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 Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of

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Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of Empty
PostSubject: Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of   Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2008 1:06 am

So the patch hit yesterday (in case you didn't know). After everyone had finished downloading and the servers came up as scheduled, at 2:00 PM PDT, we all logged in to try out the variety of new abilities Blizzard had granted us. The balance team had done a fine job, as per their usual standard, and on a personal note, I was extremely psyched to see such attention to detail paid to the two new arenas released in the patch.

And then I woke up.

Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of Echoesofdoom

I believe there exists a direct correlation between the quality of a patch and the size of its banner (compare the current banner to, oh, say, this one).

At around 6:00 PM PDT the servers finally came up for a few minutes before crashing again, deleting any mounts players had used during that time (don't worry, you'll get them back... we're told). Things seemed to "stabilize" at around 8:30, and we were able to log in to view or horribly mangled UIs and video settings. Oh how I love patch day. I could rant on and on, but that's why we have Chris Tucker, Yahtzee, and Fox News. In short, the patch can be summed up in three lines:

The Good-
Achievements are cool
The Bad- Warlock metamorphosis looks like a Barney plush toy, seriously, you have to see it to believe it
The Expected- Retribution Paladins are still OP

On a final, serious note. We are raiding this Friday, so log in and get your shit fixed now. Don't wait until the last second, as it will probably take you some time to reconfigure your settings.

As always, the patch notes can be found here. They are extremely inaccurate, so remember to test everything in game or ask around on the forums before you start relying on some new ability to work. Chances are, it won't.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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Patch 3.0 Goes Live... sort of
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