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=== 2003 ===
=== 2003 ===
[[Shelarahn]] began his career in Runescape, bouncing around clans as a teenager. During this time was when his ability to be total dicks was discovered, as together they shitted up multiple clans on Runescape, as well as running their own. Their first clan joined together was a shitty clan called Warriors Gate that was led by a very angry Arab man. The clan focused on PvP because Runescape was a dumb game with not much to do at the time. Several other people consisted of this "proto-group" including Dark fire500 nicknamed Ol' Greasy and a kid named Lance from New Hampshire.
[[Shelarahn]] began his career in Runescape, bouncing around clans with friends as a teenager. During this time was when his ability to be total dicks was discovered, as they shitted up multiple clans on Runescape, as well as running their own. Their first clan joined together was a shitty clan called Warriors Gate that was led by a very angry Arab man. The clan focused on PvP because Runescape was a dumb game with not much to do at the time. Several other people consisted of this "proto-group" including Dark fire500 nicknamed Ol' Greasy and a kid named Lance from New Hampshire.

=== Mid-2000s ===
=== Mid-2000s ===
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This incarnation of COMMUNISM lasted for a few months, attempting to raid and attempting to retain dominance in Trade chat, but the social and raiding scene had changed too much for Spaceballs and Shelarahn and too many of their members were young upstarts ready to get ahead and many members were lost to more dedicated raiding guilds like <lmperium> or <Kill Order>. Eventually the guild fell back into obscurity as the members went their separate ways. It's at this point that Spaceballs more or less exits the history of COMMUNISM. Several months after the guild fell apart, Spaceballs attempted to sell the guild in Trade chat, but it was bought by Shelarahn for 10,000 gold. Shelarahn half ass attempted the revive the guild himself, but was unable to.
This incarnation of COMMUNISM lasted for a few months, attempting to raid and attempting to retain dominance in Trade chat, but the social and raiding scene had changed too much for Spaceballs and Shelarahn and too many of their members were young upstarts ready to get ahead and many members were lost to more dedicated raiding guilds like <lmperium> or <Kill Order>. Eventually the guild fell back into obscurity as the members went their separate ways. It's at this point that Spaceballs more or less exits the history of COMMUNISM. Several months after the guild fell apart, Spaceballs attempted to sell the guild in Trade chat, but it was bought by Shelarahn for 10,000 gold. Shelarahn half ass attempted the revive the guild himself, but was unable to.

==Dark Era==
== Dark Era ==
=== 2010-2012 ===
=== 2010-2012 ===

The first few generations of COMMUNISM had moved on. The original GM and officers were nowhere to be found, Shelarahn went to college and stopped playing WoW, Jorgan continued raiding, and Prude had a quarter life crisis after high school. (who hasn't?). When Shelarahn went to college, he gave the guild to a random officer he had recruited during the failed resurrection. This officer later quit or was attempting to give the guild away when Petrus, an officer in <Guns for Hire> who had always been a fan of COMMUNISM, took the guild and became its caretaker.
The first few generations of COMMUNISM had moved on. The original GM and officers were nowhere to be found, Shelarahn went to college and stopped playing WoW, Jorgan continued raiding, and Prude had a quarter life crisis after high school. (who hasn't?). When Shelarahn went to college, he gave the guild to a random officer he had recruited during the failed resurrection. This officer later quit or was attempting to give the guild away when Petrus, an officer in <Guns for Hire> who had always been a fan of COMMUNISM, took the guild and became its caretaker.

