Wrongthink Tank - Jingle Deez
853 messages
Prude 11-Apr-16 06:03 PM
This is for people who are a bit into the game to talk about shit as it happens if they want, cause some people will probably be much slower or wont start playing until a while later
Hazlen 11-Apr-16 06:03 PM
I'm just here for the violence.
Ritsu 11-Apr-16 06:06 PM
what is this ember thing
Prude 11-Apr-16 06:07 PM
if its what i think it is
its a state for your character that buffs your health and effects multiplayer mechanics
Ritsu 11-Apr-16 06:08 PM
i got it after killing the first big guy so you tell me then
although you'll prob be creating yourself for the next two hours so
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:32 PM
Any waifus yet?
Ozmiander 11-Apr-16 06:35 PM
always waifu the leveling chick
any game
Prude 11-Apr-16 06:36 PM
hairstyle options are way better for women than men this time around
might just make my self insert bald
the most anime of new settings: being able to color left and right eye differently
Ozmiander 11-Apr-16 06:37 PM
make yourself Ladybeard
Prude 11-Apr-16 06:39 PM
also the translators mistranslated iris to pupil, lmao
"color of pupils"
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:40 PM
Here's a spoiler
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:40 PM
This isnt Denuvo right
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:40 PM
You'll die repeatedly
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:40 PM
So there will prob be a crack soon?
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:40 PM
bitch please
Prude 11-Apr-16 06:41 PM
is that an online capable non-legit copy?
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:41 PM
Ozmiander 11-Apr-16 06:41 PM
it's a japanese game, so probably
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:42 PM
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:42 PM
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:42 PM
God I hate you
SO much
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:43 PM
Did I mention my isp offers 400/20 now
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:43 PM
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:55 PM
Hazlen 11-Apr-16 06:56 PM
Somewhere in mississippi taylor is having a stroke over your download speeds
not bad for copper
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:57 PM
Motherfucking eurodocsis 3.1
Hazlen 11-Apr-16 06:58 PM
oh hey, maybe sounds similiar to what we're using
Taylor SWifTT 11-Apr-16 06:58 PM
Rejd 11-Apr-16 06:59 PM
Docsis 3.1 can handle 10Gbps downstream and 1Gbps upstream
Prude 11-Apr-16 07:02 PM
man what class do i want
there's the real question
warrior has the best overall totals for pure phys, minimizing attunement, int, and faith and with not too high luck
but herald has NICE looking starting gear, and is obviously the faith-spellsword type
which is my traditional first playthrough
Rejd 11-Apr-16 07:05 PM
fucking lmao
lectures tomorrow are cancelled
Prude 11-Apr-16 07:05 PM
wait no the miracles look fucking good as heck
Rejd 11-Apr-16 07:05 PM
"due to family reasons"
Prude 11-Apr-16 07:05 PM
ill play herald
Rejd 11-Apr-16 07:06 PM
Not due to DS3 release.
Ozmiander 11-Apr-16 07:08 PM
Prude 11-Apr-16 07:08 PM
i would but im thinking of endgame
i dont like being prevented from min-maxing
i'm a pvp nerd
Rejd 11-Apr-16 07:16 PM
codex installer comes with kickin rad music
Hazlen 11-Apr-16 07:16 PM
@Rejd better get as far as you can in ds3 then, don't want the professor making more progression than you
Ozmiander 11-Apr-16 07:18 PM
threaten him with spoilers if your grades slip
Prude 11-Apr-16 07:27 PM
ludex has an impressive moveset for a first boss
lots of delayed attacks too, throwing me off after not playing a souls game in a while
Rejd 11-Apr-16 07:43 PM
hell yeah
my dude has pigtails
Prude 11-Apr-16 08:03 PM
the tall halberd hollows in lothric have good ai
they aggressively fuck your shit if you turtle against them by staggering your block
this is adequately challenging
i love it
feels like playing ds1 for the first time again
Ritsu 11-Apr-16 10:06 PM
2nd boss is a nigger
frostbite mechanic is cool
idk if that was in other souls games
Prude 11-Apr-16 10:13 PM
its new
Ritsu 11-Apr-16 10:14 PM
are you at the 2nd boss?
