Apex Legends

Apex Legends
  • PS4, Windows, Xbox One
  • February 4, 2019
  • Nintendo Switch
  • March 9, 2021
  • PS5, Xbox Series X/S
  • March 29, 2022
  • Android, iOS
  • May 17, 2022


Biggers originally played the game not long after it was first released at the insistence of ADL, but like many ventures, faded out quickly as the community grew frustrated. For years the game was largely ignored, along with most every other Battle Royale game. This continued until Spring 2021, when Taylor jokingly encouraged a revival of the game, encouraged by watching Vtubers who were playing the name, notably Kureiji Ollie of Hololive ID. Shockingly, the game took off rather quickly, with Taylor, BearInTheWoods, and Dizzy playing the game for hours on end over the next few months.

The Finana Stream Snipe

Feesh awestruck by Pomudachi chads.

On June 30th, not longer after the debut of Nijisanji ENs vtuber branch, the vtuber known as Finana Ryugu streamed Apex Legends for the first time. In a impromptou move, Bear managed to queue up with the streamer with Taylor. The match ended very quickly, dropping in a loot starved area and dying almost suddenly.