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 Furley - Survival Hunter

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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 2:44 pm

Survival http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=cxoZ0eVoZe00i0cIhxuAhcz


19434 hp
11126 mana
AP: 4046
Hit: 237 (7.23%) Can cap easily with a few gem swaps. (don't ask why I haven't *facepalm*)
Crit: 30.9%
Haste: 348 (10.61%)

What is your trinket set-up? Do you have the 2 minute PvP trinket? Do you need any obvious upgrades? I am currently using Mirror of Truth and Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood. Yes, I do have a 2 min PvP trinket. As far as obvious upgrades go... Yes, there are some obvious upgrades, but, I have yet to see the drops in my limited access to 10 and 25 man content.

What is your glyph set-up? Major Glyphs: Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Glyph of Serpent Sting, and Glyph of Steady Shot.

Where are you from? Long Beach, Ca.

How old are you? Old... 38

Do you have a mic/headset for vent? Yes

Do you have Grid, XPerl, PallyPower, or some other UI that helps you buff, pick up loose aggro, etc? My current mods are Omen, Rating Buster, Autobar, and Omni CC

Raid Experience TBC Kara, Gruul's and ZA. WotLK: 10 man Naxx (full clear), 10 man OS (one Drake), 10 man Malygos to 16% (I have seen and understand all phases) 25 man Naxx (all but the last 2 bosses in Military, Saph, and Kel) and 25 man OS (one drake)

Guild History On this toon I have been in a couple of "social" guilds while leveling and was a charter member of Hordecore. I joined Corruped Blood recently because most of my online friends and the people I play with are in it. (name change from Bargeonu to Furley a couple months ago)

Acknowledgment of agreement to our rules and times I understand the rules and agree to them. I am currently available for all raid times. (Tues and Thurs @6pm server and Sun 2pm server)

Are you prepared for the next scheduled raid? Yes, I can/will be available for the next scheduled raid.

Reason(s) for applying Sarafain said he'd get me in!!! No, I'm kidding. My main reason is current guild raid times are awful for me (Fridays and Sundays @ 9pm server) and our current level of progression is sad at best. I enjoy playing with all of my current guild members/friends (and if possible will be doing 10 mans with them when I can.) but, I would like to see and do more progressed raiding.

Final Thoughts, why you would be a good addition to Damage Done A lot of you may know me for playing on my rogue Ickyboy. Whether or not you like me is another question. I parked Ickyboy because rogues are broken and I am having a lot fun playing my hunter. I am willing to do what it takes to help the raid succeed. I have absolutely no problem with grinding through wipes to accomplish bigger and better things and I do, in fact, enjoy it.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:00 pm

Furley wrote:
rogues are broken

Is that so? Someone should tell that to Xeos, Vaslant, Valk, and Byfield.

Guys, you are broken. Stop dpsing so much and coming out around anywhere from 2nd to 7th in the dps meters. You're broken, you guys are bad, as is said in the word of Furley, Amen.
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:02 pm

Ick's a solid player. When/if he screws up he admits it. He's one of the people I keep saying I can get in touch with to fill raid spots.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:05 pm

Feardotpew wrote:
Furley wrote:
rogues are broken

Is that so? Someone should tell that to Xeos, Vaslant, Valk, and Byfield.

Guys, you are broken. Stop dpsing so much and coming out around anywhere from 2nd to 7th in the dps meters. You're broken, you guys are bad, as is said in the word of Furley, Amen.

I actually think Xeos will agree. 1 becase they change the raiding spec every patch and 2 because the top rotation is spam shiv.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:26 pm

Feardotpew wrote:
Furley wrote:
rogues are broken

Is that so? Someone should tell that to Xeos, Vaslant, Valk, and Byfield.

Guys, you are broken. Stop dpsing so much and coming out around anywhere from 2nd to 7th in the dps meters. You're broken, you guys are bad, as is said in the word of Furley, Amen.

Spam Shiv = Broken... I just spoke to Byfield and he said the same thing and I'm willing to bet the other three you mentioned will agree with me as well. I've played a Rogue for a long time and think I know the class pretty well. 3.1 should fix them... we'll see.

Now, do you have anything consructive to say?
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:40 pm

Furley wrote:
Spam Shiv = Broken... I just spoke to Byfield and he said the same thing and I'm willing to bet the other three you mentioned will agree with me as well. I've played a Rogue for a long time and think I know the class pretty well. 3.1 should fix them... we'll see.

Now, do you have anything consructive to say?
By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Err... wait, I think I took the wrong exit to the COSplay expo. Umm........

Srs bsns faces activate! Yea, that's what I meant to say. Razz

@ Sarafain: Why you telling people you'll get them in when you have r/l issues to show up yourself?! Jeez.... (j/k, needs more Moonkin!! ilulongtime, i prmise)

EDIT: It's good to see some ranged applying to be honest. Sooooo many melee right now. Sometimes there's so much going on that I just mazsh my face on my keyboard and start rolling it left and right.

~ Sean

Last edited by Vaslant on Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 3:46 pm

Rogues are indeed broken, but not in the way that they can't output some decent dps. They are broken because of WotLK rogue mechanics dealing with poison scaling.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 4:12 pm

Hi Ick.

Putting the Sensual back in Non Consensual.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 4:18 pm

Ichaerus wrote:
Hi Ick.
Hi Ich.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 4:30 pm

Everything smells good to me. Id definitely try to hit cap if I were you, considering you have no points in Focused Aim. Also 6 stats gem in your chest....EXPLAIN!

Other then that id say give him a test run.

