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 [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman

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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 11:08 am


PVE Talent Spec: 0/16/55

Armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Gorgonnash&n=Xypetotec
Current Spec: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents.xml?r=Gorgonnash&n=Xypetotec

Stats (Unbuffed):

Spellpower: 1,128 /Healing 1,246
Mp5 (while casting): 144/Water shield 274
Hit: 0
Crit: 18.33%
Haste: 102

What is your trinket set-up? Do you have the 2 minute PvP trinket? Do you need any obvious upgrades?
Seaapray Albatross
Mendicant's Charm
Yes I do.
As far as upgrades.. It's fairly obvious I'm a rather fresh 80.. So yeah I need a fair share of upgrades.. But I am working on those also, but for some reason I've been getting saved to scrub naxx grps or my rolls are absloutly crap =\
What is your glyph set-up?

Major: Water Mastery, Chain Heal, Earthliving Weapon
Minor: Water Shield, Water Walking, Ghost Wolf

Where are you from? (do you speak/understand English well?)
USA, Yes

How old are you?

Do you have a mic/headset for vent?

Do you have Grid, XPerl, PallyPower, or some other UI that helps you buff, pick up loose aggro, etc?
Grid, Autobar(For totem control),

Raid Experience (No one cares about 10 or 25 Vault or what you killed post 3.0 in BC)
Pre Bc: All (No, I don't have any gear from that period.. Bank space was more valueable *tear*)
Pre 3.0 BC: Most content up to Supremus with the exception of Kael & Solar, Vash & Leo.
WoTLK: 10/25 Vault, 10 naxx Patch, Grobb(didn't defeat), Gothik, 4H

Guild History.
Ages ago the only ones I remember was Blades of the Dragoon, Redhawtmonkeyluv
| Reckoning |- Got tired of planning raids, only getting 1 every week or so and it flopping due to lack of intrest. Joined..
Kill Order- Raid times and work times conflicted, so I joined...
Coup De Grace- Left KO to assist Vaslant with his guild which ultimately merged with...
Digital Heroes- After the merger, guild did some raids.. seemed like it was goin good then internal conflict leading to a split..
Iron Knights- Lasted with this guild till after wotlk but due to me moving, and work... I didn't have the time to do much in wow which was ultimately what lead me to the decision to gquit...
Death Incorperated- Friends from D2 were in this guild so I joined to game with thema nd help them lvl.. Currently still with, but due to the fact I was the 2nd of 3 80's.. Yeah no raiding goin on and Pugs are getting annoying.

Acknowledgment of agreement to our rules and times.
If I didn't agree, why spend the time typing this out?

Are you prepared for the next scheduled raid?
Tuesday's or Thursdays I should be as far as today's I would feel like a leech, comming in a partial/nearly cleared raid, not to mention i've had no sleep.. Provided I can get the computer =\

Reason(s) for applying.
1. I am tired of spending my free time in LFG for raids.
2. I'de like to see the content before it's as pointless as previous raid content.
3. After speaking with Z a couple months back I liked what I heard.
4. Vaslant (who is more of a brother to me then my own brother) hounds me relentlessly to apply.

Final Thoughts, why you would be a good addition to Damage Done.
I feel this would be up to those who test me, or have ran with me in the past.. Not myself.

If possible, please include a screenshot of your UI.
I would, if this infernal computer wouldn't eat them all the time...

Last edited by Xype on Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 11:22 am

For what it's worth, I vouch for this guy. Inc rant from Ich? (snicker) Razz

I've know Xype since before I played WoW (going on what... 3 or 4 years now?) and since the first day I played, we've always been in constant communication. When I was running <Coup de Grāce>, it took forever and a day to get Xype to come help out and to my surprise, he did. What came next, probably wasn't too exciting. Weekly wipes in Karazhan. /gag

He stuck with it and was as dedicated as the rest since he does understand that sometimes, to progress, there will be wipes. Since the disband of CDG, we've mainly been in different guilds thanks to all the drama that has come from one or another. I try to group with him as much as possible, especially since the DH disband and the IK re-band(?), which was mainly DH coming back together under a new name from what I remember, minus the few people who went off to explore other options, such as myself.

I agree that his gear is a bit sub-par for where we are at this point after the expansion, but a good player is a good player? He knows his class well and could probably answer any questions you may have about it. Last night I believe I sent him a template via Talented for an Enh build and he was confused as to why some points were in certain talents. I was just looking for a yay or nay as to if it were good or not, but he went the extra step and was actually breaking it down point by point.

I know, I know. This post has reached the tl;dr stage, so I'll cut it off here for now... lolatyouguys!

BTW: I believe we're finishing up our Naxx10 today after our raid if you'd like to be on to see if we can bring you along. Could be as early as 3pm st or as late as 6pm st. All depends on who well we do on Sarth + 3 Drakes.

