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 Furley - Survival Hunter

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Location : Fort Hood, Texas

Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 4:09 pm

One tip I have for you would be to check your shot rotation. I noticed on the WWS report for the Naxx25 run that your auto shot accounted for more damage than your Explosive Shot during the run (22% v. 18%). Your ES should account for much more damage during a run than your auto shot, with Steady Shot being third (not counting volley). Your damage break down goes Volley > auto shot > ES > SS. Not sure what rotation you are using, but it should be: Serp Sting application > ES > SS > SS > SS > ES, and then reapplying Serp Sting approximately every 3rd ES. Serp Sting should be up at all times, since the SS glyph and Noxious stings are affected by it, as well as having your Serp Sting proc LnL during boss fights, which is amazing DPS boosts, being able to fire 3 consecutive ES's with no mana cost or ammo usage. WWS shows only ~161k dmg from Serp Sting from you for the entire run, with Vardus and myself dealing over 500k each the entire run.

ES should be your top damage dealing ability above your auto shot by at least 4-5%. Vardus and myself both have it leading by 6%. And of course Serp Sting should be constantly reapplied. Hunters are EZ mode once you get your hotbars setup, with my 4 main abilities bound to 1-4 keys (Volley, Serp Sting, ES, SS) with my Kill Shot as my 5. Also, take advantage of the KS bug, that causes it to have no GCD right now. When a boss hits that <20% mark, you can quickly mash KS/ES almost at the same time and have both shots fire nearly simultaneously. Also, when you get a LnL proc, your rotation should switch to ES > SS > ES > SS > ES > SS > SS so that the time it takes for each SS gives your ES the time to administer all 3 ticks of fiery goodness before switching back to your normal rotation.

Minor rotation tweaks and you could really bring up the DPS. Even with the crafted weapon, you should be at or near the top 10 in dmg. Though the ES nerf recently kinda hampered our fun. Hit the training dummies in Org if you want to practice your rotation, and look forward to seeing you give the dmg meters a good run.

Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 10:50 pm

Tihson wrote:
One tip I have for you would be to check your shot rotation. I noticed on the WWS report for the Naxx25 run that your auto shot accounted for more damage than your Explosive Shot during the run (22% v. 18%). Your ES should account for much more damage during a run than your auto shot, with Steady Shot being third (not counting volley). Your damage break down goes Volley > auto shot > ES > SS. Not sure what rotation you are using, but it should be: Serp Sting application > ES > SS > SS > SS > ES, and then reapplying Serp Sting approximately every 3rd ES. Serp Sting should be up at all times, since the SS glyph and Noxious stings are affected by it, as well as having your Serp Sting proc LnL during boss fights, which is amazing DPS boosts, being able to fire 3 consecutive ES's with no mana cost or ammo usage. WWS shows only ~161k dmg from Serp Sting from you for the entire run, with Vardus and myself dealing over 500k each the entire run.

ES should be your top damage dealing ability above your auto shot by at least 4-5%. Vardus and myself both have it leading by 6%. And of course Serp Sting should be constantly reapplied. Hunters are EZ mode once you get your hotbars setup, with my 4 main abilities bound to 1-4 keys (Volley, Serp Sting, ES, SS) with my Kill Shot as my 5. Also, take advantage of the KS bug, that causes it to have no GCD right now. When a boss hits that <20% mark, you can quickly mash KS/ES almost at the same time and have both shots fire nearly simultaneously. Also, when you get a LnL proc, your rotation should switch to ES > SS > ES > SS > ES > SS > SS so that the time it takes for each SS gives your ES the time to administer all 3 ticks of fiery goodness before switching back to your normal rotation.

Minor rotation tweaks and you could really bring up the DPS. Even with the crafted weapon, you should be at or near the top 10 in dmg. Though the ES nerf recently kinda hampered our fun. Hit the training dummies in Org if you want to practice your rotation, and look forward to seeing you give the dmg meters a good run.