he raped me
Prude 11-Apr-16 11:59 PM
shortcut back to first wall bonfire from the ground area
is real nice
Prude 12-Apr-16 06:06 AM
the fat casters in the undead settlement are really good enemies but also huge pains in the ass
but i like that they get voice lines and shit
this game is just fucking rich with shit
it doesn't matter that the world is slightly disjointed in places (like going from firelink to the wall, or the wall to the undead settlement)
because each individual level has nice interconnectivity a la ds1
and just tons of shit packed in it
i keep finding stuff upon backtracking
and i've spent a GOOD number of hours just working on doing everything i can think of in the undead settlement
Prude 12-Apr-16 07:04 AM
Anri of Astora has a cute voice, cuter than the firekeeper, so she's my waifu
Prude 12-Apr-16 08:06 AM
so im listening to some of the OST while I eat
which, btw, contains some boss name-related spoilers(edited)
anyways the games music is way better than either of the previous two titles
though a couple tracks have some great leitmotif callbacks too
dang, road of sacrifices
there's a throwback enemy that i didn't expect to see
some manner of knight, if you will
Prude 12-Apr-16 09:16 AM
the AI is much better too
for like
player-like enemies
that being NPC invaders and enemies you encounter who are dressed up like players, like the dudes guarding the entrance to farron's fort or w/e
in DS2's DLC, they got them to the level of bad players who knew how to troll
now they play like pretty decent players
Ritsu 12-Apr-16 01:55 PM
HELL yeah
aurora borealis is down
Ritsu 12-Apr-16 02:02 PM
after killing the 2nd boss and flying down ot the next bit
you go down and there are all of these things
you can talk to one of them and they become your ally
Ozmiander 12-Apr-16 03:11 PM
gundyr FUCKED my ass
naked katana hollow does NOT fuck around
Ozmiander 12-Apr-16 05:12 PM
oh man, bgot to the bonfire by the drake on the wall
and fucked the blackknight wannabe in the ass
Rejd 12-Apr-16 05:22 PM
I almost got the naked katana dude by the village down
then died
And then gave up
did you know you can get that extra souls ring in the first settlement
without spending 20k souls for the key
you can jump onto the roof from a tree stump vOv
Ozmiander 12-Apr-16 06:26 PM
got to vordt with no flasks, and like ten hp
Prude 12-Apr-16 07:44 PM
Anyone else take out cursed greatwood yet?
Or get to the road of sacrifices/farrons keep?
Prude 12-Apr-16 08:41 PM
also @Ritsu that guy you found there at the start of the undead settlement
does some stuff for you even couple times you die
it will have aesthetic and story implications though
Prude 12-Apr-16 09:14 PM
man these monsters in farron keep are fucking creepy(edited)
rej wheres that stump at???
BustrKc 12-Apr-16 09:55 PM
i just was raped by the 2nd boss as well
i thought it was a pretty easy fight up until he used that trample thing and one shotted me
BustrKc 12-Apr-16 10:55 PM
the fucking like skateboard mechanics are fucking with me, like how that trample attack will just carve around corners
i had the decoy chest spin kick me up the entire flight of stairs earlier
Taylor SWifTT 12-Apr-16 10:57 PM
I just beat Greatwood
Good boss
Prude 12-Apr-16 11:06 PM
he's up there with demon of song
in terms of fucked up shit
bosses that are basicallt "demon/skeleton man inside other thing" are a good way to instantly become creepy
but here's a real spooky thought
aren't we all just other things with skeleton men in us?
Taylor SWifTT 12-Apr-16 11:20 PM
Prude 13-Apr-16 12:24 AM
there's an undead on the path leading to the cathedral of the deep
that lights itself on fire and runs at you to do some jihadi bullshit
i dodged it but lmao i wasnt expecting that
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 12:32 AM
Jesus Christ
What stat governs poise?
Prude 13-Apr-16 12:58 AM
poise is largely determined by armor
endurance and maybe another stat or two may increase your base poise SLIGHTLY, or at least they did in DS2
but its usually nothing compared to armor
though all the same, endurance is technically the poise stat still, since you'll need it and probably havels ring + favor ring to get really high carry weight to use the heavy armor and still have a fast roll
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:00 AM
if you wanna build in that direction
fastroll is sub 30%, medium roll is sub 70% equip
fat roll is anything above
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 01:00 AM
Ive just been going straight Endurance and Dexterity
I put a little in health stat
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:00 AM
its worth getting stamina or whatever the stat that raises stam is
lets you attack more times in a row
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 01:01 AM
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:01 AM
oh sorry
vitality is the carry weight stat
endurance is stam, also important
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 01:01 AM
Im under half Equip Load atm
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:01 AM
doesn't softcap until like 40 this time too, so you can really pump it if you like not having to stop doing stuff
you should either go sub 30% or right up to like 69% since i think there around 50% is neither a fast roll nor using the most of your carry load for heavy stuff
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:14 AM
When you enter the fire shrine or w/e with the thrones
Walk up the longer set of stairs
on the right
that should lead you outside to a locked tower door
Walk up to the tower door, turn around 180°
You should see a tree on the right side and also a low roof
Sprint towards the tree and jump from it onto the roof
It takes a couple tries
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:15 AM
ah, i tried that tree earlier and couldnt make it work so i just did it the legit way
but i think doing that little sequence break doesnt get you the fire keeper soul and estus ring in the very tip top
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:16 AM
But yeah then you'll get onto the crosswalks or whatever you call em in the throne room
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:16 AM
since you drop down from that top level to that roof anyways
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:16 AM
In the throne room, where the birds nest is
continue forward straight
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:16 AM
yeah, got my silver ring already
from that part
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:16 AM
There's an illusion wall
For stuff like that having the multiplayer crack is really nice
since you can read the messages people leave.
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:17 AM
does the multiplayer crack allow all online features
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:17 AM
kinda limited
you can read messages and stuff
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:17 AM
or just the messages and stuff?
ah well still nice
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:17 AM
but coop is limited to other people with cracks
which is why people put "RVT" at the end of their characters name if they use the revolt crack
gonna have to fix my dualshock 3 controller now
If I grip the controller hard or flex it a bit some of the face buttons register button presses
Which is caused by a worn out piece of foam inside
The fix is to simply add 2-3 layers of tape to get it back to the original thickness
... should have just preordered ds3 with the steam controller
but muh vive money
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:20 AM
that controller deal was pretty decent
i'd have gone for it if i didn't already have a still working great 360 pad to use
Rejd 13-Apr-16 01:21 AM
dark souls 3 has no cloud saving.
