone: frini
(Side) Rango: where are you?
(Side) Rango: do you want deal the mercenary together?
(Side) Freak Show: dont have your initial quad anymore?
(Side) Stone: nvm i forgot there's quads
(Side) Stone: yeah that lol
(Side) Freak Show: lol
(Side) Freak Show: thats why im here
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:45 PM
(Side) Rango: comming
(Side) Stone: this having to vuy vehicles every time i connect is getting old
(Side) Stone: buy*
(Side) Freak Show: what kind of vehicles
(Side) Freak Show: you sure someone isnt stealling them
(Side) Stone: 2 attack helis, 1 strider, 1 pick up, 1 little bird and 2 tarus?
(Side) Freak Show: geeze thats a lot, was that just recently
(Side) Stone: quite certain, since the pick up and the helis were on top and inside the base
(Side) Freak Show: really wish I could look for ya, Hazlan is on if he sees the messages they might be able to look later
(Side) Stone: nah, its ok
(Side) Rango: im at the frini now
(Side) Rango: where are you
(Side) Stone: on a pick up
(Side) Stone: i dound it just now
(Side) Stone: found*
(Side) Stone: my writing is kinda off today
Player Syconess connected from Canada
(Side) Rango: open the xm8 stone
(Side) Rango: add you to our group
(Side) Stone: i think i cant leave the family
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:51 PM
(Side) Stone: omw to frini
(Side) Freak Show: you dont need to leave family, just party
(Side) Freak Show: im rdy for invite for this
(Side) Stone: k
(Side) Stone: shoot
(Side) Rango: im shoot
(Side) Stone: the invite not the weapon xd
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Rango: open the Xm8
(Side) Rango: add you to grou[
Rejd 26-Jul-16 09:54 PM
I think you need to use the crafted ones
I once unloaded like 200 rockets on a wall and it didn't do any damages. Crafted ones did.
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:54 PM
(Side) Freak Show: crafted ones for raiding then?
Rejd 26-Jul-16 09:54 PM
tbf would be kinda unfair if you could level a base completly by just getting a tank or w/e
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:56 PM
(Side) Stone: oh wow i actually won in this slot machine
Hazlen 26-Jul-16 09:59 PM
what did you win
Rejd 26-Jul-16 09:59 PM
but did you win any gold plated latinum?
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 09:59 PM
(Side) Stone: just 10 lol
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 10:00 PM
(Side) Stone: im latino... does that count?
Player Eartie connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: ok watch out on the road next to trader, launching uav there
(Side) Syconess: killed picking up a porn mag :'(
(Side) Stone: worth it
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) Syconess: Whos hot micing?
(Side) Stone: them aimbots lol
(Side) Stone: invite to party again please :D
(Side) Syconess: EARTIE
(Side) Syconess: Eartie pls
(Side) Eartie: huh?
(Side) Syconess: your hot micing somehow i can hear you clicking and typing
(Side) Syconess: thx
(Side) Eartie: thats weird sorry muted mic now thanks
(Side) Syconess: np
Player Eartie disconnected
Player Jacob connected from United States
Player Jacob disconnected
(Side) Stone: heading to pyrgos
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 10:28 PM
Player Syconess disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: im in frini
(Side) Freak Show: need invite back to group
(Side) Stone: turning
(Side) Stone: aaand tou died again
(Side) Freak Show: nope still alive
(Side) Freak Show: no
(Side) Freak Show: need pick up
(Side) Freak Show: frinin and add group
(Side) Freak Show: and 10 units again, they responded
(Side) Freak Show: omg
(Side) Freak Show: dying so much
(Side) Freak Show: im done
Player Freak Show disconnected
(Side) Stone: alright guys im out
(Side) Stone: one last ride?
(Side) Saladking: im still here
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: one more tks
(Side) Saladking: lasr one
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 10:59 PM
(Side) Stone: invite me to party then
(Side) Rango: cant find enemy and keep died
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:01 PM
(Side) Rango: tks bro
(Side) Rango: last time
(Side) Stone: ill drop you in the court
(Side) Stone: got some shots last time from the south
(Side) Stone: alright
(Side) Stone: see you later guys
Player Stone disconnected
Player BronzeWyrm connected from United States
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: hi Bronze
(Side) BronzeWyrm: hi there
(Side) BronzeWyrm: how you doin?
(Side) Saladking: good
(Side) BronzeWyrm: nice
(Side) Saladking: how are you?
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) BronzeWyrm: im good. kids just went down. wife at work. its just me the dog and arma for a bir ;)
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:39 PM
(Side) BronzeWyrm: bit*
(Side) Saladking: OK
(Side) BronzeWyrm: been on this server long?
(Side) Saladking: YEH
(Side) BronzeWyrm: anything i should know?
(Side) Saladking: So many godamn AI
(Side) BronzeWyrm: havent seen any AI yet. seems quiet round these parts
(Side) BronzeWyrm: damn really?
(Side) Saladking: LOL Be careful
(Side) BronzeWyrm: keep ur head down eh
(Side) Saladking: They are every where
(Side) BronzeWyrm: sneeky bastards
(Side) BronzeWyrm: lol
(Side) Saladking: YEAH right
(Side) Saladking: If u need something let me know
(Side) BronzeWyrm: cool cool, thanks man!
(Side) Saladking: If I can help i will help
(Side) Saladking: ok
(Side) BronzeWyrm: i like you already ;)
(Side) Saladking: LOL Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
BattlEye Bot 26-Jul-16 11:43 PM
(Side) Saladking: XDD
(Side) BronzeWyrm: Eww, Exit only bud
(Side) BronzeWyrm: can you craft bikes here?
(Side) Rango: click radio double times
(Side) Rango: can spawn a atv or bike
(Side) BronzeWyrm: sAweet!
(Side) BronzeWyrm: damn, thx man!
(Side) Saladking: NP
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:14 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player BronzeWyrm disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player BronzeWyrm connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: evening folks
(Side) Rango: evening
(Side) BronzeWyrm: howdie howdie
Taylor SWifTT 27-Jul-16 12:53 AM
im gay
c0rndog 27-Jul-16 01:07 AM
jump down and say something gay
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:09 AM
(Side) Rango: hi
(Side) Rango: bronze
(Side) Scorpion: Hello
(Side) Rango: hi scorpion~~
(Side) Rango: bronze
(Side) Rango: take this
(Side) BronzeWyrm: huh
(Side) BronzeWyrm: hell yeah! thanks man
c0rndog 27-Jul-16 01:11 AM
hey Bronzewyrm
ur a dummie dumb dumb
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:12 AM
(Side) Rango: haha
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin
(Side) Rango: can you tell freak show
c0rndog 27-Jul-16 01:13 AM
tell him what
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:13 AM
(Side) Rango: He left his stinger SMG in the safe
Taylor SWifTT 27-Jul-16 01:13 AM
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:14 AM
(Side) Rango: We help him to change pin so he can drive next time
c0rndog 27-Jul-16 01:14 AM
what is a bee without a stinger
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:14 AM
(Side) Rango: and lock in the safe
(Side) Rango: we just afraid someone stel his car so we help him change the pin
(Side) Saladking: bye
(Side) Saladking: bye
(Side) Rango: bye
(Side) BronzeWyrm: l8rs
(Side) BronzeWyrm: ill b back
(Side) Saladking: hahahahaha
(Side) Rango: hahaha
(Side) BronzeWyrm: ;)
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:10 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player BronzeWyrm disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 05:46 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 06:14 AM
Player gill disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player tkn connected from Brazil
Player tkn disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 07:07 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: HI TESSERACT
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
Player Saladking disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:00 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: uh did you deal the gear crate?
Player Rango disconnected
Player TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 09:56 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:06 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Rango: Freak
(Side) Rango: Your SMG in the safe zone
(Side) Rango: The cold is 0217
(Side) Rango: just afraid of your vechile been stolen so we changed the code
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: woops
(Side) Scorpion: Mornin gents
(Side) Saladking: moorning
(Side) Freak Show: omg, my uav just disapeared
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Saladking: LOL BUG
(Side) Freak Show: omg, i just loaded up my terminal and it was in the water some where
(Side) Freak Show: this game truly hates me
(Side) Scorpion: It'll be my turn soon. so far I have lucked out somehow
Player tkn connected from Brazil
(Side) Scorpion: Hello attack chopper doing gear crates ;)
(Side) Rango: hello XD
(Side) Freak Show: rip
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:47 AM
(Side) Freak Show: naw im gonna start saying RIH, REST IN HELL
(Side) Scorpion: lol
(Side) Saladking: i cant find the fking ai
(Side) Saladking: Jesus
(Side) Freak Show: lol
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:50 AM
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin
yo what up
Hazlen 27-Jul-16 10:50 AM
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:50 AM
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:50 AM
(Side) Freak Show: hello!
(Side) Freak Show: yes sir!
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:50 AM
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:51 AM
(Side) Freak Show: i got it!,
(Side) Freak Show: should have seen just a sec ago, towed my UAV with quad
(Side) Freak Show: used put away before taking tow straps off to launch it, and the damn thing disapeared into the ocean somewhere
(Side) Freak Show: it was fucking hilirious and sad a tthe same time
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:52 AM
"Put away" deletes the quad
And anything that is attached to it
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:52 AM
(Side) Freak Show: yep, figured that out the hard way
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:52 AM
Same happens if you're selling a vehicle that is towing another vehicle
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:52 AM
(Side) Scorpion: had that happen
Rejd 27-Jul-16 10:53 AM
Could prob set a object attribute when it's being towed
and unset the attribute when it's unhooked
ummm wow
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:54 AM
Player Colton connected from United States
Player Colton disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: on the road again
(Side) Freak Show: just cant wati to be on the road again
(Side) Scorpion: some thin somethin with my friends
(Side) Freak Show: lol
(Side) Scorpion: ;)
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:00 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Freak Show: well not only did i get a thermal scan of someones base, i just found a knife to steal all their shit too
(Side) Scorpion: lol awesome....I think unless its mine XD
(Side) Freak Show: its no one online right now, ill give ya that much
(Side) Scorpion: you would be disappointed at my base anyways lol
(Side) Freak Show: i scouted that base, for three hours waiting for a chance to get that thermal reading
(Side) Freak Show: yea i know youve still had issues with vehciels
(Side) Scorpion: and ive moved twice, and lost most of my stuff in the move twice lol
(Side) Freak Show: arma is a cut throat bitch
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
(Side) Freak Show: hey rejd
(Side) Saladking: RIP
(Side) Freak Show: RIH
(Side) Scorpion: na im already married. Hell part is covered
(Side) Freak Show: ahahhah
(Side) Freak Show: aint that the fucking truth
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:10 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Freak Show: so much cheaper to build the hanger than buying it
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:23 AM
And yeah the way it should be hth
If you know the recipes, you should gain an advantage from that.
(to be fair it's me just breaking the economy by going "fuck it, let's put some crafting materials on the trader, too")
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:25 AM
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: uh admin May i ask that can restart my drone again because it destroyed in the safe
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:25 AM
You... can restart your drone
I guess you want to be comped for a drone that got blown up tin the safe zone
Let me just get on
And tell me what kind of drone it was
Was it one of those ground drones with a gun?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:26 AM
(Side) Rango: ok
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: tks admin
(Side) Freak Show: rango, you had a drone blow up?
(Side) Rango: before
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:26 AM
What kind was it
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:26 AM
(Side) Rango: UGV drone
(Side) Freak Show: that sucks
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
Player tkn disconnected
(Side) Rango: UGV stomperrcws
(Side) Rejdukien: I may not be on as often as a few days ago, but I'm also not a heartless Führer
(Side) Rejdukien: So here you go
(Side) Freak Show: hey rejd, i just tried crafting metal repair kits, and it keeps making wood ones, are they both the same?
(Side) Rejdukien: No clue
(Side) Freak Show: ok, also if i steal my flag can i rename my base?
Player BDoGG connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: Yo Rango, check your inventory
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't think so
(Side) Freak Show: damn
(Side) Rejdukien: What's the current name and what do you want it to be
(Side) Rejdukien: I can change the name in the DB
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:30 AM
It's gonna take effect on the next restart
You can also message me via !chat now that I'm ingame or just send me a PM on discord if you don't want the name to be public
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:32 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: hth just use discord
Player Colton connected from United States
@deleted-role(Side) Saladking: Admin thanks
(Side) Saladking: long time nooo see
(Side) Rejdukien: You're welcome?
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) Rejdukien: Oh right, you're with Rango
(Side) Saladking: Yeah
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:35 AM
Taiwan numba wan
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:35 AM
(Side) Saladking: We are gay friend
(Side) Saladking: LMAO
(Side) Rejdukien: Same
(Side) Saladking: Taiwan number oneeeeeeeeeeeeee
(Side) Saladking: Hahaha
(Side) Rejdukien: Now go get yourself a nice thing
(Side) Rejdukien: Also the stomper is bad hth, it blows up pretty easily
(Side) Saladking: okay got itttt
(Side) Rejdukien: It's still decent for parking ontop of your base or w/e so it shoots nearby AI
(Side) Rejdukien: Might just wanna put walls around it covering the hull
(Side) Rejdukien: So just the turret is poking out
(Side) Saladking: okay
(Side) Rejdukien: I probably could add in a function that automatically puts AI crew on tripod machine guns
(Side) Rejdukien: Since people don't really use those anyway
(Side) Freak Show: aight everyone, ive got work. be back in 8 hrs
(Side) Rejdukien: Something like that
(Side) Rango: ok~
(Side) Scorpion: see ya
Player Freak Show disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: See those AI dudes ontop?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:39 AM
(Side) Rango: goodbye
(Side) Saladking: yes
(Side) Rango: Max uaz?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah, Mad Max UAZ :v
(Side) Rango: Haha
(Side) Rejdukien: Who else wants a mad max UAZ?
(Side) Rejdukien: With AI gunners ontop
(Side) Rango: how about put this in vechile shop haha
(Side) Scorpion: im good. gotta couple things I gotta do then log out for work too
(Side) BDoGG: Holy hell
(Side) Rango: Max Mad UAZ
(Side) Rejdukien: I... probably could do that
(Side) BDoGG: Just pissed myself almost
(Side) Rejdukien: But I have no idea how to change the name of a vehicle on the shop
(Side) Rango: UAZ 2.0
(Side) Rejdukien: Since it reads the name from CfgVehicles which I don't think I can just edit
(Side) Rango: okay~~
(Side) Rejdukien: I probably could, however, add in a classname comparison in the vehicle shop GUI
(Side) Rejdukien: So if classname = some uaz variant that is now designated to be the mad max one
(Side) Rejdukien: Display a different name
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:42 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: And on vehicle spawn, do my whole "attach wooden pallets to it etc"
(Side) BDoGG: OMG
(Side) Rejdukien: Take it~
(Side) BDoGG: You were the one that made me piss myself lmao
(Side) BDoGG: Did it say Fermont when you rolled in?
(Side) Rango: okay it so complicated~
(Side) BDoGG: :)
(Side) Rejdukien: Heh
(Side) Rejdukien: Figured
(Side) BDoGG: What?
(Side) Rejdukien: But hey, here's your free complimentary mad max UAZ!
(Side) Rejdukien: Basically just console fuckery on my part
(Side) BDoGG: I don't accept free stuff, thanks though!
(Side) BDoGG: You're a kind man.
(Side) Rejdukien: Using the attachTo command to attach various props and guns to a uaz
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah I probably could
(Side) Rejdukien: Just go full on rave gear
(Side) BDoGG: Wow, my gear is still here and I have no idea where I left my Stryder
(Side) Rejdukien: Hell I even could attach a flare to myself
(Side) Rejdukien: Or
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:45 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Just do this every couple seconds
(Side) BDoGG: Haven't been on in a couple days
(Side) BDoGG: So like what is this thing anyway? This mode is too legit
(Side) BDoGG: mod*
(Side) BDoGG: I mean it's like the DayZ ArmA II mod all over again
(Side) BDoGG: Way better by x100 though
(Side) Rejdukien: Exile is basically a improvement of the old Epoch mod
(Side) Rejdukien: Which yeah, is similar to DayZ
Player Rango disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: But has base building and stuff
(Side) BDoGG: Yea, I didn't enjoy Epoch as much just because I played it mainly on A2 and not 3 because it was real glitchy back in release
(Side) BDoGG: Which was ok because I bought it with a warning, but I pre ordered it
(Side) Rejdukien: Hell, any kind of Arma mod is glitchy
(Side) BDoGG: Yea, ArmA is a hard demand on one's PC lmao
(Side) Rejdukien: It's just the nature of arma scripting
(Side) BDoGG: Right, but take this for example, it's like basic Arma coop missions to Dayz, that was an improvement long ago
(Side) Saladking: Ontop AI can shoot?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
(Side) Saladking: Lets try
(Side) BDoGG: Wait, you're speaking about this UAZ left at my base?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:48 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Also because I'm dumb and gay I made them invincible. They die within 3 seconds otherwise
(Side) Rejdukien: ... yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: They only shoot at the bandit AI tho
(Side) BDoGG: Wait, they die within 3 seconds, what? the UAZ? Im confused
(Side) BDoGG: On the AI, ok I read it twice
(Side) Rejdukien: The AI ontop of the UAZ. If they weren't invincible, they'd die within three seconds once getting into a fire fight.
(Side) BDoGG: ;)
(Side) Rejdukien: Because they're just too exposed ontop of the vehicle
(Side) BDoGG: Right, it's logical, good thinking. You the owner here?
(Side) Saladking: im dying LOL
(Side) Rejdukien: Ehh, Simplyjack is, I'm just the guy who keeps everything running and adds in new stuff
@deleted-role(Side) BDoGG: Because I love a server that has an admin dedicated to the server and I also love this server because it's trump orietented
(Side) Saladking: 400m they wont shoot
(Side) BDoGG: Either way you guys are doing great man.
(Side) BDoGG: Love this server
(Side) Rejdukien: It's AI, don't expect too much of them
(Side) Rejdukien: Thanks dude
(Side) BDoGG: The enemy AI has aimbot and ours don't? Lmao jk
(Side) Rejdukien: Shoot a couple of times to grab the other AIs attention
(Side) BDoGG: But seriously what's with the AI now, is it more realistic? Cause I noticed I don't die as fast
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:51 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: If you're lucky "your" AI will notice them at that point
(Side) Rejdukien: I pretty much dumbed down AI as far as reasonably possible
(Side) Rejdukien: Because getting one-shot killed is bullshit
(Side) Rejdukien: But it still happens sometimes.
(Side) BDoGG: Ah I see, and the more difficult the mission, the better the AI is?
(Side) BDoGG: Like the slums base for example
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: Bottom left on the map is a legend
(Side) BDoGG: I seen that
(Side) Rejdukien: Those hardcore missions also have an extra catch to them
(Side) Rejdukien: Gotta kill the AI fast enough or they keep respawning
(Side) BDoGG: I realized that the other day lmao
(Side) BDoGG: Wasted three nades on two AI haha
(Side) Rejdukien: Every time they respawn, you hear that "flare popping" noise
(Side) BDoGG: Gotcha
(Side) Rejdukien: But then again, there's usually so much shit in those hardcore reward crates that you make about 100-200k
(Side) BDoGG: Geez lmao
(Side) BDoGG: Be like a small loan of a million dollars huh?
(Side) Colton: quick question how do you holster your weapon again?
(Side) BDoGG: 4
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:56 AM
(Side) Scorpion: 4
(Side) Colton: ty
(Side) Scorpion: hi ho hi ho its off to work I go
Player Scorpion disconnected
(Side) BDoGG: Gotta find some ductape
(Side) Saladking: what the@@
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't mind me
(Side) Rejdukien: Just spreading freedom via dual GAU-8
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:00 PM
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) BDoGG: Just gave us AI lol
(Side) Rejdukien: I should look into the vehicle paintjob system
(Side) Rejdukien: See if I can add in the murica paintjob for every vehicle
(Side) Saladking: COOL
(Side) BDoGG: Does it only give you poptabs if you kill them?
(Side) BDoGG: I didn't get any
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: main way to make money is to sell stuff tho
Lancek 27-Jul-16 12:03 PM
Grab a gas mask and a few trucks, tow them all to the rad zone and make off with all the guns to sell
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:03 PM
(Side) Colton: well then someone got close to crashing in that helicopter lol
(Side) Rejdukien: hah
(Side) Rejdukien: yeah that didn't work out well enough
(Side) Rejdukien: Should have pulled up a bit more before doing the roll
(Side) Colton: yea lol there was a ground there xD
(Side) Rejdukien: couple days ago I noticed I've actually been flying with half stick range for months
(Side) BDoGG: Whos UAZ?
(Side) Rejdukien: So now I'm like "Holy shit this hummingbird is so goddamn agile"
(Side) Saladking: i want to sell this car lol
(Side) Colton: lol yea they are agile
(Side) Colton: hey bmw you got any duct tape?
(Side) Rejdukien: Well, go ahead and sell it then
(Side) Rejdukien: Well.. I guess, once.
(Side) Rejdukien: Better hurry up~
(Side) Colton: yea it canceled me out when you shot at me xD
(Side) Rejdukien: Attach the rope to it
(Side) Rejdukien: Get out, pick it up
(Side) Rejdukien: Attach it to the uaz
(Side) Rejdukien: Make sure you attach it to the uaz, not the armor
(Side) Rejdukien: should give you an option to "attach cargo rope"
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:08 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: get in
(Side) Rejdukien: oh fuck
(Side) Colton: O.o
(Side) Rejdukien: wrong key.
(Side) Rejdukien: well, here's another try
(Side) Saladking: ahhhh i have to go to bed now
(Side) Rejdukien: Good night dude
(Side) Colton: night man
(Side) Saladking: Thanks man see u later
(Side) Saladking: bye bye 88
(Side) Colton: so are the ai on top just for show ?
(Side) Rejdukien: they shoot other AI
(Side) Rejdukien: sometimes.
(Side) Colton: ah alright
Player Saladking disconnected
(Side) Colton: sounds like im under a A10 when you did that lol
(Side) Rejdukien: this heli can barely lift shit
(Side) Colton: well i mean there is 2 concrete barriers on the front of it lol
(Side) Rejdukien: And yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: I actually put dual GAU-8's on this helicopter
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:13 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Science~
(Side) Colton: ah it sounds awesome
(Side) Colton: when it says cargo in uav does that just meann the stuff in it?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
(Side) Rejdukien: Everything in the inventory of the UAZ
(Side) Rejdukien: Also not sure how new you are, but there's also 15 grand starting cash in the locker
(Side) Colton: ah arlight why is the uaz itself worthless?
(Side) Rejdukien: Which is the bank in this mod
(Side) Colton: ah well no i didnt know that
(Side) Rejdukien: Because that UAZ type hasn't been added to the trader
(Side) Rejdukien: There's like 30 different UAZ types
(Side) Rejdukien: And for my mad max script thing I just happen to have chosen one that hasn't been added :v
(Side) Colton: ah wheres the locker at btw?
