Southland is the primary region for the TayPack server. Originally, the project began as a small hut for a 3 man server, but has since been used in Minecraft servers for every single iteration of The COMMIEVERSE.

FriendCraft, BimmerCraft, and Personal Servers location
Southland Manor, the former capital of Southland (Resource Pack is PureBDCraft)
Created byTaylor Swift, Prude, Arkon
Other NamesDanlandia, Faglandia, Dans World, Dantopia


Original Map

The original Dantopia. See the original hole in the ground at the bottom left.

The beginning of what became Southland can be traced back to a 3 man server hosted off of Shelarahns computer in early 2011 when Prude, Arkon, and him began playing a new survival map. Originally, the trio based themselves out of a small hole in the ground that led to a larger subterranean cavern system, but a cobblestone base was soon erected close by, a building that would later become Southland Manor. Prude decided to fuck off a ways from the base and build his own tower, later named Faglandia Tower. Arkon would burrow through the nearby mountain and build the PVP arena on top of it, and connected it directly to the main manor, now called Dantopia Manor. A faux "war" broke out between Faglandia and Dantopia, which escalated to Shelarahn building a great wall with TNT cannons on top, and glassing the Faglandia Desert. After a week or so, Prude and Arkons interest in the server would fade, and the server was shut down.

Over the next year or so, the map would be imported into various different mod packs such as Technic and several other "cities" would be added Like Dantopia City, Bordertown, and The Northern Wall.

New Map

The Southland Manor complex imported into a fresh map via MCEdit

The original Dantopia map had been used over several different versions of Minecraft, and as such, was beginning to fray at the edges where new procgen would create wildly different biomes and landmasses. To fix this, Shelarahn imported the original Dantopia Manor into McEdit and cleaned away all of the dirt and stone surrounding the cobblestone building, and imported it into an entirely new map on the newest version of Minecraft. At this time, Friend Zone as in full swing, so the new map was put up at a vanilla server for the members of Friend Zone to enjoy. It was here that the area that would later become Southland Island began to emerge. Morgan was responsible for much of the building north of the manor, including the now derelict Tower of Friendship and a statue to herself.

With the release of 1.4.2 on October 25th, 2012, and the addition of the Wither, a test was conducted on the southern end of the island to spawn the Wither. The attempt was successful and the area of destruction left can still be seen at Wither Hill.

As FriendCraft became more popular, the Friends would move to a different pack and a completely new map, leaving Southland behind.

Various Revisions

In the years following FriendCraft, Shelarahn independently would continue working on the map sporadically. The first major moves were creating the various islands by cutting them off of the adjoining landmasses using VoxelSniper and WorldEdit, creating rivers and bays as natural barriers. Secondly, Southland Manor itself was overhauled, removing the tower on top and converting it to a log roof. The surrounding island was also landscaped, adding huge trees to file in the empty areas.

Northport was added next, as a second area independent from the main island. Two compounds were built along with the bazaar and port. Roads linking the two locations were also built.


In December of 2017, Southland was moved to The TayPack, a custom collection of mods meant to increase aesthetics and give the world life via furniture and other QoL additions.


Inner Isles

The Inner Isles as they appear on The TayPack currently.

The original area where Southland Manor was placed when imported into the new maps is the area that is now considered The Inner Isles. The island is limited to handmade projects and is usually restricted against everyone building. There was countless hidden and lost buildings, underground tunnels, and roads scattered throughout the map as a result of years and years of building and improving the islands.

Southland Island

The area immediately surround the manor and the main island of the Inner Isles, Southland Island features most of the oldest structures on the map. On the northern shores of the island, the two colossus, Southland and The Traitor Queen, stand. Next to the latter colossus, the ruins of The Tower of Friendship are seen, overgrown with vegetation. The Black Warrior River serves as the natural border along the western, northern, and eastern sides of the island, with Southland Bay forming the southern border. Along the river, are the 3 beacons, that light the path around the western bend of the river. In the heart of the island lies the marble gazebo that serves as a memorial to all those lost building Southland.

North of the manor is the old Royal Hotel and Bickham Square, which is surrounding by Southland General Hospital. To the west from the square is the New Nether Portal site and an old abandoned graveyard. East from the old hotel is the Captain Kitty Memorial Bridge that leads to Northport Island, built on top of the old gravel road that crossed the river. Past the bridge to the east in a hollow is Brendans Workshop. Just south of that is the entrance to the massive underground facility of Southland Engineering, including the Research and Development complex known as "the Coke can", a massive 5 story metal building that extends all the way down to bedrock. The site was originally used for testing and showcasing more complex mods and for testing dangerous and new systems and features.