You can save scum.
It's call saved locally in %appdata%/darksoulsIII/
Prude 13-Apr-16 01:23 AM
HOLY SHIT the abyss watchers
not gonna say anything more about that
but god damn
Rejd 13-Apr-16 02:21 AM
Fixed my controller
All it took was one piece of tape around a tiny piece of foam
The foam was pressing a ribbon cable against the board
They don't even have a fucking connector for the ribbon cable. It's just being pressed against the contacts
Like.. what the fuck, man?
Also I may or may not have a counterfeit ds3
or maybe another revision number.
Board looks different than what I've seen on the internet
Prude 13-Apr-16 02:39 AM
What lmao
Prude 13-Apr-16 03:02 AM
arachnophobia alert!!!
Rejd 13-Apr-16 05:04 AM
fuck vordt
could have placed a bonfire closer to him
second try
Prude 13-Apr-16 05:54 AM
he's probably the easiest boss i've faced so far
also cathedral of the deep is quickly becoming one of my favorite souls zones
reminds me a bit of shulva from DS2 actually
its like shulva + anor londo from DS1
its basically just taking place in a single massive interconnected cathedral and you wind all throughout it and its fucking rad
Prude 13-Apr-16 06:22 AM
deacons of the deep
holy shit
funniest boss fight
not HARD but interesting gimmick
pro tip: bring something with a wide attack, that does decent damage and can stagger most human sized enemies, that doesn't take too long to attack
FUCK abyss watchers are hard
Prude 13-Apr-16 07:10 AM
took like 6 tries, shit
that got my blood pumping
catacombs of cathus: literally shitting myself from all the spook
there's a trap in the catacombs which is the most unintentionally hilarious thing i've fucking seen in a video game
y'all will know it when you see it
Prude 13-Apr-16 08:40 AM
smouldering lake: Metal As Hell, or; How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Dodgeroll
HOLY fuck the catacombs boss
this game is full of amazing designs
Prude 13-Apr-16 09:35 AM
prettiest souls level goes to irithyll of the borean valley
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 09:39 AM
i'm still on the wall
jsut realized to put all my estus into hp flasks
now i have 6 ❤
Prude 13-Apr-16 10:00 AM
yeah, ashen flasks seem a lot more useful once you've built up a bit and either have a weapon art you like to use or cast spells
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 10:06 AM
i'm not getting any summon sigils for npcs
Prude 13-Apr-16 10:25 AM
are you in ember form?
also lmao, they're REALLY hitting the high notes on fucked up spider creatures this time
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 10:35 AM
derrr, gotta kindle
swordmaster is a real non starter
Prude 13-Apr-16 10:43 AM
dark souls 3: not hard enough? add undead doggos!
- the miyazaki touch
im probably maybe halfway or a little short of it through the game
and im only level 50
i like how scarce souls are now
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 11:01 AM
I died after the swamp area
And the two giant crabs
I accidentally fell down a hole so I rage quit
Beat the two hellcrabs, lost to gravity
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:17 AM
just got into the undead settlement
and FUCK the cages
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:18 AM
what if i told you that the hellcrabs
have been entirely optional(edited)
in every instance i've seen them so far
also undead settlement owns bones
it's between that and cathedral of the deep for my overall favorite zone so far
in terms of overall design
though irithyll is easily the best looking in the most traditional sense
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:20 AM
i got a good chunk of the way through the settlement, but had one flask and no bonfire in sight and had 6k souls on me
so i ran like a bitch lol
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:21 AM
ah, the ol' risk vs reward thing
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:21 AM
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:21 AM
i havent lost any boss kills worth of souls or anything, but i've probably lost up to like 10k or so from regular clearing of mobs whilst being bold
at one time
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:22 AM
7 estus now ❤
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:22 AM
yeah it was only a few zones in when i got up to 10, and havent found any new ones since
so maybe 10 is cap? dunno
takes much longer to get the undead bone shard or w/e shit
that makes them heal for more
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:23 AM
did you grab the one in the shrine, in the rafters?
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:23 AM
i'm 4 of those deep now I think?
yeah iirc i did
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:23 AM
gotta love naked jumping hax
i was two villagers from a bonfire
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 11:34 AM
Yeah I know their optional but I liked clearing out the whole area
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:40 AM
i like rolling through already completed areas like a methed out circus acrobat
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:41 AM
i made some solid progress but i think i need to sleep again ]
im in a good position to take out two lords of cinder later though
already having taken down the first
just a protip: don't join the Rosaria's Finger covenant till last, as it will lock you out of some stuff
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 11:46 AM
i never even join covenants
Prude 13-Apr-16 11:47 AM
in this one, you can technically join them all and just switch out the sigil in your gear
but joining that one in particular
locks out two others and effects a character storyline IIRC
but i dont think it matters if you pretty much complete the game, get all the other covenant tokens, and then join
which you'll wanna do eventually since it IS the way you respec in this one
i love that all the negative reviews on metacritic from users
are just people whining about the crashes some people had
maybe they should git gud
i didnt have none of that
a few things i didnt know about here
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 12:17 PM
Theres like 3 whole sets of armor in the swamp too
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 01:17 PM
Prude whats the LORE on these turtle guys
Ritsu 13-Apr-16 01:34 PM
i got som LORE for ya
Prude 13-Apr-16 08:33 PM
The pilgrims?