Player BDoGG disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Not sure if there's one at this trader
(Side) Rejdukien: But central airport deffo has one
(Side) Rejdukien: oh here
(Side) Rejdukien: Put all your poptabs in the locker when you leave
(Side) Rejdukien: If you die with poptabs on you, you lose em
(Side) Rejdukien: Anyway, see ya, server about to restart I guess
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:17 PM
(Side) Colton: ah how long is the server going to be down btw?
(Side) Rejdukien: Like 2 minutes
(Side) Rejdukien: Maybe even less
(Side) Colton: alrighty ill be spamming refresh then xd
(Side) Rejdukien: Restarts every 3 hours
Player Rejdukien disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Colton connected from United States
(Side) Colton: lol the song playing in the trader
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:24 PM
Yep, plays every time you join
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:25 PM
(Side) Colton: the sa 58 is that free or just bugged?
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:25 PM
sa-58.. what's that one again?
But yeah if it says 0 then it's because I forgot to set a price for it but added it to the trader list
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:25 PM
(Side) Colton: looks like and Ak has RIS2 at the end of it
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:26 PM
Oh that one, yeah I should just remove it already
(Or set a price)
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:26 PM
(Side) BDoGG: So can you take a spawned vehicle to trader and get it coded?
(Side) BDoGG: I lost my styrder :(
(Side) Colton: ah lol so get one before you make a price on it xD
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:27 PM
I'm afraid not
If you want a persistent vehicle you have to buy it
I should go check the forums if there's a script that lets you attach a codelock to a spawned one
In turn, making it a persistent vehicle.
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:27 PM
(Side) BDoGG: Would be cool
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:28 PM
There's also another script I meant to add in, "Virtual Garage"
But with the newest exile update it has been removed
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:28 PM
(Side) BDoGG: I actually like seeing my vehicles all at once lol
Rejd 27-Jul-16 12:29 PM
Exile keeps track of all player deaths in a db table
I decided to visualize that
Right now it's basically just creating a gaussian blurred point on each player location and mapping the greyscale value to a color scale
I'm thinking of using shepards interpolation and see what that looks like
So a distance weighted function basically, being calculated for every pixel on the map
The further away from a point, the lower the intensity - closer -> higher intensity
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 12:50 PM
(Side) Colton: im sad that the mad max uaz you gave me is gone lol
(Side) Colton: whos mic am i hearing?
(Side) Colton: yea you put that can down firmly who ever im listening to lol
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:02 PM
(Side) Colton: do you have to buy a flag or something to start building a base?
Lancek 27-Jul-16 01:02 PM
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:03 PM
(Side) Colton: where can i buy those might i ask?
Lancek 27-Jul-16 01:03 PM
Central trader in the Office
Staircase is right next to the food vendor
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:04 PM
(Side) Colton: is that the one at the airport?
(Side) Colton: god damnit...
(Side) Colton: got my fucking car stuck
Player Goldwyrm connected from United States
(Side) Colton: hello new person
(Side) Colton: ......
(Side) BDoGG: Its all good lol
ashy 27-Jul-16 01:42 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:43 PM
(Side) BDoGG: Did you spawn at Frinin?
(Side) BDoGG: Frini*
(Side) BDoGG: nice
(Side) Colton: yea i see you falling atm
(Side) BDoGG: just follow me, im trying to fall to my base lmao
(Side) Colton: cool?
(Side) BDoGG: might make it
(Side) Colton: kk aw shit brb door bell rang
(Side) BDoGG: k
Player Goldwyrm disconnected
Hazlen 27-Jul-16 01:52 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:52 PM
(Side) BDoGG: Me 2
(Side) BDoGG: Golden short AK
Hazlen 27-Jul-16 01:58 PM
HELL yeah
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 01:58 PM
Player gill disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:28 PM
(Side) Colton: AT THE FUCKING JEEP!?!!?!?
(Side) BDoGG: When they spot you, they remain percise aim
(Side) BDoGG: You literally have to out smart their Line of Fire
(Side) Colton: like i was at the fucking jeep and i get shot down
(Side) Colton: huh im sorry man
(Side) BDoGG: All good i got an atv, were are you?
(Side) BDoGG: We'll just rush back
(Side) BDoGG: FUCK
(Side) BDoGG: Came in to hard
(Side) Colton: i see the atv
(Side) Colton: i see 2 acutally
(Side) BDoGG: Nice, grab one real and tow the other one
(Side) Colton: jesus we cant eeven spawn in lol
(Side) BDoGG: k got another one
(Side) BDoGG: meet at the AO
(Side) BDoGG: you got that atv?
(Side) Colton: yea i have both
(Side) BDoGG: wait i see u
(Side) BDoGG: not thats ai
(Side) Colton: watch your speed this time
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:33 PM
(Side) Colton: well im just sitting here so
(Side) BDoGG: k got it
(Side) Colton: where you at?
(Side) BDoGG: going to that airport
(Side) Colton: alright ill just speed to our corpses
(Side) Colton: half way to our bodies
(Side) BDoGG: 3k out
Player =RG= GOA. Horry connected from United States
(Side) Colton: im passing the trader now
(Side) BDoGG: 1.5k
(Side) Colton: i forgot how hurt you can get on quad
(Side) BDoGG: lol
(Side) BDoGG: piece of glass on a
(Side) BDoGG: an atv
(Side) Colton: im at the jeep
(Side) BDoGG: im stuck
(Side) BDoGG: nvm
(Side) BDoGG: lost 17 percent hp
(Side) BDoGG: lol
(Side) Colton: i hope we have instadocs lol
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:41 PM
(Side) BDoGG: we got a couple i think
(Side) BDoGG: im on the south side of the base now
(Side) BDoGG: careful
(Side) BDoGG: how you approahc
(Side) Colton: im just crawling to my body atm
(Side) BDoGG: think mine is gone
(Side) Colton: wtf just blew up\?
(Side) BDoGG: a nade
(Side) BDoGG: this is gonna be hard as fck
(Side) Colton: i got my shit
(Side) Colton: yo ima pull the convoy back away from the base abit
(Side) BDoGG: k
(Side) Colton: is that you shooting?
(Side) BDoGG: ah shit
(Side) BDoGG: walked right into em
(Side) BDoGG: restart in 30 mins, we'll lsoe those trucks and gear
(Side) BDoGG: /
(Side) Colton: yo ill head to the trader then
(Side) BDoGG: k ill head there
(Side) Colton: then if we have time well head to your base and set up some more
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:48 PM
(Side) BDoGG: yup
(Side) BDoGG: going concrete this time, needa get a mixer
(Side) BDoGG: atv
(Side) Colton: so slow lol
(Side) BDoGG: you can lose the bus
(Side) BDoGG: fuck that thing
(Side) Colton: but the money man
(Side) BDoGG: can't sell it, and no gear n it
(Side) Colton: oh ok then fuck that thing
(Side) BDoGG: lol
(Side) Colton: wow now im flying almost lol
(Side) Colton: we wanna keep the jeep?
(Side) BDoGG: ya
(Side) Colton: kk
(Side) BDoGG: lmao
(Side) BDoGG: kept crashing to much
(Side) Colton: lol wtf happend?
(Side) BDoGG: this time is the charm
(Side) Colton: ah there it is
(Side) Colton: do we just sell it at the recycle guy?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 02:53 PM
(Side) BDoGG: guns go to the gun dealer and all that
(Side) BDoGG: dont think we can sell vehicles we dont own
(Side) Colton: no we can
(Side) Colton: we can sell all the cargo in it or the car and the cargo
(Side) BDoGG: oh nice
(Side) Colton: so everything we dont want im puting in the tractor
(Side) Colton: aka the katibas lol
(Side) Colton: oh btw i found something that will help out with protection of the base
(Side) BDoGG: what?
(Side) Colton: ill tell you when you get here
(Side) BDoGG: lol k
(Side) BDoGG: omw
(Side) Colton: kinda want to keep that aks gold btw c:
(Side) Colton: yo where you at i can come and pick you up now
(Side) Colton: unless you need something from the trader
(Side) BDoGG: 9k out
(Side) BDoGG: in the middle of no where
(Side) Colton: lol give me something to go off of and i can get you
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 03:00 PM
(Side) BDoGG: got an atv
(Side) BDoGG: 8k out from the trader
(Side) Colton: want me to wait here then?
(Side) BDoGG: approaching dorida
(Side) Colton: kk i can meet you after i buy some instadocs and food and stuff
(Side) BDoGG: well fck
(Side) Colton: spawn at the town we kewpt spawning at
(Side) Colton: ill head there now
(Side) BDoGG: roaming ai
(Side) BDoGG: k
(Side) Colton: where can you buy medical stuff?
(Side) BDoGG: you at the trader?
(Side) Colton: yea
(Side) BDoGG: oh thougth you were at bae
(Side) BDoGG: base
(Side) Colton: no no no
(Side) BDoGG: uhm in that room with the others
(Side) Colton: still here
(Side) BDoGG: just sell that stuff and get back to base after restart you wont have that hmmvv to get here lol
(Side) Colton: alright im heading to base
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 03:10 PM
(Side) BDoGG: k
(Side) Colton: why the fuck in one tire in the ground??
(Side) Colton: hey where are you?
(Side) BDoGG: 159205
(Side) Colton: come at full speed
(Side) Colton: coming*
(Side) Colton: im at where you said
(Side) BDoGG: at base? 159205?
(Side) Colton: nvm
(Side) Colton: im directly down from there
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 06:17 PM
Player tkn disconnected
Rejd 27-Jul-16 07:13 PM
Yo if you're playing together, you can just get into a group and see each other that way.
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 07:37 PM
Player Colton connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:19 PM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: morning all
(Side) Colton: hello one other person in the server
(Side) Rango: hello~
(Side) Colton: how are you doing?
(Side) Rango: okay just want to deal some missions
(Side) Colton: ah i would help but i just started playing exile and arma 3 so im not the best lol
(Side) Rango: its ok
(Side) Rango: How im add you in my group
(Side) Colton: pardon?\
(Side) Rango: This server you have to noticed something
(Side) Rango: click radio double time and will spaan a ATV or bike
(Side) Colton: oh wow thats awesome i didnt know that
(Side) Rango: and click your 6 to open XM8
(Side) Rango: click more
(Side) Rango: have a settting
(Side) Rango: press on the frist
(Side) Colton: im at the middle trader base
(Side) Colton: main one
(Side) Rango: ok
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:31 PM
(Side) Rango: im comming for you
(Side) Rango: on my way now
(Side) Colton: to kill me lol? xD
(Side) Rango: no haha
(Side) Rango: theres no damage in the safe
(Side) Colton: yea i was acutally about to go hit up the huge military base near here
(Side) Colton: trying to get money for a base
(Side) Rango: slums base?
(Side) Colton: nah thats a mission its just a big abandoned base
(Side) Rango: deal navy seal
(Side) Rango: i can help you
(Side) Rango: where are you now?
(Side) Rango: im in the trader
(Side) Colton: around the back
(Side) Rango: what?
(Side) Rango: oh ~~ haha
(Side) Rango: Search some weapon?
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: come
(Side) Rango: ill pick you up there
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:37 PM
(Side) Rango: oh and
(Side) Rango: pack your vechile up
(Side) Rango: get on
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: have about 600k
(Side) Rango: my friend have1000k
(Side) Rango: hold
(Side) Rango: im drive my heli to here
(Side) Rango: you can drop anything you want in the heli
(Side) Colton: KK
(Side) Colton: gonna be alot of loot i just want to selll for some money
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Colton: dang servere restartr soon
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: must quick
(Side) Colton: will the loot stay in your chopper?
(Side) Rango: they will open soon too
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: it will
(Side) Colton: kk
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:48 PM
(Side) Colton: you ok?
(Side) Rango: yeh
(Side) Rango: just kill some Ai
(Side) Colton: kk im dropping off 2 more guns
(Side) Rango: ah this
(Side) Rango: take it
(Side) Rango: this can help you have some metal
Player slipfilth666 connected from United States
Player slipfilth666 disconnected
(Side) Colton: ah alrightr
(Side) Rango: will you play after restart scott?
(Side) Colton: me?
(Side) Rango: yeah sorry
(Side) Rango: write wrong name
(Side) Colton: ye ima be playing for a while
(Side) Colton: aww shit hey be careful on one of the buildings i put a mine down by accident
(Side) Colton: brb
(Side) Rango: ?
(Side) Colton: justr gotta do something irl;
(Side) Rango: iron?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 08:59 PM
(Side) Rango: are you still searching?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 09:01 PM
(Side) Colton: nah im done im omw to the chopper\
(Side) Colton: nice helmet
(Side) Rango: i can buy you one
(Side) Rango: not for me haha
(Side) Rango: its ok bro
(Side) Rango: dont mind
(Side) Rango: but dont sell the heli
(Side) Rango: get on the pilot first
(Side) Rango: nonon
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: sell all?
(Side) Rango: come
(Side) Rango: dont sell th heli haha
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: remember to save your money in the locker before go out the safe
(Side) Colton: I WILL
(Side) Colton: caps lock
(Side) Rango: bro
(Side) Colton: yes?
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 09:08 PM
(Side) Rango: change your backpack
(Side) Colton: is it small?
(Side) Rango: yep
(Side) Rango: Bergen is the biggest
(Side) Rango: change this baxkpack
(Side) Rango: what?
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: ak its ok
(Side) Rango: M4 must short range
(Side) Rango: see you later
(Side) Rango: gona restatt
Player Rango disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) Colton: sup man
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: wait
(Side) Rango: i add you to group first
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 09:28 PM
(Side) Rango: open the XM8
(Side) Colton: ok im in here
(Side) Rango: press more first
(Side) Rango: in the XM8
(Side) Rango: have a setting
(Side) Rango: open the first one
(Side) Colton: i turned it on
(Side) Colton: where do i accept it at?\
(Side) Rango: party
(Side) Colton: ah ok
(Side) Rango: give you something
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 10:09 PM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player crazy connected from United States
Player crazy disconnected
Player [PFC] Ben Kerry connected from United States
Player [PFC] Ben Kerry disconnected
Player Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:00 PM
Player WOC M. Slade [1-32] connected from United States
Player WOC M. Slade [1-32] disconnected
Rejd 27-Jul-16 11:01 PM
I'm gay
Just wanted to let y'all know.
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:01 PM
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Rango: salad is a guy too
Hazlen 27-Jul-16 11:06 PM
im guy
BattlEye Bot 27-Jul-16 11:13 PM
Player Prof. NickNock connected from United States
(Side) Prof. NickNock: i spawned in the ocean wtf
(Side) Saladking: bug lol
(Side) Prof. NickNock: yay i spawned in right place
(Side) Prof. NickNock: theres no good servers any more for exile. its all tanoa or i just get application errors
(Side) Prof. NickNock: /voteday
Player money connected from United States
Player money disconnected
(Side) Prof. NickNock: is there pvp?
(Side) Rango: yes
(Side) Rango: but most of players is friendly
(Side) Prof. NickNock: okay
(Side) Colton: ^^^
(Side) Prof. NickNock: considering i am a bambi. i wont be friendly til im geared. so you all know
(Side) Rango: we need cenment
Player Prof. NickNock disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 12:16 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Colton connected from United States
(Side) Colton: we gotta make the group agaIN
(Side) Rango: hold
(Side) Rango: we invite you to the family
Simplyjack 28-Jul-16 12:23 AM
^ do that
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 12:23 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: maybe you have to restart the gme again
(Side) Colton: i joined i think?
(Side) Rango: and we can see you in the family
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: but it have to restart the game
(Side) Colton: alright then ill brb
Player Colton disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player BronzeWyrm connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 01:12 AM
Player BronzeWyrm disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 02:01 AM
Player R3llik disconnected
Player XMaStErPiLOt1 connected from United States
Player XMaStErPiLOt1 disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 03:15 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 04:20 AM
Player Gorshade connected from United States
@deleted-role(Side) Gorshade: is there an admin on?
(Side) Rango: no
(Side) Rango: What happened
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 05:11 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:03 AM
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 07:01 AM
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player Gorshade connected from United States
Player Gorshade disconnected
(Side) Saladking: Because he betray us
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:00 AM
(Side) Saladking: he deserve it
Player Maple disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player zombi disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player BDoGG connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:07 AM
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player zombi disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: Mornin gents
(Side) BDoGG: Morning
Rejd 28-Jul-16 09:53 AM
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:53 AM
(Side) BDoGG: Hello
(Side) Scorpion: Hey Rej
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 11:29 AM
Player zombi disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player evil connected from United States
Player evil disconnected
Player Boi connected from United States
Player Boi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 12:12 PM
Player Josh Parten connected from United States
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Josh Parten disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 01:18 PM
Player R3llik connected from United States
Player paddyjedi connected from United States
Player zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 02:00 PM
Player Nick Alfonso connected from United States
@deleted-role(Side) R3llik: admin can u remove this towel please, i cant find the prompt to do it myself
Rejd 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
A... towel?
Simplyjack 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
youre a towel
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
(Side) R3llik: tower
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
you're a tower
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
I got a tower for ya
Simplyjack 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
its gonna be some exact pixel shit most likely
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
(Side) R3llik: i cant find the prompt to do it myself
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 02:36 PM
... boom
God Emperor Trump 28-Jul-16 02:37 PM
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 02:37 PM
Player Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) Rejdukien: Have you tried just.. removing it from the bottom
(Side) R3llik: ran around it like 5 times
(Side) R3llik: thnx rej
(Side) Rejdukien: Also playing two games at the same time and I don't notice any impact on the fps
(Side) Rejdukien: i7 masterrace
(Side) R3llik: damn
(Side) R3llik: thought so
(Side) R3llik: haha
(Side) Rejdukien: Not like I'd want to blow up that tank now.
(Side) Rejdukien: But go ahead, shoot your base :v
(Side) R3llik: u see that sht
(Side) Rejdukien: Also for a second I thought that's a texan flag there
(Side) R3llik: haha
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 03:01 PM
Player R3llik disconnected
Player Rejdukien disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 05:25 PM
Player BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:03 PM
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player Colton connected from United States
@deleted-role(Side) Colton: yo any admins active?
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 06:46 PM
almost always
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:46 PM
(Side) Colton: alright well i got a problem lol xD
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 06:46 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:47 PM
(Side) Colton: my buds built a base after i hopped off and i dont know how to get in and get my car out xD
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 06:47 PM
might have to wait to get the code from them then
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:48 PM
(Side) Colton: well ima be here til about midnight then lol cause they are in taiwan XD
(Side) Colton: how do you use the door btw? cause i might know the code
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 06:51 PM
when you are next to it looking at it you should have an option to unlock door
once unlocked you should see open door
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:52 PM
(Side) Colton: hmm im wondering if there even is a door on the outside cause i see our helicopter up top but im wondering how they would get the car in
Lancek 28-Jul-16 06:53 PM
There has to be a door or their removing and replacing a wall everytime they want in/out
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:54 PM
(Side) Colton: would it be possible for you to come and see cause i honestly cant tell
(Side) Colton: ?
Lancek 28-Jul-16 06:55 PM
Maybe one of the other admins I'm at work
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 06:55 PM
(Side) Colton: alright if need be i guess i can just log off here and go on another server for a bit
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 07:03 PM
Player Colton disconnected
Player TEKNOIR connected from United States
Player User connected from United States
Player zombi connected from United States
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player TEKNOIR disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
(Side) Colton: hello other guy on the server!
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 07:59 PM
im gya
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:00 PM
@deleted-role(Side) Colton: lol why do all the admins say that ?
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 08:00 PM
Because we are all gay
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:00 PM
(Side) Colton: lmao clearly
(Side) Colton: i swear im writeing down this code when these asians get on xD
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 08:03 PM
tawain #1
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:04 PM
(Side) Colton: im suprised you guessed the right country they are from xD
Hazlen 28-Jul-16 08:05 PM
we know where everyone is from
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:05 PM
(Side) Colton: O.o stalkerish much? jk lol
Taylor SWifTT 28-Jul-16 08:05 PM
I mean
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:06 PM
Player danpg connected from United States
Player danpg disconnected
(Side) Colton: well he didnt stay long
(Side) Colton: wish there was a black bergen backpack
(Side) Colton: hey did you guys make the walmart riot mission yalls selves?
Player Colton disconnected
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
Player Firedog11069 connected from United States
Player Firedog11069 disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: morning all
(Side) Darkhorse: hey
(Side) Rango: How are you doing?
(Side) Darkhorse: good, you?
(Side) Rango: good Did you guys deal most of the gear crate>
(Side) Darkhorse: just got here
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: Do you guys know
(Side) Darkhorse: what
(Side) Rango: How many parts in the base lv7
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 08:48 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: dont know
(Side) Rango: okay
Player zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:00 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Rango: scorpion
(Side) Rango: Scorpion
(Side) Scorpion: Hey hey
(Side) Rango: I have some building qquestion
(Side) Scorpion: whatcha got?
(Side) Rango: How many parts in lv 7?
(Side) Rango: because i cant build anymore
(Side) Scorpion: I dont know that one. from what I can tell so far, every level is 15...so if that keeps true it would be 105
(Side) Rango: it said my parts fulled
(Side) Rango: im now 180@@
(Side) Scorpion: hmm wait...maybe not. might be 30 per. cause I am four and 120
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: and do you know how to make the fuel station/?
(Side) Scorpion: so 6 would be 180 if that is correct....so if you go to 7 I would think 210
(Side) Rango: i try it
(Side) Scorpion: fuel station. one sec
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: tks buddy
Player Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:08 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok for the fuel station is 2 metal boards, 5 junk metal, Water barrel Kit, A fire and work bench
(Side) Rango: Water barrel Kit?
(Side) Rango: uh building so difficult
(Side) Scorpion: ya that is what you use 20 empty water bottles for
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: got it
(Side) Rango: tks
(Side) Scorpion: so need to make a new one. it is consumed in the making of the pump
(Side) Rango: got it
(Side) Rango: Haha
(Side) Scorpion: I dont have one yet. Need to work on that
(Side) Rango: I can build that
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Rango: damn
(Side) Rango: my heli was gone@@
(Side) Scorpion: at reset?
(Side) Rango: i dont know
ashy 28-Jul-16 09:27 PM
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:27 PM
(Side) Rango: it explosived when i logged in
(Side) Scorpion: was it on a crafted floor?
(Side) Rango: yes
(Side) Scorpion: seems to happen every time. in arma 2 you could put a second floor just a couple of inches below the first floor to fix that, not sure in arma 3
(Side) Rango: maybe
(Side) Scorpion: afk a few
Player Colton connected from United States
(Side) Rango: i moved the heli before the restart 2min
Player zombi connected from United States
(Side) Rango: colton
(Side) Rango: hI~
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
Player Santiago connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: back
(Side) Rango: yep more 50
(Side) zombi: wb. i sent u a invite
Player ConstantsandVariables connected from United States
Player ConstantsandVariables disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: twist my arm
Player Santiago disconnected
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 09:59 PM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 10:02 PM
Player Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: whos in the warthogs chasing that plane
(Side) Rango: not me
(Side) Scorpion: not I
(Side) Colton: i dont have that kinda money lol
(Side) Rango: did someone take down the slums?
