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[[File:YbMNmeD.jpg|upright|right|thumb|alt:Eighth DREADFORT|8th DREADFORT from a screencap]]
[[File:YbMNmeD.jpg|upright|right|thumb|alt:Eighth DREADFORT|8th DREADFORT from a screencap]]

Just a few hours after the completion of the 8th DREADFORT, it came under a massive suprise attack by multiple people, who had clearly farmed all day heavily to produce this level of attack. While sustaining massive damage, the attackers failed to push on the DREADFORT and were slaughtered before even entering the compound.
The sphere happened to also be near the airport this wipe, so a second large base was placed on top of it but rarely used. Several large flank bases were added, named after various female celebrities. This would also introduce Fort Taylor as a smaller DREADFORT.
The Trashcan DREADFORT was also prototyped.
BMW went into a 2 week haitus after this.