Golden Age
A Golden Age is a specific time or era in COMMIEVERSE history where everything is going exceedingly well, people are heavily involved, and everyone is in their best mode.
Defining a Golden Age
A golden age is relatively easy to define. Its marked as a period of time when members of the group, no matter the relative group size, are increasingly involved in the day to day operation of the group and are dedicated to its growth. Its also marked by an uptick in activity, both irl, in the social media and chat platforms, and in game.
A golden age historically has been marked in retrospect by members of the COMMUNISM Historical Society, but occasionally a golden age is declared in the midst of said event.
The first use of the term "golden age" began when Shelarahn started to collect the histories of COMMUNISM into a comprehensive tome in 2014.
1st Golden Age
- Beginning: Formation of COMMUNISM
- April 16th - Decembert 4th 2007 (7 months, 2 weeks and 4 days)
2nd Golden Age
- Beginning: Formation of Friend Zone
- End: The Banishment of Shelarahn
- April 3 2012 - June 6th 2013 (1 year, 2 months and 3 days)