(Side) Scorpion: I have yet to even take a look at slums
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
@deleted-role(Side) Scorpion: Admin is it possible to relocate a hanger you built? I had horrible placement
Simplyjack 28-Jul-16 10:48 PM
some items can be moved/packed up
idk about hangars tho
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 10:49 PM
(Side) Scorpion: if not, can any of you get rid of it for me?
(Side) Scorpion: cause this will not do lol
(Side) Scorpion: nvm I got it
BattlEye Bot 28-Jul-16 11:00 PM
Player Darkhorse disconnected
Player Jared connected from Japan
(Side) Jared: is there roaming ai in this server?
(Side) Scorpion: yes
(Side) Jared: cool
(Side) Scorpion: good night all
(Side) Jared: night
(Side) Colton: night
(Side) Rango: night
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 12:00 AM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player zombi disconnected
(Side) Colton: who did i just pass in the town
(Side) Colton: ?
(Side) Colton: or was that ai
Player Jared disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 12:58 AM
Player Gorshade connected from United States
Player Gorshade disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 01:09 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Gorshade connected from United States
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Gorshade connected from United States
Player Gorshade disconnected
Player Jared connected from Japan
Player Jared disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player eddie connected from United States
Player eddie disconnected
Player Josh connected from United States
Player Josh disconnected
Rejd 29-Jul-16 02:15 AM
I uhh.. I have to admit, I'm gay.
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 02:38 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 03:08 AM
Player Colton disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 04:00 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player Brandon connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 05:14 AM
Player zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 06:26 AM
Player Firedog11069 connected from United States
Player Firedog11069 disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 07:52 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 08:49 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 09:04 AM
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Firedog11069 connected from United States
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 10:02 AM
Player Maple disconnected
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin
(Side) Rango: are you yhere
(Side) Rango: there
(Side) Rango: ??
Lancek 29-Jul-16 10:51 AM
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 10:53 AM
Player Michael Williams connected from United States
Player Maple disconnected
Player Michael Williams disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:30 AM
Player HollenHunde connected from United States
Rejd 29-Jul-16 11:35 AM
I'm here now
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:38 AM
(Side) HollenHunde: well rip yet another helicopter....
Hazlen 29-Jul-16 11:39 AM
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:40 AM
Player Saladking disconnected
Player HollenHunde disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin how can i make the white wall
Hazlen 29-Jul-16 11:56 AM
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:56 AM
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: I have sand and metal and cenmente
(Side) Rango: but still cant make that
Hazlen 29-Jul-16 12:01 PM
you need to go to the crafting zone marked on the map, there is a concrete mixer at the icon
there are a few crafting zones
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 12:02 PM
(Side) Rango: mixer cannot be made?
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Freak Show connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 01:48 PM
Player Freak Show disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 02:37 PM
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 04:17 PM
Player Trap connected from United States
Joe 29-Jul-16 04:57 PM
Hey, Trap, I'm going to need you to suicide real quick. Don't worry, you'll get your gear back.
Or maybe you won't
In fact, you won't.
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 04:59 PM
Player Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Player Noobmagn3t disconnected
Rejd 29-Jul-16 05:21 PM
... trumpkek
God Emperor Trump 29-Jul-16 05:21 PM
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 05:28 PM
Player Trap disconnected
Player Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 06:59 PM
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 07:43 PM
Player Dakota connected from United States
Player Dakota disconnected
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 08:06 PM
Player Colton connected from United States
Player Trap connected from United States
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) Colton: /vote day
(Side) Colton: dont you just love getting a car stuck under a solar panal and it just combusting?
(Side) Trap: lmaoo
(Side) Colton: thats so fucking dumb
(Side) Trap: Aww im gonna lose this car :(
(Side) Colton: i just lost a stryder hmg so
Player BDoGG disconnected
(Side) Trap: Yeah i was just ambushed by ai
Player Trap disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Colton connected from United States
Player Trap connected from United States
(Side) Colton: im so fuckin pissed man
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Trap: ....
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 09:19 PM
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) BDoGG: /vote day
Player Trap disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Leonardo connected from Brazil
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 10:04 PM
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player Lessplayer26 connected from Canada
(Side) Scorpion: evening gents
(Side) Colton: howdy
(Side) Darkhorse: good evening
Hazlen 29-Jul-16 10:07 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 10:07 PM
(Side) Scorpion: lol
(Side) Saladking: hi
(Side) Saladking: HI
(Side) Leonardo: no speak english sorry
(Side) Saladking: ....
(Side) Saladking: I give u something
(Side) Scorpion: giggity?
(Side) Leonardo: no speack english
(Side) Colton: Giggity?
(Side) Scorpion: nvm quote from family guy tv show
(Side) Colton: lol i know what it is i was hoping you would have said goo lol
(Side) Scorpion: oh lol youre right I dropped the ball there
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Brian connected from United States
Player Brian disconnected
(Side) Colton: who is shooting at a tank?
(Side) Scorpion: I dont have much that would be worth the effort
(Side) Colton: its like small arms fire i think lol
(Side) Scorpion: haha waste of bullets
Player BDoGG connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 10:53 PM
(Side) Rango: LEONARDO dont try to shoot us
(Side) Rango: If you want respawn
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:00 PM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player mazoha connected from Russia
Player Leonardo disconnected
Player Caleb connected from United States
Player Caleb disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) Rango: oops
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player mazoha disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Scorpion connected from United States
Player BDoGG connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 29-Jul-16 11:54 PM
Player mazoha connected from Russia
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 12:08 AM
Player Darkhorse disconnected
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
Player Jared connected from United States
Player Scorpion disconnected
Player Colton disconnected
Player Colton connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 01:15 AM
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player mazoha disconnected
Player mazoha connected from Russia
Player mazoha disconnected
Player mazoha connected from Russia
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Fresh connected from United States
Player Fresh disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 02:23 AM
Player Colton disconnected
Player mazoha disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Maple disconnected
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player BDoGG connected from United States
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 03:07 AM
(Side) BDoGG: ductape is pretty rare nowadays
(Side) Rango: probaly
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) BDoGG: searched two cities and nothing lol
(Side) BDoGG: lord gimme a roll
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) BDoGG: pls vote day <3
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 04:12 AM
Player BDoGG disconnected
Player Harambe connected from United States
Player Harambe disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player PLAYER 1 connected from Australia
Player PLAYER 1 disconnected
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 05:06 AM
Player Maple disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin
(Side) Rango: need some help
(Side) Rango: why my safe kit cannot open it
(Side) Rango: The code is correct but it cant open
Player Rango disconnected
Player wired98 disconnected
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player mazoha connected from Russia
(Side) mazoha: Tramp? Why is it?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:00 AM
(Side) Rango: what?
(Side) mazoha: not important, forget it
(Side) Rango: you said the song?
(Side) Rango: haha
Player Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) mazoha: there was msg about Trump
(Side) mazoha: or Tramp
(Side) mazoha: mmm..i think its Donald Tump
(Side) mazoha: thks
Player wired98 disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player zombi disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player zombi disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player zombi disconnected
Player zombi connected from United States
Player Maple connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:58 AM
Player mazoha disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 07:00 AM
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
Player BroChacho disconnected
Player wired98 disconnected
Player Trap connected from United States
Player wired98 connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: who shot us?
(Side) Trap: Where at?
(Side) zombi: not me im at trader
Player mazoha connected from Russia
(Side) Rango: Trap is that you?
Player wired98 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 08:00 AM
@deleted-role(Side) Rango: admin
(Side) Rango: are you guys there?
(Side) Rango: wowo
(Side) Rango: iits raiin now
Player Rango disconnected
Player Saladking disconnected
Player Maple disconnected
Player NiNjALoOteR connected from United States
Player NiNjALoOteR disconnected
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player zombi disconnected
Player Rango disconnected
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
Player mazoha disconnected
Player Darkhorse disconnected
Player TESSERACT connected from Japan
Player BroChacho connected from United States
Player Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 09:09 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
Player Rango disconnected
Player Cam connected from United States
Player Cam disconnected
Player mazoha connected from Russia
Player mazoha connected from Russia
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:07 AM
Player Rango connected from Taiwan
ashy 30-Jul-16 10:07 AM
Taiwan #1
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:12 AM
(Side) mazoha: here is the virtual garage?
Player zombi connected from United States
Rejd 30-Jul-16 10:15 AM
Also hey I'm awake now.
Rango, you still need help with that safe?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:16 AM
(Side) mazoha: a lot of thks for answers
Player TESSERACT disconnected
Player mazoha disconnected
Rejd 30-Jul-16 10:22 AM
There's a python loader for Arma now
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:23 AM
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rejd 30-Jul-16 10:28 AM
Someone tell me how long till restart
Because I've got a rocket launcher fix lined up
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:45 AM
Status connected from United States
Trap connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 11:00 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
GeeZa connected from Australia
rrize connected from United States
rrize disconnected
Rango disconnected
rrize connected from United States
rrize disconnected
BroChacho disconnected
zombi disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Status disconnected
Trap disconnected
Status connected from United States
Trap connected from United States
(Side) Status: How do I invite a friend to group?
Darkhorse connected from United States
Lancek 30-Jul-16 11:55 AM
Make your xm8 visible through it's settings menu
Then on the players list invite or be invited to group
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 11:56 AM
Freak Show connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: whos on
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 11:59 AM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 11:59 AM
(Side) Freak Show: hey hazlen
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 11:59 AM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 11:59 AM
(Side) Freak Show: ok get this shit, tow strap from helicopter will blow it the fuck up if it hits the main rodar
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 12:00 PM
how did you hit the main rotor with the tow strap
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 12:00 PM
(Side) Freak Show: i was landing
(Side) Freak Show: got it out to get my vehicle and the damn ting flo
(Side) Freak Show: floated up
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 12:01 PM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 12:01 PM
(Side) Freak Show: right
(Side) Status: lol #badshot
BroChacho connected from United States
Trap disconnected
Status disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: seriously, vot day guys
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 12:19 PM
/vote night
ashy 30-Jul-16 12:28 PM
the night time is the right time
Rejd 30-Jul-16 12:38 PM
So uh
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 12:39 PM
(Side) Freak Show: whats up rejd
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 01:07 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: is there a way to see active players online right now?
(Side) BroChacho: no
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 01:28 PM
go to your map and select players?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 01:29 PM
(Side) Freak Show: bronch is a liar!!
ashy 30-Jul-16 01:31 PM
you know who else lies?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 01:34 PM
Harambe connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
Harambe connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 02:17 PM
(Side) Freak Show: what the hell is that thing
(Side) BroChacho: what?
Rejd 30-Jul-16 02:25 PM
Yeah dude, what?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 02:26 PM
BroChacho disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: damn, those npc are ruthless
(Side) Freak Show: RIH
(Side) Harambe: lol i was outta ammo pinned in a house and they came in all tactical like
Vansyckle connected from United States
(Side) Harambe: Savage AI
(Side) Freak Show: lol, i had iron sites, had to get in close for this mission and killed before i even saw them
Vansyckle disconnected
Freak Show disconnected
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
Vansyckle connected from United States
R3llik connected from United States
Freak Show connected from United States
BroChacho connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 03:00 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) R3llik: can u guys vote day or night plz
(Side) R3llik: thanks
Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: do the ammo trucks only reload vehicles once per restart, doesnt seem to want to reload
(Side) R3llik: u need to be close to it
IA_AgentOrange connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: and jump in the ammo truck then back in ur tank/ride
(Side) R3llik: it will auto rearm
Vansyckle disconnected
(Side) R3llik: did u get it freak?
(Side) Freak Show: checking on it soon, relocating it home
(Side) R3llik: ah ok
(Side) Freak Show: was test firing at trader, but could not work in there
(Side) R3llik: ic, just gotta park it close and make sure no1 else jumps into the ammor truck
zombi connected from United States
(Side) Freak Show: still not reloading
(Side) R3llik: ure parked right next to it?
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 03:40 PM
(Side) Freak Show: yep
(Side) R3llik: u jumped in the driver seat of the ammo truck and then back into the tank?
(Side) R3llik: some vehicles give a prompt to rearm when u scroll or it does it auto
(Side) Freak Show: just did now, i will take a look
(Side) Freak Show: nope its still not
(Side) R3llik: it just did for me
(Side) Freak Show: weird, wonder if i bought the correct one,
(Side) R3llik: does it say ammo?
(Side) Freak Show: yeah it said ammo when i bought
(Side) R3llik: i have the zamak ammo, it cost 58k
(Side) Freak Show: tempest ammo
(Side) Freak Show: is the one i have
(Side) R3llik: well the zamak always worked for me
(Side) Freak Show: well dammit, just wasted that money, I had only enough to get these last vehicles.
IA_AgentOrange disconnected
(Side) R3llik: there maybe a sweet spot u need to parallel park when ure next to ur ammo truck
(Side) Freak Show: well thats a fucking pain
(Side) R3llik: i mean like maybe more towards the back end of the vehicle
(Side) Darkhorse: so this is a PVP server?
(Side) BroChacho: yes
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 03:51 PM
(Side) R3llik: yes....
(Side) Freak Show: yep, and Relik likes to kill people
(Side) Darkhorse: ok, I messed that up
(Side) R3llik: well my name should serve as a warning
(Side) R3llik: btw there was no safe
(Side) R3llik: none that i saw anyways
(Side) R3llik: well that trip was worth it
(Side) R3llik: nicely packed gorgon
Icelizk disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 04:01 PM
(Side) R3llik: freak u find the sweet spot yet?
(Side) Freak Show: fuck no
(Side) R3llik: damn
(Side) R3llik: dark how well does the silienced gun work? seems so loud
(Side) Darkhorse: does ok
(Side) R3llik: what i mean is does the ai spot u or they blind to ur fire?
(Side) Darkhorse: at distance the AI cant find you
(Side) R3llik: never used a silenced gun
(Side) R3llik: well at 1km they are clueless period
(Side) Darkhorse: at 300+ you can get 5 or 6 shots off before they locate your pos
(Side) R3llik: oh wow
(Side) R3llik: i just cleared a few missions, if u guys close u can take em
zombi disconnected
(Side) Freak Show: fuck me
(Side) R3llik: o
(Side) Freak Show: fell off my tower
(Side) R3llik: what u do
(Side) R3llik: damn
(Side) R3llik: atleast its in ur base
(Side) Freak Show: truw
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 04:23 PM
(Side) Freak Show: owe, and i just ran into a car
(Side) R3llik: u gonna bleed out
(Side) Freak Show: 8% health
(Side) R3llik: damn
(Side) R3llik: u need a lift freak or u crawling
(Side) Freak Show: naw im good,
(Side) R3llik: kk
(Side) Freak Show: im back at my base, only problem. I cant find any health shit
(Side) R3llik: if u have full thrist and hunger u will slowly heal
(Side) R3llik: over 80%
(Side) R3llik: im gonna assume that castle black urs
Harambe disconnected
(Side) R3llik: rofl
(Side) R3llik: so im confused on paying rent
(Side) R3llik: i just payed it and its still there
(Side) Freak Show: might owe, back pay
(Side) R3llik: i thought rej made it, so the rent is due once a month
(Side) R3llik: 3rd time same pricetag...
(Side) R3llik: something is up
Harambe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 04:40 PM
(Side) R3llik: yeah that merc base is harsh with respawning
(Side) R3llik: man the pain of crafting concrete...
(Side) R3llik: any1 else lagging?
(Side) BroChacho: not really
(Side) Darkhorse: no
(Side) R3llik: its like glitching /choppy almsot
(Side) R3llik: almost
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 05:06 PM
[CFH] Jerry connected from United States
[CFH] Jerry disconnected
(Side) R3llik: they are aimbotters man'
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Scorpion connected from United States
BroChacho disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: Good evening gents
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) Freak Show: welp, having shit luck again today with vehicles. Rolled it and wont let me flip it
(Side) R3llik: try towing it?
Freak Show disconnected
Freak Show 30-Jul-16 05:27 PM
need a vehicle, ill get to it after the restart
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 05:35 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Harambe disconnected
R3llik disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:02 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
PlayerKiller connected from United States
PlayerKiller disconnected
@deleted-role (Side) R3llik: admin
Simplyjack 30-Jul-16 06:14 PM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:15 PM
(Side) R3llik: hey jack is hazlen around
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 06:15 PM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:15 PM
(Side) R3llik: i found that backpack iwas talking to u about
(Side) R3llik: Bergen Heavy Patrol is the name
Hazlen 30-Jul-16 06:16 PM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 06:16 PM
(Side) R3llik: np
Maurice White connected from United States
Maurice White disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 07:01 PM
Freak Show connected from United States
Freak Show disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
Harambe disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 08:35 PM
R3llik disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Colton connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) Colton: evening everyone
Simplyjack 30-Jul-16 08:59 PM
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 09:00 PM
(Side) Colton: well flying a heli is definitly harder than i thought it was going to be
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Maple connected from Taiwan
Maple disconnected
Maple connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Maple disconnected
Maple connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:01 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
R3llik connected from United States
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: Who deal the slums now?
(Side) R3llik: me
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) R3llik: u can finish it, i hate that placer
(Side) R3llik: place*
(Side) Rango: why?
(Side) R3llik: they respawn faster than i can kill em
(Side) Rango: Alright~ lol
impal connected from United States
impal disconnected
(Side) R3llik: gotta love passing by random spots and seeing ppls base names
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) R3llik: would u guys please vote for day please, those that havent
(Side) R3llik: just need 1 more person to vote
(Side) Rango: ??
(Side) Rango: vote what?
(Side) R3llik: ./vote day
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 10:37 PM
(Side) R3llik: thnx
Darkhorse connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
(Side) Rango: uh R3
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) Rango: Do you guys want to complete the slums?
(Side) Rango: If you guys wont maybe can let me finiish that
(Side) R3llik: its all u, im fkn with my base
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: tks buddy
(Side) R3llik: yeah get it, its a pain in my balls, they respawn too fast
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Scorpion connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 30-Jul-16 11:05 PM
Colton connected from United States
R3llik disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Jacob connected from United States
Freak Show connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
Maple disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Freak Show disconnected
Saladking disconnected
Colton disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Scorpion connected from United States
Gorshade connected from United States
(Side) Rango: hello gorshade
(Side) Rango: reamember you betray us?
Rango disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 12:06 AM
Gorshade disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: hey scropion
(Side) Rango: morning~
(Side) Scorpion: Hey hey. so what did that dude to do ya?
(Side) Rango: who?
(Side) Scorpion: thought you said somethin bout some guy betrayin ya or something
(Side) Rango: oh ya
(Side) Rango: we invite him to take down the mencenary together before
(Side) Rango: but when we find wheres the Ai at
(Side) Rango: He kill all of us
(Side) Rango: and took our gear away
(Side) Scorpion: ooof what a dick
(Side) Rango: and he drive the APC tank close the safe keep killing us
(Side) Scorpion: if I see him ill be sure to letcha know where at
(Side) Rango: we hate him a lot
(Side) Scorpion: I hate him for you
(Side) Rango: yeah~~lol
(Side) Scorpion: I like hunting dudes like that
(Side) Rango: tks buddy
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 12:19 AM
(Side) Scorpion: np
(Side) Rango: may i ask something about craft?
(Side) Rango: some questiion
(Side) Scorpion: sure whatcha got
(Side) Rango: how to make the heli port
(Side) Rango: seems like a H
(Side) Scorpion: hmm good question. I dont think I have come across that one yet. let me see with what I got
(Side) Rango: ok haha~
(Side) Rango: and the concrete is hard to make
(Side) Scorpion: not seeing it, but I dont have a lot of mats on me atm. I am out and about. When I get back to base, i will look at stuff and see if I cant figure it
(Side) Rango: ok buddy
(Side) Rango: pretty tks
(Side) Scorpion: ya crete is my bane. I have so much stuff I want to do to my base, but im too lazy to do it lol
(Side) Rango: lollll~
(Side) Rango: im too
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Scorpion: got my first drone today. its interesting. Hard to line up shots though with no site.
(Side) Rango: damn i dont have NV
(Side) Scorpion: ok
(Side) Rango: how
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 12:28 AM
(Side) Rango: i remember have before
(Side) Scorpion: got arma'd
(Side) Scorpion: so the heli pad thing you are talking about. that is just the circle with an H in it that you place on the ground right?
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: that thing
(Side) Scorpion: ok back at base gonna look and see what I can make
(Side) Scorpion: I am not finding a recipie for that. interesting
(Side) Rango: im find that recipe the whole day
(Side) Rango: but cant find too
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 01:15 AM
Maple connected from Taiwan
(Side) Scorpion: ai blew up?
(Side) Scorpion: that was you at trader I assume?
Scorpion disconnected
(Side) Rango: holy
(Side) Rango: 800m one shot to me
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:05 AM
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Maple disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Maple connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:10 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 04:17 AM
Harambe connected from United States
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
Maple disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 05:23 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 06:19 AM
(Side) Harambe: Are you in the chopper?
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 07:10 AM
Owner connected from United States
Owner disconnected
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 08:08 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Harambe disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 09:00 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
A7M3J connected from Japan
A7M3J disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Harambe connected from United States
(Side) Harambe: wtf.. my prowler is gone
Joshua connected from Canada
Joshua disconnected
-QC-RAMBO connected from Canada
-QC-RAMBO disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 10:04 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Jeff connected from United States
Jeff disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: nice ride buddy ;)
(Side) Harambe: Thanks man, alot of selling haha
(Side) Harambe: Weapons, scopes, backpacks. Lost a prowler on the way :(
(Side) Harambe: I don't use it offensively though, just defense.
(Side) Scorpion: I have one I use the same. Just for around the base type stuff
(Side) Harambe: You know Colton, I was playing with him on this server?
(Side) Scorpion: ah yes saw him on yesterday
(Side) Harambe: Yea me and him started off together haha.
(Side) Scorpion: I dont really know a whole lot of people here. I play at odd times and generally keep to myself.
(Side) Harambe: I'm BDoGG btw
(Side) Scorpion: ah ok i know you
(Side) Harambe: My bad
(Side) Scorpion: all good.
(Side) Scorpion: in trader no dmg
(Side) Harambe: I can give you some ductape if I fckd something up?
(Side) Harambe: Oh right.
(Side) Harambe: This thing is hard to stop while turning lol
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 10:45 AM
(Side) Scorpion: amen. reason I just use it at home base. slow too
(Side) Harambe: Faster than foot though
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 11:01 AM
(Side) Harambe: Where is the safe at , at the mission?
(Side) Harambe: Don't see one, did someone already get it?
