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 Infernous Frost DK

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-03-10

Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 11:07 pm

PVE spec

Amory link:

Stats (Unbuffed)

Armor: 28826
Defense: 546 (without garg rune enchant)
Dodge: 26.17
Parry: 16.90%
Expertise: 31

What is your trinket set-up? Do you have the 2 minute PvP trinket? Do you need any obvious upgrades?
-I use Seal of Pantheon from HOL reg for the defense, until that damn trinket drops off thaddius.
-I use valor of the first war until I can get it upgraded... Been very unlucky with trinkets
-I have the pvp trinket though

What is your glyph set-up?
-Glyph death grip, horn of winter, strangulate, raise dead (im cheap and hate buying corpse dust), icy touch, pestilence
Any suggestions are welcomed

Where are you from? (do you speak/understand English well?)
-I am from Toronto Ontario Canada...
-I can speak and understand English well. "My fail english thats unpossible"

How old are you?
-I am 27 years old.

Do you have a mic/headset for vent?

Do you have Grid, XPerl, PallyPower, or some other UI that helps you buff, pick up loose aggro, etc?
-I use; Omen, Quartz, and Recount...if needed I can use others.

Raid Experience (No one cares about 10 or 25 Vault or what you killed post 3.0 in BC)
BC: Kara / ZA / TK / SSC / Hyjal / BT
WotLK: Everything but maly 25.

Guild History
On this server I have been in Eclipse Complex, many others in BC... |Them| and KO on my paladin Bicarbonate

Acknowledgment of agreement to our rules and times

Are you prepared for the next scheduled raid? (Yes means you're going to be on and ready during our scheduled raid time fyi)
-I could be there this Thursday.

Reason(s) for applying
-I like wow... I know my class fairly well and do play my class very well. I mean if you remember my paladin, I did a good job right? I wanna do harder stuff and achievements and believe I have outgrown my guild in this regard. There is alot of tension in my guild and things seem to be going bad. I hate moving around and just wanna stay with a good solid guild. I know some people in your guild, like Vaslant and get along very well with them. Basically i want more and to do more and believe you can help me in this regard.

Final Thoughts, why you would be a good addition to Damage Done
-I know and love my class. I like to hold hands under the moon light and believe your guild has nice soft hands to hold Razz But on a serious note, I just know your guild. It has been around for awhile. It is stable and it does things I wanna do, like achievements. It dosen't do the bare bone of what needs to get done, it does more!

If possible, please include a screenshot of your UI
Honestly, my UI is the basic UI of WoW. I tried abunch of add ons before and some how my account got hacked, so i am VERY cautious of them and therefore try to avoid them unless I believe its a must need.
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Join date : 2008-05-10
Age : 31
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Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 11:19 pm

It would help if you logged out in your tank gear.
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Join date : 2008-05-10
Age : 31
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Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 12:20 am

Thank you for logging in tank gear.

Acclimator can probably cover most of this, but I'd like to start with two things:

1. That's a lot of expertise. I have no real idea if this is good or bad, just pointing it out.
2. Why parry gems?
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Join date : 2009-03-10

Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 8:53 am

yeah your right it is alot of parry gems. I think my reasoning to put them in was in regards to patchwork in 25 man naxx. I was needed as hateful tank and stacked up abit of parry and dodge, since I was told that tanks that are the hateful ones needed that for him to help survive. Expertise... I am not too sure. I know the cap is 26, not sure why I have so much of it lol.
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Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 10:39 am

At the moment the armory shows you not in your tank gear.

As far as the parry gems go. Replace them with dodge since it requires less amount of rating to gain more mitigation. For the spec all is well except for the point spent in me(...oh hahaha..... lame). That point would be well more spent in Killing Machine to further increase chances to crit rather then have a low chance of gaining resistance. Even when fully talented Acclimation is rarely up and useful.

Other then that I'll make more comments once I see your gear.
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Join date : 2009-03-10

Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 9:45 pm

Ok, I should now show in armory with tank gear on. I will keep it on till you guys are done on your decision making to make things smoother for you. I was keeping my dps gear on cause of the allies ganking me while I was leveling my fishing and cooking. So far im @ 380 fishing and near 400 cooking. Not bad for 4 days of grinding that. Still Old Crafty has not popped up in Org. That f'n fish.

I replaced the gems with dodge ones like you said.
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Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 10:16 pm

Your gear is well. However, I would replace the gem in your helmet with a 24 stamina. It would also be good to get the Armsman enchant (2% more threat and 10 parry rating) mainly for the extra threat.

Last thing is your still using a fishing pole so I need to know what your weapon is and what rune your using on it.
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Infernous Frost DK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 10:43 pm

Damage Done no longer exists. If you would like to apply please refer to the sticky post.
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PostSubject: Re: Infernous Frost DK   Infernous Frost DK I_icon_minitime

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