


Notable Members

Some of the best of the worst in the COMMIEVERSE, past and present

Former Leaders & Mods

A list of former members, gone but not forgotten (but we wish they were)


Friend Zone

  • Jorgan - Split Friend Zone off
  • Shik


  • Kimsemus - Co-founded BMW then never really did anything else
  • Capitaler - Retired from Rust
  • Cal Worthington - Rage quit because Taylor called him a fucknut
  • Ashy - Rage quit because God knows what set him off this time
  • Gmach - Rage quit because Taylor wouldn't let him harass people
  • Future - Rage quit because Taylor wouldn't let him create a Battlefield splinter group
  • Rejdukien - Rage quit because Taylor set a permission wrong
  • Hazlen - Rage quit because Taylor was mean
  • Lancek - See above


Enemies & Rivals



  • Koal Krew - The most elite and delicious group in WTT
  • Virtual Bois - Second most elite group, boys who do VR
  • Gaymers - People who play games in a gaming group
  • Lord of the Waifus - Real Ones tm who love anime
  • BEEFY BOYS - Originally a split group, now actually good
  • Fucko Foundry - Ive said enough already
  • The Incels - Like WTT but without the charm or activity
  • GeeseCo - The Pedo Collective
  • "BMW" - Led by Ashy which really needs no elaboration
  • Goons - yikes
  • COMMUNISM Historical Society - The keepers of the flame, the maintainers of the wiki, the remembers of things.