I think they come from Londor which I can only assume is modern day Anor Londo
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:34 PM
also, are the pilgrim from "londor" from like, far future anor londo?
Prude 13-Apr-16 08:34 PM
They seek the gathering of the lords and the flame and shit i guess because the worlds kind of experiencing an apocalypse?
I mean reality seems to be getting distorted worse than ever
And they desire to die at the end of their pilgrimage? Im not sure why but it means this time either not everyone has a darksign, or its letting people die
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 08:37 PM
Future lands?
Some TES shit
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:38 PM
time wise it's like ds1, ds3, ds2?
cocksucker. i had the greatwood down to like 1/12th and it stunlocked me
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 08:42 PM
~i git gud
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:45 PM
have you beaten him yet tay?
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 08:46 PM
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:46 PM
first try?
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 08:46 PM
Second, first time the poison at the end got me
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:49 PM
i love watching the tower giant crack off shots
Taylor SWifTT 13-Apr-16 08:49 PM
Wish Goons were that good of shots
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:56 PM
second try success
i just let him fall on his face repeatedly
Prude 13-Apr-16 08:57 PM
I think ds3 is last chronologically and linking the fire is the canon ending of ds2 just like its technically probably the canon ending of ds1
Cause the lore never tells us cycles will happen anyways if we choose dark
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:58 PM
ds3 has some cool ass bosses
Prude 13-Apr-16 08:58 PM
I imagine the third option in DS2 via aldia's quest was just a what if to further explain the mechanics behind the flame, or becoming that powerful via taking in all the kings powers was just a PERSONAL overcoming of the cycle (as you walk away and dont really choose dark either)
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 08:59 PM
and i got a skull that you throw on the ground and it says HELLO!
so pretty much goty
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 09:13 PM
god damn it miyazaki
"dead guy with a medium sized log" is not an appropriate enemy type,
Quornes 13-Apr-16 09:43 PM
rip accidently aggroed deserter shrine dude, had to kill him
BustrKc 13-Apr-16 10:01 PM
i found that naked finally, not his friend
but now ive got the uchiwaliwali
Prude 13-Apr-16 10:08 PM
At least the token crestfallen warrior guy is usually the least important npc
So no biggie
Ozmiander 13-Apr-16 10:11 PM
i can't wait to murder patches
Prude 13-Apr-16 10:12 PM
FUCK patches
But you might need to buy a few things from him first hth
Prude 14-Apr-16 12:50 AM
pontiff is fucking my shit up
Prude 14-Apr-16 01:08 AM
this is easily the hardest boss so far
in this one at least
but he feels like the fume knight on stimulants
Prude 14-Apr-16 02:05 AM
yeah so joining the aldritch faithful is gonna be harder than I thought...
Prude 14-Apr-16 03:32 AM
if you didnt expect this game to have a dune worm, you were wrong
Prude 14-Apr-16 06:09 AM
theres this blood curdling scream near the start of ithyll dungeon as you go to loot something on a ledge
and the rest of that ledge was full of ambushes and shit
and i about fucking jumped out of my skin
but i guess it came from below, not behind
this is a new one: an enemy that literally kills you by looking at you
BustrKc 14-Apr-16 06:12 AM
im not looking forward to that, if that is in fact a thing
Prude 14-Apr-16 06:12 AM
its a process
BustrKc 14-Apr-16 06:12 AM
im getting ruined by tree currently
Prude 14-Apr-16 06:12 AM
like they reduce your max health as you're in their line of sight within a reasonable distance
it comes back once you leave LoS or kill them, slowly
but the health you lost from the HP reduction doesn't return, so it costs a fucking estus to kill each basically
theres probably a pro trick i'm missing here
i can kinda plink at them with a bow sometimes(edited)
BustrKc 14-Apr-16 06:13 AM
Prude 14-Apr-16 06:13 AM
i think this game might have enemies more fucked up than bloodborne
ithyll dungeon is a fucked up place
so is ithyll proper but at least the city is prettier, the dungeon is foreboding as hell
BustrKc 14-Apr-16 06:17 AM
yeah, thus far has been more bloodborney than anything
i had the torch in my left rotation for a sec
Prude 14-Apr-16 06:32 AM
welp found another estus shard, so 12 estus slots so far confirmed
Rejd 14-Apr-16 07:08 AM
tree hint
hit the arms/legs
Afterwards it just ends up doing nothing at all.
Just rotating in place.
"this is a new one: an enemy that literally kills you by looking at you"
/ medusa or w/e
Prude 14-Apr-16 07:13 AM
this one isn't just a curse/petrify mist like the basilisks have
its literally just
anywhere in their LoS
anyways the tree can bug out, it bugged out the first time for me(edited)
arm phase didnt start after ground crumbled
so i had to do it a second time
also this scream-related jump scares are killing me
this room has a few bloodstains in its entrance, so i expected some bad shit, looted a corpse, another terrifying loud scream out of nowhere
it was just whatever i looted dying apparently??
something in the profaned capital off in the distance is BASSIN' OUT
got this like sub bass tone comin' from somewhere
Prude 14-Apr-16 08:29 AM
so a 4 way battle can happen easily: red invader vs mound maker vs watchdog of farron vs host
i think the host can have some summons too
i think they're limited to 2 summonms and a blue on their side?