==Reformation Era - The Darkspear Project & Rebirth of COMMUNISM (2012-2014)==
=== The Friend Zone Project ===
In April 2012, Jessikuh got most of the old group back together on a new server and under a new guild name: <[[Friend Zone]]>. Shelarahn and Prude were hesitant at first considering Reckface (Who was GM of said guild) had a track record of being a shitty person. They overlooked it off however and spent the next 6 months building a top 100 US 25man raiding guild from a couple of fuck ups wiping all night on Hagara in Dragon Soul. Prude left half way through to go bone some chick in Texas, leaving Shelarahn as the sole cat wrangler. In Summer 2012, Shelarahn and a few other group members who had been met on Darkspear went back to Gorgnnash and got COMMUNISM back from Petrus, who was still serving as caretaker. The officers vision of Friend Zone in the beginning was to create a COMMUNISM like atmosphere but with actual dragon killing. Later on however, Reckface and Jessikuhs vision became more simple: They wanted to recreate their old guild from Darkspear, but with them in charge instead. These two visions clashed over the next year, leading to several falling outs over several issues. Friend Zone eventually absorbed a transfer guild from Gorgonnash, bringing with it the typical try hards that Friend Zone was created to not attract. Several of the new members from the absorbed guild remembered Shelarahn and COMMUNISM from Gorgonnash, and already had a hard on to be a dick to him. Shelarahn was eventually betrayed and thrown under the buss, having spent over a year of his life building a guild that he was now not only not welcome in, but openly hated in.  
In April 2012, Jessikuh got most of the old group back together on a new server and under a new guild name: <[[Friend Zone]]>. Shelarahn and Prude were hesitant at first considering Reckface (Who was GM of said guild) had a track record of being a shitty person. They overlooked it off however and spent the next 6 months building a top 100 US 25man raiding guild from a couple of fuck ups wiping all night on Hagara in Dragon Soul. Prude left half way through to go bone some chick in Texas, leaving Shelarahn as the sole cat wrangler. In Summer 2012, Shelarahn and a few other group members who had been met on Darkspear went back to Gorgnnash and got COMMUNISM back from Petrus, who was still serving as caretaker. The officers vision of Friend Zone in the beginning was to create a COMMUNISM like atmosphere but with actual dragon killing. Later on however, Reckface and Jessikuhs vision became more simple: They wanted to recreate their old guild from Darkspear, but with them in charge instead. These two visions clashed over the next year, leading to several falling outs over several issues. Friend Zone eventually absorbed a transfer guild from Gorgonnash, bringing with it the typical try hards that Friend Zone was created to not attract. Several of the new members from the absorbed guild remembered Shelarahn and COMMUNISM from Gorgonnash, and already had a hard on to be a dick to him. Shelarahn was eventually betrayed and thrown under the buss, having spent over a year of his life building a guild that he was now not only not welcome in, but openly hated in.  

In Texas however, Prude had been living his life with an old member of The Group and former officer of Friend Zone, Mandapanda. They had quit the game and gone on to live their normal lives up until sometime in summer 2013, when they split. Prude was not only devastated but more or less stranded in Texas. He gathered up what was left of his life and moved back to California in July 2013.
In Texas however, Prude had been living his life with an old member of The Group and former officer of Friend Zone, Mandapanda. They had quit the game and gone on to live their normal lives up until sometime in summer 2013, when they split. Prude was not only devastated but more or less stranded in Texas. He gathered up what was left of his life and moved back to California in July 2013.
== COMMUNISM Revival Era ==
=== 2013 ===

Shelarahn had spent Summer 2013 drifting through with no real goal. After losing his prized project, he was left with almost nothing except a handful of friends with very infrequent contact. Until in early August 2013, Prude messaged Shelarahn telling him of his breakup and return to California. The seeds of the rebirth of COMMUNISM had truly begun to grow. They reassembled fragments of the old group and some new friends into Mumble and began making plans for a comeback. It was then that the decision was made to once and for all tie The Group and COMMUNISM together as one entity.
Shelarahn had spent Summer 2013 drifting through with no real goal. After losing his prized project, he was left with almost nothing except a handful of friends with very infrequent contact. Until in early August 2013, Prude messaged Shelarahn telling him of his breakup and return to California. The seeds of the rebirth of COMMUNISM had truly begun to grow. They reassembled fragments of the old group and some new friends into Mumble and began making plans for a comeback. It was then that the decision was made to once and for all tie The Group and COMMUNISM together as one entity.

