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= Ancient History =
* 3,000 BC: The Chalice Macabre appears in northern Sumer, along with 103 creatures that would become to be known as vampires, with a host of other beasts of myth. The vampires prey on the humans for a short time, but realizing over-hunting could create an extinction event for their primary food source, wholesale hunting of humans is banned for all creatures by the 4 great Vampire Lords.
* 3,000 BC to 1914: Vampires, werewolves, and demons of all types enter into the myths of Asia and Europe. As many beasts venture to all corners of the map, over time the vampires trended towards settling in Europe. Lord Tepes, considered King of all Vampires, settles in the Carpathian Mountains of what would later become Romania, so too does Lady Bathory to the northwest in what would become Hungary. The whereabouts, as well as the identity, of the third and fourth Lords was lost mostly to time.
= Modern History =
*World War I: As the world becomes increasingly mechanized and modern, the creatures of myth were forced further and further into the shadows. The Vampire Lords stayed out of the first World War, but were forced to join the Soviets after their invasion.
*World War II: As an act of self interest and the acceptance of the inevitability of Vampires being forced to join the modern age, Lord Tepes offered Stalin use of his army, commanded by his own son, comprised of both vampires and other assorted creatures as the Сказочный дивизион (Skazochnyy (Ska-zoch-knee) divizion or Fairytale Division). While initially skeptical, Stalin soon realized the potential of these immortal killing machines. Hitler, learning of this new elite unit, decides to never enact Operation Barbarossa, and as such is able to devote 100% of his resources to the French coast on D-Day. The Allies are completely obliterated, suffering casualties in the hundreds of thousands. With the Allies neutralized, Stalin decides to strike with the assassination of Hitler and the Red Army quickly overwhelming the Wehrmacht across Western Europe, converting all of the occupied German countries, as well as conquering those who had stayed neutral, into Soviet Republics.
= Post World War II =
* Mid/Late 20th Century: Stalin, after declaring the dawn of the Soviet Empire, gifts Lord Tepes the oblast (An oblast is like a state) of Widevania, in the mountains on the Ukraine-Romania border, as a permanent home for the former soldiers. The area had previously been used as a training area, but millions of dollars were poured into it after the war to modernize it for everyday living. Lord Tepes appoints his son as the governor of the oblast.
* Modern Times: After retaking Alaska in 2021, and much of western Canada, the United States signs a non-aggression agreement with The Soviet Empire, ending any lingering military conflicts in the world. With no need for the mythological creatures anymore, the budget of Widevania is slashed, much to the annoyance of Lord Tepes. However, given the power accrued by the current Russian Premiere, the Vampire Lord is unable and unwilling to commit to complete hostilities, and accepts the cut funding.
* Widevania Vtubers: After seeing the success of “Vtubers”, virtual streamers, in the vassal state of Japan, Taylor Rahn, governor of Widevania, believes that this can be leveraged both to bring funding back to the oblast as well as increase the mythological creatures exposure to the outside world, and hopefully dispel many prejudices and hatreds by presenting them in a disarming way.

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