(Side) Darkhorse: I have never found a safe at those missions
(Side) Scorpion: I have been to that one a few times, and never seen a safe there. I wonder if they stashed it in the water or hid it outside somewhere
comp connected from United States
comp disconnected
(Side) Scorpion: huh found a random spawn heli. Never found one of those before
BroChacho disconnected
comp connected from United States
comp disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Harambe disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
Harambe connected from United States
Scorpion connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 12:16 PM
Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 01:05 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Harambe disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Colton connected from United States
(Side) Colton: afternoon everyone
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:10 PM
(Side) Colton: since when does car thieves have a titan lol
(Side) BroChacho: the anti trump supporters have them sometimes too
(Side) Colton: yea like ive done car thieves hundreds of time and not once have they had a rocket launcher till now
(Side) Colton: now i gotta go replace a fucking styder hmg or my teamates are gonna be pissed
(Side) BroChacho: lol
(Side) Colton: lol i cant even go and get my shit cause how close they are to my body
(Side) BroChacho: restart is soon as well
(Side) Colton: yup
(Side) BroChacho: I can hook you up with a hmg strider after restart
(Side) Colton: its all good ill just tap into my tank savings
(Side) BroChacho: gotta get building mats at terminal anyways
(Side) BroChacho: ok cool
(Side) Colton: lol kinda upset cause ive taken out merc base and slums base but i get killed by car thieves xD\
(Side) BroChacho: yeah...i notice the yellow, red, and black missions tend to have anti tank weaponry sometimes
(Side) Colton: but its green D:
(Side) BroChacho: damn...im gonna have to be more careful...
(Side) Colton: welp there goes my kuma chances lol
(Side) R3llik: hi guys
(Side) BroChacho: hello
(Side) Colton: howdy
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:23 PM
(Side) BroChacho: restart in a few bro
(Side) R3llik: oh
(Side) Colton: huh back down to 75k
(Side) BroChacho: a few missions will put you back up there
(Side) R3llik: ^
Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) BroChacho: well...se you guys after restart
(Side) R3llik: kk
BroChacho disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
R3llik disconnected
Colton disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Colton connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: yeah gotta make mistakes to learn from them
(Side) Colton: yea i need to go take out some gear crates they can usely give you about 30k if you sell everything
(Side) R3llik: oh wow that much
(Side) Colton: yea that mostly from the cement and shot
(Side) Colton: shit|
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:47 PM
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) Colton: yup but they can be kinda hard cause you dont know how many it is cause ive had 6 people and ive had 1 against me so
(Side) R3llik: i roll in a apc so i just kill em quick
(Side) Colton: i could roll in my marshal but i gotta move walls and shit for that and i mean its not that fast so id rather just take a styder and snipe
(Side) R3llik: ah
BroChacho connected from United States
(Side) Colton: whats up bro
(Side) R3llik: thnx guys
(Side) Colton: np it helps with doing geare crates so
(Side) R3llik: i just dont like playing at night
(Side) Colton: its a pain in the ass
(Side) R3llik: mhm
(Side) Colton: im tempted to try that navy seal mission but idk if i have the accuracy to do that cause ima have to do that from like 800meters so i dont get shot xD
(Side) R3llik: i do every mission like 1km out
(Side) R3llik: so i dont die
(Side) R3llik: i just had to blow up a jeep with rpg ai in it
(Side) Colton: i honestly could but i just get lazy and sometimes and dont want to do it
Rejd 31-Jul-16 02:58 PM
Get an AMS scope and a bipod
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:58 PM
(Side) R3llik: why ams?
Rejd 31-Jul-16 02:58 PM
It's great.
And more than enough for 1k
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:58 PM
(Side) Colton: i just use the m107 with a long range thermal sight on it
(Side) R3llik: ill check it but i like lrps
Rejd 31-Jul-16 02:59 PM
With ctrl+rclick you can use the red dot that's ontop of it for closer stuff
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 02:59 PM
(Side) Colton: anyones base at like 154191? just curious cause i almost hit it not paying attention lol
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:00 PM
Also there's a zoom in/out key, no clue what the default keybinding is
but in precision scopes right click just holds your breath, to zoom in further you gotta use that key
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:00 PM
(Side) R3llik: its the plus n minus on the numpad
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:01 PM
I just bound that to one of the two thumb buttons on my mouse
regular zoom in, with ctrl zoom out :v
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:01 PM
(Side) R3llik: found that backpack i was talking about rej
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:03 PM
So was it a mod one or the one from apex?
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:04 PM
(Side) R3llik: no idea, i just found what its called
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:04 PM
... Bergen?
God Emperor Trump 31-Jul-16 03:04 PM
💢No quote found.
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:04 PM
gdi trumpbot
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:05 PM
(Side) R3llik: bergen heavy patrol
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:05 PM
Alright, just googled - It's in the @NATORusWeapons mod
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:06 PM
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) Colton: wow there is like 7 at this gear crate lol
(Side) R3llik: damn
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:06 PM
mas addon bergens are 480 capacity
same as the bergen from apex
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:06 PM
(Side) R3llik: the heavy patrol one has 580
(Side) R3llik: oh rej since u here
(Side) R3llik: i went to go see my rent at the office
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:07 PM
"I think ik the ones your talking about but they arent the ones im referring to. There is a bag that looks like a mountaineer bag thats huge and carries 580 instead of 480 like the bergens in the mas addon . "
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:08 PM
(Side) R3llik: ah ok
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:08 PM
from the classname list it could be "BmasAssaultPack_mul"
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:08 PM
(Side) R3llik: i payed the rent and clicked to check it again and it was there again, i payed it again and same price tag appeared again
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:09 PM
Yeah it lets you pay early, but it's always full price
If you're concerned, I could check the db
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:10 PM
(Side) R3llik: i just dont want the base to start degrading
11B3P connected from United States
11B3P disconnected
(Side) Colton: god there was so manyt lol
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:11 PM
Last paid at 2016-07-30 14:38:01
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:11 PM
(Side) R3llik: so u said its every month u made it?
(Side) R3llik: so its every month we gotta pay?
(Side) Colton: wait what??
(Side) R3llik: u gotta pay rent for ur base
(Side) R3llik: or it decays
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:12 PM
30 days
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:12 PM
(Side) Colton: oooohhh yea i know that
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:12 PM
Alright, I can tell y'all all the times in the config
permDelete = 14
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:12 PM
(Side) R3llik: ok cool, thnx rej
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:12 PM
territoryLife = 30
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:13 PM
(Side) Colton: thought you were saying rent to play on thge server or some crap xD
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:13 PM
containerLife = 14
constructionLife = 14
vehicleLife = 30
abandoned = 30
stolenFlag = 14
unlockLife = 7
permDelete is the time it keeps deleted stuff temporarily in the db so I can still restore it
containerLife is for containers outside territories
same for construction
vehicles if they weren't moved/used in x days
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:14 PM
(Side) R3llik: o
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:14 PM
stolenFlag deletes a base after x days after the flag has been stolen and ransom money hasn't been paid
unlockLife sets doors&safe pins to 0000 and marks safes to abandoned x days after flag stolen
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:15 PM
(Side) Colton: ah is that want those mission type things are?
(Side) R3llik: what Colton?
(Side) R3llik: no hes talkinga bout the life span of items in the server
(Side) Colton: the abandoned safes that pop upm sometimes
(Side) R3llik: its bc someone abandoned it
(Side) R3llik: and after x amount of days the server auto unlocks it
(Side) Colton: ok thats all i needed to know lol :)
(Side) R3llik: if the owner didnt claim it back
(Side) Colton: hows the base building going btw
(Side) R3llik: slowly, u?
(Side) Colton: pretty good goes by fast when you have 3 people
(Side) R3llik: ah nice
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:22 PM
Did I mention those water canisters spawn in gear crates?
Should help it go by faster.
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:22 PM
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) R3llik: it def made a difference
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:23 PM
Of course there's the whole problem "Well, I've got a full concrete base, all the vehicles I want... I've reached endgame. Now what?"
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:23 PM
(Side) R3llik: rape n pillage ppl
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:23 PM
And it's not exactly easy/fast to raid other peoples bases
I really feel like I should atleast reduce the action time on planting charges
because 7 minutes of not even touching your mouse? Fuck that
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:23 PM
(Side) R3llik: nah
(Side) R3llik: u should add the respect required for items tho
Rejd 31-Jul-16 03:24 PM
Personally I'd be okay if I could atleast use the push to talk button
but exile still kicks you out of the action even if that key isn't bound to anything
Eh, maybe. I've had other people complain about the respect requirements though
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 03:25 PM
(Side) R3llik: ah ok
(Side) R3llik: it was just a thought
Colton disconnected
R3llik disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 04:11 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: whats with the airline helo, its flying in circles?
(Side) R3llik: lol?
R3llik disconnected
revlu connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 05:06 PM
revlu disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Simplyjack 31-Jul-16 05:09 PM
lo l7 mins to arm a charge
i thought repairing a vehicle was bad
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 05:15 PM
Michael connected from United States
Michael disconnected
BroChacho disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Taylor SWifTT 31-Jul-16 05:28 PM
A+ name
Weiner Probe
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 05:28 PM
(Side) R3llik: rofl
BroChacho connected from United States
Weiner Probe disconnected
BroChacho disconnected
R3llik disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Papaj connected from Poland
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 06:11 PM
R3llik connected from United States
BroChacho disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Stone: evening gents
(Side) R3llik: hey
(Side) Darkhorse: Hi
(Side) Stone: what are you guys up to?
ashy 31-Jul-16 06:36 PM
being gay
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 06:36 PM
(Side) Stone: sound like usual
(Side) R3llik: samething we do everynight pinky, try to take over the world
Papaj disconnected
(Side) Stone: i feel like flying today, anybody wants a lift somewhere?
(Side) R3llik: im good thnx
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 07:05 PM
(Side) Stone: anybody to team up with? c'mon guys im bored af lol
Colton connected from United States
(Side) Colton: hello everyone
(Side) Stone: sup
(Side) R3llik: hey
(Side) Colton: nothing much just gonna go and try to complete some mission
(Side) Stone: wanna do that together?
(Side) Colton: sure i suppose
(Side) Stone: cool
(Side) Colton: meet at center trader?
(Side) Stone: im here actually
(Side) Colton: aight im omw
Robert Freeman connected from United States
Robert Freeman disconnected
(Side) Colton: be there in a few
(Side) Stone: yeah sure, im just flying around on my green uh60
(Side) Colton: mkay
(Side) Darkhorse: we could use a ride to the NE safe zone
(Side) Stone: hop in
(Side) Colton: lmao i forgot io completed that car thieves mission and left this styder out here xD
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 07:28 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: cool, thanks
(Side) Darkhorse: two of us
(Side) Colton: lmao hey xD i just drove under you
(Side) Stone: lol
(Side) Stone: ill be there in a minute
(Side) Colton: lol all good ill just loot the military base right here
(Side) Weiner Probe: thanks bro
(Side) Darkhorse: thank you sir
(Side) Stone: sure thing
(Side) Stone: call me again if you need it
(Side) Weiner Probe: sweet
(Side) Colton: we useing your heli btw?
(Side) Stone: yup
TESSERACT disconnected
(Side) Stone: don't care if i lose it :p
(Side) Colton: kk just need to know if im selling this car
(Side) Stone: i use it to fly people around
(Side) Colton: ah nice i usely dont interact any one beside my teamates :p
(Side) Colton: you taking shots?
(Side) Stone: yeap
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 07:41 PM
(Side) Colton: k i got eyes on
(Side) Colton: all down
(Side) R3llik: oh damn i thought it was ai
(Side) Darkhorse: could you not take our stuff please
(Side) R3llik: so tempting.... lol
(Side) R3llik: i left it
(Side) Darkhorse: thank you sir
(Side) R3llik: i thought u were ai, i was trying to shoot carefully to score the ride
Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Noobmagn3t disconnected
Noobmagn3t connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 08:02 PM
(Side) Noobmagn3t: hey i keep getting a bambi creation timeout error does anyone know how to fix it
(Side) Noobmagn3t: i can get into the spawn screen just fine
(Side) R3llik: ur battle eye up to date?
(Side) Noobmagn3t: yeah
(Side) R3llik: weird, i have no clue then
(Side) Noobmagn3t: ill try updating again i did just update to windows 10
Noobmagn3t disconnected
Stone disconnected
(Side) Colton: yo
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Noobmagn3t connected from United States
Noobmagn3t disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Darkhorse disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
Saladking disconnected
Colton disconnected
R3llik disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 08:39 PM
Colton connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Colton: ???
(Side) R3llik: opened the door and died, but ok
(Side) Colton: lmao
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 09:07 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) R3llik: fml
R3llik disconnected
(Side) Saladking: TESSERACT
(Side) Saladking: R u try to take down the slums base!?
(Side) TESSERACT: no
(Side) Saladking: kk
(Side) TESSERACT: ill take crate
(Side) Saladking: yeah
dalton fregia connected from United States
dalton fregia disconnected
(Side) Colton: is someone doin g merc base?
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 10:24 PM
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: good evening folks
(Side) Colton: evening
(Side) Saladking: hello
(Side) Rango: evening~
(Side) Saladking: morning
(Side) Scorpion: morning? you from across seas too Saladking?
(Side) Colton: they are from taiwan lol :p
(Side) Scorpion: awesome. I love meeting people from other places
(Side) Saladking: :)))
(Side) Scorpion: Hows Arma life treating you today? Did you ever find a recipie for that landing pad you wanted Rango?
(Side) Rango: none
(Side) Rango: cant find it
(Side) Rango: just take down the merc
(Side) Scorpion: damn. I bought the last bit of mats I didnt have to see before I went to work. I didnt see one either. I dont think there is one
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 10:42 PM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Scorpion: I hate that one. there is never a safe at that mission
(Side) Colton: nope just crates
(Side) Scorpion: empty last time I went there
(Side) Colton: there was like some cloths when i went
(Side) Scorpion: anything good though?
(Side) Colton: eh if you dont have anything
Gandalf connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 31-Jul-16 11:19 PM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Rango disconnected
Colton disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 12:23 AM
(Side) Scorpion: nice ride
(Side) Rango: hey
(Side) Rango: lol~~
(Side) Rango: can us vote day~~
(Side) Rango: so dark cant use the UAv
(Side) Scorpion: if you prefer
(Side) Rango: i already voted
(Side) Scorpion: wont do nothin for me
(Side) Scorpion: vote day
(Side) Scorpion: /vote day
(Side) Scorpion: I think you broke it ;P
(Side) Rango: ==\
(Side) Rango: lol haha
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: did you finished the gear crate near the trader?
(Side) Scorpion: nope. been on foot for some time now. Heli ran out of gas XD
(Side) Rango: haha~
(Side) Scorpion: did it disappear when slums came in?
(Side) Rango: yes
(Side) Scorpion: odd
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 12:43 AM
Colton connected from United States
zombi connected from United States
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:00 AM
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 02:17 AM
Colton disconnected
Rango disconnected
zombi disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 03:04 AM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 04:20 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:20 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
Saladking disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 06:56 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 07:04 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Harambe connected from United States
Harambe disconnected
Harambe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 08:24 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Harambe disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Harambe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 09:21 AM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Harambe disconnected
Saladking disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: Mornin Gents
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 10:20 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
Dakota connected from United States
Dakota disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 11:22 AM
Dakota connected from United States
Dakota disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 12:22 PM
PLAYER 1 connected from United States
PLAYER 1 disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) Darkhorse: yo
(Side) R3llik: i left ur guys stuff yesterday and how u repay me, by shooting up my heli at the merc base...
(Side) Darkhorse: had to
(Side) R3llik: y?
(Side) Darkhorse: I owe you a couple
(Side) R3llik: lol?
(Side) Darkhorse: we had that place down to the last two AI and you came in and took all our work
(Side) R3llik: ure on crack
(Side) R3llik: i cleared it
Trap connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: from start to finish
(Side) Darkhorse: we were there before you came and hid from your death tank in the dome
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) R3llik: god damn, u guys sat there for so long
(Side) R3llik: i circled the fk out of that base
(Side) Darkhorse: yep, now I will always have an AT rocket with your name painted on the rocket
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 12:51 PM
(Side) R3llik: nice
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:05 PM
Trap disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:19 PM
(Side) R3llik: how do i copy that
(Side) Darkhorse: what?
(Side) R3llik: rej posting some link
Rejd 01-Aug-16 01:20 PM
might be easier searching for I'm on crack
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:21 PM
(Side) R3llik: ok
(Side) R3llik: whos the author on youtube that posted it
Rejd 01-Aug-16 01:22 PM
left rights
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:22 PM
(Side) R3llik: ok
Lancek 01-Aug-16 01:22 PM
I'm on CRACK!
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 01:37 PM
(Side) R3llik: man how many times its gonan show that safe
(Side) R3llik: its been like3 days
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 02:03 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
R3llik disconnected
MajorKong connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 03:08 PM
Cyrex connected from United States
Cyrex disconnected
MajorKong disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 04:05 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
R3llik connected from United States
(Side) Darkhorse: R3llik, did you steal my rig?
(Side) R3llik: no
(Side) Darkhorse: I know I locked it, do they sometimes no spawn in?
(Side) R3llik: i had those problems a while back, but not recently
(Side) Darkhorse: So where you from R3llik?
(Side) R3llik: the US, you?
(Side) Darkhorse: Same, what State?
(Side) R3llik: washington, but ive been around the country last few years
(Side) Darkhorse: I am from Oregon but live in AZ now
(Side) R3llik: man why az, its freaking hell
(Side) Darkhorse: Yes but scored a good job here after I retired from the Army
(Side) R3llik: ah good deal
(Side) R3llik: i lived in the south and north east for quite a few years for work but it was time to go home
(Side) R3llik: u know i wondered why the hell the gate closed in the radar in the merc base while i was driving around
(Side) Darkhorse: LOL
(Side) R3llik: thought maybe the ai was smart enough,
(Side) R3llik: but now it makes sense
(Side) R3llik: u guys waited for so long haha, it cracks me up
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 04:36 PM
(Side) R3llik: bc i was getting pissed at the ai respawning faster than i could kill
(Side) R3llik: shit took forever
(Side) Darkhorse: I knew a cool blooded killer like you would take us out if we showed ourselves
(Side) Darkhorse: We did not have anything to hit you with
(Side) R3llik: u wanna know the irony
(Side) Darkhorse: yea
(Side) R3llik: i had no ammo and litteraly was just running over the ai
(Side) R3llik: rofl
(Side) Darkhorse: LOL
BroChacho connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:13 PM
(Side) R3llik: pew
(Side) R3llik: so whos the brave one?
(Side) Darkhorse: WHY
(Side) R3llik: someone blew up my heli
(Side) R3llik: is it u dark?
(Side) Darkhorse: not me, been working on my base
(Side) BroChacho: I just got on for the first time today....not me
(Side) R3llik: its not a big deal if its either one of u
(Side) R3llik: just curious is all
(Side) Darkhorse: if it were me I would tell ya with a haha
(Side) R3llik: i guess u would since u got it out for me
(Side) BroChacho: lol...I havent had any reason to go after anyone on this server so far...I dont even know where anyones bases are tbh
(Side) Darkhorse: :) but remember who pulled the trigger first!
(Side) R3llik: well dark got it out for me since i thought he was ai and killed em
(Side) BroChacho: lol
@deleted-role (Side) BroChacho: are you an admin dark?
(Side) Darkhorse: no
(Side) BroChacho: ok...thought you was for some reason
Hazlen 01-Aug-16 05:21 PM
im gay
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:21 PM
@deleted-role (Side) R3llik: if u need their help just type in admin and ur inquery
(Side) R3llik: speak of the devil
@deleted-role (Side) BroChacho: no not really...just thought darkhorse was an admin
Hazlen 01-Aug-16 05:22 PM
Taylor SWifTT 01-Aug-16 05:23 PM
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:23 PM
(Side) BroChacho: i got something for those anti trump supporters after restart..
Taylor SWifTT 01-Aug-16 05:24 PM
HELL yeah
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:24 PM
(Side) BroChacho: 155MM of justice
(Side) R3llik: honestly im dissapointed af with that purchase
(Side) BroChacho: arty is kinduv op tho tbh
(Side) R3llik: scorcher blows imo
(Side) BroChacho: I have the Sochor...its surprisingly fast in terms of mobility
(Side) Darkhorse: can the AI jets be shot down?
(Side) R3llik: yeah its fast but the fire rate is horendous
(Side) BroChacho: true
Lancek 01-Aug-16 05:27 PM
There shouldn't be any invulnerable AI so yes you can shoot them down
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:27 PM
(Side) R3llik: the cluster bomb is dope its just too damn slow on reload
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) BroChacho: cya after restart
(Side) R3llik: kk
BroChacho disconnected
R3llik disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
ashy 01-Aug-16 05:35 PM
i am also gay
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:37 PM
R3llik connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
(Side) Darkhorse: my XM8 does not come up?
(Side) R3llik: so crafting a fuel pump, it doesnt work
(Side) R3llik: pressing 6?
(Side) Darkhorse: yep
(Side) R3llik: relog id say
(Side) Darkhorse: nope, I am a dumb ass, sold it accidently
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) BroChacho: I was able to craft a fuel pump a couple of days ago
(Side) R3llik: yeah i crafted it but it doesnt seem liek it refuels
(Side) R3llik: u can buy the xm8
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) BroChacho: yeah...could not do that as well....I filled a bunch of jerry cans to refuel tho
(Side) R3llik: ah it works like that
(Side) R3llik: so it does
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 05:59 PM
perry connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 06:01 PM
(Side) perry: voteday
(Side) R3llik: why r u killing urself
(Side) perry: bad spawn
(Side) R3llik: u can pick ur spawn...
(Side) perry: yeah ik i spawned too far away
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) perry: such a noob
(Side) R3llik: happens to the best of us
perry disconnected
(Side) Darkhorse: How do you rearm a vehicle
(Side) R3llik: get an ammo truck
(Side) R3llik: get in a ammo truck as driver, get out, get in ur offensive vehicle and park next to the ammo truck
BroChacho disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 07:01 PM
R3llik disconnected
Facundo connected from Argentina
Facundo disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 08:25 PM
Weiner Probe disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 09:09 PM
Scorpion connected from United States
Stone connected from Chile
(Side) Stone: yo
(Side) Scorpion: whats new stone man
(Side) Stone: not much my friend
(Side) Stone: don't even know why i keep playing
(Side) Stone: lol
(Side) Scorpion: why whats up?
(Side) Stone: my friends don't connect
(Side) Stone: because of the vehicles thing
(Side) Scorpion: havin same troubles myself. my bro is supposed to be here with me
(Side) Stone: let's party up
(Side) Scorpion: the vehicle thing seems to be under control these days.
(Side) Scorpion: I can do that, gonna be afk for a little bit though. ill hit you up when I return
(Side) Stone: kk
(Side) Scorpion: I hate when I cannot find all the bodies at a mission
(Side) Scorpion: one was wearin that stealth gear and I wanted it
(Side) Scorpion: ok afk for a few. be back shortly
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 09:43 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ok im back.
(Side) Stone: ok
(Side) Scorpion: Invite when you have a moment and we can meet up and do somethin
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 10:09 PM
kratz connected from United States
kratz disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: hi all
(Side) Stone: hey
(Side) Scorpion: Hey hey
(Side) Saladking: hey hey hey~
(Side) Stone: i said hey, whats going on
(Side) Saladking: everything good you?
