Main Page

Revision as of 15:15, 11 January 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Welcome to The COMMIEVERSE Wiki,
A comprehensive tome of COMMIEverse knowledge and lore, stretching from COMMUNISM to WTT.
There are currently 509 articles about autism.

About The Wiki

The COMMIEVERSE Wiki is a comprehensive attempt at collecting and curating the combined history and happenings of COMMUNISM, BMW, and WTT (as well as their collective offshoots, predecessors, etc.) collectively known as The COMMIEverse, Bimmerverse, or Tayverse.

Account creation is limited to known Bimmers because some retard tried to troll once but got owned by the rollback script. If you have any questions ask in #internal-affairs in WTT or #suggestion-box in BEEFY BOYS. Alternatively, DM Taylor on Discord.

Seeing info here that might be about you that you want removed? Easy! Are you a Bimmer? Talk to Taylor. Are you a disgraced former member or miscellaneous loser? Sucks, everything here is public knowledge. Deal with it.