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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Exchange/doc

{{Helper module|name=Exchange
|fuse1=Gets the current median price of item named arg
|fuse2=Gets the value of item named arg
-- <nowiki>
-- Implements various exchange templates
-- See Individual method docs for more details
-- See also:
-- - [[Module:ExchangeData]]
-- - [[Module:ExchangeDefault]]

local p = {}

-- only load commonly used modules here
local yesno = require( 'Module:Yesno' )
local addcommas = require( 'Module:Addcommas' )._add

-- Makes sure first letter of item is uppercase
-- Automatically handles any redirects
function p.checkTitle( item )
    -- upper case first letter to make sure we can find a valid item page
    item = mw.ustring.gsub( item, '&#0?39;', "'" )
    item = mw.ustring.gsub( item, '_', ' ' )
    item = mw.ustring.gsub( item, '  +', ' ' )
    item = mw.text.split( item, '' )
    item[1] = mw.ustring.upper( item[1] )
    item = table.concat( item )

    return item
-- Simple mw.loadData wrapper used to access data located on module subpages
-- @param item {string} Item to retrieve data for
-- @param suppress_err {boolean} (optional) If true and item data can not be loaded, return nil instead of error()
-- @return {table} Table of item data
local function load( item, suppress_err )
    item = p.checkTitle( item )
    local noErr, ret = pcall( mw.loadData, 'Module:Exchange/' .. item )

    if noErr then
        return ret
    elseif suppress_err then
    	return nil

    error( ret )

local data_module_names = {
	price = 'Module:GEPrices/data',
	volume = 'Module:GEVolumes/data',
	lastPrice = 'Module:LastPrices/data',
	limit = 'Module:GELimits/data'
local data_historical_keys = {
	price = 'price',
	lastPrice = 'last',
	limit = 'limit'

local loaded_data_modules = {}

function p.loadBulkData( key, data_type, suppress_err )
	local module_name = data_module_names[data_type]
	if loaded_data_modules[module_name] == nil then
		loaded_data_modules[module_name] = mw.loadData(module_name)
	if key ~= '%LAST_UPDATE_F%' then
		key = p.checkTitle( key )
	if loaded_data_modules[module_name][key] then
		return loaded_data_modules[module_name][key]
	if not data_historical_keys[data_type] then
		return nil
	local exchange_data = load(key, true)
	if exchange_data and exchange_data.historical then
		return exchange_data[data_historical_keys[data_type]]
	if suppress_err then
		return nil
	error('price not found for ' .. key)

-- Returns the price of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get current price of
-- @param multi {number} (optional) Multiplies the output price by the specified number
-- @param format {boolean} (optional) Format the result with commas (defaults to false)
-- @param round {number} (optional) Round the result to a number of decimal places
-- @param default Any non-nil value to return as the price if item's data can not be found.
-- @return {number|string} Price of item. Will return a string if formatted, else a number.
function p._price( item, multi, format, round, default )
    local price = p.loadBulkData( item, 'price', default ~= nil )
    local multi = type( multi ) == 'number' and multi or 1
    local format = type( format ) == 'boolean' and format or false
    local ret
    if price then
    	ret = price * multi
	    -- round the number to X d.p.
	    if round ~= nil then
	        local multi = 10^( round )
	        ret = math.floor( ret * multi + 0.5 ) / multi
	    if format then
	        return addcommas( ret )
	    return ret
		return default

-- Returns the limit of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the limit of
-- @return {number} Limit of item
function p._limit( item )
    return load( item ).limit

-- Returns the value of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the value for
-- @return {number} Value of item
function p._value( item )
    return load( item ).value

-- Returns the itemId of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the itemId for
-- @return {number} itemId of item
function p._itemId( item )
    return load( item ).itemId

-- Returns the alchability of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the alchability of
-- @return {boolean} Alchability
function p._alchable( item )
	local a = load( item ).alchable
	if a == nil or a == true then
		return true
	elseif a == false then
		return false
	return nil