(Side) Stone: invite me again
Saladking disconnected
Hazlen 01-Aug-16 10:48 PM
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 10:48 PM
(Side) Stone: SUP
(Side) Scorpion: hola
R. Mireles disconnected
BattlEye Bot 01-Aug-16 11:11 PM
Stone disconnected
R. Mireles disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
Rejd 02-Aug-16 01:01 AM
I'm  gay
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 02:12 AM
Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 04:06 AM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Saladking: hi
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 05:02 AM
Saladking disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 06:23 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 08:16 AM
zombi disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 09:06 AM
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 10:08 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: mornin everybody
(Side) Saladking: good evning
Saladking disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 11:19 AM
zombi disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 12:08 PM
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
zombi disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
Scorpion connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: turn on your mx8 by hitting 6 so I can invite ya
Lancek 02-Aug-16 12:54 PM
It's xm8 mate
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 12:55 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ah lol
(Side) Scorpion: well that one thing
(Side) Scorpion: Still here Lancek?
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 01:11 PM
(Side) Scorpion: Sent invite
(Side) Scorpion: LEAVE THAT GROUP
Lancek 02-Aug-16 01:19 PM
I'm on/off this channel I work during the day
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 01:19 PM
(Side) Scorpion: ah ok
(Side) Scorpion: my base that had the flag stolen never despawned. is that normal?
Lancek 02-Aug-16 01:20 PM
At this point I don't even know what normal in Arma is
I thought I did but I don't. Not with all the scripting exile uses
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 01:20 PM
(Side) Scorpion: fair enough lol
(Side) Scorpion: alot of abandoned bases around not despawning. Might cause issues long term
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 02:16 PM
Scorpion disconnected
NordisOak disconnected
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 03:09 PM
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
Ollie connected from United Kingdom
Ollie disconnected
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 04:01 PM
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
tkn connected from Brazil
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 05:09 PM
tkn disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
Root connected from United States
Root disconnected
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
Stone connected from Chile
tkn connected from Brazil
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 06:10 PM
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 07:12 PM
Stone disconnected
Sean rainier connected from United States
Sean rainier disconnected
tkn disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Stealy connected from United States
Stealy disconnected
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 08:24 PM
Weiner Probe disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
(Side) NordisOak: hello yall
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 09:01 PM
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
(Side) Scorpion: hello
(Side) NordisOak: hello
(Side) Scorpion: that you in the humv?
Hazlen 02-Aug-16 09:16 PM
I'm gay
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 09:16 PM
(Side) NordisOak: i think so im heading to trader
(Side) NordisOak: send me invite p
Hazlen 02-Aug-16 09:26 PM
I have buggered men~
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 10:13 PM
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Rejd 02-Aug-16 10:30 PM
Gayboi  present
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 10:34 PM
Saladking disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
@deleted-role (Side) NordisOak: admin i was desyncing and fly a drone up high and it exploded in mid air
Taylor SWifTT 02-Aug-16 10:57 PM
Git gud
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 10:58 PM
(Side) Scorpion: awesome
BattlEye Bot 02-Aug-16 11:08 PM
Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 02:11 AM
R3llik connected from United States
R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:05 AM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
wired98 connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 05:21 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
Saladking disconnected
wired98 disconnected
wired98 connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 06:12 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 07:20 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
wired98 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 08:18 AM
NordisOak connected from United States
Maple connected from Taiwan
NordisOak disconnected
Unknown disconnected
Maple disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Unknown connected from Japan
NordisOak connected from United States
Maple connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: hi all
(Side) NordisOak: hello
(Side) Saladking: r u friendly!?
(Side) NordisOak: yup
(Side) Saladking: ok~
(Side) NordisOak: unless you are notr
(Side) Saladking: im friendly too
(Side) Saladking: :)))
Simplyjack 03-Aug-16 08:57 AM
im friendly
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 08:58 AM
(Side) Saladking: LOL
Simplyjack 03-Aug-16 08:58 AM
strafes you with an A-10 ITS A PRANK BRO
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 09:02 AM
Unknown disconnected
Maple disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Unknown disconnected
Owner connected from United States
Owner disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 10:01 AM
(Side) Scorpion: How are things today gents?
(Side) Saladking: everything good
(Side) Scorpion: good good
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Rango: Theres many new base near the Sofia
(Side) Scorpion: I saw that
(Side) Rango: Haha
(Side) Scorpion: old bases dont seem to be despawning.
(Side) Rango: yeah haha
(Side) Rango: Scor
(Side) Rango: Did you went to the radiation area before?
(Side) Scorpion: ya I did that the other day with Stone.
(Side) Rango: Did there anything in that place??? something special
(Side) Scorpion: meh sniper rifles and what not. can make decent money, but unless someone else is trying to do it and there is pvp, its pretty boring stuff
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Rango: got it
(Side) Rango: We just went there and almost died in that area
(Side) Scorpion: haha ya
(Side) Scorpion: you have masks?
(Side) Rango: no
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 10:25 AM
(Side) Scorpion: that will stop that
(Side) Rango: tasic mask can avoid radiation?
(Side) Scorpion: gas mask
(Side) Rango: okay tks buddy
(Side) Rango: ~
(Side) Scorpion: and yes
(Side) Scorpion: np
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 10:41 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
Rango disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 11:18 AM
NordisOak disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
Hazlen 03-Aug-16 11:44 AM
i have buggered men
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 11:47 AM
(Side) Scorpion: so is that a no?
(Side) Scorpion: Halzen?
Hazlen 03-Aug-16 11:48 AM
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 11:48 AM
(Side) Scorpion: is that a no to the drone help?
@deleted-role (Side) NordisOak: admin can i get help my drone blew up on restart and i was wondering if i can get it replaced or at tleast the pop tabs
@deleted-role (Side) NordisOak: admin is there someone that can help me out or no?
@deleted-role (Side) NordisOak: is there any admins on?
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 12:01 PM
@deleted-role (Side) Scorpion: Its no wonder the population here has declined so much with all the admin help you can get
NordisOak disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
ashy 03-Aug-16 12:07 PM
Rejd 03-Aug-16 01:34 PM
Oh boo hoo, you blew up your drone.
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:32 PM
(Side) BroChacho: damn...nobody has found that safe yet?
(Side) R3llik: i think its bc no1 fully looted that base
(Side) BroChacho: ah
(Side) R3llik: there was alot of random crap thats waste of space
(Side) BroChacho: oh ok....should have grabbed the safe itself
(Side) R3llik: i didnt see it
(Side) R3llik: there was just a ton of crats
(Side) R3llik: crates
(Side) BroChacho: probably hidden behind a wall or something
(Side) R3llik: could be
(Side) BroChacho: which isnt a bad idea actually...lol
(Side) R3llik: well if the base is locked down, i dont see why hide the safe
(Side) BroChacho: maybe for when someone raids
(Side) R3llik: still have to guess the code
(Side) R3llik: still dont know whats the offense for wrong code
(Side) R3llik: u only get few tries to fk up
(Side) BroChacho: true, do they have thermal scanners on this server?
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) R3llik: ure right
(Side) BroChacho: i have not seen any yet though
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:37 PM
(Side) R3llik: i found 1
(Side) BroChacho: in an industrial building?
(Side) R3llik: either that or construction building
(Side) R3llik: cant remember
Lancek 03-Aug-16 04:48 PM
My pubbie disappeared when I logged in can I get a replacement?
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:48 PM
(Side) BroChacho: pubbie?
(Side) R3llik: lancek, i cant sell the flag i stole
Rejd 03-Aug-16 04:50 PM
You just get locked out for a few min
Lancek 03-Aug-16 04:50 PM
I recall not being able to sell one I had stolen either when the server first went up.
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:51 PM
(Side) R3llik: its suposed to be sale able
Rejd 03-Aug-16 04:51 PM
yeah it's supposed to be sellable
Lancek 03-Aug-16 04:51 PM
Yeah I know
Rejd 03-Aug-16 04:51 PM
I think I forgot to update the trader list when exile updated to potatoe
Lancek 03-Aug-16 04:51 PM
Rejd 03-Aug-16 04:54 PM
Added it, just let me know when the server is about to go down
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:54 PM
(Side) R3llik: will do
Rejd 03-Aug-16 04:54 PM
Also I think your best chance to get thermal scanners are in industrial areas
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 04:55 PM
(Side) BroChacho: ok cool
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 05:06 PM
BroChacho disconnected
R3llik disconnected
Rejdukien connected from Germany
R3llik connected from United States
(Side) Rejdukien: Yo
(Side) R3llik: sup
(Side) Rejdukien: mission update will have to wait a bit till jack gets back
(Side) R3llik: its ok
(Side) R3llik: hey rej
(Side) Rejdukien: Hey
(Side) R3llik: sometimes when i try to back up in tracked/tank style vehicles, they get thrown like crazy. i just lost a sochor b4 the reset bc of it
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 06:00 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Nothing I can do about arma physics
(Side) R3llik: k
(Side) R3llik: i guess its some coding fk up on the devs part
(Side) Rejdukien: yeah exile doesn't touch the physics engine
(Side) R3llik: its like every tracked vehicle ive had, does it
(Side) R3llik: i think i saw the color of ur eyes that time
(Side) Rejdukien: The racing plane is p neat
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) R3llik: u and flying
(Side) Rejdukien: Well.. proxy flying is fun.
(Side) Rejdukien: welp.
(Side) R3llik: u douche
(Side) R3llik: roflamo
(Side) Rejdukien: I uhh
(Side) Rejdukien: I have no clue what I'm doing
(Side) R3llik: vertical liftoff
(Side) R3llik: did u guys implement weather?
(Side) R3llik: it was super foggy earlier
(Side) Rejdukien: yeah
(Side) R3llik: how does it work? random?
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 06:19 PM
(Side) R3llik: what triggers weather
(Side) Rejdukien: Just randomly switching between the settings
(Side) R3llik: /vote rain
(Side) R3llik: nice physics
(Side) R3llik: u a racecar now
(Side) Rejdukien: welp, hit my stop now
(Side) R3llik: die
(Side) Rejdukien: ok.
(Side) R3llik: from radiation
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 07:05 PM
(Side) R3llik: dang
(Side) Darkhorse: OK i NOW FEEL GOOD :)
(Side) R3llik: rofl
(Side) Darkhorse: why
(Side) R3llik: what u mean
(Side) R3llik: i still dont feel better
(Side) Darkhorse: most cowards don't
(Side) R3llik: u shot my heli from the merc base, i had to get even
(Side) R3llik: fml
(Side) R3llik: to the max
(Side) R3llik: thats alot of money in it
(Side) R3llik: ure driving by
(Side) R3llik: is tehre anything salvageable
(Side) R3llik: or it all burned
(Side) Darkhorse: all gone
(Side) R3llik: figured
(Side) R3llik: got armad
(Side) R3llik: sigh, sooo much money burning
(Side) R3llik: ok i can read between the lines
R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 07:58 PM
boded connected from United States
boded disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
boded connected from United States
boded disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 08:02 PM
(Side) Scorpion: Whats new Rej
Scorpion disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Rejdukien disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 09:12 PM
NordisOak connected from United States
Scorpion connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
NordisOak connected from United States
boded connected from United States
boded disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 10:01 PM
Issac connected from United States
Issac disconnected
Evan connected from United States
Evan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 03-Aug-16 11:19 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
NordisOak disconnected
Scorpion disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
NordisOak connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 12:00 AM
(Side) NordisOak: vote day
Simplyjack 04-Aug-16 12:01 AM
Hazlen 04-Aug-16 12:02 AM
/vote night
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 12:06 AM
Kristin connected from United States
Brennon connected from United States
Brennon disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 01:18 AM
(Side) R3llik: that was pure luck
(Side) R3llik: scorpion u in the drone?
(Side) Scorpion: ya
(Side) R3llik: i got out alive by a cunt hair lol
(Side) Scorpion: ;)
(Side) Scorpion: didnt see ya till last second
(Side) R3llik: rude man
(Side) Scorpion: i feel ya. some asshole shot at me in the radiation zone too
Hazlen 04-Aug-16 01:20 AM
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 01:20 AM
(Side) R3llik: i was shooting at rad zone
(Side) Scorpion: pretty sure by deduction I figured out who it was ;)
(Side) R3llik: how much did i dmg the heli?
(Side) Scorpion: didnt that I could tell. heard a couple dings though
(Side) R3llik: if u inside a vehicle and open ur xm8
(Side) R3llik: go to 2nd page and click health
(Side) R3llik: tells u ur vehicle health
(Side) Scorpion: ya but I already messed it up a little when I flew over the slums before hand lol
(Side) Scorpion: and I sold it since
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) Scorpion: couldnt seem to find a spot on it for repairs
(Side) R3llik: its a special spot man
(Side) R3llik: took me like 20 min to find it
(Side) Scorpion: so its like a woman
(Side) R3llik: worse
(Side) Scorpion: haha
(Side) R3llik: i know my way around a woman
(Side) R3llik: u know where the g spot is, thats where u repair the super stalion
(Side) R3llik: yeah i was curious how much dmg i did to the heli cuz i was shooting at vital spots
(Side) Scorpion: ah. well the fair the stallion is a beast
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 01:25 AM
(Side) R3llik: its ok
(Side) R3llik: it handles like a container ship
(Side) Scorpion: indeed
(Side) R3llik: i spent like an hour filling up that heli at the rad zone, and got arma'd
(Side) R3llik: was livid
(Side) Scorpion: I could see the pain in that
(Side) R3llik: so much money up in flames
(Side) R3llik: is that the special helmet
(Side) R3llik: or u just like the apex 1
(Side) Scorpion: the stealth
(Side) R3llik: ah
NordisOak connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: scorpion u didnt name ur base expensivebase 2.0?
(Side) Scorpion: not my style
(Side) R3llik: tbh idk why it keeps showing that base with the safe 0000
(Side) Scorpion: right? been empty for weeks
(Side) R3llik: every1 raped and pillaged it many times over
(Side) Scorpion: well I think my fun is at an end for the night. Have a good evening
(Side) R3llik: cya
NordisOak disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 01:54 AM
Scorpion disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 02:03 AM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Saladking: hi R3
(Side) R3llik: hey
(Side) Saladking: r u friendly???
(Side) R3llik: no because every1 else shoots on sight
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: im friendly but if i see the player shoot at me i will shoot them
(Side) R3llik: well its bad logic, because if they dont kill u in one shot then they are dumb
(Side) Saladking: haha
(Side) Saladking: if want to take down some hardcore misson we can group btw
(Side) Saladking: if u want it
(Side) R3llik: server gonna restart soon
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) Saladking: i see
(Side) Saladking: omg wth i forgot to bring the duct tape
(Side) R3llik: what u hit
(Side) Saladking: wall
(Side) Saladking: shiiit
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) Saladking: fk i need to find the duct tape now
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 02:20 AM
(Side) R3llik: u got a few minutes
(Side) Saladking: 5 min...
(Side) R3llik: u do know if u click the radio x2 u get a atv right
(Side) Saladking: yeah i know but im in a small town now
(Side) Saladking: owwwwww!
(Side) Saladking: jesus
(Side) R3llik: shit happens man, i lost over 400k today
(Side) Saladking: wtf?
(Side) Saladking: 400k?
(Side) Saladking: how
(Side) R3llik: yeah
(Side) R3llik: arma'd
(Side) Saladking: the hell...400k...
(Side) R3llik: yeah i was very excited
(Side) R3llik: had to walk away from the pc before i torched it
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: getting restart right now
(Side) R3llik: yeah brb
(Side) Saladking: yeah me too
R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 02:25 AM
Saladking disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) R3llik: how
(Side) Saladking: ??
(Side) Saladking: why u die
(Side) Saladking: game bug?
(Side) R3llik: unlocked my heli..... wtf
(Side) Saladking: ????
(Side) Saladking: wtf?
(Side) R3llik: really getting tired of getting fkd by the game today
(Side) Saladking: haha shit happend
(Side) R3llik: well ive been on the roll
(Side) R3llik: all day
(Side) R3llik: glad i ve had a few beers or id be really mad
(Side) Saladking: hahaha
(Side) Saladking: someone just take down this gear crate
(Side) Saladking: is that you?
(Side) R3llik: nah i just died man
(Side) Saladking: ah.. ok
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 02:51 AM
(Side) Saladking: free gear crate
(Side) R3llik: yeah sometimes
(Side) Saladking: what a wonderful world
(Side) R3llik: for u
(Side) Saladking: so lucky lol
(Side) R3llik: ..I..
(Side) R3llik: nice
(Side) Saladking: i dont like the night in this game
(Side) Saladking: i cant see shit lol
(Side) R3llik: yeah, u can get the nvg but i dont like the green
(Side) Saladking: yeah me too
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 03:00 AM
RekCus connected from United States
(Side) Saladking: hi
(Side) R3llik: yo
(Side) RekCus: sup
(Side) Saladking: oh cool ur guys are teammate
(Side) R3llik: yeah brothers
(Side) Saladking: cool
(Side) Saladking: bye~~~
(Side) R3llik: cya
(Side) RekCus: shoot ya later
(Side) RekCus: cya*
(Side) Saladking: c u guys later
Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 04:39 AM
Unknown connected from Japan
VITALii connected from Russia
VITALii disconnected
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 05:23 AM
Unknown connected from Japan
R3llik disconnected
Unknown disconnected
RekCus disconnected
RekCus connected from United States
Unknown connected from Japan
R3llik connected from United States
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
(Side) RekCus: whats up japan
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 06:04 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
@deleted-role (Side) R3llik: admin, how can i move my own flag?
ashy 04-Aug-16 06:27 AM
Good question
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 06:27 AM
(Side) RekCus: can you move it for us?
ashy 04-Aug-16 06:38 AM
Gotta wait for one of the others, Im working
Sorry guys
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 06:38 AM
(Side) RekCus: No worries
(Side) R3llik: its cool man
RekCus disconnected
Maple connected from Taiwan
R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 07:03 AM
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Maple disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 08:09 AM
Unknown disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 09:22 AM
Rango disconnected
Scorpion connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Scorpion: poor little drone
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Rango: lol
Hazlen 04-Aug-16 10:14 AM
I don't think we can move your flags m8
let me poke in the db a minute
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 10:18 AM
Scorpion disconnected
Hazlen 04-Aug-16 10:23 AM
I think we can move it in db
but i'm not 100%
probably best to let it expire and place it new afterwards :/
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 11:23 AM
Saladking disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rejd 04-Aug-16 12:37 PM
R3llik still on?
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 12:51 PM
Swampy connected from United States
Swampy disconnected
BattlEye Bot 04-Aug-16 02:02 PM
Grunt Gregg connected from United States
Grunt Gregg disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Rejd 04-Aug-16 04:25 PM
Yo R3llik
You're best off getting me to delete that base if you wanna move it.
Should dump all the materials on the ground in a big box.
Rejd 05-Aug-16 03:35 PM
I'm gay and this stupid bot encountered an error
while I was asleep
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 04:04 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Ethan connected from United States
Ethan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 05:03 PM
TheGreathobo connected from United States
TheGreathobo disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:11 PM
R3llik connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: yo did they resolve the issue?
(Side) Darkhorse: not yet
(Side) R3llik: are they on tho?
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:14 PM
Which one?
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:14 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: no contact yet
(Side) R3llik: hey rej can u remove this
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:14 PM
Remove what, why, where
Lemme get on
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:14 PM
(Side) R3llik: this tower i built, the prompt to remove this item is 6 feet below
(Side) R3llik: dark needs help with taru pod
Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejdukien disconnected
Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejdukien disconnected
Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) R3llik: lol^
(Side) Rejdukien: Fuck this gay shit fucking arma. FUCK.
(Side) R3llik: ROFLLL
(Side) R3llik: thnx dude
(Side) R3llik: dark got issue with taru pods
(Side) R3llik: they keep teleporting back to where he bought it
(Side) Darkhorse: cant access the one I bought
(Side) Rejdukien: I have no clue what's going on or why it's doing that
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah I see it at the airport
(Side) R3llik: i saw some post i found on google where u have to add a script to get a drop down menu on it
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: Because tarupods are dumb and gay just like me
(Side) R3llik: sexy
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:22 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: I seen a mod that makes the pod hook to the Taru so you dont have to sling it
(Side) R3llik: ^
(Side) R3llik: the whole towing thing is weird, some items u have to sling some u can pick up by hovering over them
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:25 PM
working on it.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:25 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: roger
(Side) Darkhorse: This is a great server, good game play balance. My son and I like it very much
(Side) R3llik: i also agree
(Side) Darkhorse: I have only found 1 issue
(Side) R3llik: my existence?
(Side) Darkhorse: how did you guess LOL
(Side) R3llik: cuz we best pals
(Side) R3llik: lol
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:29 PM
Oh yeah I had another fix lined up for upload but forgot that one
Flags are sellable now. Once I restart the server.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:29 PM
(Side) R3llik: sweet
(Side) R3llik: their prices worth anything actually or is it gonna be like couple grand
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:30 PM
10k per level
So a level 10 base is 100k
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:30 PM
(Side) R3llik: and by any chance is there a way i could move my flag?
(Side) Darkhorse: I bought the Xian to bomb your ass, it is now a smoking wreck at the air feild
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:30 PM
Well, if I remove the base
You can move it.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:30 PM
(Side) R3llik: xian?
(Side) R3llik: no dont touch my base rej
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:34 PM
I'll just go ahead and update enigma exile revive aswell
Because those error messages are p. annoying.
Are y'all okay with a quick server restart?
Don't wanna forget about it again.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:36 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: yes, do we need to exit?
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:37 PM
actually, hold on a sec.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:42 PM
(Side) R3llik: yeah im rdy
Rejd 05-Aug-16 06:42 PM
Ok, got it I think
Disconnect and the server should be back up in 2-3 minutes
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 06:43 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Rejdukien disconnected
R3llik disconnected
R3llik connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp
(Side) Rejdukien: Apparently the pod script doesn't work / is outdated
(Side) R3llik: whats up
(Side) R3llik: o
(Side) Rejdukien: And I'm p sure I know why
(Side) R3llik: i just dont get the building system, some items are so high up, u place em and the drop so low
(Side) R3llik: like this thing i just built
(Side) R3llik: is there an item i need to have to remove this thing
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:00 PM
(Side) R3llik: homie can u delete this thing
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:01 PM
Wish I could figure out the category of a vehicle
hold on.
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:03 PM
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) R3llik: i got it rej, blowing sht up fixes everything
(Side) Rejdukien: There's just no neat category for taru pods through which the actions can be added to just pods
(Side) Rejdukien: goddamn, do I have to create an action set for each taru pod individually?
(Side) R3llik: lol, copy and paste
(Side) Rejdukien: apparently arma update 1.60 broke pods anyway
(Side) R3llik: rough
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 07:10 PM
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:11 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah even the cargo pod which should have an inventory
(Side) Rejdukien: Doesn't have one
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp, refunded you the money for the pod
(Side) Rejdukien: And deleted it.