~ Sean
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 11:33 am

Forgot to mention.. If there is any issues with my spec, etc I'm open to suggestions. I have no problem respeccing but I'de prefer to understand the reasoning behind the request prior to spending the cash.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2009 12:39 pm

Dedicated resto shaman? Ginvite. Nao.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 1:40 pm

I don't know much about shamans, but here goes my brief attempt at a few spec questions:

Why no Improved Healing Wave or Healing Way? I know Healing Way was common in BC, but I don't know the general consensus on it now. (This is partly just curiosity, as I don't know shaman healing that well.)

The only other thing is that you aren't specced into the decurse. Even though I don't know shamans, that seems like almost a must-have talent.

P.S. level your JC for that int trinket because it's amazing
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 3:43 pm

Your gear is pretty horrid. Two pieces of lvl 80 epic gear one of which is a pvp piece and several 70 epics including kara pieces still.

As far as your spec you absolutely need Cleanse Spirit, you should have taken 5/5 imp. Healing Wave instead of Totemic Focus. You skipped your 11 point resto talent which gives you several crit heals for free as well as procing Ancestral Awakening/Imp Water Shield.
Here's the spec I'd use: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=hZ0xxuZxceuVxoxkrIRt

No chest enchant, no leg enchant.

Seems a bit lacking all around as of right now.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 4:21 pm

Secondary wrote:
Your gear is pretty horrid. Two pieces of lvl 80 epic gear one of which is a pvp piece and several 70 epics including kara pieces still.

As far as your spec you absolutely need Cleanse Spirit, you should have taken 5/5 imp. Healing Wave instead of Totemic Focus. You skipped your 11 point resto talent which gives you several crit heals for free as well as procing Ancestral Awakening/Imp Water Shield.
Here's the spec I'd use: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=hZ0xxuZxceuVxoxkrIRt

No chest enchant, no leg enchant.

Seems a bit lacking all around as of right now.

Damn, that's like.... -12 just to start.

Putting the Sensual back in Non Consensual.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 5:22 pm

Only counts if it is blue Ich!
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 1:02 am

Pay attention. The blueness was to emphasize the legitimacy of the post, the only prereq for a positive or minor score to occur is it has to be issued by me. It is my third commandment.

Putting the Sensual back in Non Consensual.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 1:55 am

Petrus wrote:
I don't know much about shamans, but here goes my brief attempt at a few spec questions:

Why no Improved Healing Wave or Healing Way? I know Healing Way was common in BC, but I don't know the general consensus on it now. (This is partly just curiosity, as I don't know shaman healing that well.)

The only other thing is that you aren't specced into the decurse. Even though I don't know shamans, that seems like almost a must-have talent.

P.S. level your JC for that int trinket because it's amazing

I'll start here and reply to each post.

As I mentioned earlier i have no prroples with respeccing to better suit the guild, But I figured I would be a CH spammer hence no Healing Way/Wave. As far as Decurse, In the raids I've gone in.. I've never had a chance to use it.. Soo I omitted it in my last respec, was always preoccupied with spamming CH i guess, not used to having to decurse when Anti-Poison/Disease was needed I just dropped the totem needed. Old habit I suspose. I was JC/Ench in bc. I dropped Ench yeterday or the for Mining to level JC tbh.

Secondary wrote:
Your gear is pretty horrid. Two pieces of lvl 80 epic gear one of which is a pvp piece and several 70 epics including kara pieces still.

As far as your spec you absolutely need Cleanse Spirit, you should have taken 5/5 imp. Healing Wave instead of Totemic Focus. You skipped your 11 point resto talent which gives you several crit heals for free as well as procing Ancestral Awakening/Imp Water Shield.
Here's the spec I'd use: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=hZ0xxuZxceuVxoxkrIRt

No chest enchant, no leg enchant.

Seems a bit lacking all around as of right now.

I've already explaind the Decurse.. But I have no problems respeccing into it, and downloading Decursive, I left shortly after WoTLK was released to work, and just got back recently.. I guess I'm still in a BC frame of mind.
I've looked over several sources including EJ, and aswell as my own experiences with and without Tidal Force and 1/3 in Ele Weps, Witht he 3 points in Weps, I've noticed strnger HPS due to the increased ELW.. I've been trying to find a way to get 3/3 EW aswell as 2 in to IMP ES and TF but I can't seem to figure a way out without cutting off other talents, such as Riptide, If ya got any suggestions aside from the standard one on EJ.. I'm up for suggestions.

"A very popular variation of this spec is to put 3 points into Ancestral Healing and only 1 point into Elemental Weapons (0-14-57). However, most shaman will find that they will do more healing by boosting their Earthliving Weapon by 30%"

This is very true.. I've taken this variation as my base spec and have done my own variations.. I am still trying to find a spec that is viable and dosent hinder me too much in the long run.. Even with my current gear...

Gear wise.. I mentioned in my initial app I knew I needed upgrades.. I apped becuase Vas is somewhat relentless I had planned on waiting a couple weeks or so to work on obtaining gear.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 5:01 am

Xype wrote:
I apped becuase Vas is somewhat relentless I had planned on waiting a couple weeks or so to work on obtaining gear.

I'd suggest following through with the plan next time.

Application Denied.

Putting the Sensual back in Non Consensual.
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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman   [Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman I_icon_minitime

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[Declined] Xypetotec: Resto Shaman
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