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 08:32 AM
you can summon three total with the monkey paw thing iirc
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 09:01 AM
gonna assume i killed that stray demon for reasons
an-d not for funsies
Prude 14-Apr-16 09:14 AM
God invasions are fun(edited)
Been fucking people up in the area near imo the hardest boss so far(edited)
Rejd 14-Apr-16 10:42 AM
Prude 14-Apr-16 10:44 AM
church of yorshkavahahahfdawfhhf whatever the fuck bonfire in irythyll
is a good soul farming spot
a number of big mobs nearby that aren't too hard to blitz one by one
one type gives nearly 2k per kill
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 10:46 AM
these crabs are PUNKS
i finally go back to kill some
and they run away and heal
Rejd 14-Apr-16 11:01 AM
some guy just gave me a dragon knight helmet
err, black knight helmet
and then sent me back.
But I'm not complaining
Prude 14-Apr-16 11:01 AM
Yhorm - The Most Anime Of Fights
y'all will see what i mean when you figure it out
wow siegwards quest has me all fucked up
low key sad
vaati is gonna have a field day whenever he does Prepare To Cry character lore videos for this one
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 11:19 AM
i've only let him kill the fire demon with me so far
Prude 14-Apr-16 11:20 AM
his is hard to follow
character quests are one of the things ive actually looked up if i cant figure it out
since they tend to be really convoluted otherwise
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 11:22 AM
the darkmoon chick just killed yoel i think
Prude 14-Apr-16 11:26 AM
Prude 14-Apr-16 12:03 PM
this mightbe useful for anyone who cares
note that the occasional detail differs on exactly what it entails from site to site
but this one is focused on just the questlines to help avoid unintentional spoilers if you dont wanna miss those
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 12:06 PM
poor greirat
Prude 14-Apr-16 12:31 PM
when one of y'all beats pontiff, let me know
if we're in soul level range, there's a short bit we might want to exchange co-ops on
cause i can't see any other way to do it without hours of frustration
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 01:11 PM
apparently i play souls games a LOT slower than you guys
Prude 14-Apr-16 01:14 PM
ive put like 40 hours into this game in just a few days
i dont play SUPER fast as far as actual progress goes, since i tend to be completionist until I know the game well and know what I can essentially speedrun for my ideal gimmick builds
on a second or third playthrough
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 01:30 PM
i just tried the abyss walkers for the first time
Prude 14-Apr-16 01:36 PM
that fight is fucking rad
it's one of those ones that feels really hard but becomes bearable after failing enough
i mean i guess ALL technically are that way
but there's like
Alonne difficult
where you can slowly feel some progress
and then Fume difficult
where it it's such a tough curve that improvements could be mistaken for random variance
and I'd say abyss walkers are more the former, pontiff more the latter
Rejd 14-Apr-16 01:58 PM
the abyss watchers boss is a really fucking good boss
That fight was fucking rad
To boot, I had to kill an invader infront of the boss gate lmao
also lmao oz
yeah I'm right there.
Playing as pyro/dex dude
Rejd 14-Apr-16 02:00 PM
Not sure if having an int of 20 + that crystal rapier is the right choice
but ehh
first playthrough.
Also I learned to love rapiers. That stabbing speed is great
Attacks are hardly telegraphed
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 02:04 PM
somehow miss backstab on that blackknioght while he's unaware
he turns around and one shots me
thanks dark souls
Taylor SWifTT 14-Apr-16 02:10 PM
~i git gud
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 02:11 PM
also, how the hell do you kill the crabs?
they just keep running
Lancek 14-Apr-16 02:15 PM
attack the weak point for massive damage
Prude 14-Apr-16 02:16 PM
The Giant Enemy Crabs are best left alone
That was my chosen solution
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 02:16 PM
Prude 14-Apr-16 02:16 PM
When i wake up im gonna do some watchdoggin'
Seems like the best covenant for owning mans often
As a regular invader, you tend not to get secondary invaders and instead run into a lot of hugbox-ganksquads atm
Its because its still new and the PvE only crowd is present i guess
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 03:26 PM
fuck the leech monsters
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 05:01 PM
ok, yeah
two giants in this room
fuck this room
Simplyjack 14-Apr-16 05:01 PM
yeah fuck women
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 05:17 PM
Ozmiander 14-Apr-16 07:05 PM
the deacons are a bunch of pussies
Taylor SWifTT 14-Apr-16 08:29 PM
Should I have killed the giants
Because they were easy
Kinda asking for it
BustrKc 14-Apr-16 11:13 PM
i let that icy fuck beneath the giant kill himself falling into the elevator shaft
Prude 14-Apr-16 11:22 PM
Didnt think of that, beat it the hard way
Rejd 15-Apr-16 02:17 AM
drumsticks are super good dualwield staggering weapons
Prude 15-Apr-16 03:16 AM
"Farewell, Ashy One" - Firekeeper
oh my god the GOTTHARD Twinswords after the boss of lothric castle
hilarious name, ABSURD reach, great moveset both using just one (what I'd probably do mostly) and whilst dual weilding
looks cool as hell
might be MY WEAPON
Prude 15-Apr-16 04:22 AM
that was love at first sight
picked them up, equipped them, tried the moveset out
ran back to the bonfire, respecced at rosaria to use them, and upgraded + infused as much as I could at firelink
need some more titanite chunks now to finish that process
Prude 15-Apr-16 05:19 AM
this host totally plugpulled
as i lured them into a trap
with a sliver of HP left on host and me about to hit them "CONNECTION HAS BEEN INTURRUPTED"
archives are an AMAZING zone for invasions
cause right now a lot of people are just getting there
havent done the level at all yet
so you get low, bait them deeper and deeper
and then on this one part, ghostly arms sprout from the floor, snare them, and like 8 mobs pounce
Rejd 15-Apr-16 05:35 AM
TrumpBot 15-Apr-16 05:35 AM
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:07 AM
things keep on getting more spooky
moonlight greatsword spotted - it comes from consumed king's soul
wow archdragon peak look REALLY good
its a lot more vibrant and bright than about any other level in a souls game, the closest thing would probably be the dragon area from DS2
somehow dragon-places always seem immune from the darkness of the rest of the game
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:30 AM
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 05:05 PM
Yall see about the Sun KNight armor?