(Side) Darkhorse: ok thanks for trying
(Side) Rejdukien: Just regular ol arma bullshit
(Side) Rejdukien: It wouldn't be arma if there wasn't something broken
(Side) R3llik: haha ikr
(Side) R3llik: is this thing im glaring at going to dissapear if u happen to know of the top of ur head
(Side) Rejdukien: Prob won't be able to get rid of it with the del key
(Side) Rejdukien: More likely to target the hangar if I do
(Side) R3llik: lol dont
(Side) Rejdukien: But I could try and find it in the db
(Side) Rejdukien: It's the only net you've got in your base, right?
(Side) R3llik: if u put the cross hairs on the pole?
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) Rejdukien: Nooope
(Side) Rejdukien: Just tried it.
(Side) Rejdukien: And tabbing out again
(Side) R3llik: u think it will be gone after reset
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:17 PM
(Side) R3llik: the weird thing of all is that all 3 camo nets are same color when u craft em even tho the preview shows other wise
(Side) R3llik: for ur troubles
(Side) Rejdukien: Removed it from db, should be gone next restart.
(Side) Rejdukien: HELL yeah
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) R3llik: thank u
(Side) R3llik: its nice isnt it
(Side) R3llik: i dont think it shoots thru
(Side) R3llik: but its good birds eye view
(Side) Rejdukien: Just use a bigger caliber~
(Side) R3llik: i use the biggest
(Side) R3llik: thnx
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah now we know
(Side) Rejdukien: It's shooting through.
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't respawn
(Side) R3llik: it says im bleeding out for 1 more minutes
(Side) Rejdukien: Crude testing method but it works :v
(Side) Rejdukien: Oh gdi
(Side) Rejdukien: Arma, why
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:21 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp, you're still gonna die
(Side) R3llik: cruel world
(Side) Rejdukien: Or let me try a defib.
(Side) R3llik: it reset
(Side) R3llik: 2 min bleed
(Side) R3llik: clear
(Side) Rejdukien: Apparently it doesn't want to perform cpr
(Side) R3llik: try performing cpr on my crotch
(Side) Rejdukien: Just respawn
(Side) Saladking: hi all
(Side) Rejdukien: I'll teleport you back.
(Side) Rejdukien: And then I'll look at the revive script and try to figure out what's wrong
(Side) Darkhorse: HI
(Side) Rejdukien: Also hey
@deleted-role (Side) Saladking: hi admin why i cant buy the RPG
R3llik disconnected
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:24 PM
Arma is always broken for some reason
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:24 PM
(Side) Saladking: i bought it but it disspear
(Side) Saladking: i buy it 3 times already
R3llik connected from United States
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:25 PM
Yeah don't keep buying it
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:25 PM
(Side) Saladking: but it just wont show up
(Side) Saladking: oh oh oh
(Side) Saladking: ok
(Side) Saladking: got it
(Side) Saladking: thanks
(Side) R3llik: i guess the game wanted to ctd
(Side) R3llik: beam me up scotty
(Side) Rejdukien: What a coincidence
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm actually binge watching star trek right now.
(Side) Rejdukien: So the only thing I saw wrong with the revive script
(Side) R3llik: it doesnt work?
(Side) Rejdukien: Was the wrong capitalization of the path to the override script
(Side) Rejdukien: I'm not sure if it's caps sensitive or not
(Side) Rejdukien: Maybe? Maybe not
(Side) Rejdukien: Not gonna restart the server RIGHT NOW though.
(Side) R3llik: even i know scripting is case sensitive
(Side) Rejdukien: For commands and whatnot, yeah
(Side) Rejdukien: But I'm not sure about the path variable.
(Side) Rejdukien: Must have changed the folder capitalization one day and forgot to change it in the script.
(Side) R3llik: happens
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:30 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Or not? Because I remember it working. But that was before the 1.0.0 update
(Side) R3llik: just dont leave ur dna samples all over my floor
(Side) Rejdukien: No jerking off in your base?
(Side) Rejdukien: Bummer.
(Side) R3llik: mhm
(Side) R3llik: oh since ure on, do u know what the shovel is used for
(Side) Rejdukien: Beating up people
(Side) Rejdukien: No clue.
(Side) R3llik: ok, ill become a chiropractor then on the side
(Side) R3llik: ive seem some sht where can mine uranium or something to process it and sell
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:34 PM
u wot m8
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:34 PM
(Side) R3llik: just a thought
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:34 PM
This ain't minecraft
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:34 PM
(Side) R3llik: im serious
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:35 PM
We need a fucking grappler in arma
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:35 PM
(Side) R3llik: we have u, u grapple all the nuts since ure gay
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:35 PM
Just fly by some poor guy driving his car around, shoot the grappler at him and lift him off
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:36 PM
(Side) R3llik: rofllll
(Side) R3llik: what is this batman
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:36 PM
NX-01 Enterprise
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:36 PM
(Side) R3llik: tractor beam
Rejd 05-Aug-16 07:37 PM
Humans don't have that technology at that time
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 07:38 PM
tractor deez
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:38 PM
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) Saladking: wth
(Side) Saladking: @@@
(Side) R3llik: loooool
(Side) Saladking: my carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(Side) Saladking: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(Side) R3llik: free money
(Side) Rejdukien: RIP
(Side) Saladking: noooooooooooooooooo
(Side) Saladking: give me backkkkkkk
(Side) Saladking: lollllllll
(Side) R3llik: i got it fair and square
(Side) Rejdukien: heh.
(Side) Rejdukien: You're even flying around with it~
(Side) R3llik: nice tractor beam
(Side) R3llik: what did we learn today salad?
(Side) Saladking: sure to lock ur car
(Side) R3llik: mhm
(Side) Saladking: lollllll
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:42 PM
(Side) R3llik: wtf is that
(Side) Rejdukien: newest taiwan technology
(Side) Saladking: ahahahhahaa
(Side) R3llik: years of research
(Side) R3llik: fkn priceless
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 07:43 PM
taiwan #1
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:43 PM
(Side) R3llik: ill have what hes on^
(Side) Saladking: hahaha
(Side) Rejdukien: Ooops.
(Side) Saladking: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shitttt
(Side) Rejdukien: Might have made the gokart too heavy.
(Side) Rejdukien: Hold on~
(Side) Rejdukien: My god, didn't know I could do physics fuckery through the console.
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Rejdukien: This changes ~everything~
@deleted-role (Side) R3llik: admin super speed
(Side) Rejdukien: No, worse than that
(Side) Rejdukien: Super speed is just applying force
(Side) R3llik: damn
(Side) Rejdukien: But I can apparently set mass, too.
(Side) R3llik: i do love the gun ure using salad
(Side) R3llik: lrr
(Side) R3llik: l11
(Side) Saladking: @@@
(Side) R3llik: roflmao
(Side) Rejdukien: Oh god it's too heavy
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:48 PM
(Side) R3llik: thats a beast
(Side) Saladking: lmao
(Side) R3llik: ima die from laugher salad
(Side) R3llik: laughter*
(Side) Saladking: hahaha
(Side) Saladking: i locked the car lol
(Side) R3llik: well time to find a cliff then
(Side) Rejdukien: Uh, what
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) R3llik: dont rape that
(Side) Rejdukien: Somehow my wheels are in the ground now
Charlie connected from United States
Charlie disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: And now I set the mass to.. 50?
(Side) R3llik: fk i cant get out
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) R3llik: derby over here
(Side) Saladking: haahahaahaahha
(Side) R3llik: lmao
(Side) R3llik: this is some sht
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:53 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: wat.
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) R3llik: rej damn
(Side) R3llik: ait i need to go blow this shit up
(Side) Saladking: lollll
(Side) Saladking: ill help u unlocked it
(Side) R3llik: the door is caved in
(Side) R3llik: from that tank hit
(Side) R3llik: rofl the tank flies
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 07:56 PM
anything can happen when rejd is around
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:56 PM
(Side) R3llik: shoot him
(Side) R3llik: thats arma physics right there
(Side) R3llik: ROFLLLLL
(Side) Rejdukien: vOv
(Side) R3llik: daym
(Side) Rejdukien: Ok, I'm done.
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) R3llik: wtf
(Side) Rejdukien: RIP
Lancek 05-Aug-16 07:58 PM
Come play STO with us Rejd
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 07:58 PM
(Side) Saladking: loll
(Side) R3llik: dude i was typing to let me out
(Side) Rejdukien: Well I did let you out, didn't I? :v
(Side) R3llik: yeah by rape
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 08:00 PM
dont struggle he only enjoys it more when you do
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:00 PM
(Side) Saladking: lol im sure i locked the car
(Side) R3llik: lapua is silenced!!!!???!!!?
(Side) R3llik: wow
(Side) R3llik: it was my fav gun in arma2
(Side) Saladking: lol its useful
(Side) Saladking: omg
(Side) Saladking: my FPS just down to 8
(Side) Rejdukien: lmao
(Side) Saladking: my shit computer
(Side) Rejdukien: jesus
(Side) Rejdukien: look at all those craters
(Side) R3llik: that was a fun ride
(Side) R3llik: til rej fkd it up
(Side) Rejdukien: gonna suicide bomb the shit out of the slums
(Side) Saladking: hahaha
(Side) Rejdukien: 8 units remaining~
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 08:04 PM
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:04 PM
(Side) R3llik: my speakers crackled damn
(Side) R3llik: 8 remain dude u missed
(Side) Saladking: 27units change to 8units just only one sec
(Side) Saladking: wtf
(Side) Rejdukien: Let's try 180 bombs
(Side) Rejdukien: instead of 80
(Side) R3llik: i do the same thing with a mlrs
(Side) Rejdukien: See if it'll crash
(Side) Rejdukien: Prepare your buttholes
Hazlen 05-Aug-16 08:06 PM
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:06 PM
(Side) Saladking: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(Side) Saladking: game crashhhhhhhhhhh for 5 sec
(Side) R3llik: u only got 3...
(Side) Rejdukien: vOv
(Side) R3llik: lame
(Side) Rejdukien: Was still nice to look at
(Side) R3llik: that it was, i rec it
@deleted-role (Side) Rejdukien: Evidence of muh admin abuse
(Side) R3llik: leverage bro
(Side) R3llik: yes
(Side) R3llik: do him like that
(Side) R3llik: there u go
(Side) R3llik: oh man
(Side) R3llik: the fk is tha
(Side) R3llik: un known nation
Taylor SWifTT 05-Aug-16 08:09 PM
reeeeeeeeeee admins reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:09 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: Maybe if it was all red with a white circle and some black stuff in it?
(Side) R3llik: put it up icant picture what ure describing
(Side) Rejdukien: There's no texture in the game for that :<
(Side) R3llik: ah
(Side) Rejdukien: God
(Side) Rejdukien: Rusts SIL command would be great
(Side) R3llik: that flag on the right is blasphemy
(Side) Rejdukien: Deutschland fick ja!
(Side) R3llik: those dont exist
(Side) R3llik: the flag in my base and the left flag put that right flag in check
(Side) Saladking: lolll
(Side) R3llik: u better not fk with my flag Rej
(Side) R3llik: i know ure probably already there
(Side) Saladking: cc
(Side) Saladking: u dont have the HMG?
(Side) R3llik: i have a tank
(Side) Saladking: ohh
(Side) R3llik: err 2
(Side) Saladking: i have a tank too
(Side) R3llik: nice
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:16 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: UMM
(Side) Saladking: nooooooooooo
(Side) Rejdukien: The fuck
(Side) Saladking: my carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(Side) R3llik: wtfff
(Side) Saladking: the hell niiigaaaaaaaa
ashy 05-Aug-16 08:17 PM
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:17 PM
(Side) R3llik: how much
(Side) R3llik: is that thing cost
(Side) Rejdukien: ud
(Side) Rejdukien: I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing
(Side) Saladking: forgive me
(Side) Saladking: im stuck
(Side) Rejdukien: But that is quite something
(Side) Saladking: omg my FPS
(Side) Rejdukien: Uh yeah I'll just.. restart. RIP
(Side) R3llik: yeah let me get one of those vtols
(Side) R3llik: how u get up tehre
Rejd 05-Aug-16 08:19 PM
Remind me to stop fucking around too much with Zeus
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:23 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
R3llik connected from United States
Saladking connected from Taiwan
(Side) Darkhorse: where will the vehicle I was driving be when I lost contact with the server?
(Side) R3llik: same spot
(Side) R3llik: mine is
Rejd 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
You can always count on me to somehow break the game
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
(Side) R3llik: yeah that battelship fkd it up
(Side) Saladking: lol
Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejd 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
I didn't even know such a thing was in the game
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
(Side) R3llik: 13fps then crashed
(Side) Saladking: 5fps
Rejd 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
I restarted the server
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:31 PM
(Side) Saladking: kill me
Rejd 05-Aug-16 08:32 PM
Anyone missing vehicles at the airport?
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:32 PM
(Side) R3llik: ye
(Side) Saladking: wtf
(Side) Darkhorse: I cant find mine
(Side) Saladking: why my car unlocked again
(Side) Saladking: wtf
(Side) Rejdukien: Because safezone unlocks it
(Side) Saladking: omg not this again
(Side) Rejdukien: On restart
(Side) Rejdukien: Steal the helicopter~
(Side) R3llik: dont u dare unlock it
(Side) R3llik: i know i locked it
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: wait for it
(Side) R3llik: rej put ur dickbeaters away
(Side) Rejdukien: :V
(Side) Darkhorse: I cant find my APC
(Side) Rejdukien: Which type was it?
(Side) Darkhorse: was driving down this road when it restarted
(Side) Darkhorse: gorgan
(Side) Rejdukien: I see it
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:36 PM
(Side) Rejdukien: It's in the safe zone
(Side) Darkhorse: thanks
(Side) Saladking: oho hohohohohohh
(Side) Saladking: fk my SUV
(Side) Rejdukien: jesus
(Side) Rejdukien: I have to play STO~
(Side) Darkhorse: ok, thanks for your help today
(Side) Rejdukien: No problem
(Side) Saladking: LOL
(Side) Rejdukien: Also sorry for killing the server~
(Side) R3llik: cant believe it still works
(Side) R3llik: ait man let me out
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) R3llik: i gotta go
(Side) Darkhorse: sounds like you all had fun
(Side) R3llik: it was hilarious
(Side) Saladking: fk...
(Side) R3llik: ill fix it
(Side) R3llik: oh u got it
(Side) R3llik: kk
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:40 PM
(Side) Saladking: got it
(Side) R3llik: tires still gone..
(Side) Saladking: i
Rejdukien disconnected
(Side) R3llik: cool
(Side) Saladking: nope it looks fine
(Side) R3llik: its all shot up on my screen weird
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: i cant typeing when i repair
(Side) R3llik: i kno
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) R3llik: it will cancel it
(Side) Saladking: i have to back to my base lol
(Side) R3llik: cya
(Side) Saladking: cya
(Side) R3llik: it was hilarious for sure man
(Side) Saladking: @@
(Side) R3llik: i wish i could have seen ur face irl when i took ur ride
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) R3llik: probably speechless
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:45 PM
(Side) Saladking: no im saying wtf
(Side) R3llik: lol
(Side) Saladking: for almost 100time
(Side) R3llik: looooooool
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) Saladking: but good time
(Side) R3llik: damn rej kept kicking me out the ride
(Side) R3llik: rude....
(Side) Saladking: lol thanks him to help me get my car back
(Side) R3llik: i wasnt gonna sell it
(Side) R3llik: if it was dark then id think about it
(Side) R3llik: since we love each other so much
(Side) Darkhorse: :oP
(Side) Saladking: gayyyyyyyyyy
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: love u too
(Side) R3llik: crickets*
(Side) Darkhorse: talking to me, the game is on and I am watching it
(Side) R3llik: just about u
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 08:51 PM
(Side) R3llik: cya
(Side) Darkhorse: bye
R3llik disconnected
(Side) Saladking: bye
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 09:09 PM
(Side) Saladking: Darkhorse
(Side) Darkhorse: yes?
(Side) Saladking: u can get the Rogue Navy Seals crate
(Side) Saladking: i take down that misson but i dont want that crate
(Side) Darkhorse: you dont want it?
(Side) Saladking: if u want it u can take it
(Side) Saladking: yeah
(Side) Darkhorse: ok
(Side) Darkhorse: thanks
(Side) Saladking: i take down the misson just for fun
(Side) Saladking: yeah no problem
(Side) Darkhorse: ok
(Side) Darkhorse: damn did not get there in time
(Side) Saladking: haha
(Side) Saladking: have to quick
(Side) Darkhorse: this APC is slow as all hell
(Side) Saladking: hahaha
(Side) Saladking: my tank slower than ur APC
(Side) Saladking: thats why sometimes i take down the misson just for fun
(Side) Saladking: the tank is too slow
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 09:25 PM
(Side) Saladking: i can just finish the misson from 10000m
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Darkhorse: lol
(Side) Saladking: tank is too fun
(Side) Saladking: ohh another one
(Side) Saladking: KITT
(Side) Saladking: let me try if i can take it down
(Side) Darkhorse: good luck
(Side) Saladking: 2 units left
(Side) Saladking: lol
(Side) Saladking: u can use ur APC to take down that misson now
(Side) Darkhorse: too far from me
(Side) Saladking: lol ok
(Side) Saladking: haha
(Side) Saladking: feels goooood
(Side) Saladking: alright
(Side) Saladking: i have to take a rest
(Side) Saladking: cya
(Side) Darkhorse: ok cya
(Side) Saladking: bye
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 09:38 PM
Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 10:41 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 05-Aug-16 11:26 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 12:58 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 01:03 AM
RekCus connected from United States
R3llik connected from United States
Dalton connected from United States
Dalton disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 02:07 AM
RekCus disconnected
R3llik disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 03:18 AM
wired98 connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
wired98 disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 04:02 AM
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT (2) disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 05:11 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 06:19 AM
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 07:03 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 08:07 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
alloh connected from Republic of Korea
alloh disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 09:01 AM
Saladking disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 10:16 AM
wired98 connected from Taiwan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Pablo connected from United States
Percocet connected from United States
Percocet disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 11:00 AM
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Pablo disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
Rango disconnected
wired98 disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
BroChacho disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
wired98 connected from Taiwan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
wired98 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 12:06 PM
Charlie connected from United States
Charlie disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 01:43 PM
evilkeychain connected from United States
evilkeychain disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 02:08 PM
BroChacho disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
BroChacho connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Cygnite connected from United States
R3llik connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 03:02 PM
gill disconnected
BroChacho disconnected
Cory connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: man u guys craft things and they dissapear?
(Side) Darkhorse: do the repair vehicles work?
(Side) R3llik: havent tried
(Side) R3llik: its just one duct tape
Weiner Probe disconnected
(Side) Darkhorse: weiner found out that the tail rotor will kill you lol
(Side) R3llik: lol yeah
(Side) R3llik: fairly realistic
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 04:01 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
(Side) R3llik: oh wow quite a few bases dissapeared
(Side) R3llik: big ones too
(Side) Darkhorse: did the owners not pay?
(Side) R3llik: idk just flying by and huge bases gone
(Side) R3llik: dark is that u blowing up by the rad zone
(Side) Darkhorse: nope
(Side) R3llik: some1 got a big base too
(Side) R3llik: oooo
(Side) R3llik: i payed that ai off
(Side) Darkhorse: Yea you probably did
(Side) R3llik: ima go broke ordering all these hits
T's Home PC disconnected
(Side) R3llik: WOOOOW
(Side) R3llik: what are the chances
R3llik disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 05:09 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 06:31 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 07:26 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 08:00 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Darkhorse disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
Rango disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
TESSERACT connected from Japan
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 09:18 PM
Maple connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Rockamora connected from United States
Maple connected from Taiwan
Rockamora disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 10:09 PM
Paul connected from United States
Paul disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Saladking: why i hear boom sound?
(Side) Saladking: someone use tank or APC shooting?
Maple disconnected
BattlEye Bot 06-Aug-16 11:03 PM
desmo connected from United States
desmo disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Saladking disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
T's Home PC connected from United States
Saladking disconnected
Mr.SlowStart-PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 12:09 AM
T's Home PC disconnected
Mr.SlowStart-PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
Maple connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 01:04 AM
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 02:10 AM
Maple disconnected
Cpt.Price connected from Australia
Cpt.Price disconnected
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 03:16 AM
Ryan connected from United States
colten connected from United States
Ryan disconnected
Ryan connected from United States
Ryan disconnected
Ryan connected from United States
Ryan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 04:45 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 05:24 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: Tess
(Side) Rango: Did you got raid?
Solidsnake connected from United States
Solidsnake disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 07:26 AM
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 08:03 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Maple disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 09:16 AM
user1 connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 10:54 AM
Kyle Thompson connected from United States
Kyle Thompson disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 11:06 AM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 12:38 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 01:01 PM
Studyy connected from United States
Studyy disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
(Side) Darkhorse: Dude, vote day!
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 02:19 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
Darkhorse connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 04:43 PM
thomas connected from United States
thomas disconnected
thomas connected from United States
thomas disconnected
thomas connected from United States
thomas disconnected
thomas connected from United States
thomas disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 05:02 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
Cygnite connected from United States
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 06:03 PM
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
Nick connected from United States
Andrew connected from United States
Andrew disconnected
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Andrew connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 07:23 PM
heric_000 connected from United States
heric_000 disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
(Side) Darkhorse: It is the safe zone shitbag
Stone connected from Chile
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 08:01 PM
shasta11 connected from United States
shasta11 disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
shasta11 connected from United States
shasta11 disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) Stone: lmao this plane does not land on water
Stone disconnected
Andrew disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
Cygnite disconnected
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
Saladking connected from Taiwan
Saladking disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 09:13 PM
BulletMagnet connected from United States
BulletMagnet disconnected
evilkeychain connected from United States
Conde Family connected from United States
Conde Family disconnected
Dad connected from United States
Dad disconnected
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
Cygnite connected from United States
Dad connected from United States
Dad disconnected
Cygnite disconnected
Cygnite connected from United States
Cygnite disconnected
Cygnite connected from United States
Andrew connected from United States
Madou247 connected from United States
Madou247 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 10:19 PM
Paul connected from United States
Paul disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
(Side) Andrew: salty?
Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 07-Aug-16 11:08 PM
Cygnite disconnected
Andrew disconnected
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Andrew connected from United States
Cygnite connected from United States
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 12:02 AM
NickNock13 connected from United States
NickNock13 disconnected
Cygnite disconnected
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Andrew disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 01:58 AM
Cygnite connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 02:02 AM
brand connected from United States
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
Cygnite disconnected
brand disconnected
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Cygnite connected from United States
Andrew connected from United States
brand connected from United States
Hannibal Barca connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:24 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:31 AM
Has anyone stolen and sold a flag yet?
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:32 AM
(Side) Rango: no
(Side) Rango: but just saw some base got raaid
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:32 AM
Should have taken the flag, it's 10k per level~
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:33 AM
(Side) Rango: It can be sold now ??