At the suggestion of Dlight (a friend who was met in Friend Zone but later left), the group relocated to Lightninghoof and started a new COMMUNISM there. The guild was mildly successful given the population of the server which was low to near non-existent. The COMMUNISTS however gained no real ground and the interest quickly faded around December 2013. By April 2014, the group was all but dead again, with only sporadic Mumble meetings and no real interaction beyond that between the members.
At the suggestion of Dlight (a friend who was met in Friend Zone but later left), the group relocated to Lightninghoof and started a new COMMUNISM there. The guild was mildly successful given the population of the server which was low to near non-existent. The COMMUNISTS however gained no real ground and the interest quickly faded around December 2013. By April 2014, the group was all but dead again, with only sporadic Mumble meetings and no real interaction beyond that between the members.
==COMMUNISM Revival Era - Return to Prominence and Third Golden Age (May 2014-2015)==

The Third Golden Age saw the coming to fruition of a long term dream of COMMUNISM and its subsidiaries and projects: Successful branching into multiple games. The era saw COMMUNISM branch into Guild Wars 2, Rust, Destiny, Minecraft, Tera, and countless other games both MMO or otherwise.
The Third Golden Age saw the coming to fruition of a long term dream of COMMUNISM and its subsidiaries and projects: Successful branching into multiple games. The era saw COMMUNISM branch into Guild Wars 2, Rust, Destiny, Minecraft, Tera, and countless other games both MMO or otherwise.
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COMMUNISM was met with great resistance because the community of Emerald Dream is literally the most autistic place in the world, but a niche was found and for a while it was good. Friends were made such as Jason and NightlyNews. After a few months, most everyone stopped playing again because WoW is still WoW and it’s hard to stay interested.
COMMUNISM was met with great resistance because the community of Emerald Dream is literally the most autistic place in the world, but a niche was found and for a while it was good. Friends were made such as Jason and NightlyNews. After a few months, most everyone stopped playing again because WoW is still WoW and it’s hard to stay interested.

==Final Age of COMMUNISM: COMMIE CREW & GAY(2015-2016)==
=== 2015 ===
2015 started with an attempt to run a Rust server. Although initially successful, interest within the group and with Rust as a whole was low. After two months, the project was abandoned. In March however, the COMMIES revisited Rust and were active on several servers for a few weeks before going into a hiatus again.  
2015 started with an attempt to run a Rust server. Although initially successful, interest within the group and with Rust as a whole was low. After two months, the project was abandoned. In March however, the COMMIES revisited Rust and were active on several servers for a few weeks before going into a hiatus again.  

=== GAY ===
In late May, Prude brought the COMMIES into a server hosted by the Goons of SomethingAwful. The server existed for several weeks as smaller factions in friendly rivalries, until the leaders of the factions agreed to move to a different server and combine force in a group called [[BMW]]. Shelarahn was the co-leader of the group and produced several clip videos of the groups antics, referred to as The Rusty Goons series
In late May, Prude brought the COMMIES into a server hosted by the Goons of SomethingAwful. The server existed for several weeks as smaller factions in friendly rivalries, until the leaders of the factions agreed to move to a different server and combine force in a group called [[BMW]]. Shelarahn was the co-leader of the group and produced several clip videos of the groups antics, referred to as The Rusty Goons series

=== BMW Takeover ===
BMW went into a hiatus in August 2015, whereafter the COMMIES went back to their old ways of casuals games. When the hiatus ended in late 2015, most the Commies returned, including the new ones, to restart BMW. In this new BMW, Taylor sought to set himself as the figurehead, with Kimsemus and Capitaler both gone. However, many Commies didn't see the benefit in this and begun drifting away from Rust. When the BMW Discord was established in March, only Prude joined with Taylor. This created a noticeable rift in COMMUNISM, which Pigeon took as an opportunity to seize on and shape COMMUNISM to his ideals, along with his girlfriend. The Messenger chat was reorganized to include many of their Seattle friends, and eventually Taylor and Prude were both forced out.
BMW went into a hiatus in August 2015, whereafter the COMMIES went back to their old ways of casuals games. When the hiatus ended in late 2015, most the Commies returned, including the new ones, to restart BMW. In this new BMW, Taylor sought to set himself as the figurehead, with Kimsemus and Capitaler both gone. However, many Commies didn't see the benefit in this and begun drifting away from Rust. When the BMW Discord was established in March, only Prude joined with Taylor. This created a noticeable rift in COMMUNISM, which Pigeon took as an opportunity to seize on and shape COMMUNISM to his ideals, along with his girlfriend. The Messenger chat was reorganized to include many of their Seattle friends, and eventually Taylor and Prude were both forced out.