Outdated:A Newbies Guide to BMW

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So, you've stumbled upon our little slice of Purgatory have you? Well Dante, you're in for a world of stuff. Mostly autism, but a little bit of friendship (but 99.999% autism). So sit back, maybe get a HOT slice of pizza from the mall, and get to know what your therapist will be hearing about in 6 months.

Man, what the FUCK is BMW?

A brief explanation of what the Hell is happening in this group.

'BMW is the overarching name of the group. It's an acronym standing for BEEFY BOYS, MOTHER, Wideboys, although originally the name was chosen when several Rust clans from the SomethingAwful server, Goon Playground, who all had car theme names (ie. FORD, GM) combined forces and began raiding pubbies (derogatory term for non-group members). The group renamed twice afterwards, first to Wrongthink Tank (shortened to WTT) then finally to Wideboys, which is arguably the coolest name possible. We also have a political/controversial posting offshoot called BEEFY BOYS but we arent addressing that right now.

Then why do you call it COMMUNISM sometimes?

This might help explain some things but probably not.

Once upon a time, specifically April 16th 2007, the group was called COMMUNISM. Founded by a fat New Yorker named Spaceballs, the World of Warcraft guild was the plague upon trade chat on the US server of Gorgonnash. In time, the guild attracted many of the better shitposts, namely Shelarahn who would go on to lead the group over the next decade or so, until they merged into BMW as the clan GAY. As the leader of both COMMUNISM and BMW, Shelarahn, now named Taylor, merged the two into one entity and one shared history

OK, so what do yall DO exactly?

Uhhhhhhh....I mean I guess we're a gaming group? We used to be BIG into World of Warcraft, then Wildstar, then Rust, but we dont do any of those anymore. Mostly we're just a shitposting group who coincidentally plays video games. We dont do one specific thing we do a little bit of everything tho, and we usually go with the flow. BMW is mostly a member driven group, so if someone wants to play something or get into a new jam, we're there for it.

Who runs this crap wagon?

The HNIC is ADL, below him is a few mods who keep things in order: Prude is a chat mod and the coordinator of BEEFY BOYS, Orkle is also a chat mod and anti-coomer advocated, and Taylor is the community manager, BEEFYTV producer, and MOTHER director.