TSBS was one of the primary clans of Rusty Bottoms led by BTK and Moegex, both admins and owners of the server itself.
Before BMW, TSBS was one of the most prominent clans on the server, but a few weeks before BMWs arrival, many of the members went into elongated hiatus', as well as some of the admins due to accusations of abuse. During BMWs initial reign, TSBS presented no threat and was never considered a rival or even adversary. However, near the Fall Hiatus, TSBS began rebuilding its force, going as far as building a rival DREADFORT across the airport from BMW. At the same time, rumors of chests being stolen from in bases that weren't raided began popping up, and after Moegex agreed to add a mod that would track who had accessed said chests, the mod was conveniently removed the same day much of BMWs reserve of explosives went missing, hours before a massive raid by TSBS while Taylor was dismantling the DREADFORT. It's believed TSBS grew bold in the wake of the rumor's of BMW going on hiatus, as well as BMW absorbing many smaller clans and notable figures in the community such as Ashy.
It's unclear how long TSBS reigned after BMW left the server, but by the time the group returned in 2016, TSBS was once again mostly gone.