The WIDEKINGS Amnesty was an open invitation to all former and disgraced members of The WIDEVERSE granting them safe entry back into WIDEVERSE in the wake of any sort of meltdown or ragequit with no repercussions or scrutiny that was adopted in 2020 to encourage old members who flamed out to return.
In late 2019 as calls for Taylor's return to power grew, GESTAPO drafted a plan called NEW JERUSALEM that included reforming into MOTHER as well as the slow rebuild of WTT. As part of that plan, a general amnesty would be required and was soon adopted. The agreement suffered initially, being rejected by The Wonkas during the Sauce Affair (Although rejecting the amnesty does not rescind the offer). However over the next few years as old faces began to filter back in, the agreement proved to be useful to rebuilding the community.
Despite the position of WIDEKING being disbanded as of early 2023, the amnesty still remains in effect in the form of SCEMA.
Notable Returns
Exceptions to the Amnesty
While almost all were welcomed under the agreement, those that had committed especially heinous acts were prohibited from ever reentering WIDEVERSE and were not eligible for the amnesty.