Tay Derangement Syndrome

Revision as of 19:22, 28 May 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (lmao how long has the link called "faggot" been there directing to kimsemus)

Tay derangement syndrome (TDS) is a neologism describing a reaction to the continued existence of Taylor Swift by Goons and other detractors. These "people" are said to respond to Tay's statements and political actions irrationally and with little regard to Tay's actual position or action taken.

Taylor personally used the phrase for the first time in Dec 2018, saying people with the "syndrome" would rather kill the community than be content with his presence.

Origin of term

The origin of the syndrome is traced to Rust, The originator of the phrase remains unknown with the first recorded discord usage of the term falling during December 2018.

Among Truck talker's the term quickly made its way into the common parlance as multiple cases made them self readily apparent and persistent amongst Taylor Swift's detractors.


The "syndrome" into three stages; in the first, those who "lose all sense of proportion"; next, they experience "a profound effect on ... vocabulary" and begin to "speak a distinctive language consisting solely of calling people Nazis and hyperbole"' and, in the final stage, the afflicted "lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

Those effected rail so incessantly with "disgust at his manner and his posts such that all distinctions between him and genuine villains is lost.". In sufficiently advanced cases[1][2][3][4] 'TDS' has been documented to severely impair the judgement making decisions of those affected.


The only cure as such seen has been for the sufferer to fall victim to their own form of TDS being used against them. In the case of Kimsemus, who had been a short suffer of advanced TDS, he found himself coming around when he himself was outed from several communities for the exact same things he had once claimed Taylor to be guilty of.


See also