Furley - Survival Hunter Thumbsup
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 5:27 pm

BaronVardus wrote:
Also 6 stats gem in your chest....EXPLAIN!

I have no excuses for it lol. I had intended on replacing it with an agi/hit gem and just haven't yet. I will regem the rest to reach the cap.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 6:36 pm

Aye, that +6 stats gem is heinous. It hurts my eyes. Doesn't look too bad. Just need a few gear upgrades, such as trying to get the pants from either Heroic Halls of Stone or Heroic Gothik. Same with getting the gloves from Heroic Patchwerk or Heroic VH. Armor Pen is teh suxor on your gear. The only good tier pieces to hang onto are the chest and shoulders for the damage bonus for your pet. And of course a new weapon is in order, but those tend to drop a bit once you get running on a regular basis.

As far as the spec, why the 3 points in sniper training? I haven't toyed with that talent too much myself, but it seems to be a situational talent, that turns into 3 wasted points on fights where you have to stack. Why no points in Hunting Party? 3 is sufficient, and when you have a ret paly/shadow priest in the raid, and all 3 replenish effects are going, I know I personnaly almost never have to pop Viper, and can come out of boss fights with near full mana. Once you beef up your crit rate a bit, 2 points in Expose Weakness is sufficient due to the amount that you will be critting on a regular basis keeping it up almost constantly. Same reason that only 3 points in Hunting Party is plenty sufficient.

What pet do you use for raiding?

All in all, not bad. We do need more ranged DPS. I get lonely standing in the back all by myself shooting shit.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 10:11 pm

Rogues are definitely broken atm. This being said we have cleared all 25 man content save Sarth this week. Be ready to run Sunday and familiar with Sarth +3. If we dont have a spot for you Sunday we will work a trial into next weeks raid schedule so be prepared to go at our normal raid times.

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 11:48 pm

Doooon't be so serious! It was a joke!

As far as constructive responses go, I don't know much about hunters tbh. I just know that explosive shot is pretty OP in bgs/arenas. I would think that the responses of Bardus and Tihson would suffice, but as the say, ranged is gud.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 12:47 am

Feardotpew wrote:
Doooon't be so serious! It was a joke!

As far as constructive responses go, I don't know much about hunters tbh. I just know that explosive shot is pretty OP in bgs/arenas. I would think that the responses of Bardus and Tihson would suffice, but as the say, ranged is gud.

And with the current changes/updates for hunters in 3.1, SV hunters are looking to be the new warlocks. We will now have 4 DoT effect attacks, plus our steady shot/auto shot rotation.

Moar dots!!
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 12:52 am

Hey now, I'm pretty sure that warlocks will be the new warlocks. Just wait til I go destro and blow you suckas out of the water.
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 1:08 am

We shall see. My Explosive Shot now refreshes my Immo Trap DoT, which I can now launch at a mob with my new trap launcher, so no more having to run up to a boss to do trap dancing.

I'm downloading the PTR client as we speak to see if I can get on to do some testing.
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 2:04 am

I finally had my transfer be successful, I'm just too lazy to actually get on there and see what's what.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 9:28 am

hai icky!
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 2:48 pm

Necis wrote:
This being said we have cleared all 25 man content save Sarth this week. Be ready to run Sunday and familiar with Sarth +3. If we dont have a spot for you Sunday we will work a trial into next weeks raid schedule so be prepared to go at our normal raid times.

I'm saved to 25 man OS... I pugged it earlier this week. So, next week? Just let me know when and where. I will keep everything open until I hear from you all.

I have a raptor for raiding. I also have a cat that's at 78 and should be 80 in the next couple days. I leveled BM with a Core Hound so I've had to level a couple pets up for dps.

As far as spec goes... I borrowed my current spec from Hunteruber, who got it from the Elitist Jerks hunter forums. I'm open to any suggestions/improvements and have no problem respec'ing for better performance. My current spec seems to work well in 10 mans and the few 25 mans I've been in I've done well also. I've always been MM or BM on this toon and the SV spec is still new to me so, any help or advice is appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 9:34 pm

Well, your spec is pretty much your choice, as long as you can make it work well.

As far as specs in 3.1, all the specs so far on the PTR are putting DPS numbers on the heroic training dummy within ~100 DPS of eachother. SV is still on top, but takes a lot of work paying attention to CDs and whatnot to make it work.

Just make sure you know how to play your spec, and you're golden. king
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2009 12:21 am

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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2009 10:01 am

Feardotpew wrote:

Seriously. Where's our Voidwalker tank?
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2009 1:57 pm

Tihson wrote:
Well, your spec is pretty much your choice, as long as you can make it work well.

As far as specs in 3.1, all the specs so far on the PTR are putting DPS numbers on the heroic training dummy within ~100 DPS of eachother. SV is still on top, but takes a lot of work paying attention to CDs and whatnot to make it work.

Just make sure you know how to play your spec, and you're golden. king

My spec seems to be working out pretty well. I am top or a very close second on the meters (dps and overall damage) in the 10 man naxx group I currently run with. I run it with Breath of the Dying (because my current guild raid times are terrible for me) and Sarafain can vouch for that as he's been running his shaman with the same group.
I am still fine tuning my shot rotation and am improving with every run. I swapped in gems for more hit (7.96% now) and that in itself made a bit of a difference.

I will leave 25 man content (excluding Vault) open this week for a test run with you all. Please let me know when and where I need to be for an invite.
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Furley - Survival Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 2:09 pm

Honed wrote:
hai icky!
Heya Honed! I ran an instance on Joodas (my priest) with you the other day only... it wasn't you. I was confused.
How ya been?
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter I_icon_minitime

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