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 [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight

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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 5:12 pm

Raid Spec: (Changed)




http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Gorgonnash&n=Acclimator (Not up to date as of this post)

22,947 Hp
23,151 Armor

16.74 Dodge
18.78 Parry (28.78 with blood runes on cd)

16 Expertise

* A 2-minute PVP trinket? Yes
* What is your trinket set-up? Do you need any obvious upgrades (DST, HSH, etc?) Death Knight starting ones.
* Where are you from? (do you speak/understand English well?) Texas
* How old are you? (we've had a lot of problems in the past with younger players, but we do have people as young as 16 in the guild, so it's not an automatic disqualifier) 18
* Do you have a mic for vent? (speaking up when necessary is important) Yes
* Do you have Grid, XPerl, PallyPower, or some other UI that helps you buff, pick up lose aggro, etc? Atm no.

Raid Experience: MC, BWL, done some both aq, Karazahn, SSC, TK, half of Mount Hyjal. Full cleared Naxxaramas, OS, EoE. (Wotlk Beta).

A short guild history:

Ex Cinis: First guild on this server, knew the leaders from a different server I played on. Left to help a group of people that had quit it after some issues.

Deicide: The group that left Ex Cinis, raided for awhile and the guild disbaned at some point (dont know why it did lol). Went to my alliance server after that till Wotlk.

The reason you are applying to Damage Done: Did some questing with Dimidreas, had fun we 2 manned the 5 man arena in Ice Crown. Not only do I need a guild but I figured I could join his since he is a nice person and progress in wow with a friendly guild.

Finally, tell us in one or two sentences why you would be a good addition to Damage Done: I can be humorous at times, mainly making smart ass remarks I suppose lol. I have the strats down for Wotlk's instances that have been made so far and good at raiding.

Previous Character: Omniscience 70 Holy paladin. I healed for all the raids I did while in those two guilds.

Acknowledgment of agreement to our rules and times: Yes

Raid Times-Tuesday at 6:00, Friday at 6:00, Sunday at 2:45- I'm able to make all of these times.

Edit: I'm currently running heroics and instances to earn better gear and to earn reputation for enchants.

Last edited by Acclimator on Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:37 pm; edited 16 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 5:32 pm

We're a friendly guild?
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 7:05 pm

Shelarahn wrote:
We're a friendly guild
the above comment is now much more true
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 7:44 pm

i still can't get over your avatar
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:01 pm

I thought the same thing, Shel, when I read his post.

But wow, first DK applicant? Does someone in the guild (I'm looking at you, Serayne) have a serious DK in the works?
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:10 pm

Not Serayne, but we have a few others.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:13 pm

I haven't done much research on DK raid specs, but I heard something about Blood being the optimal spec. Can you enlighten me on how Frost compares, Acclimator? Thanks. Smile

Peanutbutter wrote:
Does someone in the guild (I'm looking at you, Serayne) have a serious DK in the works?
We have some working on DKs. Some are nearing 80. Had to call it early tonight, so they might have ding'd since then, so I'm not sure on level accuracy. Back to the weekly work grind @ 5:30am tomorrow. Yay. pale

~ Sean
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:25 pm

Vaslant wrote:
I haven't done much research on DK raid specs, but I heard something about Blood being the optimal spec. Can you enlighten me on how Frost compares, Acclimator? Thanks. Smile

Well I have not heard or seen too much on how well blood spec is at tanking. I do know unholy is useful for aoe tanking and frost is better at single target tanking while it boost the raids attack speed.

Being frost I gain longer duration to Icebound Fortitude (DK shield wall with 1 min cd), I also get lichborne which is a 3 min cd move that decreases the enemy's chance to hit me by 25%. Another move is unbreakable armor, with the glyph I gain 25% more armor and 10% more parry. Lastly I have frost aura and Acclimation which boosts my resistances greatly against spellcasters. The main thing about being frost is that it has the most moves to ensure survival.

I was frost while doing the beta and cleared all the instances without a problem using the talent skills in a constant rotation.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:42 pm

First, thank you for your application and interest in our guild.

Your post looks clean and professional, but while I realize the app sticky has not been revised for WotLK, there are some key pieces of information I am surprised you omitted. For example, what is the name of your previous character? (please give details)

The bulk of my concerns are in regards to your character itself. You have some good ideas, but your theorycraft is lacking at a very fundamental level. There is a great deal "wrong" with your spec, starting from the ground up. I highly recommend reading a primer on DK tanking.

I am a firm believer that a smart player can adapt very quickly given the right tools, which is why I am not declining your app outright. If you are still interested in applying, feel free to contact me in game with some questions after you make some changes to your character.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:46 pm

Acclimator wrote:
Well I have not heard or seen too much on how well blood spec is at tanking. I do know unholy is useful for aoe tanking and frost is better at single target tanking while it boost the raids attack speed.
Obviously I'm tired. I was thinking you were planning to dps, even with the obvious Dodge/Parry stat inclusion; however, it does show that you've done some research on your skillset for tanking and have setup a good rotation for it. I found your original post a bit lacking in detail regarding your class, so forgive me if I proceed asking more questions. Wink

How goes the theorycrafting on DKs? I haven't had much time with my new job to check out as much as I'd like to for my own class, so if you've looked into DK theorycrafting, what have you found works and doesn't work well as a tank? Anyone else who has researched, feel free to hop in the discussion as with them being a new class, I'm somewhat intrigued by their mechanics.