-- Returns the alch multiplier of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the multiplier or
-- @return {number} Multiplier
function p._alchmultiplier( item )
	local a = load( item ).alchmultiplier
	if type(a) == 'number' then
		return a
	return 0.6

-- Internal function for alch values
-- @param item {string} Item to get the high alch for
-- @param mul {number} Alchemy multiplier
-- @return {number} Alch value of item
function alchval(item, mul)
	if p._alchable(item) then
		local v = p._value(item)
		local m = p._alchmultiplier(item)
		if v then
			return math.max(math.floor(v * m * mul), 1)
	return  -1

-- Returns the high alch value of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the high alch for
-- @return {number} High alch of item
function p._highalch( item )
	return alchval(item, 1)

-- Returns the low alch value of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to get the low alch for
-- @return {number} Low alch of item
function p._lowalch( item )
	return alchval(item, 2/3)

-- Calculates the difference between the current price and the last price of an item
-- @param item {string} Item to calculate price difference for
-- @param format {boolean} `true` if the output is to be formatted with commas
--                         Defaults to `false`
-- @return {number|string} The price difference as a number
--                         If `format` is set to `true` then this returns a string
--                         If either of the prices to calculate the diff from are unavailable, this returns `0` (number)
function p._diff( item, format )
    local diff = 0
	local price = p.loadBulkData(item, 'price')
	local lastPrice = p.loadBulkData(item, 'lastPrice')
    if price and lastPrice then
        diff = price - lastPrice

        if format then
            diff = addcommas( diff )

    return diff

-- {{GEItem}} internal method
-- @todo merge into p.table
-- @param item {string} Item to get data for
-- @return {string}
function p._table( item )
    -- load data and any required modules
    local item = p.checkTitle( item )
    local data = load( item )
    local bulkData = {
		price = p.loadBulkData(item, 'price'),
		date = p.loadBulkData('%LAST_UPDATE_F%', 'price'),
		last = p.loadBulkData(item, 'lastPrice'),
		lastDate = p.loadBulkData('%LAST_UPDATE_F%', 'lastPrice'),
    local timeago = require( 'Module:TimeAgo' )._ago
    local changeperday = require( 'Module:ChangePerDay' )._change

    -- set variables here to make the row building easier to follow
    local div = '<i>Unknown</i>'
    local limit = data.limit and addcommas( data.limit ) or '<i>Unknown</i>'
    local members = '<i>Unknown</i>'

    if bulkData.last then
        local link = '' .. data.itemId
        local change = math.abs( changeperday( {bulkData.price, bulkData.last,, bulkData.lastDate} ) )

        if bulkData.price > bulkData.last then
            arrow = '[[File:Up.svg|17px|link=' .. link .. ']]'
        elseif bulkData.price < bulkData.last then
            arrow = '[[File:Down.svg|17px|link=' .. link .. ']]'
            arrow = '[[File:Unchanged.svg|17px|link=' .. link .. ']]'

        if change >= 0.04 then
            arrow = arrow  .. arrow .. arrow
        elseif change >= 0.02 then
            arrow = arrow .. arrow

        div = mw.html.create( 'div' )
            :css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' )
            :wikitext( arrow )

        div = tostring( div )

    if data.members == true then
        members = '[[File:P2P icon.png|30px|link=Members]]'
    elseif data.members == false then
        members = '[[File:F2P icon.png|30px|link=Free-to-play]]'

    -- build table row
    local icon = data.icon or (item .. '.png')
    local tr = mw.html.create( 'tr' )
        :tag( 'td' )
        	:addClass( 'inventory-image' )
            :wikitext( '[[File:' .. icon .. '|' .. item .. ']]' )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( {
                ['width'] = '15%',
                ['text-align'] = 'left'
            } )
            :wikitext( '[[' .. item .. ']]' )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( addcommas( bulkData.price ) )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( div )

    if data.alchable == nil or yesno( data.alchable ) then
        local low, high = '<i>Unknown</i>', '<i>Unknown</i>'

        if data.value then
            low = addcommas( p._lowalch(item) )
            high = addcommas( p._highalch(item) )

