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FormationMay 2, 2022; 2 years ago (2022-05-02)
ExtinctionMay 15, 2023; 22 months ago (2023-05-15)

WIDEVANIA was the Vtuber collective of The WIDEVERSE managed by Wide Media Group.


WIDEVANIA was first conceputalized in May of 2021, when due to a stimulus check from the US Government, Taylor jokingly offered to buy multiple members of The WIDEVERSE Vtuber models. The original 3 performers: Doctor Coathangers wife Kanae and DizzyEevee took up the offer, and would join the already debuted Doc as Vtubers are part of company. The concept of WIDEVANIA was designed by Taylor and a thorough backstory was invented for the world. The project hit immediate snags however, as Eevees model took nearly a year to complete. Kanae in the meantime, floundered on her agreement, not even commissioning a model until also a year later. As such, WIDEVANIA had no proper debut until May of 2022, when Doc redebuted, alongside Taylor Rahn. The latter was forced to take an immediate near 7 month hiatus due to internet issues, but by this time Dizzy had debuted and Kanae had begun her process. Cracks again formed in December when Dizzy would leave WIDEVERSE. A few months later Taylor Rahn too would stop streaming.

The company was officially dissolved on May 15th 2023 when Taylor left WIDEBOYS.