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:33 AM
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:33 AM
(Side) Rango: Wow haha
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:33 AM
Apparently I'm dumb and gay and forgot to give the flags prices when the update dropped
But that should have been resolved
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:34 AM
(Side) Rango: lol haha but i met some glitch
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:34 AM
Let's hear it
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:34 AM
(Side) Rango: sometimes im press take all to took my gear in the car
(Side) Rango: My gear will gone and cant found that
(Side) Rango: lol it happens right now
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:36 AM
Uhh, you hit the take all button and everything's just gone?
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:36 AM
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: and it will respawn lots of scopes
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:37 AM
That's fucked up and I have no clue why
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:39 AM
(Side) Rango: Can you come to my place now?
(Side) Rango: it happens now
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:40 AM
Did that happen a couple days ago aswell?
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:40 AM
(Side) Rango: about last two day started
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:40 AM
I think I might have an idea
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:41 AM
(Side) Rango: holy hha
(Side) Rango: i think i found the damn problem
(Side) Rango: i can respawn lots Scopes right now
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:42 AM
What weapons do you have in there
any of those CUP weapons?
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:43 AM
(Side) Rango: M107 with AN/Pas
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:43 AM
.. Yeaaah.
I don't even recall adding those to the trader with the attachment on it
goddamit, even the updated trader script still has them
Gonna have to remove all weapons that come with attachments
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:48 AM
(Side) Rango: all the Cups?
Rejd 08-Aug-16 03:49 AM
Not all
just keep the base versions in the trader
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:49 AM
(Side) Rango: yeah got it
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) Rango: I can show you how to use tht
(Side) Rango: uh rejd
(Side) Rango: Can you come to the trader? i cant buy the backpack and clothes
(Side) Rejdukien: Think I got em all
(Side) Rango: hold
(Side) Rejdukien: Oh dang, that's an awesome base
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:03 AM
(Side) Rango: uh i think
(Side) Rejdukien: ... yeah?
(Side) Rango: The promblems still here
(Side) Rejdukien: Well
(Side) Rejdukien: I'd have to restart the server but people are busy right now
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: can wait
(Side) Rango: would you comming to trader now
(Side) Rejdukien: Don't wanna interrupt these guys here
(Side) Rejdukien: Sure
(Side) Rango: come im show you some damn glitch
(Side) Rango: press tke ll in this vechile
(Side) Rango: nothing hppen?
(Side) Rejdukien: Yeah it was because of that cup weapon, which had a scope preinstalled
(Side) Rejdukien: Need to remove those from the trader
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: ~
(Side) Rejdukien: I think I got most of them
(Side) Rango: yeaah and
(Side) Rango: i cant buy the ger><
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:07 AM
(Side) Rango: gear
(Side) Rejdukien: What gear?
(Side) Rejdukien: Any?
(Side) Rango: bregen
(Side) Rango: vest cant too
(Side) Rejdukien: When I did it threw it into my backpack
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: cant buy anything
(Side) Rejdukien: Hmm, odd.
Rejd 08-Aug-16 04:09 AM
The log's not very helpful
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:10 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: I think the server mostly just needs a restart
(Side) Rejdukien: Gonna go check the trader config again
(Side) Rejdukien: Make sure I haven't missed anything.
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright guys
(Side) Rejdukien: Y'all still doing any missions/flying around or whatever?
(Side) Rejdukien: Because I'd like to do a quick restart, upload the new config files
(Side) Rejdukien: Should fix a few bugs hopefully
(Side) Andrew: yeah missions
(Side) Rango: Im already done sir
(Side) Andrew: vot day
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright I'll wait for you Andrew.
(Side) Andrew: ty
(Side) Rango: Are you invisble now/
(Side) Rejdukien: Yep
(Side) Rejdukien: mind if I help out a bit?
(Side) Rejdukien: rip me
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:35 AM
(Side) Andrew: hey there
(Side) Cygnite: hi
(Side) Rejdukien: sup
(Side) Cygnite: thanks for killing all of them
(Side) Cygnite: you da real mvp
(Side) Rejdukien: hardcore missions are p bullshit with all the constant respawning enemies
(Side) Rejdukien: If you don't get them all in one go they'll just keep respawning
(Side) Rejdukien: .... actually
(Side) Rejdukien: What's the consensus on respawning enemies?
(Side) Rejdukien: Should I try and disable that?
(Side) Rango: no lol i think respawn enemy is more challange
(Side) Andrew: its pretty annoying when you are trying to snipe them 1 by 1 imho
(Side) brand: thanks
(Side) Rejdukien: Alright, I'll leave it as it is then
(Side) Andrew: lel
(Side) Rejdukien: One side it saying they'd prefer respawns to be on, the other's saying it's annoying if you snipe 1 by 1 vOv
(Side) Rejdukien: Guess you could look at hardcore missions as some kind of endgame pve content
(Side) Andrew: its also kind of nice to have an infinate fireing range tho xD
(Side) Rejdukien: Where you gotta call in the tanks and whatnot
(Side) Andrew: sounds fair
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:41 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Y'all should airlift a tank top the top of that tower
(Side) Rejdukien: ... to the top*
(Side) Andrew: tank sniping pretty fun
(Side) Andrew: anyway thanks for the help, im out
Andrew disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Also, take that~
(Side) Rejdukien: The AI's not going to shoot you
Hannibal Barca disconnected
Cygnite disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Holla at me when y'all are done
brand disconnected
(Side) Rejdukien: Welp
(Side) Rejdukien: Since they've all disconnected
(Side) Rango: give me 30s
(Side) Rejdukien: Of course tesseract is also doing missions right now
(Side) Rango: yeah
TESSERACT disconnected
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: he is offline
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 05:02 AM
Rango disconnected
Rejdukien disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
HaDrewKen connected from United States
HaDrewKen disconnected
HaDrewKen connected from United States
HaDrewKen disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 06:08 AM
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 07:14 AM
HaDrewKen connected from United States
HaDrewKen disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
wired98 connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 08:00 AM
wired98 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 09:44 AM
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 11:00 AM
T's Home PC disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 12:41 PM
evilkeychain connected from United States
evilkeychain disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 01:06 PM
User connected from Taiwan
User disconnected
User connected from Taiwan
User disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 02:05 PM
BigFoot connected from United States
BigFoot disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 03:32 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 04:09 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
Weiner Probe disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 05:03 PM
T's Home PC disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 06:12 PM
Weiner Probe connected from United States
@deleted-role (Side) Darkhorse: ADMIN NEDD HELP
Hazlen 08-Aug-16 06:13 PM
Rejd 08-Aug-16 06:13 PM
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 06:13 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: it wont let me repair the helo
(Side) Darkhorse: i have 2 rolls of tape
Rejd 08-Aug-16 06:14 PM
Try getting real deep in there
Hazlen 08-Aug-16 06:14 PM
can you get into the pilot seat then try repairing
Rejd 08-Aug-16 06:14 PM
Some of those bigger helis are finicky about their hitbox
Since due to the size, you're further away from the center
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 06:15 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: found the sweet spot, thanks
Rejd 08-Aug-16 06:15 PM
You're not the first to have encountered that problem
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 06:15 PM
Take It Easy connected from United States
Take It Easy disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 08:04 PM
Weiner Probe disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 09:05 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
User connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 10:12 PM
Rango disconnected
(Side) User: hey
(Side) User: here
(Side) User: np
(Side) User: r u friendly?
(Side) User: ok
(Side) User: no thanks i got one
T's Home PC disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
User disconnected
BattlEye Bot 08-Aug-16 11:00 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
MrBullet connected from United States
MrBullet disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 12:11 AM
josem connected from Mexico
josem disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 01:00 AM
heric_000 connected from United States
heric_000 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 04:34 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 05:03 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 06:57 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 07:03 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 08:03 AM
Unknown disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
User connected from Taiwan
Unknown connected from Japan
User disconnected
Rango disconnected
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 10:50 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 02:02 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 03:01 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 04:24 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 05:07 PM
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 06:05 PM
Citizen connected from United States
Citizen disconnected
David connected from United States
marc connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 07:17 PM
(Side) marc: sarry
Darkhorse connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
marc disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 08:01 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Darkhorse connected from United States
T's Home PC connected from United States
(Side) SaladKing: hi all
(Side) Darkhorse: hi
Lancek 09-Aug-16 09:00 PM
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 09:01 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: hi
(Side) SaladKing: hi
Hazlen 09-Aug-16 09:01 PM
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 09:01 PM
(Side) SaladKing: good
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
wildcard connected from Canada
wildcard disconnected
@deleted-role (Side) Rango: admin
(Side) Rango: are you there?
Taylor SWifTT 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
Simplyjack 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
(Side) Rango: lol
Taylor SWifTT 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
Im dead and gay
Simplyjack 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
whats up
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 09:52 PM
(Side) Rango: may i ask that
(Side) Rango: how many bombs can destroyed a wood wall?
Simplyjack 09-Aug-16 09:53 PM
p sure you need breaching charges
but i just throw down money for the server, i dont really know man. sorry
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 09:54 PM
(Side) Rango: can explosive charge can bommed it?
Hazlen 09-Aug-16 09:59 PM
3 bombs for a wall
breaching charges, whatever
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 10:00 PM
(Side) Rango: ok because already used 20 explosive satchel
(Side) Rango: Does breaching charge have three types?
Lancek 09-Aug-16 10:02 PM
iirc you can craft them
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 10:03 PM
Darkhorse disconnected
(Side) Rango: ok tks buddy
(Side) Rango: are you sure
(Side) Rango: i can buy a damn tank to destroyed
(Side) Rango: we can be friendly
(Side) Rango: IF you want
@deleted-role (Side) Rango: admin~~~ lol
Rejd 09-Aug-16 10:17 PM
yo what
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 10:17 PM
(Side) Rango: cant find another types of charge
(Side) Rango: concrete
Rejd 09-Aug-16 10:17 PM
There's wood metal and concrete
concrete is called mother of all bombs or something like that
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 10:18 PM
(Side) Rango: damn no mobile phone
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 09-Aug-16 11:10 PM
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
MrBullet connected from United States
(Side) Rango: redj~~
(Side) Rango: uh i got a car in the safe zone and its had stuff inside
Simplyjack 09-Aug-16 11:45 PM
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 12:04 AM
Paul connected from Canada
Paul disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 01:16 AM
SaladKing disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 03:07 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 04:53 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 06:08 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 07:22 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 08:14 AM
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
T's Home PC connected from United States
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 09:06 AM
SaladKing disconnected
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 10:41 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 11:23 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 07:16 PM
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
@deleted-role (Side) Darkhorse: admin, have a issue
Hazlen 10-Aug-16 07:51 PM
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 07:52 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: when I try to go into the controler menu it gives me a 148 has been closed message
Hazlen 10-Aug-16 07:53 PM
controller options? might have to quit the server, then change them, then jump back in
I think the server prevents players from going into options while connection
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 07:54 PM
(Side) Darkhorse: ok
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 08:13 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: morning gents
(Side) Darkhorse: hi
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
Unknown disconnected
Rango disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 09:01 PM
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Darkhorse connected from United States
Weiner Probe connected from United States
(Side) SaladKing: hi all
(Side) Darkhorse: hi
(Side) SaladKing: how are you?
(Side) Darkhorse: GOOD, YOU?
(Side) SaladKing: good too
Hazlen 10-Aug-16 09:27 PM
im uh
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 09:27 PM
dpbeast2291 connected from United States
dpbeast2291 disconnected
Seferaz connected from United States
Seferaz disconnected
Freak Show connected from United States
Freak Show disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 10:02 PM
Unknown disconnected
Simon Mayor connected from United States
Simon Mayor disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: hi Darkhorse
(Side) SaladKing: i finish the gun trsnsport misson
(Side) Darkhorse: hi
(Side) SaladKing: if u want the crate u can take it
(Side) Darkhorse: getting off and going to bed
(Side) SaladKing: okay
(Side) SaladKing: good night
Darkhorse disconnected
Weiner Probe disconnected
BattlEye Bot 10-Aug-16 11:12 PM
Maddox connected from United States
Maddox disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 12:32 AM
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 01:45 AM
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 02:32 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
A7M3J connected from Japan
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 03:05 AM
Rango disconnected
Bloodfall connected from United States
oily connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 04:01 AM
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Brody connected from Canada
Brody disconnected
Brody connected from Canada
Unknown disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 05:11 AM
GATEWAY connected from United States
GATEWAY disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: hi all
ashy 11-Aug-16 05:14 AM
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 05:14 AM
(Side) SaladKing: hiii
(Side) SaladKing: so sad
(Side) SaladKing: no one gives a shit about me
ashy 11-Aug-16 05:14 AM
come on man
at least you have a dick
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 05:16 AM
(Side) SaladKing: lmao
(Side) SaladKing: yeah
SaladKing disconnected
oily disconnected
Brody disconnected
Bloodfall disconnected
Rango disconnected
oily connected from United States
Brody connected from Canada
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Brody disconnected
(Side) Rango: wth
(Side) Rango: you diss my drone?
Bloodfall disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 06:10 AM
Disconnect connected from Germany
(Side) Disconnect: pls vote day
Rango disconnected
Disconnect disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 07:19 AM
Unknown connected from Japan
(Side) oily: how do you tow vehicles with aircraft?
(Side) Unknown: i cant aircraft
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 08:15 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Arq. Orlando Sanchez connected from Mexico
Arq. Orlando Sanchez disconnected
Unknown disconnected
oily disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 09:05 AM
oily connected from United States
Unknown disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 10:05 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Dick Skinner connected from United States
Dick Skinner disconnected
Rango disconnected
Costcoboy connected from United States
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 11:15 AM
Rango disconnected
Dick Skinner connected from United States
oily disconnected
Dick Skinner disconnected
oily connected from United States
Dick Skinner connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 12:07 PM
oily disconnected
oily connected from United States
Vaillard connected from Mexico
Vaillard disconnected
Dick Skinner disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 03:58 PM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 04:18 PM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
trystan connected from United States
trystan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 05:35 PM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 06:32 PM
Unknown connected from Japan
tankship200401 connected from United States
tankship200401 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 07:00 PM
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
TEKNOIR connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 08:03 PM
Unknown disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 09:15 PM
Rango disconnected
Dick Skinner connected from United States
Brody connected from Canada
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 10:05 PM
oily connected from United States
richs connected from United States
richs disconnected
Dick Skinner disconnected
Elijah Dyer connected from United States
Elijah Dyer disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Elijah Dyer connected from United States
Elijah Dyer disconnected
Darkhorse disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 11-Aug-16 11:33 PM
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Brody disconnected
oily disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Brody connected from Canada
oily connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Toby connected from United States
Toby disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 12:48 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) SaladKing: hi all
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 01:00 AM
(Side) oily: how do you give money to people?
Hazlen 12-Aug-16 01:01 AM
you can drop it on the ground from the bottom of your inventory
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 01:14 AM
(Side) oily: salad fuck you
(Side) SaladKing: i dont like the rude guy
(Side) oily: whyd you shoot us?
(Side) SaladKing: i said hi no one gives a shit about me
(Side) oily: thought this was non pvp
(Side) Brody: do you not read the channel rules?
(Side) Rango: bro
(Side) Rango: This is PvP server
(Side) Brody: no it isnt
(Side) Brody: cleArly u didnt read the rules
(Side) Brody: you got a target on your head now
(Side) Rango: You can write the rules in here now
(Side) oily: why would you shoot the only other people
(Side) Brody: think we only had one of those choppers?
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Brody: lol jokes on u
(Side) Rango: how about check out the kuma dude
(Side) Brody: how about your a no friends loser dude
(Side) Rango: Was it destroyed yet>
(Side) Rango: yeah
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 01:17 AM
ussol connected from United States
(Side) Rango: You can check that
ussol disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: we killed by another player before so i think this sever isnt the PvE sever
(Side) oily: think!? lol
(Side) Brody: wasnt us
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Brody: we were farming to build a base.
(Side) oily: yea
(Side) Brody: and u tooled us.
(Side) oily: we ignored yall so many times
(Side) oily: could have killed you but chose not to
(Side) oily: you get the chance and you shove it up our ass
(Side) Rango: holy you want to fight with us?
(Side) oily: the fuck is holy?
(Side) Rango: alriight
(Side) Brody: you have a 1tank we have 3 more choppers around the map?
(Side) Brody: i aint too worried
(Side) Rango: Do you want a war?
(Side) Rango: dude
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 01:20 AM
(Side) Brody: i guess so
(Side) oily: war lol your kids i wouldnt consider a war
(Side) Rango: ok as you want
(Side) oily: your fault dude
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Brody: ?
(Side) Rango: just check your kuma plz
(Side) Brody: we have more
(Side) Rango: maybe its destroyed
(Side) Brody: idc about the one kuma
(Side) Rango: lol~~
(Side) Brody: were in zaros come here :)
(Side) Brody: /
(Side) Brody: sallladddd ima make you a chopped salad
(Side) SaladKing: delicious
(Side) Brody: having troubles salad?
(Side) Brody: lol
(Side) Brody: /
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 02:01 AM
oily disconnected
Brody disconnected
Bloodfall connected from United States
Bloodfall disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Unknown connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: rejd are you there?
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 03:16 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 03:51 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 04:21 AM
(Side) Unknown: you shoot me?
(Side) Rango: no buddy
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) SaladKing: are u takeing the misson?
(Side) Unknown: i try it
(Side) SaladKing: im takeing too
(Side) SaladKing: the blackhowk down
(Side) Unknown: haha
(Side) SaladKing: hahaha
(Side) SaladKing: u try to take this misson down?
(Side) Unknown: dont shoot me pls
(Side) SaladKing: okay
(Side) SaladKing: i will help u
(Side) SaladKing: im near the misson right now
(Side) SaladKing: i drive an APC
(Side) SaladKing: dont soot me too
(Side) Unknown: woooo
(Side) SaladKing: where u respawn i can go pick u up
(Side) SaladKing: i cant find the last AI
(Side) Unknown: i respown you take mission
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 04:27 AM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
(Side) SaladKing: YO
(Side) SaladKing: u can take the crate
(Side) SaladKing: i dont want it
(Side) Unknown: thanks
(Side) SaladKing: i just want to kill AI
(Side) SaladKing: lol
(Side) SaladKing: finished
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) SaladKing: i take some food and drink
G4s M0nk3y (2) disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: do u need pick up?
Rango disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: i can pick u up
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Unknown: no thanks
(Side) SaladKing: ok
G4s M0nk3y (2) disconnected
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: did u remember the miss
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 04:36 AM
(Side) SaladKing: mison point
(Side) SaladKing: ?
(Side) Unknown: i know
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) SaladKing: take good care man
(Side) SaladKing: good luck
(Side) Unknown: thx
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 05:04 AM
busty connected from United States
busty disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
(Side) SaladKing: did u get the crate?
(Side) Unknown: yes
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) SaladKing: wait
(Side) SaladKing: take this
(Side) Unknown: thanks
(Side) SaladKing: no problem
(Side) SaladKing: for soory i killed u before hahaha
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) Unknown: np pvp server
(Side) SaladKing: yeah take good care
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 05:48 AM
(Side) SaladKing: if u want to take some hradcore misson u can call me haha
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) SaladKing: :D
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 06:04 AM
SaladKing disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 08:42 AM
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:32 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: night bro
(Side) Unknown: pm 11'30
(Side) Rango: lol pm 10:30 now
(Side) Rango: Are you live in tokyo?
(Side) Unknown: japan time
(Side) Unknown: nagaya
(Side) Rango: oh ~~
(Side) Unknown: nagoya
(Side) Rango: just took the travel to tokyo last week
(Side) Unknown: really?
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Unknown: wow
(Side) Rango: And we lost in the railway
(Side) Rango: haha
(Side) Unknown: difficult
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:39 AM
(Side) Rango: Yeah and the food is very delicious
(Side) Rango: the noodles and seafood
(Side) Rango: pretty fun for that
doge connected from United States
(Side) Rango: alright im afk come back later
Rango disconnected
doge disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 10:24 AM
Synar connected from United States
Synar disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 11:05 AM
McBride disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 12:36 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 05:26 PM
Unknown connected from Japan
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 06:33 PM
mmorr33 connected from United States
mmorr33 disconnected
Chav connected from United States
Chav disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 08:32 PM
Unknown disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Unknown connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: morning
(Side) Unknown: hi
(Side) Unknown: do you shoot me when i recostruct?
(Side) Rango: When?
(Side) Unknown: now
(Side) Rango: none
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Rango: you live in here???
(Side) Unknown: yes
(Side) Rango: Then you must got raid before
(Side) Rango: last time i saw all of the gate is open in this base
(Side) Unknown: miss
(Side) Rango: uh do you want some cenment?
(Side) Unknown: ok
(Side) Rango: i put in the uaz
(Side) Unknown: thanks
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 08:58 PM
(Side) Rango: np \
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:02 PM
(Side) Rango: /vote raiin
(Side) Unknown: vote rein
(Side) Rango: lol haha
(Side) Rango: it cant vote rain
Lancek 12-Aug-16 09:04 PM
/vote trump
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:04 PM
(Side) Rango: lolllllllllllllll
(Side) Unknown: trump haha
Lancek 12-Aug-16 09:05 PM
Better than that criminal shillary clinton!!!1111
ashy 12-Aug-16 09:06 PM
not wrong
Hazlen 12-Aug-16 09:06 PM
Make ArmA Great Again
MAGA Damnit
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:13 PM
Hekklar connected from Canada
Hekklar disconnected
Space Ghost 12-Aug-16 09:16 PM
Hail God Emperor Trump
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 09:29 PM
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Mikey connected from United States
Mikey disconnected
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 10:31 PM
(Side) Unknown: THX
(Side) Rango: np
RekCus connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 12-Aug-16 11:02 PM
tluma connected from United States
tluma disconnected
RekCus disconnected
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 12:05 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 01:54 AM
Unknown disconnected
Unknown connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 02:29 AM
Unknown disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 03:05 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Unknown connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: hey buddy
(Side) Rango: damn
(Side) Rango: im press the damn eject in the air
(Side) Unknown: HAHA
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 04:10 AM
(Side) Rango: alright
(Side) Rango: i will hunt you in this server now
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: because i shot you
(Side) Rango: if you steal my car dear
(Side) Rango: if you want the stuff you can take iit
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: i dont touch your car thats not nice i wouldnt do that but i want kitt
(Side) Rango: then its ok
(Side) Rango: come back soon
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Brody G connected from United States
Brody G disconnected
(Side) Rango: man
(Side) Rango: Did you took the stuff already yet
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: i took only the car
(Side) Rango: ok tks for not steal my car lol
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: jop
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 05:20 AM
Unknown disconnected
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 06:09 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rejd 13-Aug-16 06:11 AM
... gas
God Emperor Trump 13-Aug-16 06:11 AM
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 06:12 AM
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: Rango do you want to team up and do some missions together??
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: you add me to your group
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: ok
Maple connected from Taiwan
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: i invited you to the party
(Side) Rango: ok hold a second
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: plz invite again tks~
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: done
(Side) Rango: maple
(Side) Maple: ?