EDIT: I believe it is time for a sig update, - Z -. Yay! ^^

~ Sean
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:48 pm

I would prefer to keep mechanics discussion out of an application post unless the applicant him/herself is asked to explain the details.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:49 pm

- Z - wrote:
I would prefer to keep mechanics discussion out of an application post unless the applicant him/herself is asked to explain the details.
Sounds good.


~ Sean
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:50 pm

Sorry for not including my previous character. I will update it.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 8:48 am

All in all the majority of you arses are pretty friendly and intelligent individuals, else I would not have given my recommendation as such when Acclimator asked me how our guild is.
As he stated, we duo'd the Icecrown arena chain on Saturday evening, the first half of it while he was still 79. Seemed to be a pretty solid player from what I gathered there when observing his playstyle.
Good use of abilities at proper times I reckon considering the challenge that was overcome by two essentially non-healing classes.

Good luck to you with your application dude, you seem like cool shit.
Can always use more of that in guild.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 3:34 pm

I'm friendly.

Putting the Sensual back in Non Consensual.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 3:38 pm

Ichaerus wrote:
I'm friendly.

If your sig was not highly indicative of this fact I don't know what else would be.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 8:09 pm

Last night, against all conventional wisdom (whatever amount I have left after losing so much sleep these last 2 weeks), I stayed up and did some normal instances with Acclimator. Despite being very tired, during the 2 instances we ran, my main focus was not going through pwning all face, but rather to see how well Acclimator pulled, marked, didn't wipe us and last but not least adapted to his environment. A few key notes:

  • I formed the group, but the moment we entered the first instance, I passed lead to Acclimator. He didn't even ask a question as to why he was lead, if I wanted to mark, etc. He instantly started marking and making sure everyone was ready. His knowledge of the instance helped him to continuously pull, with minimal downtime.
  • During the first instance, and also 1 time during the 2nd instance, I purposely pulled prematurely (once everyone had health and mana, of course) to see how he would handle it. No complaints, no minced words. He instantly picked up the mob and built threat as fast as possible in each case.
  • A few times I passed threat on a mob and moved them away from Acclimator. Within seconds (not enough time for the mob to take me to even 50% health), he pulled the mob back to him without hesitation with the DK's Mortal Kombat Scorpion move. Don't ask, I'm tired. Wink
  • His main focus during these runs was getting through them as fast as possible w/o dying. He was all about business, not saying much during the instance itself. He mainly spoke before and after we cleared everything. I'm sure he has a lighter side that I've yet to see, but I did like the fact that he wasn't doing ready checks every few pulls and that he would pull when people had health and mana, not waiting for them to push forward, but moreso pushing them forward himself.
Remember, this was a normal instance, so I do suggest doing things in Heroic so that things will be more "raid" situational for the pulls and not feel as if we were just pulling random mobs outside in the regular tundra areas. But as far as normal instaces are concerned, there was absolutely nothing of concern that I saw in the runs last night.

I hope you don't think I'm an ass for doing those pulls/threat on purpose, I wanted to see how you reacted and you passed with flying colors. Don't hold it against me, please. I HAVE GOLD AND BOOTY! :p

I wish to run more with you soon! You are definitely a good tank and once I [finally] hit 80, plan to get whispered by me for some heroics. I should be ready no later than Friday afternoon if you'd be interested. Wink

NOTE: "Booty" refers to Shelarahn. He is my treasure and I like to share him with everyone, anytime, anywhere. However, only fat chicks need apply.

~ Sean
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 9:50 pm

Vaslant, I think I love you, even if your signature is qq-worthy.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2008 9:52 pm

Fat chicks need love too
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 10:58 am

Shelarahn wrote:
Fat chicks need love too

omfg hahahahaha

p.s. i, too, love you mr. vaslant. and you too mr. zyzzx for your wonderfully eloquent, nearly poetic declining of seymour's app hahahaha

p.p.s. he apped to umbral too and looks like he's getting shot down there too
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 2:43 pm

I'd like to thank you again for your perseverance and patience (lol), I apologize it has taken us so long to get around to you.

Unfortunately we are going to decline your app, but there is a silver lining. It is clear that you are not bumbling around pressing buttons at random, and possess at least some sense as to what you are doing. Razz What is hamstringing your application is your absence of "high end" (heroic dungeon blues/purples) equipment. While we considered adding you to the guild and allowing you to gear up with us, it was impossible to tell how much of the difficulty that presented itself was due to your lack of ilevel, and how much of it was due to "other circumstances."

So here's our offer. If you are still interested, come back to us in a few weeks with some better gear (no greens, if not epics at least "epic quality" blues) and proper enchants (you had none/very few) and we'll give you another trial run.

Thank you again for your interest in our guild, I wish you the best of luck in whatever it is you decide on doing. I am leaving this post open for 24 hours, pending your response.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 3:28 pm

Not a problem. Ill be continuing to do heroics and what not to earn the proper gear needed to raid. Thanks for the response and understandable due to my current level of gear.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 3:45 pm

I like this guy

good luck in the future mang!
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 27, 2008 10:48 pm

z's a girl.
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[Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2008 3:36 pm

Re-opened, we will have an update for you (hopefully) by tonight.

I don't know why my girlfriend gets so mad at me for always being right, I don't get mad at her for always being wrong.
Zyzzx - 80 Shadow Priest
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PostSubject: Re: [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight   [Accepted] Acclimator - Frost Death Knight I_icon_minitime

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