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In two plus decades of The WIDEVERSE, many have come and gone. Some that should have stayed longer left too soon, and some have more than worn out their welcome.
This page lists some of the more notable people to have graced(?) our communities. A full listing of all people to have been in The WIDEVERSE can be found here.
Haus Crew
"Fearless" "leader"/Host/Editor -
Armpit Affecinado/BEEFY BOYS admin/co-host -
Co-host/Dealing with his BITCH wife -
Friends of the Haus
- Mez - Fuck 12
- Gorzhak - Norwegian
- Bear in the Woods - A bear, in the woods
- KanaeShiki
- Grace
- Elizabeth
- Harland
Elsewhere In The WIDEVERSE
The gamers (with a hard R)
- Doctor Coathanger
- AlexanderDeLarge
- Bustr
- Quornes
- Invie
- Scubasteve
- Orkle
- Triple A
- Capri Sun Tzu
- ThePerminator
- Variouscheeses
- James
- JustSharkBait
- Pringles
Containment Boys
Really bad posters we just cant shake. Held in SCEMA.
Ye Olde Times
Gone but not forgotten (but we wish they were)
Rust Retards
- Cynthia Dutch
- Capitaler - Retired from Rust
- Cal Worthington - Rage quit because Taylor called him a fucknut
- Ashy - Rage quit because God knows what set him off this time
- Gmach - Rage quit because Taylor wouldn't let him harass people
- Future - Rage quit because Taylor wouldn't let him create a Battlefield splinter group
- Rejdukien
- Hazlen
- Lancek
- Peaches
Pergo Pals
Remember Wildstar?
- Gauze - Fuck Gauze
- Jesusboii

- Petrus - Immortalized for giving [Ashes of Alar] to a pug. Also for keeping COMMUNISM during the Dark Ages.
- Secondary - He cheated in that race
- Nuggsbunny - The Canadian Joint Destroyer
- DizzyEevee
- Spaceballs - The founder of COMMUNISM, retired in 2010
- Icarus - Former COMMUNISM officer, retired after 1st COMMUNISM CIVIL WAR
- Jorgan - Founders of Friend Zone, separated Friend Zone from The WIDEVERSE
- Shik - Loved Asian women, A LOT
The Photo Pals
Notable Flameouts
- Chaosorb - ORANGE MAN BAD
- Snazzle - Couldn't handle getting bullied about his nuclear 2016 Election takes
- Scarybagels - Banned for pedophilia
- Tallgeese - Banned for pedophilia
- Shadowgate - Rage quit over Trump winning
- Katy Perrys Milk Tits - Ragequit because someone disagreed with him over what a Rust item was called
- Ass-Haggis - One too many microaggressions
- Hindered - No one played PUBG with him. Press F.
- Dilbert - Drinker and 日本人 dicker
- Alt - Diversity Hire
- Dianic
- Pigeon - Yoko Ono'd
- Jack - Drunk
- Phoenix Waifu
- Nyarlathotep
Enemies & Rivals
Runescape Era
- Georgepatton - Leader of Serenity
- DISEASE - The second worst guild on Gorgonnash
Friend Zone Era
- Wildstar Forums Jannies
- The ED Cabal
- Xyelz - Leader of [FUKBMW]
WrongThink Tank/WTT Eras
- FAT32/Ben Smash & Serious Overchill - Leaders of Serious Overchill
- Troons
Schisma Era
- Capri Sun Tzu
Widehaus Era
- Yinbot - Brobot but better. Used to have a soundboard. RIP Soundboard.
- RobinBot - Nadekobot but slightly worse
- ShutenBot
- NSABot - Watching You
- Sexbot - Markov bot from the early days
- Trapbot - Nadekobot but German
- God Emperor Trump - Same
- Toddbot - The only good bot
- Mudae

- Koal Krew - The most elite and delicious group in WTT
- Virtual Bois - Second most elite group, boys who do VR
- Gaymers - People who play games in a gaming group
- Lord of the Waifus - Real Ones tm who love anime
- BEEFY BOYS - Originally a split group, now actually good
- Fucko Foundry - Ive said enough already
- Goons - yikes
- COMMUNISM Historical Society - The keepers of the flame, the maintainers of the wiki, the remembers of things.
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