WIDECRAFT is the official Minecraft server of The WIDEVERSE. It is a persistent server, meaning nothing will ever be wiped, reset, or lost.
Major Features
Persistent World
Utilizing Multiverse, WIDECRAFT will never have to wipe when new Minecraft updates come out. Instead, a new world will be generated specifically for that release, allowing players to experience the new content in a familiar setting.
Quality of Life Improvements
Treecapitator, VeinMiner, Repairable Tridents, & Silk Touch Spawners are just a few of the improvements WIDECRAFT makes to the vanilla game, allowing for a more seamless and less spergy experience.
In addition, WIDECRAFT is constantly finding and developing new solutions to create a better server.
Data Packs & How To Use Them
As of June 15th 2022, all Datapacks have been removed from WIDECRAFT due to ongoing performance issues.
Server Info
WIDECRAFT runs PaperMC, a high performance fork of Spigot (itself a fork of the original Bukkit). In addition, the server runs many of the standard backend plugins such as WorldEdit, WorldGuard, & Dynmap as well as others. The server currently has a cap of 20 players, but is expected to be raised in 2022 when the server is moved to different hardware.
Complete List of Server Plugins
- ChatFeeligns
- ChestSort
- Chunky
- ChunkyBorder
- CoreProtect
- Dynmap
- EssentialsX
- EssentialsXChat
- EssentialsXDiscord
- EssentialsXSpawn
- FastAsyncVoxelSniper
- FastAsyncWorldEdit
- Graves
- ImageMaps
- LuckyPerms
- MultiverseCore
- MultiverseInventories
- MultiverseNetherPortals
- SilkSpawners
- SinglePlayerSleep
- Spark
- Treecapitator (Datapack)
- VaneCore
- VaneEnchantments
- VaneTrifles
- VeinMiner
- ViewDistanceTweaks
- WorldGuard