The Sauce Affair/6-9-04 chatlog: Difference between revisions

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The following is a transcript from June 9th 2004. It was "leaked" by a hacker who called himself Alpha and his associate. In reality, the discussion was between Sauce and himself as a means to cover for the fact he was pretending to be Alpha.
<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR="#010101"><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" LANG="0">DeathWatch180<!-- (9:05:41 PM)--></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" BACK="#ffffff">:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#800000" FACE="Tw Cen MT" SIZE=4>hey</FONT><BR>
<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR="#010101"><B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" LANG="0">DeathWatch180<!-- (9:05:41 PM)--></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" BACK="#ffffff">:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#800000" FACE="Tw Cen MT" SIZE=4>hey</FONT><BR>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3>AlphaTheDark<!-- (9:05:43 PM)--></B>:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> hea</FONT><BR>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3>AlphaTheDark<!-- (9:05:43 PM)--></B>:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> hea</FONT><BR>

Latest revision as of 00:10, 8 November 2021

The following is a transcript from June 9th 2004. It was "leaked" by a hacker who called himself Alpha and his associate. In reality, the discussion was between Sauce and himself as a means to cover for the fact he was pretending to be Alpha.

<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hey
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">AlphaTheDark: hea
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hey man
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: whats wit yo text
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">AlphaTheDark: changing stuff
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: you said yous hated that black and white
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">AlphaTheDark: i do
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: eh, whateva
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: so, what you heard
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: bout project DTP
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: nothin
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: nothin?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: dont you got a spyware on ga's comp?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: not that i know of
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: ill scan for one though
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: no
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: on GA's comp
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: oh no
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yeah i thought ya put one of the 'sweet angels' on ther
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: not yet
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: mebbe crash the control room?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: what about ga's little company?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: wat about it
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: well
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: when we gonna set it
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: damnit, wheres yodoo at
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we need him
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hes got the java scripts for their site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hey, lemme get some FTP access
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: whats the site again
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: to wat
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: tee-pee
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: well, anyways
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we shouldnt worry with little child stuff like this
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: what about hacking that one thing...
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: what is it...oh yes
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: the madrid police academy?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: oh yea
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: wait
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: Madrid Spain right?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: no shit
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yodoo has their passwords
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: they got some pretty tight security
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: well duh
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: its the capital of a fucking country
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yea..
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yous think were gonna drown in over our heads?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: this is big shit
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: no shit sherlock
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yeas
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: lets just hack this fucking kids site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hey
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: where the fuck is your info
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: you said you never log in on different comps
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: i dont
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: who the hell is this?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: who do u think moron
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: just hack the fuckin site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i cant without the scripts
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: when we get em
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we will upload them into the freewebs servers
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we can do a mutch better job than you did by yourself
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i dont know what you called that
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: well im sorry that i suck
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: well
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: well wat
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i need some FTP access
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: to their 'site'
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: dont look at me
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: ...
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: all you do..
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: is give me the URL to the site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: aight
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: <A HREF="http://tsunamiproductions.***.net/">http://tsunamiproductions.***.net/</A>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: 'ight
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hmm, pretty simple
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: no security at all
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: they are BEGGIN to be hacked
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: ha
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hmm, well heres something i COULD do
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: their little game microblocks
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: ill change the link to a virus
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: itll kill anyones comp that downloads it
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: hea wat was their pass?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: it was...
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: pikman
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: on their old site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: before i helped you
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: wat about on the on u just got
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i dont know
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i just logged in using Telnet
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: oh well i wanna know wat it was
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: try gettin it
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: well i am in
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i just dont know their pass
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: i noticed they use the same passes
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: hmm, ok
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: invalid
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: ah, snap!
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we's gona grill em tho
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: did u atleast change the pass?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i cant
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: snap
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: dont worry
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we will grill em
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: ah snap crackle POP
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i gotsta go
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: lets just forget hackin these little kiddsies
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: no
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i want to
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: theyve ran to their mommys enough crying
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i havent in SO long
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: aight then lets try another site
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: yeah...wes gon make em run again
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: u know
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: VARIETY!!!!!
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: i dont care
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: me and yodoo are
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: ill be lookin for somemore
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: whats wrong with you
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: ?
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: you hate these guys
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: not anymore
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: Rifts gone
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: i aint got nothin against them
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: you have talked about nothing but hacking them
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: lets find were he went
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: oh, you said it wasnt just rift
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: that this ga' guy is in it too
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: yea but hes just an ass hole idiot
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: i REALLY wanna get rift
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: that little fucker
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: I HATE HIM!!!
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: we were in this together!
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: me and yodoo can make short work of you
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: and you know it
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: all you do is sneak in
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: you can barely hack
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: i know
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: look
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: im outa this
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: aight
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: then we are gonna tear you up
<BODY BGCOLOR="#010101">DeathWatch180: be prepared
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: umm
<BODY BGCOLOR="#0f0f0f">AlphaTheDark: nvm then
DeathWatch180 signed off at 9:33:52 PM. </BODY></HTML>