Rejd 15-Apr-16 05:06 PM
Throw the siegbräu in the nest
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 05:07 PM
Fucking pickle-pee
Rejd 15-Apr-16 05:07 PM
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 05:08 PM
Piclepee dlc when?
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 05:17 PM
why are the birds always invisiblre
Hazlen 15-Apr-16 05:19 PM
because birds are assholes
thats a fact
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 05:21 PM
the deacons are a buncha pussies
watchers dead
sharp rapier ftw
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 05:59 PM
Got all the way to the end of the archives
And died to curse
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 06:10 PM
aw come on
tell me the catacombs arne't going to be skeletons
i fucking hate skeletons
parried by a headless sskeleton with one arm.
of course.
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 06:28 PM
Catacombs are ok
It's the dungeon that gets spooky
Prude 15-Apr-16 06:41 PM
Catas are skele city tbh(edited)
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 06:44 PM
Yo D
FUCK those LoS health guys
Prude 15-Apr-16 06:44 PM
That was peak souls
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 06:47 PM
should i not kill this skeleton who just runs away?
i mean he's obviously trying to lure me into his buddies
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 07:18 PM
don't chestbump wolnir
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 07:35 PM
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:07 PM
Is Archdragon Peak mandatory?
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 08:18 PM
only if you're not a pussy
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:21 PM
And roll credits
Suck it
Oh damn I didnt do the ending right
I meant to do The End of Fire, but I interacted with the bonfire instead
oh well
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:40 PM
Yeah archdragon, consumed king, untended graves, and smoldering lake
Are the four optional areas
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 08:42 PM
i kill bitchnir, how far am i
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:42 PM
A bit under half
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 08:42 PM
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:43 PM
I'd say somewhere around pontiff is halfway
Pontiff+ either yhorm or alrich, with the other + prince lothric remaining
Would be how i'd define halfway
If you are going to clear alllll the optional stuff and dont do any before this point, dancer or dragonslayer armor are probably halfway
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:45 PM
I did all optional except Archdragon
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:46 PM
You did that fast
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:46 PM
13 hours
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:46 PM
Werent you just in dungeons earlier?
How the fuck
Im like 40-something hours deep
Maybe the pvp and co-op?
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:47 PM
And I run past a lot
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 08:47 PM
tays runs past everything and summons three dudes for bosses
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:47 PM
After the swamps I just started booking it past most mobs
Also I did some places out of order
And I was way past dungeons when i was talking about them
I was in dungeons around uh
3 this afternoot maybe
Also remember I dont have to deal with invasions at all
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:49 PM
Yeah ive also spent like 1/3 of my playtime in other people's worlds
And i guess i afk a bit while doing other shit
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:50 PM
Yeah and I didnt do any character quests or covenents
Just purely going through the story
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:50 PM
Im gonna give others a few more days before i get balls deep on it, but i have some theories about whats happening
Ah yeah
Ive kept up with all that
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:50 PM
Im saving most the indepth stuff for when I buy it
I just wanted to get through the story
Prude 15-Apr-16 08:51 PM
You know the spooky floating shits above lothric castle? I'm 90% sure those are the pilgrims that made it.