            :tag( 'td' )
                :wikitext( low )
            :tag( 'td' )
                :wikitext( high )
            :tag( 'td' )
                :attr( 'colspan', '2' )
                :wikitext( '<i>Cannot be alchemised</i>' )

        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( limit )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( members )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' )
            :wikitext( '[[Exchange:' .. item .. '|view]]' )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( 'font-size', '85%' )
            :wikitext( timeago{} )

    return tostring( tr )


-- {{GEExists}}
function p.exists( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = p.checkTitle( args[1] or '' )
    local noErr, data = pcall( mw.loadData, 'Module:Exchange/' .. item )

    if noErr then
        return '1'

    return '0'

-- GEExists for modules
function p._exists( arg )
    local item = p.checkTitle( arg or '' )
    local noErr, data = pcall( mw.loadData, 'Module:Exchange/' .. item )

    if noErr then
        return true

    return false

-- Internal method for p.highAlchTable, p.lowAlchTable and p.genStoreTable
-- @param item {string} The name of the item
-- @param data {table} The item's ge data
-- @param alch {number} The item's alch/sell value
-- @param min {number} (optional) Sets the cap for amount of items that can be converted to gp per hour
-- @param natPrice {number} (optional) Sets the price of a Nature rune (set to `0` by `p.genStoreTable`)
-- @param multi {number} (optional) Multiplies the profit by the specified number to allow calculating the profit for intervals other than 4 hours
local function alchTable( item, data, alch, min, natPrice, multi )
	local bulkData = {
		price = p.loadBulkData(item, 'price'),
		date = p.loadBulkData('%LAST_UPDATE_F%', 'price'),
    local timeago = require( 'Module:TimeAgo' )._ago
    local round = require( 'Module:Number' )._round
    -- gen store doesn't need a nat price as it's not used
    -- therefore we'd set it to 0
    local natPrice = natPrice or p.loadBulkData('Nature rune', 'price')
    local multi = multi or 1
    local profit = alch - bulkData.price - natPrice

    local image = '[[File:' .. item .. '.png|' .. item .. ']]'
    local itemStr = '[[' .. item .. ']]'
    local priceStr = addcommas( bulkData.price )
    local alchStr = addcommas( alch )
    local profitStr = addcommas( profit )
    local roi = tostring( round( ( profit / ( bulkData.price + natPrice ) * 100 ), 1 ) ) .. '%'
    local limit = data.limit and addcommas( data.limit ) or '<i>Unknown</i>'
    local maxProfit = '<i>Unknown</i>'
    local members = '<i>Unknown</i>'
    local members_sortkey = 2
    local details = '[[Exchange:' .. item .. '|view]]'
    local lastUpdated = timeago{}

    if data.limit then
        -- cap at 4800, the maximum number of alchs that can be cast every 4 hours
        -- varies for general store rows
        min = min or 4800 
        min = ( data.limit > min ) and min or data.limit
        maxProfit = addcommas( min * profit * multi)

    mw.log( maxProfit )

    if data.members == true then
        members = '[[File:P2P icon.png|30px|link=Members]]'
        members_sortkey = 1
    elseif data.members == false then
        members = '[[File:F2P icon.png|30px|link=Free-to-play]]'
        members_sortkey = 0

    local tr = mw.html.create( 'tr' )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( image )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( {
                width = '15%',
                ['text-align'] = 'left'
            } )
            :wikitext( itemStr )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( priceStr )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( alchStr )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( profitStr )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( roi )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( limit )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( maxProfit )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :wikitext( members )
            :attr('data-sort-value', members_sortkey)
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' )
            :wikitext( details )
        :tag( 'td' )
            :css( 'font-size', '85%' )
            :wikitext( lastUpdated )

    return tostring( tr )

-- {{HighAlchTableRow}}
-- @example {{HighAlchTableRow|<item>}}
function p.highAlchTable( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = p.checkTitle( args[1] )
    local data = load( item )
    local alch = p._highalch(item)

    return alchTable( item, data, alch )
-- {{LowAlchTableRow}}
-- @example {{LowAlchTableRow|<item>}}
function p.lowAlchTable( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = p.checkTitle( args[1] )
    local data = load( item )
    local alch = p._lowalch(item)

    return alchTable( item, data, alch )

