Ben Smash

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Ben Smash
Ben upon hearing the bull is ready to be prepped
Benjamin Smash

NationalityTankie American
Other namesBen
EducationBegging his way there
OccupationFounder/Leader of Serious Overchill
Years active2016-2019

Ben Smash is the leader and founder of the SomethingAwful group known as Serious Overchill. He has most commonly been described as Bizarro Taylor Swift, just as Serious Overchill is a Bizarro BMW.


Ben and Taylor briefly met on Election Night of 2016 when the latter went on a trolling spree in the Goon GTAV Discord, much to the formers dismay. Months later, the two had an uneasy but stable relationship in the short time Taylor was in the Serious Overchill Discord, even going to bat to defend Taylor during heated arguments.

Clown World War I

Bens exact role in CWWI is unknown, though it is assumed by many that he fully supported his friend FAT32 in his effort to push Taylor out of SomethingAwful.

Bens Big Beg

Taylor finds it in his heart to help out a humble man.
Taylors very generous offer to Ben.
Taylor proving he isnt bluffing.
Ben refuses LE NAZI money.

On October 16th, 2019, GESTAPO found that Ben had created a GoFundMe [1] to fund his return to college. The good people in BEEFY BOYS jumped at the opportunity to help out Ben, with Taylor even going as far to offer a substantial chunk of wealth, but unfortunately Ben cucked out.

Troon Uprisings

Ben provided safe haven to the troons initially after they were "ran off" of SA, though he would later quickly distance himself when he realized the shit storm that was brewing.