On the very Southern tip of Southland Island is Southland Point (formerly called Danlandia Harbor). The prominent buildings here are the old customs warehouse and the Southland Beach Resort & Spa, which sits on the most southern beach of the island. There is a small bazaar in between the two buildings, and a fountain do the west of the customs warehouse. Northeast of Southland Point is the perpetually under construction Ministry of Justice complex, and the newly added Foreign Embassy (A base imported from an old Goon map called Derts Server, built by Taylor in September of 2011). Just before the bridge to these two buildings is the old site of the first Wither spawn, Withered Hill. West of the Point is the bridge leading over the bay to Wallace Island.

Directly south of the manor is Munny Sokol Park, the site of a former administrative building that was torn down and converted into a green space. The old TNT cannons from Fort Dicks were relocated here, and are currently on display, but non-functioning.

Southland Manor Complex

Southland Manor Complex as it was on May 29th 2019

The complexes official entrance is just south of Bickham Square and the old hotel in an are known as The Old Park, which was formerly a much larger park that included to old hobbit hole where the original trio began. The park was later used as the site for various portals, such as the Twilight Forest and Nether. The southern end of The Old Park leads in 3 directions: 1. East down a set of stairs to another courtyard with the Southland Portal Terminus, The Old Tram Station, and a tunnel leading under the old park across to the DoD complex 2. West up an elevated corridor to the Bob L. McKinley Agriculture Complex 3. South into Southland Courtyard

The Lower Courtyard is just off the Old Park, and leads directly into the Southland Portal Terminus, which is a two floor lobby for portals leading to various portions of Southland, such as Alamkhet, the resort, and the university, as well as free build areas. The Old Tram Station once had lines running in all 4 cardinal directions to various parts of the FriendCraft map, and before that on the original map led to Dantopia City. The station is now completely closed save for a walking path west to Southland Plains Island and WaterZone. The old tunnels are now mostly used for maintenance by Southland Engineering and are off limits.

The agriculture complex to the west is where most of the food for Southland is grown, The structure is a massive greenhouse, with 10+ rows for growing, all properly irrigated. However, the farm is mostly useless since the map is rarely played in survival and when it is, the manor is not used at all.

Southland Courtyard is the leads directly into the manor itself, as well as a hidden door to Tays Hidden Garden, and to the south, leads further into the complex. Formerly, the courtyard extend west to Fort Dicks, but as part of renovations in 2014, the area in front of the fort was converted into a memorial for those lost in the Northland War, and that section of the courtyard was cut off. Tays Hidden Garden, just off of the entrance to the manor, is a small walled in garden, which was the site of the Old Southland Oak until it was cut down on April 20th, 2014 as part of the previously mentioned renovations of the manor complex.

Southland Manor itself begins with a modest living room, featuring a fire and 4 doors leading off to the guest chambers, pool, servants area, and dining hall, as well as stairs leading to the second floor of the manor. The guest quarters are a small detached apartment area for guests to stay. The chambers have been under renovation since 2018. The pool was built sometime in 2012 and is just a pool with a glass ceiling. The servants quarters are actually the former survival area of the manor, where the crafting and chests were once located. The area is now a kitchen, storage area, and quarters for servants. The dining hall off the south of the lower floor, is a sunken room with a decorative fountain, fireplace, and large table.

Upstairs of Southland Manor has been extensively remodeled over time. The stairs up now lead into a small sitting room with bookshelves, this area leads into a larger room that breaks off into the library, roof access, a balcony, and Taylors Tower. The library is the old bedroom of the manor and is now just a small room with bookshelves. The roof access leads to the attic, which was formerly the rooftop area of Southland Manor before the spire was removed in 2013. The balcony overlooks the Miners Memorial and the small lake to the west. Taylors Tower is the new personal quarters of Taylor. The first floor is a small sitting room with a balcony overlooking the hidden garden. The second floor of the tower is the personal office, with a desk area and walls lined with bookshelves. The staircase to the top floor was once hidden behind a bookshelf, but now is just an oak door. The domed top of the building is a private living quarters.

Northport Island


Southland Plains

Southland Woods

Old Proving Grounds

Wallace Island

New Sheep Island

Harbor Town

Old Bay Watchtower

Gupp Island

Pigeon Island



Residential District

Merchants District

Administrative District

Park District


The Outer Ring

The Undercroft

Southland University

Southland Resort

Southland Field


The Yacht

Other Places

  • Dr Wheels Farmstead
  • The Old Bay
  • Saint Georges Tower
  • The Old Bay
  • The USS Swift
  • The Floating Temple

Historical Locations

  • The Old Tomb of Forgotten Kitties
  • Mob Grinder
  • Danlandia Harbor & Lighthouse
  • C-Team Continent
  • Dantopia Southern Watch Tower
  • The Great Wall of Dantopia
  • Bordertown
  • Dantopia City
  • Northern Border Wall & Fort


  • Morgan
  • Josh
  • Brendan
  • Pigeon - Just kidding he NEVER FUCKING PLAYED WITH TAYLOR
  • Prude
  • Arkon
  • A few unnamed pubbies

