The 2019 Bimmies/Candidates

Working list for the 2019 Bimmies thats not hidden on my hard drive. Also includes notes/explanations so I can remember things when time to have the voting begins and then later on for production.


  • Maybe do an excellence award for absolute banger happenings ie Japan Trip, 2016 Election, etc
  • Event of the Year? Like a best game night or watch night
  • Anime/Media category?
  • Should those we lost become just a yearly retrospective as well as those who died

Bimmer of the Year

  • Alex - "Leading"
  • Doc - Good posting/Streaming/Good Guy
  • Orkle - Movie/TV streaming
  • Bear - Falout 76 Player of the Year

BEEFSTER of the Year

  • Taylor - Trolling The Incels, TT, & Ben, leading GESTAPO,
  • Cheese - Being an all around good poster
  • CST - PrudeChat/Good posts/Drunk Self Dox/Operation Overlard

Melty of the Year


Kim having a massive melty over Taylor being "alt-right" and bitching that we ruined the name BMW. Screenshots in the March 19 folder. His continued melty in July adds to this nomination. Hes a lock tbqh. Oh God hes def a lock. tbqh I dont know what to do here anymore dude meltied then glow up'd. Does that make the melty better or disqualify. IDK!!!

Disqualified 10/19: Melty forgiven


Doxxing himself to 8chan/Kiwifarms, Operation Overlard, banning 5+ people thinking they were me. He hit all the high notes this year.




Just completely shit and pissed themselves when we showed up in <gbs>

Skullmund Experience

Assblasted that bad and dead site died and had a rolling melty even when Taylor was MIA for a few days. Amazing.


The TRANSgression then had a melty/ghost over CoD with a side helping of mod abuse

Bit of the Year

Quornes looking for the soda kid gif

Quornes asking via wormhole daily for a solid 2 weeks for this FUCKING gif. Would be real good if I could actually FIND the gif in question to use.

Tay Unchained/Unfettered

Me going around shitting on everyone in their discords and via PMs

JoeJo Thinking Capri Is Ashy

And Capri leaning into it

"Friends We Made Along The Way"

Maybe the real Bimmies were the friends we made along the way. Make sure to fully credit this to Bear.


b:immies Screenshot in July 2019 folder of everyones names being some variation. Also fucking Capri trying to subvert expectations or whatever

Black Box

Not a meme

Damn Imagine

Being born a twink

Happening of the Year

Dilbo/Prude Do Japan

Prude slamming some Asian strange, breaking his phone, possibly joining the Yakuza

Flight of the Touhous

Food, Dilb, and I joining the /vp/ server and actually making friends there all because they shitpost with us via Wormhole

Jack Gets Discord Banned


Jack Does Europe

The Waifu Wars

The waifu gacha bot in BEEFY BOYS is the real COMMUNISM CIVIL WAR. Use a picture of anime girls fighting?

Alts Trangression

We all saw this coming

The Swift Era Ends

For the first time in 12 years, a fat redneck isnt at the helm of the group

Battle of the Year

Mod of the Year


Running WTT


Being probably the only person who mods chat, taking initiative with the BB LP,


Running BB

Rookie of the Year


Damn imagine being born a twink


Mediating The Sauce Affair, calling TT a retard to his face, sharing his Discord Tranny Drama


He writes for The Guardian so he might write a hitpiece on us if we dont


Real One, anime nigga


Yall know why


High tier shitposting


All around King

Content Creator of the Year

  • Alt
  • Solgnir
  • Doc
  • Taylor

Waifu of the Year

  • Shuten
  • Raphtalia
  • Kaguya
  • Miru Tights Girls
  • Goose
  • Grey
  • Shiro
  • Marnie

Best Bromance

  • Taylor/TT
  • Doc/Solgnir
  • Prude/Dilb/Jack
  • Jack/Sauce

Fallout 76 Player of the Year

  1. Bear in the Woods