Very Happy
I don't know if the lag issues I had on Tuesday would accont for the difference on my rotation damage... I doubt it. I use the rotation you have there only I mix in multi-shot. I dropped it (multi-shot) from my rotation after we talked during the raid tonight and my rotation seemed to flow better. I hope it made a difference.
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Age : 35
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Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 11:06 pm

Lag may have had something to do with it, and the mixing of the Volleys on boss fights. Like I said, You don't Volley on boss fights unless AoE is said to be needed. You did clean up your rotations, and your shots were ranked 1-3 as ES, auto shot, and SS. With ES 5% above auto shot. That's where it should be. I never liked weaving MS into my rotation because it causes your shot CDs to clip eachother or have multiple CDs come up at once. I save MS for the small AoE pulls, and Volley/MS the big ones.

In order to get used to the spec, just hit up the training dummies in one of the cities. It allows you to get used to where your lag points are on your shots, such as I have gotten used to mine, where I know to hit my ES button slightly before my SS finishes casting to make up for the server lag. Just brush up on boss fights, and get into a Naxx10 if possible to practice the safety dance on Heigan. Dying to the dance is no bueno.
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Posts : 120
Join date : 2008-11-12
Age : 35
Location : Fort Hood, Texas

Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 11:14 pm

Also, Aspect of the Viper is almost unnecessary as a SV hunter, especially with a ret paly and other SV hunters in the raid giving the replenishment buff. The only fight I ever have to use AotV on is KT when he does Detonate Mana. You are showing as having used it a lot. You only really need to have it active between pulls to regen a little mana, then jump back to Dragonhawk.

15th overall, 8th on KT.

Picked up after we ditched that MS out of the rotation.
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Join date : 2009-02-27

Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 12:49 am

Tihson wrote:
Also, Aspect of the Viper is almost unnecessary as a SV hunter, especially with a ret paly and other SV hunters in the raid giving the replenishment buff. The only fight I ever have to use AotV on is KT when he does Detonate Mana. You are showing as having used it a lot. You only really need to have it active between pulls to regen a little mana, then jump back to Dragonhawk.

15th overall, 8th on KT.

Picked up after we ditched that MS out of the rotation.
I noticed that it did pick up after I dropped MS from my rotation. As far as AotV goes... I kept forgetting to switch back to Dragonhawk. Embarassed
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Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 9:03 am

Furley wrote:
Honed wrote:
hai icky!
Heya Honed! I ran an instance on Joodas (my priest) with you the other day only... it wasn't you. I was confused.
How ya been?

ROFL I've been good. Yeah sorry that was probably my cousin who has no clue what he is doing. Oh god how bad was it?
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Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 1:51 pm

Honed wrote:
Furley wrote:
Honed wrote:
hai icky!
Heya Honed! I ran an instance on Joodas (my priest) with you the other day only... it wasn't you. I was confused.
How ya been?

ROFL I've been good. Yeah sorry that was probably my cousin who has no clue what he is doing. Oh god how bad was it?
It wasn't that bad at all lol. We had an 80 pally tank which made it easy mode in Utgarde Keep. How's the boat peddling business?
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Posts : 225
Join date : 2008-09-12

Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 06, 2009 2:05 pm

Furley wrote:
Honed wrote:
Furley wrote:
Honed wrote:
hai icky!
Heya Honed! I ran an instance on Joodas (my priest) with you the other day only... it wasn't you. I was confused.
How ya been?

ROFL I've been good. Yeah sorry that was probably my cousin who has no clue what he is doing. Oh god how bad was it?
It wasn't that bad at all lol. We had an 80 pally tank which made it easy mode in Utgarde Keep. How's the boat peddling business?

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Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 12:58 pm

Honed wrote:

Thas a bummer. I hope things pick up for you in the spring.

I hit the target dummies in org Tihson and worked on my rotation a bit. I was doing about 2600 dps unbuffed. I think I have the timing worked out pretty well now so, I hope to be doing better next run. That is... if you all plan on taking me along again.
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PostSubject: Re: Furley - Survival Hunter   Furley - Survival Hunter - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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