Architects Club

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The Architects Club (also known as the TROIKA or sometimes COUNCIL) is the real heart of power within The WIDEVERSE.



Original logo for the COMMIECAST showing Prude, Shelarahn, and Pigeon from left to right.

Originally known as the TROIKA, the trio of leaders emerged with the COMMUNISM revival in 2013 with Prude returning from Texas and recruiting Pigeon into the group. Along with Shelarahn, the trio of power began to rebuild the group from nothing, each member bringing a unique talent to the table.


When COMMUNISM shifted its focus into overtaking an existing group, the TROIKA began to shift. Shelarahn, now going by Taylor, and Prude were the first to jump into the Goon oriented Rust server. Pigeon, who was undergoing something of a real life renaissance turned tragedy, was largely left out, and soon began to feel left behind. The TROIKA was replaced by the COUNCIL, with Taylor at the head and others from SomethingAwful who led BMW. This eventually led to the rift known as the BEEFY Troubles.


Eventually, the power structure would return to its old form of three, but this time with Tony as the third, with Taylor and Prude.

Current Club

Former Members

  • Pigeon
  • The Wonkas