The 2023 Bimmies/Candidates


  • Move some of the shittier Lesser Categories and bring back others and have an unstreamed slate of awards

Lesser Categories

Disappointment of the Year

L of the Year

Worst Take of the Year

Janny of the Year

Reposter of the Year

Simp of the Year

Bit of the Year

Battle of the Year

Happening of the Year

- Nya Gets Hacked

Spaceball Lifetime Achievement

Media Category

Best WIDEVERSE Creator

Best Anime

Best Western Media

Best Singleplayer Game

- Hogwarts Legacy

Best Co-op Game

Waifu of the Year

VTuber of the Year

The Big Four

Melty of the Year

Fresh Face of the Year

BEEFSTER of the Year

Bigger of the Year

Those We Lost

  • Lisa Marie Presley

Year In Pictures Notes
