
Rusticity refers to two Rust servers played on by BMW, one owned by Lev/Lions and the other was a clone created by Taylor Swift in the wake of the formers closure
Levs Rusticity
The original Rusticity was one of the more popular modded servers in 2016. Owned by a man named Lev (or sometimes Lions), he was very mercurial, and would at times threaten to shut the server down, probably to bait donations. The server on the whole was well run, with few problems, unlike BMWs pervious server, NewBoondockOxide.
BMW Rusticity

In September of 2016, when Lev announced Rusticites closure, Taylor reached out to Bishyaler to create a clone of the server, hoping no one would notice in an attempt to siphon players from the original server. The server was run on Bishyalers home server, however after repeated DDoS attempts and the original Rusticity returning, the server was shut down.