The one controlling dragonslayer armor is apparently called "pilgrim butterfly"
And the pilgrims arent hollows with weird bodies, they're the snakemen from archdragon pretty sure
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 08:58 PM
Id say that answers some questions
But it relaly doesnt
If anything it asks more
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:01 PM
Im also wondering about ds2
Ds3 has a lot of the canon maintained from ds1
Theres a items from ds2 and a fee things lore wise that validate it maybe
But im starting to wonder if the whirlpool at the start of ds2 could be construed as a parallel reality entrance
What with nobody recalling where they came from, and things from ds1s cycle reflected but altered
Like dragons and giants being a bit different and stuff
And in doing so, you "solved" the flames nature via aldia in ds2, but it didnt help the ds1-ds3 universe
I like this theory
Because otherwise we're not totally sure about what the unkindled are
But maybe they stay human while others are becoming monstrous as shit happens in ds3 because they unkindled arent uplifted and then used as fuel by the flame in the cycle, so the side effects of dark dont do much to them either
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:10 PM
Heres my question
You can see the sun isnt going out, but being drained
Whats draining it
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
Its the sun going hollow basically imo
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
realized i forgot to explore like half the catacombs, walking around and find trwo npcs , twinkling titanite and a undead bone
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
Light, life, and fire have always been tied to the flame
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
The flame is more dead than ever
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
But you can litreally see the trail of the sun
Being pulled towards something
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:12 PM
Reality is going dark, literally and metaphorically
I think its supposed to be "bleeding"
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:13 PM
Yeah but if it was bleeding it seems like it would be going everywhere
It looks like its being pulled towards somethign
Kinda of like in the new Star Wars
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:13 PM
I think its semi-allegorical
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:14 PM
If you say so
Prude 15-Apr-16 09:15 PM
I mean i dunno what would be pulling the sun, seems out of setting's intent for that to be whats happening
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 09:54 PM
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 09:58 PM
Yeah shits fucked bro
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 10:01 PM
why did horace the hushed just attack me
is he mad because his girl wants to cuck him with me
oh dear
i don't think i want to be in the pit of demon corpses.
Taylor SWifTT 15-Apr-16 10:06 PM
Nah dude thats the place
Ozmiander 15-Apr-16 10:07 PM
almost one hitted me from his opening fire
the owlbears DID one hit me
Prude 16-Apr-16 03:24 AM
panorama of undead settlement
Prude 16-Apr-16 04:06 AM
and so the madness begins
Rejd 16-Apr-16 08:41 AM
Oz what level are you
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 08:54 AM
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 09:33 AM
i managed to join the fingers and keep sirris
Prude 16-Apr-16 09:34 AM
how so?
even after I did all else, including basically complete her quest, short of finding her dead body as the final step later on
she was pissed i joined fingers
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 09:35 AM
she was gone from firelink when i joined
Prude 16-Apr-16 09:35 AM
which i didn't care about, because i joined every other cov, including using her quest to get into mound makers (since i missed them in the early game)
and then joined fingers
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 09:35 AM
then i just found her sign on the boreal valley bridge and she summoned me to fight a finger
Prude 16-Apr-16 09:35 AM
and the only consequence was i got to kill her instead of wait for her to die out in the field
i think she might be still summonable even if she decides she hates you at firelink
since her pledge to help you is kinda like
beyond time
she can help you after she's physically died in your world, etc.
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 09:36 AM
i just spoke to her at fl and she gave me a sword and ring
Prude 16-Apr-16 09:42 AM
consumed king is like a fucking hilarious place for late-game sunbro token farming
one of the easiest bosses, esp. w/ 3 people wailing on it, and especially if you bring a lightning weapon
and people pretty much at the end of their NG run will still be going for him, so you wont easily level out of it
also a cool like 15k souls per pop
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 10:19 AM
you can NOT get hit with those brands in the dungeon huh?
Prude 16-Apr-16 10:21 AM
you mean the max HP reduction thing or the literal brands they use?
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 10:21 AM
oh no
it's the mist
Prude 16-Apr-16 10:21 AM
i had no issue with the latter
it's actually
line of sight
in general
you need to avoid them or rush them
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 10:44 AM
died to the mimic
he gave me a one shot big boot
Prude 16-Apr-16 10:49 AM
this music in this one
is so far beyond the others
jesus christ
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 03:32 PM
Taylor SWifTT 16-Apr-16 03:45 PM
Theres way too many mimics in D3
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 03:48 PM
mimics rule
also, pro tip
if you let off the left stick the moment you jump
you'll plant instead of rolling land
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 05:00 PM
got a soul that makes your roll invisible for msot of it
that'd be pretty cool if i did pvp
equiped anyway lol
Taylor SWifTT 16-Apr-16 05:07 PM
Yeah I have that
Its pcool
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 05:36 PM
Prude 16-Apr-16 07:16 PM
Yeah those are pretty fucked up
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 07:17 PM
do the rats at the giant's feet ever stop spawning?
Ozmiander 16-Apr-16 11:18 PM
beat the pontiff first try
got gud
fucked up the crocowolves
Prude 17-Apr-16 01:41 AM
Dual crocowolves was the hardest thing in the game for me so far tbh
Only after i learned a greatbow can pull one while trapping the other in the corner due to level geometry
And did one at a time
Did i get my favor ring(edited)
... Last night
Prude 17-Apr-16 03:01 AM
this is actually a really cool comparison video
some big post-irithyll spoilers tho that you really shouldnt indulge in without seeing for yourself in game first
Prude 17-Apr-16 07:46 AM
Nameless King is easily the coolest fight in this series imo
didn't kill him that first try, but jesus everything about that fight is super rad
Prude 17-Apr-16 09:33 AM
it might've taken like 8 tries but i finally killed nameless king, solo
he's definitely one of those bosses where the hard factor crosses what i call the pubbie failure threshold
where the benefit of having more people as distractions and sources of damage loses out to the fact that they typically die pretty fast, and then the boss has buffed health
that's usually the case with the hardest of hard bosses imo
shit like fume knight, artorias, etc. were the same
O+S as well
at least, it's a good guideline if you're better than average, which I'm pretty sure i am
if you're worse, summoning may be worthwhile anyways, even on those bosses
im gonna do that boss whenever i want a co-op fix
that was a satisfying fight
Ozmiander 17-Apr-16 09:47 AM
summoning is good for just having an idiot to let you healh by taking aggro
Prude 17-Apr-16 09:55 AM
yeah but the reasoning behind that axiom is
on bosses where most phantoms just die like idiots instead of letting you get in DPS
or killing the boss themselves
its actually a bad thing to have them
since each phantom adds health
to boss
Ozmiander 17-Apr-16 09:56 AM
i don't think i've ever seen an npc kill a boss
in any gane
Prude 17-Apr-16 09:56 AM
oh you mean the NPC ones?