(Side) Rango: add me to group again
(Side) Rango: add again tks
@deleted-role (Side) Rango: admin
Rejd 13-Aug-16 06:59 AM
I'm gay
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 06:59 AM
(Side) Rango: could i buy the M107 now?
(Side) Rango: im gay too
Rejd 13-Aug-16 06:59 AM
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:00 AM
(Side) Rango: because hen i buy anything it disappear
(Side) Rango: when
(Side) Rango: Is that probaly a glitch
(Side) Rango: cant buy anything@@
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:16 AM
... Nothing at all?
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:16 AM
(Side) Rango: yeah
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:17 AM
But you're the only one who can't buy anything?
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:17 AM
(Side) Rango: my friend cant to
(Side) Rango: too
(Side) Rango: salad and maple cant
Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejdukien disconnected
Rejdukien connected from Germany
Rejdukien disconnected
Rejdukien connected from Germany
(Side) Rejdukien: Hmm
(Side) Rejdukien: Can't replicate that myself
(Side) Rejdukien: Hey Rango, wanna go try buy a weapon? Just try a vanilla arma one
(Side) Rejdukien: While I look at the console
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: coming
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Rango: nothing==
(Side) Rejdukien: Nothing unusual in the log
(Side) Rango: but im already punchase
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:33 AM
Welp, I have absolutely no idea and I can't find anything in the forums related to that
Nothing that'd point to that in the logs either
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:34 AM
(Side) Rango: Is my account problem?
(Side) Rango: Because i need backpack to take anyhthing i bought
(Side) Rango: So most of the guns i cant buy
(Side) Rejdukien: Now that's more helpful
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:40 AM
I may or may not have fixed it
Gonna need to restart
And see if that was it.
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:41 AM
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: wait for maple
(Side) Rango: his selling something
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:42 AM
Let me know when y'all are ready
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:42 AM
(Side) Rejdukien: Fun fact, weapon spawning via infinistar also doesn't work
Rejdukien disconnected
(Side) Maple: OK
(Side) Rango: oh yeah
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:45 AM
Alright, restarting now
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:46 AM
Rango disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rejdukien connected from Germany
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Rejdukien: It's still throwing that shit in my backpack
(Side) Rango: Which?
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:55 AM
Would be nice to know why it's doing that shit
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:55 AM
BroChacho connected from United States
Rejd 13-Aug-16 07:55 AM
For now the only workaround I know is just having a vehicle nearby
and purchasing into that
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:55 AM
(Side) Rango: im try
(Side) Rango: hold on
(Side) Rango: yeah its work
BroChacho disconnected
(Side) Rango: monkey
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 08:00 AM
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: jeah
(Side) Rango: gonna to afk later
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: you can add my steam
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: ok
(Side) Rango: Rangoliu
(Side) Rango: from Taiwan
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: found you
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: rejd thanks for help me slove many problems><
BroChacho connected from United States
BroChacho disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rejdukien disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 09:20 AM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
SlimeKing44 connected from United States
TESSERACT disconnected
SlimeKing44 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 10:08 AM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 12:34 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 01:42 PM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 03:23 PM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 04:13 PM
Brandon Davies connected from Canada
Brandon Davies disconnected
Darkhorse connected from United States
Darkhorse disconnected
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 05:55 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 07:04 PM
Deiru connected from United States
Deiru disconnected
Mr. jenkens connected from United States
Mr. jenkens disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Simplyjack 13-Aug-16 08:05 PM
……╚⊙ ⊙╝
Hazlen 13-Aug-16 08:05 PM
wowza jack
how did that turn out
Simplyjack 13-Aug-16 08:12 PM
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 09:10 PM
DadGuru connected from United States
DadGuru disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) Rango: hi
(Side) Rango: uh do you know unknown?
(Side) TESSERACT: unknown has been renamed tesseract
(Side) Rango: So you are Unknown
(Side) TESSERACT: yes
(Side) Rango: lol
(Side) Rango: Just thought that why you guys not playing together
(Side) TESSERACT: i like solo and like construct
(Side) Rango: yeah ok~
(Side) TESSERACT: i cant speak eng very well
(Side) Rango: yeah im too buddy
(Side) Rango: im not Americans
(Side) TESSERACT: i know
(Side) Rango: want to deal the slums together later?
(Side) TESSERACT: very hard
(Side) Rango: yeah its ok we can try that
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 09:48 PM
(Side) TESSERACT: we need artillery?
(Side) Rango: none
(Side) Rango: just use snipe and Striider
(Side) TESSERACT: only gun?
(Side) TESSERACT: about one hours later i eat lunch
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: thats ok
Alejandro Deloof connected from United States
Alejandro Deloof disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 10:01 PM
(Side) Rango: alright im going take down the slums
Maple connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
Maple connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) TESSERACT: north
(Side) Rango: TER?
(Side) TESSERACT: ai in the house?
(Side) Maple: yes
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
(Side) Maple: ....
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Maple: im sorry
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Maple: you can take bake your item
Maple disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 10:43 PM
Rango disconnected
Space Ghost 13-Aug-16 10:47 PM
……╚⊙ ⊙╝
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 10:48 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: Ter
(Side) TESSERACT: yeah
(Side) Rango: sorry buddy
(Side) Rango: let you died in slums
(Side) TESSERACT: np
Space Ghost 13-Aug-16 11:09 PM
……╚⊙ ⊙╝
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 11:15 PM
(Side) TESSERACT: ready
(Side) Rango: ?
(Side) TESSERACT: slum
(Side) Rango: uh not
(Side) Rango: im going to construction site
(Side) Rango: hold me a minutes
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Rango: ...?
(Side) Rango: you already start?
(Side) TESSERACT: yes
(Side) Rango: just hide in
(Side) Rango: solar tower
(Side) Rango: and snipe them down
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) TESSERACT: i go to north hill
(Side) Rango: im add you to group
(Side) Rango: open the XM8
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Rango: no
(Side) Rango: cant find you in XM8
BattlEye Bot 13-Aug-16 11:50 PM
(Side) Rango: Where are you mate
(Side) TESSERACT: im on hill
(Side) Rango: np
(Side) Rango: im coming
(Side) Rango: damn
(Side) Rango: my car is stock
(Side) TESSERACT: ok?
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: one guy
(Side) Rango: you right
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 12:00 AM
(Side) Rango: you take care the behind
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: hey
(Side) Rango: theres maybe 1-2man will hide in the building
(Side) Rango: Im take care of around
(Side) Rango: you sentry in the town
(Side) TESSERACT: i saw them
(Side) Rango: damn==
(Side) Rango: cant find last guy
(Side) Rango: god damn
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) TESSERACT: endress?
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: ter
(Side) Rango: do you have artiller?
(Side) TESSERACT: yes but my strider in the base
(Side) Rango: i ll help you
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 12:38 AM
(Side) Rango: you just go drive
(Side) Rango: wait for my mark
(Side) Rango: where are you?
(Side) Rango: im put your strider out of the slims
(Side) TESSERACT: i go to slum base
(Side) Rango: uh can you borrow me your HMG?
(Side) Rango: i try it to take them down
(Side) TESSERACT: ok you can use
(Side) TESSERACT: lock free
(Side) Rango: heres you car
(Side) TESSERACT: im bambie
(Side) Rango: im cover you to get your stuff
(Side) TESSERACT: thank you for your help
(Side) Rango: wait
(Side) Rango: stay in the car first
(Side) Rango: theyre respawn
(Side) Rango: i know a way to deal this shit
(Side) Rango: count the man firest
(Side) Rango: first
(Side) TESSERACT: why are they respwn?
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 12:49 AM
(Side) Rango: oh thats a rul
(Side) Rango: rule
(Side) Rango: IF this mission mens lower than 10
(Side) TESSERACT: forever?
(Side) Rango: they will respawn about each 5 minutes
(Side) Rango: yeah
(Side) Rango: so we need to know where these guys location
(Side) Rango: kill rush them faster
(Side) Rango: damn
(Side) Rango: almost
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 01:02 AM
(Side) Rango: shit
(Side) Rango: i saw hiim
(Side) TESSERACT: ill pick up you
(Side) Rango: damn
(Side) Rango: almost done that shit
(Side) Rango: iim in frini
(Side) Rango: my HMG no ammo now
(Side) TESSERACT: pygols
(Side) Rango: okw
(Side) Rango: uh you leave your group
(Side) Rango: im add you
(Side) Rango: wait
(Side) Rango: back to the bridge
(Side) TESSERACT: map
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: you inviite me to your group
(Side) Rango: hold
(Side) Rango: clear the area first
(Side) Rango: help me to clear that place first
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 01:14 AM
(Side) TESSERACT: wait
(Side) Rango: ??
(Side) TESSERACT: you can use strder s gun
(Side) TESSERACT: i drive
(Side) Rango: im probally need to fix the strider
(Side) Rango: i saw my strider broken
(Side) TESSERACT: i have repair tape
(Side) Rango: left side
(Side) Rango: right side
(Side) Rango: have1 guys
(Side) Rango: i have tape
(Side) Rango: hold
(Side) Rango: slowly~
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Rango: we waiit for next wipe
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) Rango: or we can try more 2 times
(Side) TESSERACT: coffee break?
(Side) Rango: last two
(Side) Rango: one
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 01:25 AM
(Side) Rango: find that shit
(Side) Rango: shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Side) Rango: got ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
(Side) Rango: oh my god@@
(Side) TESSERACT: great
(Side) Rango: take the body stuff first
(Side) Rango: sell everything~
(Side) Rango: heres many things in supply drops
(Side) Rango: are you go to the trader?
(Side) TESSERACT: yes
(Side) Rango: ok
(Side) Rango: come back fast
(Side) Rango: need one guys stay in here or the mission will restart
(Side) TESSERACT: illl retun next time
(Side) Rango: ok
TESSERACT disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 01:49 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 02:06 AM
(Side) TESSERACT: where are you?
Lancek 14-Aug-16 02:20 AM
I am everywhere
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 02:20 AM
(Side) Rango: You are in my heart lol><
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 03:17 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 04:08 AM
Jake connected from United States
Jake disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 05:04 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 06:26 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 07:36 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Harmony Trader connected from United States
Harmony Trader disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 08:06 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 09:14 AM
(Side) TESSERACT: thx
(Side) SaladKing: np
(Side) TESSERACT: unknow has been renamed tesseract
(Side) SaladKing: oh
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) SaladKing: got it
(Side) SaladKing: lol idk unknow is u
(Side) SaladKing: lol
(Side) SaladKing: i finished
(Side) TESSERACT: roger
(Side) SaladKing: bye~
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 10:16 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) TESSERACT: good night cyll
(Side) Rango: good night
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 11:23 AM
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 04:06 PM
XTremeZ connected from United States
XTremeZ disconnected
XTremeZ connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 05:50 PM
XTremeZ disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 08:51 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 09:43 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 10:10 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 14-Aug-16 11:03 PM
Jack connected from United States
Jack disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 02:12 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 03:45 AM
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 04:41 AM
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 05:17 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) SaladKing: hi
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 06:19 AM
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
(Side) Rango: damn i need to save my plane lol
(Side) Rango: it stock on the other players base
(Side) Rango: hey man
(Side) Rango: may i ask that
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) Rango: How much tobs to you have now
(Side) TESSERACT: tobs?
(Side) Rango: uh money
(Side) Rango: sorry~
(Side) TESSERACT: vicle sell and crate
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
(Side) Rango: afk come back later have fun gents~
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: see ya
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 07:34 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 08:02 AM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 09:53 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 10:03 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 10:21 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 11:57 AM
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 12:28 PM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
Firedog11069 connected from United States
Firedog11069 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 01:36 PM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 03:18 PM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 09:25 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
Jonathan Rustywater connected from United States
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 10:02 PM
(Side) Rango: Hi ter
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) Jonathan Rustywater: Hello
Simplyjack 15-Aug-16 10:03 PM
global bans in 3
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 10:04 PM
(Side) Rango: lol
Jonathan Rustywater disconnected
lonny connected from United States
(Side) TESSERACT: Rango i have 950000pop
(Side) Rango: holy
(Side) TESSERACT: sry i cant understood your eng
(Side) Rango: You are a real richman
(Side) Rango: yeah np
lonny disconnected
(Side) Rango: man
(Side) Rango: im finish the group
(Side) Rango: ter
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Anthony connected from United States
Anthony disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 10:58 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 15-Aug-16 11:27 PM
BronzeWyrm connected from United States
BronzeWyrm disconnected
Tofu connected from United States
Tofu disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 12:00 AM
Rango disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
lowex connected from United States
Keegan Tower connected from United States
lowex disconnected
Keegan Tower disconnected
lowex connected from United States
Keegan Tower connected from United States
lowex disconnected
Keegan Tower disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 03:44 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 04:35 AM
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Kevin connected from Australia
Kevin disconnected
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 05:16 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
[Kom.Yrd.] Emir connected from Turkey
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 06:19 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 07:27 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 09:57 AM
Jonathan Rustywater connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 10:33 AM
Jonathan Rustywater disconnected
Jonathan Rustywater connected from United States
Razors connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 11:07 AM
G4s M0nk3y connected from Germany
@deleted-role (Side) Jonathan Rustywater: Monk3y. Are you an admin?
(Side) G4s M0nk3y: nup
(Side) Jonathan Rustywater: Why are the things we are buying disappearing?
@deleted-role (Side) G4s M0nk3y: jeah thats a problem that the admins are working on
Rango connected from Taiwan
G4s M0nk3y disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
(Side) Jonathan Rustywater: What's with this fog?
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 12:25 PM
Razors disconnected
Jonathan Rustywater disconnected
Jonathan Rustywater connected from United States
Jonathan Rustywater disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 05:06 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 06:17 PM
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
T's Home PC connected from United States
T's Home PC disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 07:04 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 08:36 PM
Spencer O Neal connected from United States
Spencer O Neal disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 09:14 PM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 10:29 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 16-Aug-16 11:39 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 12:26 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
(Side) Rango: Hi terr~
(Side) SaladKing: we want to take down the enemy bunker
(Side) SaladKing: plz let us finish the job
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 01:18 AM
(Side) Rango: uh
(Side) Rango: ter
(Side) Rango: want to take a ride with HMMV together?
TESSERACT disconnected
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 02:03 AM
SaladKing disconnected
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 04:07 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
zombi connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 05:16 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 06:33 AM
zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 07:03 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 01:38 PM
zombi connected from United States
Joseph_2 connected from United States
Joseph_2 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 07:18 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 10:15 PM
Rango connected from Taiwan
TESSERACT disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 17-Aug-16 11:58 PM
vin vagasil connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 12:05 AM
vin vagasil disconnected
vin vagasil connected from United States
vin vagasil disconnected
vin vagasil connected from United States
vin vagasil disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 01:19 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Nathan Shark connected from Australia
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 02:24 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 04:06 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
SaladKing disconnected
Rango disconnected
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 05:06 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: omg
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
(Side) SaladKing: my heli and hmg got boom
(Side) SaladKing: and Rango is dead
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 06:00 AM
(Side) SaladKing: tesser
(Side) TESSERACT: hi
(Side) SaladKing: u want to take down the car thief?
(Side) TESSERACT: i want to hunt ai
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) SaladKing: im here now
(Side) SaladKing: lol
(Side) TESSERACT: lol
(Side) SaladKing: dont kill me
(Side) SaladKing: i want that truck lol
(Side) TESSERACT: me too
(Side) SaladKing: fine
(Side) TESSERACT: map
(Side) SaladKing: can u take me to the safe zone?
(Side) SaladKing: ai boom my car and heli
(Side) SaladKing: can u take me to the safe zone?
(Side) TESSERACT: who is blackhawk down?
(Side) SaladKing: me
(Side) SaladKing: but i quit
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 06:12 AM
(Side) SaladKing: if u want to take it
(Side) SaladKing: u can take it
(Side) TESSERACT: ok
(Side) SaladKing: i kill 7 units already
(Side) SaladKing: only one guy left
(Side) TESSERACT: yaeh
(Side) SaladKing: so...u want this car?
(Side) SaladKing: Ural
(Side) SaladKing: i need it lol
(Side) TESSERACT: no
(Side) SaladKing: ok i take it
(Side) TESSERACT: you take it
(Side) SaladKing: thank you
(Side) SaladKing: i have to go to eat diner
(Side) SaladKing: bye
(Side) TESSERACT: bye
(Side) SaladKing: cya
SaladKing disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 07:24 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 08:40 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 11:08 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 12:06 PM
ImGrem connected from United States
ImGrem disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 03:14 PM
Lt. O'Neal connected from United States
Lt. O'Neal disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 07:56 PM
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 08:00 PM
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
Rorshcof connected from United States
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 09:03 PM
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Mazely disconnected
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 10:03 PM
Dylan connected from United States
Tanner connected from United States
(Side) Tanner: hey how do you get your info bar at the bottom to pop up?
(Side) Fleshcleaver: its a server side thing, I think
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Mazely disconnected
Dylan disconnected
Tanner disconnected
Dylan connected from United States
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
Tanner connected from United States
(Side) Dylan: Is there an info bar?
SaladKing connected from Taiwan
Dylanturgeon connected from Canada
Dylanturgeon disconnected
(Side) Tanner: this is the best vehicle server ive ever been on omg
(Side) SaladKing: lol
(Side) Dylan: Hey I just bought a gun, and it took my money but I Don't have the gun?
(Side) SaladKing: this sever have a bug
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 10:56 PM
(Side) Dylan: How do I buy guns?
(Side) SaladKing: u have to use the car to buy it
(Side) SaladKing: if u buy a gun
(Side) SaladKing: it will appear to ur backpack
(Side) SaladKing: hey man
(Side) SaladKing: what gun do u want
(Side) Dylan: Tried to buy a lynx
(Side) SaladKing: ok
Space Ghost 18-Aug-16 10:57 PM
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 10:57 PM
(Side) SaladKing: i ll show u how to buy agun
(Side) SaladKing: right
(Side) Dylan: Do I just buy it to my vehicle?
(Side) SaladKing: now go to buy a gun
(Side) SaladKing: chose ur car space
(Side) SaladKing: on the top
(Side) SaladKing: have a list
(Side) SaladKing: see that?
(Side) Dylan: Got it, ty
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 11:01 PM
(Side) SaladKing: got it?
(Side) SaladKing: get ur gun already?
(Side) Dylan: Hey. I need one more favor
(Side) SaladKing: yes?
(Side) Dylan: Can you tow this jeep to the trader I didn't realize I need dlc to drive
(Side) SaladKing: wat u mean?
(Side) Dylan: Tow it close to the spot, so I can sell it
(Side) Dylan: Won't let me drive it
(Side) SaladKing: ohohoh
(Side) Dylan: Or if you can drive it over there for me :s
(Side) SaladKing: because its DLC car
(Side) Dylan: Yes
(Side) SaladKing: shit
(Side) SaladKing: did u lock it?
(Side) Dylan: No
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) Dylan: You can have the jeep. xD
(Side) Dylan: Can't sell it either lol
(Side) SaladKing: lol i dont need it hahah
(Side) Tanner: stupid jeep
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 11:06 PM
(Side) SaladKing: remember
(Side) SaladKing: dont buy the DlC car
(Side) Dylan: How do you know if it's dlc -.-
(Side) SaladKing: do u guy need a car?
(Side) SaladKing: like hmmv or somthing?
(Side) Dylan: Anything would be great
(Side) SaladKing: OK
(Side) SaladKing: Wait for me
(Side) SaladKing: here man
(Side) SaladKing: give u
(Side) Tanner: THANK YOU SALAD KING!!!!!!
(Side) SaladKing: 2672
(Side) SaladKing: try it
(Side) Dylan: Yes! Ty
(Side) SaladKing: can it lock?
(Side) Dylan: Yes
(Side) SaladKing: ok
(Side) Tanner: wooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Side) Dylan: tyvm (:
(Side) SaladKing: if u want to change the pin
BattlEye Bot 18-Aug-16 11:11 PM
(Side) SaladKing: u can change it from here
(Side) SaladKing: here's a guy u can change pin
(Side) SaladKing: this guy
(Side) SaladKing: yeah change ur own pin
(Side) Dylan: tyvm
(Side) SaladKing: no problem
(Side) SaladKing: be careful car will broke easily
(Side) SaladKing: if u guys need some help u can call me
(Side) Tanner: thanks man
(Side) Dylan: ty
(Side) SaladKing: np
(Side) SaladKing: alright guys i have to go to the another sever
(Side) SaladKing: cya
(Side) SaladKing: good luck
(Side) Dylan: Cya
SaladKing disconnected
(Side) Dylan: Are the Qilin and Prowler vehicles dlc?
(Side) Fleshcleaver: yes
zombi connected from United States
zombi disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 12:31 AM
Tanner disconnected
Dylan disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 01:09 AM
Mazely disconnected
Fleshcleaver disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 03:35 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 04:17 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 05:07 AM
JD7241 connected from United States
JD7241 disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 06:01 AM
(Side) Rango: uh terr
(Side) Rango: uh terr
Rango disconnected
Rango disconnected
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 07:22 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 08:31 AM
TESSERACT connected from Japan
TESSERACT connected from Japan
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 09:35 AM
TESSERACT disconnected
TESSERACT disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 11:06 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 06:23 PM
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Skeetball1 connected from United States
Skeetball1 connected from United States
Skeetball1 disconnected
Skeetball1 disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 07:20 PM
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
dmcg2 connected from United States
dmcg2 connected from United States
dmcg2 disconnected
dmcg2 disconnected
Corona connected from United States
Corona connected from United States
Corona disconnected
Corona disconnected
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 08:08 PM
Evan connected from United States
Evan connected from United States
Evan disconnected
Evan disconnected
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Mazely disconnected
Mazely disconnected
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Zulatek connected from United States
Zulatek connected from United States
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
Zulatek disconnected
Zulatek disconnected
Jaden Korr connected from United States
Jaden Korr connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 19-Aug-16 10:07 PM
Mazely disconnected
Mazely disconnected
Jaxes connected from United States
Jaxes connected from United States
(Side) Jaxes: ???
(Side) Jaxes: ???
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Jaxes disconnected
Jaxes disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 12:50 AM
beau connected from United States
beau disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 04:43 AM
Rango connected from Taiwan
Rango disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 08:00 AM
HollenHunde connected from United States
johnn connected from United States
johnn disconnected
HollenHunde disconnected
HollenHunde connected from United States
HollenHunde disconnected
HollenHunde connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 09:28 AM
HollenHunde disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 12:09 PM
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 01:38 PM
Fleshcleaver disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 02:40 PM
Fleshcleaver connected from United States
Mazely connected from United Kingdom
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 03:01 PM
R3llik connected from United States
R3llik disconnected
Owner connected from United States
Owner disconnected
goryeagle87 connected from United States
goryeagle87 disconnected
Trevor connected from Canada
Fleshcleaver disconnected
Mazely disconnected
BattlEye Bot 20-Aug-16 04:36 PM
TESSERACT connected from Japan