-- {{GenStoreTableRow}}
-- @example {{GenStoreTableRow|<item>}}
function p.genStoreTable( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = p.checkTitle( args[1] )
    local data = load( item )
    local alch = math.floor( data.value * 0.3 )

    return alchTable( item, data, alch, 50000, 0 )

-- {{Alchemiser2TableRow}}
-- @example {{Alchemiser2TableRow|<item>}}
function p.alchemiser2Table( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = p.checkTitle( args[1] )
    local data = load( item )
    local alch = p._highalch(item)
    local round = require( 'Module:Number' )._round
    local divPrice = p.loadBulkData('Divine charge', 'price')
    -- calculate the price of nature rune and divine charges for 1 item
    local natPrice = p.loadBulkData('Nature rune', 'price') + round( ( divPrice / 500 ), 1)

    return alchTable( item, data, alch, 100, natPrice, 6 )

-- {{GEP}}
-- {{GEPrice}}
-- @example {{GEPrice|<item>|<format>|<multi>}}
-- @example {{GEPrice|<item>|<multi>}}
-- @example {{GEP|<item>|<multi>}}
function p.price( frame )
    -- usage: {{foo|item|format|multi}} or {{foo|item|multi}}
    local args = frame.args
    local pargs = frame:getParent().args
    local item = pargs[1]
    local expr = mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr
    local round = tonumber( pargs.round )

    if item then
        item = mw.text.trim( item )
        error( '"item" argument not specified', 0 )

    -- default to formatted for backwards compatibility with old GE templates
    local format = true
    local multi = 1

    -- format is set with #invoke
    -- so set it first to allow it to be overridden by template args
    if args.format ~= nil then
        format = yesno( args.format )

    if tonumber( pargs[2] ) ~= nil then
        multi = tonumber( pargs[2] )

    -- indicated someone is trying to pass an equation as a mulitplier
    -- known use cases are fractions, but pass it to #expr to make sure it's handled correctly
    elseif pargs[2] ~= nil and mw.ustring.find( pargs[2], '[/*+-]' ) then
        multi = tonumber( expr( pargs[2] ) )

    -- uses elseif to prevent something like {{GEP|Foo|1}}
    -- causing a formatted output, as 1 casts to true when passed to yesno
    elseif type( yesno( pargs[2] ) ) == 'boolean' then
        format = yesno( pargs[2] )

        if tonumber( pargs[3] ) ~= nil then
            multi = tonumber( pargs[3] )

    return p._price( item, multi, format, round, pargs.dflt )

-- {{GEItem}}
-- @example {{GEItem|<item>}}
function p.table( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local item = args[1]

    if item then
        item = mw.text.trim( item )
        error( '"item" argument not specified', 0 )

    return p._table( item )

-- experimental limit method for [[Grand Exchange/Buying Limits]]
function p.gemwlimit( frame )
    local item  = frame:getParent().args[1]
    local data = mw.loadData( 'Module:Exchange/' .. item )
    return data.limit

-- {{ExchangeItem}}
-- {{GEDiff}}
-- {{GELimit}}
-- {{GEValue}}
-- {{GEId}}
-- @example {{ExchangeItem|<item>}}
-- @example {{GEDiff|<item>}}
-- @example {{GELimit|<item>}}
-- @example {{GEValue|<item>}}
-- @example {{GEId|<item>}}
function p.view( frame )
    local fargs = frame.args
    local pargs = frame:getParent().args
    local item = pargs[1] or fargs.item
    local view = fargs.view or ''
    local loadView = {limit=true, value=true, itemId=true, members=true, category=true, examine=true, alchable=true}

    if item then
        item = mw.text.trim( item )
        error( '"item" argument not specified', 0 )

    view = mw.ustring.lower( view )

    if view == 'itemid' then
        view = 'itemId'

    if view == 'diff' then
        return p._diff( item )

    elseif loadView[view] then
        return load( item )[view]

return p
-- </nowiki>