I don't usually bother with them unless I have to for a quest or something
also lmao the dragonslayer swordspear is hilarious
the weapon art literally oneshots enemies in archdragon peak
and i dont even have the lightning clutch ring on yet
thats like 920 damage in one blow
theres a windup but its ranged soooo
and enemies dont seem to dodge it very well
and my trickle of FP from my simple-infused shield is enough to use it indefinitely
hell yeah
Ozmiander 17-Apr-16 09:58 AM
and they don't stop coming
and they don't stop coming
and they don't stop coming
Prude 17-Apr-16 09:59 AM
ooo its normal attacks have more hyperarmor than a straightsword at least
actually poised through some enemy attacks(edited)
Ozmiander 17-Apr-16 10:00 AM
best meta
Prude 17-Apr-16 10:01 AM
im pretty sure that curved sword is the OTHER weapon nameless king can net you
(also he gives a miracle but its lightning storm so probs garbage and 45 faith is too much when i'm already considering going down from 40 to 30 in favor of focusing on buffs primarily)
Ozmiander 17-Apr-16 10:02 AM
i just dump in dex with a few in vit/end/str
Prude 17-Apr-16 10:02 AM
up to 1058 damage w/ lightning clutch
this is much cheaper and better than lightning spears
also this thing has a halberd moveset, owns
my old soul battery, the consumed king
is weak to lightning
this is gonna make it ever better farming
Rejd 17-Apr-16 10:56 AM
HELL yeah
I just two shotted some guy with my heavy great club that's only at +2
To be fair, I only have enough stamina for two swings and barely enough for a roll
Rejd 17-Apr-16 11:04 AM
farron at sl30 is great, constant summons
My previous char I was already overleveled
Prude 17-Apr-16 11:19 AM
yeah farrons good till probably the 40's at the highest
after that, aldrich is poppin'
if you want a way to invade without being outnumbered 90% of the time
since it's pretty common to get at least 2 Aldrich dudes in there at once, maybe a red, and a lot of hosts there arent summoning
this is how i beat the nameless king
ran out of estus and he was at like 1/10 health
so i was like shit, pretty much can't afford to get hit
and need to finish this fast
managed to dodge everything from that point forward and take him out quickly though after being really cautious the rest of the time
feels good to win a real close one like that
Taylor SWifTT 17-Apr-16 11:44 AM
Bible Ian Black 17-Apr-16 08:34 PM
seeing the giant blacksmith's corpse made me sad
how could he let himself get bodied so fucking hard
Prude 17-Apr-16 08:43 PM
Yeah that was a bummer
Hes like the one old character you find like that
If you dont include aldrich wearing gwyndolins face
But gwyndolin was a shitter anyways
Imo once the average playerbase catches up, I think Nameless King is going to be the new artorias in terms of popularity
He reminds me of artorias, really hard but feels like a real duel between warriors
Substantial lore supporting his character, like artorias, etc
Really cool fight location and two good phases, etc
Bible Ian Black 17-Apr-16 08:52 PM
he's kind of like
the proto-protagonist of Dark Souls
Prude 17-Apr-16 08:52 PM
Ultimately he is kinda framed as noble in the series(edited)
Since theres the point in DS2 where the starting and perpetuating of the cycle is basically considered the first sin
And he was for the side against that
Prude 18-Apr-16 08:34 AM
Ozmiander 18-Apr-16 12:53 PM
he was a bitch
"oh no my jewelry i am undooooooone"\
Rejd 18-Apr-16 02:06 PM
Yes. Yes, I'm a BadDragonDotCom
There's an invisible bridge.
It's kinda bullshit but it's dark souls.
Taylor SWifTT 18-Apr-16 03:41 PM
Wait is that the spining tower thing?
I knew it had some purpose
Because theres two exists at the top
And only one is used
Ozmiander 18-Apr-16 03:50 PM
use the lower exit
she gives me the weirdest boner
Rejd 18-Apr-16 04:53 PM
waifu souls confirmed
Prude 18-Apr-16 10:35 PM
Shes very heavily implied to be descended from Priscilla i think
Tho this ones arms are weird
So i dunno if shes a true waifu
Wish i didnt have to sacrifice anri, my literal waifu
But at least she lives on in her stupid overpowered sword
Prude 18-Apr-16 11:17 PM
Prude 19-Apr-16 01:27 AM
Prude 19-Apr-16 10:59 AM